IBM Support

MaaS360 for Android 5.95 Release Summary

Release Notes


MaaS360 for Android 5.95 Release Summary - MaaS360 MDM for Android (Core App), MaaS360 for LG, MaaS360 for Zebra, MaaS360 for Kyocera, MaaS360 Mail, MaaS360 Secure Docs, MaaS360 Secure Editor, MaaS360 Secure Viewer, Kiosk


MaaS360 will make the Android app version 5.95 available in Google play on October 26, 2017

The apps that have MaaS360 portal dependency are documented as a part of MaaS360 Cloud 10.64 Release.

The MaaS360 for Android app version 5.95 release includes the following applications:

  • MaaS360 for Android (Core App)
  • MaaS360 for LG
  • MaaS360 for Zebra
  • MaaS360 for Kyocera
  • MaaS360 Mail
  • MaaS360 Secure Docs
  • MaaS360 Secure Viewer
  • MaaS360 Secure Editor


MaaS360 Core App

Support for provisioning multiple VPN profiles >>

MaaS360 enhances the VPN capabilities by allowing the users to configure multiple VPN profiles of their choice. Previously, even though multiple VPN profiles were pushed to the devices, only one profile was configured.

Redesigned MaaS360 Lock Screen >>

MaaS360 revamped the Lock screen to make significant improvements in areas such as accessibility, look and feel, unlock speed, and visibility.

Support for default idle timeout for MaaS360 app >> 

MaaS360 enforces a default idle timeout of one minute for MaaS360 app, meaning the MaaS360 app is locked after one minute of inactivity. However, the idle timeout enforced through secure passcode policies takes precedence.

Revamped interface and reporting support for web clips >>

MaaS360 redesigns the user interface of web clips to make it consistent with other apps in App Catalog container. The revamp features new buttons that allows the users to clearly differentiate between web clips that are available for installation and web clips that are already installed. MaaS360 also enabled support for reporting of web clip installation and distribution status.

Reinforced security and performance with Trusteer Threat Management >> 

MaaS360 upgrades the Trusteer SDK to 4.4 to enhance security and performance. This upgrade is automatically applied to all the accounts that have the Trusteer Threat Management enabled.

Support for Cloud Identity Single Sign-On (SSO) and Conditional Access on Androids >>

In this release, MaaS360 enhances the platform to extend support for IBM Cloud Identity on Android devices. MaaS360 integration with IBM Cloud Identity enables enterprises to enable single sign-on and conditional access to cloud based apps. The new feature requires the new version of MaaS360 for Android version 5.95 to leverage this integration.


MaaS360 PIM

Support for contact groups >>

MaaS360 synchronizes contact groups from the Exchange account, making it easier for the users to send emails and calendar invites to multiple recipients at once. This feature eliminates the need to send emails to each recipient individually.

Support for multiple S/MIME certificates >>

MaaS360 adds multiple certificate support, allowing the users to verify and decrypt older messages sent prior to the expiration of the S/MIME certificates. Usually, the digitally signed and encrypted messages are unverified and unavailable for the users after the certificate expiration. With this feature, MaaS360 exposes both old and new certificates so that the older messages are verified and decrypted with the help of respective private key.

Default folders for calendar and contacts >>

The users who have multiple accounts or delegated accounts in their MaaS360 Secure Mail can now set a folder for default calendar and contacts. Previously, the primary account was first source for contacts and calendar by default, unless users manually changed it.

Support for retrieving relevant contacts from recent contacts list >>

Back in 5.85, MaaS360 introduced support for recent contacts, where in the relevant contact suggestions were displayed in the recipient (To, CC, BCC) fields. Effective 5.95, MaaS360 adds Recently sent folder, allowing the users to manage a local list of contacts they recently emailed to. With this feature, users can view, delete, or completely reset the list of contacts in the Recently sent folder.


MaaS360 Docs


Support for RecyclerView for fast scrolling

MaaS360 integrated RecyclerView support library to provide a dynamic user interface and enhance scrolling experience. With RecyclerView, the collection of multiple documents is efficiently displayed on the screen and when the users scroll through the currently visible documents, RecyclerView recycles and reuses the views to display new documents. Additionally, MaaS360 displays documents in multiple columns to support screens with larger resolutions. 

OEM Helper App Enhancements

Zero-touch enrollment for Zebra devices >> 

MaaS360 introduces zero-touch enrollment for Zebra devices, allowing the administrators to pre-configure the devices before they are shipped to the users. MaaS360 leverages StageNow tool to deploy the devices across the enterprise quickly and easily with minimal interaction from the users.

