IBM Support

Developer Portal upgrade results in error: "chmod: cannot access '/etc/csync2.key': No such file or directory"

Question & Answer


Why is my Developer Portal upgrade failing with the following errors?

Updating from system version 7.x- to system version 7.x-
Checking file perms ...
chmod: cannot access '/etc/csync2.key': No such file or directory
Re-enabling the crontab for the admin user ...
Fixpack removing stop_db breadcrumb
Error occurred in script at line: 1586.
Line exited with status: 1
See /var/log/devportal/command_line.log for more details.

NOTE: The "from" and "to" system versions in the messages above are not specific to these values and can be any generally available 5.0.x.x versions



These errors are indicative of applying a fixpack to a node which has not yet been setup. To verify that this is the issue being encountered, the output of the `status` command should show something like the following:

Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
System version: 7.x-
Distribution version: 7.x-

Free disk space: 304G
 RAM Free/Total: 60351 MB / 64430 MB (93% free)
   Set Hostname: OK
     DNS Server: Reachable (

This node has not yet been setup.

  Please execute either
      to setup a standalone machine or the first machine in a cluster.
    set_hostname myhostname
    set_cluster_members existing_machine_ip/host
      to add a machine to an existing cluster.




The node needs to be setup as standalone, setup as the first machine in the cluster, or added to an existing cluster. To correct the issue:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Setup as standalone machine or the first machine in a cluster by executing the following command: `set_apim_host`
    • Add the machine to an existing cluster by executing the following commands: 
  2. Re-install fixpack


IMPORTANT NOTE: If attempting to migrate from Debian to Ubuntu,  see Migrating your Developer Portal OVAs from Debian V7 to Ubuntu V16.04  and follow instructions step-by-step including using the specific versions documented in the article.

  • Debian V7 upgrade file:
  • Ubuntu V16.04 OVA file:

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSMNED","label":"IBM API Connect"},"Component":"Developer Portal","Platform":[{"code":"PF004","label":"Appliance"}],"Version":"5.0.x.x","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 November 2018

