Fix Readme
This readme file contains information about installation of the interim fix, enhancements, known problems, restrictions, and solutions in support of IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.9.
Readme file for: IBM® Datacap
Product or component release: IBM® Datacap
Update name: Interim fix 005
Publication date: 24th June 2024
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IBM® Datacap | Windows | |
IBM Datacap 9.1.9, interim fix 005 build version
Build: v
DatacapWebplugin.jar: tm919i.00541
- OCRA upgraded to v.
- OCRS v.21.1.23178.100
- Dynamic Web TWAIN upgraded to v.18.4
Known problems, restrictions, and solutions
Known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect administration and usage of interim fixes are documented as technotes in the product support knowledge base. To review all known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect Datacap, see the support knowledge base.
To review all known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect version 9.1.9, see IBM Datacap Version 9.1.9 Release Notes .
To view IBM® Datacap 9.1.9 documentation, see IBM Docs Datacap V9.1.9 .
Known problems
- Updated GSKit version to address the security vulnerability reported in CVE-2023-32342 in this link.
- Install the 32-bit version of the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server on the Datacap system as documented in this link.
- Datacap Server manager settings and Datacap services need to be reconfigured as explained in this link.
- Upgrading older Db2, Oracle, or SQL databases for Datacap applications in order to be compatible with new versions of Datacap as explained in this link.
- Datacap Web Client Application Pool users are required to use a service principal name (SPN) as explained in this link.
- Support for multi-functional printer or MFP scanner in Datacap Navigator has certain limitations as explained in this link.
- Slowness on Datacap Web and Datacap Navigator while executing validation rules can be addressed by enabling eRRO as explained in this link.
- The CreateDocuments() cannot be run more than once on an existing document structure as explained in this link.
- CVE-2023-30447 - IBM DB2 v.11.5.8 has multiple denial of service vulnerabilities with a specially crafted query as explained in this link.
- Multiple Vulnerabilities in IBM Datacap 9.1.9 ifix -005 are referenced in the following link.
- The CVE-2024-39731 vulnerability was addressed as a document update. See link.
- Running multiple rulerunner threads on the same Rulerunner server calling IBMCMExtended actions is not supported as explained in this link.
- Calling Datacap actions from a custom action is not supported as explained in this link.
- Microsoft has discontinued support for basic authentication for cloud users preventing the use of action ex_login as explained in this link.
- Enhanced PdfFRE.PDFFREDocumentToImage action to handle large PDFs under the sections "Handling PDFs with Large Page Sizes" and "Reducing Memory Usage" as explained in this link.
- The ImageUtilties action library has been enhanced to expose two new actions, RedactField action and ClipFieldToNewImageFileOnly action as explained in this link.
- Enhanced the ability to send Outlook Office 365 email messages through the use of a new action library called Email.MSGraph explained in this link.
- The Locate action library has been enhanced to expose a new action CreateVirtualZoneFullWidth action as explained in this link.
- The SharedRecognitionTools action library has been enhanced with a new action CopyPageTextToTarget, as explained in this link.
- Enhanced the Document Analytics action library to allow a user to configure the RRS logging levels as explained in this link.
- Enhanced the AllowOnlyCharacters action help library with additional examples as explained in this link.
- Enhanced Smart Parameters To Read and Set Field Confidence Using The Special Keyword "CONFIDENCESTRING" as explained in this link.
- Enhanced ValidationsAndTextAdjustment action library to expose action GetTextLength and action CreateGUID as explained in this link.
- Enhanced ValidationsAndTextAdjustment action library to expose action GetSubstringOccurrenceCount (link), action ReplaceSubstringFirst (link) and action ReplaceSubstringLast link.
- OCR/S has been enhanced to provide more memory for recognition operations when the out-of-process recognition mode is enabled.
- Enhanced the Rulerunner WCF service to allow users to configure the authentication of the Rulerunner WCF Service as explained in this link.
- Enhanced the Rulerunner services to output to a text file the contents of the task xml file as explained in this link.
- Enhanced the wTM API Queue/GetBatchList to support operators, "Between, StartsWith and EndsWith" as explained in this link.
- Enhanced Datacap Navigator to support 64-bit TWAIN interface for scanning in Datacap Navigator as explained in this link.
- Enhanced Datacap Navigator verify rescan task settings to contain 'show scanner manufacturer settings’ for administrator usage as explained in this link.
- Enhanced Datacap Debugging with new support tool to capture Datacap environment information to aid debugging as explained in this link.
