IBM Support

Readme for IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation 21.0.3 IF036

Fix Readme


The following document is for IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation 21.0.3 IF036. It includes the CASE package download, installation information, and the list of APARs/Known Issues that are resolved in this interim fix.


Readme file for: IBM Cloud Pak® for Business Automation
Product Release: 21.0.3
Update Name: 21.0.3 IF036
Fix ID: 21.0.3-WS-CP4BA-IF036
Publication Date: 30 August 2024

Before upgrading

  1. Ensure you take regular backups of any databases associated with the environment.
  2. Ensure your operators are in a healthy state, before upgrading.
    If one or more operators are failing, then it can prevent the system from completing an upgrade.
    It is recommended to check a few of the important CR statuses to ensure there are not failures and the statuses appear ready for the various installed components. Check the status of the following CRs when they exist:
    oc get icp4acluster -o yaml
    oc get AutomationUIConfig -o yaml 
    oc get Cartridge -o yaml 
    oc get AutomationBase -o yaml 
    oc get CartridgeRequirements -o yaml
  3. Required when you are using Business Automation Insights
    If Business Automation Insights is deployed, prune the Business Automation Insights deployment, and jobs,  before you apply the updated custom resource YAML file.
    $ oc delete Deployment,Job -l \
    > ''
    Tip: For Flink event processing to resume from its previous state, make sure that savepoints are created before the upgrade and specified in the updated CR. For more information see Restarting from a checkpoint or savepoint

Installing the interim fix

Important: If you used any individual image tag settings in your CP4BA CR, it could prevent the operator from updating the images to the appropriate version. Ensure you remove any of these settings for a production installation when you upgrade.
Breaking change(s):
  1. Starting with 21.0.3-IF012 interim fix, the URLs for Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) have changed (i.e., "cmis" context root was introduced):
    • The previous CPD route for CMIS has changed
      • from:  https://cpd-<cp4ba-namespace>.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx/openfncmis_wlp 
      • to:  https://cpd-<cp4ba-namespace>.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx/cmis/openfncmis_wlp
    • The previous Openshift route for CMIS has changed
      • from:  https://cmis-<cp4ba-namespace>.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx/openfncmis_wlp 
      • to:  https://cmis-<cp4ba-namespace>.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx/cmis/openfncmis_wlp
The CASE package associated with this interim fix is ibm-cp-automation-3.2.36.tgz.  Download the CASE package to wherever you are planning to perform the online installation or upgrade of this interim fix (for example, the infrastructure node of your OCP cluster) and extract the CASE package into a directory. For offline/Airgap installation or upgrade follow below mentioned Scenario 7.
Cloud Pak for Business Automation 21.0.3 interim fixes are released to the v21.3 operator channel. Once the operator is upgraded, it triggers rolling updates for all the pods it manages to ensure they are updated to the appropriate version to match the operator.
If your environment has access to IBM entitled registry and has an automatic v21.3 channel subscription then production installations are upgraded automatically. This upgrade generally occurs when the interim fix is released or when images are mirrored for air gap setup.
Starting with 21.0.3-IF007 interim fix, we "pin" the version of Cloud Pak for Business Automation along with all its dependencies including IBM Automation Foundation and IBM Cloud Pak Foundational Services.  In other words, the automatic updates will be turned off and you will need to perform the steps listed to upgrade your environments in the future. 
This interim fix contains the following version of Cloud Pak for Business Automation, Automation Foundation, and Cloud Pak Foundational Services:
  • Cloud Pak for Business Automation – 21.0.3-IF036
  • Automation Foundation – 1.3.15
  • Cloud Pak Foundational Services – 3.19.22
Note:  If you have other Cloud Paks installed on the same OCP cluster, be sure to check the compatibility of the Automation Foundation and Cloud Pak Foundational Services versions, listed above, with other Cloud Paks.
Depending on the current setup and state of your existing environment, there are various upgrade actions that need to be taken. The following scenarios cover what actions might be needed for a particular setup.

Installing IBM Cloud Pak foundational services in multiple namespaces is now possible starting with 21.0.3 iFix019.

If the script is used, a namespace-scoped instance of foundational services is installed in the same namespace as the CP4BA deployment. If you do not want this configuration, you must use the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) console to install Cloud Pak for Business Automation. A CP4BA deployment installed from the OCP console uses a cluster-scoped instance of foundational services in the ibm-common-services namespace.

Restriction: You cannot have a cluster-scoped instance of foundational services and a namespace-scoped instance on the same cluster.