Support for certificate based authentication for Exchange ActiveSync on Kyocera Devices >> 

MaaS360 now allows users to authenticate with the Exchange ActiveSync accounts using identity certificates. In previous releases, only password authentication was supported. With this feature, end users will not have to enter any credentials for authentication. This also requires the MaaS360 app for Android and MaaS360 Kyocera helper app versions 5.95 and above.

Android Enterprise (formerly Android for Work) Enhancements 

New runtime permissions model for Google Enterprise devices >> 

MaaS360 introduces runtime permissions support to allow the administrators to control what permissions an app can exercise on the Google Enterprise devices. With this feature, administrators can explicitly configure permissions such as grant, deny, or prompt at an individual app level.

Defect Fixes

The following defects are fixed as a part of 5.95

Defect Number Summary BETA Agent build #
26712 The contacts in the device are successfully synced to Outlook. Previously, there was a discrepancy between contacts in device and Outlook. MaaS360 Secure Mail #600595207
26697 The latest versions of policies are successfully enforced on the devices. Previously, the policies were not applied due to incorrect device time. MaaS360 for Android #600595209
26648 When an email is deleted from Outlook, that email is removed from MaaS360 Secure Mail, too. Previously, due to synchronization issues, the email was retained on MaaS360 Secure Mail even though it was deleted from Outlook. MaaS360 Secure Mail #600595207
26305 MaaS360 allows users to configure Secure Mail to open allowlisted file types with third party apps of their choice. Previously, the file type 3cxconfig in Secure Mail could not be opened with the allowlisted third party app.  MaaS360 Secure Mail #600595207
26014, 25908 The email content is displayed successfully. Previously, the email body was displayed only after opening the email multiple times. MaaS360 Secure Mail #600595207
25888 The Kiosk mode is successfully launched on the devices. Previously, the Kiosk mode crashed. MaaS360 for Android #600595209 

For the shared Android for Work devices (DO mode) devices, 

1. The wallpaper enforced through policies is successfully applied.

2. The App Catalog icon is retained on the home page. However, the App Catalog still redirects to MaaS360 app.

3. If duplicate App Catalog icon is displayed after branding, users can delete on of those icons.

MaaS360 for Android #600595209
25578 The wallpaper enforced through the policy is successfully applied to Kiosk devices. MaaS360 for Android #600595209
25210 The Kiosk devices successfully detect and pair with other devices through Bluetooth.  MaaS360 for Android #600595209
22921 MaaS360 adds Download MIME option in email settings to allow the download of full message. Previously, the bullet list in emails were not rendered properly. MaaS360 Secure Mail #600595207
22311 The email profile in the native email is successfully removed on selective wipe. Previously, if the email login and domain and MaaS360 Workplace login and domain did not match, the native email profile was not wiped either on selective wipe or on removing MDM control. MaaS360 Secure Mail #600595207
17303 MaaS360 adds a new policy to restrict access to Status bar on LG devices when in Kiosk mode. This policy is available in the following path: Security > Policies > MDM Policy > Advanced Settings > Kiosk Mode Restrictions > Allow Status bar expansion. Previously, the status bar was accessible. MaaS360 for Android #600595209
65470, 25464, 24954, 22311, 17146 The native email is successfully configured. Previously, if different domain and user names were used for native email and device enrollment, the native email was displayed to have not configured even if it was successfully configured. Also, the native email was not removed on removing the corporate control and selective wipe. MaaS360 for Android Build # 600595080
26413 The MaaS360 account is successfully reset. Previously, an error message "MaaS360 Mail has stopped" error message was displayed on resetting the account. MaaS360 Mail Build # 600595072
26338, 24722 The status of the device is successfully updated in MaaS360 portal on wiping the device. Previously, the status showed "Enrolled" and the device was not hidden even though the device was wiped. MaaS360 for Android Build # 600595080
26058 The devices successfully report the location information to MaaS360 portal. MaaS360 for Android Build # 600595080
26026 The authentication error (yellow exclamation mark) is not displayed for Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks containers on resetting the password for primary account. Previously, the error was displayed even if the password reset was required for secondary account.   MaaS360 Mail Build # 600595072
25973 Kiosk launcher is available for Kyocera devices. MaaS360 for Android Build # 600595080
25969 The documents downloaded from Secure Browser are opened in Secure Viewer and successfully saved in Secure Docs. Previously, the documents opened in Secure Viewer could not be downloaded to Secure Docs.

MaaS360 Secure Editor Build #595040

 MaaS360 Secure Docs Build 595049

24148 MaaS360 Secure Viewer successfully opened the .docx files. Previously, the app crashed on opening the .docx file. MaaS360 Secure Docs Build 595049


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSYSXX","label":"IBM MaaS360"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF014","label":"iOS"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
02 November 2018

