IBM Support

How To Configure IBM Heritage Navigator for i Web Application For Single Sign On (SSO) on the IBM i OS

How To


This document will discuss how to enable the IBM Heritage Navigator for i web application for Single Sign On (SSO) authentication on the IBM i OS. SSO authentication allows users to authenticate to the IBM Heritage Navigator for i web application using Kerberos tickets without prompting instead of requiring the user to enter a username and password.




NOTE: The following steps are specific to IBM Heritage Navigator for i. For updated instructions on how to enable SSO for IBM Navigator for i, see the following:

Ensure the following minimum IBM i HTTP Group PTF level is applied to your IBM i OS.

You can use the CL command WRKPTFGRP to verify your currently installed IBM i Group PTF levels.
NOTE:  SSO with IBM Navigator for i is NOT supported at IBM i 7.1 and earlier.

IBM i OS VRM HTTP Group PTF Minimum Level
IBM i 7.4 SF99662 1
IBM i 7.3 SF99722 17
IBM i 7.2 SF99713 30

Configure Single Sign On (SSO) / Kerberos for your IBM i OS

Refer to the IBM Technical Document, How to configure EIM and NAS using IBM Navigator for i , for detailed instructions on how to configure SSO/Kerberos on the IBM i OS. NOTE: You will want to ensure the "HTTP Server powered by Apache" service is checked when configuring Network Authentication Service (NAS) to ensure the HTTP service principal is created.

Network Authentication Server Configuration - Select Keytab Entries with IBM i Kerberos Authentication and HTTP Server powered by Apache checked.

Once SSO/Kerberos has been successfully configured and is verified as functioning on your IBM i OS, click the Next button to continue.

Ensure the required HTTP service principal(s) exists and was created with the proper case.

Execute the following commands from a 5250 session to verify the HTTP service principal exists and is in the proper case.

keytab list

The output should contain 6 entries for the HTTP service principal with (at a minimum) the IBM i Fully Qualified Domain Name (host.domain) in all lowercase.  If you see your HTTP service principal host is in all UPPERCASE, IBM strongly recommends you remove it and re-add it in all lowercase by following the "How do I remove and/or add my HTTP service principal?" instructions below.

Example keytab list output (The bolded host name should be in all lowercase):
Principal: HTTP/
  Key version: 1                      
  Key type: 128-bit AES               
  Entry timestamp: 2019/02/14-09:43:24
Principal: HTTP/
  Key version: 1                      
  Key type: 256-bit AES               
  Entry timestamp: 2019/02/14-09:43:24
Principal: HTTP/
  Key version: 1                      
  Key type: ARCFOUR                   
  Entry timestamp: 2019/02/14-09:43:24

Once you have verified the required HTTP service principal(s) exist and its host name value is in all lowercase characters, click the Next button to continue.

How do I remove and/or add my HTTP service principal?

- Removing the old HTTP service principal with the all UPPERCASE host.
keytab list

Identify the incorrect HTTP service principal.
keytab delete <httpServicePrincipal>
i.e. keytab delete HTTP/AS400.IBM.COM@IBM.COM

Delete the Active Directory IBM i HTTP user account, i.e. <ibmi>_x_HTTP, associated with the old IBM i HTTP service principal.

- Adding a new HTTP service principal with an all lowercase host.
Step 1:  Add the new HTTP service principal from a 5250 session.
keytab add HTTP/host.domain@WINDOWSDOMAIN -p <password>
i.e. keytab add HTTP/ -p myHTTPpassword
Note: The format and password for this principal name is recommended to be the same value as the NAS krbsrvr400 service principal (krbsvr400/host.domain@WINDOWSDOMAIN).  The host.domain should be in all lowercase and the WINDOWSDOMAIN should be in all uppercase.
Step 2: Create a new Active Directory service user account (<ibmi>_x_HTTP) associated with the IBM i HTTP service principal.  The user can have any password, but it must match the password (myHTTPpassword) assigned to the HTTP service principal in the IBM i OS keytab file created in the previous step.

NOTE: The DSADD and ktpass commands should be ran as an Administrative user on the Active Directory server.

