IBM Support

Updates for Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1 feature packs

Fix Readme


Each feature pack contains resolved defects, behavior changes, and new platform supports. A complete list of updates for all Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1 feature packs can be found in this tech note.


The Maximo_v7.6_1_information spreadsheet contains a complete list of defects, security defects, behavior changes, and new platform supports for all Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1 releases. All of the information in this tech note is included in the attached file.


New platform support
Feature pack New platform support Notes
7.6.1 Upgrade to JDK 1.8 (Maximo)  
  Upgrade to TLS 1.2  Requires JDK 1.8
  Upgrade to JDK 1.8 (ODME)  
  Testing of BIRT 4.3.1 with Java 1.8 on WAS  
  Support for WAS Liberty profile on core Maximo  
  Support for DB2 11.1.1 AWSE  
  Cognos 11 Oracle 18c (12.2 R2)
New jdbc Driver version for Oracle (18c)
New jdbc driver version  for MS SQL (6.0)

Maximo Linear Asset Management updates 7.6.1
Maximo Linear Asset Management version Maximo core fix pack 7.6.1

Release dates for Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1 by version
Release Release Date
7.6.1 27-Jul-2018

Behavior changes for Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1 feature packs
Release APAR number Behavior Change
7.6.1 IJ00068 When you import reports, report properties files will only be imported into ReportDesign.Resources if your language matches the base language. This has no effect on the importing of labels for report properties files in secondary languages.
Maximo uses ReportDesign.Resources to generate the report-.rptdesign.xml file during the export report process.  This should always refer to the base language properties file.
The best practice is to import any secondary language report properties file with a user in a secondary language.
7.6.1 IJ01006 The classstructureid is always generated for Classstructure records.  This is the default behavior. For the Migration Manager to migrate the same classstructureid, a new property called was introduced in maximo 7610. The default value is 0.
7.6.1 IJ01028 A new property called was added. When the value of this property is 1, images in Long Description fields are not rendered in exported reports.  
7.6.1 IJ01117 The new system property called mxe.doclink.printURLAttachments was added to allow the user to edit the value of the Print attached document with report if printable type? checkbox on the Attachment Properties dialog for URL-type attachments. If the property is set to 1, the checkbox will be editable. If the property is set to 0, it will be read only. This change affects URL-type attachments only. For file-type attachments, the checkbox will continue to be editable or readonly based on whether the file extension is supported for printing.

On the Create a URL Attachment dialog, the Print attached document with report if printable type? checkbox is now readonly due to a change to the presentation xml. To make that checkbox editable, so that the user can select the print feature at the time the attachment is created, make the following change:
In library.xml, remove inputmode="readonly" in the following tag:
<checkbox id="addnewattachments_www_2_1" label="Print attached document with report if printable type" dataattribute="printthrulink" inputmode="readonly" />
7.6.1 IJ01576 A new property called mxe.reorder.reorderwithout1 was added to bypass the Reorder Point +1 rule. Setting this property to 1 bypasses the rule.
7.6.1 IJ01931 The determination of PM Forecast Dates and Next Dates using MONTHS as the frequency unit can now be configured to always use the last day of each month. For example, if you start with a PM that has a Frequency Unit of MONTHS and an estimated due date or forecasted date of January 31 new behavior occurs.. Previously, the February PM would have an estimated due date or forecasted date of February 28 and the March PM would have a due date or forecasted date of March 28 rather than March 31, the last day of March. You can now configure Maximo so that a monthly PM starting on the last day of a month will continue to use the last day of all successive months. Set the system property to 1 to enable this new behavior. 
7.6.1 IJ02044 Added new system property called was added. When this property is set to 1, the user can only filter with statuses specified for the user's organization or with non-specified statuses in the Move/Modify Assets > Select More Assets dialog. The default value of this property is 0. To apply the IJ02044 fix, set the property value to 1.
7.6.1 IJ02227 A new system property called was added. By default, this property will be 1; this property must have a value of 1 for the XSL transaction to be split.
7.6.1 IJ02232 For certain implementations of tree controls, using renderids may cause problems. To resolve the problems, set userenderid=false on the tree control in the presentation xml.
7.6.1 IJ02514 When you close a work order that is referenced by an open PO line item, the following warning message is displayed in a message box:
BMXAA4577W - Open purchase orders exist here or at some point below in the hierarchy. Would you still like to change the status to Closed?"

Previously you could choose Ok or Close. Now you have the choice of Ok or Cancel.
7.6.1 IJ02600 A system property was added to enable autocomplete on forms within Maximo. The property is called mxe.webclient.enableautocomplete. The default value is true, which means that autocomplete is enabled. To disable autocomplete, set the property's value to false.
7.6.1 IJ02629 If you have multiple active sessions and change your password, all sessions will be logged out.
7.6.1 IJ02821 A new system property called was added. When the property is set to 1, you cannot change the status of an item to OBSOLETE when there are inventory balances of 0 and the reconciled flag is not selected. You will get an error message. With your status remaining PENDOBS, you can run Reconcile Balances and the reconciled will become checked. You are now able to delete the balances record and change the inventory status to OBSOLETE. When the value of the property is 0, statuses are handled as they were in previous releases. The default value for this property is 0.
7.6.1 IJ02931 A new relationship was added from the MULTIASSETLOCCI object to the non-persistent MODDOWNTIMEHIST object used by the Manage Downtime History dialog box.

Manage Downtime History is now accessible next to the Report Downtime option in the menu on the Asset field in the Multiple Assets, Locations, and CIs table window in the Work Order Tracking and Quick Reporting applications. This new menu action must be used to manage downtime history for assets in the Multiple Assets, Locations, and CIs table window. The Select Action menu Manage Downtime History option is for the work order's main asset only. If the work order does not have an asset and you attempt to access the Manage Downtime History dialog from the Select Action menu, the dialog will not load an the following message will appear: BMXAA0115E - Downtime reporting requires an asset. This work order does not have an asset. This makes the Manage Downtime History option consistent with the Report Downtime functionality.
7.6.1 IJ03549 The following attributes were modified to have a sameasobject/sameasattribute relationship to MAXAPPS.APP:

7.6.1 IJ03975 A new property was added. When the property is set to 1 and reservations are recreated for a WP Material (e.g. when a WO is reapproved or a WPMaterial is modified/added while the WO is APPR), the new reserved quantity will be calculated as WPMaterial.ItemQty minus the total quantity issued against the WPMaterial's completed reservations, not just any quantity issued against the WPMaterial. The default value for this property is 0. To use this fix, set the property to 1.
7.6.1 IJ03992 A new attribute called WONUM was added to the WOMATSTATUSSYNC table.
7.6.1 IJ04100 A code change was made to fix this problem, however, for the filterable property value to be persisted, it must be initially set on the tablebody tag in the presentation XML. For example:

<tablebody id="sparepartsform_sub_assemb_tablebody" displayrowsperpage="6" filterable="true">

7.6.1 IJ04205 For this APAR, a code change was made to allow the cssclass property to work, so that the background image/color can be customized. The label css can be customized using the textcss property. After this fix, the label css can also be customized using the labelcss property and the background of the button can be customized using the cssclass property.

Following is an example of how to change the background color using the cssclass property:

Add a cssclass to the pushbutton in the application xml:
<pushbutton id="1523981336270" label="TEST BUTTON!" cssclass="pbbackground" />

In maximo.css, add the following, as an example, to define the css attributes for the new cssclass:
     background-color: yellow !important;
     background-image: none !important;

Note: It is necessary to add "!important" to override the background-image that is added by the default .pb css class for all pushbuttons.
7.6.1 IJ04674 A new system property was added called mxe.webclient.wfdesigner.pixelsPerNode. The value should be an integer that represents the scaling factor (pixels per node) that is used by the Workflow Designer tool when displaying the graphical view of the workflow process. It determines how far apart the nodes are spaced. The default value is 80 pixels per node. For complex workflows, the connections may be more clear if the scaling factor is increased (i.e. 100 or 120).
7.6.1 IJ05222 The relationship OPNWRKFORLOC (from the LOCATIONS object to the MULTIASSETLOCCI object) replaces the relationship OPENWOFORLOC (from the LOCATIONS object to the WORKORDER object) that existed prior to Maximo OPENWOFORLOC still exists in the MAXRELATIONSHIP table but is not used when trying to decommission a location. If prior to you had modified OPENWOFORLOC to customize behavior for decommissioning a location, you will need to incorporate these changes into OPNWRKFORLOC if you want this customization in Maximo or later.
7.6.1 IJ06171 The behavior of the webclient.portletwraplength system property has changed. A value of -1 will now prevent the portlet text from wrapping. The values now are:
-1: The text will never wrap
0: The browser will automatically wrap the text at an undefined wraplength
1 and greater: The text will wrap at the number of characters indicated by the value
7.6.1 IJ06598 A new system property called was added to allow users to specify which characters are invalid within Maximo passwords. The default value for this property is :%<>()"' which are the characters previously hard-coded as invalid. To specify any characters as invalid, simply add them to the value or use them as the value for
7.6.1 IJ07158 A new system property called was added. When this property is set to 1, all reservations against a WO (not just those against the WO's planned materials) will be cleared when the WO is completed/closed (based on the value of WOSTATUSCLEARRESV). The default value for this system property is 0. To apply this fix, this property must be set to 1.
7.6.1 IJ07770 The extensions htm and html are removed from mxe.doclink.doctypes.allowedFileExtensions.
7.6.1 IV99833 Note: After you apply this fix, you will need to re-create the meter-device mapping view. IJ10544 A code change was made to create a single-use token for saving a downloaded xml file. The single-use token is used/invalidated if the xml is saved, or if the xml browser window is refreshed. If the user refreshes the page and attempts to save the xml, it will result in an empty document. Likewise, once the user saves the xml one time, any subsequent save will result in an empty document. If the xml needs to saved again after either of these actions, the user must return to Application Designer and re-export it. IJ10847 For certain implementations of tree controls, using renderids may cause problems. To resolve the problems, set userenderid=false on the tree control in the presentation XML. IJ08906 Database change: Fix by V7611_98.dbc.
COMPMASTER.CONTACT, COMPMASTER.REMITCONTACT. IJ11622 A new message was added to allow configuration of the welcome message for the iot18 skin. The name of the message is welcomemaximomessage_iot18. IJ12286 Using Filezilla caused .diz file changes. The configuration tool's jre was updated with files that had not been manipulated with Filezilla, and the Tivoli's Process Automation Engine and configTool IM repositories were rebuilt. IJ12502 Database Changes:
V7611_140.dbc was added.
A new property, was added to to prevent service actuals for a closed work order.
The default value is set to 0 to allow service actuals for a closed work order.
When the property is set to 1, the logic will prevent service actuals for a closed work order.

Manual Change:
Change value to 1 to to prevent service actuals for a closed work order.

Go To System Properties, find, and change the global value to 1. Save the change and do a Live Refresh. After the Live Refresh, the current value is 1. IJ10051 A new property, webclient.statictext.sanitize, was added  to protect static text content against cross site scripting attacks. You can set the value to true to enable protection. IJ10533 Previously, a change was made to reset the mobile Start Center cache during initialization. This resolved an issue where portlets did not finish loading completely. It also caused this issue, because the portlet filter values are stored in the Start Center cache. A new system property was added called mxe.webclient.resetMobileSCCache. The default value is 1, which means that the cache is reset and the filter value is deleted. This is the recommended setting. If it is more important to preserve the portlet filter values, or other cache items, the system property can be set to 0, so that the cache is not reset. If any portlet loading problems occur, set the system property to 1. IJ11199 A new system property mxe.webclient.dynamicFontSize.iot18 was added to reduce vertical spacing when using the IoT18 skin. The property is defaulted to 1. If it is set to 0 (false), the vertical spacing will be reduced. IJ10284 The default for the system property mxe.doclink.deleteOrphanDocinfo is being set to 1. This change will ensure that attachments not linked to any other records will be deleted from the file system. This is recommended for security reasons. IJ12761 The Inbox/Assignments portlet will now use the webclient.portletwraplength system property to determine how text is wrapped. The values for that property are as follows:
-1: The text will never wrap
0: The browser will automatically wrap the text at an undefined wraplength
1 and greater: The text will wrap at the number of characters indicated by the value.