- Enhanced the logging for Desktop twain scan through the use of a configurable flag as explained in this link.
- Datacap Desktop application has been enhanced to allow a user to use the mouse wheel to scroll in the default and custom verify panel.
- Datacap Desktop features introduced in the TWAIN scan panel are referenced in this link.
The following action libraries were released over the past few years as C# versions of older VB Script action libraries. These action libraries are updated to 32-bit and received significant updates in this ifix to improve stability and performance.
Customers using the legacy VB Script versions of these actions, should consider switching to these newer C# actions listed below. If you are already using the action libraries listed below, the action libraries are updated seamlessly, and no application update is required.Application object
Image Utilities
Due to an architecture limitation, these action libraries need to be configured to be run from within a single Rulerunner thread on the Rulerunner server. Multiple Rulerunner servers can run these actions, as long as the rules that call these actions are only processed by a single Rulerunner thread on each server.
The official statements for hardware and software support for IBM® Datacap are provided as part of the hardware and software requirements for IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.9. Before you install this fix, ensure that you install IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.9. For more information about installing IBM® Datacap, see Installing IBM Datacap . For complete details about the hardware and software requirements for IBM® Datacap, see link to System requirements.
Installing IBM® Datacap 9.1.9, interim fix 005
Download the 919 iFix 005 package from Fix Central, extract it, and perform both of the following steps in this order.
- Run Update.exe to install iFix 005.
- Run UpdateOCR.exe to install the iFix 05 OCR Update.
- Running the IBM Datacap 9.1.9 ifix OCR Update Installer displays a message "Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package." To resolve the error, click ok to proceed and then, rerun the installer.
- In order to prevent losing the previously configured settings in Datacap Server Manager, it is recommended to back up all registry settings as explained in this link.
Known Issue | Jira Issue | Component | Summary |
DT389919 | DBACLD-141196 | Datacap Actions | MergeCCOs_ByType action intermittently drops a merged page and reports an error that the merge file cannot be saved. |
DT369930 | DBACLD-110846 | Datacap Actions/Barcode |
The barcode engine fails to recognize QR barcodes on images that are distorted.
DT369934 | DBACLD-120619 | Datacap Actions/Barcode |
The barcode action fails to read some specific difficult barcodes.
DT382139 | DBACLD-135611 | Datacap Actions/Barcode |
Barcode.GetPDF2DBarcode fails to read the specific PDF417 barcode on a page with a lot of noise and returns an error, "EXCEPTION: code="-2147023170" in the log.
DT369923 | DBACLD-117787 | Datacap Actions/Convert |
OutlookMessageToImageAndAttachment converts a *.eml file to a page or pages in TIFF format with a 24 hour date format instead of the 12 hour format.
DT369916 | DBACLD-122634 | Datacap Actions/Convert |
OutlookMessageToImageAndAttachment () and SplitMultipageTiff () called when attempting to split a multi-page TIFF image file into individual pages returns an out of memory or invalid image error.
DBACLD-139315 | Datacap Actions/Convert |
PDFFREDocumentToImage action processing PDFs with a large number of pages results in putting the task in running state instead of processing the batch.
DBACLD-136136 | Datacap Actions/Convert |
Using PDFFREDocumentToImage with convert mode "1" can reduce recognition character quality.
DBACLD-135308 | Datacap Actions/Recog_Shared |
SharedRecognitionTools.NormalizeCCO () fails to save the new CCO file created by a recognition engine.
DT380438 | DBACLD-112521 | Datacap DesktopClients/dcDesktop |
Datacap Desktop freezes when the TWAIN panel is loaded and is trying to automatically connect to previously connected scanner.
DT365585 | DBACLD-119967 | Datacap DesktopClients/dcDesktop |
Datacap Desktop TWAIN scan panel throws an "Unknown error code. Code -27" when executing any action.
DT382034 | DBACLD-136196 | Datacap DesktopClients/dcDesktop |
Datacap Desktop fails to persist the Canon DR-2110 "advanced text enhancement" profile setting even with the <useProfileSettings> in ScanTwain.xml file is set to True.
DT369857 | DBACLD-109666 | Datacap Rulerunner |
Datacap Rulerunner Manager displays an error on startup when the windows system is configured for the Slovak language.
DT381294 | DBACLD-134878 | Datacap Reporting |
Datacap Health Monitoring DCReportsConfig file fails to delete the spaces in the query box when clicking on the Add/EDIT button and displays a connections red flag.