For more information, see Installing IBM Cloud Pak foundational services in multiple namespaces.

Upgrading with MongoDB embedded services.

If you are upgrading with embedded MongoDB database of IBM Automation Decision Services or IBM Automation Document Processing. Please check the FCV(FeatureCompatibilityVersion) version. If the FCV version is 4.4, you need to upgrade to FCV version to 5.0 following the commands below after upgrading to 21.0.3-IF031.

Warning: If you are upgrading from 21.0.3-IF024 and before with FCV version is 4.2, please first go to 21.0.3-IF025 readme and upgrade to 21.0.3-IF025 along with upgrading FCV version to 4.4.

  1. Identify the the MongoDB pod by running the command below to get the podID.
    kubectl get pods | grep icp4adeploy-mongo
  2. Check the FCV version by running the command below.

     For Automation Document Processing:

    kubectl exec icp4adeploy-mongo-deploy-<podID> – bash -c 'mongo -u "$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME" -p "$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD" --eval "db.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1})"'

    For Automation Decision Services:

    kubectl exec icp4adeploy-mongo-deploy-<podID> -- bash -c 'mongo --norc --tls --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates -u "$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME" -p "$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD" --eval "db.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1})"'
  3.  If the FCV version is 4.4, skip to step 7. If the FCV version is 4.2, and you are on 21.0.3-IF025+. Please execute the commands to upgrade FCV version to 4.4, then upgrade to 21.0.3-IF031. Once your deployment is on FCV version 4.4 and 21.0.3-IF031 then you can upgrade FCV version to 5.0 by following step 8 to finish the upgrade.
  4.  Upgrade to FCV version to 4.4. Note: If the command is successful, the last line of the output is { "ok" : 1 }.

    kubectl exec icp4adeploy-mongo-deploy-<podID> -- bash -c 'mongo --norc --tls --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates -u "$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME" -p "$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD" --eval "db.adminCommand({ setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: \"4.4\" })"'
  5. Verify the FCV version is 4.4.
    kubectl exec icp4adeploy-mongo-deploy-<podID> -- bash -c 'mongo --norc --tls --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates -u "$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME" -p "$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD" --eval "db.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1})"'
  6. If the FCV version is 4.4, you need to set the FCV version to 5.0. If FCV version is 5.0, you do not need to perform the following commands. 
  7. Upgrade FCV version to 5.0. Note: If the command is successful, the last line of the output is { "ok" : 1 }.
    kubectl exec icp4adeploy-mongo-deploy-<podID> – bash -c 'mongo --norc --tls --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates -u "$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME" -p "$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD" --eval "db.adminCommand({ setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: \"5.0\" })"'
  8. Check FCV version again to confirm upgrade.
    kubectl exec icp4adeploy-mongo-deploy-<podID> – bash -c 'mongo --norc --tls --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates -u "$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME" -p "$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD" --eval "db.adminCommand({getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1})"'
Step 1: Setup the CASE package
  1. Download the CASE package provided with this interim fix to a Linux based machine (RHEL or macOS).
  2. Use the tar command to extract the cert-kubernetes directory.
tar -xvzf ibm-cp-automation-3.2.36.tgz
cd ibm-cp-automation/inventory/cp4aOperatorSdk/files/deploy/crs
tar -xvf cert-k8s-21.0.3.tar
cd cert-kubernetes

Step 2:  Perform an online/offline fresh installation or an upgrade on an existing online/offline deployment.
Depending on the current setup and state of your existing environment, there are various actions that need to be taken. The following scenarios cover what actions might be needed for a particular setup.
  • Scenario 1: You are installing a Starter deployment online or have an existing online Starter deployment
    Warning: If you have an existing Cloud Pak Foundation Services instance installed at the cluster scoped level or in the namespace where CP4BA is being installed, then it is not supported.  The Production deployment of CP4BA is only supported when deploying into a new namespace without CPFS.
    Actions: Starter deployments do not support upgrades. Although you can use this interim fix content to perform a Starter deployment.  To deploy a Starter deployment using the content of this interim fix, please see install a new Starter environment and use the CASE package from this interim fix.
  • Scenario 2: You are installing online Production deployment
    If you have an existing Cloud Pak Foundation Services instance installed at the cluster scoped level or in the namespace where CP4BA is being installed, then it is not supported.  The Production deployment of CP4BA is only supported when deploying into a new namespace without CPFS.
    Actions: You can use this interim fix content to perform a Production deployment.  To deploy an online Production deployment using the content of this interim fix, please follow Preparing for a production deployment and use the CASE package from this interim fix.
  • Scenario 3: You are installing offline/airgap Production deployment
    Warning: If you have an existing Cloud Pak Foundation Services instance installed at the cluster scoped level or in the namespace where CP4BA is being installed, then it is not supported.  The Production deployment of CP4BA is only supported when deploying into a new namespace without CPFS.
    Note: As prerequisites for this scenario, you must follow steps here to set up a host to mirror images to a private registry and further to set up the private registry .
    1. Set up the environment variables for CASE. 
      export CASE_NAME=ibm-cp-automation
      export CASE_VERSION=3.2.36
      export CASE_INVENTORY_SETUP=cp4aOperatorSetup
      export OFFLINEDIR=/opt/cp4ba2103-if036