Resolved defects for Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1

Defect APAR Application Name Description
305630 IJ05849 Activities and Tasks In the Activities and Tasks application, some fields in dialog boxes are editable when they should be read only.
306370 IJ06106 Application Designer When you give access to more than one Signature Option in Security Groups the values do not remain selected.
295472 IJ03180 Asset Templates In the Asset Template application, when you generate multiple assets for a location, Maximo hangs.
307182 IJ06322 Assets In the Asset application, when managing downtime history, the Downtime field is either read only or part of the primary key and you cannot edit the field.
294616 IJ02900 Assets In the Assets application, after you upgrade Maximo, the auto-locate functionality no longer works.
291482 IJ02044 Assets In the Assets application, the Status field on the Select Asset dialog box does not consider your organization.
294809 IJ02928 Assets In the Assets application, when you download the assets, an error occurs.
301495 IJ04871 Assets In the Assets application, when you enter meter reading values on an unsaved meter, a negative reading is displayed for the Average Units/Day value.
287925 IJ00966 Assets In the Assets application, when you modify a meter reading, the cumulative reading values on child asset meters are updated as if the modification is a new reading.
293884 IJ02683 Assets In the Assets application, when you move over the map tab with a linked record, the feature gets centered but it is not zoomed in.
303099 IJ05293 Assets In the Locations application, if there is a record that is linked to a polyline feature with points that have the same X or Y coordinates, features are not displayed due to any divide by zero operation. Values should be checked for zeroes before the operation is done, so that the features can be displayed correctly.
290171 IJ01534 Assets In the Maximo Integration Framework application, the UI does not allow tools to be added to an asset.
310123 IJ07111 Assets When you move an asset with child records to a site, the child records are not created in the new site.
308530 IJ06624 Assets In the Collections application, you cannot add an asset from the Open Drilldown function of the Asset field.
302460 IJ05150 Assets In the Assets application, when you open a map, the map is not centered on the blue marker.
302055 IJ05007 Assets In the Assets application, when you calculate the due date on calibration work orders with rotating assets, an incorrect due date is returned.
293885 IJ02684 Assets In the Assets application, when you select View Calibration History, the information provided for the No Adjustments Made field are incorrect.
288261 IJ01049 Assets In the Assets application, you cannot decommission an asset used in a PM hierarchy if a forecast costs exists on a parent PM.
304300 IJ05590 Assignment Manager In the Assignment Manager application, when assigning an hours value for a date in the future for a labor, you receive a message that indicates that a value is required for the Assignment Status field on the WMASSIGNMENT object.
292390 IJ02401 Assignment Manager In the Assignment Manager, when you use selected work dates, the crew list on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet does not match the data in the application.
286217 IJ00611 Automation Scripts In the Automation Scripts application, when you deselect save in the Event section of an object launch point, the change is not saved.
292755 IJ02469 BIM Projects In the BIM Projects application, when you save map attributes in the Specifications dialog box, an error occurs.
301715 IJ04900 BIM Projects In the BIM Projects application, when you validate a Cobie excel file, an error occurs.
293001 IJ02489 BIM Viewer When Select Records is clicked on the list tab of Assets, Locations, or Work Order Tracking for a large set of records, a BIM viewer frame is displayed midway up the page.
288732 IJ01119 Classifications In the Classifications application, when you import a classification that adds or updates the CLASSSPECUSEWITH.DEFAULTTABLEVALUE attribute, the import fails.
294935 IJ02232 Classifications In the Offering Catalog, offerings of the same classification, can be listed in different catalogs incorrectly.
304863 IJ05674 Classifications When you create a desktop requisition, the following error occurs: BMXAA4049E - The value specified exceeds the maximum field length that is allowed for this attribute.
295145 IJ03080 Communication Template When you send communication to roles, the following error occurs: BMXAA4214E An unknown error has occurred.
303656 IJ05452 Communication Template When you send communications from a service request and more than one attachment is sent, not all attachments are displayed in the communication log.
294931 IJ02999 Conditional Monitoring In the Condition Monitoring application, if you Select Value lookup for the Upper Limit PM field, you receive an error that the record could not be retrieved from the database.
294518 IJ02799 Conditional Monitoring In the Conditional Monitoring application, when you associate a job plan to an asset, a null pointer exception occurs.
287515 IJ00880 Create Requisition In Maximo Asset Management, a Direct Requisition has a different behavior when it is created by template.
291923 IJ02222 Cron Task Setup After updating Maximo Feature Pack from 7.5.0.x to, the PMWoGenCronTask instance does not run.
299077 IJ04122 Cron Task Setup Cron tasks that send email results by using an of text/HTML hang after processing the records without sending the email.
305565 IJ05870 Cron Task Setup In cron task tables, fields are not displaying values properly.
296944 IJ03543 Cron Task Setup The PMWoGenCronTask instance runs but does not generate work orders or a log.
305628 IJ05927 Data Sheet Template When an attachment is attached to a data sheet and the data sheet is used in a work order, on the DOCLINK table, ownertable appears as WORKORDER instead of PLUSDSPLAN.
289738 IJ01361 Database Configuration In the Database Configuration application, when you make a change to the WONUM attribute and apply the changes, the Same As relationships for the WONUM attribute are not affected.
289331 IJ01264 Database Configuration In the Database Configuration application, when you run a DB Config the server does not restart the formulas.
302747 IJ05222 Database Configuration The locations to work order relationship is not editable in database configuration.
291469 IJ02048 Database Configuration When you import a view that includes a UNION ALL in the where clause into Maximo Database Configuration, attributes are not properly defined, preventing a successful import.
303712 IJ05375 Database Configuration When you use a CSV format, Exp.FormulaName data is not exported correctly.
296942 IJ03549 Database Data In the System Configuration, several MAXAPPS.APP related attributes do not have their Same As values set.
292250 IJ02349 Desktop Requisitions In the Desktop Requisitions application, when you create a requisition template from an existing requisition, the MR.DESCRIPTION_LONGDESCRIPTION field is not duplicated.
297771 IJ03792 E-Mail Configuration When setting up email notifications from a work flow to a role, you initiate the work flow, but the role does not receive the expected email notification.
301172 IJ04735 E-Mail Listeners In the E-Mail Listeners application, when you create a service request, attachments cannot be added.
282735 IV99665 E-Signature In the Database Configuration application, when you select Set Security Profile action for multiple users, the Electronic Signature Authentication does not work correctly.
303651 IJ05454 Enterprise Services In the Enterprise Services application, when you use the REST API, he acknowledgement message that is returned by the API is in XML format but the header states Content-Type: text/plain.
275858 IV97796 Everyplace Technician (Tablet) In the Everyplace Technician (Tablet) application, on the View List screen, the Required Tools data area does not show any information.
298251 IJ03902 Failure codes Each time a failure class record is deleted in the Failure Codes application, the number of open cursors in the session increases. Eventually the open cursor limit is exceeded and the following message is displayed: BMXAA6713E - The MBO fetch operation failed in the mboset with the SQL error code 1000.
301321 IJ04791 Failure Codes In the Failure Code application, the second time you create a failure code, the Description field is read only.
295850 IJ03255 Graphical Assignment In the Crew Graphical Assignment application, when un-assigning several assignments, they all disappear.
302530 IJ05195 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment - Repair Facility application, when a location names includes an underscore, you cannot assign assignments to the location.
295848 IJ03254 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, if craft names have underscores, the assignments disappear after running optimization.
297254 IJ03643 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, labor availability is not adjusting according to the time zone.
302944 IJ05274 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, on the Activity table, the Filter drop down menu is not available.
292648 IJ02439 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, on the Assignment View tab, when you select labor that has 0 availability hours, an error is occurs.
291926 IJ02234 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, on the Dispatch tab, when you drag an assignment to a crew, the system hangs.
293944 IJ02709 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, refresh does not work when the schedule date is deleted for a work order or a task.
293096 IJ02544 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, spatial optimization does not assign requirements.
297401 IJ03670 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, the hover text no longer shows the work order, and you can no longer customize this text.
293423 IJ02604 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when a graphical assignment doesn't have a start/end location and you move the record, a null pointer exception occurs.
292386 IJ02388 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when an assignment is made manually on the Assignment View tan, it is not saved when you select save.
301065 IJ04711 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when creating a work list without a work query, you receive a message that tells you that the total activities records for that project exceeds the limit of records allowed to be created.
303710 IJ05468 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when you assign available labor the following error occurs: ASSIGNMENT  BMXAA4214E - An unknown error has occurred.
295455 IJ03174 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when you assign labor in the Available Labor dialog box, the following error occurs: BMXAA4214E - An unknown error has occurred.
302948 IJ05268 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when you filter dates with >< operators, the results are incorrect.
294302 IJ02823 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when you publish a scenario, the changes made do not go to the default scenario or to work orders.
289565 IJ01302 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when you run optimization with the At This Time option, the optimization fails.
301711 IJ04895 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when you select Zoom to Work, it does not work correctly.
300820 IJ04615 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when you select Zoom to Work, the Gantt chart is resized incorrectly.
299178 IJ04191 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when you use the Assign Available Labor function and you click OK on the dialog, you receive a message that says that the work order has been updated by another user, and your changes have not been saved.
309682 IJ06932 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when an assignment is made into Labor whose Craft/Skill does not match that of the original Planned Labor record, the assignment bar does not turn red.
294116 IJ02746 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Scheduling application, when you try to create a successor and predecessor dependency using the CTRL key, the system does not allow you to create the dependency on different hierarchy orders. Using the Create Restrictions button, the system allows you to create a successor and predecessor dependency, but, it is not possible to reverse the successor position to be the predecessor position.
300819 IJ04614 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Assignment application, when you select Work Order Symbology, work orders are given an undefined value when they are priority.
294613 IJ02898 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduler application, a user can create a dependency between different parents and levels of work without a Scheduler Plus license.
296283 IJ03343 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduler application, the description in the Graphical View tab shows as modified when it is not.
297252 IJ03632 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling (GS) and Graphical Assignment (GA) applications, when records are missing, an error occurs.
298280 IJ03923 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application,  if the predecessor finishes in working time, a non-interruptible successor should start in that same working shift and then finish in the non-working time if  it is long enough to extend into the non-working time. Now, it is scheduling the successor as if it were interruptible, meaning that it starts when it should but does not finish until some point in the next working shift.
298276 IJ03926 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application,  when the predecessor finishes in non-working time, the successor is not scheduled when it should be at the start of the next working shift, but rather gets delayed by the same number of hours that the predecessor works in the non-working time.
288873 IJ01159 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, after you resize a bar, the Duration field is incorrect.
277033 IV98311 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, if you have craft usage on a scheduled work order, the date is not displayed correctly.
301206 IJ04751 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, in Gantt view, when you select Add/View Notes, the system hangs.
290270 IJ01549 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, in Gantt view, when you zoom out, cursor focus is lost.
284209 IJ00167 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, in Gantt view, you cannot add new rows in scheduler system properties.
302946 IJ05276 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, on the Compliance tab, teh Dashboard tab should not be displayed.
296312 IJ03360 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, on the Gantt View tab, when the Export to Excel action creates decimal values in the Date column.
297146 IJ03339 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, on the Graphical view, the date ribbons are misaligned.
290516 IJ01902 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, planned labor hour calculations do not consider time zones.
298248 IJ03904 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, Restrict Work To Dates and Rolling Project should not check the Target Dates if the Schedule Dates exist, but the Target Dates are being used.
303570 IJ05433 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, right-clicking in the project row produces a message that tells you that an unknown error has occurred.
299369 IJ04256 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the % complete color is not working correctly for the critical path bars.
297245 IJ03627 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the % Complete field is not calculated properly when the calculation method is set to task.
298278 IJ03937 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the duration changes on non-interruptible tasks when you run CPM.
302149 IJ05021 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the duration column is not displaying correctly.
302805 IJ05243 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the duration of higher level work orders is calculated inconsistently depending on the operation you do on the Gantt View tab.
291928 IJ02236 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the modified date is not displayed correctly.
304045 IJ05501 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the Revert Changes button takes you back to the original state but the blue italic modify indicator does not display.
304865 IJ05690 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the SKDActivity table's Modified column is set to 1 even in cases where it is not needed and the record does not need to be committed.
292153 IJ02309 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when a work order has a synonym status, Gantt view is not displayed.
292651 IJ02435 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when planning labor resources in the parent work order, the system does not display the planned resource in the activity tab column.
298451 IJ03973 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when Service Provider applications are used for multiple sites, data is displayed from the wrong site.
306093 IJ06038 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when the CPM button is used instead of the CPM Selected button, work order durations are calculated differently.
302951 IJ05267 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you add a filter and select the refresh action, the filter section is collapsed.
300822 IJ04613 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you compare resources and costs, an error occurs.
292702 IJ02446 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you create preventive planning and go to Gantt view, the schedule is displayed in incorrect colors.
301204 IJ04752 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you drag and drop, the Gantt bar disappears.
292345 IJ02363 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you edit precedence constraints, an error occurs.
302942 IJ05273 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you expand rows, all rows are expanded rather than the selected ones.
288511 IJ01084 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you have interruptible work orders or tasks, when you calculate the CPM schedule, they are scheduled non-working times.
