IBM Support

Fix list for DevOps Test Workbench (DevOps Test Integrations and APIs), DevOps Test Virtualization, and DevOps Test Performance Test Server

Product Documentation


This document contains a complete listing of releases, refreshes, fix packs and interim fixes sorted by version for IBM DevOps Test Integrations and APIs, also known as Rational Integration Tester in 10.5.4 and earlier.

This document also contains a complete listing of releases, refreshes, fix packs and interim fixes for IBM DevOps Test Virtualization Server and IBM DevOps Test Performance Test Server from 11.0.0 onwards. It also contains fixes sorted from version 9.5 and later for IBM Rational Test Virtualization Server and Rational Performance Test Server. For releases, refreshes, fix packs and interim fixes earlier than 9.5 for Rational Test Virtualization Server and Rational Performance Test Server, see the following release documents:


For a list of closed RTWec defects, review the Fix list for Rational Test Workbench Eclipse Client document.

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  • Visit the IBM Support Portal to configure your support portal experience and review FAQs, lists of known problems, fixes, and a wealth of important support information.
  • Visit IBM Developer to access an online collection of tutorials, sample code, standards, forums and other resources provided by experts at IBM to assist software developers using DevOps Automation tools including access to the IBM RFE Community.
  • Visit the Jazz Community if you use a DevOps Automation product created using the Jazz platform to interact directly with the Jazz development team and other community members, download product trials and betas and track development progress.

Helpful Hints For Obtaining Technical Assistance:

Before you contact IBM DevOps Automation Software Support, gather the background information that you need to describe the problem. When you describe a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:

  • What software versions were you running when the problem occurred?
  • Do you have logs, traces, or messages that are related to the problem?
  • Can you reproduce the problem? If so, what steps do you take to reproduce it?
  • Is there a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to describe the workaround.

If you have helpful information to diagnose or identify the problem on your system, you can provide this data by following the instructions to exchange information with IBM Technical Support.

Table of Contents:

Release 11.0.2
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the DevOps Test Integrations and APIs 11.0.2 release. After you upgrade DevOps Test Integrations and APIs, DevOps Test Virtualization, and DevOps Test Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of DevOps Test Integrations and APIs unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you logged in to Oracle result databases and ran tests, the test that ran for a longer period at times displayed the "maximum open cursors exceeded" error.
This problem is fixed.
TP-93416 Previously, when you installed DevOps Test Integrations and APIs, the TIBCO EMS library settings were not displayed.
This problem is fixed.
Release 11.0.1
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the DevOps Test Integrations and APIs 11.0.1 release. After you upgrade DevOps Test Integrations and APIs, DevOps Test Virtualization, and DevOps Test Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of DevOps Test Integrations and APIs unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you ran a virtual service on an API agent and specified the secrets collection, the tags that used secrets were not resolved against the collection.
This problem is fixed.

Table of Contents:

Release 11.0.0
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the DevOps Test Integrations and APIs 11.0.0 release. After you upgrade DevOps Test Integrations and APIs, DevOps Test Virtualization, and DevOps Test Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of DevOps Test Integrations and APIs unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you used an Oracle Database as the Result Database in your project, you might have observed errors with the SEVERE level logged in the DevOps Test Integrations and APIs Engine logs. This might be due to the change in the version of the database drivers.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you paused a scheduled job, DevOps Test Integrations and APIs incorrectly resumed the job irrespective of the scheduled time of the job.
This problem is fixed.
The scheduled job now resumes according to the scheduled time after it is paused.

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents:

Release 10.5.4
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.5.4 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-90580 PH58350
Previously, if the log level of a stub was changed when it was in the Running state in Rational Test Control Panel, the change was applied without a restart of the stub. Rational Test Control Panel applied the changed log level for logging into the engine log file but did not apply the change for logging into the results database.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you changed the scripting language in the Function action in tests, Rational Integration Tester did not apply the correct engine when it used the test feature of the editor.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you used the Map action in tests, Rational Integration Tester was not able to reference external documents that were defined in XSLT Style Sheets.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, the console log incorrectly displayed the tag name instead of the substituted response message headers in the SendReply message action in stubs.
This problem is fixed.
The console log now correctly displays the substituted response message headers referenced by tags in the SendReply message actions in stubs.
Previously, if the input tag values were changed in the configuration of a running stub, the stub was stopped and restarted in a different engine.
This problem is fixed.
In Rational Test Control Panel 10.5.4 and Rational Integration Tester Agent 10.5.4, the changes to input tag values in the configuration of a running stub are applied without a restart of the stub. However, if you want to change any input tag values that are used within stub behaviors, you must first stop the running stub, modify the input tag values, and then restart the stub for the changed values to be applied.


Previously, the embedded link to the results gallery of Rational Test Control Panel that is included in email reports, did not link to the specific result of that report.

This problem is fixed.

Table of Contents:

Release 10.5.3
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.5.3 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
When you synchronized resources in an OpenApi3 document with schemas that used external references, and created an operation that was configured with the wrong json schema root, the tests that were created from the operation's MEP failed to display the JSON payloads correctly.
This problem is fixed.

Table of Contents:

Release 10.5.2
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.5.2 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you tested a client application that used the Java virtualization agent to interact with a JMS stub and the stub was configured to use the Sift & pass-through stubbing mode, which resulted in a NullPointerException in the class JmsInvocationMatcherDelegateImpl. The exception occurred if a JMS request message did not specify the JMSReplyTo header attribute.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you attempted to configure the authentication as OAuth2 for HTTP transports, it resulted in the authentication to be applied incorrectly.
This problem is fixed.

Table of Contents:

Release 10.5.1
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.5.1 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you ran different versions of stubs that used DFDL messaging schemas on multiple engines of Rational Integration Tester agent, the engines parsed only some of the DFDL schemas.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when invalid SWIFT payloads were used in Publish actions in tests, then Rational Integration Tester went into the "hung" state.
This problem is fixed.
When you created a database stub from a recording with an integrated database in Rational Integration Tester 10.5.0, the stub was empty and the following error was displayed : “No driver available for virtual connection.”
This problem is fixed.
If you now make changes to an identity store that is used by an HTTP transport, then the change will cause the HTTP transport to disconnect. When a test or stub that uses the HTTP transport whose identity store was changed is started subsequently, the test or stub uses the updated configuration for the HTTP transport.

Table of Contents:

Release 10.5.0
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.5.0 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you republished a stub from Rational Integration Tester to Rational Test Control Panel and the stub version was already published and running in a specific environment, the stub was reset to the first published version.

This problem is fixed.

Now, the republished version of the stubs correctly display their status and do not revert to their first published version.
Previously, the error message that was displayed when there were errors due to any conversion or field expansion was lengthy and made reading of the logs difficult.
This problem is fixed.
The error message is now cleaned to be brief.
Previously, when you used an IBM WebSphere MQ queue manager as the physical resource, which was configured to use the direct stubbing mode with a connection resilience, the stub failed to retry the connection if the queue manager was stopped while the stub was running.

This problem is fixed.
Previously, when installed on Windows 11, the Rational Inetegration Tester Agent and Proxy might have incorrectly report the running operating system as Windows 10.
This problem is fixed.
The correct version of the Windows operating system is displayed now.

Table of Contents:

Release 10.2.3
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.2.3 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-78772 PH40916
Previously, if you configured Rational Test Control Panel with Domain Level Security and configured users with roles, you might have noticed missing items in the top menu bar because the user was not assigned the appropriate role in the default domain.
This problem is fixed.
TP-80216 PH42860
Previously, the following Subscriber field actions were not overwritten when you repaired a test in the Message Differencing Window or the Console: Asset using Function, Is Null, Length, Not Null, Regex, Schema, XSD Type.
This problem is fixed.
TP-80807 PH43601
The Agents and Environments pages that existed in Rational Test Control Panel 9.5 or earlier, are removed. If you have saved the URLs of these pages, you might need to remove them or change the links to the later versions of the Infrastructure or Environments pages of Rational Test Control Panel.
TP-81291 PH44124
Previously, you were logged out after 30 minutes when you were on the Environments or Network and Infrastructure page in Rational Test Control Panel. Although Rational Test Control Panel was configured for a timeout that was set to a different period or you performed actions on these pages, you were logged out.
This problem is fixed.
TP-81799 PH44904
Previously, when IBM MQ message data within the RFH2 header block was processed, the internal datatype attributes were incorrectly added to the Integration Tester representation of the message.
This problem is fixed.
TP-81847 PH44911
Previously, when non-root users attempted to install Rational Integration Tester Agent on Unix, the installation failed with an error about chmod.
This problem is fixed.
Now, non-root users can successfully install Rational Integration Tester Agent on Unix.
TP-82321 PH45632
Previously, when you used Rational Integration Tester 10.2.2 to record Java methods by using the Java Agent, the recording failed and an error was reported to Rational Test Control Panel as: "The Java Agent failed to send recording to http://&lt;host:port&gt;/ due to exception http://&lt;host:port&gt;/" where <host:port> was the host and the port on which Integration Tester listened.
This problem is fixed.
TP-82817 PH47359
You were not able to record HTTP messages that were larger than 1 MB via the HTTP proxy in Rational Integration Tester 10.2.2.
This problem is fixed.
TP-82536 PH47150
In some instances when the HTTP/TCP proxy made an onward connection by using SSL to a server that returned an HTTP 1.0 response, the client that connected via the proxy received a truncated response.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you used the Rational Integration Tester JDBC driver in the same application as the Oracle ojdbc8 driver, the following error was displayed: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Timer already cancelled".
You can now prevent this error by specifying the following JVM argument in the application that uses the ojdbc8 driver: -Dcom.greenhat.jdbc.configure.driver.manager=false
Previously, after you edited content in the Field Editor of expanded content and clicked OK, the Field Editor was closed after the changes that you made were applied irrespective of any error that occurred due to an incorrect change.
This problem is fixed.
Now, if an error occurs during an edit, you are returned to the Field Editor to correct or cancel the changes.    
Previously, JSON Schemas that were created from synchronization with a RAML document, which was located outside the project, failed to load when the RAML document was no longer available. This problem is fixed.
Previously, when the HTTP proxy received a request that was not routed to a stub, it might have altered or added a host header in the request.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, if you deleted an environment in Rational Test Control Panel and when you republished the stubs that were earlier published to the environment, which is now deleted, it resulted in Rational Test Control Panel UI displaying "No resources" for the environment.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, the Java virtualization Agent failed to receive stub responses from the engine.
This problem is fixed.
Release 10.2.2
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.2.2 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-78818 PH41105 Previously, when you ran a large number of stubs on Rational Test Control Panel, you might have observed that the message log created entries for both information and warnings, which resulted in a large-sized file. Also, it was difficult to find or identify important information in the log file.
This problem is fixed.
Now, the log file creates entries only for the important messages.
TP-79942 PH42390 Previously, when you started stubs from Rational Test Control Panel and found them to be connected to the results database although the stubs were configured with the logging level set to NONE, which was not the expected behavior.
This problem is fixed.
TP-80031 PH42565 Previously, when you started a stub from Rational Test Control Panel and although the stub was configured with the logging level set to NONE, the stub wrote the summary information to the results database. This incorrect behavior is fixed.
TP-78598 PH40402 Previously, when you synchronized resources of OpenAPI 3.0 docs in Rational Integration Tester, the JSON schema created during synchronization incorrectly created paths to a few objects and resulted in an error such as Failed to retrieve a JSON value from the reference....
This problem is fixed.
TP-78983 PH41581 Previously, when you attempted to run a scheduled performance test by using Rational Test Control Panel, the test did not start. This impacted tests that were being run at the scheduled time or if the "Run Now" button was clicked.
This problem is fixed and the tests are now able to start.
TP-79907 PH42308 Previously, you might have encountered issues when you integrated Groovy script jar files with Rational Integration Tester. This problem is fixed.
TP-79016 PH41523 Previously, when you edited the Identity Store resources, it was possible to copy the entire content to the clipboard.
This problem is fixed.
Now, only the alias, type, and description are stored on the clipboard.
TP-79133 PH41701 Previously, the Rational Integration Tester agent for z/OS did not provide the SQLCODE when it encountered errors during the creation and insertion of data into the simulation database. This problem is fixed.
TP-79688 Previously, when you synchronized a resource in the Synchronization perspective of Rational Integration Tester, and then attempted to promote one of the operations that was created to the root, the operation failed to be promoted to the root of the tree.
This problem is fixed.
TP-79765 Previously, if two instances of a virtual service resource were run simultaneously with different environments and later stopped, the virtual services displayed their status as STOPPED but the virtual services might be left running in the container.
This problem is fixed.
TP-79037 Previously, the Type 2 messages that were passed through by an IBM IMS Connect stub did not contain the correct security credentials. This problem is fixed.
Now, Rational Integration Tester correctly takes the security credentials from the original message for the Type 2 message that is passed through by an IBM IMS Connect stub.
TP-79148 Previously, when you ran a test by using the RunTests command and when the test failed, an incorrect exit code of 0 was returned.
This problem is fixed. The exit code now correctly returns 1 to indicate a failed test.
TP-79149 Previously, when you ran tests or Test Suites from the UI or the command line, the summary of the test results may be incorrectly displayed as passed when the tests failed.
This problem is fixed.
TP-77518 Previously, when you worked with a DFDL schema and tagged values, exceptions were displayed when you viewed content in the Message Editor or when you ran a test.
This problem is fixed.
TP-58746 Previously, the Project Settings was slow to load in Rational Integration Tester when it was not able to contact Rational Test Control Panel. Also, when you edited the Rational Test Control Panel URL in the Server Settings tab, the response from Rational Test Control Panel was delayed as Rational Integration Tester attempted to connect by using the partially entered URL.
This problem is fixed.
Release 10.2.1
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.2.1 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you ran a Swagger UI request with incorrect data in the message body, an error with the HTTP status code 400 Bad Request was returned with no details about the cause of the error.
This problem is fixed.
The stub endpoints on Rational Test Control Panel now return details about the cause of the HTTP status code 400 Bad Request and can be viewed in the Swagger UI.
Previously, when a test suite created a report provider from a physical resource that used environment tags, the tags were not resolved.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, the Warning dialog box for the field editor did not have a Cancel button and when you clicked OK, the contents were saved and might prevent the message editor from viewing or saving the message.
This problem is fixed.
You can now select the Cancel action so that the validation Warning dialog box closes without saving the contents and prevents subsequent errors.
When Rational Test Control Panel is restarted, agent instances that host running virtual services are provided a longer time to relay their status and avoid duplicate instances to be created in Rational Test Control Panel. The default time is set to 5 minutes. If you want to increase this time when you want to run a large number of stubs in a large number of environments, you can set the following attribute with the value for the time lag (in seconds) for the restart. You must set the attribute by appending to JVM_ARGS in the setenv.bat file that is located in the <Rational Test Control Panel install dir>/bin directory.
-Dstub.restart.agent.wait=<time in seconds>
Previously, when working with an uploaded GraphQL schema in the Message Editor, when adding arguments the placeholder text "Argument Value" could cause an exception when previewing or sending content.
This problem is fixed.
The whitespace has been removed from this text in order to prevent the exception when displaying or sending content containing the reminder to add an argument to the node.
Previously, in releases 10.1.1, 10.1.2, and 10.1.3, the results of tests that ran outside of suites were incorrectly recorded in the results database and the results were viewable in Results Gallery.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you worked with messages that had schemas such as GraphQL or GraphQL Schema applied or when you pasted GraphQL content into the Message Editor, and if query or mutation were used as part of the value of the operationName node, then the message was expanded incorrectly.
This problem is fixed.
TP-75639 Previously, when you installed Rational Integration Tester Agent and HTTP Proxy on Windows 10 as a service, the operating system was displayed as Windows 8 in Rational Test Control Panel.
This problem is fixed.
The following Known issue that was published in 10.0.1 is fixed.
Making a configuration change to a running stub in Rational Test Control Panel Environments causes it to be restarted on a new engine instance. If other stubs from the same project version are running, the new stub will attempt to listen on a different network port.
This situation can disrupt routing rules.
If the stubs are configured to use a fixed network port, the new instance will fail to run as the port number is already in use.
Stop related stubs before making the configuration change and then start the group of stubs.
TP-49472 When running test suites, failures in starting report providers are now reported in the console.
Release 10.2.0
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.2.0 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-76682 PH37744 Previously, when you used a File Subscriber in an Action Group, the test failed to run with an incompatible error. This problem is fixed in Rational Integration Tester.
TP-76598 PH37572
Previously, when you changed the name or settings of a transport, the physical view rendering of that and other transports appeared to be truncated at times.
This problem is fixed.
TP-76115 PH37167
Previously, when you modified or deleted a physical resource, the environment in which the physical resource was referenced was also updated unnecessarily.
This problem is fixed.
Now, changes such as deletion or modification to the physical resource do not affect the serialized form of the environments and Rational Integration Tester reports the inconsistency at runtime.
TP-76026 PH37170
Previously, in client applications the method com.ghc.ghTester.expressions.EvalUtils.isString() in the com.ghc.ghTester JAR file became unavailable.
Now, the com.ghc.ghTester JAR file once again has the method com.ghc.ghTester.expressions.EvalUtils.isString() available.
TP-75030 PH35765
Previously, when a JMS transport (note that this includes TIBCO EMS Domain and IBM WebSphere SlBus transports) lost its connection, Rational Integration Tester never attempted to re-establish the connection.
This problem is fixed.
Note that when a JMS transport loses its connection, all existing subscriptions are terminated.
TP-74820 PH35188 The settings of server-based stubs that are managed in Rational Test Control Panel are independent of the underlying stub definition and therefore do not change when new versions are published. The documentation is updated to clarify this behavior. 
TP-62938 PH22730
Previously, when you promoted a field in Recording Studio and applied a filter to it, and later when you demoted the field, Rational Integration Tester displayed the Recording Studio panel incorrectly.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, in releases 10.1.1, 10.1.2, and 10.1.3, the results of tests that ran outside of suites were incorrectly recorded in the results database and the results were viewable in Results Gallery. This problem is fixed.

Previously, when you worked with messages that had schemas such as GraphQL or GraphQL Schema applied or when you pasted GraphQL content into the Message Editor, and if query or mutation were used as part of the value of the operationName node, then the message was expanded incorrectly.

This problem is fixed.

TP-76078 Previously, IBM CICS Region stubs dropped connections within 30 to 40 seconds after the connection was established. This problem is fixed.

Previously, IBM IMS Connect stubs dropped connections within 30 to 40 seconds after the connection was established.

This problem is fixed.


Previously, when you ran a suite by using the RunTests application with the junitDir option and the results database was set to none, the run resulted in an error. This problem is fixed.


Previously, when you worked with messages that had schemas such as GraphQL or GraphQL Schema applied, Rational Integration Tester enclosed all arguments within quotation marks.

This problem is fixed. The quotation marks are now only applied to GraphQL arguments that are either the String or ID types.


Previously, when you worked with messages that were based on the GraphQL schema in the Message Editor, and you collapsed a GraphQL query or mutation that contained only objects with no added fields, the objects incorrectly collapsed into each other. This problem is fixed.


Previously, when a function action that was written in ECMAScript failed, you could not identify the error easily.

This problem is fixed.

Now, you can identify the cause of the failure or the error in the script by the line number in the script with the error that is displayed in the console output.


Library manager now includes providers for TIBCO EMS versions 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6.


Previously, in the Agent.config file of Rational Integration Tester Agent, there were two sample ssl elements. Now, these are merged and there is only one ssl element in the Agent.config file.


Previously, when you used the test feature of the scripting action, Rational Integration Tester tried to work out what tags were being referenced and, in many scenarios, did not present the correct list.

This problem is fixed.

Now, you can set values for all the tags that are defined in the test rather than those that might be used by the test action.


Previously, when a node value was reselected that was greater than 120 characters, the number of characters that were displayed in the preview text overrode the node value. This problem is fixed.

Now, the number of characters in the preview text that is displayed does not affect the underlying node value.


Previously, when you started Rational Integration Tester, selected the Open Link option, and then clicked Cancel, Rational Integration Tester was terminated. This problem is fixed.

Now, when you start Rational Integration Tester and select the Open Link option, and then click Cancel, you are returned to the Open Project dialog box.


Previously, when you ran tests that use TIBCO Rendezvous messaging, the first test run failed if the TIBCO ActiveEnterprise libraries were not configured in Library Manager. This problem is fixed.


Previously, when you attempted to send a message to a non-z/OS MQ stub that is configured for a sift and pass action, and you specified either the MQ_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF, MQ_INPUT_SHARED, or MQ_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE open option, the stub ignored the message.

This problem is fixed.

Table of Contents:

Release 10.1.3
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.1.3 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
GH 63099
Previously, stubs that used an IBM WebSphere MQ transport configured to use Sift and Pass-Through did not stop when the transport was disconnected.
This problem is fixed.
TP-69433 PH28927 Previously, when you copied and pasted a physical transport in the Physical View, a duplicate was created with the same name and you were not able to rename the copy. Also, warnings were displayed that the copy might replace the original resource. The copy action also changed the environment file.
This problem is fixed.
Now, when you copy and paste a physical transport, a copy is created with the same as the original transport and suffixed with <Copy {Number}>. You must rename the copy by editing the resource in the Physical View and change the settings for the copied instance.
TP-71452 PH31163 Previously, when you configured an encrypted password for the SSL trust store in the agent config file, an error message was displayed when the agent attempted to register with Rational Test Control Panel.
This problem is fixed.
You can now use a password that is encrypted by using EncryptPassword.exe in the SSL trust store section of the agent config file.
TP-71465 PH31208
Previously, when you repaired tests with the option to overwrite the expected messages either in the Message Differences window or from the Test Lab console, only the body of the message was overwritten and the message headers were not overwritten.
This problem is fixed.
Now, both the message headers and body are overwritten when you select the overwrite option for expected messages.
TP-72238 PH32063 When you drag and drop test actions in the test editor, the CTRL key is used to determine whether the actions should be copied or moved. Previously, if the state of the CTRL key changed after you initiated the drag, the intent of the drop became ambiguous. Now, you can only perform a drop if the CTRL key is in the same state as it was when the drag was initiated. For example, if you pressed the CTRL key when you initiated a drag, you must also press the CTRL key to perform the drop as a copy action.
TP-72449 PH32262 Previously, when you ran the startup script to download the ISO20022 schemas, the operation terminated with an error. This problem is fixed.
The URL that is embedded in the script is changed to point to the latest URL, and the script now correctly downloads the ISO20022 schemas to the default destination folder.
TP-72523 PH32407 Previously, when you configured an MQ queue manager for recording messages in the queue browsing mode or for direct stubbing, Rational Integration Tester incorrectly attempted to send commands to the queue manager by using the SYSTEM.COMMAND.INPUT queue.
This problem is fixed.
TP-73092 PH33217 Previously, the optional nodes which had nested optional container nodes that contained data were not sent in messages in certain circumstances.
This problem is fixed.
TP-39719 Previously, in Rational Integration Tester, when you pasted content in an expanded node within a field editor, the node failed to update with the pasted content.
This problem is fixed.
TP-49097 Previously, when you selected the location to save the published results for the File publisher type in the Add Result Publisher window, you were allowed you to select a file instead of a folder or directory, which was not correct.
This problem is fixed.
You can now only select a folder or directory as the location to save the published result files.
TP-49232 Previously, the Message Editor did not highlight the disabled fields that are not to be validated. This problem is fixed.
Now, the Message Editor highlights the fields in grey when those fields are not to be validated in the received messages.
TP-70654 Previously, when you started stubs in Rational Test Control Panel and the stub transports were not bound in the selected environment, the stubs might have incorrectly restarted multiple times. This problem is fixed.
TP-72326 Previously, the fields that followed an unknown field in a nested Swift sequence were not marked correctly. This problem is fixed.    
TP-72527 Previously, when the JSON schema was applied to messages containing "any" type, the child nodes were not displayed correctly. This problem is fixed.
Now, the JSON schema defaults to “Object” when the nodes in the schema use "any" type."
TP-72612 Previously, in Rational Integration Tester, when you used the switch-on-stub or switch-off-stub command in the IntegrationTesterCmd tool, the managed stub was not found if the name of the managed stub was different from the name specified in the stub definition when the stub was created.
This problem is fixed.    
TP-72789 Previously, when you selected recorded Java method reply events and clicked the Stub icon in the Events view, the stub creation window failed to open and displayed an error.
This problem is fixed.
TP-73259 Previously, if you specified a host name with invalid characters for Rational Test Automation Server in the Server Settings tab and clicked Test, no feedback was received. This problem is fixed.
Now, Rational Integration Tester displays a warning when you enter invalid characters in the host field. Also, an error is displayed when you click Test if the host name is incorrect.
TP-73907 Previously, when you imported a schema such as JSON, Open API, or Swagger that contained invalid content, Rational Integration Tester was not able to process the import and entered a “hung” state.
This problem is fixed.
Release 10.1.2
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.1.2 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of1 Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-70753 PH30482
Previously, a stub that ran on Rational Test Control Panel failed to reset the restart counter when it was restarted multiple times and rendered the stub to be in a broken state. The stub might have restarted whenever Rational Test Control Panel is restarted.
This problem is fixed. 
Stubs are returned to the running state even after multiple restarts. However, you might still see the broken state logged in the logs.  You can ignore the logs because the stubs run correctly after Rational Test Control Panel restarts.
TP-70739 PH30486
Previously, when you deleted a domain from Rational Test Control Panel that contained multiple versions of stubs, an inconsistent state prevented you from logging in to Rational Test Control Panel when you restarted it.
This problem is fixed.
TP-70485 PH30240
Previously, when you used a Transfer-Encoding of "chunked" and the header value was not all lower case, the HTTP proxy did not pass the response body correctly. 
This problem is fixed.
TP-69611 PH29174
Previously, when you used more than 255 characters in the tag value for stubs and published the stubs to Rational Test Control Panel, such stubs were not displayed in the Rational Test Control Panel Environments dashboard. This usage of Input Tags also caused the workspace to become unusable when Rational Test Control Panel is restarted. 
This problem is fixed.
You can now enter up to 4096 characters to set the value for the Input Tags for stubs. After you publish the stubs to Rational Test Control Panel, the stubs display correctly in the Environments dashboard. The workspace also persists through a restart of Rational Test Control Panel.
TP-69536 PH29080
Previously, the scenario editor in Rational Test Control Panel prevented you from adding multiple instances of the same stub.
Now, you can add the same stub multiple times to a scenario, and you can configure them with different settings.
TP-69422 PH30195 Previously, when Rational Test Control Panel handled requests from multiple agents and test engines, it consumed large amounts of CPU to instantiate handlers to process the status messages.
This problem is fixed.
TP-69347 PH29337
Previously, headers present in the RFH2 block of an IBM MQ message were sent in an unordered manner.
This problem is fixed. 
TP-69327 PH29123
Previously, the SFTP access that was used by the file transport allowed only a single logon attempt to prevent locking of the account that occurred when a wrong password was supplied. You were not able to re-established the connection by providing your password, if a network outage occurred.
This problem is fixed. 
TP-68806 PH28072
Previously, when you recorded JDBC SQL statements that contained embedded comments, the events appeared in the Recording Studio view. When you clicked the events, the SQL statement or the result set was not displayed. 
This problem is fixed.
TP-68637 PH29497
Previously, it was possible for you to add two scenarios with the same name in an Environment in Rational Test Control Panel that led to confusion when identifying the scenarios. 
This problem is fixed. 
Now, when you try to save a scenario with a name that already exists, a warning is displayed and you must change the name to save the scenario.
TP-72494 Previously, when you attempted to connect to a Kafka broker that was configured to use both SASL authentication and SSL, the connection failed.  This problem is fixed.
TP-71444 Previously, when you opened message actions that contained JSON messages, the field action configurations on JSON arrays and descendant fields that were set to values other than their default values were either removed or reverted to the default values. This problem is fixed.
TP-70665 Previously, when you used the Add arrow to add a schema in the Schema Library View, the correct schema type was not selected if more than three files were added at a time. 
Previously, when you made changes to values within an operation, those changed values were not saved. This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you used the MySQL driver from Library Manager, you were unable to connect to the Results Database. 
Now, you can use the supported version of MySQL V8 from Library Manager. The previous version of MySQL driver V5.1 is now labeled as deprecated in Library Manager and it is removed as a supported driver.
TP-70058 Previously, when you started the RQM agent, an exception was displayed as java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException in the RQMAgent.exe log file. This problem is fixed. 
TP-69306 Previously, when you modified a Run Command and clicked Cancel in the Save changes dialog box,  the dialog box closed incorrectly. 
This problem is fixed.
TP-69137 Previously, data masks were not correctly applied to the recorded events after you clicked Finish in the Technique Configuration panel in the Add Data Mask wizard.
This problem is fixed.
TP-69079 Previously, when you added an empty CDATA[] section to an XML message, Rational Integration Tester replaced it with a CDATA[] section that contained the null string.
This problem is fixed.
Now, the empty CDATA[] sections are removed from the nodes.
TP-67138 Previously, recording of HTTP traffic in Rational Integration Tester through an Istio service mesh failed on Istio V1.6 and later. This problem is fixed. 
Previously, when you changed the environment tags, any transports that used the tags were not updated with the changed values. 
This problem is fixed.
TP-64932 Previously, when you added a property to an environment, and subsequently pulled in a change that overwrote the environment, the property that was added was seen but without an associated value.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, if the version of the configured Results database was lower than the version required, Rational Integration Tester indicated this mismatch and if you continued with running tests, Rational Integration Tester failed to write the results to the Results database.
Now, a warning is displayed in the console that provides the cause and a resolution to fix the problem. You must update the database schema or reconfigure the project to connect to a Results database that is of a supported version.
TP-48732 In Rational Integration Tester, the JSON schema now creates roots from the $ref tag definitions.
Release 10.1.1 Fix Pack 1
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.1.1 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:

Agent Instructions

Integration Tester Agent for z/OS

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-70286 Previously, when you made changes to values within an operation, those changed values were not saved. This problem is fixed.
Release 10.1.1
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.1.1 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the Tools page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

Jenkins: Plug-in for Jenkins

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (non-z/OS)

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-68924 PH28250 Rational Test Control Panel limited the number of engines that a single agent could utilize to 100. This limit is increased to 1000. The limit can be changed by editing the file:
and adding: max.engines.per.agent=<the_value_required>
Then restart the server.
TP-64814 PH23215
The version of IBM Installation Manager that is now required to install IBM Rational Integration Tester, IBM Rational Test Control Panel, or IBM Rational Integration Tester Agent is V1.9.1 or later, on all supported operating systems.
Installing by using the previous versions of IBM Installation Manager is not supported.
TP-68925 PH28082
If you created multiple stubs to process IMS messages based on message type, transaction code, datastore, or client id, some incoming messages were routed to the wrong stub.
This problem is fixed.
TP-68927 PH28251
You have created a test by using Send Request and Receive Reply actions to send a message to an IMS server. If the IMS system does not respond, the test will hang.
This problem is fixed.
TP-68815 PH28080
Previously, when using Rational Integration Tester, to generate a Jenkins project configuration, if the name of a test contained a space then quotation marks would be placed around it. It would then not be possible to run the test from Jenkins.
This problem is fixed. Quotation marks are no longer added to test names when generating a Jenkins project configuration.
TP-48644 When you synchronize WADL resources in Rational Integration Tester, the Content-type is now set correctly for the HTTP headers in the synchronized operations.
Previously, when you synchronized with WADL resources, the default selection of the resource path for property filters for the stub was incorrect.
This problem is fixed. 
The WADL synchronization operations now have the correct default filter resource path set in Rational Integration Tester.
TP-48722 When you resynchronize WADL resources, the Schema Library now reflects the correct changes after resynchronization.    
Previously, you could not complete the copy action for the selected text in the Message Filed Editor when using the pop-up menu.
This problem is fixed.
The copy action is now enabled and you can complete the copy action by using the pop-up menu.
Previously, when in the Infrastructure tab of Rational Test Control Panel while viewing the Engines tab of an Agent, clicking on a stub would take you only to the last viewed Environments page.
This problem is fixed.
Now, and each stub URL now returns you to the correct Environments page and displays the corresponding details for that stub.
Previously, the recording of the HTTP traffic by using the Istio Proxy recording mode failed to start when Rational Integration Tester ran on Linux with the pipe (Write failed) error.
This problem is fixed.    
Previously, when executing a Run Command on a remote machine, if the introductory response from a Linux server was large, the action was not completed.
This was fixed.
Rational Integration Tester can now accommodate up to 4000 characters (dependent upon encoding) of introductory text from the Linux server before the Run Command step continues successfully to run.
Previously, when you either selected or cleared the Include optional nodes option while either applying or editing the UN EDIFACT schema, the behavior of the optional nodes in the message was incorrect.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, if an environment task was configured in the stub properties, the environment task ran incorrectly when the stub was run on a Rational Integration Tester Agent but ran correctly when the stub was run from Rational Integration Tester.
This problem is fixed.
Now, an environment task now runs correctly when the stub runs on an agent or from Rational Integration Tester.
TP-48792 Previously, when a new Data mask is created in Recording Studio, the "Apply to existing events" option in the Data Mask Creation Wizard did not apply the mask to events that existed. This problem is fixed.
Release 10.1.0
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.1.0 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

Jenkins: Plug-in for Jenkins

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (non-z/OS)

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-62533 PH19850 Previously, you could not deliver changes to a Git repository on Linux when the project was not on the same file system where Rational Integration Tester was running. This problem was fixed.
TP-63151 PH20711 Previously, clicking Logout from Rational Test Control Panel did not always take you to the Login page. A browser page refresh was required. Logout now always takes you to the Login page.
TP-62977 PH21646 Previously in Rational Integration Tester, when you used the Recording Studio wizard to save large recorded events to a parameterized stub, in some situations, a NullPointerException was thrown before the wizard completed. This problem was fixed.
TP-64080 PH21883 Previously, the HTTP Proxy truncated payloads when recording at 0x00 when neither Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding were used. This problem was fixed.
TP-65033 PH23846 Accessing z/OS connect failed when you used a user ID whose password contained special characters. This problem was fixed.
TP-64062 PH21880 Previously in Rational Integration Tester, Recording Studio events with incorrectly encoded URLs prevented tests from being created and displayed an error. Tests can now be created from these events with a clear error message displayed in the Schema Library. 
TP-64696 PH23418 Previously, Rational Integration Tester incorrectly saved emoji characters in tests or stubs, which resulted in errors when those tests or stubs were loaded or run. This problem was fixed. 
TP-66401 PH25157 Previously, the proxy would delay processing an HTTP/1.0 request with no body and no content-length header. This problem was fixed.
TP-65396 PH24151 Previously, attempts to publish a database stub to Rational Test Control Panel failed with an exception error. This problem was fixed.
TP-66197 PH24982 Previously a newline character was appended to all SWIFT message types when publishing. There is now a preference on the expander and globally that allows you to control whether this newline character is appended or not.
TP-50393 PI93083 Previously, to use Rational Integration Tester to record and virtualize Db2 on z/OS applications, you used the Compiled Language Interception Processor (CLIP) to intercept Db2 calls. CLIP is removed. Existing Rational Integration Tester projects that rely on CLIP might no longer work. Rational Integration Tester now supports a new Agent for z/OS. This new agent is dependent on IBM Debugger for z/OS.
TP-62226 Previously, the operation editor set the pattern to Publish/Subscribe when a Kafka or MongoDB transport was set in the binding, but failed to show the Publish/Subscribe tabs. This problem was fixed.
TP-62478 The Environments, Infrastructure and Network pages of Rational Test Control Panel do not detect user activity and will log the user out after 12 hours.
TP-66529 When sending a MIME formatted body over HTTP, the headers in the content now override any values set in the header configuration of the editor. Values can still be overridden by setting them explicitly in the root headers of the MIME content.
TP-61735 IBM WebSphere MQ transports now poll for messages in a more efficient fashion.
TP-65902 Previously, when you recorded a WebSphere MQ for z/OS shared queue with queue authorization checking enabled, only messages written to the queue from the first queue manager in the queue sharing group were recorded. This problem was fixed. Now messages to the shared queue from all queue managers in the group are recorded.
TP-46960 Previously, specifying anything other than the wildcard in the program and compile unit fields of the CADP profile caused an ABEND. This problem was fixed with the new Agent for z/OS. For more information about that agent, see the release notes for 10.1 in the product documentation.
TP-64782 Previously in Rational Integration Tester, JDBC virtualization by using MySQL failed due to incorrectly identifying the driver as com.mysql.Driver. This problem was fixed.                            
TP-65063 Previously, when you imported a .pfx file into an identity store the following error displayed: 
Unable to import resources from myCert.pfx as the contents could not be identified as a JKS, PKCS#12, X.509 Certificate or Private Key 
This problem was fixed and the import now proceeds correctly.
TP-46584 In the Identity Store Resource, you now see an error message if you attempt to import or delete from a read-only Key Store. Previously, you could attempt to make changes to a read-only Key Store but none of these would be saved.
TP-64660 Improvements were made to the storage of GIT connection preferences.
TP-63437 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, using a Web URL schema with a MIME multipart payload could lead to an incorrect Content-Type header being sent. This problem was fixed.
TP-65915 Previously in Rational Test Control Panel, when accessing the server over plain HTTP, some actions performed in the Environments page did not complete and you were returned to the Home page. This problem was fixed.
TP-63400 Warning messages about Kafka request timeout settings are no longer written to the JVM console when publishing.
TP-62875 Now when you deliver Git changes with Rational Integration Tester, you can select all changes or deselect all changes.
TP-48297 The default Quality Management Integration was not always accurately saved and restored. This problem was fixed.
TP-65360 Previously in Rational Integration Tester, when you started recording Istio service mesh traffic, the recording session might fail to start due to a JSON parsing exception. This problem was fixed. 
TP-62225 Previously in Rational Test Control Panel, the start and stop stub API endpoints returned an Internal Server Error (status code 500) when a Content-Type header was not sent in the request. This problem was fixed.
TP-61867 Previously, when there were no test results in Jenkins to review, the following incorrect message was displayed: 
No results link from Ant task found in build log. 
Now, the correct message is displayed: 
No results link from Integration Tester task found in build log.
TP-59765 With valid configuration settings on a physical Email server resource, a Publish action of a test that used that transport worked correctly, however the Test Transport button failed to connect to the server. This problem was fixed.
TP-61802 Previously, large projects publishing to Rational Test Control Panel could take several minutes. Though the stubs published to Rational Test Control Panel successfully, you could see a message "Stubs were not published due to the following error: Rational Integration Tester could not connect to the specified  Rational Test Control Panel." This problem was fixed.
TP-58766 In the Message Differences Window, when you use either Overwrite Expected Message or Overwrite Expected Field, null values from the actual message are now correctly assigned isNull action types and are successfully overwritten into the expected message.
TP-63198 Previously, in Rational Test Control Panel, when you clicked Logout, a browser refresh was required to take you to the Login page. Now when you click Logout, you are taken back to the Login page.
TP-64275 When recording database queries that contain subqueries, the rows in one or more subquery tables are not populated in the virtual database if the subquery is in the WHERE clause and uses an IN, ANY or ALL expression. This problem was fixed.
TP-64968 Previously, an error was shown in the console when you ran a test by using RunTests with a blank password. This problem was fixed.
TP-64310 Previously, when you entered a parameterFile as an argument, you were shown a warning. This warning no longer occurs as long as the parameterFile argument is used outside of the file that is being referenced by this argument.
TP-64910 Previously, query strings were shown in the Resource Path of the Stub panel when this operation was created from traffic recorded in Recording Studio. To simplify the creation of a stub from the recording traffic, the query strings are now removed from the Resource Path shown in the Stub panel.
TP-64097 Previously, when you clicked the Analyze Schema button in the Schema Library, Rational Integration Tester would hang. This problem was fixed. Now when you click the Analyze Schema button, results display as expected.
TP-62359 When you use MySQL while running a performance test from Rational Integration Tester, an error can occur for the GROUP BY clause. This error is caused when ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is set in the sql_mode GLOBAL setting. To work around this problem, see Troubleshooting: Running a performance test with a MySQL database.
TP-66661 Previously, when you used the Environments, Infrastructure or Networks dashboards of Rational Test Control Panel the console.log included a warning that a file was not found even though the dashboard was displayed correctly. 
This problem was fixed so these incorrect additions to the console.log file no longer occur.
TP-64669 Previously, when you used the Update Project or Undo changes action in Rational Integration Tester to refresh the local repository with the changes from the remote repository, any editors that were open were not refreshed with the changes. This problem was fixed.

Table of Contents

Release 10.0.2, Fix Pack 1
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.0.2, Fix Pack 1 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-62192 PH20292
Now, in Rational Integration Tester, the Git integration preferences supports a remote name.
TP-62322 PH19505
When using the Lookup Test Data action either directly in a test or indirectly in a stub guard, an infinite loop could occur when the data looked up did not exist in the data set and the data set had looping turned on. This problem was fixed.
TP-62886 PH20342
Previously, some Excel files failed to load in Rational Integration Tester with the following message:

Error loading the selected file 'file.xlsx". Zip bomb detected!

A similar error message was displayed when Rational Integration Tester tried to access the test data in a test or stub.

Uncompressed size: 794745, Raw/compressed size: 7946, ratio: 0.009998

Limits: MIN_INFLATE_RATIO: 0.010000, Entry: xl/styles.xml

This problem was fixed.

TP-63370 PH20801
When running a stub from Rational Test Control Panel where the stub project was configured with Active Directory project permissions, the stub would fail to launch with [CRRIT8616E] Automatic logon failed. This problem was fixed.
TP-64080 PH21883
Previously, the HTTP Proxy truncated payloads when recording at 0x00 when neither Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding were used. This problem was fixed.
TP-64202 PH22338
Previously, in Rational Integration Tester, the HTTP Proxy could exit when unable to connect to the onward host whilst using the 3129 port and Connect verb. This problem was fixed.
TP-63704 PH21412

The default maximum memory for the Linux instance of Rational Test Control Panel was increased to 2 GB.

TP-64057 In previous releases, after publishing a stub to Kubernetes with Istio, the resulting YAML file would fail to be applied due to a value of null being provided for the field spec.http.match.headers.x-rit-noproxy.exact. This problem was fixed.
TP-64350 Previously, in Rational Integration Tester the value specified in the optional RULE_DOMAIN parameter was ignored when starting stubs in Docker containers. This problem was fixed. Now, the RULE_DOMAIN value overrides the value that is specified in the Rational Integration Tester project file that is contained in the Docker image. 
TP-60971 When you added an XSD document to the Schema Library in the Architecture School perspective, the Select Location dialog box did not show the OK and Cancel buttons without resizing that dialog box. This problem was fixed.
Release 10.0.2
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester V10.0.2 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

Ant: Rational Test Control Panel Apache Ant tasks

Installation instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-60588 PH16734
On Windows platforms, the list of programs available for opening a given file extension can now be provided to users without admin privileges.
TP-56312 PH17120
In previous releases, a Subscribe Action using a File Transport in a loop could cause excessive thread usage.  This problem was fixed.
TP-61840 PH18966
When using a File Data Source based on a CSV file with very large values in rows, the data source could take a significant amount of time to load. This problem was fixed.
TP-61234 PH17761
Previously, some WSDL definitions that contained unsupported extensibility elements for binding operations produced empty schemas in the Schema Library when synchronizing. This problem was fixed.
TP-61212 PH17721
Previously, deleting a project in Rational Test Control Panel led to all stubs with a single version in the environment being deleted. This problem was fixed. 
TP-48049 PH17797
Previously in Rational Integration Tester, after an MQ for z/OS queue manager restart, Rational Integration Tester would also need to be restarted before starting stubs. Now Rational Integration Tester will automatically detect the need to reconnect to the queue manager on z/OS.
TP-61794 PH19134 Previously, you could not configure the private SSH passphrase when you set preferences for Git. This problem was fixed.
TP-62257 PH19465 The RAML parser was upgraded to fix a NullPointerException that occurred when parsing traits from included files.
When recording IBM WebSphere MQ messages, Recording Studio now only includes a reply queue in the event description if there was one in the recorded message.
For IBM WebSphere MQ, it is now possible to set the time and date used in the message header to convey when the message was put to a queue.  The field that is used for this is GrpOriginContext/putDatTime in the header of the message.  Note that this value is ignored unless the write options of the transport were configured to include MQOO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT (Queue Open Options) and MQPMO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT (Put Message Options).
When recording an IBM WebSphere MQ transport, if a message has a JMSReplyTo property it is now removed from the header by default when resources are generated.  This behavior can be overridden.
Previously, when starting a stub that has multiple operations by using the command line (for example, IntegrationTesterCmd) a warning message similar to "Multiple versions found, using v1.0" was displayed. This problem was fixed. 
When importing resources with environment tasks into Rational Integration Tester, the imported environment tasks were not listed in the Environment Tasks view of the Architecture School perspective. This problem was fixed.
TP-59343 When exporting resources to a Read Only directory, an appropriate error message is now displayed.
In the Generate External Tool Configuration Wizard, an appropriate error message is now displayed when there is an issue trying to write the file.
In Rational Test Control Panel Environments, if you deleted a stub from a running scenario you saw the warning "Error removing stub from scenario.  No error detail provided"

The stub was deleted from the scenario but remained running in the background with no visibility. This problem was fixed.
When using Swagger UI try-it functionality in Rational Test Control Panel, only the GET methods worked. All other methods failed with response code 401 and response body "CRSF check failed. X-XSRF was missing". This problem was fixed.
When scheduling a test to run at a future time in Integration Tester, an Exception occurred and the test failed to run. This problem was fixed.
The name field in the Rational Test Control Panel Results Gallery search area is no longer case sensitive.
Previously, Rational Test Control Panel V10.0.0 or V10.0.1 when installed on AIX might fail with an out of memory error.  This problem was fixed.
TP-60623 Previously, results for Rational Integration Tester test suites or tests did not show overridden values in the Environment Tag Data Store. This problem was fixed.
TP-61487 The dialog box shown after a "Test Transport" has completed now always gives access to text written to the system console during the test.
TP-61922 Previously, a NullPointerException was thrown when creating a test from MEP for an operation generated by synchronizing with a RAML definition that used a file extension other than .raml. This problem was fixed.
TP-61228 Previously, in Rational Integration Tester, when delivering changes to Git, the file selection behaved as radio buttons. This problem was fixed.
Release 10.0.1
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester 10.0.1 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

Ant: Rational Test Control Panel Apache Ant tasks

Installation instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-58436 PH13856 Previously, a large deployment of stubs might hang while starting because the engine attempted to start them too quickly. This problem was fixed.
TP-58613 PI95589 It is now possible to temporarily disable previously defined keys in the Recording Studio wizard. This might affect the default groups to which events are assigned.
TP-49234 PI75130 When running tests from Rational Quality Manager, a failed test no longer causes subsequent successful tests to be reported as failing when the keepProjectOpen option is true.
TP-52561 PH01576 When creating stubs from selected events in the Recording Studio, the Remove Unmatched button is now enabled when there are mismatched events selected and there are no remaining matching events to add.
TP-51210 PI96119 Store, validate and filter actions defined on a SOAP Message Header in subscribe messages are not supported and now cause a compilation error if present.
 TP-47086 PI75244 Stub performance optimizations now cater for stubs that filter XML payloads by using "Does Exist" actions.
 TP-60359 PH16528 When editing a message field within Integration Tester, if the field contains a large text value the editor might fail to open and OutOfMemoryErrors might occur. This problem was fixed.
 TP-58358 After you installed Rational Test Control Panel on Windows 10 fix version 1809+ and started the Rational Test Control Panel service, it showed as running, but after 30 seconds or so, refreshing the Windows services panel removed the running status and you could not choose to stop the service. Rational Test Control Panel was actually running and you had to use the command line to stop it. This problem was fixed. 
 TP-58380 When an engine was started by an agent, the agent log contained messages about unrecognized options similar to: 

[RunTests/instance1 (0)]: Unrecognized option: -domain 
[RunTests/instance1 (0)]: Unrecognized option: -instanceUUID 
[RunTests/instance1 (0)]: Unrecognized option: -version 
[RunTests/instance1 (0)]: Unrecognized option: -projectString 

These messages no longer show in the agent log. 
TP-58435 The set of garbage collection policies available when configuring JVM options for an agent within Rational Test Control Panel no longer includes an invalid option "subpools".
TP-58364 Connecting to Rational Test Control Panel with no Internet connection no longer causes a long delay in loading pages because content could not be downloaded from
TP-58309 If an agent is started from a directory other than the installation directory, logs for engines started by the agent are not created. The message similar to the following message is output: 
"Unable to read logging configuration due to exception: /opt/IBM/ (No such file or directory)" 
This problem was fixed.
TP-58559 Previously, when starting Topology Discovery within Rational Integration Tester on a RHEL 7.x system a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError message was thrown. This problem was fixed.
TP-49511 Previously, in the Project Settings dialog box of Rational Integration Tester, under the Permissions Settings tab, changing the Authorization Realm selection from Rational Test Control Panel to (none) was not saved. This problem was fixed. 
TP-49465 When using a WADL synchronization source defined with an HTTPS URL, the HTTP Transport is now created with SSL enabled.
TP-49161 The touch expandable buttons on the split panes in the Message Differences window now expand properly after hiding an entire pane, closing the window, and reopening the Message Differences window.
TP-49314 Recorded events imported from another project will no longer cause the test creation wizard to hang.
TP-46600 In the Monitoring tab of a selected test resource, the saved log file entry no longer shows the old log file location when the test resource is reopened.
TP-46620 Previously, when a WSDL document had several embedded XSD enumeration definitions, Rational Integration Tester did not render these into a schema form correctly, always showing a validation error in the test tree. This problem was fixed.
TP-50530 In the Generate External Tool Configuration wizard, the Maven POM options page is now skipped if you selected to generate a Maven script to run one or more stubs.
TP-50597 When running an Ant script that uses the IntegrationTester Ant task, if the environment specified on the task is invalid, a can occur during execution. This problem was fixed.
TP-50381 Previously, agent registrations from Windows 10 based hosts displayed Windows 8 as the operating system label in Rational Test Control Panel. This problem was fixed.
TP-57983 Synchronizing a WSDL document no longer fails after editing its URL value in the Schema library.
TP-57907 When running a stub in Rational Integration Tester that has an environment task, when the environment task completes, the stub is started but was not shown in the Task Monitor. This was fixed.
TP-57794 The sending of HTTP Messages with payloads now have their Content-Type headers created by default if not specified.
TP-55267 Previously in Rational Integration Tester, when publishing a project database connection to Rational Test Control Panel, a failure was shown if the server side connection test failed, even though the connection details were successfully uploaded to the server. An appropriate warning is now shown instead.
TP-49078 The Operation Assignment page is now displayed when creating test data sets from recorded events.
TP-58504 In the Rational Test Control Panel Environments dashboard, under the Configuration tab, the Response Time option now correctly shows the Fixed delay option where you can specify the required delay in milliseconds.
TP-58483 If Rational Test Control Panel is stopped and restarted while a stub is running on an Agent, attempts to stop the stub by using the Environments dashboard once Rational Test Control Panel has restarted do not stop the stub. The stub is shown as STOPPING but does not reach the STOPPED state. This problem was fixed.
TP-51780 Rational Integration Tester uses a queue as a mechanism to prevent multiple instances concurrently modifying the divert rules used by stubs for IBM WebSphere MQ. If the queue does not exist, Rational Integration Tester attempts to create it before modifying the rules. In the case where the user specified in the transport used by the stub does not have the authority to create the queue, but it already exists, this could lead to spurious errors such as: 

WARNING: Failed to create locking queue: RIT.DIVERT.RULES... MQJE001: Completion Code '2', Reason '2035'. 

appearing in the log files. This problem was fixed. 
TP-59455 In the Logical Diagram view, the 'Create new Database' right click action for 'Set Binding in' for a Database resource now displays the appropriate dialog box.
TP-58360 After Rational Test Control Panel is upgraded, invalid error messages that relate to upgrading database entities no longer show in Rational Test Control Panel logs.
TP-57515 'File name' and 'File path' fields in File Results Publisher Settings were renamed to 'Prefix' and 'Location' respectively for better clarity.
TP-49314 Recorded events imported from another project will no longer cause the test creation wizard to hang.
TP-46600 In the Monitoring tab of a selected test resource, the saved log file entry no longer shows the old log file location when the test resource is reopened.
TP-46620 Previously, when a WSDL document had several embedded XSD enumeration definitions, Rational Integration Tester did not render these into a schema form correctly, always showing a validation error in the test tree. This problem was fixed.
TP-50530 In the Generate External Tool Configuration wizard, the Maven POM options page is now skipped if you selected to generate a Maven script to run one or more stubs.
TP-50597 When running an Ant script that uses the IntegrationTester Ant task, if the environment specified on the task is invalid, a can occur during execution. This problem was fixed.
TP-50381 Previously, agent registrations from Windows 10 based hosts displayed Windows 8 as the operating system label in Rational Test Control Panel. This problem was fixed.
TP-59381 When looking at the Environment dashboard, the availability feature groups the stubs into available, unavailable and off.

Available now only shows running stubs. Stubs that are starting or reconfiguring are now considered Unavailable until this transition completes. 
TP-58629 Rational Integration Tester now installs on Mac OS and launches by using the JRE installed with the product. 
Release 10.0.0
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester 10.0.0 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

Ant: Rational Test Control Panel Apache Ant tasks

Installation instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

JDBC: JDBC driver

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-53429 PH03832 In previous releases, attempts to start a stub on a Rational Integration Tester Agent installed on AIX and configured to use agent-mode licensing failed. This problem was fixed. 
TP-57680 PH12335 Previously, in some circumstances, EDIFACT messages were corrupted when published such that colon separators become plus signs. This problem was fixed.
TP-56542 PH09449 Previously, you could not stop an engine process for virtual services from the new dashboard. This problem was fixed.
TP-56424 PH09948 Rational Integration Tester 9.2 introduced new code to clean up stale stub intercept rules. In some circumstances this could lead to an exception when creating connections to a Queue Manager. This problem was fixed. 
TP-56432 PH10594 Previously, Rational Integration Tester failed to recognize or expand WebForm content containing lowercase percent encoded octets. This problem was fixed.
TP-56262 PH09681 When synchronizing WS-Policy WSDL definitions, RuntimeExceptions will not occur when the definition contains PolicyReferences in the WS-Policy declaration.
TP-56047 PH09395 In the message editor, when dealing with HTTP based messages, toggling the Message Type between Byte Array and Text no longer corrupts the message structure.
TP-56078 PH09454 Previously, when subscribing to files within an iterate action, Rational Integration Tester would not release all threads used for consuming the file, potentially causing an OutOfMemory exception. This problem was fixed.
TP-56058 PH10248 Previously, some foreign product translations included a double quote (“) character instead of a single quote (‘) character. For example Studio d”enregistrement instead of Studio d’enregistrement. This problem was fixed.
TP-50585 PI93907 The Rational Quality Manager Adapter was changed to continue to send log messages after pausing when Rational Quality Manager is busy.
TP-49556 PH91112 Previously, when building a message by using an XML Schema, the Rational Integration Tester message editor would not allow more than one child to be added to a node representing a repeating XSD sequence with a single element child. This problem was fixed.
TP-49495 PI77859 If the project database is restarted, Rational Test Control Panel cannot reconnect and Results queries fail with the following error: 

“An error occurred whilst fetching executions for suite (No more data to read from socket).” 