DSADD user "cn=Z1432BP3_2_HTTP,cn=users,dc=IBM,dc=COM" -pwd myHTTPpassword -display Z1432BP3_2_HTTP -pwdneverexpires yes -desc "IBM  i HTTP services on system Z1432BP3"
Step 3: From an Administrator Microsoft Windows DOS prompt on the Windows machine that has Active Directory running on it (and serves as the domain controller), type the following:
ktpass -princ HTTP/host.domain@WINDOWDOMAIN -mapuser <ActiveDirectoryUsername> -pass <ActiveDirectoryUserPassword> -mapop set -crypto All -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL
SETSPN -A HTTP/host.domain@WINDOWDOMAIN <ActiveDirectoryUsername>

i.e. ktpass -princ HTTP/ -mapuser Z1432BP3_2_HTTP -pass <myHTTPpassword> -mapop set -crypto All -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL

Where <ActiveDirectoryUsername> and <ActiveDirectoryUserPassword> is the username and password created for the HTTP service principal Active Directory user account in the previous step.

 Active Directory Users and Computers showing the user account for the IBM i HTTP service principal.
Step 4: Change the Delegation properties for the Active Directory HTTP user account.

Right-click on the <ibmi>_x_HTTP user account and click on Properties.
On the properties panel, click on the Delegation tab.
Click  the radio button next to "Trust this user for delegation to any service (Kerberos only)".
Click the Apply and then OK buttons to confirm the change.

 Active Directory HTTP user account delegation properties showing "Trust this user for delegation to any service" selected. 

Step 5: Change the encryption and password account options for the Active Directory HTTP user account.

Right-click on the <ibmi>_x_HTTP user account and click on Properties.
On the properties panel, click on the Account tab.
Under the Account options section, check the box next to "Password never expires" if it is not already checked.


Under the Account options section, check the box(es) for the AES 256 and/or 128 bit encryption types. Uncheck the box for DES encryption.


Click the Apply and then OK buttons to confirm the change.

From Qshell (STRQSH) on the IBM i, test the HTTP service principal to determine if everything is working correctly between the IBM i and Active Directory.
Type the following to test:
kinit -k HTTP/host.domain@WINDOWSDOMAIN
i.e. kinit -k HTTP/
If the IBM i can successfully authenticate and retrieve a Kerberos ticket from your Active Directory server, you will get a $ prompt without errors.  If there are any messages thrown, this indicates an error.  Please refer to the IBM Technical document, " Enterprise Identity Mapping (EIM)/Network Authentication Services (NAS) Error Codes and Solutions ", for more information on the error thrown.

Verify the Active Directory HTTP user account's properties are set correctly.

Open your Active Directory User  Management console.

Right-click on the <ibmi>_x_HTTP user account and click on Properties.
On the properties panel, click on the Delegation tab.
Click  the radio button next to "Trust this user for delegation to any service (Kerberos only)".
Click the Apply and then OK buttons to confirm the change.

 Active Directory HTTP user account delegation properties showing "Trust this user for delegation to any service" selected. 

Change the encryption and password account options for the Active Directory HTTP user account.

On the properties panel, click on the Account tab.
Under the Account options section, check the box next to "Password never expires" if it is not already checked.


Under the Account options section, check the box(es) for the AES 256 and/or 128 bit encryption types. Uncheck the box for DES encryption.


Click the Apply and then OK buttons to confirm the change.

Once you have configured your IBM i HTTP service principal Active Directory account properties, click the Next button to continue.

Execute the script on the IBM i OS

From a 5250 session, execute the /qibm/proddata/os400/navigator/ script to update the IBM Navigator for i application's configuration with the Active Directory information serving as your Key Distribution Cernter for your IBM i.  If you have configured IBM i Network Authentication Services already and the /QIBM/ProdData/OS400/Navigator/configData file exists, we will read your existing configuration data and prompt you for your HTTP/ service principal password, which in our example is the "Active Directory Z1432BP3 user account password".  If a previous configuration of Network Authentication Services (NAS) cannot be found, the script prompts you for all components of the configuration.

c. Run QSH command
d. cd /qibm/proddata/os400/navigator
f. Input the information required based on your current NAS and Active Directory configuration.