293840 IJ02677 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you leave the application and come back in, print options for columns are not retained.
301892 IJ04944 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you move a bar beyond the end of a schedule, the error message that is displayed is ambiguous.
295457 IJ03155 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you run an optimization using the Capacity Planning scenario, with the Target Date set for some number of days, all the work orders are set for the first day. It should prioritize the work orders during the entire number of days that you set in the Target Date field.
298495 IJ03987 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you run the CPM, an error occurs.
301717 IJ04889 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you scroll horizontally or vertically, the progressive loading of data does not work correctly.
297142 IJ03282 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you select the Filter Work Orders Based on Selected Resources or the Filter Resources Based on the Selected Work Orders toolbar buttons, no data is displayed.
299371 IJ04254 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you try to create constraints between records, the constraints are not created.
297627 IJ03713 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, you are unable to re-schedule assignments. The start and end dates are not updated in the Graphical View tab.
296281 IJ03344 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, you cannot load the Treegrid CSS.
297766 IJ03766 Graphical Scheduling In the Scheduler application, when you load the TreeGrid data from the server and an error happens on the server, then the end user only sees the TreeGrid Data Cannot be Displayed yellow box. Even though the original error is logged, the end user never sees it.
298372 IJ03967 Graphical Scheduling In the Scheduler applications, the print options for columns are not retained if a user leaves an application and returns to the same application.
309679 IJ06941 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when a number of rows are selected that include two parent work orders, when the parent work orders are moved only child work orders for one work order are moved.
309358 IJ06869 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, newly created snapshots are not flagged as snapshots in the Manage Snapshots and Scenarios dialog box.
302807 IJ05242 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you use different time zones, craft availability is displaced by one day for some shifts.
301719 IJ04886 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you filter records and select multiple records for an action, some of the hidden records are effected by the action.
300718 IJ04564 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you zoom to the Work Order section, the resource section gets out of sync in relation to the zoom.
300083 IJ04350 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, on the Graphical view, you cannot create restraints between records.
299370 IJ04257 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the work order number value is not displayed in table view.
298800 IJ04070 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, locked preventive maintenance cells can be moved.
294612 IJ02899 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the Planned Labor Hours column does not display calculated values.
292388 IJ02403 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you go to Gantt view, a Null Pointer Exception appears in the logs.
289140 IJ01210 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, the Associate Folder menu does not display.
287724 IJ00942 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you paste a query in the query tool, the format is incorrect.
300225 IJ04390 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling - Large Project application, in the Resource section, the Tool Availability displays the incorrect value.
300231 IJ04388 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling - Large Project application, when you enable the debug mode, the Zoom drop-down menu is still enabled.
300227 IJ04386 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling application, in the resource section, the refresh button does not respond to changes.
298455 IJ03984 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling application, the Date field value shows only numbers. The date value should be MM/DD?YYYY - TIME.
299365 IJ04253 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling application, the weekly and monthly tooltips are not displaying correctly.
300229 IJ04387 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you expend the Resource in the Graphical View, the Tool Availability does not appear.
296928 IJ03497 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you open large projects, select a record, and then mobe to the Graphical View tab, you receive errors telling you that the project data failed to populate the scheduler tables or that the activities did not populate.
300223 IJ04391 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling Large Project application, the dependency dialog box is showing the incorrect information.
300222 IJ04392 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling Large Project application, when you use the Recalculate Summary action, the Gantt chart no longer displays on the screen.
300825 IJ04618 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project In the Graphical Scheduling Large Project application, when you want to expand a work order parent from a project with more than three hierarchies, all parents and children are expanded.
294404 IJ02856 Incidents In the Incident application, when you update Remarks, the Remark Date does not get updated.
301978 IJ04876 Incidents In the Incidents application, you cannot create an investigation if an incident has an inactive person record.
293063 IJ02520 Incidents In the Service Requests application and in the Incidents application, when you search for tickets, only open tickets are returned.
299296 IJ04242 Inspection In the Inspection application, when you update the length of the ORGID field, the length of the ORGID field in the Asset application is not updated.
295844 IJ03240 Integration Modules In the Integration Modules application, if you set the SQL logger to debug when you import work orders an error  occurs.
300928 IJ04675 Integration Modules In the Integration Modules application, when you add an assignment to an external system, the assignment table does not load.
283391 IV99833 Integration Modules When you run the IOTHISTORIAN cron task, data is continuously pulled and an error occurs.
289939 IJ01493 Integration Modules When you set the property to 1, REST API is not working properly.
295884 IJ03274 Integration Modules When you import a flat .csv file, the import fails and an error occurs.
291921 IJ02227 Integration Modules When you use an .XSL file with many attributes in outbound integration, an error occurs.
291625 IJ02087 Integration Modules When you a record has a content type of Application/JSON in the end point and the record is exported, the content type is displayed as Text/XML in the export message.
276618 IV98132 Integration Modules The HTTPCONNTIMEOUT and HTTPREADTIMEOUT properties are not considered when you call an interaction.
270831 IV96903 Integration Modules When a URL query has one parameter, the query is encoded incorrectly.
297012 IJ03557 Inventory In the Inventory application, after you transfer an item from a bin to another bin that is in the same storeroom, the inventory balance for the original bin is not automatically decreased.
290620 IJ01908 Inventory In the Inventory application, only B condition code type items are available, which is correct. The error message that is displayed when an A condition code type item is entered is vague.
301980 IJ04971 Inventory In the Inventory application, when a kit has non-reconciled inventory, the current balance for the kit is incorrect.
288736 IJ01121 Inventory In the Inventory application, when you change an item from consignment to non-consignment, an error occurs.
290353 IJ01576 Inventory In the Inventory application, when you reorder all items in a storeroom, all item with a current balance of 0 with no reservation or backorder quantity are not reordered.
298458 IJ03975 Inventory In the Inventory application, when you save a reservation, the quantity of the reserved material is incorrect.
293842 IJ02672 Inventory In the Inventory application, when you select the Issue Current Item to Multiple Assets action, inventory is issued from the worng bin.
293844 IJ02673 Inventory In the Receiving application, if an item is received and then returned, the Lead Time (Days) field value is updated incorrectly.
298686 IJ04016 Inventory In the Work Execution application, when you use the Create Actuals from Plan action, the following error occurs: The SEG2 segment is required. Enter a value for this segment. - BMXAA4208E.
299183 IJ04142 Inventory In the Inventory application, you cannot change an item from consignment to non-consignment on a bin to bin transfer.
298909 IJ04095 Inventory In the Inventory application, you cannot add or modify a default bin.
294816 IJ02821 Inventory In the Inventory application, an item can be set to obsolete with an unreconciled balance record. After this occurs, the item master record cannot be set to obsolete.
293742 IJ02653 Inventory In the Inventory application, you can reconcile balances with an inactive GL account.
290408 IJ01577 Inventory In the Inventory application, when you reorder a direct issue item, the future date is miscalculated.
286221 IJ00514 Inventory Usage In the Inventory application, LIFO and FIFO costs and cost dates are incorrect when returning items that contain LIFO and FIFO records through current balance adjustments.
296946 IJ03547 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, if you select multiple items for deletion and then deselect some of the items, and then complete the action, the Inventory Usage record will be inconsistent.
300773 IJ04584 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, when you complete an inventory usage record of the type transfer, that was prepared in the past (previous financial period), Maximo returns the following error message, with a question at the end: The financial period for the specified date is closed.
288875 IJ01149 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, when you return an item by changing the condition code to B, the cost is changed to zero.
296315 IJ03348 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, when you select an item without specifying the storeroom, the entry with an associated bin is selected.
299243 IJ04093 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, when you transfer between bins, item reservations are lost.
302535 IJ05170 Inventory Usage In the Inventory application, after you transfer an item between storerooms, there are discrepancies between the current balance, Inventory LIFO/FIFO Costs, and the Inventory Balances session.
301989 IJ04985 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, when you issue against a GL debit account code, you cannot return a FIFO type item.
294120 IJ02747 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, when a ship receipt transaction is complete, the unit cost and line cost change to 0.00.
294020 IJ02714 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, the actual cost for a transfer is set to 1.00.
295570 IJ03210 Invoices After you apply a feature pack, you cannot approve or release an invoice on services. The following error occurs: BMXAA8229W - Record  POLINE: ID=xxxx has been updated by another user.
291167 IJ02016 Invoices In the Invoices application, a consignment invoice creates a INVCEVAR transaction when a vendor has a different currancy that the base currency.
292392 IJ02359 Invoices In the Invoices application, when an item has a issue cost type of FIFO, the invoices CURVAR value is incorrect.
202556 IV78687 Invoices In the Invoices application, when the currency for an invoice is different than the currency for an associated contract, discrepancies occur.
290050 IJ01512 Invoices In the Invoices application, when you approve an invoice, the cost of a standard service line to all PO lines is not prorated.
290132 IJ01527 Invoices In the Invoices application, when you enter an invoice number to search for the invoice, it can take over 20 seconds for the invoice to load.
298576 IJ04006 Item Master In the Item Master application, when the classification field is read only, the clear classification option still works.
290762 IJ01955 Item Master In the Item Master application, when you enable condition codes for all items but the balance of an item is zero, then you cannot reserve the item in a work order.
304719 IJ05620 Item Master In the Shipment Receiving application, when an inspection receipt flag is used on a purchase order, the receipt cannot be completed.
304871 IJ05665 Item Master In the Item Master application, when you reorder, inventory that has a status of staged or shipped are not considered in the current balance.
307567 IJ06377 Job Plans In the Job Plans application, if a labor is associated to a contract, if that contract is closed, you cannot revise the job plan.
300086 IJ04342 Job Plans In the Job Plans application, when you add a condition enabled inventory item to a job plan, you can select condition codes that should not be available.
293421 IJ02497 Labor Rate Contracts In the Labor Rate Contracts application, field help for the Total Cost field is incorrect.
302465 IJ05153 Labor Reporting In the Labor Reporting application, you are able to record labor against a closed labor contract.
288985 IJ01185 Labor Reporting In the Labor Reporting application, you cannot approve labor for multiple contracts.
290799 IJ01967 Launch in Context In the Locations application, when you add an attachment to a Location record and the Launch in Context property is set to true, an error occurs.
286046 IJ00571 License Usage Monitor In the License Usage Monitor application, users who have authorizations for applications that match their licenses are not shown as being licensed for those applications.
290653 IJ01924 Linked Documents/Attached Documents In Attachments, you cannot view the file or URL attachment if the file name contains special characters or if there are spaces due to URL encoding.
308608 IJ06625 Linked Documents/Attached Documents In the Assets application, when you click to delete an attachment, it is not deleted.
290756 IJ01956 Linked Documents/Attached Documents When you create service requests, attachments are not displayed until the record is saved.
287921 IJ00978 Linked Documents/Attached Documents When you delete an Added From Library attachment, the main library attachment file is deleted from the Doclinks folder.
303914 IJ05489 Locations In the Locations application, records in List view are not transferred to the Results tool.
305482 IJ05844 Locations In the Locations application, when you are defining an operational schedule for a location, you receive a message that indicates that you are not authorized to perform this action on the record.
290650 IJ01922 Locations In the Locations application, you cannot change the status of a location when it is in a work flow with a NOSTATUS event.
300719 IJ04567 Master PM In the Master PM application, no filter is available on the Work Type lookup window.
308531 IJ06671 Meters In the Meters application, when you enter a meter reading for an asset in the Asset (Oil) application, the location does not have the meter reading,
289412 IJ01286 Migration Manager In the Migration Manager application, when you upload a package to a target environment that uses IE11, the following error occurs.: BMXAA6042E deploy package not be selected, Still couldn't deploy the package successfully.
288133 IJ01006 Migration Manager In the Migration Manager tool, classifications are not replicated the same way between environments.
289444 IJ01288 Migration Manager In the Migration Manager, when you deploy a migration package, the error manifest cannot be retrieved.
289335 IJ01269 Migration Manager When you migrate escalations that were previously active, they fail to activate in the target environment.
295150 IJ03081 Move/Modify Assets When using the Move/Modify Assets action, the GL Credit Account field is not filled.
288869 IJ01152 Object Structures When you delete an object structure that has the Authorization Name set, the application set in the Authorization Name set is deleted.
306068 IJ06031 Organizations In the Receiving application, when you create assets by receiving items and asset number are automatically created, the asset numbers are not sequential.
303427 IJ05384 OSLC Providers In the OSLC Providers application, when you view an image on a record, the image is not displayed.
291715 IJ02104 Person Groups In the Assets application, when you delete a Person Group an error occurs.
306276 IJ06073 Person Groups In Database Configuration, when you add a person group formula to an attribute, the following error occurs: BMXAA4187E - The relationship ISNULL does not exist for business object PERSONGROUP. Verify that the relationship specified in parameter ISNULL exists in the Maxrelationship table.
290920 IJ01989 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, forecast dates are not calculated correctly when the PM has seasonal dates.
287261 IJ00818 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when a lower meter is entered on an asset and the work order is cancelled, the PMMETER.UNITSTOGO field is incorrect.
275862 IV97882 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when a work order is created from a meter reading, the counter for the PM record is not reset.
290177 IJ01520 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when an asset is moved to a new site and there are existing preventive maintenance records associated to it, the new sites autonumber prefix is not applied.
307184 IJ06333 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when you forecast a preventative maintenance record that has active days set for Monday to Friday only, the forecast date is not on an active day.
304861 IJ05676 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when you generate PM records using frequency criteria, an error occurs.
301868 IJ04919 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when you run the PMWOGEN cron task, the log is formatted incorrectly.
297010 IJ03580 Preventive Maintenance When a PM has both a Time-based Frequency and a Meter-based Frequency, duplicate rows are generated in the Forecast Details table.
307808 IJ06489 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when you delete a PM record that has child PM records associated to it, an error occurs.