This problem was fixed. 
TP-49451 PI84953 When using an onward proxy in the HTTP/TCP proxy, if the onward proxy fails to handle the request, the error is not passed back to the client and the client connection is dropped. This problem was fixed.
TP-49247 PI75715 Row count validation errors no longer occur when appending to list tag values within an SQL Query action when cell assertions are disabled.
TP-54824   PH08283 An HTTP request with a URI containing non-standard characters (for example, '<' and '>') can now be handled by the HTTP proxy.
TP-58312 PH13470 If Rational Test Control Panel is stopped and started while HTTP stubs are running on an Agent, duplicate routing rules can be incorrectly created in Rational Test Control Panel every 30 seconds. This problem was fixed.
TP-57373 In some cases, non-ASCII characters in an environment name prevented Rational Test Control Panel from displaying the assets published to that environment. This problem was fixed.
TP-54410 Previously, the Rational Quality Manager adapter batched messages together to reduce the rate at which messages were sent to Rational Quality Manager when executing a test. However Rational Quality Manager imposes a maximum message length of 250 characters which was being exceeded. This problem was fixed.
TP-56230 When multiple IMS monitors record the same message, the reply message is now properly recorded for all monitors.
TP-53500 When starting an application with the JDBC driver configured, the application can hang if a connection to Rational Test Control Panel cannot be established. This problem was fixed.
TP-53487 An update to the MySQL results database schema is available to fix a constraint violation exception when you delete results from the Results Gallery.

Upgrade the schema to version 'g' by running patch-1_9_24_f-1_9_24_g_mysql.sql.​

There is no change to Rational Integration Tester, earlier versions will work with schema version 'g'.

TP-57268 The previous MySQL Connector/J driver class was deprecated (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver) and the new driver class added (com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver). This requires the latest MySQL Connector/J version when using MySQL as the results database. The deprecated driver can still be used with MySQL physical component connections.
TP-56993 Previously, the Rational Test Control Panel Infrastructure dashboard under the Engines tab did not show the correct values for the Log Directory, Project Location and Process ID following a restart of the server. This problem was fixed.
TP-56766 Recording and routing rules were changed to be consistent irrespective of whether their host resolves to a loopback address. This might in general make matches occur more frequently, but is unlikely to cause regressions since loopback is rarely used in production.
TP-56750 In some situations the Delete Results dialog box could display with some of its contents obscured. This problem was fixed.
TP-56746 Previously, using Rational Integration Tester with the IBM JRE , Git integration failed when connecting to a remote peer using HTTPS. This problem was fixed with the move to using OpenJDK™ 8 with OpenJ9.
TP-56752 When results are deleted by using the Results Gallery or the command line, the following exception no longer occurs: "Unknown column 'execution_id' in 'field list'"
TP-56662 Previously, the Agent name was truncated on the Rational Test Control Panel Infrastructure dashboard and Network dashboard with no way of viewing the full name. This problem was fixed.
TP-56582 Operations created from recorded Type-1 IMS Connect events now contain the proper message type in the headers on the MEP and Stub tabs.
TP-56618 The jTDS JDBC driver version was updated in Library Manager from 1.2 to 1.3 due to a defect discovered with database virtualization.
TP-56477 MongoDB physical view descriptions are no longer incorrect when only the default values are used.
TP-56305 Previously, the MQ message type was not set correctly by the IBM WebSphere MQ exit for z/OS. This problem was resolved.
TP-55947 When renaming a resource such as a test whose name contains a '.' character, the name shown in the dialog is truncated. This problem was fixed.
TP-55652 Previously, the IntegrationTesterCmd failed to detect when the value of an option was blank. This problem was fixed.
TP-55668 When setting headers in the Email transport physical resource, the values configured are not saved. This problem was fixed.
TP-55150 In previous releases, in some circumstances updating how a reference should be resolved in a Test Suite Scenario could result in an invalid Data Drive configuration. This problem was fixed.
TP-54488 Previously in Rational Integration Tester, when validating an XML message by using the Schema validation action, a schema taken from the XML document would always be included even when the 'Specified' option was chosen. The problem was fixed.
TP-52440 When exporting resources from Rational Integration Tester, the exported zip file no longer contains empty folders.
TP-51594 Previously, the "Add a new condition" list for the File Schema window incorrectly contained the entry "[CRRIT3613E] This option no longer exists. Please contact support." This problem was resolved.
TP-57514 Previously in Rational Integration Tester, when synchronizing with a Swagger definition by using a URL, relative references would fail to resolve. The problem was fixed.
TP-51262 The default way that the Integration Tester Agent installs as a local service on Windows 2016, that is with "This account", now works.
TP-56131 When sending messages by using the Email transport and the MIME format, the resulting email was received as a text encoded MIME message in the body preventing attachments from being processed. This problem was fixed.

Table of Contents:

Release 9.5.0
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester 9.5 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

Java: Java virtualization agent

Installation instructions

JDBC: JDBC driver

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-54378 PH06210 A published stub's input tags were not updated when subsequent versions were published. Now a stub's configuration is updated with changes to input tags from subsequent publications. This could trigger a reconfiguration of the currently deployed stub.
TP-54191 PH05683 Using Integration Tester in a non-English language mode, and running a suite with a results publisher, the generated report contains only an error message 
"Unable to generate Custom Report Segment.: net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException ..." 

The error message is due to a '%' bad character found in a template file. 

This problem was fixed.
TP-54310 PH06030 Previously when you switched between a Groovy script and an ECMAScript or Legacy script and then back to a Groovy script, all data was lost. This problem was fixed.
TP-54062 PH05527 In previous releases the presence of an unsupported binding in a WSDL document during synchronization could cause roots to be omitted from the generated schema. This problem was fixed. In addition, the documentation topics about synchronizing WSDL documents were updated to include the following note: 

Only SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 bindings are supported. Any schema definitions that are not referenced by an operation that uses at least one of these bindings is ignored.
TP-55206 PH07930 The system tag TEST/MESSAGE_SWITCH/CONSOLE_TXT that is populated by the system at execution time with console events causes an out of memory condition when a stub includes a never ending iterator in the activity. This problem was fixed. 
TP-53775 PH04811 Validation action enabled states are re-applied after overwriting the expected message in the Message Differencing Window.
TP-54735 PH06895 Previously, if two stubs were running on a single agent engine and that agent was restarted, two agent engines were started with one stub running on each engine. This problem was fixed such that in this case, both stubs start on a single agent engine.
TP-46668 PH06160 Previously, you could not use copy and paste to create a resource in the Unconnected Resources folder of the Architecture School Physical View. This problem was fixed.
TP-53909 PH05088 The creation of a MySQL project results database on a case-sensitive operating system such as Linux failed with "Cannot add foreign key constraint" error. This problem was fixed.
TP-55326 PH08228 Previously, if you connected to Rational Test Control Panel through the Rational Integration Tester HTTP Proxy you did not see anything in the Environments Dashboard. This problem was fixed.
TP-54275 PH05924 Previously, scheduled tests failed with Domain Level Security configured. The Rational Integration Tester Agent log reported an enter password error. This problem was fixed.
TP-54713 PH04571 The documentation topic "Scenario reference settings" was updated to explain the load scenario, including information about the stub configuration and an external stub within Rational Test Control Panel.
TP-54080 PH05453 When publishing stubs to Rational Test Control Panel, if a file in the project is opened in another application, for example a spreadsheet opened in Excel, the publish fails but the error message incorrectly states that the connection failed. The incorrect error message was fixed to indicate the correct problem.
TP-55167 PH07743 When a value other than "localhost" is specified for the bind-address field in the https-proxy section of the registration.xml for the HTTP/TCP proxy, HTTPS requests can fail in the proxy. The proxy logs show a connection refused error. This problem was fixed.
TP-54316 PH06046 Stub filtering on WebSphere MQ messages no longer fails to find a matching condition.
TP-54129   PH05594 The Compare Files action was renamed to the Compare Records action. When using compare record data, non unique keys are now correctly reported as an error.
 TP-55313  PH08116 The Message Difference Window always shows null as the expected value for Header fields validated against tags if no tags were used in the expected message body. This problem was fixed.
TP-54712 PH06765 When Rational Test Control Panel domain-level security is enabled, a user with the API User role always gets an empty list when using the domains REST API. This issue is fixed.
TP-55825 PH08952 When using the Map action in a test, if the location of the stylesheet is a file on the local system and the location is manually entered rather than browsing for it, the Map action fails and a CRRIT8426E error message is output. This issue was fixed.
TP-55859 PH09036 The HTTP proxy, when configured with a large number of HTTPS based forwarding rules encountered OutOfMemory exceptions when under load, this issue was resolved.
TP-49329 PI79765 In previous releases, a missing mandatory field in a received message could cause spurious console messages indicating that optional fields were missing. This problem was fixed.
TP-55651 PH08713 When using the Map action in a test, if the selected stylesheet is located under the project directory, the preview fails to display the stylesheet contents. This problem was fixed.
TP-53382 PH03638 The Rename dialog now allows invalid filename characters if the resource being renamed already contains an invalid character in the name.
TP-54532 PH06539 When displaying physical resource details in the bindings section of the environment editor, resources containing tags would cause error information to be written to the console. This problem was fixed.
TP-55992 PH09322 Oracle XMLType data returned from a SQL Query action no longer throws a NullPointerException if the data in the database is NULL.
TP-50392 PI92929 Previously, the Rational Integration Tester CICS DPL agent did not stop automatically when CICS was shut down. This problem was fixed.
TP-54570 Previously synchronized RAML definitions did not set environment variables with the security schemes description and default values. This problem was fixed.
TP-54554 Previously, synchronized Swagger definitions created physical transports without names. This problem was fixed.
TP-54844 Attempts to download ISO20022 schemas from the Internet by using IBM Rational Integration Tester fail with the message "Received fatal alert: protocol_version". This problem was fixed.
TP-54413 Previously when synchronizing against the Rational Test Control Panel REST API, Rational Integration Tester showed two getAgents operations. These are now getAgent and getAllAgents.
TP-54066 A test that uses the MEP now recursively expands message payloads after applying the schema defined in the operation.
TP-53834 Synchronizing a Swagger definition that included an unsupported version did not result in an error message. This problem was fixed.
TP-53237 In the Recording Studio perspective, recorded events are now sorted by Timestamp in ascending order before exporting them.
TP-54569 Previously, synchronizing a RAML source definition with OAuth authentication did not indicate that OAuth was not supported. This problem was fixed.
TP-54947 IntegrationTesterCmd now displays a warning when unsupported command line options are supplied.
TP-55319 When using a File Transport, a Subscribe action now fails immediately if you do not specify a file name pattern in either the transport or the subscribe configuration. An error stating the reason for the failure is shown in the test console. If you are using a tag for the pattern, the same error message is displayed if that tag resolves to an empty string. 
TP-46516 Previously, test names with dots were not allowed in the Recording studio wizard. This problem was fixed.
TP-54220 Previously, when using a Web URL schema to match query parameters, parameters containing an '=' character would not match a segment configured as a non name/value pair. This is now fixed. This is a change in behaviour that might affect existing tests and stubs.

Table of Contents: Release 9.2.1 or earlier

Table of Contents: Release 9.1

Table of Contents: Release 8.7

Table of Contents: Release 8.6

Table of Contents: Release 8.5

Table of Contents: Release 8.0

Fix Pack (
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

Jenkins: Plug-in for Jenkins

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-52234 PH00655 To improve compatibility with external reporting tools, the JUnit style report was changed so that the classnames of the tests use dots instead of slashes in the path.
TP-49217 PI74351 Previously, with the integration of Rational Integration Tester and Rational Quality Manager, Rational Quality Manager would flag the overall test suite results as passed despite one test failing. This issue was fixed.
TP-49177 PI74093 When publishing stubs to Rational Test Control Panel, the .rsh, .phd, .dmp, and .sdff file types are not included in the project.
TP-53019 PH02791 When a COBOL copybook schema containing REDEFINES was used in a message, the definition choice that was made was not persisted after closing the editor and reopening it. This problem was fixed.
TP-53231 PH02941 A Suite or Performance Test could publish only a Custom Report that had Chart segments when it was run in the Integration Tester GUI. This problem is fixed.
TP-49377 PI81606 Previously, you could add environment variables that differed only by case. Now environment variable names must be unique.
TP-53308 PH03396 When importing Swagger documents, duplicate message parameters are no longer created when the path variable is also contained in the path.
TP-49531 PI88739 The documentation topic "Troubleshooting: Rational Quality Manager" was added to explain the workaround to the problem when Rational Integration Tester Agent 9.0 after configuring as a Rational Quality Manager adapter to use TLSv1.2 does not connect to enable remote test execution.
TP-53933 PH05280 When executing tests or suites by using the Jenkins plug-in, environment variables configured in the Jenkins job were not passed to the test execution. This affected the ability to use the Environment Tags advanced option in the Run Integration Tester Tests task. The issue was fixed.
TP-49555 PI90897 The KairosDB used within Rational Test Control Panel collected internal KairosDB metrics that were not used and could result in disk space being consumed unnecessarily. Internal KairosDB metrics are no longer collected by default.
TP-49518 PI87189 In, you can now configure Rational Integration Tester to use SSL or TLS when you connect to DB2 on z/OS systems.
TP-53006 PH02939 The Agent logging properties file includes a comment detailing the customizing of log format to be consistent with the RunTests log format.
TP-47397 PI35091 The documentation topic "Troubleshooting: Rational Quality Manager" was updated to explain the workaround to the problem when Rational Integration Tester Agent is using an Asian locale but results from executing Rational Integration Tester tests or suites in Rational Quality Manager do not show in an Asian language.
TP-53680 PH04570 Previously when a Log action failed to write to a file, it did not report the failure back to the test or stub. This problem is fixed.
TP-49526 PI87703 If the JNDI property java.naming.provider.url is specified under Properties for a JMS transport, the value can cause Test Connection to hang when the JMS provider is unavailable. The hang issue was fixed. The property java.naming.provider.url must not be specified under Properties since the value is taken from the Provider URLs field on the transport. A value that is specified under Properties is ignored.
TP-50584 PI93714 Previously, after you rolled back Rational Test Control Panel, you could start Rational Test Control Panel but only some pages showed. This problem is now identified correctly and Rational Test Control Panel will not start after a rollback. 

The documentation topic "Troubleshooting: Rational Test Control Panel” was updated to explain the steps that are necessary to allow Rational Test Control Panel to start in this situation.
TP-51947 PH00378 The documentation topic "Types of schema resources" was updated with the following text: Changes to the external schema data source are not reflected in the project's test artifacts until the project is manually synchronized with the schema source. Schema source data that is stored inside the project is loaded upon first use.
TP-49192 PI29584 The documentation topic "Troubleshooting: Rational Quality Manager" was updated to explain the workaround to the problem when a dialog opens prompting you for a database name. This dialog opens after you execute tests or suites from Rational Quality Manager and click Test Results on RTCP (Click Here) from the Test Case or Test Suite Results window.
TP-54246 PH05853 In version 9.2.1, using topology discovery in a non-English locale can result in empty data being shown in the topology discovery view in Integration Tester. This problem was fixed. The fix is within Rational Test Control Panel.
TP-50996 The documentation topic “Configuring the project results database" was updated to explain how to configure the results database to handle Unicode characters correctly.
TP-54164 Some stubs configured with performance optimization as disabled, ran with optimization enabled. This problem is fixed.
TP-53524 When clicking Test Transport for an HTTP transport and the connection fails, the resultant analysis of the failed connection ignored any proxy setting that was configured and attempted to analyze a connection directly to the remote endpoint. The failure analysis now interrogates the proxy connection when a proxy was specified.
TP-51686 The JDBC-ODBC bridge is no longer shipped with Java. The template for this driver was removed from the menu that is used when configuring a database resource.
TP-53109 A stub that uses the Java Method transport dropped null elements from arrays. This problem was fixed.
TP-53020 In some circumstances, with DLS enabled, Rational Test Control Panel failed to show the user menu. This issue is now fixed.
TP-52947 During the deserialization of a message that was received from a Java Agent, empty arrays were considered as being equivalent even if they had different types. This resulted in problems resolving references within the object graph. This problem was fixed.
TP-52941 When you worked with Rational Test Control Panel dashboards, while Rational Test Control Panel security was enabled, when you logged out, and logged in again, the display of the current user name was temporarily lost. This problem is fixed.
TP-53241 When loading scenario details from Rational Test Control Panel the list of stubs was retrieved but not any additional scenario configuration. This problem was fixed.
TP-52588 Previously if you clicked the Help menu or admin menu you could not close the menu when clicking the other menu option. This problem is fixed.
TP-52718 When an environment was locked by others, if you tried to modify the configuration of a stub and saved the modified configuration, you received an incorrect error message as "no error message provided" but the modified configuration was saved. The correct error "You are not allowed to modify the configuration of a running stub while the environment is locked" is now displayed and the modified configuration is not saved.
TP-52797 When using RunTests, if you do not have the necessary permission to run a test, a message is displayed stating the reason why the test cannot be run.
TP-53431 Previously, in the Rational Test Control Panel Environments dashboard when saving a JVM option as blank, the blank option did not persist after collapsing and expanding the stub details. This problem was fixed.
TP-52683 Previously when refreshing Rational Test Control Panel Environments dashboard stub properties or Rational Test Control Panel Infrastructure proxy and agent properties the tab was closed and opening the stub, agent or proxy properties tab again was necessary to see the information. This issue was fixed.
TP-53327 When a receive request action is used in a test that uses an HTTP transport in watch mode, the recording rule for the action is not removed from Rational Test Control Panel when the test completes. This issue was fixed. 

If recording or stubbing is active while Rational Test Control Panel is shutdown and restarted, attempts to automatically reestablish rules fail and messages appear in the Rational Test Control Panel log similar to "No domain specified for HTTP(S) Recording rule", recording rules were not set up correctly. This issue was fixed within Rational Integration Tester and Rational Integration Tester Agent.
TP-53723 The security documentation for the WebSphere MQ exit on z/OS did not indicate that the RIT User needed authority to delete mirror queues. This issue was corrected. Also, the sample security jobs were updated to match the updated documentation.
TP-52141 Starting in, Rational Test Control Panel Environments dashboard, Infrastructure dashboard and Network dashboard, now supports column sorting.
TP-52758 On the Environments dashboard where a stub has multiple operations, the number of additional operations is displayed in the grey box. Also you can hover over the number of additional operations and see a list of those operations.
TP-52915 When an environment unlock request is automatically processed by the system, the locking user is now informed that this request took place.
TP-52982 When running with a large number of stubs, previously the new Environment dashboard could experience a lack of responsiveness due to rendering issues. This problem is fixed by adding an option to select the number of stubs to show on each Environment dashboard page. 
TP-52619 The Engines tab for an agent as shown on the Infrastructure Dashboard was not showing updates when a stub was started or stopped. This issue is fixed.
Initial release 9.2.1
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester 9.2.1 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

JDBC: JDBC driver

Installation instructions

Jenkins: Plug-in for Jenkins

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-51214 PI96836 Database resources whose JDBC URLs contained spaces failed to be recorded. This problem was fixed.
TP-51727 PI99216 Whitespace after the Resource Path in an HTTP Send Request or Publish action produced an IllegalArgumentException when the test was executed. This problem was fixed. 
TP-51726 PI98977 The Run toolbar list displays 3 run options that were always disabled. This was fixed and the buttons now work as expected.
TP-51716 PI99515 Previously the Rational Test Control Panel results URL for the Suite Summary Report email notification was truncated. This is now fixed.
TP-51736 PI99377 In previous releases of Integration Tester, it was not possible to run tests from the command line as a non-admin user when using Active Directory for authorization. This problem was fixed.
TP-52379 PH01525 When running tests or suites in Jenkins by using the Integration Tester Test Execution plug-in, the execution might hang at a random point in time after the RunTests process was launched due to excessive output being generated. The hang prevents the job from completing and can result in the RunTests process having to be manually terminated. The issue was fixed.
TP-52066 PI99673 When editing a performance test in Integration Tester, the first time a load-balancing test is selected under Performance Test on the main Config panel, test data might be refreshed. This can cause a delay in accessing the related editor panel even if the test data mappings are not viewed through the Input Mappings tab. The editor was modified such that test data mappings are only loaded upon selecting the Input Mappings tab.
TP-52065 PH00540 When subscribing to files in a directory within a loop in a test, and each subscribe is for a different file, the loop might run slowly, with one file processed for each poll of the file system. The File transport processing was improved such that the files are consumed at a quicker rate.
TP-52063 PH00532 In some circumstances, a stub using a Lookup Test Data action could have intermittent failures due to a NullPointerException. This problem was fixed.
TP-51978 PH00420 When running an Ant script to produce a JUnit report, the JUnit style output for that report was not generated correctly. This problem is now fixed.
TP-50579 PI95099 The Rational Quality Manager (RQM) adapter failed to start due to error "SEVERE: Unable to connect: Failed to resolve project alias" when there were more than 50 project areas defined on the RQM instance. This error happened when the project was retrieved from the RQM instance on any but the first page of entries. This problem was fixed. 
TP-43159 PI72856 Previously using recorded messages containing a URL query string without parameter values generated an incorrect request Resource Path. This problem is fixed.
TP-49375 PI81601 The Create Test Data Set? dialog box that opens when you select Edit or Create Test Data from the test editor menu no longer has a purpose. The dialog is now removed.
TP-51789 PI99552 When agents and engine log files roll over, useful information such as the engine instance name is no longer available in the new file. The logging has been improved such that when log files now roll over, a header containing useful information is written to the new log file.
TP-51449 PI98342 The Schema library now shows the catp messages group for the ISO 20022 schemas.
TP-52107 PH00711 When opening a saved test that uses a COBOL copybook in locales where the decimal separator is not dot, the decimal part is no longer removed when decimal values are entered.
TP-50981 PI95292 A missing tag definition is no longer silently ignored when referenced in publish and send reply actions.
TP-51862 PH00049 When running tests, stubs or suites by using a Microsoft Excel data source, the log files would contain many informational messages relating to the test data. Therefore, these messages are now logged at the finest level and no longer show in the log by default.
TP-52474 PH01480 In releases before 9.2.0, subscribing to a file by using a file transport would consume the file on each subscribe even if the file was not modified. The updated file transport in 9.2.0 only consumed the file if it changed. A new option was added to the file transport to enable files to be consumed within a subscribe action even if they were not modified. The default setting for projects created before 9.2.0 is to ignore the last modified time. File transports modified or created by using Integration Tester 9.2.0+ defaults to only consuming if the file was modified. The setting can be changed on the File transport configuration UI. If the setting is enabled, the file system is queried without waiting for the next scheduled poll.
TP-51928 The Agent details REST API response message was improved by removing duplicate and redundant domain registration information.
TP-51725 If the project settings Rational Test Control Panel URL had a trailing / character, the published to unified reporting URL was incorrect. This problem was fixed.
TP-51668 CentraSite users cannot test and validate the repository connection in the Software AG CentraSite resource. This problem is now fixed.
TP-51613 Previously the Rational Integration Tester Create New Project wizard did not default the Unified Reporting project name nor default the new Unified Reporting project. This problem is now fixed.
TP-52377 With tests created in early versions of Rational Integration Tester a single line of XML could be viewed in the Message Difference window as formatted multi-line output. Two right-click options were added to allow you to open the XML field and display it formatted and to search for text.
TP-50709 When generating SOAP tests from the Synchronization Wizard, the SOAP Action header is now correctly set for messages in all operations that are defined in the WSDL.
TP-49513 Performance improvements were made when loading test results into the Results Gallery.
TP-51403 In previous releases of Rational Integration Tester, when both the RITLOG01 and RITLOG02 datasets for the CICS DPL agent filled up, the agent would eventually end with an ABEND 422. This problem was fixed in this release. Now when both datasets are full, the CICS DPL agent reuses RITLOG01. When RITLOG01 is again full, the agent reuses RITLOG02.
TP-51593 When attempting to directly access test results in Rational Test Control Panel that were deleted or missing the required database driver, the results page would remain in the loading state and show no error message. This problem is now fixed.
TP-51582 Previously, test results deleted from the Results Gallery were not deleted from the Unified Reporting dashboard. This problem is fixed.
TP-51499 Previously, in Rational Test Control Panel, the Attribute Cloud that is shown in a particular domain would display tags of agents that were restricted to other domains. The issue is now fixed.
TP-52704 Spaces in a parameterized field in the web URL schema resolved as a '+' character, they are now correctly resolved as %20%.
TP-51818 In some situations, the HTTP Proxy fails to propagate a suitable error response to the client if the remote peer is not accessible. It now correctly does so.
TP-51575 When opening the Schema Selector for copybook formatted data, the preview message will always use the encoding set in the Formatter Properties.
TP-43160 In previous releases of Integration Tester, stubs and tests encountered various failures when built from recordings of messages either originating from or destined to remote queue managers on z/OS. This problem was fixed in this release, making it possible to use the WebSphere MQ exit on a distributed queue manager to record, test, and stub messages to or from queues on z/OS.
TP-51596 When a results database connection is published to Rational Test Control Panel from Rational Integration Tester, users are now notified of connection errors to the database. 