      Note: The values are specific to the interim fix, however, you can choose a different empty directory for the OFFLINEDIR if you need to put the files somewhere else.
    2. Save this specific set of case packages
      cloudctl case save --case docker:// --outputdir ${OFFLINEDIR}
      Once the command completes, all the Case archive and inventory are saved under /opt/cp4ba2103-if036.
      For more information about step 1 and 2, see Setting up the CASE archive and inventory.
    3. Mirror the entitled registry images to the local registry by completing the same steps used during installation. For more information about mirroring, see Mirroring images to the private registry.
      Make sure to use the CASE image OFFLINEDIR (/opt/cp4ba2103-if036) from step 1. 
    4. Install the Cloud Pak catalog and operator. For more information about installing the catalog and operator, see Installing the Cloud Pak catalog and an operator instance.
  • Scenario 4: Your installed Production deployment version is 21.0.2-IF012 or newer (If you do not have 21.0.3 IF012 or newer, you need to upgrade to 21.0.3 IF012 or newer before proceeding with this upgrade).
    Note:  You can only upgrade to 21.0.3-IF00x from the latest 21.0.2-IF012
     To upgrade your environment, follow the Upgrading automation containers instructions.
    • When you perform the upgrade, you can substitute the CASE package from this interim fix for the 21.0.3 CASE package while you follow the instructions. For air gap, you can use the case save command in step 2 of scenario 5.
    • Note: If you are using versions before 21.0.2, then you must incrementally upgrade and follow the instructions for each version between your source version and 21.0.3
  • Scenario 5:  Your installed Production deployment version is 21.0.3-IFxxx and you're using pinned catalog (note that pinned catalog was available with 21.0.3-IF007 or later)
    Actions:  Apply the updated catalog sources below (Note: you are not require to execute the "" script to change the subscription).
    1. Apply the catalog sources to pin to the specified versions for IBM Automation Foundation, IBM Foundational Services with Cloud Pak for Business Automation.
      You can apply the catalog sources below from a command line by creating a YAML file (for example, cp4ba_catalog_sources.yaml) with the catalog sources below and performing "oc apply -f cp4ba_catalog_sources.yaml", or you can apply the catalog sources using the OCP console
      Note, you can apply only one catalog source at a time using the OCP console. 
      Note:  The DB2, IBM Business Team Service, and Postgres catalog sources are dependent components of Cloud Pak for Business Automation.
      # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
      # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2019. All Rights Reserved.
      # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
      # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
      # CP4BA 21.0.3-IF036 catalog
      kind: CatalogSource
        name: ibm-cp4a-operator-catalog
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: ibm-cp4a-operator
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
            interval: 45m
      # IBM Automation Foundation Base 1.3.15
      kind: CatalogSource
        name: ibm-cp-automation-foundation-catalog
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: IBM Automation Foundation Operators
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
            interval: 45m
      # IBM Automation Foundation Core 1.3.15
      kind: CatalogSource
        name: ibm-automation-foundation-core-catalog
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: IBM Automation Foundation Core Operators
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
            interval: 45m
      # IBM Cloud Foundational Services 3.19.22
       kind: CatalogSource
        name: opencloud-operators
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
          bedrock_catalogsource_priority: '1'
        displayName: IBMCS Operators
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
            interval: 45m
        priority: 100 
      # DB2 Operator Case version 5.6.3+20240329.120225.56.8634
      kind: CatalogSource
        name: ibm-db2uoperator-catalog
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: IBM Db2U Catalog
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
            interval: 45m
      # IBM Business Teams Service version 3.33.1
       kind: CatalogSource
        name: bts-operator
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
          bedrock_catalogsource_priority: '1'
        displayName: BTS Operator
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
            interval: 45m
      # Cloud Native PostgresSQL 1.18.12 (4.25.0)
      kind: CatalogSource
          bedrock_catalogsource_priority: '1'
        name: cloud-native-postgresql-catalog
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: Cloud Native Postgresql Catalog
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
            interval: 45m
        priority: 100
    2. If you have any subscriptions set to manual, then you need to approve any pending operator updates.
    3. If some of the many operator updates are not approved, it is not recommended to set subscriptions to manual, this makes the upgrade more error prone. By default all subscriptions are set to automatic.
  • Scenario 6:  If you are not using "pinned" catalog and your installation is version 21.0.3-IFxxxx (where xxxx is the latest iFix of 21.0.3).  Your 21.0.3 installation has the latest iFix because you are using the IBM Operator Catalog and the CP4BA Operator will automatically upgrades to the latest iFix when it is available.
    Actions: Apply the updated catalog sources above in scenario #3.  Then execute the "" script to change the subscriptions.
    1. Update the existing subscriptions of Cloud Pak for Business Automation, Automation Foundation, and Cloud Pak Foundational Services to change from IBM Operator Catalog to the individual catalogs applied above.
      1. Find the script from the extracted CASE package under "../ibm-cp-automation/inventory/cp4aOperatorSdk/files/deploy/crs/cert-kubernetes/scripts" Note, at the root of the CASE package is a nested archive that needs to be extracted as well.
      2. Log in to your OCP cluster as a cluster administrator
      3. Execute the -n <your cp4ba namespace>
        Note, at this point, the environment will be updated to use the new "pinned" catalogs. Your environment will no longer auto-update the operators when new versions are released.
    2. If you have any subscriptions set to manual, then you need to approve any pending operator updates.
      If some of the many operator updates are not approved, it is not recommended to set subscriptions to manual, this makes the upgrade more error prone. By default all subscriptions are set to automatic.
  • Scenario 7: Your installed Production deployment is 21.0.3.x and using airgap/offline.
    After the operators are upgraded, it will trigger the upgrade of the related deployments and pods. See the items mentioned in "Performing the necessary tasks after installation" for more actions that can be needed after the upgrade is completed.
    1. Set up the environment variables for CASE. 
      export CASE_NAME=ibm-cp-automation
      export CASE_VERSION=3.2.36
      export CASE_INVENTORY_SETUP=cp4aOperatorSetup
      export OFFLINEDIR=/opt/cp4ba2103-if036

