IBM Support

Troubleshooting System performance issues



Troubleshooting tips: what to do when the system is locking up, hanging, or having performance issues.

Resolving The Problem

Follow the steps below to help solve issues related to systems locking up, running slow, or performing poorly:

General information
Check for viruses, worms, and spyware
Intermittent issues
Make sure you are at the latest BIOS level
Hardware issues
Software issues
Optimizing system performance
Removing programs from the Startup folder
Preventive maintenance

General information

Have you backed up your data? Backing up critical data periodically can prevent loss in the event of lock ups or system crashes. Backing up your data involves storing your information in a medium that is external to your computer. Data can be stored on floppy disks, Iomega Zip disks, CD-R disks, CD-RW disks, or another computer (if networked).
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Intermittent issues

Intermittent problems cannot be consistently repeated and are the most difficult problems to diagnose. Solving intermittent problems requires a skillful, patient, systematic process of elimination approach to troubleshooting. Click here to troubleshoot intermittent issues.

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Make sure you are at the latest BIOS for your system.

A downlevel BIOS can cause performance problems. Click here for information on finding and downloading the latest BIOS for your system.

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Hardware issues
  1. Have you installed new hardware? Installing new hardware can be an USB device or a new adapter. Is this a problem with existing hardware? Has the performance of the adapter degraded over time?

  2. If you added IBM equipment, the "What are device drivers and why do you need to upgrade them" Web page offers useful information about drivers.

  3. If you added an IBM option, the IBM accessories reference guide can provide valuable information about your option and updated drivers (if available). If you have installed any drivers for this hardware, click software and device driver file matrices to verify that you have the latest version.

    1. If you have installed third party hardware, contact your vendor for the appropriate drivers. If your hardware is not listed in the Software and Device Driver File matrices or IBM accessories reference guide, it is considered third party hardware. Some devices in the system may use drivers native to the operating system.
    2. If your system is a server, proceed to Need more help?

  4. Is the lock up or hang intermittent or is it consistent with an application? Is it reproducible? If it is reproducible and cannot be pinpointed to a specific application, boot into Safe Mode and try to produce the error. Safe Mode is a specific way for the Microsoft Windows operating system to load when there is a system-critical problem interfering with the normal operation of Windows. Safe Mode allows the user to troubleshoot the operating system to determine what is functioning improperly. For example, adding new software or drivers for a hardware device can cause conflicts with existing programs. Safe mode is a way to find out what the problem is.

    Rebooting to Safe Mode

    1. Print this document or write down the information to follow during Safe Mode.
    2. Save all data and shut down your computer.
    3. Restart your computer and press F8 when:
      • Microsoft Windows 98 displays a Windows 98 logo on a blue cloud background.
      • Microsoft Windows 2000 displays a black starting Windows screen with "For troubleshooting and advanced startup options for Windows 2000 press F8"
      • Microsoft Windows XP, the IBM logo screen disappears.
    4. Try to reproduce the error. If the error still occurs, check the Device Manager to determine if any conflicts exist. Resolve any conflicts before rebooting your computer.
  1. Turn off your system.

  2. Make sure the hardware is properly seated. USB, serial, and parallel port devices can be seated without opening the chassis of the computer.

    Attention: Check your warranty before opening your computer. Some warranties are void if the computer chassis has been opened. If your warranty is voided by opening the chassis, contact the Support Center for assistance.

  3. Check any cables that connect to the device to make sure they are secure.

  4. If PC Doctor is installed on your computer, it can scan and detect problems with hardware. PC Doctor can provide you with the information needed to repair some problems and display error codes you can report to the HelpCenter.

    Note: PC Doctor is not installed on all computers. If your system is supported, click Start, then choose Programs, then choose PC Doctor, then click PC Doctor.

  5. IBM Enhanced Diagnostics is another tool that can help diagnose problems with hardware. The IBM Enhanced Diagnostics program is a self-starting, DOS diagnostic utility you can use to test and detect failing hardware components. IBM and Watergate Software, the maker of PC-Doctor diagnostic software, have enhanced this highly effective diagnostic application designed specifically to support the IBM PC 300, PC 700, IntelliStation, and Netfinity 1000 and 3000 products. To find out if IBM Enhanced Diagnostics is supported on your computer, click software and device driver file matrices. If IBM Enhanced Diagnostics are available, the link will be found in the Diagnostics section of the table. The Readme file contains instructions for downloading and execution.
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Software issues

Have you installed new software? Does your lock up happen in a certain application?

  1. Remove a software program by clicking Start, then select Settings, then click Control Panel, then double-click Add/Remove Programs.

  2. Highlight the program in the displayed list and click the Change/Remove button.

    Note: Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP users click the Remove button. Using this applet removes the program and the associated drivers.

  3. Reinstall the program. If the error still occurs, follow one of these steps:
    • If the software is manufactured by a third party (non IBM), contact the vendor for further information.
    • If the software is IBM, contact the IBM Support Center.

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Optimizing your computer's performance

Is your computer's performance optimized? Does your computer have enough memory? Newer operating systems can require more memory compared to older operating systems. Adding memory to your system can help prevent system lock ups or poor performance.

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Removing programs from the Startup folder to increase system performance

New software often installs a shortcut to the program in the Startup folder so that it starts automatically when you turn on your computer. Then, often without your knowledge, they silently run in the background. This enables the program to execute more quickly when you do need it, but it also drains your system resources and makes your computer boot up more slowly.

Note: Do not worry about deleting anything in Startup. These are only shortcuts and the programs will still be accessible. If you delete a program accidentally, go to the Recycle Bin on your Desktop, right-click the program, and select Restore. During installation some programs automatically add themselves to the Startup folder and others give others give you the option not to add them to the Startup folder. Pay attention during the installation process to determine if you need to clean the Startup folder again.

Microsoft Windows 2000
  1. Click Start, then select Settings, then click Taskbar & Start Menu.

  2. Click the Advanced tab, then click the Advanced button. A window will appear with the Start Menu selected in the left column and the contents of the Start Menu in the right column.

  3. Double-click the Programs folder, then double-clickthe Startup folder.

  4. Right-click the program you want to remove.

  5. Click Delete.
Microsoft Windows XP (IBM IntelliStation only)
  1. Right-click Start, then select Properties.

  2. Select the Classic radio button, then click the Customize button.

  3. Click Advanced. A new window opens.

  4. Double-click the Programs folder in the right column.

  5. Double-click the Startup folder.

  6. Right-click the program you want to remove from the Startup folder, then click Delete.
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition (IBM IntelliStation only)
  1. Click Start, then select Settings, then click Taskbar & Start Menu.

  2. Click the Start Menu Programs tab, then click the Advanced button.

  3. Double-click the Programs folder, then double-click the Startup folder.

  4. Right-click the program you want to remove.

  5. Click Delete.
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Document Location


Operating System

IntelliStation Pro:Operating system independent / None

[{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HWP01","label":"IntelliStation Pro->IntelliStation M Pro"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HWP02","label":"IntelliStation Pro->IntelliStation Z Pro"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HWP03","label":"IntelliStation Pro->IntelliStation E Pro"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HWP05","label":"IntelliStation Pro->IntelliStation A Pro"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HWP99","label":"IntelliStation Pro->IntelliStation R Pro"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
28 January 2019