Suite execution automatically now publishes a results database connection to Rational Test Control Panel when Unified Reporting is enabled. 
TP-52097 When no Content Type is available in an HTTP message, messages are by default treated as Bytes Messages. The Message Type setting is honoured where available.
TP-52860 When publishing a TIBCO EMS stub to a Dockerfile and build context, you were prompted to copy TIBCO Rendezvous libraries to the UserLibs folder of the output directory. This prompt is incorrect. The problem is fixed.
TP-52654 Configuring SSH credentials on a host resource for use when binding from a File transport, if the chosen identity uses a tag for the password, the password is incorrectly resolved resulting in authentication failure. This problem was fixed.
TP-52844 If an agent is connected to Rational Test Control Panel and Rational Test Control Panel is stopped and started many times without restarting the agent, the agent can enter a state where it fails to reconnect to Rational Test Control Panel and requires the agent to be restarted. This problem was fixed. Fix Pack
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

Ant: Rational Test Control Panel Apache Ant tasks

Installation instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

Java: Java virtualization agent

Installation instructions

Jenkins: Plug-in for Jenkins

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-51254 PI97193 In some circumstances, deleting an environment tag might lead to a ConcurrentModificationException when saving changes made in the Environments Editor. This problem was fixed.
TP-49042 PI67480 If there is a problem connecting to the results database, and a message giving details of the error is available, additional information is displayed in the Results Gallery.
TP-49134 PI71653 Previously in Rational Integration Tester, in some situations, an Is Null field action was incorrectly added to a message field if a Not Null field action was present. The issue is now fixed.
TP-49373 PI91342 JUnit style reporting was fixed so that the output file name matches the name of the parent suite, instead of the last child suite run.
TP-50586 PI94022 In previous releases of Rational Integration Tester, response time for the CICS DPL stub grew in proportion to the size of data being passed to the program being called. In addition, the agent failed intermittently with ABEND 422 reason code 1A0 while running a stub. This problem was fixed in this release.
TP-50977 PI94310 Attempts to run two stubs for the same endpoint at the same time, one using HTTP and one using HTTPS results in a failure to create a routing rule for the second stub. An HTTP 409 error is indicated. This problem was fixed.
TP-51365 PI97860 If you recorded WebSphere MQ JMS messages within WebSphere Application Server, by using the Java Agent, the recorded messages were empty. This issue was fixed.
TP_50583 PI93631 BPM Components are no longer supported in Integration Tester. Any such logical resources in existing projects are now displayed as standard Service Components.
TP-50980 PI95277 The SQL Query action editor now allows you to enable and disable assert and store cell actions on a column by column basis.
TP-51261 PI97267 The PDF library was updated to address an issue where some international character set data was being truncated in Published PDF Reports.
TP-51349 PI97634 On some operating systems, previous releases of Integration Tester did not correctly detect when a file used as the source of a Test Data resource was modified. This might lead to data being refreshed unnecessarily. This problem was fixed.
TP-50982 PI95453 If you use the HTTP GET verb with the Web Form schema, the form data is now properly added to the URL when it makes a request to an endpoint.
TP-51213 PI96841 In previous releases, when the HTTP proxy had an onward proxy that was configured with multiple negative host filters specified, the filtering did not work correctly. This problem was fixed.
TP-51211 PI96327 When editing actions in tests or stubs within Integration Tester, each time the editor dialog was opened it was displayed slightly offset to the right and down from its last position. This problem was fixed.
TP-49399 PI82417 Previously, in the Rational Test Control Panel Usage page, the usage data could be filtered only by domains with usage data that was gathered within the last 7 days. All domains with associated usage data are now available.
TP-51091 PI97015 When configured to use Active Directory, Rational Test Control Panel in both the Installation Manager tooling and the application allowed all scenarios to be processed when using the simple BIND approach for authentication. This was updated to enforce the guidelines for LDAPv3 (RFC-4511) rather than relying on server configurations.
TP-49061 PI68213 In previous versions of Rational Test Control Panel the observation level for a proxy might change without user interaction. Setting the statistics initial-state attribute to "on" in a proxy's registration.xml file, or changing the observation level from the Agents view of Rational Test Control Panel might result in the new level being only applied for 24 hours. After this time the observations would end. The issue was fixed and the observation level now remains at the selected level until the proxy stops or when the level is changed again from the Agents view.
TP-50592 PI94307 In previous releases of Integration Tester, up to 3 retries were made if a test sent a request to an HTTP server and the connection was lost. Now no retries are attempted and the test will fail immediately.
TP-51384 In Integration Tester and 9.2, an Ant script that sets the haltOnFailure attribute to true is not halting upon test failures. This issue was fixed.
TP-51369 In previous releases of Integration Tester, recording MQ messages that contained multiple headers with different encoding and character sets caused recording to be disabled. This was fixed in this release.
TP-51237 In previous releases, when a stub that implemented multiple operations was referenced by a Test Suite, Integration Tester attempted to start multiple instances of the stub when the suite was run. This problem was fixed.
TP-51313 In version 9.2 of the product, using multiple publish actions for the same file transport, in a single test or stub, can result in content being incorrectly appended to the file. If more than one action publishes to the same file, each publish after the first appends content to the file even if the "Append" option was not selected. The problem does not occur if the "Close" option is selected on the publish actions. The issue has been fixed such that appending only occurs if the "Append" option has been selected.
TP-50763 In previous releases, running a suite scenario that fails to start all of its referenced stubs might lead to the suite hanging. This problem was fixed.
TP-50642 When HTTP 1.0 is being used, the HTTP Proxy now correctly handles the case of the onward server sending a response with a Connection header value of "keep-alive".
TP-51202 A newly created FIX transport now defaults to presenting Reject (3) admin messages to stubs and tests.
TP-51441 Previously, if Rational Test Control Panel was configured to use HTTPS when accepting connections from agents and proxies, the agents and proxies would still perform hostname verification even if the trust all flag was set causing SSL connection errors in some scenarios. The issue is now fixed.
TP-51688 CentraSite users cannot test and validate the repository connection in the Software AG CentraSite resource. This problem is now fixed.
TP-51532 When a stub cannot be started due to a problem locking the rules namelist more diagnostic information is displayed in the console.
TP-51191 In previous releases, a Begin Timed Section action that was bound to a Receive Reply action would not record the start time for the Timed Section resulting in no data being recorded. This problem was fixed.
TP-51136 Previously, the Integration Tester Results plugin in Jenkins could not display results because the plug-in could not find the results link. This problem was fixed.
Initial Release 9.2
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester 9.2 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

Ant: Rational Test Control Panel Apache Ant tasks

Installation instructions

Jenkins: Plug-in for Jenkins

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-49370 PI81562 When you viewed the results of a Test Cycle, attempting to view probe results with an invalid selection showed an error dialog. The action is now only enabled when a suite or scenario was selected.
TP-49561 PI91812 If two or more IPIC transports were configured to point to the same CICS server, running stubs based on operations for these transports at the same time might result in stubs failing to start due to port conflicts. The issue was fixed. New options are available on the CICS transport for configuring port and bind address overrides for IPIC stubs. Refer to the Knowledge Center for information.
TP-49104 PI71654 In Rational Integration Tester version and earlier, it was not possible to publish a stub to Rational Test Control Panel running with Domain Level Security despite providing user credentials without having first selected a domain in the project settings window. The issue is now fixed.
TP-49538 PI89590 Software AG Centrasite Server, IBM z/OS Connect Profile, IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository, and IBM API Connect registry configurations now handle tags correctly. In addition, the Developer Portal URL field was changed to Management Server Address field to make it clear that you must enter an API Manager URL not a Developer Portal URL.
TP-49196 PI73900 Previously, in Rational Integration Tester, when you viewed performance test results in the Results Gallery, the tooltip on each row that showed the instance ID of the particular test run was incorrect. The issue is now fixed.
TP-49541 PI92005 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when processing IMS messages that are not encoded by using the CP037 code page an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException might be thrown or transaction names might be corrupted. This issue was fixed.
TP-50106 PI91710 Previously, when Integration Tester was started by using the Portuguese/Brazilian(pr_BR) locale, the fields for setting the project administrator password were not visible. The issue is now fixed.
TP-49952 PI92046 Previously, when running a store action against a list tag, the value was appended twice. This problem is now resolved.
TP-49397 PI82437 In previous releases of Rational Integration Tester, a database stub created from an Oracle table with a DATE column might result in the equivalent Oracle simulation database table using a TIMESTAMP for the column type. This problem is now fixed.
TP-50391 PI92987 Integration Tester treats consecutive Assert actions as a single group. If an Assert fails, the test continues to run until the final assertion in the group was performed. If the final Assert in the group was disabled, it was possible for the test to pass incorrectly. This problem was fixed.
TP-49546 PI91113 Integration Tester uses namelists to configure the behavior of the API Exit for IBM WebSphere MQ. To prevent corruption, a locking mechanism is used to ensure that only a single Integration Tester or Agent can modify the contents of a namelist at a time. This mechanism created a secondary namelist. In some circumstances, for example when the queue manager was being shut down while a stub was running, the secondary namelist was left on the queue manager and Integration Tester could not modify the configuration namelist until it was deleted manually. Locking is now done by using Queues so abnormal termination is handled better. In addition, stub configuration namelists that are left on the queue manager after an abnormal termination are now cleaned when Integration Tester or an Agent next connects to it.
TP-48958 PI65552 When you use WebSphere MQ stubs that use Sift and Pass Through, the Intercept API Exit fails to put messages on the stub queue if the putting application is setting context data and the putting user does not have ""setall"" authority on the stub queue. The supplied scripts were updated to grant this authority. Note that the putting user must have ""setall"" authority on the queue manager and the queue to which the application is putting messages, but as this is also the case for the live system the scripts do not grant these authorities.
TP-49370 PI81562 When you viewed the results of a Test Cycle, attempting to view probe results with an invalid selection showed an error dialog. The action is now only enabled when a suite or scenario is selected.
TP-48745 PI59220 When you use a Database resource Integration Tester attempts to reestablish a lost connection. The code to detect that a connection was lost relies on a method that was introduced in JDBC 4.0 and as a result, when older drivers (for example, jTDS) are used, Integration Tester cannot determine that a connection is no longer valid. When older JDBC drivers are used, Integration Tester now performs further checks in an attempt to ascertain the connection's state.
TP-49527 Previously, when you started the HTTP Proxy configured with a forwarding rule on a computer with a host name that began with a digit, the HTTP Proxy would throw the exception 'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: IP Address is invalid'. The problem is now fixed.
TP-50727 In version installing the 32-bit version of Rational Test Control Panel on a 64-bit Windows system fails due to an invalid heap size configuration. This issue was fixed.
TP-50543 In previous releases, when HTTPS traffic was tunneled through the HTTP/TCP proxy's HTTP port the proxy dropped the connection if no reply was received from the downstream system within 30 seconds. The connection is now held for as long as necessary.
TP-50563 In Rational Integration Tester Agent 9.1.0 and earlier you could configure the port to be used by the probe application by supplying a value in the Agent.config file. In version 9.1.1 this configuration was removed. A new command line argument is now supported when running the Agent to specify the probe port, -probePort. For more details, refer to the Rational Test Workbench Knowledge Center.
Release Fix Pack
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

Ant: Rational Test Control Panel Apache Ant tasks

Installation instructions

Jenkins: Plug-in for Jenkins

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
63606 PI78339 Previously, the ISO20022XSDownloader utility would fail when configured to route through an HTTPS proxy. This problem is now fixed.
66143 PI88522 The default maximum memory for instances of Rational Test Control Panel was increased to 2 GB.
62494 PI74683 In previous versions of the product, terminating test executions that were run by Ant or Jenkins might result in results incorrectly stating that the tests remained running. Executables also might not have terminated. Improvements were made to address this problem. A new Ant task and a new Jenkins plug-in are available that improve handling of test execution terminations.
48129 PI70854 Previously, no results were generated after you ran a test suite through the command line or Jenkins if a File-based results publisher was configured on the test suite. This problem was resolved.
64715 PI82513 Previously, optional fields were omitted with MEP (Message Exchange Pattern) generated tests even when the project preference was set to include them. This problem only occurred when receive-reply based tests were generated from a WSDL that included a parts attribute on the SOAP body of the binding operation. This problem is now fixed.
64969 PI84013 A Code Page field was added to IMS Connect transport editor to be used when messages are recorded since it is not possible to determine the code page from the raw TCP traffic. When you use a transport monitor to record, the Code Page field of the transport editor is used. When you use an operation monitor to record, the Code Page field from the Operation editor is used.
66178 PI87443 Previously, Integration Tester would fail to save some recorded HTTP events as a test by indicating that the encoding UTF-8 was incorrect. This problem is now fixed.
64572 PI82143 When you record an IMS Connect interaction, and use the recorded messages to create a test, the test might contain an incorrect IRMID. With this fix, the test contains the correct IRMID from the recorded messages.
63460 PI77271 Rational Integration Tester now supports the SWIFT 2017 MT messaging standard.
66393 PI89780 When you used the Run Command action and ran a script that was encoded in an encoding other than UTF-8, the output of the command might not be displayed or stored correctly in the output of the action. A fix was made so that you can now select the encoding that is utilized when consuming the output of the command.
66272 PI89241 You can now use Integration Tester's SQL Query action to retrieve data that is handled as XML by the database. Examples include querying data from a DB2 XML column and Oracle queries that use the XMLType function.
64968 PI83879 In Rational Integration Tester various improvements and fixes were made to the MIME schema that includes the ability to send and receive a MIME message by using binary content-transfer-encoding, save recorded MIME messages as a stub and fixing an error that was thrown at run time when an S/MIME configuration was set on a MIME message.
66604 PI90406 Previously in Rational Integration Tester after you edited an existing Swagger definition resource in Architecture School the child components of the Swagger definition were hidden and could only be restored by restarting the application. The problem is now fixed.
65972 PI87443 Previously, request URIs of HTTP(S) requests routed through the HTTP Proxy were not percent-encoded. This problem is now fixed.
66126 Custom header values that are defined in an HTTP transport are no longer added to the response received when processing as part of a pass-through action.
66060 When importing cloned Integration Tester projects into Performance Tester, there are no longer naming conflicts.
66518 In Rational Integration Tester Agent 9.1.1, running the agent from the command line, starting in a directory other than the RIT-Agent directory might cause engine processes to fail to run. This result prevents stubs from running on the agent. This issue was fixed.
Release 9.1.1 Mod Release
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester 9.1.1 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Gateway Exit

Installation instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

Java: Java virtualization agent

Installation instructions

JDBC: JDBC driver

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

WebSphere: Mediator for WebSphere Application Server Service Integration Bus

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
63347 PI76945 In rare instances, invalid values in access registers caused 0C4 abends within the Rational Integration Tester IBM MQ z/OS exit. This fix corrects the problem.
63403 PI77011 The error "Not enough readable bytes" was reported in the proxy when processing large frames of IMS Connect data that were fragmented. This problem is now fixed.
63226 PI76374 When you run a stub to virtualize CICS DPL calls, the parameters on the initial packet from the agent to the stub caused it to fail and be retried. This problem caused a delay in the request being received by the stub. This fix corrects the parameters, eliminating the delay.
64882 PI83469 Incorrect settings within the Email transport, when tested, result in subsequent usage reporting that the transport was deleted. This problem is now fixed.
65891 PI87250 Previously in Rational Integration Tester, opening a Lookup Test Data action that is configured with a database test data set might cause an UnsupportedOperationException to occur. The problem is now fixed.
63614 PI77914 Previously, Rational Integration Tester incorrectly used the ISO-8859-1 character encoding to decode an HTTP request with application/json content where no charset was specified in the ContentType header. Rational Integration Tester now detects the character encoding by examining the content according to the JSON specification.
63474 PI77265 XML text nodes that resolve to NULL are now treated as implicitly optional when the XML field expander does not have the send null value property set.
65720 PI86274 Permissions can be used to restrict the perspectives to which a user has access. If a project using Permissions is opened in a newer version of Integration Tester, in which the available perspectives have changed, it was not possible to edit the permissions granted to groups or individual users. This has been fixed.
47355 PI23052 In previous versions of Rational Test Control Panel, the details for an agent, which is shown by clicking the magnifying glass icon for the agent in the Agents view, might show many unused instances. In Rational Test Control Panel 9.1.1 the UI was updated so that only instances for which there is a corresponding engine process running are shown.
65557 PI85870 When attempting to execute a test from the command line and specifying an incorrect resource name an incorrect "Unable to launch" message was presented to the user. This problem is now fixed.
64959 PI83802 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester and Rational Integration Tester Agent, activity actions assigned to the Lifecycle on Stop event in a stub, failed to be invoked when the stub stopped. This problem was fixed.
63622 PI84500 In previous versions of the Rational Integration Tester TCP/HTTP proxy, HTTP 0.9 ping requests received from an F5 load balancer caused errors to occur. This situation is improved and such requests are now modified to HTTP 1.0 by the proxy such that they can be forwarded, recorded, and stubbed.
65353 PI85235 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when you ran the delete-all-results-keeping command, results that related to any test cycle were not removed. This is fixed, results that are related to closed test cycles are now removed and results relating to open (active) test cycles are not deleted.
63531 PI78205 The Rational Integration Tester Proxy fails to send a request to an already established endpoint if the peer dropped the connection. In this scenario, the proxy now attempts to establish a new connection.
65251 PI84817 Previously, when you saved recording studio events as a new event handler in an existing stub, an IllegalStateException was thrown after you finished the Recording Studio Save Wizard. This problem is now fixed.
64002 PI78343 When you use a tagged guard in stub events, any events that occur after the guarded event that use list tags have an extra blank field at the beginning of the list tag values that causes unexpected results. This problem is now fixed.
47439 PI23346 Following a restart, Rational Test Control Panel correctly shows the deployed status of projects and running stubs on an agent instance. This status does not apply to scheduled stub executions, which are not supported. The ability to schedule a stub from Rational Integration Tester was removed.
63671 PI78759 The Rational Integration Tester Proxy might, with certain characters, corrupt the query parameters present in an HTTP request, this problem no longer happens.
63678 Previously, Rational Integration Tester did not attempt to remove invalid rules from the com.greenhat.intercept namelist, which is used for storing IBM MQ recording rules. This case might reduce performance on the queue manager as the IBM MQ API exit tried to process these invalid rules. This problem is now changed such that when recording of IBM MQ resources begins and the recording mode requires use of the namelist, Rational Integration Tester first purges any invalid rules.
64452 The HTTP Proxy was changed so that HTTPS services can be reached through a chained proxy that requires authentication.
64525 Previously Rational Integration Tester and the HTTP Proxy by default used SSL certificates that were generated with the now deprecated SHA-1 algorithm. These certificates were re-created using the SHA-256 algorithm.
63674 In Rational Integration Tester 9.1.0, selecting JDBC and non-JDBC recorded events and choosing to create a stub would fail. In the log, a message might exist similar to "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unknown event type : sql_command_action". This problem is now fixed so that the SQL events are correctly ignored.
64933 In previous versions of the product, installing the CICS TG agent into a stand-alone client application and recording requests might result in the client application failing to terminate due to active non-daemon threads. This issue is fixed.
65205 In versions 9.1.0 and, it was not possible to synchronize from an SAP system. The wizard looked as if it was successful by showing generated components in the Logical View, however the synchronized resources were not saved correctly and it was not possible to create tests. In addition, when the project was reopened the Logical View would not show any of the SAP resources that were synchronized. This problem is now fixed.
65755 Previously, after you start the Message Differences Window from the Results Gallery perspective, the Message Differences Window might sometimes open behind the main Rational Integration Tester window. This problem is now fixed.
64899 In Rational Test Control Panel 9.1.0, JDBC-based rules that show in the Agents view incorrectly displayed only a Host clause rather than the full JDBC URL. This problem was a display issue and the underlying rule did contain the full URL and was therefore processed correctly. This issue is fixed by updating Rational Integration Tester and Rational Integration Tester Agent components.
63633 Physical components and environments are now alphabetically sorted in Logical View binding menus and windows.
Release Fix Pack
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

There are no updated agents.

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
60131 PI76057 Rational Integration Tester now supports interactions with secure endpoints by using the TLS v1.2 standard.
44879 PI80278 In previous releases of Rational Test Control Panel, it was possible for routing rules in separate domains to clash causing incorrect routing. This issue is now fixed.
63931 PI79104 When you deleted test runs from the results database, either through the GUI or command line, all of the associated rows in ACTION_EXECUTION for all runs were deleted in a single transaction. This might cause problems due to the amount of data that had to be stored in case the transaction was to be rolled back. There is now a single transaction for each run so the amount of data that needs to be stored in a rollback is greatly reduced.
64196 PI80558 Right-clicking in some tag aware text fields no longer displays incorrect data.
64504 PI78108 Previously, when you opened a Lookup Test Data action in Rational Integration Tester, columns that were automatically mapped to a tag and then unmapped by the user were incorrectly remapped to the same tag. This problem is fixed and columns now only automatically map to tags once.
63588 PI82783 When processing the Accept-Encoding HTTP header, receipt of a quality factor indicator will no longer throw an Unsupported Encoding exception.
64381 PI81545 When you attempt to connect to IMS Connect through the proxy server by using a modified version of HWSSMPL1, the length field at the beginning of each packet is interpreted incorrectly. With this fix, you can now define client modified exits to the proxy server.
64275 PI81030 In some circumstances, the API Connect Developer Portal might return invalid data, which in previous releases of Integration Tester led to a problem listing the available Swagger or WSDL resources. Invalid entries in the list are now ignored and the remaining entries are displayed correctly.
64216 In Rational Integration Tester 9.1.0, opening projects that defined IBM WebSphere MQ resources with passwords, which are created in previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, resulted in the passwords showing as blank. Blank passwords might also be encountered if creating new projects using Rational Integration Tester 9.1.0 on Linux. In addition, running IBM WebSphere MQ stubs from those projects on a 9.1.0 Rational Integration Tester Agent resulted in the agent failing to read the password and the connection to the queue manager potentially failing with an error. For example, an error code 2035 might be encountered. The password handling issue is now fixed, however see the following notes: 1) The requirements of the fix mean that new WebSphere MQ transport passwords that are entered in the Rational Integration Tester version onwards are not read by previous versions of the product. 2) If Rational Integration Tester 9.1.0 was running on Linux when the WebSphere MQ password was added, to have the password value processed correctly, the project must be reopened in Rational Integration Tester, the password reentered and changes saved. Any WebSphere MQ stubs previously published from that project must be republished.
Initial Release 9.1
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester 9.1 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

Ant: Rational Test Control Panel Apache Ant tasks

Installation instructions

Java: Java virtualization agent

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
63343 PI77095 When you start multiple stubs in quick succession from Rational Test Control Panel, an error code 2 can occur indicating that the deployment of a project failed because the agent instance was already in use. Fixes were added to resolve this issue.
63101 PI75847 When you use the Fetch Test Data action, you no longer receive errors when the end of data is reached in the specified data source.
62481 PI74097 In some previous releases it was not possible to load an IBM WebSphere MQ Queue Manager transport into Rational Integration Tester in a locale other than the one in which the transport was created. This problem is now fixed.
61564 PI66619 Improvements were made regarding the lifecycle management of recording and routing rules to help avoid stale rules that were left in Rational Test Control Panel for a significant amount of time.
59589 PM84502 Previously, in some cases deleting the last project from an environment in Rational Test Control Panel did not delete that environment. This problem is now fixed.
61259 PI71921 Previously, within the HTTP/TCP proxy, it was only possible to specify the keystore file type for inbound connections. You can now specify the keystore file type for outbound keystore files as well.
61608 PI70919 Previously, when you ran a performance test that contained a Send Reply action, a Null Pointer Exception was thrown. This problem is now fixed.
62226 PI73299 Performance Tests now correctly execute when Custom Functions are referenced within the test.
61235 PI68969 Performance Tests that use MySQL to store results now start after previously created OSGi metadata is cleared.
61749 PI71226 When JSON is expanded, if an object contains duplicate properties, the last occurrences value is used (with previous values discarded). A warning is written to the Test Console.
63452 PI77146 Previously, Rational Integration Tester incorrectly cached schema resources that were found within the externalSchemaCache directory of the Rational Integration Tester install location causing an invalid cache warning after changing the version of Rational Integration Tester. This problem is now fixed.
61118 PI68099 When you record multiple queues simultaneously, messages for only one of the queues might be captured. When you stub multiple queues, messages for only the first stub might be processed correctly. When the Rational Integration Tester exit is set as inactive, the channel initiator might end abnormally with ABEND 0C4. This fix resolves these problems.
62462 PI76861 Previously, Rational Integration Tester did not include the message body in an outgoing HTTP DELETE request. This problem is now fixed such that if a body is specified in the Rational Integration Tester message, the body content is included in the outgoing HTTP message.
62031 PI71081 Previously the "Test database connection" action in Rational Test Control Panel fails when LDAP is being used for Rational Test Control Panel authentication. The following error occurred: "User attempted to execute an action that they were not permitted to execute in this domain. The action was cancelled: TestDatabaseDescriptorAction". This problem is now fixed so database connections can be tested.
61859 PI71763 Previously, Rational Integration Tester continually attempted to refresh an expired Rational Test Control Panel access token that caused BadTokenExceptions to be thrown and logged in Rational Test Control Panel. Rational Integration Tester now does not repeat failed attempts to refresh an expired token but creates a new session if possible.
62456 PI73980 The code signing certificate used to sign the HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Quality Center integration has been revoked. The required files have now been re-signed with a valid certificate and repackaged.
27253 PI48453 Rational Test Control Panel environments can now be deleted in the UI, the Ant tasks, the command-line, and the REST API.
60161 PI64334 To prevent possible clickjacking attacks, Rational Test Control Panel now supports the ability to include an X-Frame-Options header in responses.
63240 PI77950 WS-Security fixes were made enabling decryption of payloads in Recording Studio and stubs when keystores are referenced with project relative paths.
62446 Usage of stubs with names containing equals characters are now recorded in the results database.
62465 Previously, when you provided a custom SSL Certificate chain for signing purposes, Rational Integration Tester and the HTTP/TCP Proxy generated SSL Certificates with an incomplete certificate chain. This problem is now fixed.
63221 The following issues when you import WSDLs were fixed. 1) Schema Library no longer shows duplicated schema warnings after parsing a WSDL. 2) A NullPointerException is no longer thrown when you import a WSDL with circular references.
63169 Converting a payload to use MIME by using the Add Attachment action was fixed so that an exception is no longer thrown.
62404 A StackOverflowException occurred when you worked with Protocol Buffer definition files that had recursive Message definitions. This problem is now fixed.
62354 Previously, Rational Integration Tester displayed a java.lang.InterruptedException in the JVM console when it started in environments where only 1 or 2 CPU cores were available to Rational Integration Tester. This problem is now fixed.
63240 WS-Security fixes were made enabling decryption of payloads in Recording Studio and stubs when keystores are referenced with project relative paths.
61794 The Topology Discovery view no longer reports an internal error when no environment is selected.
62322 The Java agent now supports Software AG webMethods Integration Server 9.x
62388 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when you published a stub to Rational Test Control Panel, the UI might fail to indicate the status of an environment. This problem is now fixed.
62230 When operations are created by using "New -> Operation", any tests and stubs that are created from those operations now default to HTTP/1.1. Previously tests and stubs defaulted to HTTP/1.0 which in rare circumstances might cause a SocketException.
62530 Sending requests to IMS from Rational Integration Tester is no longer limited to code pages CP037 and CP1047.

