IBM Support

New Quick Start Wizard Interface

Release Notes


New Quick Start wizard interface


From 10.66 release, MaaS360 offers new Quick Start wizard for MaaS360 application portal to make initial MaaS360 set-up experience effortless for the customer administrators. The new wizard aims to provide necessary information at each step during quick start setup to helps administrators to opt for right choices that suit their business needs. Namely, two new settings: Security Policy and Configuring native email settings are added in the new Quick Start wizard. The new wizard helps administrators to configure initial settings that are required for Mobile Device Management. 

From this release, new Quick Start is available by default for all new customers. Existing MaaS360 customers can access new Quick Start by using 'Switch to new UI' option available under User Profile. 

Configure new Quick Start for the first time

The new Quick Start includes following configurations:

  1. Apple enrollment setup
  2. Security policy
  3. Configure native email
  4. Enrollment

More enhancements to the new Quick Start are coming in the future releases to make complete MaaS360 deployment experience effortless for customer administrators.

Note: At every step in Quick Start wizard setup, you are provided an option to skip the step for now. You can return to Quick Start from home page and resume Quick Start setup or restart the setup.

How to configure Apple Enrollment setup during new Quick Start?

  1. From MaaS360 Quick Start home page, click Get Started


  1. Click Setup Apple Enrollment


  1. In Setup Apple Enrollment wizard, follow the steps according to the scenario applicable to you.
  • Scenario 1: If you already have an APNs Certificate,
  1. Click Upload it here.


  1. Browse and upload Apple MDM Certificate and enter Certificate Password.


  1. Click Save and continue with Security Policy configuration in New Quick Start.


  • Scenario 2: If you do not have an APNs Certificate, continue with step 4.
  1. Enter your company Apple ID, click Generate Certificate, and download CSR.txt. 

             Note: If you do not have a company Apple ID, create new Apple ID. Follow on-screen instruction to create new ID.         


  1. Create and download Apple Push Certificate from Apple's Push Certificate Portal. Follow the on-screen instructions in the wizard to download certificate. Additionally, watch the step-by-step instructions video in the wizard that shows you how to create and download your Push Certificate.          
  2. On successful completion of downloading Apple's Push Certificate, click Continue
  3. Select and upload the downloaded Apple Push Certificate, which is a .pem file to MaaS360.


  1. Create and confirm Certificate password.
  2. Click Upload Certificate.

Result: Apple enrollment setup is complete. 

What to-do next: Continue Security Policy configurations in new Quick Start. If needed, you can perform edit action on existing Apple enrollment. The steps remain same as configuring new apple enrollment. 

How to configure Security Policy during new Quick Start?

The Security policy configuration during Quick Start can be applied to all enrolled devices. The security policy settings that you configure during Quick Start are editable and you might configure more security settings from Security page in the portal as and when needed. You are also provided an option to skip Security policy setting for now. You can return to Quick Start from home page at any point and configure Security policy.

Select the Security policy that you want to apply from the following policies:

Security policy Description
Basic This security policy allows to set a 6 character numeric passcode for all enrolled devices. This policy enables basic security settings only.

The Intermediate security policy provides more settings and ensures that security policy offers median security for all enrolled devices. The security settings that are offered under Intermediate Security Policy are illustrated in the image.



The Strict security policy provides settings that ensure security policy offers extreme security for all enrolled devices. The security settings that are offered under Strict Security Policy are illustrated in the image.

Viewing an example of Security policy configuration in new Quick Start wizard

Result: Security policy configuration is complete. 

What to-do next: Continue with native email configuration in new Quick Start.

How to configure native email during new Quick Start?

The native email configuration during Quick Start provisions to configure the email app that is preinstalled on your user's devices. This configuration is applicable for all enrolled devices. Currently, you can configure only native email from Quick Start. In future releases, provision to configure MaaS360 Secure Mobile Mail would be available. 

You might skip native email configuration in any of the following cases:

  • You want users to manually configure native email.
  • You want to configure email by using MaaS360 Secure Mobile Mail.

Enter email server host name, enable SSL if you are using SSL for ActiveSync, and click Save settings

Result: Native email configuration is complete. 

What to-do next: Continue device enrollment in new Quick Start.

How to enroll devices during new Quick Start?

The native email configuration during Quick Start allows you to send enrollment requests to devices that you want to manage.


To send enrollment request, you need,

  • User's email address
  • Device phone number 

To accept enrollment request,

  • user needs access to the device that receives enrollment invitation. 

You are also provided an option to skip sending enrollment requests for now, and perform this action from Enrollments page in the portal.

  1. Click Enroll devices in the Enrollment page.
  2. Add username, email, domain, and mobile number for one or more users to whom enrollment invitations must be sent.


  1. Click Send enrollment invitation.
  2. You can enroll more devices, else click Finish.

Result: The enrollment invitations are sent to users through email and SMS. 

What to-do next:Go to MaaS360 home page.


MaaS360 Quick Start setup is completed. Summary of Quick Start configurations that you performed or skipped is displayed as illustrated in the image.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSYSXX","label":"IBM MaaS360"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"10.66","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 November 2018