Example output where NAS has already been configured:
Please input the password you set for HTTP/ service principal: -->
myhttppassword    (Active Directory Z1432BP3 user account password)
Do you want to go on write these information into server.xml? y or n
The server.xml is configured successfully.

Example output where NAS has not been configured or the /QIBM/ProdData/OS400/Navigator/configData file does not exist:
Please input the kerberos configuration!
baseDN: -->
(Base Active Directory Domain)
bindDN: -->
(HTTP Service Principal Active Directory account)
KDC name (hostname.domain): -->   
(This is the full computer name of the KDC server)
realm: -->
(Must be uppercase.  It can be gotten from the KDC server domain name)
IBM i service principal hostname: (lowercase)-->   
(It's the hostname of the IBM i system and needs to be lowercase.)
servicePrincipalNames: -->
(case must match the actual IBM i HTTP service principal host value) entry minus the @DOMAIN file piece)
Please input the password you set for HTTP/ service principal: -->
(Active Directory Z1432BP3 user account password)
Do you want to go on write these information into server.xml? y or n
The server.xml is configured successfully.

Note: baseDN, bindDN, servicePrincipalNames, and password for the HTTP service principal can be obtained in the /QIBM/UserData/OS400/iSeriesNavigator/config/NASConfig_<ibmi>.bat file.
WRKLNK '/QIBM/UserData/OS400/iSeriesNavigator/config/*'
Option 5 to display the NASConfig_<ibmi>.bat file
If you need to clean up/delete this IBM Navigator for i Active Directory configuration, execute the following commands from a 5250 session.
RST DEV('/qsys.lib/qsysdir.lib/QINAVINST.file') OBJ(('/qibm/proddata/os400/navigator/appdata/server.xml'))
WRKACTJOB SBS(QHTTPSVR) - Wait until all ADMIN jobs have ended.
WRKACTJOB SBS(QHTTPSVR) - Wait until the CPU utilization of all ADMIN jobs goes down to 0-1% before accessing the web applications.


Set the canonicalHostName Spnego property to false in the IBM Navigator for i server.xml.

WRKLNK '/QIBM/ProdData/OS400/Navigator/appdata/server.xml'
Option 2 to edit
Locate the "spnego " XML element.
Change the "canonicalHostName="true"" attribute to "canonicalHostName="false"".

After the change, the element value should look like this...
<spnego authfilterref="spnegoAuthFilter"

Press F3 to save and exit.

Ensure your IBM i server FQDN is configured in your IBM i local host table and DNS.

Enter the following commands to verify the host in your IBM i local host table and DNS.  The host name should match in value between the IBM i HTTP service principal, IBM Navigator for i application configuration, and TCP/IP resolution.

CFGTCP Option 12
Record the value of Host and Domain.  host.domain = IBM i FQDN, i.e.
CFGTCP Option 10

Verify the the IBM i FQDN = is listed in the IBM i local host table.
IP address    Host Name
NSLOOKUP  (Requires 5770SS1 Option 31 to be installed), i.e.

This should return 1 IP address, <ipAddress>, i.e.
set type=ptr
<ipAddress>, i.e.

This should return 1 host, which should match the IBM i host.domain, i.e.

Grant *RX data authority for QLWISVR to the IBM i NAS config and keytab files.

Execute the following CL commands from a 5250 session.
CHGAUT OBJ('/QIBM/UserData/OS400/NetworkAuthentication/krb5.conf') USER(*PUBLIC) DTAAUT(*RX)
CHGAUT OBJ('/QIBM/UserData/OS400/NetworkAuthentication/keytab/krb5.keytab') USER(*PUBLIC) DTAAUT(*RX)

Configure your web browser to use SSO/Kerberos.

  • Configuring Mozilla Firefox to enable SPNEGO

    The following steps are available for the latest version of Firefox:

    a. Open Mozilla Firefox.
    b. Specify about:config in the Go to a Website field.
    c. Select I'll be careful, I promise! in the This might void your warranty! window.
    d. Specify network.n in the Filter field.
    e. Select the network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris preference in the list of preferences.
    f. Double click to modify the value.
    g. Specify the name of your IBM i system in the input field. For example, specify:


    h. Use a comma to separate each URL.
    i. Select OK.
    j. Select the network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris preference in the list of preferences.
    k. Double click to modify the value.
    l. Specify the same URL(s) appear in step 7, in the input field.