Table of Contents:

Release Fix Pack
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester 9.0.1 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

Ant: Rational Test Control Panel Apache Ant tasks

Installation instructions

Java: Java virtualization agent

Installation instructions

JDBC: JDBC driver

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (non-z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
60869 PI66801 Fedwire schemas have been corrected to reduce red crosses shown in editors.
57251 PI68497 Previously, in Rational Integration Tester, when publishing a message with a disabled container node, subsequent sibling container nodes were not sent in the final published message. This problem is fixed.
61280 PI69457 The SWIFT schema support now includes the amendments of the 2016 standard.
61164 PI67323 Previously, running a performance test from the Rational Integration Tester Apache Ant task failed with the message "You cannot run a performance test with the noHTTP flag".
The Ant task now no longer applies the -noHTTP flag, so it can now run performance tests.
To disable the HTTP server for tests run from the Ant task and RunTests command-line, add -noHTTP as a new line at the beginning of the RunTests.ini file in the Integration Tester installation.
61615 PI70736 In previous versions of the Rational Integration Tester HTTP/TCP Proxy, HTTP responses that contained an empty reason phrase in the HTTP status line would be incorrectly handled. This resulted in the client receiving a message with status code of 0 and a reason phrase of null. This is fixed.
61169 PI68980 When cloning a project or publishing a resource to be run on Rational Test Control Panel through scheduling, trust or key store locations defined within the project can become invalid. If transports refer to trust or key stores that are underneath the project directory, the cloned project might incorrectly refer to the original trust or key store file.
This issue is resolved. For existing projects, you must modify and save the affected transports within Rational Integration Tester before cloning or scheduling execution of resources. Do this by selecting no trust or key store and re-selecting the trust or key store and clicking OK. Newly created projects do not require any additional action.
25372 PI69588 WSDL files defining RPC-Literal and RPC-Encoded messages that are synchronized in Rational integration Tester will now generate SOAP messages in the proper format.
62200 PI67474 Previously, when a request that uses chunked encoding and "Expect: 100-continue" was sent through the proxy, and recording studio was recording that request, the proxy failed to send the request on. This issue is fixed.
61082 PI61330 Previously, Rational Test Virtualization Server would store the project files used when running virtual services in the temp folder of the account under which the process was running. This location can now be configured using a setting in the Agent.config file.
61425 Previously, in Rational Integration Tester, data masks were not applied to fields within imported Recording Studio Events. This is fixed.
61709 Additional information is now presented in the Test Console when the DFDL parser fails to expand a field.
61179 When publishing a stub to docker using the wizard in Test Factory, if spaces are typed into the output directory field on the final page, the value could be incorrectly rendered. This issue is fixed.
61216 Previously, when recording FIX protocol traffic through pcap, each recorded FIX message would be displayed in recording studio twice. This is fixed.
61613 The WebSphere SIBus transport displayed two Stubbing tabs within Rational Integration Tester. This is fixed.
61838 Previously, the Recording Studio Wizard would list errors when attempting to build a message based Stub where SQL events were also present in Recording Studio. This is fixed, and SQL events are correctly ignored.
61097 Previously, in Rational Test Control Panel, when clients providing metrics data did not disconnect correctly, a memory leak would occur. Now, the number of calls received is stored correctly when load balanced stubs exceed 1000 TPS.
61217 Previously in Recording Studio, it was not possible to create working tests or stubs from FIX protocol events because their action types were recorded as either request or reply. FIX protocol events are now recorded as publish or subscribe action types.
58926 If an MQ stub lost its connection to the queue manager, the stub would fail and would be stopped. Previously, restarting the stub after the queue manager was brought back online would result in the stub immediately failing and ending. The only way to resolve this issue was to either stop the engine and restart the stub, or to restart the agent.
This issue is fixed so that when a stub is restarted, it is able to successfully reconnect to the restarted queue manager.
61345 The MQ transport now supports reconnection behavior for stubs and for tests that include a subscribe step. This reconnection behavior is configurable on the MQ physical transport's Advanced tab. When connection resilience is enabled on the transport, a stub or a test will attempt to reconnect to a queue manager when it detects that the connection has been lost. If a connection is established within the configured time period, the stub or test will continue to operate as before, otherwise it will stop.
60956 Multiple set-cookie headers are now usable in stub responses.
61951 In Rational Integration Tester 9.0.1, the attributes necessary to publish a stub to Dockerfile and context were not understood by the publishStubs Ant task. This issue is now fixed.
62218 Previously in Rational Integration Tester, saving changes in the Message Differencing Window incorrectly closed the associated editor in the Test Factory if it was open. The editor now remains open.
62052 Previously, Rational Integration Tester could hang while testing a TCP transport that points to a locally running server that is not configured to use SSL. This is fixed.
62110 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, recording JDBC interactions can incorrectly result in an extra event in the Recording Studio when two executeQuery method calls are made on the same statement object, one directly after another, in the Java application. This is fixed.
61477 Previously, the Rational Integration Tester MQ 7.0 AIX API exit relied on the parent process to load the shared libraries that it depended on or to a symbolic link to the required libraries existed in /usr/lib. When accessing the queue manager through an application in bindings mode, AIX failed to find the required libraries if the symbolic links in /usr/lib were removed, as is sometimes required, for example when installing 64 bit WebSphere Application Server. This is now fixed by hard-coding the lookup path to the MQ libraries into the library search path of the 7.0 MQ API exit.
61593 When you synchronize source with a secure IBM Integration Bus server, Rational Integration Tester did not pass through all of the credentials needed to establish a connection. This is fixed.
61855 Previously, the Schema Wizard always chose Document Literal as the SOAP message style and encoding, regardless of the actual WSDL binding, when applying a WSDL schema to a field in the Message editor. This is fixed, so that the style and encoding specified by the WSDL is used in the Schema Wizard.

Service release 9.0.1
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester 9.0.1 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

Ant: Rational Test Control Panel Apache Ant tasks

Installation instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

DB2: Agents for DB2 on z/OS

Installation instructions

Java: Java virtualization agent

Installation instructions

JDBC: JDBC driver

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (non-z/OS)

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
59149 PI60504 In previous versions of Rational Test Control Panel, if the name of a domain included a period, for example "dom.example", publishing a stub to that domain would result in the creation of a domain with the name being composed of characters up to the period, for example "dom" in the given example. This issue is fixed.
59573 PI62693 Spaces in tag names are no longer removed when used in a database connection URL for a physical resource.
60218 PI64455 If a message has a node processor configuration that exceeds 8192 bytes, the Schema Selector can now be closed as expected.
59866 PI63301 When opening SWIFT messages, in some cases where tags were used, the schema was applied incorrectly. This resulted in message corruption and failing tests. This is fixed.
60203 PI64351 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the hosts specified in an X509 certificate were compared with the expected host in a case sensitive manner. If the hostname specified in a transport did not match the case of the hostname on the certificate, a handshake failure could occur when establishing an SSL session. This is fixed.
60763 PI66451 WSI compliance reporting is no longer supported within Rational Integration Tester.
55774 PI48315 Previously, the XSD element was ignored in imported XSD schemas. This is fixed.
60355 PI64959 Some required derby client classes were not included in the JDBC proxy driver in Rational Integration Tester 9.0.0 and This is fixed.
59549 PI62271 Generated stubs will no longer have, incorrectly, 'does exist' filters on optional nodes.
59675 PI62695 IBM MQ queue names and queue manager names where lost on deserialization if tag names had spaces. This is fixed. Tag names with spaces now work.
59871 PI63321 Previously, if a stub was started from a scenario in Rational Test Control Panel, and if that stub's process stopped responding or was terminated, in some cases the scenario would get stuck in the Stopping state. This is fixed.
60267 PI64678 In Rational Integration Tester and later, a validation failure occurs when a node for which validation has been disabled is missing child nodes regardless of whether those child nodes themselves have validation turned on. A utility to automate the process of correcting existing projects has been created and is available on demand from IBM Support.
42965 PI10586 Migration: Increment/Decrement field actions have been removed, this is because they did not work in Stubs and had limited use in Tests. Existing field actions will be de-serialized as Value actions using the initial value.
59547 PI62273 Reply sequencing was unnecessarily added to some stubs when there were event handlers containing a subset of fields of another stub. This is fixed.
60628 PI63986 The distributed MQ API exit download contained example scripts for setting MQ authorization for objects needed when recording and stubbing. These scripts could sometimes provide an incorrect set of authorizations, depending on existing user authorizations on the queue manager. If you had existing authorizations for the model queues used to create the temporary queues, these scripts could override the generic authorizations for temporary queues. If this set of authorizations did not include the authorizations required for recording or stubbing, these operations would fail with MQ 2035authorization failure errors from MQ. To avoid this problem, the scripts have now been altered to apply the permissions to the base model queues.
60031 PI63874 The performance of the HTTP/TCP proxy has been improved. This is particularly noticeable when there are many rules and the proxy is handling a large number of simultaneous requests.
60930 PI66983 The HTTP transports of Rational Integration Tester automatically stored cookies received in SetCookie headers and used them in subsequent requests. This behavior was not obvious. The default behavior now is to ignore cookies; the previous behavior can be restored by setting the following system property in Library Manager: Dgreenhat. http.transport.ignoreCookies=false
52639 PI38278 Previously, under high CPU load, the Console view would sometimes not show the log of the selected task in Task Monitor; it would show the previous one instead. This is fixed.
59424 PI61449 Previously, stubs run from Rational Test Control Panel would not write logs to the results database, despite being configured to do so. This has now been fixed.
59074 When you select a schema to apply to a node, a tool tip is displayed to indicate that double byte character set (DBCS) is not supported by Copybook Schema plugin. This prevents messages which contain DBCS characters from being parsed incorrectly.
60977 Previously, if several stubs were started at the same time through Rational Test Control Panel, in some cases the Agent would start one Java Virtual Machine instance for every stub, which could result in excessive resource usage if the number of stubs was large. Now, the Agent will start, at the most, two Java instances for a version for a project from which the stubs were started.
60089 Performance test results in Results Gallery would incorrectly show an SQL error for TESTER_SEQ_MRV missing from the database. This is fixed.
58954 The Actor and Must Understand fields in WSSecurity tokens were not being reloaded properly after being saved. This is fixed.
60804 In Rational Integration Tester versions and, requests using the HTTP proxy port (default, 3128) for HTTPS proxy connections (that is, CONNECT requests) were rejected with a 403 FORBIDDEN response. This is fixed.
59863 In some circumstances, the Length Packetizer could fail to correctly read a length encoded into a byte stream. This is fixed.
58626 Running a regex filter within a stub against a field that was not present in the message would result in no other filtering taking place. This is fixed.
59948 In previous releases, when a schema was applied to a data field that had filtered data, the data could be lost despite a retaincontent flag. Now, data used as a filter can have a schema applied without losing the data.
60518 When a stub is started in a transient environment outside of Rational Integration Tester, the deployment to Rational Test Control Panel appears to hang and, if a UI is available, a license box pops up. This is fixed.
60082 In previous releases, Rational Integration Tester captured two responses when recording HTTP requests that were received by a stub and subsequently passed through to downstream server. This is fixed.
60390 In previous releases of Rational Integration Tester, the JVM Console in the UI might not show log messages even when the logging properties specify that messages should be logged to the console. This problem is resolved.
60907 Previously, if Rational Integration Tester did not have internet access, after selecting a transport in the Operation configuration dialog the chosen transport was not shown in the dialog until after a short delay. This is fixed.
60661 In Rational Test Control Panel, when the purgeReports method was called, the log files could incorrectly report a java.lang.NullPointerException error. This is fixed.
59532 When editing messages, if a new schema root is selected for some schema types, the original message is no longer appended to the new message and the data from the original message is now properly applied to the new message.
60159 In the "XPath Store Field action", if you specify a namespace prefix in the XPath and that prefix does not exist in the document, it previously looked for unqualified elements of that name. It now raises an error, which is the standard behavior for XPath when referring to an undefined namespace prefix.
59454 Recorded message sequence numbers were not honoring the workspace counter preference in a fresh installation.
60728 UDP messages recorded with Recording Studio did not have headers. This is fixed.
58941 In previous releases, a report of the number of connections made was generated only for connection based stubs such as TCP. Now, reports are generated for all stubs, and displayed on Rational Integration Tester's Task Monitor and on Rational Test Control Panel's environments page. The report shows how many events the stubs have processed.
59953 Previously, when a stub had its logging level set to "DEBUG" and was run from the RunTests command line, or when a stub was run from Rational Test Control Panel by selecting "Debug" log level, the debug level log console output was missing from the console output or Agent console log. That debug level output has now been included. This also applies to tests when "Window > Preferences > Console > Enable debugging output" is enabled.
60847 The ISO 20022 XSD Downloader utility present in previous versions of Rational Integration Tester was unable to process content because the ISO 20022 website has added a URL redirection for downloading schema files. This is fixed.
60558 Previously, any warning messages from tests or stubs in the console output of RunTests or in the Agent log file were not identified as warnings. They are now prefixed with "[Warning]". For example, these lines generated by stubs are now prefixed with "[Warning]": This Stub is being executed in IBM Rational Integration Tester, and will run for a maximum of 5 minutes. Stub is executing in IBM Rational Integration Tester so transaction throughput is throttled.
60544 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, you could convert a test into a stub. This feature was deprecated since version 8.6.0, and is now removed.
28225 The patterns that were used to match against different versions of MySQL drivers within the library manager application has been improved to cover a wider set of the supported drivers.
52126 In previous versions of Rational Test Control Panel, if you modified the installation by removing the HTTP/TCP proxy component, you were incorrectly asked to provide information to register the proxy with Rational Test Control Panel. This issue is fixed.
61106 When upgrading Rational Test Control Panel from version 8.7.0 onwards, the server.xml configuration file will now be updated with the bind address format needed by newer versions of WebSphere Liberty so that the application can successfully be restarted.
60600 In previous releases, a results publisher could not generate a chart that contained Log Measurement counters. This is fixed.
60868 Bodies within HTTP requests are now send for all method types rather than just POST and PUT
50214 When starting a server based stub on the Rational Integration Tester Agent, if there is a failure to bind to the specified port number, an error message is now written to the log file to help with troubleshooting.
58705 If a SOAP operation has WSSecurity, WSAddressing, and SOAP headers defined for the Request or Reply on the Message Exchange Pattern tab, these will now be properly copied to tests generated or messages recorded from the operation.
58675 If you synchronize a WSDL file containing HTTP GET and POST bindings with Rational Integration Tester, you are notified that the operations associated with those bindings are not synchronized. This is because these types of operations are not supported.
57349 An environment task associated with a stub that implemented multiple operations would be run multiple times when the stub was run. When run from within a Test Suite the environment task was started correctly, but the CleanUp task was not run. This is fixed.
58627 In previous releases of Rational Integration Tester, attempts to open the internal documentation for an operation resulted in nothing happening. This issue has been fixed.
58789 Handling of SOAP 1.2 Web Service calls has been improved.

Fix Pack (
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

Java: Java virtualization agent

Installation instructions

JDBC: JDBC driver

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (non-z/OS)

Installation instructions

SAP: SAP IDoc ABAP plug-in

Installation instructions

Software AG: Adapter package for Software AG webMethods Integration Server

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
59443 PI61596 As part of processing SQL statements for TIMESTAMP types, a regression was introduced that caused a reliance on the Oracle database drivers being present irrespective of the database type that was being virtualized. This has now been resolved.
59392 PI61330 When using an HTTP transport to send a request as part of a test, if a Transfer-Encoding header is configured in the request with the value chunked, the request failed to be sent. This issue has been fixed.
59300 PI61038 In a regression from Rational Integration Tester, where generic SWIFT schema based messages started having specific schemas applied, the use of precompiled headers resulted in date-time field validation being enabled which could cause test failures to occur. This has now been resolved.
59160 PI60611 Previously, the Database Driver field was not loaded from the saved resource if it was not defined in the standard known set. This has now been fixed (regression fix for 9.0).
59147 PI58915 The lookup test data step (and the record exists guard in parameterized stubs) has been updated to return all data if no lookup values are provided. This enables dynamic test data to be more easily used where test tags are referenced in the test data definition.
56940 PI52637 When you select a schema to apply to a node, a tool tip is displayed to indicate that double byte character set (DBCS) is not supported by Copybook Schema plugin. This prevents messages which contain DBCS characters from being parsed incorrectly.
57731 PI55030 Previously, if files were changed outside of Rational Integration Tester, you would need to refresh the project (Project > Refresh) before running performance tests. This is no longer required.
53041 PI40431 The HTTP Proxy has been changed to delete routing rules for unreachable destinations - these destinations could be for stubs that are no longer running, but did not shut down properly leaving the routing rules behind.
59434 PI61507 In previous releases of Rational Integration Tester, the maximum number of connections configured in the Client tab of the HTTP transport was not honored; this limited the number of concurrent requests that could be made to 20. The configured value is now used correctly
59119 PI38278 Previously, under high CPU load, the Test Console would not be updated with the selected row's output after closing the Message Differencing window and selecting new rows in the Task Monitor. This has now been fixed.
55798 PI48368 When using the message difference window to view persisted SQL Query action results, an attempt to parse date based fields may result in the data being shown as NULL, this has now been resolved.
59015 PI59761 Previously, when running a stub on an RIT-Agent, environment tags with values inherited from the default environment properties might not have been resolved by the stub. This issue has now been fixed.
58977 PI59721 Previously, WS-Security actions that use %%PROJECT/ROOT_DIRECTORY%% in their path name would fail to work if the project was moved from one file system location to another, this has now been resolved.
54732 PI39518 The HTPP / TCP Proxy and Tester are now shipped with a certificate with a 2048 bit key. - To use the certificate to sign certificates generated by Proxy, edit the registration.xml to use greenhat2048.jks. - To use the certificate to sign certificates generated by Tester, select "greenhat2048" as the "Inbuilt Certificate Authority" in the Project Settings dialog.
53540 PI41191 Message Difference Window now shows the actual HTTP URL instead of the template when URL schemas are used (that is, when no data masks are present in the project).
58972 PI59567 Previously, the commands "delete-all-results-keeping" and "delete-all-results" when run in the Rational Integration Tester command line tool would not delete performance test results data from the database. This has now been fixed.
59115 PI60328 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when you open a project for the first time during a test cycle, an "UnsupportedOperationException" error would be thrown. This has now been fixed.
55075 PI46010 Due to an issue with the TIBCO EMS libraries, SSL connectivity when using JNDI isn't possible using generic JMS APIs, Rational Integration Tester has been updated to use the specific methods to allow this to work.
54359 PI43635 Use of a subscribe action against a File based transport would result in the file being locked for the duration of the test, this lock is now released as soon as the subscribe action has completed.
58493 PI57214 When a column with a blank name was encountered by the JDBC driver a NullPointerException would be thrown, this has now been resolved.
58459 PI57119 In situations where a stored procedure had both input and output parameters and the output parameters were of type SYS_REFCURSOR the JDBC driver would be unable to process manually added rows of data from the simulation database, this has now been resolved.
28026 PM73930 When recording or stubbing webMethods Integration Server requests and responses, large IData objects can result in significant memory usage, potentially causing OutOfMemory exceptions. Improvements have been made to memory usage when recording and stubbing. In addition, you can configure a property called maxMessageSize in the file found at /IntegrationServer/instances/default/packages/GreenHat/config on the server. You can use this property to specify the maximum message size in KB that should be recorded or stubbed. You must restart the webMethods Integration Server for the changes to take effect.
58833 PI58839 Previously, some items could be incorrectly selected as parents in Logical View, which caused the test artifacts to disappear in Test Factory. This issue has now been fixed.
50378 PI30902 While displaying events or creating artifacts using the Recording Studio Wizard, if you select the workspace preference 'XML > Preserve Whitespace', only whitespace in elements containing no other elements will be preserved.
58699 PI43635 Previously, when an MQ physical transport was configured with Get/Take message options, the options would be ignored when a stub, configured to do sift and pass-through, got the messages; instead, it would use the default options. This has been fixed so that a stub configured to do sift and pass-through uses the Get/Take message options configured in the transport when getting messages off of a queue.
47348 PI23029 The Schema field action now supports validation of SOAP payloads against WSDLs that contain references to external resources.
25014 PM73876 You can configure an Iterate Test Data action to select specific rows from the test data by setting filters. In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, however, the Task Monitor would not show a test as 100% complete when some rows of data are skipped. This has now been fixed.
57264 PI53563 In situations where database virtualization was using an Oracle simulation database whose version predates Oracle 11g, users would not be able to edit stored procedure data, this has now been resolved.
56775 PI52143 When user tags are created, names are now trimmed to remove white spaces.
59238 PI60888 The Schema field action now supports validation of SOAP payloads against WSDLs that contain references to external resources.
53600 PI41330 You can now import XSDs even if they have spaces in schema locations.
59118 PI53723 Previously, the field or message overwrite action on the message difference window would also remove any SQL Query RegEx column validations. This issue has now been fixed.
59508 Previously, it was possible to create a scenario where an HTTP based virtual service could respond more than once to the same request, this would result in a subsequent request getting an incorrect response, this has now been resolved.
59483 Viewing performance test result charts could lead to a memory leak, this has been fixed.
59472 In previous releases generating a chart for use in a Results Publisher could lead to a spurious "Failed to write image to disk" message, this has been fixed.
59462 Previously, when synchronizing with a Swagger definition in a non English locale, browsing to a file without a .swagger extension would cause .swagger to be appended to the selected file path causing the file to not be found by the synchronization process. This has now been fixed.
59427 Previously, Web URL schemas generated from synchronizing with a WADL file contained query segments with no name. This has now been fixed.
59389 Attempts to load an Excel based test data source would result in an InvalidFormatException being thrown within the Starter Edition version of the offering, this is now fixed.
59162 The Web URL field expander now handles receiving reserved characters rather than throwing IncorrectEncodingException.
59145 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when comparing messages using the Message Differences window, if you make any changes and close the window, you are prompted to save the changes (if auto saving is not enabled). Upon choosing to save, the window might remain open and the Rational Integration Tester JVM log contains an exception similar to java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.swing.JPanel incompatible with com.ghc.eclipse.ui.impl.EditorSite. This issue has now been fixed.
58665 When configuring an MQ transport, if you do not specify a password, the connection to a queue manager that is at version 8 or later and is configured to use optional connection authentication can still fail. This has been fixed so that the connection will now succeed. Additionally, since Rational Integration Tester 8.7.0, the 'Use MQCSP authentication' property has been automatically specified for all connection attempts, in order to support password lengths greater than 12 characters. This property is no longer used with the connection attempts due to connection issues. If you need the property, manually add it and set it to 'true' on the physical transport settings.
58702 Previously, when pasting a synchronization source URL into Physical View or Synchronization View, a NullPointerException error occurred. This has now been fixed.
58878 When a SOAP operation has WS-Security, WS-Addressing, and SOAP headers defined for the Request or Reply messages on the Message Exchange Pattern tab, the messages are now properly copied to tests generated from the operation or messages recorded from the operation.
59094 Previously, when using version 3.0.14 of the SAP Java Connector it was not possible to record IDOCs; this version of the library is now supported.
59109 Previously, when adding resources to the system model using the Topology Discovery wizard, if the Summary button on the Parent Assignment page was clicked, parent assignment values were not correctly taken and the created service component might end up with a name of null. This issue has now been fixed.
58921 When editing a COBOL copybook message, if a new schema root is selected, the original message is no longer appended to the new message and the data from the original message is now properly applied to the new message.
58732 Previously, the HTTP proxy log files "logs/additional/ibmritipproxy-stdout.*.log" (when running the proxy as a Windows service) and "membrane.log" in the user's home directory (which, when running as a Windows Service, is C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile) grow very quickly and, in the case of the former, grow to very large sizes. Now these files contain much less information by default. However, this means that there is less diagnostic information available by default. To re-enable more detailed output when needing to diagnose issues, edit /httptcp/ and change: to:
59624 Previously, when creating resources from IMS observations within the Topology Discovery view, a NumberFormatException error might occur, preventing the modelling from completing. This issue has now been fixed.

Initial Release (9.0)
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester 9.0 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Gateway Exit

Installation instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

DB2: Agents for DB2 on z/OS

Installation instructions

Java: Java virtualization agent

Installation instructions

JDBC: JDBC driver

Installation instructions

Jenkins: Plug-in for Jenkins

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (non-z/OS)

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

WebSphere: Mediator for WebSphere Application Server Service Integration Bus

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
58515 PI57291 Previously, the Rational Integration Tester plug-in for Jenkins would not detect the URLs to the test results when the tests were run on non-English computers. This has now been fixed.
58396 PI56903 In Rational Integration Tester 8.7.0 and later, the guard 'Record does not exist' in parameterized stubs is broken. This has now been fixed.
58270 PI56548 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, a number of messages of the form "Unable to obtain host details for" might appear in the JVM console log if there was no internet access. Such messages are now shown only if the logging level is set to FINE or FINEST.
57580 PI54204 The Apache CXF library requires a Policy child node to be added to UsernameToken nodes. The Web Services Policy 1.2 specification indicates that Policy is a required child of the UsernameToken. However, all of the attributes of the Policy are optional. Therefore, Rational Integration Tester now automatically adds an empty Policy node to UsernameToken instances that do not already have a Policy node.
57510 PI54503 Previously, Rational Integration Tester MQ z Exit would return an error and cause MQ abend with 0f8-14 if there was an invalid temporary queue name in the recording name list. This issue is now fixed.
57408 PI53575 Previously, the CICS RIT-Agent running in a heavily resource constrained environment would experience issues with memory access that prevented it from recording/virtualizing DPL based calls and prevented the calling application from working. This has now been fixed.
57318 PI53792 Previously, text nodes in stubs would disappear when a dependent WSDL is not available. This has now been fixed.
57252 PI53514 Previously, when processing messages in reply queue which came from MQ-CICS bridge program CKBP. during recording, Rational Integration Tester MQ z/OS Exit would fail with reason code 2046. This issue has now been fixed.
56954 PI52654 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, copying an SQL Query or SQL Command action within a test would result in the database selection in the new copy of the action being empty. This has now been resolved.
56690 PI51967 Previously, Rational Integration Tester could not publish stubs from or schedule tests from large projects. This is now possible, although you need to configure Rational Test Control Panel's memory appropriately.
56664 PI51861 DFDL support has been changed to not use scientific notation. Hence, the number "0E-8" is now expanded to "0.00000000".
56038 PI49243 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, a generated stub could not recreate the original response message. This has now been fixed so that generation of stubs from Recording Studio where the recorded transactions contain repeating elements with optional and null child elements is improved.
57706 PI52918 The JDBC proxy driver now ensures that no foreign key relationships are persisted within the simulation database, which prevents potential errors when starting a database stub.
50251 PI30608 In Rational Integration Tester 9.0, when running a test or a suite from the HP ALM Quality center integration, there will be only one Quality Center server login per test set instead of one login per test. In addition, the console output from the test or suite execution is passed to the Quality Center server all at once instead of one line of text at a time.
58422 Previously, a NullPointerException would be thrown if you created a stub from HTTP transport based recorded events or when Rule Cache contained data masking rules. This has now been fixed (regression fix for
58331 Previously, test resources executed from Rational Quality Manager version 6.0.1 with iFix2 or Rational Quality Manager version 6.0.2 would only partially complete. This has been fixed. The test resources now run through to completion.
58281 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when editing the filter for an Iterate Test Data action, values entered might be shown in a different row rather than the row that was edited. This issue has now been fixed.
58128 Previously, a NullPointerException would be thrown when importing a multiple port WSDL that contained a JMS Queue. This has now been fixed.
58083 Previously, Rational Integration Tester scripts exported to Rational Quality Manager could not be run as Rational Quality Manager "keywords". This has now been fixed.
58068 Previously, when generating an Ant script from within Rational Integration Tester, you would be able to select stub resources directly, which resulted in test failures. This has been fixed. You can now select tests and test suites only, and not stubs.
57975 Previously, when using RunTests on a Linux platform, a JVM terminated message would be shown along with a dump of information about the executable that was run if the return code was non-zero. This has now been fixed.
57909 Previously, the default behavior of HTTP stubs would cause undesirable behavior of the client apps. In the current release, HTTP stubs default their pass through behavior set to "error" rather than "discard". This ensures that the client applications receive a suitable response rather than no response at all.
57883 Previously, changes to the ConsoleHandler settings in the configuration for Rational Integration Tester would not correctly show in the logging for the JVM console within the application. This has now been fixed.
57839 The updated JRE has more stringent security settings that do not allow the use of insecure hashing algorithms such as MD5 in secure TLS communications or in the creation of X.509 certificates. This fixes security vulnerability CVE-2015-7575, the TLS 1.2 MD5 "SLOTH" issue.
57723 Previously, operations created by synchronizing Swagger definitions would not filter on the resource path. This has now been fixed.
57567 Previously, Rational Integration Tester MQ Exit would result in a queue manager abend if it was started after the removal of RITMQF from LPA. This issue is now fixed.
57520 In Rational Integration Tester 9.0, the REST URL field expander ignores a trailing slash in the path, so that the expansion can happen. This in turn enables filtering within stubs.
57492 Previously, changes to the file would not take effect when Rational Integration Tester or RunTests was running on a Macintosh computer. This has now been fixed.
57461 Previously, the virtualization preferences would incorrectly list JMS Domain (Destinations) multiple times. This has now been fixed.
57447 Previously, operations generated after synchronizing against a WADL definition would not be associated with a URL schema, if the definition in the WADL file did not contain a child element. This would then cause tests and stubs for the operation to make request against the base URL, rather than the resource path. This has now been fixed so that the URL schema is correctly applied when the element is not defined.
57341 HP discontinued support for Quality Center 9 in March 2009 and Quality Center 10, in September 2012. As of Rational Integration Tester 9.0, the installation ZIP files for integration with Quality Center versions 9 and 10 will not be available for distribution.
57338 In Rational Integration Tester 9.0, the Documentation menu item under the Tools menu on the main toolbar has been removed. The context menu for a resource can be used for accessing its documentation. Alternatively, opening a resource allows access to the Documentation tab where applicable.
57244 Previously, when running Rational Test Control Panel with user security disabled (selecting "none" on the authentication page of the installer), certain UI components related to the users would still be visible. This issue has now been fixed.
57214 Previously, the JDBC proxy would fail to work unless the JDBC connection strings used very closely matched those that are specified in the database physical resource. They will now match when the URL defined in the physical resource is consistent with the connection URL in the Java application or the data resource configured in WAS. Being consistent in this context means two URLs are the same except for differences like case sensitivity, spaces, or whitespace characters such as \r, \n, and \t.
57088 Recording Studio Save Wizard has been improved to handle JSON better, marking fields as repeating where possible.
57081 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when comparing the expected and actual messages for a stub, clicking Close and Re-run and selecting to restart the stub might result in two instances of the stub being started. This has now been resolved.
57031 Previously, when executing a test suite, if a stub running in a parent scenario was stopped, requests in an immediate child scenario might be incorrectly routed to the stopped stub. This has now been resolved.
57027 Previously, when running a test suite outside of an Rational Test Virtualization Server agent, if a stub stopped due to reaching the execution time limit of 5 minutes, the suite would continue to run and the results from the suite would not be valid. This has now been fixed, so that if a stub running as part of a suite terminates due to a time limit, the suite will also terminate.
56703 If WebSphere MQ (z/OS) is configured to require security, the valid z/OS username/password should be specified in the MQ transport physical view. The username/password can be empty if the valid channel (which Rational Integration Tester is using to access the MQ z/OS) MCA user is set.
56478 Previously, after dragging a file with an unsupported format into a tag-aware text panel, an error would be displayed. The error had duplicated error message content, half of which was not globalized. This has now been resolved.
56386 Previously, if you specified a parameter in a Swagger definition to be of type integer or number without a format, string was incorrectly chosen as the native Rational Integration Tester type rather than Long or Double. This has now been fixed.
56240 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when saving recorded messages as a data model stub, a single data model entity or attribute would be created for different elements of the source message, if the elements had the same name. This caused the stub to send incorrect responses. The issue has now been fixed.
56238 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, encoding was limited to UTF-8 and any characters that could not be encoded with UTF-8, such as Arabic characters, would become corrupted. Now, WebForms has a new option called "Field Expander" that includes Encoding and Charset fields. This option allows you to select the encoding type from a pre-populated list or specify another encoding type. UTF-8 is the default encoding type. You can also select a field within the WebForm data to define the character set ( "_charset_" field).
56075 As support for CICS Transaction Server for z/OS (CICS TS) version 3.1 and 3.2 was withdrawn 31st December 2015, the installation package for CICS tooling version 3.2 has been removed from the Rational Integration Tester 9.0 distribution.
55761 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the z/OS MQ exit could be started only after the QMGR was fully started or the exit would fail. This has now been fixed so that the current exit will wait for the QMGR and retry its connection to the QMGR until it starts. Also, Rational Integration Tester MQ exit can be started within the QMGR start JCL/procedure.
52985 When creating tests or stubs from a selection of recorded events, you can ensure that the full set of correlated messages are included in the generated output.
52813 Previously, the API exit tool download for distributed MQ contained example batch scripts for setting required MQ object permissions only. in the current release, the equivalent shell scripts have been added to the tool download for the benefit of Linux and Unix users.
51862 Previously, Rational Test Control Panel would identify tools to offer for download by looking for zip files under the 'tools' directory in the installation folder. The .zip contained a number of tool.json files that described the tool in various languages. This layout has now been changed such that the JSON file is located alongside the tool .zip file and is named the same as the .zip file. Translated content is located in properties files in an 'nls' folder alongside the .zip file with file names matching that of the tool .zip file.
51825 Previously, if an MQ message containing an MQCIH header was read during recording, testing or stubbing, the header would be treated as an 'unknown' content block which was unreadable. Rational Integration Tester now supports reading and writing of MQCIH headers within MQ messages.
51440 When you create a new logical resource, a corresponding physical resource is also created and bound in the current environment.
46357 You can now use JDBC virtualization in an IPv6 environment. However, it is recommended not to use the integrated Derby database as the simulation database for the IPv6 scenarios.
41370 You can no longer create 'deterministic stubs' from within Recording Studio. This feature has been superseded by Reply Sequencing.
13348 When using the command line installer for Rational Test Control Panel (imcl -c), the user cannot modify the default security permissions. Two workarounds are available: Copy the correct security.config file to the new system. Create the quiet installation file on a different system, then run the quiet installation on the intended server by using the generated quiet installation settings file.

