IBM Support

How to translate a Maximo Mobile application to other languages?

How To


The Maximo Mobile can be used world wide in a multitude of languages. The application is designed to understand how this is established and this document is going to explain how this works and how to configure it.


The best place to start is by understanding that Maximo Mobile 8.x is able to use the language in a mobile device operating system if it is available in MAS. The configuration and workings will be explained in more details.
MAS and EAM Environments

Graphite Mobile applications will determine which locale to use based on the Locale found in the UserInfo object.

  • MAS - If locale exists in the userInfo object, Graphite will use that as its locale.
  • EAM & MAS - If locale does not exist but instead defaultLocale exists, Graphite will use the defaultLocale value as the locale. This values comes from the locale field from the Maximo user profile.
  • EAM & MAS - If both the defaultLocale and locale are not found in the userProfile but the users language is set in the Maximo user profile, then Graphite will use the user's language as the locale.
  • EAM & MAS - If none of the above are set, then Graphite will use the Browser's locale or device language.
For clarity - MAS Environments userInfo object is as follows:
Manage Profile ->User Profile -> TAB Language and Region -> Default Browser Setting


IBM Maximo Mobile 8.10.0 or above


The Maximo mobile application will identify the language from the device operating system or as per criteria explained earlier. 
However, lets review in more detail where the mobile labels, Role Based Applications or devices, are retrieved to be dispayed in a particular language.
This is determined in the app.xml of the application.
MAF Config Tool
The configuration of the languages and its workings is visible in the app.xml of the MAF Config Applications on the server that this tool is running.
Log into MAF Config Tool - http://localhost:3001
The applications listed, each have their own labels to be translated.  In this scenario I will show the TECHNICIAN, NAVIGATOR and MOBILELOGIN.
MAF Config Tool Application List

Additional Information

The app.xml shows the attribute id that is used as the unique identifier to find the attribute and that will be used to match the correct language.
For example for Technician:
Check the hard drive of the machine that has the MAF Config installed.  For example in my laptop it is on C:/
English                     /workspace/TECHNICIAN/src/i18n
Other languages   /workspace/TECHNICIAN/public/i18n
The Asset attribute has id=bnk27 which in turn will be found in English or other languages like cs, da, de, es, fi, fr, hr, etc
  "vewqj_value": "todaywoassignedDS",
  "w8m82_title": "Work Order",
  "yzx7x_title": "Asset",
  "bzz5w_title": "computedIsOverDue",
  "zpjz9_title": "Item",
  "a3vdy_title": "Tool",
 "vewqj_value": "todaywoassignedDS",
  "w8m82_title": "Orden de trabajo",
  "yzx7x_title": "Activo",
  "bzz5w_title": "computedIsOverDue",
  "zpjz9_title": "Artículo",
  "a3vdy_title": "Herramienta",
File Manager path for MAF Config
There are label translations that are retrieved from the device, like labels in Calendar, months and days, camera usage permission, etc.
The environment might have additional language tables created like L_WORKTYPE, then ensure that the translation are done for the language tables from the XLIFF files.

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000hAgaAAE","label":"Maximo Application Suite-\u003EMAS Applications-\u003EMobile"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS016103059","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
05 June 2024