DT369918 | DBACLD-121692 | Datacap Rulesets |
Create TIFF or PDF compiled ruleset always has MergeToMultiplePageTIFFImage("All") enabled.
DT391726 | DBACLD-139774 | Datacap Navigator | Datacap Navigator scanned pages are displayed out of order in the batch tree after applying the dynamsoft update. |
DT369906 | DBACLD-107381 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator with Local Rendering Viewer when selecting the thumbnail image does not display the full image in the main pane.
DT369864 | DBACLD-108468 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator displays a blank document type when the "Undo" option is selected after joining the documents.
DT369974 | DBACLD-111110 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator throws an error "-1004 Source is connected to Maximum supported number of applications" while attempting to scan the second time.
DT369869 | DBACLD-111709 | Datacap Navigator |
The Edit Job feature is no longer available in the Task List Context Menu for users who do not have Job Monitor privileges.
DT369966 | DBACLD-117182 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator deletion of an image from thumbnail view (Alt+Del) fails in Local rendering service.
DT369886 | DBACLD-118478 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator verify panel Field that has a drop down option displays a red x on the field.
DT369952 | DBACLD-124011 | Datacap Navigator |
In the Datacap Navigaton, Click N Key sometimes picks text data from the previous batch when moving from one batch to other in Auto mode.
DT363293 | DBACLD-128816 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator Verify fails to remove deleted pages from the pagefile when pages are deleted on a submitted batch.
DT381666 | DBACLD-125576 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator users scanning large volume documents through a 32-bit TWAIN interface experience slowness during scan time.
DT387146 | DBACLD-133878 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator - LocalTM Rendering service coupled with the "Automatically Start Next pending batch creates blank space.
DT381657 | DBACLD-132298 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator Scan settings in the task configuration fails to persist at the scanner driver layer.
DT386916 | DBACLD-138967 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator Date picker automatically adjusts to Day minus one day within a custom Panel instead of accepting the user's date selection date.
DT365691 | DBACLD-125573 | Datacap Navigator/TMWJ Client |
Datacap Navigator- LocalTM service error "Connect to the service was lost" after submitting several batches.
DT363293 | DBACLD-128816 | Datacap Navigator/TMWJ Client |
Datacap Navigator - In Verify, deleted pages are not being removed from the page file after the batch is submitted.
DT365823 | DBACLD-130471 | Datacap Navigator/TMWJ Client |
Datacap Navigator throws the error, "The XML parser object could not be built when DatacapRepositorySaveFile::onExecute() was processed" when switching to the selected page in verify task.
DT387147 | DBACLD-125573 | Datacap Navigator/TMWJ Client |
Daeja ViewONE requires the content type set for PDFs as an application/pdf type to render images correctly.
DT369944 | DBACLD-110028 | Datacap Taskmaster Services |
Datacap TMS 64-bit services using LLLDAP plug-in fails to decrypt the 'bindpw" parameter.
DT370107 | DBACLD-117529 | Datacap Taskmaster Services |
Taskmaster LDAP authenticator is unable to retrieve the group name from a a security identifier (SID) value.
DT369860 | DBACLD-120948 | Datacap Taskmaster Services |
Taskmaster LDAP authentication fails to allow the ability to configure the returned authenticated short name.
DT369840 | DBACLD-120950 | Datacap Taskmaster Services |
LLLDAP plugin fails to correctly terminate when it fails to retrieve the distinguished name.
DT386917 | DBACLD-133427 | Datacap Taskmaster Services |
While testing wTM REST API, if the task ID is set incorrectly while calling SaveBatchAttribute then TMS service is stopped prevening other REST API calls from working.
DT369894 | DBACLD-106985 | Datacap wTM |
Datacap Navigator wTM makes requests to retrieve the background task rrs logs.
APAR Number | RTC ID | Component | Summary |
IO28489 | DBACLD-32289 | Datacap Actions |
DocumentAnalytics.ExtractText () action throws an exception error, "Error: Extraction failed. Check for SystemT logs."
IO28749 | DBACLD-42202 | Datacap DesktopClients |
DcDesktop TWAIN interface panel fails to append the scanner's configured endorser string to the batch ID.
IO29021 | DBACLD-101815 | Datacap DesktopClients |
Dcdesktop scanning with the TWAIN interface fails to sync images in the batch treeview with images in the thumbnail viewer.
IO29068 | DBACLD-73957 | Datacap wTM |
Datacap Navigator Shortcut configured for either "Manual" or "Manual for Hold" throws an error when the 'validateInput' is set to True.