Table of Contents:

Release Fix Pack
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

JDBC: JDBC driver

Installation instructions

Jenkins: Plug-in for Jenkins

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (non-z/OS)

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
58300 PI49243 Data models caused ClassCastException when entities were not uniquely resolved and an attempt was made to resolve repeating child entities.
58291 PI53514 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the z/OS MQ Exit could be started only after the QMGR was fully started, or the exit would fail. This has now been fixed so that the current exit will wait for the QMGR and retry its connection to the QMGR until it starts. Also, Rational Integration Tester MQ Exit can be started within the QMGR start JCL/procedure. In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when processing messages in reply queue which came from MQ-CICS bridge program 'CKBP' during recording, Rational Integration Tester MQ z/OS Exit would fail with reason code 2046. This issue has now been fixed.
59301 PI62293 Previously, when Rational Test Control Panel was configured to use LDAP as its authentication source and if your LDAP account did not have permission to run a search/query, then you would not be able to log in to RTCP. This has now been fixed - only the account for the admin credentials requires search permissions.
59031 PI58141 Previously, when an MQ physical transport was configured with Get/Take message options, the options would be ignored when a stub configured to do sift and pass-through got the messages. Instead, it would use the default options.This has been fixed so that a stub configured to do sift and pass-through will now use the Get/Take message options configured in the transport when getting messages off of a queue.
57963 PI54928 Previously, Rational Integration Tester scripts exported to Rational Quality Manager could not be run as RQM "keywords". This has now been fixed.
59144 PI60488 When creating resources from observations using the Topology Discovery wizard, a resource could be generated with a name containing characters that would be disallowed if manually created. This may have caused problems working with the resource in tests, stubs or test data sets. The issue has now been fixed.
58909 Loading of messages in tests is deferred until their editor is opened, to improve opening speed. Additionally, messages with large numbers of identically named fields now load faster.
57894 When creating parametrized stubs in the Recording Studio wizard, if a reply field is ignored in column mapping, its value is replaced with a tag where varying field values are observed.
59479 Previously, the HTTP proxy log files "logs/additional/ibmritipproxy-stdout.*.log" (when running the proxy as a Windows service) and "membrane.log" in the user's home directory (which, when running as a Windows Service, is C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile) grow very quickly and, in the case of the former, grow to very large sizes. Now these files contain much less information by default. However, this means that there is less diagnostic information available by default. To re-enable more detailed output when needing to diagnose issues, edit /httptcp/ and change: to:
51073 Previously, when assigning LDAP or Active Directory groups to Rational Test Control Panel roles, users in a group assigned only to the "admin" role would not be able to log in if they were not also part of a group assigned to the "user" role. Now, assigning a group to the "admin" role also gives members of that group the "user" role
57246 Previously, when running Rational Test Control Panel with user security disabled (selecting "none" on the authentication page of the installer), certain UI components related to the users would still be visible. This issue has now been fixed.
58591 Previously, the Rational Integration Tester plug-in for Jenkins would not detect the URLs to test results when the tests were run on non-English systems. This has now been fixed.
59534 Launching the Rational Integration Tester HTTP/TCP Proxy component using the script on a Linux or UNIX platform, in a non-English locale, might fail due to incorrect path resolution. This issue has been fixed.
59484 When using an HTTP transport to send a request in a test, if a Transfer-Encoding header is configured in the request with the value chunked, the request failed to be sent. This issue has been fixed.
59381 If you do not specify a password when configuring an MQ transport, the connection to a queue manager that is at version 8 or later and is configured to use optional connection authentication can still fail. This has now been fixed. Additionally, since Rational Integration Tester 8.7.0, the 'Use MQCSP authentication' property has been automatically specified for all connection attempts so that password lengths greater than 12 are supported. Due to connection issues, this property is no longer used with connection attempts. If you need it, manually add it and set it to 'true' on the physical transport settings.
58455 Data model generation has been improved in the Recording Studio wizard to support creation of correct default mappings where a list of entities is returned in the stub response.

Fix Pack (
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

JDBC: JDBC driver

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (non-z/OS)

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
57007 PI52825 In a regression from 8.7, if using Microsoft Terminal Services (Remote Desktop), the Create New Project dialog would not open. This issue is now fixed.
56779 PI52378 In previous releases of Rational Integration Tester, when you move events up or down in the stub editor, unsaved changes made to the business logic activity or the event configuration of the simple output of the event might be lost. This issue is now fixed.
56742 PI52057 Tests using the HTTP transport send a 'Host' header in the request message that includes the port configured in the physical resource. If you do not want the port to be sent, clear the port field in the Physical view manually; in this case, the transport will connect to the default ports for HTTP or HTTPS (80 and 443 respectively).
56521 PI51981 Previously, when an MQ message was put by a client application with MQPMO_DEFAULT_CONTEXT or MQPMO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT, the MQ exit would fail to republish the message to the original queue when an MQ stub passed it through, instead would lose the message and encounter an MQRC 2046. This has now been fixed and the message is successfully passed through to the real system.
56388 PI50616 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when using the 'Overwrite Expected Message' feature to repair an incorrect expected message, store actions would be lost from the expected message after overwriting. This issue is now fixed.
51357 PI33728 JDBC virtualization now supports SQL statements that use the following DB2 special registers: CURRENT DATE, CURRENT TIME, and CURRENT TIMESTAMP.
55735 PI48269 Re-applying an updated schema with additional fields to a message will now process the updates without loss of data.
53587 PI41321 When you cannot access the remote contents on the Home screen due to connectivity issues, exception logs are no longer generated in the console; instead, the details of the error message are now displayed on the screen itself.
51346 PI33718 JDBC virtualization now supports SQL statements that contain unicode characters in table and column names.
50912 PI32352 Copybook numeric fields with non-decimal based picture clauses will now round any values when serializing contents.
50602 PI31533 To help prevent errors when recording using queue name prefixes the editor in the Architecture School view now alerts users when an invalid value is entered.
46718 PI21122 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the JDBC proxy was unable to recognize SQL that had a "IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM" clause. Statements with this clause can now be recorded. Also, simulation is possible when the stub database is running on DB2 under System/z.
56067 PI49345 Previously, when reading Oracle JDBC URLs from Websphere Application Server, only one of the URL formats that Oracle supported was also supported by Rational Integration Tester (jdbc:oracle:thin@). When Rational Integration Tester reads a non-supported format, a NullPointerException was thrown. Rational Integration Tester now supports all of the documented Oracle URL formats.
52585 PI49234 JUnit reports can now be generated for tests as well as test suites.
56593 PI54952 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when starting a large number of stubs through Rational Test Control Panel, a ConcurrentModificationException could occur in the logs. This issue is now fixed.
57193 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, double-clicking a transport icon on an operation in Logical View would open the operation properties dialog rather than the expected logical or physical transport properties dialog. This issue is now fixed.
56978 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the JVM log may contain a large number of warning messages similar to the following: "com.ghc.interactiveguides.guideaccessibles.GuideAccessibleRegistry add WARNING: Warning -16bcd1db:150eca38bff:-7c25.tree is already registered". This issue is now fixed.
56975 Rational Integration Tester and Rational Test Control Panel use the Apache Commons Collections library. The version of this library was updated from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 to address a security vulnerability with Java deserialization which is described in this security bulletin.
56882 Previously, when running a test or test suite using the RunTests command line and the -junitDir argument, the root element would show a value of "0" in the "tests" and "failed" attributes, regardless of the number of tests present in the results file. The attributes now show the correct values
56871 Previously, while synchronizing with IBM Integration Bus, the selection of Execution Groups configured within the logical resource would be taken into consideration, but not contribute to the model hierarchy. This led to a potential overlap of the created resources. The execution groups are now included in the generated model's hierarchy.
56819 Information present within sub flow definitions is now processed when a synchronization is performed against IBM Integration Bus version 10.
56807 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, using linked requirements from a receive response action within a test would create filter actions, this could result in messages prevented from being processed at run-time. This issue is now fixed. Additionally, a warning will be written to the console during test/stub execution should a filter field action cause a message to be ignored.
56804 Previously, depending on the configuration on MQ-based nodes that were present within an IBM Integration Bus flow, the corresponding secondary services would not be created in several scenarios. This limitation is now removed and the secondary services are created for all appropriate nodes.
56800 In Rational Integration Tester 8.7.1, the Topology Discovery view may fail to show WebSphere MQ observations. The view incorrectly indicates that no observations have been received for the WebSphere MQ observation point and the JVM log contains java.lang.NullPointerException entries. This problem is now fixed.
56756 In the previous versions of Rational Test Control panel, when you try to remove a disconnected agent from the Agents page by clicking the X icon, the agent may not be removed. This occurs if the agent has not been used for running stubs or tests. This problem is now fixed.
56743 In Rational Integration Tester 8.7.1, if you try to synchronize a WSDL file that was already synchronized into the project, the following error is thrown: "java.lang.Exception: IBM Rational Integration Tester was unable to determine the source of the WSDL". This problem is now fixed.
56566 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, if the recorded messages contained nested levels of repeating elements and if the top or intermediate level repeats of those elements could not be merged, then the Recording Studio save wizard would not create a test or stub that would recreate the originally recorded messages correctly. This issue is now fixed.
56554 Previously, setting the "Message Expansion Level" preference in Project > Preferences > Message to "0" would not let the Run Command action test editor open. This issue is now fixed.
56469 Previously, when a tool was downloaded from Rational Test Control Panel, the downloaded .zip file would contain a number of JSON files that were not relevant to the installation and usage of the tool itself. In the current release, the JSON files are no longer included in the .zip file. A side effect of the fix is that the structure on disk for the Rational Test Control Panel tools has changed. This will break any custom tools that you may have added before the issue was fixed. To adapt any custom tool to the new disk format, consult the product documentation or follow the pattern displayed by the default tools shipped with the product.
56449 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when you run a test case from the RunTests command line with a project that joins a test cycle, the use of -junitDir command-line argument prevents the results from being written to the results database, thereby not allowing them to be listed under that test cycle in the Results Gallery. This problem is now fixed. However, the data associated with the older executions, if any, cannot be retrieved.
56384 Previously, REST schemas created after synchronization with a swagger definition incorrectly used query string parameters without names. These are now created as name value pairs.
56233 Previously, when recording distributed MQ with GET or BROWSE options on the transport set to MQGMO_PROPERTIES_FORCE_RFH2 in a setup configured with MQ 7.5+ client libraries, Rational Integration Tester would throw an "OutOfMemory" exception. In the current release, no exception is thrown and the RFH2 properties are correctly displayed.
55687 Invalid/Corrupt rule files that were present in the rule cache folder could prevent a project from being opened. These will now be ignored thereby allowing projects to be opened in Rational Integration Tester.
54921 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when recording fails to start due to the unavailability of valid proxies registered in Rational Test Control Panel, a recording rule is still created. In the current version, if the recording fails, no recording rule is created.
53103 In the previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, following a synchronization with an external source and then viewing the home screen, a SecurityException would occasionally be thrown causing the conditional tiles not to be shown. This issue is now fixed.
52081 When performance optimization is active [that is, when the "Disable performance optimization" check box in Stub editor > Performance tab is not selected], there is significant improvement in the performance of stubs, specifically of those that receive XML payloads involving multiple store actions. Note: Optimization will not work if Regex store actions are used. Stubs launched from Rational Test Control Panel with Logging set to NONE does not write to stdout.
56184 Following a URL change, the RFEs tab in the Home Perspective now correctly lists items related to this offering.

Mod Pack (8.7.1)
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester 8.7.1 release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

Ant: Rational Test Control Panel Apache Ant tasks

Installation instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Gateway Exit

Installation instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

DB2: Agents for DB2 on z/OS

Installation instructions

HTTP: HTTP proxy configuration injection tool

Installation instructions

Java: Java virtualization agent

Installation instructions

Java: Java virtualization proxy

Installation instructions

JDBC: JDBC driver

Installation instructions

Jenkins: Plug-in for Jenkins

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (non-z/OS)

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

SAP: SAP IDoc ABAP plug-in

Installation instructions

Software AG: Adapter package for Software AG webMethods Integration Server

Installation instructions

TIBCO: "Private Process Testing" Design Time Library for TIBCO Designer

Installation instructions

WebSphere: Mediator for WebSphere Application Server Service Integration Bus

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
54882 PI45341 In a regression from version 8.6, Rational Integration Tester did not read some JMS Header fields in Subscribe actions the way they were read previously. One integer field was interpreted as a string, and a string field as an integer. The problem has been fixed.
54634 PI44471 Previously, when running Rational Integration Tester in a language other than English and importing a WSDL to the Schema Library, operation types INPUT and OUTPUT were translated, causing errors when tests were created from MEP. The problem has been fixed, and the words INPUT, OUTPUT, and FAULT are no longer translated when a WSDL is imported.
54457 PI44381 Previously, the Rational Integration Tester server side components for Software AG Web Methods Integration Server (WMIS) could not be configured to bypass a proxy server other than through server network configuration. This prevented any messages being received in Recording Studio. This problem has been fixed by changing the pipeline handler code to not use the proxy by default. To use the proxy, change the new "useProxy" setting in the package configuration file to "true".
54428 PI43894 Previously, a stub configured to receive an HTTP/1.0 request would return an HTTP/1.1 response. This situation prevented receipt of the response and left the TCP socket in the CLOSE_WAIT state. Repeated requests could exhaust all available TCP sockets. The problem has been fixed and an HTTP/1.0 request now returns an HTTP/1.0 response.
54373 PI42387 Previously, running a silent install of RTVS_SETUP using installc failed with java.lang.NullPointerException error. This problem has been fixed.
53184 PI40260 Zoned decimals in Copybooks generally include the sign part of the number as an overpunch in the last digit of the serialized form. This overpunch was previously included for EBCDIC-based character sets, but not for ASCII-based characters, which meant that ASCII-based messages were being corrupted. Overpunch support has been added for the ASCII-based character sets such as ISO-8859-1.
53141 PI40144 In an apparent regression between Rational Integration Tester versions and, the "fields in any order" flag was not respected in the Message Difference window, and unnecessary validation errors occurred. The any-order validation code was reworked extensively between versions 8.7.0 and 8.7.1, and these unjustified errors are no longer seen.
53048 PI39251 Previously, if the "Allow Subpaths" check box was cleared on the Stub tab for an HTTP operation, the proxy rule that was sent to Rational Test Control Panel still did a prefix match on all traffic going through the stub. This match meant that messages containing subpaths could be incorrectly routed, resulting in the stub returning the error "503 No stub available that matches that request." This problem has been corrected and messages with subpaths are now routed correctly.
52504 PI37752 Previously, the "GH Tester Results" view, which is provided in Jenkins by the Rational Integration Tester Jenkins plug-in, did not provide enough space to log in to Rational Test Control Panel to view the results, or a scroll bar to scroll down and see those results. Now the view provides more space, which solves both issues.
51692 PI34879 In some situations, a corrupted cache file from the Eclipse platform could result in the application failing to start. The following error message was displayed:

An error has occurred. See the log file <user profile>\.rit8\.eclipse\GHTester\workspace\.metadata\.log

The underlying platform has been upgraded to prevent this error.

50894 PI32305 Previously, it was not possible to import a COBOL copybook by using a URL. This problem has been resolved.
47881 PI24848 Previously, when a TIBCO EMS connection was defined, an "SSL" tab was displayed as part of the "Config" tab. Although the transport does support SSL, the options on the "SSL" page were disabled and never used. The "SSL" tab has been removed from the TIBCO EMS UI.
55072 PI46001 Previously, if the user specified MQ GET or BROWSE options for the WebSphere MQ physical transport that included the value for MQGMO_PROPERTIES_FORCE_MQRFH2, the destination queue name in the description in Recording Studio displayed "null" rather than the destination queue name. This problem has now been fixed so that when using MQGMO_PROPERTIES_FORCE_MQRFH2, the destination queue name is populated with the actual destination queue name. This problem did not affect messages recorded from a queue manager installed on zOS.
47457 PI23422 In some cases when the user deployed a stub for the first time while the Rational Integration Tester Agent was running a scheduled test, the stub failed with the following error:

[CRRIT4773E] An error occured opening the project. Exited with return code: 2

The problem has been fixed and the spelling has been corrected in the error message.

55687 Zero length rule files in the rule cache folder are now ignored, rather than preventing projects from opening in Rational Integration Tester.
55619 SAP RFC virtualization has been improved to enable support for TABLE parameters in the Export parameter list and improved support for BCD fields, which in some case caused conversion errors for zero values.
55586 A learning query on Oracle that contained a DATE/TIMESTAMP type column in the WHERE condition failed with a "Failed to insert row" error. This problem has been resolved.
55520 Previously, when the user selected a default Quality Manager Integration in Project Settings, that default was not displayed when the Project Settings were reopened. The problem has been fixed.
55435 Previously, Rational Integration Tester was changed to resolve an issue with HTTP 204 reply messages. The change involved presenting the message as NULL. This change in turn caused problems, so the message is now presented as empty. It is unlikely, but possible, that some user tests now check for a NULL 204 reply message. These tests must be changed to check for an empty message.
55410 Previously, decimal values from a COBOL copybook could be written to an integer in a PIC clause. Decimal values are now rounded before being output to an integer.
55396 Previously, JMS queues could be recorded only by specifying appropriate filters and recording the transport as a whole using client agent mode. It is now possible to record using this technique at the per operation level where queues are more logically specified.
55340 Previously, if an HTTP transport was configured to use the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy server, the "Test Connection" result might display as successful even though the proxy was unable to connect to the destination server. The problem has been fixed and the transport now displays an appropriate error message if the proxy cannot connect.
55296 Previously, when domain-level security was enabled and LDAP or AD users were added to a domain in Rational Test Control Panel, the names of the new users were not always displayed. The problem has been fixed.
Previously, using the Java Agent to record or stub a JMS transport failed when the JMS API classes were not loaded by the system classloader. A similar problem was found with SAP transports. These problems have been fixed, and both APIs can now be loaded by application-specific classloaders.
55138 Previously, when editing or creating Excel test data sources, either through the Edit or Create Test Data wizard, or the Excel Data Source panel, the file name field was not editable. This field is now editable and can be manually updated to include tags or alternative paths or file names.
55061 In previous versions of the Rational Integration Tester HTTP/TCP proxy, an HTTP redirect response (HTTP 3xx) might become corrupted when passing through the proxy. This corruption could lead to a client being unable to process the redirect. This issue has been fixed.
54969 In a regression from version 8.6, Rational Integration Tester version 8.7 did not correctly perform mutual authorization. A valid certificate request from the server failed to result in the client returning a certificate. The problem has been fixed in version and version 8.7.1, and the client now presents a trusted valid certificate back to the peer. In cases where a trusted entry cannot be found, the first valid certificate is used as a fallback.
54921 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, a recording rule might be left defined in RTCP when recording failed to start due to no valid proxies being registered in RTCP. This issue has been resolved and the recording rule is now removed in this scenario.
54913 Previously, when a test project used JTDS to connect to the results database, the database connection in Rational Test Control Panel could fail. This was caused by Rational Test Control Panel attempting to use the MS-SQL driver for the connection. The problem has been corrected.
54863 A problem was introduced in version 8.7 of Rational Integration Tester that caused the Message Difference Window to be very slow to open and close. The problem has been fixed.
54723 Previously, if a Rational Integrated Tester stub received an HTTP GET message with an invalid Content-Type in the header, the stub failed to expand the message properly. The problem has been fixed. Now, when a stub expects a specific type of message (Text or ByteArray) and no content is received, the stub creates a message of the expected type, regardless of the Content-Type in the header. This feature enables stubbing of systems where clients send dubious Content-Type headers.
54687 Previously, a CICS DPL stub failed to receive any requests when a wildcard character (asterisk) was specified in the routing rule. This problem has been fixed.
54398 In a regression from version 8.5.1, the HTTP proxy failed record or stub requests with invalid host names, such as names that include underscores. The proxy now uses the 8.5.1 method of determining the host name again, so some invalid host names are now permitted again.
54364 Previously, when virtualizing a database running inside a WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile container, the JDBC driver was not visible in Rational Test Control Panel due to security issues in the Liberty profile. The problem has been fixed.
54331 Previously, when learning with SQL statements that included a GROUP BY clause, an error message was logged and no data returned. The GROUP BY clause is not permitted when no aggregate value is associated with the SELECT statement. Rational Integration Tester was changed to exclude the GROUP BY clause from these statements when generating SQL for learning, and the error no longer occurs.
54281 Previously, the ISO 8583 schema could not recognize a text-formatted prefix length; only binary values were permitted. This problem has been corrected, and a new field has been added to the schema to identify the prefix as either binary or decimal text. An additional field specifies whether the length includes the prefix, or only the message itself.
54113 Previously, if the user created a SAML token for a SOAP message that had no AuthorityBinding in its AuthenticationStatement, a Null Pointer Exception occurred during the generation of the WS-Security headers. The problem has been fixed, and the SAML token is now generated when previewed or when the test is executed.
53990 Previously, if two tests were scheduled to start at the same time, only one would start. This problem has been fixed and all tests scheduled to start at the same time now run.
53935 Previously, when generating reports for tests that included an SQL Query action, the report generation for the query failed on non-Windows systems due to an incorrectly named file. This problem has now been fixed.
53882 Previously, when running stubs with the RunTests command line of the Rational Test Virtualization Server RIT-Agent and using PVU licensing, the stubs were subject to the same restrictions that are imposed by Rational Integration Tester. These stubs are no longer subject to throttling or time limits.
53537 Previously JMS connections made to a secured IBM WebSphere MQ provider were using SSLv3, which has been removed. TLS is now used in preference, but can be overridden in the transport configuration.
53084 Previously, Rational Integration Tester used JSQLParser to parse and analyze Oracle SQL during learning and simulation. To allow for complex statements, an additional ANTLR-based Oracle SQL DML parser has been added.
52808 If Rational Integration Tester is closed while tests or stubs are running, users are asked to confirm that they wish to proceed. In previous releases, the tests were not terminated until certain other close-related actions were performed. One of these actions was to close transports, and this action could fail if the transports were in use, preventing shutdown. The tests are now terminated directly after the user confirms the close.
51902 Previously, when using the "lock environment" command from either Ant or the Rational Integration Tester command line, the program did not exit if the requesting user already had a lock. This problem has been fixed, and the program now displays an error message if the user already has a lock.
51824 Previously, if users had an application in WebSphere Application Server that used an instance of DB2 on iSeries (AS/400), they could not configure the Rational Integration Tester JDBC driver to record or virtualize the DB2 access. Rational Integration Tester now correctly recognizes the data source as DB2 for recording and virtualization.
51506 The Environments editor now shows inherited tag values and no longer supports local properties. It now also has better support for renaming, deletion and modifications to properties. Finally, it is now possible to return to default inherited properties.
51426 Previously, the recording of SMIME messages failed with a message compilation error. This problem has been fixed.
50439 Previously, TCP stubs were not reliably portable between UNIX and Windows. In some cases messages could be missed due to the way the packetizer for the transport interpreted the incoming stream of bytes. The problem has been fixed, and the same TCP stub can now be run on both UNIX and Windows.
48830 Previously, when installing the HTTP proxy for an IPv6 environment, the proxy IPv6 configuration needed to be made manually. Now it uses the IP option selected in the RTCP installer.
47810 The schema for the Rational Integration Tester project results database has been updated to resolve some problems with the database. The new schema version is 1.9.24.f, and is included with Rational Integration Tester version 8.7.1.

