IBM Support

MaaS360 for Android 6.25 Release Summary

Release Notes


MaaS360 for Android 6.25 Release Summary - MaaS360 MDM For Android


MaaS360 makes Android app version 6.25 available in Play Store on 7th August 2018.

MaaS360 for Android version 6.25 includes the following applications:

  • MaaS360 for Android Core app
  • Android Enterprise
  • OEMs

MaaS360 for Android Core

Support to easily identify devices that have power saving mode enabled >>

When managed devices enter power saving mode, some features like background data and location services are restricted and MaaS360 agent cannot receive important updates from the MaaS360 portal. To overcome this issue, MaaS360 adds support to identify managed devices that have power saving mode enabled in the device view. Administrators can also use the advanced search to filter all the devices that entered the power saving mode.

Support to change device name through web services >>

MaaS360 adds support to update a device name using the Set Device Name web service call. For more details, refer to MaaS360 Webservices guide.

Android Enterprise

Android Enterprise and Samsung Knox harmonization >> 

Background: Android Enterprise and Samsung Knox are unified into one solution for Samsung devices.

MaaS360 adds support for Samsung Harmonization. With this feature, MaaS360 allows administrators to leverage Samsung Knox APIs for corporate-owned Samsung devices enrolled in DO mode in addition to already supported Android Enterprise API’s. In 10.69, MaaS360 adds this capability as new policies for Samsung devices with a new support tag DO with KNOX under Android Enterprise in Android MDM Policy. Note: For existing DO enrollments on Samsung devices, users can enable ELM License from Corporate Settings to use this feature. The devices that enroll after 6.25 release are eligible for this feature by default. Supported on Samsung devices running Android OS version 6+.

Enrollment of Work-Managed devices using Samsung KME >>

MaaS360 provides support for KME-based Device Owner mode (Android Enterprise) enrollments. With this feature, organizations can pre-configure work-managed devices through Samsung KME so that devices automatically enroll into MaaS360 in DO mode after the first boot or on device reset. Note: Supports only Device Owner (DO) mode enrollment and applicable only on Samsung devices with Knox 2.8+.

Support for root/jailbreak device restriction for Android Enterprise devices >>

MaaS360 extends the Jailbreak/root device restriction support to Android Enterprise devices. With this support, MaaS360 enforces a selective wipe action to prevent the users from accessing corporate resources when a jailbroken device is detected.

Support to schedule downloading of Android Enterprise app updates >>

MaaS360 adds support to schedule downloading of Android Enterprise app upgrades for a set time and date to prevent business interruptions. Previously, administrators could only set the app upgrade time and date. Note: The upgrade date must be greater than upgrade download time. Note: If the download of app upgrade is not scheduled, the download is initiated as soon as the administrator upgrades the app.


Support to schedule device and group-level actions on Zebra and Bluebird devices >>

MaaS360 allows administrators to schedule various actions on Bluebird and Zebra devices to take place during a window of time that does not affect the employee productivity. In this release, MaaS360 adds scheduling support for OS download, upgrade, and copy file actions.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSYSXX","label":"IBM MaaS360"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF014","label":"iOS"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
02 November 2018

