In PAW, when trying to expand one particular TM1 Server on the left frame, this error shows up :
Unable to fetch data for content tree.
Session cannot be established for server:<TM1ServerName>
500 (internal error) ...
Json parse exception: Invalid UTF -8 middle byte 0x74\n at source ...
Special characters / escape characters in RUX files (even in commentaries)
Resolving The Problem
These special characters may not be visible in Architect, the best way to see them is to open all RUX files in an advanced text editor that is using some visible codes to show special characters (for example "NUL", whereas Architect or Notepad would show nothing).
One possible cause is that the RUX files contain localized characters and were incorrectly copied from one server (most probably Linux/Unix) to another. It may occur if FTP was used in Binary mode instead of Ascii mode for transferring RUX files.
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Document Information
Modified date:
06 December 2018