IO29095 | DBACLD-76705 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator fails when the Station ID contains either a hyphen '-' or a space in the station name.
IO29132 | DBACLD-103741 | Datacap Actions |
The FNP8_UpdateContent action fails to check-in the file as a new version of an existing FileNet P8 document.
IO29145 | DBACLD-79584 | Datacap DesktopClients |
Fastdoc throws "Invalid Runtime License version" when selecting the TWAIN Scan option in the scanner driver list.
IO29158 | DBACLD-82275 | Datacap Rulesets |
FastDoc global ruleset using field validation throws an error when running test button at a field level.
IO29159 | DBACLD-82041 | Datacap Actions |
DocumentProcessingUpdateBatchStatus () posts a different status of an ADP batch after it has has been uploaded in the rrs log than the one in the export pagefile.
IO29160 | DBACLD-82059 | Datacap Actions |
ValidationsAndTextAdjustments.CalculateFields () incorrectly evaluates the expression when the windows OS locale fails to have a period as a decimal separator.
IO29167 | DBACLD-83573 | Datacap Actions |
Calling ex_login_0365_OAuth_ClientSecret () in a ruleset in Datacap Studio application immediately shuts it down without any warning to the user.
IO29169 | DBACLD-81403 | Datacap Actions |
Ewsmail intermittently ingests and creates a duplicate copy of an email in same batch.
IO29173 | DBACLD-84818 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator returns a "-3003 user error" when attempting to save the Scanner profile locally.
IO29190 | DBACLD-88197 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator show multiple calls to saveUserSettings in the Network tab of the browser logs resulting in intermittent delays during scan.
IO29195 | DBACLD-88838 | Datacap RuleRunner |
Rulerunner services fails to delete the batch folder when executing a task with action SetTaskStatus = 1
IO29196 | DBACLD-89204 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator returns a message, "unable to complete the operation because at least one of the field values is invalid" when submitting a batch.
IO29200 | DBACLD-88939 | Datacap TaskmasterServices |
ADLDS authentication fails to incorrectly parse a template with multiple GC entries resulting in connection issues.
IO29207 | DBACLD-91649 | Datacap Navigator |
The Datacap Navigator Field panel displays blank and fails to run validation after joining a document.
IO29208 | DBACLD-91995 | Datacap Applications |
The Datacap Web Client (tmweb) adds extra %% in the search filter box when additional searches are attempted to the initial search.
IO29209 | DBACLD-69267 | Datacap DesktopClients |
The Dcdesktop Twain Scan Panel freezes when trying insert/replace a scanned image in gray mode and/or switching between color modes.
IO29211 | DBACLD-92097 | Datacap Actions |
dcjmail.im_scan () returns exception errors and/or creates multiple empty batches for the same email.
IO29213 | DBACLD-92329 | Datacap Actions |
When MVScan fails to burst a multi-page tif image, it fails to remove it from the input folder.
IO29221 | DBACLD-92791 | Datacap Fingerprints |
FindFingerprint () returns "AddNewFingerprint exception: 'System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request." on an uncompressed colored image.
IO29228 | DBACLD-93236 | Datacap Actions |
Printing Datacap documents uploaded to the CM8 repository returns error "An error occurred during printing" when a cover page is selected.
IO29245 | DBACLD-95760 | Datacap Actions |
OCR_sr.RecognizeToPDFOCR_S (1) returns error, "Exception stopping engine: The RPC server is unavailable."
IO29248 | DBACLD-92957 | Datacap DesktopClients |
Tmweb users attempting to access the same batch to process it or run shortcuts returns, "batch xxxx is no longer available. Please choose the next available batch."
IO29257 | DBACLD-95093 | Datacap TaskmasterServices |
The Datacap ADLDS plugin fails to authenticate users from different domains when using the same global catalog entry point.
IO29263 | DBACLD-98046 | Datacap Actions |
ImageEnhancement () using InverseTextCorrection on images with large dark areas results in tasks hanging or unresponsive during processing.
IO29266 | DBACLD-98398 | Datacap Actions |
RulerunnerLogic.StatusPreserveOff () fails to correctly set the status of an object when rrunner.StatusPreserveOff () is not already loaded.
IO29275 | DBACLD-101405 | Datacap Actions |
Improve reliability of the AnnotateImage action in the Imprint action library. Refer here.
