IBM Support

IBM MaaS360 Windows Agent Upgrade of technology in the Desktop Management agent and POSSIBLE CUSTOMER IMPACT

Release Notes


The MaaS360 communication technology used between Desktop Management Agent and MaaS360 server is being upgraded. This change offers several advantages, including improved performance, security, and enhanced service quality. PLEASE REVIEW FOR POSSIBLE IMPACT TO SERVICE!



The IBM MaaS360 communication technology is getting upgraded to the new Advanced Windows 10+ Agent for better performance, scalability, and enhanced security. All users that use the older or deprecated DTM agent must upgrade to the new technology before 15 October 2024. This document serves as a notification for customers to proactively plan for this transition.

Who is Impacted

This upgrade impacts customers who are managing Windows 10+ devices with the MaaS360 Desktop Management (Non-MDM) service offering. If the MaaS360 Desktop Management agent for Windows 10+ is not upgraded by 15 October 2024, the agent WILL STOP communicating to the MaaS360 platform. Windows 10+ devices enrolled with MaaS360 as the MDM and devices on other platforms will not be impacted with this upgrade. If you are unsure follow Step 1 below to complete an Advanced Search to discover any Windows 10+ Devices in your inventory using the deprecated DTM Agent.

Note: Previous enrollment workflows will remain functional beyond this date. However, device actions will not work, and it will be important to migrate immediately after enrollment to avoid any issues.

Action Required

The DTM agent for Windows 10+ must be upgraded to the new Advanced Windows 10+ Agent. The upgrade process uses the current MaaS360 Application catalog distribution and installation facilities. The distribution and installation process is run in the background to minimize any impact on user productivity. There is no change to your entitlements or pricing. 

How To Upgrade

Step 1: Creating two device groups to identify the DTM devices to Migrate and Migrated Devices
Device Group: DTM Devices To Be Migrated
  1. Navigate to Devices > Advanced Search
  2. Select options from dropdown for searching required devices.
    • Set 'Search for' to 'Active Devices'
    • Select 'With Device Type(s)': Desktops and Laptops
    • Set 'Last Reported' to 'All Records'
    • Set 'Search Criteria' to '(AND)'
    • Set following Conditions:
      • Software Installed > Application Name > Contains > IBM Endpoint Manager Action Agent
      • Hardware Inventory > Platform Name > Equal To > Windows
      • Hardware Inventory > Managed Status > Equal To > Enrolled
    • Save Group
      • Select 'Create New Device Group'
      • Enter unique name of group for identification
Device Group: Migrated DTM Devices
  1. Navigate to Devices > Advanced Search
  2. Select options from dropdown for searching required devices.
    • Set 'Search for' to 'Active Devices'
    • Select 'With Device Type(s)': Desktops and Laptops
    • Set 'Last Reported' to 'All Records'
    • Set 'Search Criteria' to '(AND)'
    • Set following Conditions:
      • Hardware Inventory > Platform Name > Equal To > Windows
      • Hardware Inventory > Managed Status > Equal To > Activated
    • Save Group
      • Select 'Create New Device Group'
      • Enter unique name of group for identification
Step 2: Add the app (MES 4.0) and upload for distribution to devices
  1. Navigate to Apps > Catalog > Add > Enterprise > App For Windows > Windows Installers (.msi)
  2. Select URL based App Upload
  3. Use one of the below URLs depending on the instance the account is on
    • M1 -
    • M2 -
    • M3 -
    • M4 -
    • M6 -
  4. Set App Codes
    • Product Code : {13972F6C-3111-48D1-8466-A9194AE2E562}
    • Upgrade Code : {F0741F26-BE7A-4EDC-BD6A-D734EA1DA3B8}
  5. Installation Requirement field Tab
    • Relevance to install > select File Exists from dropdown > mention the file path:
      C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM MaaS360\IBM Endpoint Manager Action Agent\EMSAgent.exe
    • Install Success Criteria > Click checkbox > select Registry Key Exists in the dropdown and set the following:
      Key Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\IBM MaaS360\MDM Extender Agent
      Value Name: ProductVersion
      Value Data:
  6. Policies and Distributions Tab
    • Install Settings : Check Install automatically
    • Distribute to the Group of devices to be migrated saved in step 1
Step 3: Monitor the migration status of devices
  1. Click on Devices > Inventory. This will have a consolidated view of all devices
  2. To view the Migrated set of devices, go to Devices > Groups > Find the group created for Migrated DTM devices
Feature Breakout 
The below table will list the features of the DTM agent pre and post upgrade of the communication technology and then the new Advanced Windows Agent.
Features Desktop Management
(Before Migration)
Advanced Windows Agent
(After Migration)
Device Actions
Agent Uninstall
Service Start / Stop
Remote Session
Single Device Onboarding
App Distribution, Install, Uninstall
OS Patching

***Additional features coming early 2025: Lock, Wipe, Shutdown, and Multi Device Onboarding.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSYSXX","label":"IBM MaaS360"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000hCHXAA2","label":"DEVICES"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 October 2024