306587 IJ06174 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, the Lead Time (Days) field overrides organizational settings.
306345 IJ06090 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, the PMWOGEN cron task does not work.
290764 IJ01931 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when monthly PM work orders include February, all months have a due date of the 28th.
291719 IJ02100 Problems In the Problems application, on the Problems Related Records tab, there is no validation for the Originating Record field.
288130 IJ01008 Publish Channels In the Object Structures application, event listeners are enabled after modifying object structures.
307365 IJ06395 Purchase Orders In the Inventory and Inventory Usage applications, an error occurs when you delete a reserved item.
297400 IJ03481 Purchase Orders In the Invoices application, the system is not pro-rating the cost of standard service line on an invoice to all distributed lines received on a purchase order.
305616 IJ05918 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Order application, when you partially receive a distributed purchase order, SERVRECTRANS.LINECOST is calculated wrong.
306828 IJ06173 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, if you generate a PO from a PR and change a line that has a service to a material, the PR is still referenced on the PO and the PR does not reopen.
286655 IJ00647 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, when a receipt is done with a revision of a purchase order in a PENDREV status, the revised purchase order does not display the received quantity.
300188 IJ04365 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, when the purchase order is internal, the receipt tolerance fields become null and read-only.
306933 IJ06286 Purchase Orders When Pay on Receipt is selected for a purchase order, an invoice transaction is not created in the Invoices application.
301163 IJ04725 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, you cannot edit distributed lines on a purchase order.
290795 IJ01972 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, you cannot approve a credit invoice.
288827 IJ01145 Purchase Requisitions In the Purchase Requisitions application, when you complete a receipt of a purchase order that was created from an MR, if there is an MR in another site with the same MR Number, you cannot complete the receipt.
296569 IJ03406 Purchase Requisitions In the Purchase Requisitions applications, after you delete a line from a purchase contract, the PR remains at a closed status.
294309 IJ02829 Receiving In the Purchase Orders application, if the Remarks field is set as required for the Services tab, it is also required for the Materials tab.
284132 IJ00156 Receiving In the Receiving application, after a purchase order revision, the Received Cost value is incorrect.
293933 IJ02687 Receiving In the Receiving application, if you click Select Receipts to Void against a negative quantity, the balance in the bin will become negative as a result of this transaction.
296014 IJ03322 Receiving In the Receiving application, service purchase orders can be over-received.
296567 IJ03395 Receiving In the Receiving application, there are unbalanced transactions with holding accounts on distributed receipts.
290268 IJ01505 Receiving In the Receiving application, when you return a receipt, distributed receipt transactions are not reversed.
290269 IJ01486 Receiving In the Receiving application, when you void a receipt, distributed receipt transactions are not reversed.
294053 IJ02732 Receiving In the Receiving application, you receive an error when approving a purchase order that is in the Pending for Revision state.
301708 IJ04888 Receiving In the Receiving application, you receive an incorrect warning message, which tells you that the line cost exceeds the ordered cost.
288829 IJ01142 Receiving In the Receiving application, the MXRECEIPT outbound object structure sets the purchase order line cost at unit cost, which is incorrect.
290175 IJ01521 Report In the Object Structures application, when publishing Cognos packages, you receive an error that states that the transformed object structures cannot be published to the Cognos server.
280812 IV99242 Report The Projected PM Labor Requirements report does not consider job plan revisions which results in incorrect calculations in the Hours column.
296572 IJ03409 Report When you do not have access to all sites and you run the kit.rptdesign report, an error occurs.
304855 IJ05695 Report In the Report application, when you connect to Cognos from within Maximo Asset Management fails when you use HTTPS.
286490 IJ00671 Report In the Report application, you cannot drill down into a BIRT report.
298900 IJ04096 Report Administration In the Report Administration application, when you attempt to preview saved QBRs from the Edit dialog, you receive a system message that says that the Public field is either read only or part of the primary key.
283721 IJ00068 Report Administration In the Report Administration application, when you export a report the language suffix is added to the file name.
269692 IV96491 Report Viewer In a BROS system, when you preview an edited ad hoc report and run a report, the report fails.
293588 IJ02638 Report Viewer In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you print a second time in a single session on Chrome you get a blank report.
308162 IJ06603 Report Viewer In the Report Viewer application, when scheduling a recuffing report, the Months radio button is not aligned correctly and is next to the On Day field.
288866 IJ01156 Report Viewer In the Report Viewer application, when you delete an ad hoc report, you must delete it twice.
284356 IJ00206 Report Viewer In the Report Viewer application, for an Ad Hoc report, when you create a list type and select an attribute from a child object, an error occurs.
306214 IJ06066 Roles In the Roles application, the email role does not work when using workflows.
299594 IJ04318 Roles In the Roles application, you cannot add or create a role on a server that has French as its primary language.
307175 IJ06337 Scheduler In the Graphical Assignment application,  when you have an exiting Work List with a labor, if you change the Defualt Craft for that labor, the change is not shown on the Assignment View tab.
303653 IJ05453 Scheduler In the Graphical Scheduling application, column headers are not aligned.
301377 IJ04830 Scheduler In the Scheduler application, on the Cost and Usage tab, when you calculate labor hours, available hours are incorrect.
292653 IJ02441 Scheduler In the Scheduler application, planned labor hours for resource load and availability are wrong.
308160 IJ06604 Scheduler In the Scheduler application, the Gantt view hangs.
294614 IJ02901 Scheduling Alternate Resources The Scheduling Alternate Resources application does not function without a Scheduler Plus license.
289740 IJ01449 Security Groups In the Security Groups application, when you try to update a security setting, it takes longer than it used to take to complete the operation.
304868 IJ05689 Service Requests In the Map Manager application, when you view a service request on a linear asset and open the map, the following error occurs: BMXAA9355E - It was not possible to load the linear layers.
284816 IJ00335 Service Requests In the Service Request application, on the File Attachment dialog box, when you select Cancel or Create, all existing attachments are deleted.
297586 IJ03681 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, when you select the value of Asset, CI, or location under the MultipleAssets, Location, and CI's section, the following error occurs: BMXAA6713E - The MBO fetchoperation failed in the mboset with the SQL error code -206.
288478 IJ01059 Service Requests When a user has an apostrophe in their name, when they log in, an SQL error occurs.
285959 IJ00554 Service Requests In the Service Request application, the work log does not get copied when you create a new service request from an existing service request.
285948 IJ00559 Start Center When you add an application in the Favorite Applications portlet, an error occurs.
289558 IJ01295 System Object &DATE& and &DATETIME& substitution variables do not work with communication templates.
293590 IJ02629 System Object After you reset your password, a Maximo session does not invalidate the old password.
298775 IJ04074 System Object In Maximo Asset Management, script v7609_31dbc has an invalid  reference to the MAXAPPS table. It attempts to update MAXAPP instead of MAXAPPS.
298774 IJ04073 System Object In Maximo Asset Management, script v7609_31dbc has an invalid  reference to the MAXAPPS table. It attempts to update MAXAPP instead of MAXAPPS.
299291 IJ04236 System Object In the Database Configuration application, if you update the ORGID length, some attributes are not updated due to a missing ORGID same as relationship.
297111 IJ03599 System Object In the Incidents application, when you fetch data, the same SQL statement is run multiple times.
294210 IJ02788 System Object In the System Object application, attempting to close a service request generates bad SQL code.
288871 IJ01148 System Object Sometimes escalations run twice.
299450 IJ04276 System Object The error response for rest/json API does not contain the CORS header.
298898 IJ04097 System Object When LDAP Sync runs, it fails to sync the home phone number for users who do not have a work number. The following error occurs: BMXAA4129E - The record for Person=YYYYY, Phone=XXX-XXX-XXX, Type=HOME already exists.
299179 IJ04175 System Object When upgrading to Maximo Asset Management, there is a performance issue.
280816 IV99264 System Object When you add a custom field to a WHERE clause that includes a whitespace, an error occurs.
291334 IJ02030 System Object When you configure the system, the JMV can fail, due to an out of memory error.
289659 IJ01320 System Object When you filter service items with a secondary language, a browser error occurs.
287955 IJ00989 System Object When you login in LDAP enabled environment and the mxe.ltpatoken.kill=1, an SQL exception occurs.
295569 IJ03200 System Object With Oracle databases, closing or committing a connection hangs and blocks all the subsequent MboSetCounter clean up.
301202 IJ04733 System Object You cannot export a relationship for a work order table.
299628 IJ04323 System Object Scheduled reports fail when the Limit Records property is true and the application has a restriction.
294056 IJ02735 System Object When you delete an attachment in Edit Mode, the following error occurs: BMXAA0028E - Your security privileges do not allow access to the selected option.
283792 IJ00082 System Object When you delegate an assignment to someone who was previously away, the following error occurs: BMXAA3077E - Delegating work over these dates results in a delegation loop.
272134 IV97156 System Object When you log out of different SSO applications, the connection is lost and the session is ended.
265497 IV95019 System Object When you search for an attribute that was added to an extension table, the following error occurs: BMXAA6713E - The MBO fetch operation failed in the mboset with the SQL error code -206.
295615 IJ03214 System User Interface After a release record has been approved, a conditional new button is not disabled.
305750 IJ05958 System User Interface After installing an interim fix, when you run a query, you receive an error that tells you that the record could not be retrieved from the database.
301854 IJ04918 System User Interface After you upgrade Maximo Asset Management, in the Purchase Requisition application, when you change the the status of a record, the status on the List tab is not refreshed.
292204 IJ02314 System User Interface Bulletin board messages do not clear after they are read.
292151 IJ02308 System User Interface Description fields are misaligned.
290487 IJ01868 System User Interface Everyplace screens do not display properly on high-resolution devices.
305992 IJ05998 System User Interface In a map-enabled application when you move back and forth between the Map tab and the Record Details tab, the system hangs.
286818 IJ00717 System User Interface In a Start Center, the vertical scroll bar is rendering slightly to the left of the expected position.
293425 IJ02600 System User Interface In Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, when you disable the MXE.WEBCLIENT.CLIENTDATAVALIDATION property, auto-fill entries are still displayed.
288326 IJ01052 System User Interface In the Assets application, the wrong behavior occurs when you click cancel.
299498 IJ04293 System User Interface In the Assets application, when you add hidden fields to an asset, the hidden fields appear in Start Center query results.
277038 IV98320 System User Interface In the Chart of Accounts application, when filter values on a parent table are updated, child tables are not updated.
290617 IJ01917 System User Interface In the Incidents application, when you enter HTML code in the Description field, the code is executed.
287923 IJ00976 System User Interface In the Operator Log (Oil) application, pull up a record. All the details boxes show values when using either FireFox or Internet Explorer. When using Chrome, the details are only shown in the first log entry. The rest are empty.
297447 IJ03677 System User Interface In the Service Requests application, when you select related records, child work orders are not displayed correctly.
295255 IJ03105 System User Interface In the Start Center application, the Result Set numeric color options are not working correctly.
292394 IJ02404 System User Interface In the Start Center application, when you add a new row to a work log, the default attributes are incorrectly mapped.
304990 IJ05699 System User Interface In the System User Interface application, when the webclient.enabledoclinkonload system property is enabled, an error occurs.
300686 IJ04548 System User Interface In the system user interface, changes in the Application Designer do not take effect.
298939 IJ04100 System User Interface In the system user interface, you cannot disable a filter from the Application Designer.
292202 IJ02311 System User Interface In the Users application, under Security Restrictions, when over 1000 security restrictions exist, Maximo may encounter errors expanding the UI tree.
292207 IJ02312 System User Interface Rich text tags are displayed in tool tips.
300493 IJ04494 System User Interface The Workflow Designer does not show system messages when you delete nodes or actions on the Canvas tab after you install Maximo
301871 IJ04938 System User Interface When using Launch in Context, characters are added to the description of the work order.
289743 IJ01402 System User Interface When you attach a link to a record, hashtags are converted to %23.
299293 IJ04246 System User Interface When you create a workflow for the Service Request application with one manual input node and multiple stop nodes, there is no space between the Radio button and the node description.
297344 IJ03649 System User Interface When you delete a record from a duplicate record, the attachment on the original record is also deleted.
301319 IJ04787 System User Interface When you use Microsoft Edge, when a link to a local file is rendered in a list of attachments, the file://mydomain/path/... URI format configured by the doclink system properties is being modified to exclude the file: prefix.
300436 IJ04478 System User Interface When you use the USAERNAME userid in the KPI Manager, the KPI does not run.
299238 IJ04205 System User Interface You cannot change the background color and fonts of button labels.
302463 IJ05152 System User Interface Hyperlink URLs are are not refreshed when you go to another tab and back.
298364 IJ03963 System User Interface When you use TIVOLI09 skin on Maximo, radio buttons are not aligned to text.
293217 IJ02560 System User Interface When you only have read only rights to the Solutions application, URL links contained in the application open twice.
291480 IJ02041 System User Interface In the Service Request application, when you select the Return with Value property, field focus is lost.
289838 IJ01482 System User Interface When you specify characters in a Rich Text Editor and close a record, the characters are not greyed out.
288734 IJ01117 System User Interface You cannot deselect the Print check box for attached documents.
288508 IJ01075 System User Interface Button groups with signature options do not work properly.
288258 IJ01044 System User Interface Conditionally highlighted background colors are not displayed on fields.
286486 IJ00669 System User Interface In the Work Order Tracking application, on the Materials tab, signature option CSS class color does not apply properly when a new row is added.
286423 IJ00633 System User Interface Launch In Context does not work with forward slash.
285950 IJ00560 System User Interface When you select a multi-line text box in the Work Order Tracking application, the More Search Fields dialog box is displayed.
285255 IJ00427 System User Interface In the Work Order Tracking application, when you use a conditional UI and tab out, the Task ID for labor is removed.
310639 IJ07246 System User Interface There are API related applications listed in Favorite applications of Start Center. These applications are not listed in either Application Designer/Goto Applications or Security groups.
308858 IJ06744 System User Interface When you apply a Conditional UI on a tab to change the font color, the Conditional UI does not respect the REEVALUATE flag and triggers every time a user updates a field on the screen.
307659 IJ06454 System User Interface It takes a long time to get a subset of data when you issue an OSLC call against the MXCLASSIFICATIN object structure.
307452 IJ06406 System User Interface Maximo displays all assets records when you select the user/custodian filter and you leave user and custodian fields blank.
294976 IJ03012 Ticket Templates When a classification template with attributes is applied to a Ticket Template, the sequence of the attributes is lost when the template is saved.
295462 IJ03139 UpdateDB Utitlity While installing a fix pack for Maximo Asset Management, the UpdateDB utility is very slow.
297976 IJ03661 Warranty Contracts In the Warranty Contracts application, when you save a contract in a multi-tenant environment, the following error occurs: BMXAA4214E - An unknown error has occurred.
303089 IJ05303 Work Execution After you install a work center, you cannot log into that work center.
288990 IJ01187 Work Execution In the Work Execution application, after you merge with Maximo Spatial Asset Management and edit a work order, an error occurs.
