IBM Support

How to Provide a Testcase to Planning Analytics Support



Depending on the type of problem you are encountering, providing a testcase to Planning Analytics Support can be useful in expediting a resolution.  Providing a testcase that demonstrates the problem you are encountering will allow for greater flexibility in the testing/debugging process, and also allow for the testing of possible solutions.  If you have reason to believe the problem you encountering is a product defect, such a testcase may be required by the Planning Analytics Development team in order to identify and test a code solution.

This document provides details on what is required when providing a testcase to Planning Analytics Support.

Diagnosing The Problem

Prior to providing a testcase, please attempt to simplify and isolate the problem.  This can include:
   -Attempting to replicate the problem using a sample database ( Planning Sample, 24Retail )
   -Commenting out different lines in Rules / TI Processes
   -Removing aspects of your Reports / Books ( rows, columns, tabs 
When providing a testcase to Planning Analytics Support, please confirm whether the scenario encountered is something that use to work or if the scenario is the result of some new/recent application development.  If the scenario is something that had worked previously, please provide details on what may have changed (version? configuration? etc..).

Resolving The Problem

-The files that must be provided for a testcase will vary depending on what you are facing
-It is best to consider all of the steps required to replicate a scenario to understand what files/folders are applicable
-If the testcase requires connections to external databases, we may require that same data via csv format/database export
The points below cover the majority of what is likely to be required: 
   -TM1 Configuration File (tm1s.cfg file)
         *Location of the tm1s.cfg file will vary, however should be known to the TM1 Administrator
   -TM1 Server Data Directory (entire folder)
         *If unclear of location, can be determined via the DatabaseDirectory parameter in the TM1 Configuration File
   -Excel Files (for any applicable reports/sheets that are external to the TM1 Server)
   -Planning Analytics Workspace snapshot (for any PAW reports/books, via Lifecycle Manager)
         *This can be achieved using Lifecycle Management in Workspace
   -Cognos Analytics deployments/package/reportspecs (if related to CA Reporting)
   -Any additional files required to complete the end to end problem recreation
   -Steps required (in sequence) to replicate the problem, and screenshots where applicable

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSD29G","label":"IBM Planning Analytics"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
20 February 2019