IO29277 | DBACLD-101811 | Datacap Actions |
Nenu.LogSendEmail () fails to send an email when using the basic authentication from SMTP protocol. Refer here.
IO29278 | DBACLD-101676 | Datacap Actions |
NENU.ProcessClearDebugTable () clears the records in the Engine database's Debug table but incorrectly returns 'running ProcessClearAuditTable action.'
IO29279 | DBACLD-102279 | Datacap Navigator |
The Datacap Navigator "Change User Settings" button intermittently fails to launch the dialog box to configure the settings.
IO29282 | DBACLD-101715 | Datacap DesktopClients |
The DcDesktop Rotate icon takes time to rotate when there is a large stack of scanned images in the batch treeview.
IO29299 | DBACLD-101195 | Datacap Actions |
Recognition using the Recognize action for OCRS can create the error "WriteDocumentStructure Could not load xml: Index was outside the bounds of the array".
IO29301 | DBACLD-105041 | Datacap Actions |
PdfFRE.PDFFREDocumentToImage () returns, "Execution of parallel task failed: ERR_FREN_UNSUPPORTED_PDF_FILE".
IO29303 | DBACLD-105116 | Datacap Actions |
Locate.RegExFind () fails to find the word or phrase on the current page and returns the error, "Empty CCO is loaded", in the task rrs logs.
IO29308 | DBACLD-105244 | Datacap Actions |
RuleRunnerLogic.SetIsOverrideable () with a false parameter value allows an operator to override a field's validation.
IO28876 | DBACLD-58448 | Datacap Actions |
PdfFRE.PDFFREDocumentToImage () throws the error, "Conversion exception encountered:" and fails to convert some PDF files to TIFF format.
Feature enhancements for IBM® Datacap 9.1.9, interim fix 003
- Enhanced SQL lookup option from the panel to support the use of multiple workflows.
In cases where an application has multiple workflows, in Verify task, the lookup button can be configured to return data for a specific workflow. The actual SQL implementation can be contained in the ruleset to be run when the lookup button is clicked.
- Enhanced IBM Content Manager versioning in action IBMCM_SetSearchAndDownloadCriteria based on ITEMID.
- Enhanced ex_SetProxy() API to work in combination with ex_login_O365_oAuth_Graph() when Proxy Settings are enabled in IE LAN settings.
APAR Number | RTC ID | Component | Summary |
DBACLD-12340 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator displays a blank image icon instead of displaying a thumbnail view of the image displayed in the viewer. |
IO28624 | DBACLD-42201 | Datacap wTM |
Datacap web API fails to delete task rrs logs when the path of the "Batch RRS logs folder" is different than the path of the "Batch Folder" in Datacap application manager. |
IO28677 | DBACLD-42211 | Datacap Navigator |
After you copy multiple pages in Scan and Verify task, only one of the copied pages is highlighted instead of highlighting the stack of copied over images. |
IO28879 | DBACLD-42228 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator displays batches or QueueID in the default order 'ascending' even when user requires it in 'descending' order. |
IO28225 | DBACLD-42252 | Datacap Navigator |
In Datacap Navigator, Lookup results display either no results or all records when the field contains '#' or other special characters. |
DBACLD-45647 | Datacap Actions |
In Datacap 919 Custom Action DDK, the RRX file has a missing open net tag in the xml file. |
IO28840 | DBACLD-46996 | Datacap Actions |
IBMCM.IBMCM_SearchAndDownload () changes the the file extension of the downloaded file from .txt to .tiff |
IO28842 | DBACLD-47177 | Datacap TaskmasterServices |
LDAP authenticator always returns the user principal name instead of the samAccountName. Example, @OPERATOR instead of User Name. |
IO28853 | DBACLD-49157 | Datacap Actions |
NENU.ProcessMoveDBRecords() returns an error when one of the field values in the database contains 'single quote' in the data string. |
IO28900 | DBACLD-49337 | Datacap DesktopClients |
DcDesktop Twain scan fails to update the scanner driver's endorser string in the task's pagefile. |
IO28871 | DBACLD-49600 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator fails to display any details or display the image when the "Navigate within document" feature is enabled. |
DBACLD-50605 | Datacap Navigator |
Enable checkbox does not show mark symbol centrally aligned for configure scanner in change user settings. |
IO28910 | DBACLD-54448 | Datacap Desktop |
DcDesktop scanning with TWAIN panel resets the endorser's value to 1 instead of retaining the sequence of numbers. |
IO28924 | DBACLD-55116 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator thumbnail viewer returns a "" error in ICN container logs when displaying images. |
DBACLD-55831 | Datacap DesktopClients |
DcDesktop Verify panel field's background color in the data panel and also the icon buttons color are changed since applying the latest ifix. |
DBACLD-56981 | Datacap Navigator |