302215 IJ05055 Work Order Tracking After you enable edit mode for the Work Order Tracking application, when you set a default query, the query is not saved.
289745 IJ01334 Work Order Tracking After you install a fix pack, when work orders are generated in the Preventive Maintenance application and have nested job plans, the child work orders do not inherit the parent work order's status.
297773 IJ03794 Work Order Tracking In the Assets application, when placing a point using service addresses, the pin point disappears.
308756 IJ06717 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking and Service Requests applications, the tooltip text description is difficult to read.
305344 IJ05808 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, a PM alert is being seen on a site where it should not be active.
302273 IJ05082 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order tracking application, asset downtime is not calculated correctly.
306183 IJ06018 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, for task work orders, the Failure Class field is not populated.
301370 IJ04817 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, if you update the status of a work order and select the Change work order status in the background check box, the work order status does not update even though a message is shown that status change is successful.
290515 IJ01899 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, on the Plans tab, when you add a new row and select the Select Value button on an Item field, the system hangs.
278814 IV98821 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, preventive maintenance records that have a nested job plan are creating orphan child work orders.
302947 IJ05277 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, the Interruptible field is missing in children work orders.
304298 IJ05595 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, the ISSUETYP lookup field is not validated.
290758 IJ01941 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, the LICENSE.MAPCONTROL.ENABLE system property does not work.
297122 IJ03586 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, the work order status is not updated correctly when planned material with insufficient quantity is added.
290407 IJ01612 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, tolerances that exceed the set point tolerances do not return an error.
287158 IJ00804 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when a work order is saved and then failure and problem codes are added, a previously reported problem is not displayed.
298594 IJ04009 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when deleting a work order, you receive a message that seem that the operation was terminated becuase the preset limit of 5000 was exceeded for retireval into a single set.
302142 IJ04926 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when there is not enough balance in a storeroom to complete a work order, the work order status can still be moved from WMATL to APPR.
302955 IJ05286 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order tracking application, when user records are automatically generated from a work order, a status history record is not created.
306831 IJ06254 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when using the Open Map functionality, the Location and Asset fields are not populated.
306274 IJ06034 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you approve a work order, the following error occurs: BMXAA4146E - Not a valid GL account.
308828 IJ06739 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you change the status of a work order to complete, you receive a message that tells you that failure reporting has not been done yet.
292999 IJ02488 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you create a new work order, the Work Zone field on the assignments tab is not populated.
287518 IJ00879 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you duplicate a work order and there is an attribute restriction for the Rate field, an error occurs.
301368 IJ04806 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you duplicate a work order with specifications, the copied work order has more specifications as the original and saving the work order does not work.
301757 IJ04908 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you select predecessors in the scheduling information, an invalid binding error occurs.
295140 IJ03068 Work Order Tracking In the Work Orders application, when you create a Crew labor assignment, the crew information is not displayed.
294807 IJ02931 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order tracking application, when multiple assets are listed, the Report Downtime action displays incorrect information.
309778 IJ06888 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when the Tool item number is changed on a ToolTrans row and a WPTool record exists for the same work order and item number, the hours entered and effective tool rate are incorrect.
307178 IJ06338 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you associate records in the Tickets Related to Parents section, they are also added to the Related Tickets section of the Activities and Tasks application.
306695 IJ06209 Work Order Tracking In the Assets application, when you change the parent of an asset, the previous parent inherits the meter readings.
305342 IJ05801 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you change dates on a closed work order, the following error occurs: DELETE is not allowed on object WOCONTRACT. Verify the business rules for the object and define the appropriate action for the object. (BMXAA0024)
299630 IJ04320 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you have multiple Activity and Task child records on a work order, the actual finish date on the parent work order is incorrect.
298595 IJ04012 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you generated work order from a nested job plan and an error occurs, a work order is still created.
298493 IJ03992 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, the WOMATERIALSTATUSUPDATECRONTASK cron task does not update material status correctly.
298274 IJ03938 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you duplicate an unsaved work order, the following error occurs: BMXAA4214E - Unknown error.
295464 IJ03120 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you select tools in the Actual tab, it displays tools from all item sets.
293972 IJ02680 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you select tools in the Actual tab, it displays tools from all item sets.
293422 IJ02514 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you close a work order associated to a purchase order, the warning message that is displayed is not clear.
293255 IJ02583 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, on the Materials tab, when you add a new row and click Select Value, the list generated is not complete.
291714 IJ02035 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you enter a start time and regular hours that the system rounds up, the end time is calculated incorrectly.
283723 IJ00076 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when a child record is waiting in a WF Wait node for a status change event and the status is changed on the parent record, the child is not released from the Wait node even though it's status has changed due to the Inherit Status Changes checkbox.
306094 IJ05941 Work Order Tracking (Cal) In the Work Order Tracking application, in a work order hierarchy, the next calibration due date is incorrect on the parent work order.
300930 IJ04674 Workflow Administration When you upgrade a work flow from the old workflow designer to the new workflow designer, the work flow processes are difficult to read and use.
294826 IJ02952 Workflow Administration In the Workflow Administration application, when you build an assignment in box information on the Start Center, the Description column information is not updated.
304766 IJ05667 Workflow Designer In the Workflow Designer application, when you create a complex workflow, the Workflow Map does not display all nodes.
303520 IJ05416 Workflow Designer In the Workflow Designer application, when you create a complex workflow, the Workflow Map does not display all nodes.
Defect APAR Application Description
331450 IJ14105 All Applications After you upgrade from Maximo Asset Management version to, a null pointer exception error is displayed in system logs.
328594 IJ12961 All Applications If you are running a Maximo application in the Microsoft Edge browser, you cannot enter a where clause to filter records.
330351 IJ13581 All Applications In Maximo Asset Management version 7.6, with single sign-on, the DATETIME field lookup does not appear.
316062 IJ08484 All Applications The Select Language option does not work on the login page, the welcome page and entire Maximo menu is not translated.
328700 IJ13038 All Applications When you use the IoT18 skin, if you change the size property for a text box to larger than 34, the text box size does not increase.
331998 IJ14441 All Applications When you use the IoT18 skin, the width of the Description field is fixed which cause the text to wrap around.
329640 IJ13209 All Applications When you use Internet Explorer, you cannot cancel the Create File Attachment dialog more than once.
327770 IJ12686 All Applications In any application with attachments, a file that has an invalid character in its name is still uploaded to the server.
327437 IJ12608 All Applications The side navigation bar does not appear in most of the applications.
324036 IJ11444 All Applications When you run a report with a certain where clause specified and select a field on the Content tab, an error can occur and data might not be returned. 
322473 IJ10964 All Applications If you are using an iPad or a Google Chrome browser, when you select the Add Attachment link, the photo option does not display. For the photo option to display, you must select the Add Attachment link, wait a few seconds, and then reselect the link. 
317091 IJ08900 All Applications Attachment file names in Japanese are illegible when using Microsoft Edge.
316841 IJ08834 All Applications In a map-enabled application, the map dialog sends multiple queries for each linked record in the list tab.
331158 IJ14113 All applications In any application, if a value is already specified in the Location field and you select Go to > Locations, when you select Open Drilldown > Show Path to Top and open a parent location in the hierarchy path, a new window opens that does not have a locatio
313874 IJ07949 All applications In any application, if you query for records according to the long description, the cursor does not properly close.
326907 IJ11589 Application Designer In the Application Designer application, characters in the Rich Text Editor are not grayed out when a record in CLOSED status is reselected from the List tab.
321813 IJ10544 Application Designer In the Application Designer application, when you export a system XML file and use your browser to save the file, the saved file is an empty document.
314789 IJ08211 Application Designer In the Application Designer application, when you export system XML, this action opens an empty window.
316082 IJ08595 Assets In the Assets application, auto zoom does not work on an asset that has a GIS location.
310021 IJ07023 Assets In the Assets application, in the Map tab, the Route dialog freezes and cannot be closed.
316168 IJ08593 Assets In the Assets application, meter readings have the wrong time specified.
316120 IJ08650 Assets In the Assets application, the menu option to create unscheduled inspections displays an invalid binding.
322467 IJ10951 Assets In the Assets application, when entering data in the CSS Class Name for a record image control, the record cannot be saved and you receive an error.
326657 IJ11627 Assets In the Assets application, when ordering a spare part on a purchase order and making it a direct issue to an asset, the Issuedqty value is not updated for the asset on the Spare Parts tab.
324786 IJ11528 Assets In the Assets application, when using Sliding-Days Average as the calculation method, the Average Units/Day is calculated incorrectly.
325788 IJ11912 Assets In the Assets application, when you add an active or operational asset to an incident case in the asset field, the report downtime dialog box is read only.
303562 IJ05427 Assets In the Assets application, when you run the Current Asset Location tool, a BMX error displays at the top of the Maximo Asset Management screen.
329528 IJ13183 Assets In the Conditional Monitoring application, when you generate a work order for a measurement point and you populate only the Lower Warning and Lower Action fields, you receive a message that says to specify a valid job plan or PM.
324926 IJ11591 Assets When you create a PO for a rotating item that has a child item and you specify a storeroom where the item is not available, an error occurs when you receive the rotating item.
331812 IJ14291 Assets In the Assets application, the formula calculation does not sum the values of all specification attributes.
318431 IJ09195 Assets In the Assets application, if you run reports that are based on the results of an attribute search, an error message is displayed.
310501 IJ07210 Assets In the Assets application, when you have linear assets and relations between them, the marker is not visible in the graphical view.
315146 IJ08324 Assets If you import a flat file to update an asset's parent to a null value, the update does not work.
323192 IJ11192 Assets In the Asset application, when you create a new asset record, you cannot select the address dialogue box when a tool item dialogue box is open.
310291 IJ07144 Assets In the Assets application, on the Map tab, the map does not refresh when the navigation bar is turned off.
326658 IJ11595 Assets In the Assets application, rejected assets are found in new locations.
320739 IJ10375 Assets In the Assets application, the layers list does not follow the order defined in the Map Manager.
321538 IJ10684 Assets In the Assets application, the map display in Maximo Spatial maps is not able to zoom to the same level of quality as it does in ESRI maps.
330581 IJ13696 Assets In the Assets application, the map service does not have open street maps loaded.
321898 IJ10793 Assets In the Assets application, when you create a new classification with new table attributes, the Set Value label is missing from the table attribute.
314409 IJ08062 Assignment Manager After you install Ifix 004 for Maximo Asset Management, in the Assignment Manager application, in the Labor List section, the Hours Available field and the % Alloc Field can be empty after an assignment is made.
329178 IJ13138 Automation Scripts If the launchpoint for an automation script is an ITEMORGINFO object, in the Inventory application, an error occurs when you preview a direct issue reorder.
326181 IJ12117 Automation Scripts When you have two scripts with service requests and ticket objects launch points, after deleting the ticket object launch point, you cannot create a service request any more.
322470 IJ10967 Automation Scripts In the Automation Scripts application, error and warning messages are not displayed in the user interface.
324998 IJ11625 Budget Monitoring  In the Budget Monitoring application, you cannot change the status of a budget if your assigned security group has access to only one site. 
326655 IJ12163 Bulletin Board In the Bulletin Board application, if you create a bulletin board, other users do not see a message notification for the new bulletin board.
320338 IJ10161 Calendars In the Calendars application, the calendar is not using the defined Days in Pattern value.
313608 IJ07883 Calendars In the Calendars application, when you apply a shift to a calendar, the shift pattern is not applied to the expected days.
318141 IJ09126 Calendars In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you click Calculate Labor Hours, an error occurs.
315429 IJ08431 Calendars In the Calendars application, non-interruptible tasks on a work order do not start as expected for a 24-hour shift.
323744 IJ11363 Calendars In the Calendars application, when you apply a shift to a calendar, the shift is only partially applied.
321249 IJ10597 Changes In the Changes application, when you create a service request and then create a follow-up change request, the work log tab displays the incident work log and not the service request work log.
310554 IJ07236 Changes In the Changes application, the help grid image does not display properly in the rechover.xml.
321622 IJ10616 Changes In the Changes application, when you create a new change, you can't select the Predecessors check box.
319364 IJ09678 Chart of Accounts When you use the Maximo Integration Framework to import 1000 GL components, an error occurs.
311636 IJ07369 Classifications In the Classifications application, if you delete a classification that is not associated with any other record, the application hangs.
322018 IJ10847 Classifications In the Classifications application, the offering catalog sometimes displays offerings of the same class that are in a different catalog.
307568 IJ06429 Communication Template In Workflow Administration, you cannot save communication templates after adding them to action properties.
314569 IJ08083 Communication Template In the Communication Template application, when an attachment file is attached to a row that is marked for deletion, the row has an incorrect status.
317472 IJ08906 Companies In the Companies application, on the addresses tab, the field help is incorrect for the Customer Contact and Contact fields.
323490 IJ11189 Condition Monitoring In the Condition Monitoring application, when you change a job plan and generate a new work order, the job plan description is not updated.
317331 IJ08970 Conditional Expression Manager In the Conditional Expression Manager application, when you upgrade to IF007, SIGOPTION conditions no longer work.
316309 IJ08558 Conduct an inspection In the Conduct an Inspection application, when you add an attachment, an error occurs.
320259 IJ10159 Conduct an inspection In the Conduct an inspection application, when you associate meter readings with a location, the meter readings are not being sent to the Maximo server.
316325 IJ08564 Conduct an inspection In the Conduct an inspection application, when you create an active inspection and run a query on the form, the date/time response field is not populated.
316292 IJ08554 Conduct an inspection In the Inspection application, numbers are displayed in with the Asset ID and description.
322472 IJ10963 Conduct an inspection In the Conduct an Inspection Work Center, zeros are removed from the ends of question numbers. For example, 1.1 is displayed instead of 1.10. 
