IBM Support

IBM i License topics

This page has information and links on a variety of IBM i related topics, including IBM i Entitlement Transfer, backup licensing on IBM i, Service Provider topics, support topics, and more.

Documents are provided in Adobe® PDF format.

IBM i Subscription Transformation

IBM is transforming the IBM i business to subscription term licensing. Subscription term licensing is available for IBM i across the software tiers. In addition, the Licensed Program Products for IBM i are available with subscription term licensing.

IBM i Solution Edition

IBM i Solution Edition now has subscription term software.

IBM i and Dell Storage Attachments

Important update regarding IBM i and Dell storage attachments

IBM i Portfolio Simplification

October 10, 2023:  IBM continues to simplify the IBM i portfolio.

IBM i and Power Private Cloud with Shared Utility Capacity (Power Enterprise Pools 2.0 or EP 2.0)

IBM Db2 Web Query for i Update

October 10, 2023:  IBM withdraws IBM Db2 Web Query for i from marketing.

IBM i Modernization Engine for Lifecycle Integration (IBM i Merlin)

IBM offers a set of containerized applications that will act as a set of guides, or patterns, to help IBM i software developers more easily take on the task of moving into a DevOps, modular, services-oriented world. The IBM i Merlin tools will make it easier for clients to use a combination of on-premises IT infrastructure and one or more clouds.

Virtual Serial Number (VSN)

IBM offers you the ability to acquire a virtual serial number and assign it to a logical partition, also known as a virtual machine (VM). IBM i software can then be ordered on or transferred to the virtual serial number rather than a IBM Power machine serial number.

High Availability and Backup Recovery on IBM i

IBM i Service Provider topics


Entitled Systems Support (ESS)

This Web site provides access to and management support for Power software entitlements and software keys. IBM i and AIX customers will also find Web initiated release upgrades, electronic software download, software maintenance inventory information, and more.

Note: Refer to IBM i Self-Serve Interim Keys for details on one method to acquire emergency temporary keys for qualifying situations.

For more information on ESS, go to the Entitled Systems Support (ESS) Documentation. These documents provide a detailed overview of ESS web site functionality.


Additional resources

[{"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB68","label":"Power HW"}}]

Document Information

More support for:

Software version:
Version Independent

Document number:

Modified date:
15 March 2025



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