Fix Pack (
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester fix pack release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

JDBC: JDBC driver

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
56822 PI54952 When multiple agents are starting stubs in quick succession, the reporting of their state may cause Rational Test Control Panel to use an excessive amount of CPU. This usage has been reduced.
57034 PI52918 The JDBC proxy driver now ensures that no foreign key relationships are persisted within the simulation database. This is done to prevent potential errors when starting a database stub.
57272 PI53575 When running in a heavily resource constrained environment, the CICS agent could encounter issues with accessing memory while recording. This is fixed.
56593 PI54952 In previous versions, when starting a large number of stubs through Rational Test Control Panel, a ConcurrentModificationException could occur in the logs. This is fixed.
58874 In previous versions, some requests could cause the HTTP proxy to attempt to make infinite recursive HTTP requests to itself, resulting in it running out of memory. The protection against such requests has now been improved.
60896 In previous versions, if you started several stubs simultaneously through Rational Test Control Panel, in some cases the agent would start one Java Virtual Machine instance for each stub. This action could result in excessive resource usage if the number of stubs was large. Now, the agent will start a maximum of two Java instances for every version, for every project from which the stubs were started.
59155 In previous versions, when running the proxy as a Windows service, the HTTP proxy log files could grow very quickly and to a large size. These files are located as follows:

- /logs/additional/ibmritipproxy-stdout.*.log

- membrane.log in the user home directory (which, by default, is C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile)

Now these files contain much less information by default.

However, this means that by default, less diagnostic information available. To get more detailed output to diagnose issues, do these steps:

1. In the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory, open the /httptcp/ file.

2. Locate the following code snippet:

3. Change the code to the following snippet:
59103 Communications between Rational Integration Tester or its agent, and the Rational Test Control Panel has been improved to reduce the number of sockets created in a TIME_WAIT state.
61367 When applying a schema to existing data, for example, selecting a WSDL document, the preview of the expanded content incorrectly indicated with red crosses that there was an error in the schema. This is fixed and the expanded content is rendered correctly.
57283 Generation of datamodel stubs has been improved for a more concise model, and StackOverflowErrors prevented if loops occur where entity types reference each other.

Fix Pack (
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester fix pack release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade. All tools are part of Rational Integration Tester unless otherwise noted.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Gateway Exit

Installation instructions

CICS: CICS Transaction Server Agent

Installation instructions

Java: Java virtualization agent

Installation instructions

Java: Java virtualization proxy

Installation instructions

JDBC: JDBC driver

Installation instructions

Jenkins: Plug-in for Jenkins

Installation instructions

MQ: API Exit for WebSphere MQ (z/OS)

Installation instructions

Software AG: Adapter package for Software AG webMethods Integration Server

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
56347 PI50537 When importing inner WSDL files from an outer WSDL file, local namespace declarations from the inner file were not being processed. The problem has been fixed and inner namespace declarations are now honored.
56076 PI49539 Previously, when parsing a WSDL file that contained multiple ports in a service definition, Rational Integration Tester would read only the first port and then use that information to parse related portTypes. As a result, operations that were created from the synchronization had incorrect header information. This problem has been fixed. All ports are now read, and each portType is associated with the correct port information.
56067 PI49345 Previously, when reading Oracle JDBC URLs from Websphere Application Server, only one of the URL formats that Oracle supported was also supported by Rational Integration Tester (jdbc:oracle:thin@hostname:port:sid). When Rational Integration Tester read a non-supported format, a NullPointerException was thrown. Rational Integration Tester now supports all of the documented Oracle URL formats.
56039 PI49266 Previously, when loading Excel Test Data Sources at runtime, a memory leak caused the test data source cache to hold on to more memory than necessary. This problem has been resolved.
55540 PI47722 In a regression from version 8.7.0, recording DB2 databases that were running in WebSphere Application Server caused a ResourceException error. The error was the result of the driver type not being properly set. The problem has been fixed and the driver type is now set correctly.
54935 PI45648 In a regression from version 8.6, Rational Integration Tester version 8.7 did not correctly perform mutual authorization. A valid certificate request from the server failed to result in the client returning a certificate. The problem has been fixed in version and version 8.7.1, and the client now presents a trusted valid certificate back to the peer. In cases where a trusted entry cannot be found, the first valid certificate is used as a fallback.
54736 PI46798 Previously, parameterized stubs could not be opened after they were created by the Recording Studio wizard when selecting "Ignore" namespaces. The wizard has been improved so that XML namespace declarations are ignored for mapping purposes to prevent invalid stubs being created.
52745 PI38938 Previously, when Library Manager was run on the command line with the -processLibSettings option, it saved librarysettings.xml to the user profile .ghTester folder. This has been corrected and the file is now saved to the user profile .rit8 folder. This change ensures correct library selection when RIT and RIT-Agent are started. The user can optionally copy the file to the RIT or RIT-Agent installation folder.
56299 Previously, when expanding SWIFT messages, Rational Integration Tester discarded empty fields such as TNG. The problem has been fixed, and empty fields are no longer discarded. This change may require tests to be updated to expect, or ignore, these additional empty fields.
56293 Previously, Rational Integration Tester did not permit the bitmap characters in a request message to have a different case than the bitmap characters in the response. The problem has been fixed and different cases are now supported.
56196 Previously, when running an individual test case (not in a test suite) from the RunTests command line that specified the -junitDir parameter, the test results were not written to the file that was specified in the parameter, nor to the database. This problem has been fixed.
56070 The name of the RITCFG sample CICS job was changed to RITCFGF, where the final "F" indicates full security. A second sample job, RITCFGS, was added for simple security in the MQ environment. In this new job, "++MQUSER++" is specified as the user name in QMGR, CHINIT, RITRUN, and MCA. Either job should be customized to reflect actual security settings.
55976 Previously , attempts to apply the SWIFT Acknowledge FIN message to an operation Reply failed with the error "You must select a valid root for the chosen schema". This problem has been resolved.
55973 Previously, SWIFT messages that were used in stubs became corrupted when reopened. This problem has been resolved.
55818 Previously, if the user specified MQ GET or BROWSE options for the MQ physical transport that included the value for MQGMO_PROPERTIES_FORCE_MQRFH2, the destination queue name in the description of Recording Studio would display 'null' rather than the destination queue name. This has now been fixed so that when using MQGMO_PROPERTIES_FORCE_MQRFH2, the destination queue name is populated with the actual destination queue name.

This problem did not affect messages recorded from a queue manager that was installed on z/OS.

55629 When creating data model stubs, the Recording Studio Wizard was not creating store actions on the input event. This problem prevented the stub from performing look-ups in the data model. The problem has been resolved.
55344 To pick up the latest security fixes, including a fix for the Logjam vulnerability, Rational Integration Tester now includes the latest Java 7 JRE.
55032 Previously, when recording a WebSphere MQ operation in Recording Studio where different request and reply queues were in use and at least one rule was present in the rules cache, ConcurrentModificationException errors were displayed. The problem has been resolved.
53038 Previously, the Recording Studio wizard created more event handlers, and therefore more overhead, than necessary when producing parameterized stubs. The wizard has been optimized and fewer event handlers are now created.
51767 Previously, when using the Edit or Create Test Data wizard from the test actions toolbar, an "Access is denied" error could occur if the user specified a file name without a path. This problem occurred when Rational Integration Tester attempted to create the file in a root directory to which the user might not have access. The wizard has been modified so that the user must now select a location using the file browser, which defaults to the project directory. This solution prevents the confusing "Access is denied" errors from occurring.
The following additional fixes were ported to version from version 8.7.1: 55586; 54863; 54457; 54398; 52504.

Fix Pack (
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester fix pack release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

JDBC Driver

Installation instructions

MQ Exit (Distributed)

Installation instructions

Java Agent

Installation instructions

Java Virtualization Proxy

Installation instructions

Apache Ant tasks

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
54605 PI44484 In Rational Integration Tester, tags can be used in the path name for a datasource. The tag value should be evaluated at run time to determine the path to the datasource. This approach can be used to force reloading of data sources in iterators. In version, the default value was used for such tags rather than the current value. This problem has been fixed; the current value of the tag is now used correctly.
54412 PI40260 Zoned decimals in Copybooks generally include the sign part of the number as an overpunch in the last digit of the serialized form. This overpunch was previously included for EBCDIC-based character sets, but not for ASCII-based characters, which meant that ASCII-based messages were being corrupted. Overpunch support has been added for the ASCII-based character sets.
54133 PI42732 Previously, Rational Integration Tester was incorrectly processing the sign character for signed fields in a COBOL copybook such as PIC S9(4) under non-EBCDIC character sets. The field was omitted when the message was sent. This problem has been corrected.
53703 PI41520 Slow synchronization of resources (including TIBCO BusinessWorks projects) has been fixed by removing an unnecessary refresh of all referenced schemas.
53670 PI41454 In Rational Integration Tester, when publishing a message (including publishing reply messages from stubs) on a WebSphere MQ transport, if any queue manager was specified in the request for the reply, it would be ignored. Rational Integration Tester always attempted to use the to use the queue manager configured in the transport, which could cause an error. This was a regression defect introduced in version

This problem has been resolved, and the specified queue manager is now used, as in version 8.7.0.

54586 Previously, when the user connected to a secure WebSphere Application Server as a JNDI provider, all SSL settings had to be set through system properties. This limitation meant that only one group of settings could be provided, which could lead to unexpected problems when Rational Integration Tester attempted to make such connections. This problem has been resolved; Rational Integration Tester now controls the SSL connectivity by using details that are provided in the physical resource.
54321 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, JMS connections to a secured IBM MQ provider were made using SSLv3. SSLv3 has been removed from the IBM JVM, which meant that an error occurred when this type of connection was attempted. Rational Integration Tester now attempts to use TLS in preference to SSLv3, but the user can override this preference in the transport configuration.
54314 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, users could experience strange problems when connecting to a WebSphere Application Server by using secure HTTP connections (for example, to synchronize with the server or to make a JMS connection). It was often necessary to restart Rational Integration Tester after changing settings, and, from version 8.7.0, it would sometimes be impossible to make such connections work correctly. An issue has been identified in the way that the WebSphere Application Server Administration client libraries connect to a WebSphere Application Server, which prevents settings from being changed once any secure HTTP connection has been made in the application that uses the libraries (such as Rational Integration Tester). Rational Integration Tester now avoids the problem by using an alternative mechanism for controlling these settings.
54277 WS-Security messages could sometimes be corrupted when property editor changes were applied. The problem was caused by a change to the properties dialog when S/MIME support was added in Rational Integration Tester 8.7.0. The problem has been fixed and property editor changes are now applied correctly.
54178 PI43119 Previously, if the GHTester Ant task did not recognize the value of an option, the build failed and an error message similar to the following example was displayed:

C:\workANT\buildDir: GHTester doesn't support the "-newOption" attribute

The GHTester Ant task now allows users to specify additional options that are supported by the RunTests executable through the <AdditionalOptions> element, as in the following example:

    <option name="-newOption" value="newValue" />

54114 Previously, Rational Integration Tester used a particular YouTube API to display videos in the Home perspective, accessed through a URL. That URL has since been deprecated by YouTube, so users were unable to see videos on the home page. The problem has been fixed and a new URL is now used to display You Tube videos.
54061 Previously, users were unable to record JDBC calls to DB2 on iSeries by using the Rational Integration Tester JDBC driver. Rational Integration Tester was incorrectly identifying the data source. The problem has been corrected.
53911 Previous installations of Rational Test Control Panel contained files that were only useful when debugging the user interface. Because this debugging rarely occurs on customer sites, these files have been removed, which reduces the installation size by 700MB.
53806 An update to the IBM Security Provider (part of the IBM Java Virtual Machine shipped with Rational Integration Tester) resulted in an exception that occurred in Rational Integration Tester when importing a PKCS12 key into a Java Key Store. This exception is caused by a change in the behavior of the security provider in regard to zero-length passwords. Rational Integration Tester has been updated to deal with this change in behavior and these exceptions will no longer occur.
53677 Previously, when installing Rational Integration Tester, if the user had multiple versions of the product installed, it was possible for a valid update to be denied or an invalid update to be allowed. The problem has been fixed, and Rational Integration Tester now checks only the appropriate installed version number.
53541 Previously, a validation issue was found in incoming messages with missing optional nodes. When Rational Integration Tester checked to see if missing nodes were allowed, it erroneously cleared the "Any order" option for the expected message. Thus a received message that had nodes in a different order than in the expected message incorrectly failed validation. The problem has been fixed, and the "Any order" option is no longer cleared by mistake.
53511 Previously, the "find best match" logic for the "Any order" option failed to correctly resolve namespace prefixes, so that identical elements failed to be recognized as matching. The problem has been fixed and the namespace prefixes are now correctly resolved.

Additionally, the "find best match" logic for the "Any order" option did not recognize when validation actions were disabled for one or more fields in the expected message, which meant that those fields should not be considered for potential matches. The fields were erroneously being evaluated, which caused the test to fail. This problem has been fixed, and fields with disabled validation actions are no longer evaluated.

53360 The password hashing in Rational Test Control Panel was changed from the MD5 message-digest algorithm to a secure alternative. Refer to the following bulletin for additional details about this security issue:

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server uses an insecure hashing scheme for handling user passwords (CVE-2015-1913)

53135 Previously, when a parametrized stub was generated, optional fields that were containers (such as xml elements) were missing optional field markers on their child fields. As a result, these optional fields could not be removed. The problem has been resolved and child fields are now marked as optional.
52843 In previous versions of Library Manager, some of the provided installation directory values shown for WebSphere MQ on Linux and UNIX platforms did not match the default installation locations for WebSphere MQ on those platforms. This problem has been corrected.
52101 The example batch scripts for setting MQ permissions that are shipped with the distributed MQ exit have been updated to more accurately reflect the MQ object permissions that are required when recording, observing and using Sift and Pass Through stubbing. The corresponding documentation has also been updated to reflect these changes.

Fix Pack (
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester fix pack release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

The table shows where you can find the installation instructions to complete the upgrade.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Instructions

JDBC Driver

Installation instructions

MQ Exit (Z)

Installation instructions

MQ Exit (Distributed)

Installation instructions

CICS TG Client Exit

Installation instructions

Native CICS Agent

Installation instructions

Agents for DB2 on z/OS

Installation instructions

Apache Ant tasks

Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
53138 PI40052 Previously, Rational Integration Tester was unable to retrieve Rational Test Control Panel domain names over HTTPS. This problem has been resolved.
53047 PI39251 On the Stub tab for an HTTP operation, the user can clear the "Allow Subpaths" option so that stubs for the operation accept only exact matches for the destination URL. Previously, the proxy routing rule that was created for such a stub allowed URLs for subpaths to be forwarded to a stub that did not allow subpaths, resulting in a "503 No stub available" error. This problem has been corrected; if the subpath option is cleared, the proxy now filters out requests for URLs that contain a subpath.
52487 PI37683 Previously, attempts to record a SAG webMethods cluster in Rational Integration Tester failed with the following error message:

CompositeMonitorableEventSource:X_assert (73)

The problem has been resolved and webMethods clusters can now be recorded.

52764 PI39023 A number of improvements have been made to the Rational Integration Tester CICS DPL Agent, which is used for DPL (CICS LINK) virtualization:

  1. Transactions are now manually allocated and freed in RITEXITC instead of waiting for the end of life of the transaction. This change frees up memory that was previously held by long-lived transactions.
  2. The RITHRTBT program is now used instead of the less efficient RITCONFG program to provide heartbeat capability.
  3. Previously, the Rational Integration Tester CICS Agent did not support a JOBNAME of less than 8 characters, such as CICS52B. This problem has been fixed.

52681 PI38615 Previously, when synchronizing a TIBCO BusinessWorks service resource that listed multiple implementations, only the first implementation was imported. This problem has been resolved, and all implementations are now imported.
52638 PI41352 Previously, when a Rational Integration Tester Agent was installed with a processor value unit (PVU) license type, an error could occur when the Agent was instructed to run a test if licensing was not configured. The following error message was displayed:

[Error] [CRRIT8317E] Unable to obtain a valid license key

The problem has been corrected, and the agent no longer erroneously attempts to obtain a Rational Test Workbench license.

52624 PI38222 TIBCO BusinessWorks coverage reports now reliably produce coverage data when running in locales other than English.
52614 PI38169 Previously, when a stub passed an HTTP/1.0 request through to the live system, the request was upgraded to HTTP/1.1. The request now retains its original protocol version.
52390 PI37143 Previously, when editing a WebSphere MQ-based stub in the Test Editor, if the user changed the queue name, the previous queue name in the Message Switch and Default descriptions, as well as the queue name in the test console, were not updated. This problem has been fixed, and the new queue name is now displayed throughout.
52259 PI36754 In very rare cases, some Windows users were only able to run Rational Integration Tester with non-standard personalization settings, and were unable to use the right mouse button in a stub or test. This problem was caused by non-standard class loading on those machines. These issues have been fixed.
51876 PI35566 Previously, every time Rational Test Control Panel ran a scheduled test, three files were created in a work directory. Because these files were never cleared, they could fill a user's disk. The problem has been fixed, and the files are now cleared automatically every time a new test or stub starts up correctly.
51766 PI35158 When used on Windows, the RunTests command line now returns an error if the project cannot be found. Non-Windows platforms already had this safeguard.
51181 PI33194 Previously, when a test suite was designated to run in parallel and some tests in the suite were disabled, the disabled tests still ran. The problem has been fixed and disabled tests no longer run.
49150 PI28173 Previously, a message that contained an empty node might pass the test validation but incorrectly show up as a problem in the Message Differences window. This issue has been fixed, and such messages are no longer displayed in the Message Differences window.
49046 PI27897 Previously, if a user recorded JDBC events and then clicked on those recorded events in the Recording Studio perspective, Rational Integration Tester could appear to hang. This was caused by Rational Integration Tester attempting to resolve or contact the host that the events were originally recorded from. If the host was not accessible, extremely long delays would occur, leading the user to believe that the application had hung. This problem has been resolved and users should no longer experience these delays.
48971 PI27696 The SWIFT message type defaults to Input in the message editor. Previously, changing the message type to Output resulted in a damaged message. This issue has been fixed, with the following behavior:

  1. If the schema for the new type defines a fixed value for a field, that fixed value is used
  2. The name of the root node is taken from the new type
  3. The user has the choice to include optional fields for the new type

47747 PI24248 Previously, some configurations of WSDL files caused a null pointer exception when the user attempted to synchronize with the WSDL file. The problem configuration contained an empty element. The issue has been fixed, and those WSDL files now synchronize properly.
46134 PI19325 When running Rational Integration Tester in a non-English language, some customers reported occasionally seeing an error when using a filter expression in a SOAP action within a stub. The reported exception in the console log included the text : " RuleBasedCollator.append(".

Although this issue was not reproduced within IBM labs, a possible cause relating to thread handling was identified and has been corrected. This might resolve the problem.

44493 PI14207 Previously, if the user created a test with a Send Request/Receive Reply pair, then deleted the Receive Reply message, a listener was still being created for the reply. As a result, any replies sent by the system under test were intercepted by the listener and invisibly removed from the queue. The problem has been fixed; if the Receive Reply message does not exist, no listener is created for it and replies remain on the queue.
41881 PI33356 Previously, Rational Integration Tester tried to minimize the number of WebSphere MQ connections that it consumed. While this approach worked well for functional testing, it caused significant performance degradation when many MQ-based stubs were run in the same "engine" simultaneously. The problem has been resolved with the addition of the "Allow connections to be managed automatically" option on the Advanced tab of the transport. This option tells Rational Integration Tester to use more MQ connections than it normally would in order to achieve better performance as more MQ stubs are run. If the option is cleared, Rational Integration Tester reverts to its previous behavior.
41596 PI06805 Previously, if a stub had a guard condition, the details of the test steps in the Business Logic section were not logged. The problem has been fixed, and all test steps are now logged and displayed in the Results Gallery.
30967 PI25009 In some cases, the SYSTEM/FAILURE tag was not being set. The problem has been corrected and the tag now contains error information when a test fails.
53157 Previously, with the Topology Discovery perspective, if the user configured a WebSphere MQ observation point to connect to a WebSphere MQ version 8 queue manager that used a password that was longer than 8 characters, the connection to the queue manager would fail. The problem has been corrected.
53114 Previously, when a stub used reply sequencing, if a store action was defined for an optional field and no value was present in the message for that field, then the previously stored value was used. That is, tag values were not cleared out between messages. This behavior could cause, among other things, Test Data Lookup actions to fail because the tags did not contain null values when they were expected to. Stub execution has been changed so that if session state is in use and a value is not received for a store action, then the corresponding tag is automatically set to its default value.
53037 Previously, it was possible for the same reply message pattern to be used in more than one transaction pattern. As a result, the configuration was written twice, with the second configuration overwriting the first, including tags. This problem could cause a parameterized stub to send replies out of sequence. Separate copies of the message are now maintained so that the configuration is not overwritten and the reply sequence is correct.
52883 In Rational Integration Tester 8.7.0, when defining a WebSphere MQ observation point in the Topology Discovery view, the host field could not be left blank even if the user chose an application type of MQServies Bindings, where a host is not required. In addition, where a physical resource was created from WebSphere MQ observations, the application type of the observation point was not copied to the resource. These issues have been fixed.
52882 Previously, during WSDL synchronization, the WSDL parser expected to find port information in the first element of the file, which was not always the case. As a result, the WSDL file could fail to synchronize. The parser has been changed so that the order of elements is no longer critical to the process of creating transports, resolving the problem.
52861 In the Home perspective of Rational Integration Tester version 8.7.0, text in the Feeds section on the right of the screen was truncated. This issue has now been fixed; headers are shortened with an ellipsis where necessary, and text in the body of the message now wraps correctly.
52843 In previous versions of Library Manager, some of the provided installation directory values shown for WebSphere MQ on Linux and UNIX platforms did not match the default installation locations for WebSphere MQ on those platforms. This problem has been corrected.
52757 Two error messages were changed in the MQ z/OS exit to make them more consistent:

  • The message RITMQF01E was changed to RITM001E
  • The message "Origin Queue:" was changed to "RITM333I Origin Queue:"

52750 In Rational Integration Tester 8.7.0, it was possible that the user could choose to hide feeds on the Home page, run through one or more interactive guides, and return to find feeds being displayed again. The problem has been resolved and the feeds now stay hidden.
52749 Previously, the encryption settings from the Select a Schema dialog were not being retained. This problem has been fixed.
52707 The default "Application Name" in the WebSphere MQ physical transport was changed from "GHC MQ Transport", a Green Hat reference, to "Rational Integration Tester".
52704 Previously, when the Queue Recording mode for the WebSphere MQ physical transport was set to "Dynamic Mirror Queues", recording operations resulted in connections to the queue manager being left open after recording stopped. This could be seen, for example, in MQ Explorer. The problem has been corrected; the connections are now closed when they are no longer needed.
52693 When using a delimited File Data Source, different parsers are used for multiple character delimiters than for single character delimiters. Previously, the multi-character delimiter parser incorrectly returned null values when it encountered empty values. This problem has been fixed.

If users previously built datasets that used multiple character delimiters and worked around the null values being incorrectly returned, then the tests that use those datasets might now fail. To recreate the earlier, incorrect behavior, users can select the "Treat empty strings as null" check box on the Test Data editor.

52556 The version of WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile that shipped with version 8.7.0 of Rational Integration Tester had a problem that meant it would not start on the 32-bit version of Windows 8.1 without manual configuration changes being made. Rational Integration Tester includes an upgrade of Liberty profile that resolves the problem.
52551 Previously, when the Recording Studio wizard created Request/Reply WebSphere MQ operations based on dynamic reply queues, those operations did not have the "Dynamic Queues" option checked. The problem has been resolved and the operations are now created correctly.
52517 In Rational Integration Tester version 8.7, during stub generation from recorded events, messages that were otherwise identical but resolved to different endpoints were incorrectly flagged as duplicates and deleted. This problem has been resolved, and messages that resolve to different endpoints are no longer deleted.
52479 In Rational Integration Tester 8.7.0, some of the S/MIME encrypted messages that were produced were invalid. This problem has been corrected.
52434 Previously, when using the "Edit or Create Test Data" wizard, Rational Integration Tester might create the spreadsheet in the wrong format (xlsx rather than xls), and append a double extension to the file name (such as "MyData.xslx.xsl"). The xslx format could not be read as xsl, making the file unusable. The problem has been fixed so that the file format and extension are now correct. Existing corrupted files cannot be recovered at this time.
52398 In Rational Integration Tester 8.7.0, if the user tried to access the S/MIME decryption panel by using the schema wizard, the panel was disabled and could not be enabled. This problem has been fixed and the panel can now be accessed.
52330 Previously, if a Receive Reply action received an HTTP response with status "204 No Content" and a Content-Length of zero then the action failed with a null pointer error displayed in the test console, but no stack trace. The problem has been fixed, and a response with a no-content status no longer causes the action to fail.
52298 Previously, situations could arise when Rational Integration Tester would not clear out the contents of the COM.GREENHAT.INTERCEPT and RIT.DIVERT.RULES namelists in a WebSphere MQ queue manager on z/OS. This problem has been fixed and the namelists are now cleared correctly.
52279 Previously, a CICS IPIC stub that included in its response the modified contents of an existing container could cause the client application to receive a ECI_ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR. The problem has been fixed.
52058 Previously, if the user changed screen configurations, Rational Integration Tester might attempt to display a warning message at an off-screen location. This gave the impression that the application had hung. The problem has been fixed; dialogs that have a saved position are now checked to verify that they are visible and moved if they are not.
52029 54373 PI42387 Previously, if a user tried to install Rational Test Control Panel by using a silent installation and no response file was provided, a NullPointerException resulted. This problem has been corrected and default values are now provided for the silent installation.
52002 Previously, the "Mappings for Host Name Alias and Subsystem IDs" element on the physical database connection configuration dialog was always enabled. It is now only enabled when the DB2 driver is selected.
51991 Previously, if the user applied a schema to a message, deleted the schema, and then reimported the schema, Rational Integration Tester did not allow the schema to be reapplied to the message. This problem has been fixed, and an exception is no longer thrown if the designated schema is available.
51903 In Rational Integration Tester 8.7, although you could set a preference for IPv4 or IPv6 during installation, the user was still required to manually set this option for the HTTP proxy server. Rational Test Control Panel now uses this preference when it installs the HTTP proxy.
51872 Previously, in a Publish action that used the WebSphere MQ transport, the header was displayed with a red X and the error was flagged as multiple queueName fields. The problem was that Rational Integration Tester did not correctly recognize the queueManagerName. This problem has been resolved.
51859 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the Topology Discovery process could create an operation each time the discovery was performed (rather than re-using an already created operation) if the host names used in the observation were IDN encoded. This problem has been resolved and existing operations are now correctly recognized.
51767 Previously, when using the Edit or Create Test Data wizard from the test actions toolbar, an "Access is denied" error could occur if the user specified a file name without a path. This problem occurred when Rational Integration Tester attempted to create the file in a root directory to which the user might not have access. The wizard has been modified so that the user must now select a location using the file browser, which defaults to the project directory. This solution prevents the confusing "Access is denied" errors from occurring.
51728 In Rational Integration Tester 8.7, it was possible to publish an ISO 20022 stub to Rational Test Control Panel without previously downloading the schema files. This problem has been corrected, and an error message is now displayed reminding the user to run the download utility.
51625 In Rational Integration Tester 8.7, the Reload button for the Home perspective did not refresh the displayed feed content. This problem has been corrected.
51536 Previously, if the user edited a stored procedure test action where the schema was missing or out of date, the procedure name was cleared. If the user saved the action in this state, the following message was displayed at runtime.