322471 IJ10961 Conduct an inspection In the Conduct an inspection tool, there are performance issues when you complete large forms.
322469 IJ10966 Conduct an inspection In the Conduct an Inspection work center, the description overlaps the status icon.
322468 IJ10965 Conduct an inspection In the Conduct an Inspection tool, there is a delay before you can click the Start button.
301867 IJ04924 Conduct an inspection In the Conduct an Inspection application, the meter error message is not displayed properly.
319461 IJ09633 Crafts In the Crafts application, when you create a new craft and add a skill level to this craft, the description of the skill level is not correct if you type the value into the field instead of choosing the skill level from the value list.
324923 IJ11568 Create Requisition In the Create Requisition application, when you submit a requisition, in the Requisition Submitted dialog box, the reported GL debit account is always the default GL account for the current user even if the GL account was updated in the requisition.
314467 IJ08070 Create Requisition In the Create Requisition application, when you use the select value lookup from either the Requested By or Request For fields, an error occurs.
303713 IJ05460 Create Requisition In the Desktop Requisition application, when you try to select a person ID in the Requested For field, an error occurs.
318144 IJ09113 Crews In the Crews application, when you modify the crew availability, all fields in the Modify Crew Availability dialog box show invalid binding.
321522 IJ10577 Cron Task Setup In the Cron Task Setup application, when you sync existing phone records, the task tries to insert a new phone instead of updating an existing phone record, and an error occurs.
317119 IJ08931 Cron Task Setup In the Cron Task Setup application, in a clustered environment, when you set mxe.crontask.donotrun = ALL, and perform a live refresh, an error occurs.
314410 IJ08050 Cron Task Setup When the DepreciationFinTransCronTask cron task is active, a blank entry is logged every 15 seconds.
317093 IJ08912 Cron Task Setup In the Cron Task Setup application, in a clustered environment, when you set mxe.crontask.donotrun = ALL, and perform a live refresh, an error occurs.
310553 IJ07231 Data Sheets Templates In the Data Sheets Template application, when language is set to DE and locale is set to de_DE, entering 'r' in Revision comments causes the Revision History dialog to display.
307361 IJ06359 Database Configuration A REST API call to query an audit table returns an error when the _format parameter is set to JSON.
327592 IJ12635 Database Configuration In the Labor reporting application, an error occurs when you add a row if a default value is set for labor code.
324973 IJ11622 Database Configuration In the Database Configuration application, text changes to the welcomemaximomessage message do not appear on the login page. To edit the message on the login page for the IoT18 skin, update the text for the welcomemaximomessage_iot18 message.
322659 IJ11042 Database Configuration When you update the length of the EXTERNALREFID field and add a new attribute, an error occurs.
315195 IJ08374 Database Configuration In the Database Configuration application, the lookup box keeps resizing.
313022 IJ07750 Database Configuration When you translate an attribute for a custom map in the Database Configuration application, an error occurs.
330901 IJ13945 Desktop Requisitions In the Desktop Requisitions application, you can select only templates that you created.
329941 IJ13349 Enterprise Services In the Enterprise Services application, when you specify an interface table for an enterprise service, the resource type column in the interface table record has a value of SQL instead of NULL.
321521 IJ10673 Escalations When you route a work flow from a Europe/Paris time zone and Fr locale to user in US/Eastern time zone with a En_US locale, the work flow record is not being escalated as needed.
322757 IJ11082 External Systems In Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1, when you want to export the message of Message Reprocessing application by using both XML and flat file formats, the error details are missing from the exported flat file, but present in the exported XML file.
326764 IJ12249 Failure Codes In the Failure Codes application, when you duplicate a failure code, an error occurs.
320340 IJ10276 Graphical Assignment If you change the scheduled start and finish dates in the Graphical Assignment application, the schedule is not updated in the Work Order Tracking application.
330987 IJ14027 Graphical Assignment If you use IFIX006 or earlier for IBM Maximo Asset Management version of 7.6.1, in the Graphical Assignment application, you cannot schedule an assignment from an uninterruptible WO during a non-working time.
312594 IJ07541 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, if you select Move to Today for an assignment or a work order that is not scheduled for the current day or the following day, the assignment or work order is moved to the following day, not to the current day.
325996 IJ12015 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, on the Dispatch Tab, the first and last travel bars are not showing.
330784 IJ13697 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, the Assignment view does not display assignments correctly when you and the application server are in different time zones.
329527 IJ13184 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, the Available Labor dialog displays an invalid binding.
320337 IJ10149 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when a work order has an appointment required option set to true and you used the right click to lock the assignment, you can move the record to a new date.
302943 IJ05265 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when you change the owner of an action you must refresh the record for the record to be updated.
328637 IJ12937 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when you right-click an assignment, an error occurs.
326858 IJ12292 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when you select multiple labor records,  you cannot modify the labor availability.
331143 IJ14108 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, you cannot drag and drop scenarios in the Dispatch view.
317473 IJ08989 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you toggle between scenarios, an error occurs.
319303 IJ09663 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, the Dispatch tab does not display the service address of the work order.
317158 IJ08939 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, the Run Optimization action does not list hours and minutes as intervals.
314408 IJ08064 Graphical Assignment In Graphical Assignment application, the Define Emergency Work function allows you to have a graphical assignment check on a set schedule for new work orders that meet the Where Condition criteria.
317326 IJ08968 Graphical Assignment In Graphical Assignment (GA) application, when you set up the street level routes cron task to apply SLRs in the background, the cron task looks for GRPASSIGN instead of RLASSIGN. The Select SLR dialog returns empty.
318110 IJ09106 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, a delay occurs when loading the Dispatch tab if the value of the skdprojectid attribute for a work list is greater than 1000.
321095 IJ10524 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, if there are apostrophes in the work order of task descriptions and you change the tool tip using the System Properties application, the tool tips do not work on the Work View tab.
321869 IJ10770 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, on the Dispatch tab, the start travel icon, travel time bars and stop travel icon for a work order do not display in the Calendar view.
322323 IJ10929 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, vertical scrolling does not work.
328096 IJ12796 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, when you create an assignment the week before it will be used, the next Monday, you can no longer open the assignment.
324660 IJ11513 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, work is not showing as interruptible, but the same work is showing as interruptible in the Graphical Scheduling application.
321668 IJ10737 Graphical Assignment In the Graphical Assignment application, work orders are not visible on the Dispatch tab.
329577 IJ13187 Graphical Assignment - Repair Facility In the Graphical Assignment Repair Facilities application, all fields in the Available Location dialog show invalid binding.
318142 IJ09016 Graphical Crew Management In the Graphical Crew Management application, when you select the Previous Day, Next Day, or Toggle View buttons, an error occurs.
332291 IJ14485 Graphical Scheduling In both Graphical Assignment and Graphical Scheduling applications, when you click Move To Day and select a date after March 10, the bar is positioned on the date previous to the selected date.
330785 IJ13970 Graphical Scheduling In Maximo Asset Management Scheduler, if a work order has a scheduled start before the start of your schedule and a scheduled finish after the end of your schedule, it is not included in the schedule when you select the Restrict Work To Dates check box.
316803 IJ08818 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphic Scheduling application, the Refresh When Opening Gantt View option does not include updates.
322927 IJ11118 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Assignment application, the following error is displayed in the log: Failed to update start and end times from treegrid, will send back alternate original times.
326100 IJ11959 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, after changing a work order status from WAPPR to APPR, the compare scenario does not work consistently.
330786 IJ13571 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, any changes to the segments of a schedule for a forecast do not turn red. The record line should become red after any date change.
322749 IJ11080 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, if you change the PM forecast for a PM record, on the Forecast tab, the New Date field is not updated after you commit your changes.
331051 IJ14056 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, if you right-click on a work order and in the menu, select Change Status to change the work order status, the menu that appears when you right-click on a work order does not appear again.
331429 IJ14162 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, on the Graphical View tab, if you right-click on a work bar in the Gantt chart and then select Move to Day, when you select a date, the Gantt chart changes to another, earlier date period.
302945 IJ05275 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, on the Graphical view, when you change the status on selected work, all records are refreshed instead of just the selected records.
314079 IJ07990 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, until the browser cache is cleared, Person availability changes are not correctly reflected.
323526 IJ11313 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you click the Calculate Cost button, an error occurs.
333498 IJ14960 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you commit some work records in a schedule, all records in the schedule are committed.
332390 IJ14509 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you right-click on a work order and click Discard Changes and Refresh Selected Work Records, an error occurs.
321105 IJ10540 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, you cannot select menu options over the resource section.
310915 IJ07283 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you first bring up a schedule with a PM hierarchy that is not locked, it is possible to right click on the bar and see options for Move to Next Day and Move to Day.
316119 IJ08646 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical scheduling application, if you select Rolling Project and then select a value, you receive an error that says that the start and end date must be entered.
323760 IJ11404 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, in the Change Status dialog, you cannot change the status of a schedule and publish the schedule at the same time.
324541 IJ11502 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, in the Graphical View tab, when you drag a PM record to a new time on the same day, it is returned to the original time, but the record is marked as modified. The record is also marked as modified if you move the r
324661 IJ11515 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, in the More Information tab of a schedule, there should be a Scenario field to indicate the current scenario.
310986 IJ07309 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, on the Graphical View tab, when a PM is dragged to a new time, the duration of the PM changes.
328924 IJ13095 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when the schedule is committed, the Graphical View should fully repaint, but only the Gantt repaints. The Resources section does not repaint. It is left blank.
326362 IJ12181 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you apply a new shift to a new calendar, shifts are displaced on the graphical view tab.
311222 IJ07356 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you forecast a PM that is part of a PM hierarchy, the resources from the PMs in the hierarchy are not updated and the start and end dates are incorrect.
317090 IJ08915 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you move a PM, the Save button does not undim and the row does not turn red.
310947 IJ07293 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you specify a PM hierarchy that references crafts, only the craft that is associated with the parent PM is displayed in the Resources section.
316241 IJ08703 Graphical Scheduling In the Graphical Scheduling application, when you use Next Schedule or Previous Schedule while you view a Schedule, the start of the date ribbon for the subsequent schedules is not used.
324098 IJ11438 Install The Copyright text for the ICD login page is not translated.
326974 IJ12286 Install During an aggressive virus scan check on the package, errors are encountered.
321621 IJ10678 Install When you enable Chrome Developer Tools, an error message is displayed when you open the Self Service Center.
321542 IJ10683 Integration Modules In the Message Reprocessing application, data entries are not deleted from message error tables by running the deletequeue.cmd command.
326101 IJ12045 Integration Modules When you import data within an application, the import system message displays an incorrect total for records processed.
327981 IJ12792 Integration Modules In the Object Structures application, the field-level help on the object structure when using the Exclude/Include action displays incorrect information.
325507 IJ11949 Integration Modules When you use the getList method from the Maximo JSON API and you set the _dropnulls parameter to 0, null attributes are not included in the response. 
320339 IJ10061 Integrity Checker The control-registry.xml is missing the userenderid property.
323507 IJ11277 Integrity Checker When you run the Integrity Checker in report-only mode, it incorrectly reports errors for all text-based columns.
326906 IJ12245 interactions In the Interactions application, when you expand the filter in the Global Schema Policies dialog window, an invalid binding error is displayed .
323004 IJ11047 Inventory In the Inventory application, after you transfer a rotating item from a storeroom to another one, and after it is shipped, you can inspect the item more than once.
324246 IJ11462 Inventory In the Inventory application, when receive and return a purchase order item, the incorrect average cost is shown.
321172 IJ10499 Inventory In the Inventory application, when you transfer items between storerooms, the Reorder option defaults to true.
329641 IJ13126 Inventory In the Inventory application, when you adjust the current balance for a new bin and then delete the bin, the current balance does not match the quantity in the LIFO/FIFO table.
327083 IJ12484 Inventory In the Inventory application, when disassembling a kit, a discrepancy exists between the value of the kit and the combined cost of the components in that kit.
322822 IJ11109 Inventory In the Inventory application, when you run the reorder cron task or select Run Reorder, an error occurs. To avoid the error, in the Organizations application, you must set a different PRNUM prefix for each organization that runs the reorder cron task.
327960 IJ12759 Inventory In the Inventory application, the average cost calculations are incorrect for transfers across sites that have the same store room name.
318259 IJ09158 Inventory In the Inventory Application, when the Integration Framework updates the balance of an inventory item that has a cost type of FIFO, the values of the refobject and refobjectid attributes are empty.
319624 IJ09714 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, when you create a new inventory usage record and change the status to complete, the INVRESERVE record for line 1 is deleted.
321871 IJ10690 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, you cannot change the status of an inventory usage record from ENTERED to COMP.
314411 IJ08048 Inventory Usage In the Inventory Usage application, you try to issue an item that has two condition codes, an error occurs.
324698 IJ11538 Invoices In the Invoices application, when you create a new invoice record,  the GL debit account is not merged with the GL component from the item account.
332392 IJ14507 Invoices In the Invoices application, when you load an invoice that has many lines, a delay occurs.
331513 IJ14255 Invoices In the Invoices application, when you open the Invoice Lines tab, an error is shown in the SystemOut log if an automation script has an Object launchpoint of InvLineMatch.
329368 IJ13084 Invoices In the Invoices application, you cannot specify a value that exceeds the amount that is specified in the purchase order.
327010 IJ12463 Invoices In the Invoices application, when you use SOAPUI to create an invoice from an approved purchase order, the resulting invoice has incorrect values for both Quantity and Unit Cost.
312592 IJ07565 Invoices In the Invoices application, the ConsignmentInvoiceCronTask does not create invoices based on the frequency set on the item and throws an error.
319000 IJ09570 Invoices In the Invoices application, when you create invoices from the Maximo UI, the GL Debit Account is not set correctly on the invoice line.