Save and Close button is disabled for group when its privileges are modified. |
IO28908 | DBACLD-58411 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator generates the error, "The request cannot be sent to Repository. HTTP error codes: 400(Bad Request)" when you attempt a lookup on a field name containing a space. |
IO28952 | DBACLD-58413 | Datacap wTM |
Datacap Web Clients display a "% %" string when the filter criteria is deleted and selecting the default button to clear this string wipes out the preset filter values. |
DBACLD-58678 | Datacap wTM |
wTM logging writing unnecessary entries to wTM log with thousands of lines referencing "Invalid Date format. Unable to Parse as a date value uses Calendar: 'Gregorian Calendar'. |
IO28965 | DBACLD-59710 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator throws the error, "Invalid Date Format" and fails to submit the batch when the date format is anything other than MM/DD/YYYY in the ICN verify panel. |
IO28972 | DBACLD-60931 | Datacap DesktopClients |
Datacap TMWeb Verify task aborts with "Unable to load image for <TM00000#>" when you change the page type to a page with no fields. |
IO28981 | DBACLD-62313 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator user settings, "Scan only this number of pages:" doubles the number of pages scanned when the duplex option on the scanner is enabled. |
IO28981 | DBACLD-62317 | Datacap Navigator |
Addressed warnings where the number of pages does not match the expected number of scanned pages. |
DBACLD-63311 | Datacap Navigator |
Automatically start the next pending batch after the current batch is submitted doesn't work when the option "Use local rendering service" is enabled. |
IO29001 | DBACLD-64296 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator verifies task changes to the values of the “Umm al-Qura calendar” date field when the batch is put on hold. |
IO29020 | DBACLD-66726 | Datacap Actions |
Enable the VB version of cco2cco.NormalizeCCO () and Recog_shared.CreateTextFile () to address an issue where Rulerunner services was leaving batches in running state with no errors in the task rrs logs. |
IO29021 | DBACLD-67260 | Datacap DesktopClients |
DcDesktop displays significant delays when you use the remove button or the keyboard delete key to remove single or multiple pages from the batch treeview. |
IO28998 | DBACLD-67266 | Datacap Actions |
Running 64-bit actions RuleRunnerLogic.dll, ValidationsAndTextAdjustments.dll, and Datacap.Libraries.FileIO.dll results in rulerunner aborting with no errors or warnings in task rrs logs. |
IO29029 | DBACLD-67929 | Datacap Actions |
Unable to create a readable PDF when you use the Global compiled ruleset "Create TIFF or PDF." |
IO29037 | DBACLD-69825 | Datacap Actions |
ex_login_O365_OAuth_Graph () returns error, "UsernamePasswordCredential authentication failed:" when you attempt a login to Office 365 with OAuth using Microsoft Graph API. |
IO29084 | DBACLD-69887 | Datacap Desktop |
Dcdestop scan panel scanning with TWAIN interface displays images as squished in the viewer. |
DBACLD-69982 | Datacap RRS |
Rrunner action library logs an empty cco error if the image file has an extension that is not exactly 3 characters. |
DBACLD-70076 | Datacap wTM |
Added null check for date string to help cleanup wTM log entries. |
DBACLD-70382 | Datacap Desktop |
DcDesktop TWAIN Panel takes time or crashes when multiple images selected are removed. |
IO29046 | DBACLD-71216 | Datacap DevTools |
Launching Fingerprint Maintenance Tool displays an error stating the settings INI does not exist when it does exist. |
DBACLD-71662 | Datacap Studio |
Unable to log in to Datacap Studio using TMA as Authentication when the authentication template in Datacap server manager is configured as ADSI. |
IO29098 | DBACLD-72266 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator displays the Field Details Panel of Verify client as blank. |
DBACLD-73572 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator fails to display Field details when the"Use Custom Web Panels" feature is enabled. |
IO29064 | DBACLD-73735 | Datacap Actions |
Validations.CalculateFields action fails to evaluate a specified expression as either True or False when the decimal separator is a comma. |
IO29064 | DBACLD-73837 | Datacap Actions |
DocumentAnalytics actions.AnalyzeLayout () can randomly duplicate Text On within a layout or page. |
IO29069 | DBACLD-74597 | Datacap Navigator |
In Datacap Navigator when a batch is put on hold and reopened, the date is displayed in mm/dd/yyyy format instead of dd/mm/yyyy format. |
DBACLD-76989 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator Scan client shows the Scan button is disabled for the File Import on a macOS workstation. |
IO28855 | DBACLD-83247 | Datacap Actions |
CM8 Datacap Actions incorrectly flags uploaded image files within CM8 Repository to be Indexed by DB2 Text Search Services.