      Note: The values are specific to the interim fix, however, you can choose a different empty directory for the OFFLINEDIR if you need to put the files somewhere else.
    2. Save this specific set of case packages
      cloudctl case save --case docker:// --outputdir ${OFFLINEDIR}
      Once the command completes, all the Case archive and inventory are saved under /opt/cp4ba2103-if036.
    3. Mirror the entitled registry images to the local registry by completing the same steps used during installation. For more information about mirroring, see Mirroring images to the private registry.
      Make sure to use the CASE image OFFLINEDIR (/opt/cp4ba2103-if036) from step 1.
    4. Update the catalog with the new version by running the install-catalog action.
      cloudctl case launch \
      --case ${OFFLINEDIR}/${CASE_ARCHIVE} \
      --inventory ${CASE_INVENTORY_SETUP} \
      --action install-catalog \
      --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
      --args "--registry ${LOCAL_REGISTRY} --inputDir ${OFFLINEDIR} --recursive" 
    5. If you have any subscriptions set to manual, then you need to approve any pending operator updates.
      If some of the many operator updates are not approved, it is not recommended to set subscriptions to manual as it can make the upgrade more error prone. By default all subscriptions would be set to automatic.

Performing the necessary tasks after installation

  1. Update Kafka certificates when you are using Business Automation Insights
    If you are using Business Automation Insights and upgrading from an IBM Automation Foundation version before 1.3, the operator will fail to become ready after the upgrade, and kafka/zookeeper pods show SSL errors. To resolve the issue, follow the "To renew the leaf certificates for Kafka" instructions in Changes to CA certificate and key does not automatically rotate Kafka leaf certificates.
  2. Review the installation
    It is recommended that you review the CR yaml status section and operator logs after the upgrade to ensure there are no failures preventing your pods from upgrading.
    oc get icp4acluster -o yaml > CP4BAconfig.yaml
    oc logs deployment/ibm-cp4a-operator -c operator > operator.log
    If you are interested in verifying the expected image digest for a particular image, then you can review the ibm-cp-automation\inventory\cp4aOperatorSdk\resources.yaml file in the CASE package. This file has a listing of the images managed by the CP4BA operator and their expected digest for this particular interim fix level.
  3. Required when you are using Workflow Process Service OCP deployment
    If you used any individual image tag settings in your WfPSRuntime CR, it could prevent the operator from updating the images to the appropriate version. Ensure you remove any of these settings when you upgrade.
  4. Required when you are using Workflow Process Service Docker Compose Edition
    1. Follow the step 2 of section "3. Running your environment" in Installing Workflow Process Service to log in to the entitled registry with your entitlement key.
    2. Back up your database backup, docker-compose.yml and folder for docker volumes “production_workflow_runtime_data” and “production_workflow_runtime_logs”.
    3. (Optional) Push the images to your docker registry. Log in to your docker registry, and push the docker images into your docker registry by using the following commands:
      docker login <server>
      docker tag<tag> \
      docker tag<tag> \
      docker push <server>/workflow-ps-server:<tag>
      docker push <server>/workflow-ps-authoring:<tag>
      Where <server> is the host of the docker image registry that you want to use to pull the images. For example, myregistry.local:5000 or localhost:8080 for a self-hosted registry. Also, replace <tag> with the corresponding tag matching this interim fix's tag in the form of <release>-IFxxx, for example, 21.0.3-IF036.
    4. Run docker-compose down command to stop the Workflow Process Server container.
    5. Update the image url's tags in docker-compose.yml.
      Where <tag> is the corresponding tag matching this interim fix's tag in the form of <release>-IFxxx, for example, 21.0.3-IF036.
    6. Run docker-compose up command to start the Workflow Process Server container
    For more detail on Workflow Process Service, refer to Installing Workflow Process Service .
    Troubleshooting: If you are using a Docker Desktop version 4.3.0 or greater, you might get an out of memory error when you start the server. For more details and possible resolution to this issue, and other troubleshooting guidance, refer to Installing IBM Workflow Process Service Trial.
  5. Required when you are using Operational Decision Manager
    You must update your Rule Designer:
    • Open Eclipse 
    • Open menu Help > Check for Updates
    • Select IBM Operational Decision Manager for Developers v8.11.x - Rule Designer
    • Proceed with installation.


There is no procedure to uninstall the interim fix.