326825 IJ12283 Invoices In the Invoices application, you are not able to approve invoices for purchase orders that have revisions.
323288 IJ11244 Invoices In the Invoices application, you are unable to approve invoices with matching receipts.
317604 IJ09029 Itegration Modules In the Integration Modules application, the REST API does not return all the FAILURELIST records.
319306 IJ09656 Item Master In the Item Master application, after you issue using the auto-split feature, there is a mismatch between records in the LIFO/FIFO cost and the asset cost.
330043 IJ13381 Item Master In the Item Master application, when you add a kit to a storeroom that contains an item with a LIFO/FIFO cost type, an incorrect error message is displayed.
323372 IJ11268 Item Master When you run the item order status report and then select a hyperlinked item number from the list of records, an error occurs. 
329227 IJ13152 Item Master In the Item Master application, if the Inventory Reorder value is set to 0 for an item, that item will be set to reorder.
318785 IJ09362 Job Plans In the Job Plans application, when job plan labor is associated to a contract, it is not possible to revise a job plan and associate it to a valid labor contract.
317607 IJ09032 Job Plans In the Job Plans application, when you duplicate a job plan and view the status history on the new record, it keeps the status date of the original job plan.
318664 IJ09244 Job Plans In the Work Order Tracking application, when you assign an owner to a job plan task, the Assigned Owner Group field is not properly set and instead inherits the Assigned Owner Group from the preceding task in the Job Plan.
328557 IJ12954 Job Plans In the Job Plans application, when you add a classification for an attribute on a job plan, you receive an error if you are using SQL Server when saving the record.
323191 IJ11114 Job Plans If you are using IBM Control Desk version, when you use the Revise Job Plan action to revise a job plan, an error occurs. 
327371 IJ12557 JSON Mapping In the JSON Mapping application, if you map the DOCLINKS attribute, DOCUMENTDATA, for outbound transactions that contain Base64 encoded data, an error occurs for the JSON processing class when you attach documents.
321525 IJ10676 KPI Manager In the KPI Manager application, if your user ID does not match your person ID, an error occurs if you try to duplicate a KPI.
332012 IJ14452 KPI Templates In the KPI Templates application, when you generate KPIs, all KPIs are assigned the same name as the template.
316220 IJ08560 Labor When there are multiple labor transactions and you delete a labor transaction, some of the labor transactions are moved into edit mode.
318221 IJ09150 Labor Reporting In the Labor Reporting application, the Select By Labor field shows incorrect values.
328732 IJ13050 Labor Reporting In the Labor Reporting application, when creating an invoice for a large number of labor entries, and when the Consolidate By Work Order selection is used, there might be multiple invoice lines for a single work order on the generated invoice.
327522 IJ12619 Launch in Context If you use Internet Explorer version 11, you cannot use any options that are built from the launch in context feature if the option opens a new tab or screen in the current browser.
309752 IJ06875 Linear Assets In the Linear Assets application, when you attempt to add a classification on the Specification tab, an error is generated at the bottom of the page.
328596 IJ12958 Locations In the Locations application, in a system with a large location hierarchy, the Parent Location value list takes a long time to resolve.
316590 IJ08776 Locations In the Locations or Assets (T&D) application, you cannot open a map from the list tab.
320935 IJ10420 Login When you use two-factor authentication to log in to Maximo Asset Management, a uisessionid is not assigned to the user.
320039 IJ10015 Login When you install IBM Control Desk, and specify that default passwords are used for all users, you cannot log in as maxadmin, mxintadm, or maxreg.
312946 IJ07724 Login In a multitenant environment, you cannot log into a work center with OSLC.
316299 IJ08556 Manage Inspection In the Manage Inspections Forms application, the Single Choice response field does not expand.
328669 IJ13027 Manage Service Requests In the Manage Service Requests application, in a multi-tenancy environment, you cannot submit a new service request without a category.
310211 IJ07121 Map manager In the Map Manager application, map services are not displayed in the correct order.
303917 IJ05491 Map Manager (Spatial) In the JSON Mapping application, the GL account is sent as null.
324239 IJ11471 Message Tracking In the Message Reprocessing and Message Tracking applications, error messages from HTTP requests are not being saved.
330709 IJ13939 Migration Manager In the Migration Manager application, when you try to deploy a Migration Manager package that contains the OSLCWODETAIL Object Structure, an error occurs.
318145 IJ09116 Migration Manager In the Migration Manager application, when you deploy a package, an error message is displayed if the object structure security is configured to use the object structure for the authorization name.
322129 IJ10845 Object Structures In the Object Structures application, when you modify the MXINVRES object structure, an error message is displayed.
315984 IJ08517 Object Structures In the Object Structures application, when you import ASSETSPEC data, the imported NUMVALUE value is rounded.
326826 IJ12281 OSLC Providers In the OSLC Providers application, when selecting Create OSLC Interaction for an existing provider, you receive an error message.
324100 IJ11453 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventative Maintenance application, when you change the PM Counter field in the Set PM Counter option, you are not prompted for e-signature even though the E-signature checkbox has been selected for the Set PM Counter option in Database Configura
319462 IJ09698 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when the storeroom is on the header and not on the associated job plan, forecast costs are not calculated.
327005 IJ12288 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, you receive a maximum open cursors exceeded error while traversing PM records on the List tab. You should be able to go to the next pages without receiving this error.
329372 IJ13162 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when you generate a work order that has direct issue items, an error occurs.
315842 IJ08473 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, the preventive maintenance forecast does not consider the value of the PMFORECAST.NEWDATE field.
321391 IJ10630 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when a preventive maintenance record uses a meter based frequency and the PM is INACTIVE, the pmwogen crontask tries to generate the pm record.
314991 IJ08285 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, when you enter a non-existent location on a PM record, a misleading system message is displayed.
321545 IJ10686 Preventive Maintenance In the Preventive Maintenance application, you receive an error saying the record already exists when generating Preventive Maintenance forecasts with routes.
311006 IJ07338 Preventive Maintenance When you change the status of an eSIG enabled preventive maintenance record and the preventive maintenance record has a forecast, the eSIG gets caught in a loop.
311500 IJ07386 Purchase Contracts In the Purchase Contracts application, the release costs are calculated based on the line cost instead of the loaded cost.
319648 IJ09765 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Order application, when a standard service line is allocated and prorated to another line that had completed receipts used, the receipts field on the closed purchase order is being flipped to partial.
332451 IJ14471 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application,  if you revise a PO that has a status of PNDREV and POs automatically close on invoice approval, the PO is canceled when an item on the PO is received.
317089 IJ08787 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, when the default insert site is not the same is the purchase orders site, revising the purchase order causes an error.
325536 IJ11816 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, you cannot approve purchase orders from the Desktop Requisitions application if a requisition with the same number and a canceled or closed status exists in another site.
328755 IJ13033 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Order application, when a purchase order is created with Currency set to a value other than base currency for a line type of service, the Receipt Due value is negative.
321278 IJ10605 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, the Revise Blanket Contract warning message is incorrect.
317471 IJ08983 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, when a rotating item is listed on a purchase order on multiple lines and a full receipt is done, the inventory balance is not always updated correctly.
325659 IJ11933 Purchase Orders In the Purchase Orders application, when you create a purchase order, add an item and close the purchase order, an error occurs.
320033 IJ10063 Purchase Orders The purchase order/purchase requisition collaboration switch is not working as expected. When the PCVALUE is equal to 1, the status of the purchase requisition automatically changes to closed after the creation of a purchase order.
327412 IJ12572 Purchase Requisitions In the Purchase Requisitions application, when you add an item in a different currency to that of the item master, the unit price from the item master is not converted to the purchase requisitions currency.
319459 IJ09688 Purchase Requisitions When you remove the work order number on the PRLINE object, the following error occurs: The Relationship POCOST does not exist for the business object PRLINE. Verify that the relationship specified in parameter POCOST exists in the Maxrelationship table.
330925 IJ14011 Purchase Requisitions In the Purchase Requisitions application, in a purchase requisition, you can see an attachment that was added to a desktop requisition in a different site.
326015 IJ12017 Purchase Requisitions When you revise and then cancel the revision for a purchase contract, associated purchase requisitions revert from the CLOSE status to the APPR status, and connections between the purchase requisition lines and the purchase contract lines are removed. 
318665 IJ09245 Purchase Requisitions In the Purchase Requisitions application, if a condition is applied to the Change Status button or to the Approve Purchase Requisition button, the condition is not evaluated after you save the record.
327503 IJ12555 Receiving In the Receiving application, when Service receipts in Waiting for Inspection status are rejected, the system is not calculating the Tax Amount correctly.
314835 IJ08231 Receiving In the Receiving application, when you receive a purchase order with OSLC, error occur as the transaction completes.
271144 IV96994 Receiving When you use the Receive Rotating Items in Bulk method, the application server eventually runs out of memory or the maximum open cursors Oracle error is reached and the transaction fails.
327769 IJ12697 Receiving In the Receiving application, when receiving a service purchase oder with a to site that is different from the site on the PO header, and there are also distributed costs, a receipt cannot be created for the selected row. You receive an error that says th
327590 IJ12627 Receiving In the Receiving application, when you select items for return against a material item with inspection required, and then distribute the cost when going to PO View related records, the transaction shows as type POCOST and WINSP. The Inspection status shou
314407 IJ08003 Receiving In the Receiving application, when you select return an item to vendor, the CONSIGNMENT field displays 0 when it is 1.
327277 IJ12502 Receiving In the Receiving application, you can receive services against a purchase order that references a closed work order. You should not be able to receive services against a closed work order.
327593 IJ12631 Report In Labor Utilization reports, if any of the labor codes contain an apostrophe, the report will throw an error.
309904 IJ07022 Report In the Report application, the OOTB RFQ vendor comparison report shows the result as a line graph based on the total cost and not the total cost in Base Currency.
334101 IJ15113 Report Administration In the Reports Administrator application, the Export to CSV function is vulnerable to a command injection.
308930 IJ06769 Report Administration In the Report Administration application, if you use the default value for date parameters and a corresponding operator on a request page, the resulting query is invalid.
308827 IJ06721 Report Administration In the Report Administration application, when you use the custom date parameter DISPLAYDATE for a non-base language, the date parameters get corrupted.
328923 IJ13088 Request for Quotations In the Request for Quotations application, if you create a contract with more than 10,000 lines, the application hangs and the contract is not created.
316589 IJ08773 Routes In the Routes application, the Update field with Current Value button does not work.
321781 IJ10755 Scheduler In the Graphical Scheduling application, not all fields are translated into Portuguese.
328925 IJ13091 Scheduler In the Graphical Assignment application, if you have more than 8 shifts and you sent the system property skd.shift.enable.colors to be 1, you receive an error because there are only 8 defined colors.
311634 IJ07416 Scheduler When you edit the availability for a person so that the person can be assigned to and complete a work order on a day that the person was not supposed to work according to their calendar, the person's original availability is recalculated incorrectly, and 
321250 IJ10578 Security When a data set is deleted by a user that is not allowed to delete the data set, no message is displayed.
311364 IJ07361 Service Providers In the Service Provider application, when you use the Create Communication action, customer estimate attachments are not automatically attached.
316158 IJ08532 Service Requests In the Service Request application, the Select Location window does not reset previous search results.
298905 IJ04090 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, when a classification is applied through a ticket template, the classification description is not copied to the service request Summary field.
319304 IJ09617 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, when you enter a value in the Reported By field, the Affected Date field reverts to the current date.
331053 IJ14052 Service Requests If you use Internet Explorer, in the Service Requests application, when you update the internal priority, the description does not update immediately.
328274 IJ12875 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, when hovering over the Work Order field on the Related Records tab, there is no value for Owner Group.
326525 IJ12203 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, when adding a video through Work Center, there is no option to record video. Additionally, when uploading from the library, video files are not available.
319849 IJ09751 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, when there are similarly named ticket templates and you add one to a service request, the incorrect ticket template is applied.
306584 IJ06188 Service Requests When you duplicate a Service Request, the Specifications and Assets are not duplicated.
309884 IJ07015 Service Requests In the Service Request application, when the SR.AFFECTEDUSERNAME field has more than 30 characters, you cannot progress the status of the service request.
326868 IJ12265 Service Requests In the Service Request application, when you select service request and click cancel, the service request card does not move to the completed requested page.
324096 IJ11437 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, the button for adding an item to your bookmarks looks like an icon that indicates that the item is in your bookmarks.
320051 IJ10051 Service Requests In the Service Requests application, when HTML code is entered in the Description field, Java script is executed.
315398 IJ08417 Shipment Receiving In the Shipment Receiving application, when you check a SHIPMENTLINENUM that is associated with an item, an error occurs.
331560 IJ14254 Shipment Receiving In the Shipment Receiving application, after a rotating item is received, the Rotating Asset field is not updated with the rotating asset number.
321350 IJ10617 Start Center If you add the Maximo login URL to an Excel spreadsheet, if you select the link more than once, an error occurs when you open the Start Center.
324785 IJ11583 Start Center In the Start Center application, in a result set, the text in the Work Order description field does not wrap around so you need to scroll horizontally to see all the information.
319031 IJ09581 Start Center When the calendar type is set to Islamic, dates in the Inbox/Assignments portlet and Result Set portlet display as the Gregorian calendar instead.
321096 IJ10533 Start Center When you filter a portlet on the mobile Start Center, filters are removed.
305980 IJ05997 Start Center When you update the Start Center it updates the Default Start Center tab and not the one you are on.
323107 IJ11111 Start Center In the Start Center, when the browser window is not maximized, in the Go To Application menu, some module and application menus are empty.
317973 IJ09070 System Object A web container is blocking threads from getting the next sequence number on an insert statement when you use SQL Server. This causes the database to hang and prevent users from using and logging in to Maximo Asset Management.
334020 IJ15109 System Object After upgrading to Maximo Asset Management, you cannot open any work order that has a long description.
319622 IJ09760 System Object Asset function formulas which use two levels of function cause an error when implemented.
328456 IJ12928 System Object For each asset that it exports by using the MXASSET Publish Channel, Maximo queries the location table 3 times.
314208 IJ08005 System Object In Maximo Asset Management, an OOM (outofmemory) issue exists due to the dummy_table accumulation.
326308 IJ12154 System Object The Java Virtual Machine startup hangs during the startup of a cluster member.
278188 IV98690 System Object In the Anywhere Administration application, records do not appear when you use additional languages.
