IBM Support

WinCollect: Unable to upgrade WinCollect on HA environment due to missing symbolic links for cliniq



The administrator is unable to upgrade WinCollect in QRadar, the installer fails with errors related to clinq:
[ERROR](s-ni-testmode) Unable to find cliniq at /opt/qradar/support/cliniq or /media/updates/cliniq/cliniq
[ERROR](s-ni-testmode) Unable to run cliniq.


  • This error can be skipped in non-HA environments by using the flag --skip-cliniq along with the installer:
    ./installer --skip-cliniq
  • The flag --skip-cliniq does not work on HA environments, the upgrade runs successfully on the primary console, but it fails with the same clinq errors on the secondary console.
  • Example of the errors seen when the WinCollect upgrade fails:
    [INFO](s-ni-testmode) Determining newest version of cliniq, based on patch config
    [ERROR](s-ni-testmode) Unable to find cliniq at /opt/qradar/support/cliniq or /media/updates/cliniq/cliniq
    [ERROR](s-ni-testmode) Unable to run cliniq.
    [INFO](s-ni-testmode) Set Console_Name status to 'Patch Test Failed'
    [ERROR](s-ni-testmode) Patching can not continue

Diagnosing The Problem

This issue is due to the symbolic link for cliniq being broken. To confirm if the symbolic link is OK, use the following steps:
  1. SSH to the QRadar console as the root user.
  2. Run the following command:
    ls -lah /opt/qradar/support/cliniq
    Output example when the symbolic link exists:
    # ls -lah /opt/qradar/support/cliniq
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Feb  9 11:38 /opt/qradar/support/cliniq -> /opt/qradar/support/bin/cliniq/cliniq-0.4.3
    Output example when the symbolic link does not exist
    [root@console01 ~]# ls -lah /opt/qradar/support/cliniq
    ls: cannot access /opt/qradar/support/cliniq: No such file or directory
    If the output says that the directory does not exist, then this is cause of the issue, check the Resolving The Problem section on this article.

    The administrator is able to confirm if the symbolic link for cliniq is OK.


Resolving The Problem

  1. Login to the QRadar console as the root user.
  2. Confirm the cliniq bin files exist, run the following command: 
    ls -lah /opt/qradar/support/bin/cliniq*
    Output example, in this example there are two bin files, cliniq-0.4.3 and cliniq-0.7.3, take note of the file with the highest number, in this case cliniq-0.7.3:
    root@console01~]# ls -lah /opt/qradar/support/bin/cliniq*
    total 12M
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root   root     46 Feb 13 17:42 .
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root   root     33 Jan 30 17:42 ..
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nobody 6.6M Feb  6 12:46 cliniq-0.4.3
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nobody 5.0M Feb  6 12:46 cliniq-0.7.3
  3. Create the missing symbolic link.
    • Run the following command on both primary and secondary console,
    •  In the first path of the command, use the clinq bin located in /opt/qradar/support/bin/cliniq/ with the highest number.
    ln -s /opt/qradar/support/bin/cliniq/cliniq-0.7.3 /opt/qradar/support/cliniq
  4. Run the following command on both primary and secondary console to unmount any unfinished WinCollect upgrade.
    umount /media/updates 
  5. Mount the WinCollect SFS file again.
  6.  Run the WinCollect installer normally as the documentation says. For more information about how to upgrade WinCollect in the QRadar console, check the Procedure section in Release of WinCollect Agent V7.3.1 patch 3.

    QRadar administrator is able to upgrade the WinCollect version in the QRadar console without any error.

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSBQAC","label":"IBM Security QRadar SIEM"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cwtwAAA","label":"WinCollect"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS015595996","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 April 2024