List of Fixes

APARs/Known Issues fixed by this interim fix are listed in the following tables.
The columns are defined as follows: 
Column title Column description
APAR/Known Issue The defect number
Title A short description of the defect
Sec. A mark indicates a defect related to security
Cont. A mark indicates a defect specific to the Cloud Pak integration of the component
B.I. A mark indicates the fix has a business impact. Details are found in the title column or the APAR/Known Issue document
Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
Cloud Pak for Business Automation delivers container images that include operating system level and other open source libraries. Vulnerabilities (CVEs) for these libraries are published regularly.
This interim fix includes fixes for these libraries to address: 
CVE-2018-15209, CVE-2021-46939, CVE-2021-47018, CVE-2021-47257, CVE-2021-47284, CVE-2021-47304, CVE-2021-47373, CVE-2021-47408, CVE-2021-47461, CVE-2021-47468, CVE-2021-47491, CVE-2021-47548, CVE-2021-47579, CVE-2021-47624, CVE-2022-28321, CVE-2022-48632, CVE-2022-48743, CVE-2022-48747, CVE-2022-48757, CVE-2023-49568, CVE-2023-49569, CVE-2023-51384, CVE-2023-52451, CVE-2023-52463, CVE-2023-52469, CVE-2023-52471, CVE-2023-52486, CVE-2023-52530, CVE-2023-52619, CVE-2023-52622, CVE-2023-52623, CVE-2023-52648, CVE-2023-52653, CVE-2023-52658, CVE-2023-52662, CVE-2023-52679, CVE-2023-52707, CVE-2023-52730, CVE-2023-52756, CVE-2023-52762, CVE-2023-52764, CVE-2023-52777, CVE-2023-52784, CVE-2023-52791, CVE-2023-52796, CVE-2023-52803, CVE-2023-52811, CVE-2023-52832, CVE-2023-52834, CVE-2023-52845, CVE-2023-52847, CVE-2023-52864, CVE-2023-6992, CVE-2024-0406, CVE-2024-0853, CVE-2024-2004, CVE-2024-21626, CVE-2024-21823, CVE-2024-2201, CVE-2024-23650, CVE-2024-23651, CVE-2024-23652, CVE-2024-23653, CVE-2024-2379, CVE-2024-24557, CVE-2024-2466, CVE-2024-24789, CVE-2024-24792, CVE-2024-24806, CVE-2024-25739, CVE-2024-26586, CVE-2024-26614, CVE-2024-26640, CVE-2024-26660, CVE-2024-26669, CVE-2024-26686, CVE-2024-26704, CVE-2024-26733, CVE-2024-26740, CVE-2024-26772, CVE-2024-26773, CVE-2024-26802, CVE-2024-26810, CVE-2024-26837, CVE-2024-26840, CVE-2024-26843, CVE-2024-26852, CVE-2024-26853, CVE-2024-26870, CVE-2024-26878, CVE-2024-26921, CVE-2024-26925, CVE-2024-26940, CVE-2024-26958, CVE-2024-26960, CVE-2024-26961, CVE-2024-27010, CVE-2024-27011, CVE-2024-27019, CVE-2024-27020, CVE-2024-27025, CVE-2024-27065, CVE-2024-27388, CVE-2024-27395, CVE-2024-27434, CVE-2024-28180, CVE-2024-29736, CVE-2024-31076, CVE-2024-32007, CVE-2024-33621, CVE-2024-35255, CVE-2024-35790, CVE-2024-35801, CVE-2024-35807, CVE-2024-35810, CVE-2024-35814, CVE-2024-35847, CVE-2024-35876, CVE-2024-35893, CVE-2024-35896, CVE-2024-35897, CVE-2024-35899, CVE-2024-35900, CVE-2024-35910, CVE-2024-35912, CVE-2024-35924, CVE-2024-35925, CVE-2024-35930, CVE-2024-35937, CVE-2024-35938, CVE-2024-35946, CVE-2024-35947, CVE