308639 IJ06707 System Object If your Maximo system is running in an Oracle Real Application Clusters database, in the GV$SESSION table, the INST_ID column is not used when closing or querying long-running connections, and some long-running connections are incorrectly closed.
320078 IJ10026 System Object In a lookup field, you cannot select results suggested by type-ahead using special characters.
320038 IJ10008 System Object In environments that use an RTL (right to left) language, the icon for the previous page is incorrect.
321870 IJ10788 System Object When a look up dialog box is displayed, some read-only fields are editable.
330893 IJ14002 System Properties When importing files in Maximo Asset Management version, the limit of records that can be loaded is 100. With version 7.6.1, the system property mxe.oslc.maximportcount is being ignored.
314288 IJ08039 System Properties In Maximo Asset Management, an OOM (outofmemory) issue exists due to the dummy_table accumulation.
321624 IJ10642 System Properties In Maximo Asset Management, when you log in using a non English language, the Choose File dialogue box is not translated.
310911 IJ07279 System Properties When the end date on a warranty contract is specified as or changed to past the year 2049, an error occurs.
322324 IJ10905 System Properties When you select the SR.AFFECTEDUSERNAME property, the wrong person info is populated.
320040 IJ10002 System Properties You cannot read or act in windows that are in RTL languages.
307088 IJ06306 System Properties The longdescreadonly conditional property does not working when applied to a sigoption with a valid condition in application designer.
333207 IJ14882 System UI Security Scans Maximo Asset Management is vulnerable to file path traversal.
322814 IJ10891 System UI Security Scans Security defect; Malicious file upload. CVE-2019-4056; CVSS Base Score: 4.3; CVSS Temporal Score: See for the current score.
319545 IJ09739 System User Interface After you upgrade, the radio button description is not properly aligned.
323888 IJ11412 System User Interface In any application in which you can upload images, if you upload and then delete an image by using the Add/Update Image action, when you attempt to upload another image, the Choose file button is read-only and is not clickable.
331655 IJ14274 System User Interface In Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers, you cannot submit a registration request from the User Self Registration page.
315044 IJ08291 System User Interface In the Security Groups application, when you filter data and select/clear check boxes in the filter results, all rows of data disappear from the table.
328559 IJ12952 System User Interface When navigating applications, a file not found exception is found in logs.
328561 IJ12949 System User Interface When you use IBM Maximo Asset Management version 7.6.1 and the IoT18 skin, if you make a field read-only, the field color does not change to grey.
300084 IJ04358 System User Interface When you use Maximo-X on some mobile devices and upload a photo from the library, Maximo-X stops working.
326180 IJ12116 System User Interface When you use the German language pack with settings other than the German locale settings, you cannot use keyboard shortcuts for menu items that are in the left navigation menu.
326165 IJ12091 System User Interface When you use the text to speech option, an error occurs.
326026 IJ12016 System User Interface When you close a record and then exit and return to that record, text that is in rich text editor (RTE) fields is not read-only.
325898 IJ11990 System User Interface Any created sigoption that references the labelcss property and a color value is not implemented in associated applications. 
325287 IJ11792 System User Interface Performance issues can occur when navigating Work Centers and when opening or creating records in Work Centers.
323289 IJ11235 System User Interface When you attempt to access an OSLC resource beyond maximo/oslc, an error occurs. 
322209 IJ10817 System User Interface When the mxe.webclient.leavetooltipopen system property is set to 1, hover windows open too quickly.
321625 IJ10661 System User Interface When you attach a file to a solution, the Choose File field is not clearly displayed.
310552 IJ07230 System User Interface When you copy a tablecol cssclass directly into the application xml, it is ignored.
321520 IJ10665 System User Interface In an environment that has multiple languages, defaults set for YorN parameters do not work properly for languages other than the base language.
323188 IJ11199 System User Interface In Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1, when you select the IoT18 skin, excessive vertical spacing is displayed on the UI.
321623 IJ10641 System User Interface In Maximo Asset Management, in the quick configuration tab, when you select Load Data and click Choose File, the full text is cut off.
317187 IJ08955 System User Interface In the Map tab of the Query by Attributes tool, the Layers drop down list is not displayed correctly.
319460 IJ09700 System User Interface When the IOT18 skin is enabled, and the mxe.webclient.verticalLabels system property is set to 1, in the Create a File Attachment dialog window, the Name the document field and description field are not displayed.
319761 IJ09776 Task Cards When you use the Build Data Interpreter (BDI) to create MAXSYNCJOB records, it causes performance issues on the database server.
327695 IJ12671 Time Zone Rules In the Time Zone Rules application, the time zone conversion is completed in the wrong direction.
323190 IJ11117 Time Zone Rules In IBM Knowledge Center, for IBM Maximo Asset Management version, some time zone rules are inaccurately described. If no time zone is associated with the asset or the location, the server time zone is applied.
309749 IJ06952 Translation Data Toolkit Utility When you use the UpdateRichText.bat utility to convert plain text to rich text for a long description record, if there are space lines between two lines, the data after the multiple spaces is truncated.
330990 IJ14025 UpdateDB Utitlity When you upgrade from Maximo to 7.6.1, the UpdateDB utility fails.
329226 IJ13150 UpdateDB Utitlity After upgrading to Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1, many columns are created incorrectly.
328701 IJ13037 UpdateDB Utitlity After upgrading from Maximo Asset Management version to 7.6.1, UpdateDB fails.
326869 IJ12266 Work Execution In the Work Execution application, for each rotating item, the rotating asset field is not getting displayed in Firefox and Safari.
326864 IJ12261 Work Execution In the Work Execution application, when the status of a work order is changed, the cards appear on the page but the record count is not updated.
326863 IJ12260 Work Execution In the Work Execution application, when two or more labor transaction cards are created by a supervisor and assigned to a technician, the technician is able to edit both cards.
326865 IJ12262 Work Execution In the Work Execution application, when you create a work order for an asset with a gauge meter, you cannot add a negative number to the asset meter reading panel.
309115 IJ06814 Work Execution In Maximo Anywhere applications, when you select Changes when you are refreshing lookup data, instead of downloading only the changed lookup data, all the lookup data is downloaded.
329869 IJ13300 Work Execution In the Work Execution application, you receive an error when data is synchronized between Maximo Anywhere and Maximo Asset Management.
316285 IJ08552 Work Execution In the Work Execution work center, the same number of cards are not displayed as in the count.
316176 IJ08591 Work Execution In the Work Execution work center, when you use Google Chrome and scroll left and right, the Overdue option is hidden.
316451 IJ08742 Work Order Tracking In Maximo Anywhere, when you enter labor actuals on a device that has a different time zone to the Maximo server, dates are not validated correctly.
311875 IJ07466 Work Order Tracking In the Everyplace version of the Work Tracking application, when you use the date picker to select a date and time, an error occurs if the locale is set to Spanish.
319001 IJ09544 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, calendar lookup does not close when you navigate from one tab to another.
328281 IJ12799 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, data sheets created with a specific organization and site are not associated with the correct Site ID.
326522 IJ12202 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, if a user has read_only access to a specific site, they can save changes to a work order in that site. They should not be able to save changes to a work order in that site.
311637 IJ07408 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, if there is a Time Zone selected that is ahead of the Serv time in Default Information, when you attempt to delete a material line and save the record, you receive either an error that says that you cannot change th
328097 IJ12859 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, on the Assignments tab, the Labor lookup is not filtering by craft and skill level.
323291 IJ11239 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, on the Work Order tab, users that have read-only access to the application can use the Clear All button in the Multiple Assets, Locations, and CIs table to update the work order and delete labor from the Plans tab.
328636 IJ12971 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, there is an Invalid Binding message in the Originating Record field when you hover over that field.
324846 IJ11588 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when changing the status for a work order, the status changes to a non-default status.
317605 IJ09051 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you apply a job plan or labor to a work order, you receive a message that tells you that an unknown error has occurred.
312429 IJ07530 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you approve a work order that has a synonym value in the Location field, an error occurs.
315191 IJ08276 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you click the Plans tab on an open Work Order, a delay occurs before the tab loads.
318088 IJ09098 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you export activities to Microsoft Excel, predecessors are not visible.
320738 IJ10383 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you move an assignment from a crew and back to the crew again, the assignment disappears from the Assignment View window.
320503 IJ10284 Work Order Tracking In the Work Orders Tracking application, if an attachment is uploaded to a communication before a template is specified for the communication, an error occurs and the communication is not sent. To resolve this issue, the default for the mxe.doclink.delete
318784 IJ09312 Work Order Tracking When you have a work order in WMATL status and add another material line, Maximo Asset Management changes the work order status to approved when you delete the new material line.
313729 IJ07906 Work Order Tracking After you disable the DepreciationFinTransCronTask cron task in the Cron Task Setup application, in the Work Order Tracking application, the system still queries the deprecation table for a work order, and the log includes a high MBO count.
316174 IJ08546 Work Order Tracking In the Technician work center, when an item is selected in item and materials, the storeroom is cleared out.
329578 IJ13113 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, a work order that has direct issue and out of stock items changes status from WMATL to APPR after the direct issue material receipt.
330298 IJ13576 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, changes to only the first actual material line are saved.
328926 IJ13090 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, empty related rows are added when you try to add a related work order that is already added.
323487 IJ11288 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, on the list tab, the Reschedule Unassign Assignments action does not work correctly.
316173 IJ08544 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, the time card is not getting displayed on the Report Work page.
314656 IJ08140 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when a Work Order exists in multiple sites and you try to set the Labor status to Inactive, an error occurs.
324925 IJ11572 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when entering a date and time using the lookup and manually changing the minutes or seconds, the time refreshes to the original selected value.
316210 IJ08542 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when the Inspections panel or the Inspection from Library panel contains items, the date in the details pane is displayed in the Maximo language instead of the browser language.
317987 IJ08938 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you and the application server are in different time zones, time zone rules do not work properly.
332686 IJ14552 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you change the task description and search for the work order, the updated task description is not shown.
316172 IJ08543 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you click multiple times on the Add Times button, multiple cards are displayed.
325617 IJ11975 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you click the error icon that is displayed when a field value is invalid, the More Information link in the error dialog is broken.
314025 IJ07979 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you open a map, the dialog auto-locates to the service address instead of the asset location.
316209 IJ08539 Work Order Tracking In the Work Supervision work center, you cannot see ellipsis in the Long Description field.
316212 IJ08545 Work Order Tracking In the Work Technician work center, the lookup is not working correctly for an unapproved labor transaction.
316167 IJ08541 Work Order Tracking When a problem or cause is removed from a work order, the failure page is not complete.
316223 IJ08561 Work Order Tracking When you approve a work order that has an owner already specified, it does not move to the Monitor column.
316164 IJ08536 Work Order Tracking When you create a labor transaction on a mobile device and select the end date, the end time is set at 12:00 a.m.
333246 IJ14917 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, the default status that is set for work orders at the site level is not displayed for new work orders.
330042 IJ13333 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, you cannot specify a start time for planned labor that you selected.
326521 IJ12201 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, hover help does not open correctly on tabs that are read only.
315498 IJ08440 Work Order Tracking The Wildcards and operators for searching topic on IBM Knowledge Center states that an asterisk can be used as a wildcard.
314956 IJ08273 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when a job plan is deleted and then you return to the List tab, a strike through is not displayed, and you can select the job plan.
314788 IJ08188 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, work logs are not saved if the work tab exists on the Work Order tab.
313311 IJ07780 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking and Service Request application, if you lock and then unlock a record, you cannot delete an attachment.
310210 IJ07119 Work Order Tracking The Duplicate Flag is not in the value list.
309684 IJ06937 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, in the long description box, when you enter text and select a different font size than the default , the size of the text is changed back to the default size.
333512 IJ15008 Work Order Tracking  In the Work Order Tracking and Graphical Assignment applications, the Reschedule/Reassign action does not work correctly for a craft assignment or crew type. 
326867 IJ12264 Work Supervision  In the Work Supervision application, in the comments tab, the comments field has a white space underneath it.
326871 IJ12268 Work Supervision  In the Work Supervision application, when you create a new work order, and click the add labor button, the craft lookup icon is not visible.
326866 IJ12263 Work Supervision  In the Work Supervision application, when you select a work order that is waiting on approval and click it, the approve button is still shown on the UI.
316273 IJ08549 Work Supervision  In the Work Supervisor work center, when you scroll all the way down through the Work Progress card and stop, the card does not display properly.
316323 IJ08563 Work Supervision  In the Conduct an inspection application, when you create an active inspection and run a query on the form, the date/time response field is not populated.
316264 IJ08533 Work Supervision  In the Work Supervision work center, after you assign an owner group, the Assign Owner button is still displayed.
316165 IJ08538 Work Supervision  In the Work Supervision work center, in Firefox, the Undo link is not centralized.
316217 IJ08555 Work Supervision  In the Work Supervision work center, on the Comments tab of a work order, the Comment field is no completely visible.
316271 IJ08548 Work Supervision  In the Work Supervision work center, when there are more than six digits in a task ID, the task ID is not properly displayed.
316177 IJ08587 Work Supervision  In the Work Supervision work center, when you create work orders, the same assignment card is displayed multiple times.
316214 IJ08550 Work Supervision  In the Work Supervision work center, when you save cards with negative regular hours with the same start and end date, the regular hours are set to zero.
316215 IJ08551 Work Supervision  In the Work Supervision work center, when you select a card that is waiting on approval, some buttons are not displayed.
316218 IJ08557 Work Supervision  In the Work Supervision work center, you cannot enter or view comments in the comments tab.
315659 IJ08462 Workflow Designer In the Workflow Designer application, when you create a custom table for a workflow, you receive a message that says that certain fields exceed the maximum field length.
327958 IJ12761 Workflow Designer In the Start Center, the Inbox/Assignments portlet includes wrapped lines of text. To edit how text is wrapped in the Inbox/Assignments porlet, you can now update the webclient.portletwraplength system property. If the value is -1, the text never wraps. I
312206 IJ07520 Workflow Designer When you route a work order, the following error occurs: BMXAA4373E - There were no synchronization records found for the process.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.6.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
26 April 2022