APAR Number | RTC ID | Component | Summary |
IO27366 | DBACLD-42234 | Datacap Desktop |
Datacap Web Client returns port number and IP address number when Datacap server services is down or if it is incorrectly entered in Datacap Application Manager causing this to be a security violation.
IO27693 | DBACLD-42245 | Datacap Desktop |
In Datacap Desktop, scanning a batch using TWAIN panel fails if the batch was previously aborted when processed in Datacap web client application or Datacap Navigator application.
IO28136 | DBACLD-42208 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Dashboard Page fails to displays the "Team Activity: Graph" for 7-Day activity even though the option is enabled under Team Statistic tab.
IO28439 | DBACLD-42236 | Datacap Desktop |
Datacap Desktop application fails to move focus to the first cell on the next line after a user deletes a row in the line item table in their verify panel.
IO28506 | DBACLD-42216 | Datacap Navigator |
When the Datacap Navigator main console window is resized, the save filter option window is cut off on the top preventing the user from selecting the OK option.
IO28533 | DBACLD-42192 | Datacap Actions |
ImageUtilities.SaveImageInformation () fails with an exception error and aborts the batch when attempting to obtain the image information from certain PDF files.
IO28536 | DBACLD-42198 | Datacap Navigator |
Thumbnails view fails to stay deselected after a user scans a batch, selects Thumbnail view and then deselects it when viewing images in Local Rendering Viewer.
IO28580 | DBACLD-42219 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator shifts the focus from batch structure after using keyboard shortcuts to split and join documents in fixup panel.
IO28587 | DBACLD-42196 | Datacap Actions |
PDFFREDocumentToImage fails to convert a PDF to TIF when the PDF does not allow printing.
IO28606 | DBACLD-42189 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator application fails to display horizontal scrollbars in verify panel batch tree preventing users from scrolling through several images.
IO28610 | DBACLD-42237 | Datacap Desktop |
Datacap Desktop hangs and is unresponsive when it is relaunched after rearranging columns on Job Monitor.
IO28620 | DBACLD-42248 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator click on 'Open in new window' option returns a blank screen when the context root of the ICN application is anything other than "navigator".
IO28621 | DBACLD-42242 | Datacap Desktop |
Datacap Desktop TWAIN scan panel loads incorrect scanner profile settings during scanner initialization.
IO28624 | DBACLD-42190 | Datacap Desktop |
Datacap applications fails to delete task rrs logs when the path of the "Batch RRS logs folder" is different than the path of the "Batch Folder" in Datacap application manager.
IO28652 | DBACLD-42227 | Datacap Actions |
Convert.*OutlookMessageToImageAndAttachment* chops off the right side of the image when converting a large *.eml file to a page or pages in TIFF format.
IO28653 | DBACLD-42226 | Datacap Actions |
Convert.OutlookMessageToImageAndAttachment () drops the period, parentheses and spaces when converting an *.eml file to a page or pages in TIFF format.
IO28655 | DBACLD-42224 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Web Client ALT + N _keyboard shortcut_ fails to move the image to the right when used multiple times.
IO28656 | DBACLD-42223 | Datacap Actions |
SplitBatch.SplitBatch returning true though it is failing to move the required files in child batch.
IO28659 | DBACLD-42222 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator Field Details section intermittently adds the same line multiple times when scrolling through images in the viewer and or toggling between images in batch treeview.
IO28660 | DBACLD-42221 | Datacap Navigator |
In Verify hovering over the Run Validations toolbar button does not display the configured hot key.
IO28665 | DBACLD-42213 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator fails to set the focus of a capture field from the trailing page to a field on the main page due to the multi-page document continuous scroll feature.
IO28669 | DBACLD-42212 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator throws the error, "The XML parser object could not be built when DatacapRepositorySaveFile::onExecute() was processed" when switching to the selected page in verify task.
IO28681 | DBACLD-42197 | Datacap Navigator |
Redaction is lost when a user switches between the Main page.