-2024-35952, CVE-2024-36000, CVE-2024-36005, CVE-2024-36006, CVE-2024-36010, CVE-2024-36016, CVE-2024-36017, CVE-2024-36020, CVE-2024-36025, CVE-2024-36270, CVE-2024-36286, CVE-2024-36489, CVE-2024-36886, CVE-2024-36889, CVE-2024-36896, CVE-2024-36904, CVE-2024-36905, CVE-2024-36917, CVE-2024-36921, CVE-2024-36927, CVE-2024-36929, CVE-2024-36933, CVE-2024-36940, CVE-2024-36941, CVE-2024-36950, CVE-2024-36954, CVE-2024-36960, CVE-2024-36971, CVE-2024-36978, CVE-2024-36979, CVE-2024-3727, CVE-2024-38473, CVE-2024-38475, CVE-2024-38538, CVE-2024-38555, CVE-2024-38573, CVE-2024-38575, CVE-2024-38596, CVE-2024-38615, CVE-2024-38627, CVE-2024-39276, CVE-2024-39472, CVE-2024-39476, CVE-2024-39487, CVE-2024-39502, CVE-2024-39573, CVE-2024-40927, CVE-2024-6104, CVE-2024-6197, CVE-2024-6874, RHSA-2024:4720, RHSA-2024:4756, RHSA-2024:5079, RHSA-2024:5193, RHSA-2024:5532
Previous interim fixes have included fixes which are also addressed with this interim fix. Consult the Related links section for readmes of previous interim fixes, at the bottom of this document.
Cloud Pak for Business Automation Operator
Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
Automation Document Processing
Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
Automation Decision Services
Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
Business Automation Insights
Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
Business Automation Navigator
Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
Business Automation Studio
Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
DT392433 CVE-2024-43188 - Insufficient input validation in IBM Workflow Center and web Process Designer X
DT392807 Snapshot deletion will halt if any snapshot in a list encounters an error
Business Automation Workflow including Automation Workstream Services
Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
DT392807 Snapshot deletion will halt if any snapshot in a list encounters an error
DT394386 Error :java.sql.SQLException: Numeric Overflow' when the process instance id number greater than 2147483647
Enterprise Records
Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
FileNet Content Manager
Operational Decision Management
Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
User Management Service
Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
Workflow Process Service
Known Issue Title Sec. Cont. B.I.
DT394386 Error :java.sql.SQLException: Numeric Overflow' when the process instance id number greater than 2147483647

Known Limitations

Document change history

  • 30 August 2024: Initial publish
  • [{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSBYVB","label":"IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001gWWAAY","label":"Other-\u003ECloudPak4Automation Platform"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

    Document Information

    Modified date:
    11 September 2024