    Mozilla Firefox about:config scree showing network.negotiate-auth.delegation.urls configuration for IBM i hosts
  • Configuring Chrome to enable SPNEGO

    The following steps are available for the latest version of Chrome:

    The procedure to enable SPNEGO on Chrome is like Windows 10. After you complete steps a,b, and c in “Configuring Edge on Windows 10 to enable SPNEGO”, perform the following special steps for Chrome:

    a. Open Microsoft Registry Editor by typing regedit.exe in Run window.
    b. Google Chrome uses a few different policies to enable SPNEGO support.  IBM recommends all 4 policies are added to your browser even though some are deprecated.  Adding all 4 policies ensures all required policies are set to enable SPENGO support.

    c. The policies are stored in the Windows registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Google\Chrome. If the key at the end of the path (Google or Chrome) does not exist, you can manually create it (Right-click -> New -> String Value). The Type of the policy is a String Value (REG_SZ).
    d. Multiple servers are separated with commas.
    e. Wildcards (*) are allowed in the names.
    f.  The value of the policy would be the web domain being accessed. i.e. *
    g. Ensure all 4 policies, AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist, AuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist, AuthServerAllowlist, and AuthServerWhitelist, are added.

    image 8688
    You can confirm your browser policies by entering "chrome://policy" in the browser address bar and press ENTER.  The browser policies in blue are currently active and being used in the current browser session.


  • Configuring Edge on Windows 10 to enable SPNEGO

    The following steps are available for the latest version of Edge.

    a. Open Security zones in IE (Tools → Internet Options → Security → Local intranet), then add the name of your IBM i system to Local intranet:

    Shows Internet Options, Security, Local Intranet, Advanced imageImage showing where you add the trusted websites for the Local Intranet zone.

    b. Change Local intranet security settings as follows:

    Image of Local Intranet security settings for Trusted Sites zone
    The following steps are available for the version 77 and later of the Edge browser:
    The procedure to enable SPNEGO in Edge is like Windows 10. After you complete steps a,b, and c in “Configuring Edge on Windows 10 to enable SPNEGO”, perform the following special steps for Edge:
    a. Open Microsoft Registry Editor by typing regedit.exe in Run window.
    b. Microsoft Edge uses a few different policies to enable SPNEGO support.  IBM recommends both policies are added to your browser.  Adding both policies ensures all required policies are set to enable SPENGO support.
    c. The policies are stored in the Windows registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Edge. If the key at the end of the path (Edge) does not exist, you can manually create it (Right-click -> New -> String Value). The Type of the policy is a String Value (REG_SZ).
    d. Multiple servers are separated with commas.
    e. Wildcards (*) are allowed in the names.
    f.  The value of the policy would be the web domain being accessed. i.e. *
    g. Confirm both policies, AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist and AuthServerAllowlist, are added.

    image 8687


Restart the ADMIN server and test SSO access to the IBM Navigator for i web application.

WRKACTJOB SBS(QHTTPSVR) - Wait until all ADMIN jobs have ended.
WRKACTJOB SBS(QHTTPSVR) - Wait until the CPU utilization of all ADMIN jobs goes down to 0-1% before accessing the web applications.

Open a web browser and try accessing the IBM Navigator for i web application URL to verify Single Sign On (SSO) / Kerberos authentication is working properly.

non-TLS URL: http://host.domain:2004/ibm/console
TLS URL: https://host.domain:2005/ibm/console


If the IBM Navigator for i web application opens up WITHOUT prompting for an IBM i user profile and password, this verifies SSO/Kerberos is working properly for the IBM Navigator for i web application.   Congratulations!  You have successfully configured SSO/Kerberos for the IBM Navigator for i web application.

If you are still prompted for an IBM i user profile and password, please review the previous configuration steps to ensure they are correct. If you require further assistance, please contact IBM Support via the telephone number, 1-800-IBM-SERV, or you can open an IBM Service Request here .

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CH1AAM","label":"IBM Navigator for i"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.2.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
09 August 2022