IO28684 | DBACLD-42209 | Datacap Desktop |
In Datacap web client verify panel, data fields of the first image are being updated for other images in a batch resulting in the loss of data in fields in subsequent images.
IO28685 | DBACLD-41213 | Datacap Navigator |
Unable to add document when a user clicks 'Scan Document' option in Content Navigator using Datacap Transactional Capture.
IO28686 | DBACLD-41216 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator fails to display the Document Class, Document Title, File name and the Save in options for Transactional Capture for Add Document.
IO28734 | DBACLD-42207 | Datacap Navigator |
User is unable to save changes made in application workflow using navigator as ''Save' and 'Save and Close' buttons are disabled.
IO28737 | DBACLD-42194 | Datacap Navigator |
Users will now have to click the "Clear Filter" button twice to clear the filter instead of just clicking once, as before in Datacap Navigator.
IO28738 | DBACLD-42199 | Datacap Actions |
Nenu.ProcessMoveDBRecords () fails to move selected database data to the application displaying multiple "NULL" values on new db record.
IO28743 | DBACLD-42200 | Datacap Actions |
DocumentAnalytics.FindPatterns () fails to find patterns in the document or page and aborts the batch when incorrect characters are recognized from the image.
IO28750 | DBACLD-42193 | Datacap Desktop |
Datacap Desktop ISIS panel defaults to auto-detecting barcodes on every page resulting in writing Unicode values into the Page object(s) Scan.xml file when barcodes are found.
IO28772 | DBACLD-39371 | Datacap Actions |
Ewsmail.ex_AcceptMixedAttachments (TRUE) used with ex_login_O365_OAuth_Graph () moves emails to the Done folder when ingesting emails with no attachments.
IO28775 | DBACLD-40745 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator verify panel fails to display the fields of the Main_Page when user changes its pagetype.
IO28776 | DBACLD-40724 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator Verify moves the focus to the next page when user accidently uses shortkey "Ctrl+Backspace" during verification.
IO28781 | DBACLD-41003 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator verify panel fails to persist the dates entered in the date field when user switches between documents.
IO28785 | DBACLD-40725 | Datacap Actions |
EWSMail.ex_scan_graph() fails to wait the number of seconds set in the ex_wait_time () and instead attempts to grab the next batch in the Inbox.
IO28789 | DBACLD-42570 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator NSCAN returns error "Uncaught ReferenceError: EnumDWT_TransferMode is not defined at Object.doPhyiscalScan.
IO28792 | DBACLD-19050 | Datacap Navigator |
In Datacap Navigator, when the batch is launched and when the next page is selected, the Click N Key option fails to persist and is not enabled by default.
IO28819 | DBACLD-45028 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator enabling the "Suppress Scanner Warnings" box under the Configure Scanner Settings prevents scanning with Canon DR-M260 scanner.
IO28887 | DBACLD-47666 | Datacap-Navigator |
In Datacap Navigator Job Monitor, "Edit Job" button should only be user if they have "Change Job Attributes" privileges.
IO28714 | DBACLD-42203 | Datacap Desktop |
Datacap Desktop application setup with ISIS panel fails to recognize patch codes on scanned images.
IO28499 | DBACLD-42188 | Datacap-Navigator |
With the Local Rendering Viewer with thumbnails support, when using keyboard shortcut, documents fail to split when batches put on hold are reopened for processing.
IO28643 | DBACLD-42232 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator Details table removes the wrong lines when a user deletes a line and then switches to another document.
IO28615 | DBACLD-42247 | Datacap Desktop |
Datacap Desktop fails to retain the focus on the trailing page after it is rotated and instead moves the focus to a document's first page.
IO28832 | DBACLD-45548 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator fails to expose Global toolbar actions when the DatacapWebPlugin is enabled.
IO28847 | DBACLD-47727 | Datacap-BuildInstall |
Barcode.GetAllBarcodes () fails to recognize barcodes and returns in the task rrs logs, "Exception in ReadBarcodeBP. Message: Could not load file or assembly 'Accusoft.BarcodeXpress13.Net, Version="
IO28875 | DBACLD-49628 | Datacap Navigator |
Datacap Navigator viewer fails to initialize and display images when a proxy server is used to route request to ICN server.
NA | DBACLD-44697 | Datacap Navigator |
In Datacap Navigator, when a document with multiple problem/scanned pages is configured as "Marked for Delete", then Submit button does not submit the batch.
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Document Information
Modified date:
16 September 2024