INFO: VirtualAppinstance1 (1): [Error] Instance 1: Stored Procedure:Call "PROCEDURE1" using pool "DB" [CRRIT8800E] An error occurred while processing the stored procedure: null

The problem has been corrected and the procedure name is no longer cleared. In addition, the error message for a missing or out of date schema has been clarified.

51535 Previously, it was possible to request a rebuild of a database schema, but not have the rebuild performed. The problem was caused because Rational Integration Tester considered the schema to have failed if it did not return any stored procedures. The problem has been fixed and the schema is now rebuilt whenever the request is made.
48983 Previously, a warning message could cause the Rational Test Control Panel start stub command to fail when run from the command line. To resolve this issue, a new "force" attribute has been added to the start stub command. The attribute has three different forms. A simple "force" tells the command to ignore all errors or warnings in trying to start the stub. The "forceIf" command specifies a list of problems to ignore, and the "forceUnless" command specifies a list of problems that should not be ignored. See the Rational Integration Tester help for more information.
43587 Previously, if Rational Test Control Panel authorization was enabled in a Rational Integration Tester project, but the Rational Test Control Panel instance was stopped, then it was not possible to use the Import Events or Export Events wizard in Recording Studio. An error message was displayed that said that the user was not authorized to the server. The problem has been fixed and the user can now import or export events to a file even if Rational Test Control Panel is not accessible.
41979 Previously, it was possible for Rational Integration Tester Agents to write multiple repeating messages to its log file when Rational Test Control Panel was unavailable, one message for each connection attempt. The problem has been fixed, and only a single message is now written before entering the connection loop.

Initial Release (8.7)
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The location where you find the various proxy, Agent, and exit files has changed in version 8.7.0. Previously, these files were available in subdirectories of the Rational Integration Tester or Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack installation directories. Users then copied the files to the installation location. In version 8.7.0, these files are consolidated and are now part of the Rational Test Control Panel installation. You can download the files from the "Tools" page of Rational Test Control Panel (accessed by a browser) or from the Tools subdirectory of the Rational Test Control Panel installation directory. In either case, note that Agents that include a registration.xml file now have the Rational Test Control Panel setting in that file automatically set to the hostname of the server where Rational Test Control Panel was installed.

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
51100 PI33025 Previously, when a Linked Requirement containing a WebSphere MQ message was dragged into the Test Tree, then, in some circumstances, all fields were incorrectly cleared. This problem has been fixed.
51074 PI32902 Prior to version 8.5.1, Rational Integration Tester performed XML namespace identifier (Qname) validation by comparing the values as strings. This meant that elements with different namespace names (that resolved to the same URL) would fail comparison when, logically, they were the same. For example, <ns1:customer> was nor considered to be the same as <ns2:customer> when comparing expected and actual messages, even if the definitions of ns1 and ns2 resolved to the same URL.

In release 8.5.1, this was changed so that comparison was done using the resolved namespace names.

However, for some customers, this change introduced a problem in XML documents where the namespaces were not defined. In this case, Rational Integration Tester could not resolve the namespace identifier, and validation failed regardless of the string equivalence of the names. These users saw this as an undesired change in behavior.

Rational Integration Tester now falls back to string comparison if the namespace identifier cannot be resolved for the XML messages. This preserves pre-8.5.1 behavior in these cases while still providing correct validation when the namespace is defined.

51034 PI32784 Previously, Library Manager showed MS SQL Server versions 6.5, 7, 2000, and 2005 only. Version numbers were removed to avoid confusion as to which versions are supported. Use online information to determine the correct supported versions for Rational Integration Tester.
50833 PI32267 Users are no longer permitted to create environments whose names differ only in case. A warning is displayed if such a duplicate name is entered. When publishing stubs to Rational Test Control Panel, environment name comparison is now also performed in a case-insensitive manner.
50778 PI31985 Previously, the WebSphere MQ transport allowed only a fixed and limited list of possible cipher suites. This control was changed so that the user can enter a free form name for a cipher suite.
50774 PI31970 Previously, the user interface did not indicate which set of Result Publisher Settings was the default for a particular Result Publisher. The default settings are now displayed in bold, and "(Default)" is appended to the displayed technical description.
50773 PI31969 Previously, "Project Settings > Results Publishers" showed a check box to indicate which publisher, if any, was the default. This display was confusing because the value for the check box could not be changed in the project settings. The check box has been replaced with a "Yes" or "No" text field.
50740 PI32431 Previously, two problems were observed when working with the results of an SQL Query action. 1) The Merge button was not always displayed when it should have been. 2) Rational Integration Tester could hang while attempting to merge results. Both problems have been resolved.
50680 PI31722 Previously, optional fields in DFDL schemas were set to null by default, which could prevent the user from opening the root of a message. Optional fields in DFDL schemas now default to empty, which resolves the problem.
50499 PI31302 Previously, the Store page of the Field Editor dialog box did not permit tagging for non-text XML fields such as decimal or dateTime. If the user attempted to tag these fields, the tag action was removed. The problem has been corrected.
50204 PI31177 When a WebSphere MQ-based operation did not have the Stub page configured (meaning that the Stub page was not bound to a transport) then any attempt to create a WebSphere MQ sift and pass-through stub for a remote queue failed. Default values have now been put in place to resolve this problem.
49684 PI29430 Previously, when recording remote queues using the MQ exit for z/OS, the wrong queue name was shown in Recording Studio when recording the whole transport. The queue name shown in Recording Studio was taken from the queue definition rather than the name of the queue to which the message was actually being sent. This problem has been corrected.
49284 PI28541 Previously, values for the "Field is optional" and "Ignore rule cache" fields in a message were incorrectly cleared when an XML parent node was opened and closed in the message editor. The problem has been fixed.
49280 PI28521 Previously, a stub that was created or modified in the Test Editor did not recognize any timeout as valid, resulting in an error condition when the stub was run. The problem has been fixed, and legitimate timeout values are now recognized.
49065 PI34040 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the CICS DPL Agent could cause an S0C4 ABEND when used in the IBM Rational Development and Test Environment for System z. This problem has been corrected.
49044 PI27205 Previously, if a user attempted to configure a Results Database URL in Rational Test Control Panel that was longer than 255 characters, then it would be rejected. This has been corrected and results database URLs of up to 512 characters are now permitted.
48928 PI27528 When modifying XML elements, optional field settings are now preserved where possible.
48871 PI28732 Some customers experienced time-out errors when running tests from HP's Quality Center product by using the "Running Tester Instance Execution" method and alternating between Rational Integration Tester projects. This problem has been resolved.
48784 PI27095 The Rational Integration Tester database creation script failed when used with DB2 version 9.5. A new script, specific for DB2 9.5, has been created. This script is named ghtester_db2_9.5.sql and is found in the scripts directory under the Rational Integration Tester installation directory, along with the other database scripts.
48637 PI26795 Previously, the Test Connection option did not work correctly against EMS version 8.0. This problem has been resolved.
48604 PI26776 Previously, it was possible to create multiple users in the same domain in Rational Test Control Panel whose names varied only in case. This problem created conflicts in Domain Level Security. The problem has been corrected, and case is now handled consistently in the domains.
48391 PI26031 Previously, if individual tests were missing from a test suite (that is, the tests had been deleted after they were added to the suite), then when the suite was run, no errors or warnings were displayed. This could leave the user unaware that the tests the suite had run might not match expectations. The problem has been corrected, and a suite with missing (deleted) tests now fails, with a message about the missing tests displayed on the console.
48361 PI26083 Previously, due to a limitation in the .xls Microsoft Excel file format, the maximum number of columns in an Excel data set supported by Rational Integration Tester was 255. Now, if the number of columns exceeds 255, Rational Integration Tester creates a file with an xlsx extension, which can support up to 16384 columns of data.
47851 PI24704 Previously, Rational Integration Tester could not connect to an HTTP server that used Windows NT LAN Manager version 2 authentication (NTLMv2). Attempts to connect received a 401 error. In Rational Integration Tester 8.7, version 4 of the Apache HTTP client is enabled automatically, meaning that NTLMv2 authentication is no longer a problem.
47656 PI31194 A typographical error was found in the dialog box for importing saved events from a file. Previously the message read:

Remove existing mointors and events

This message has been corrected to read:

Remove existing monitors and events

47440 PI23347 Previously, when the user stopped Rational Test Control Panel at the same time that tests continued to use a stub that was started in Rational Integration Tester, the stub failed to respond to new requests from Rational Integration Tester. This problem has been corrected.
46974 PI21880 Previously, the "Search resource contents" feature in the Test Factory perspective returned correct results the first time it was used after a project was opened, but subsequent uses did not return any results. The problem has been corrected.
46537 PI20586 When using the sift and pass-through feature with the HTTP proxy, messages that contained the HTTP header "Content-Encoding=gzip" were not understood by the live system because the contents of the message had already been uncompressed. This problem has been resolved and the message passed to the live system now contains compressed content.
46242 PI19778 When clicking "Test Transport" on an HTTP transport within Rational Integration Tester, the results of using the transport in a client capacity and a server capacity are both displayed. Previously, if an error occurred in testing the transport as a client, information regarding the status of using the transport as a server might not have been displayed. This problem has been corrected.
46041 PI18925 Previously, if the user opened a messaging test action such as Publish or Subscribe, but did not have the required library files in Library Manager, no error message was displayed to indicate that the action was unable to complete. This problem has been corrected, and an error message is now displayed.
45469 PI16937 Previously, after synchronizing with a TIBCO BusinessWorks (BW) project, some of the private processes might not have message definitions. The problem has been corrected and the appropriate schema is now correctly applied.
44852 PI14932 When recording SQL statements by using the Rational Integration Tester JDBC driver in "learn" mode, a user can now see a "Report" field in Recording Studio that shows which tables, rows, and stored procedures were learned or affected by each statement. This feature is accessed by selecting an SQL Event in Recording Studio. The detail panel under the event rows shows the SQL parameters and the new "Report" field. This feature enables a user to see if the driver has been able to learn anything with each statement.
43322 PI11352 Previously, it was not clear what the "Is stored procedure?" check box on the SQLQuery and SQLCommand actions did. Hover text was added to clarify the purpose of the check box.
39116 PM95961 Previously, it was too easy to delete a test by mistake. The "confirm delete" dialog box now has "no" selected by default.
38375 PM93719 Previously, it was possible to use a floating point number in an XML integer field. Rounding could then cause the test to fail. Validation now provides a warning message if the user attempts to enter a floating point number in an integer field.
36643 PI27486 Previously, if the user changed the proxy settings after running a test (for example, on the HTTP transport), the previous connection was still in place when the test was restarted. The connection would therefore not be made as the user might expect. This problem was corrected by automatically disconnecting if neither recording nor tasks are running. A warning message is displayed before the connection is reset.
51712 Previously, any upgrade of Rational Test Control Panel caused all custom elements in the server.xml file to be duplicated. Although this problem did not affect functionality, it did mean that error messages were displayed if the user changed values in the server.xml file because duplicate, conflicting values were then found (for log level, as one example). This problem has been fixed and will not occur on upgrades from version and later. The workaround is to manually correct the file.
51594 Previously, if a service component had an unusually long name, and the component was expanded in the Logical view, then the beginning of the name was sometimes obscured by the "Collapse" icon. This problem has been fixed.
51483 Rational Integration Tester uses the COM.GREENHAT.COMMAND.QUEUE WebSphere MQ message queue for internal commands when the MQ Exit for System z is used. Traffic on this queue should not be recorded or stubbed. Previous versions allowed this practice, but with 8.7 it is no longer possible to record or stub the command queue.
51287 Previously, when running Library Manager on Windows Server 2012, no network adapters were listed in the Default Network Device drop-down list. The problem has been corrected.
51142 Some SAP systems use non-standard indicators for null fields within IDocs. A typical example is the use of a slash to represent null. Previously, if Rational Integration Tester attempted to record or subscribe to an IDoc containing such a field, then it would fail. This problem has been corrected.
50736 A number of fixes were made to the WADL synchronization process.

  1. The MEP type was set incorrectly. It is now always set to Request/Response.
  2. After synchronizing with a WADL file, the URL field in the operation signature was blank. As a result, the option to create tests from the message exchange pattern (MEP) was not available. The URL is now populated.
  3. If the source of the WADL was a file, the component name was "WADL". It is now the file name and URL name.
  4. If the source was a URL, the component name incorrectly had a .wadl suffix. This suffix was removed.
  5. The Logical view menu did not include WADL. It now does.

50735 Previously, if the number of log entries made by a single Rational Test Control Panel instance exceeded 2,147,483,647, then the process would fail. This problem occurred only if a large number of agents were registered with Rational Test Control Panel, and the agents ran under load for many hours.

The problem was caused by the use of an integer variable for the counter. The counter was changed to a long, resolving the problem.

50629 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the HTTP Bind Address field in Library Manager was ignored when starting a Rational Test Control Panel stub. This behavior was contrary to the information supplied in the help.

The rules governing how a bind address is chosen (from Topic) state:

"Note: If you do not enter a value in this field, the address specified in the HTTP Bind Address field in the Application page of Library Manager is used. If there is no address specified in the HTTP Bind Address field in Library Manager, the transport will bind to all local addresses on the computer that hosts the TCP server."

In version 8.7, Rational Integration Tester does follow these rules. One result of this change is that, if an HTTP Bind Address is specified in Library Manager, the user can no longer establish a connection using localhost.

Note that the server can be forced to bind to localhost by specifying that host name in the server panel.

50556 A problem was found with the z/OS MQ exit support for alias queues. The recorded queue name showed the base queue name rather than the alias queue name. This problem has been corrected.
50535 A problem with the CSS file that the Results Gallery uses resulted in some displays being illegible on Linux. The problem has been resolved.
50471 Additional logging information has been added to the Rational Test Control Panel logs to make it easier to diagnose issues of missing or invalid security tokens.
50417 The transaction code that is used by the Rational Integration Tester native CICS Agent (used for CICS LINK recording and virtualization) has been changed from EXCI to RITX to avoid clashes. The JCL file used at installation time has also been modified so that customers can change that transaction code if required. The installation instructions packaged with the Agent include details on how to change the code.
50395 Previously, a recorded byte array that contained non-ASCII characters failed to match an identical byte array in a schema. The byte array recognition routine has been improved to accept non-ASCII characters, which resolves the problem.
50224 Previously, the Portuguese "Falha" appeared in the Results Gallery instead of "Failed". The error has been corrected.
49798 Previously, if a user attempted to run a test suite, stub, or performance test in Rational Integration Tester, and the results (project) database connection string was missing or badly configured, then a warning message that included technical details of a Java class was displayed. This has been changed so that, when attempting to run a stub or a test, a warning is displayed in the console instead. For performance tests, the dialog box, minus the class name, is still displayed.
49674 Previously, when recording an IPIC request, Rational Integration Tester truncated any data in the COMMAREA that followed a null character (\x00). In some cases, the truncated COMMAREA caused a copybook expansion error. This problem has been corrected, and the COMMAREA size is now based on the length specified in the message header.
49221 Previously, if a user wanted to specify certain configuration options when creating a WebSphere MQ transport, then it was necessary to enter the required bitmask numbers. A button marked with an ellipsis (...) now displays a drop-down list of all appropriate options for each of these fields using the correct MQ names.
48878 Previously, if a message was sent to the HTTP Proxy with a "chunked" transfer encoding and a zero-length body, then the proxy failed to send the closing chunk size, which made the message unreadable. The problem has been corrected.
48850 Previously, if very large strings failed validation, Rational Integration Tester attempted to output both strings to the console window. If the strings were in the multiple megabyte size range, then this display could cause CPU usage issues, as well as flooding the console with a huge amount of text. The problem has been corrected; if the string is extremely large, then a very much shorter message is now displayed, which shows the point in the message where the validation first failed.
48837 Previously, if DB2 version 9.5 or 9.7 was used as a results database, searching for test cycles on the Rational Test Control Panel Results page failed with a DB2 SQL error. This problem has been corrected.
48521 Previous versions of Rational Integration Tester ignored names specified in the subjectAltName (SAN) X.509 extension when validating a certificate received from a server during an SSL handshake. Any hostnames and IP addresses present in the SAN are now used to perform the validation. If there is no SAN, the common name (CN) for the subject of the certificate is used instead.
48365 When recording CICS DPL events by using the CICS native agent in Recording Studio, the timestamps were not consistently correct. This problem has been resolved.
48277 In all previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the default timeout value for all request/reply actions was zero. This meant that the action would never time out. If no reply was received, then it might appear that Rational Integration Tester had hung, whereas it was in fact simply waiting forever. To avoid this situation, the default timeout value for these actions was changed to 5000 milliseconds. Users who run tests against slow systems may need to increase this value, or change it to zero to wait forever. Note that existing tests are not affected; only new actions will pick up the change.
47968 Previously, if clicking the "Test Connection" button failed, only the connection failure message from the underlying client library was displayed. Now additional information is provided, including:

  • Results of a ping of the host
  • Results of the Hattempt to open the port
  • Host IP address, host name (if resolvable), and port number

This information helps users to diagnose problems with the connection.
47785 In version 8.6 of Rational Test Control Panel, if the user attempted to start a stub without selecting a version, no error was displayed and it was not clear to the user that the stub had not started. This problem has been corrected.
47743 Some field actions in messaging actions cannot operate with multi-value tags (list tags). Previously the error message in the test console was quite cryptic, making it difficult to determine the cause of the problem. The error now shown is much clearer. For example:

Multi value tags can not be used in the Value Action: {3, 3, 3} (Action = "Value")

This situation typically arises when using a Lookup Test Data action and multiple matching rows are found. In such a case, all rows are returned in a list tag.

47407 Previously, when given one or more non-numeric parameters as input, the addNumbers example service shipped with Rational Integration Tester would return an HTML error page rather than a SOAP fault. This problem has been corrected and a SOAP fault is now generated, which allows users to get a better understanding of how to deal with this type of response.
47246 Previously on MQ for System z, it was possible for invalid WebSphere MQ queue names to remain in the Rational Integration Tester managed namelist when the queue manager restarted or Rational Integration Tester failed to remove the invalid names for some other reason. This problem has been corrected, and queue names in the namelist are now validated.
47016 Previously, if a stub was run that used Rational Test Control Panel to set up routing rules (such as an HTTP-based stub), then ports were allocated at stub compilation time to generate routing rules. However, if the stub failed to compile for any reason, then the port was not released. If the stub was configured to use a specific port (rather than allocate one on demand), then the stub could not be started again because the port was in use. The problem has been corrected, and the port is now opened only after the stub is successfully compiled, which means that the port is now released correctly.
46285 Previously, word wrap was turned off by default in the Test Lab console, which was potentially confusing to new users. Word wrap is now turned on by default in the console, as it is in the message view and message editor. This setting can be changed if preferred.
45772 Previously, when creating a new operation, the Message Exchange Pattern (MEP) type defaulted to Publish, which is not the most common scenario. The MEP now defaults to an appropriate value for the transport. In most cases, this value is Request/Reply.
27573 Previously, when a test was run that contained input tags, no values were requested for the tags from the user. This made testing sub-tests difficult. This problem has been resolved, and the user is now asked to enter values for the tags when the test is run.
27218 Previously, the default behavior for selecting event monitors in Recording Studio was to show operations only. This behavior has been changed, so that both the operation and physical resource filters are selected, which means that all resources are shown by default. The user can then filter by one or the other if desired.

Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester fix pack release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

The table shows where you can find the updated files and the installation instructions to complete the upgrade.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Location Instructions

JDBC Driver


Installation instructions

Native CICS Agent


Installation instructions

MQ Exit (Z)


Installation instructions

CICS TG Client Exit


Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
54146 PI42732 Previously, Rational Integration Tester incorrectly processed the sign character for signed fields in a COBOL copybook such as PIC S9(4) under non-EBCDIC character sets. The field was omitted when the message was sent. This problem has been corrected.
52845 PI39251 Previously, if the "Allow Subpaths" check box was cleared on the Stub tab for an HTTP operation, the proxy rule that was sent to Rational Test Control Panel still did a prefix match on all traffic going through the stub. This meant that messages containing subpaths could be incorrectly routed, resulting in the stub returning the following error:

503 No stub available that matches that request.

This problem has been corrected and messages with subpaths are now routed correctly.

52486 PI37683 Previously, attempts to record a SAG webMethods cluster in Rational Integration Tester failed with the following error message:

CompositeMonitorableEventSource:X_assert (73)

The problem has been resolved and webMethods clusters can now be recorded in Rational Integration Tester version The problem exists in version 8.7.0, so affected customers who upgrade from 8.6.0 to 8.7.0 must upgrade to at least version

52404 PI27528 When modifying XML elements, optional field settings are now preserved where possible.
52088 PI32267 Users are no longer permitted to create environments whose names differ only in case. A warning is displayed if such a duplicate name is entered. When publishing stubs to Rational Test Control Panel, environment name comparison is now also performed in a case-insensitive manner.
51558 PI32902 Prior to version 8.5.1, Rational Integration Tester performed XML namespace identifier (Qname) validation by comparing the values as strings. This meant that elements with different namespace names (that resolved to the same URL) would fail comparison when, logically, they were the same. For example, were not considered to be the same as when comparing expected and actual messages, even if the definitions of ns1 and ns2 resolved to the same URL.

In release 8.5.1, this was changed so that comparison was done using the resolved namespace names.

However, for some customers, this change introduced a problem in XML documents where the namespaces were not defined. In this case, Rational Integration Tester could not resolve the namespace identifier, and validation failed regardless of the string equivalence of the names. These users saw this as an undesired change in behavior.

Rational Integration Tester now falls back to string comparison if the namespace identifier cannot be resolved for the XML messages. This preserves pre-8.5.1 behavior in these cases while still providing correct validation when the namespace is defined.

51484 PI37556 Previously in WebSphere MQ for System z, it was possible for invalid WebSphere MQ queue names to remain in the Rational Integration Tester managed namelist when the queue manager restarted or Rational Integration Tester failed to remove the invalid names for some other reason. This problem has been corrected, and queue names in the namelist are now validated.
51029 PI34040 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the CICS DPL Agent could cause an S0C4 ABEND when used in the IBM Rational Development and Test Environment for System z. This problem has been corrected.
50783 PI29430 Previously, when recording remote queues using the MQ exit for z/OS, the wrong queue name was shown in Recording Studio when recording the whole transport. The queue name shown in Recording Studio was taken from the queue definition rather than the name of the queue to which the message was actually being sent. This problem has been corrected.
50665 PI25505 A small number of customers experienced changes in HTTP connection behavior when upgrading from Green Hat Tester version 5.x to Rational Integration Tester 8.x. A start-up option has been added to turn off HTTP connection pooling, which reverts behavior to that in Green Hat Tester 5.x. Use of this option does reduce performance and should only be used on the advice of IBM Support. The start-up option can be specified in Library Manager for Rational Integration Tester and the Rational Integration Tester Agent (for Rational Test Virtualization Server or Rational Performance Test Server customers) and consists of the following string:

50649 PI31302 Previously, the Store page of the Field Editor dialog box did not permit tagging for non-text XML fields such as decimal or dateTime. If the user attempted to tag these fields, the tag action was removed. The problem has been corrected.
50005 PI30046 Previously, when trying to add a stored procedure to a database stub, two problems were found. First, stored procedures already in the database were not accessible due to formatting problems. Second, the "Add a new stored procedure.." button did not work if there were currently no stored procedures in the drop-down list, and the user clicked the "Add..." button immediately after entering a name for the procedure. Both problems have been fixed.
54126 Previously, a validation issue was found in incoming messages with missing optional nodes. When Rational Integration Tester checked to see if missing nodes were allowed, it erroneously cleared the "Any order" option for the expected message. Thus a received message with nodes in a different order than in the expected message incorrectly failed validation. The problem has been fixed and the "Any order" option is no longer cleared by mistake.
53845 Previously, if a stub was run that used Rational Test Control Panel to set up routing rules (such as an HTTP-based stub), then ports were allocated at stub compilation time to generate routing rules. However, if the stub failed to compile for any reason, then the port was not released. If the stub was configured to use a specific port (rather than allocate one on demand), then the stub could not be started again because the port was in use. The problem has been corrected, and the port is now opened only after the stub is successfully compiled, which means that the port is now released correctly.
53366 Rational Integration Tester no longer supports the SonicMQ transport. Tests and virtual services (stubs) that use this transport will fail when they are run. The user must replace the SonicMQ transport with the JMS transport configured to use SonicMQ. Customers who are affected by this change should contact IBM support before they upgrade.
53359 The password hashing in Rational Test Control Panel was changed from the MD5 message-digest algorithm to a secure alternative. Refer to the following bulletin for additional details about this security issue:

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server uses an insecure hashing scheme for handling user passwords (CVE-2015-1913)

52330 Previously, if a Receive Reply action received an HTTP response with status "204 No Content" and a Content-Length of zero then the action failed with a null pointer error displayed in the test console, but no stack trace. The problem has been fixed, and a response with a no-content status no longer causes the action to fail.
52299 Previously, situations could arise when Rational Integration Tester would not clear out the contents of the COM.GREENHAT.INTERCEPT and RIT.DIVERT.RULES namelists in a WebSphere MQ queue manager on z/OS. This problem has been fixed and the namelists are now cleared correctly.
52264 Previously, when running a Rational Integration Tester test from Rational Quality Manager, a failed test might report a status of "passed" to Rational Quality Manager. This problem has been corrected, and a failing exit code is now sent in this situation.
51498 When the amount of data in a received message exceeds the length of an applied copybook, Rational Integration Tester allows a second copybook to be applied to the remaining data. Previously there were situations where this second copybook was applied to the whole message, not just the "excess" data from the first copybook. This meant that the whole message was corrupted. The problem has been fixed and the data is now expanded correctly.
51492 Rational Integration Tester uses the COM.GREENHAT.COMMAND.QUEUE WebSphere MQ message queue for internal commands when the MQ Exit for System z is used. Traffic on this queue should not be recorded or stubbed. Previous versions allowed this practice, but with version, it is no longer possible to record or stub the command queue.
51065 Previously, if a user created a hard-coded parameterized stub from recorded CICS DPL events in the Recording Studio perspective, then the stub did not start correctly and the following error messages was displayed:

[Error] [CRRIT8113E] Compilation Failed
[Error] Message Switch:-NO TRANSPORT SELECTED- Message Switch -NO TRANSPORT SELECTED-: [CRRIT8835E] No Transport has been selected

This error occurred because the creation wizard did not correctly configure the transport on the stub. The problem has been corrected.

50932 Previously, when the ISO 8583 schema was applied to a byte array, the expansion was successful, but the collapse retuned the "toString()" value of the array rather than the original array. This problem has been corrected, and the byte array value is now shown as the collapsed value.
50418 The transaction code that is used by the Rational Integration Tester native CICS Agent (used for CICS LINK recording and virtualization) has been changed from EXCI to RITX to avoid clashes. The JCL file used at installation time has also been modified so that customers can change that transaction code if required. The installation instructions packaged with the Agent include details on how to change the code.
49021 Previously, if a Rational Test Control Panel installation or update resulted in the brokerPort property in being present but having an empty value, then discovery failed with the following error: HTTP comms failed with status: 500

This problem has been fixed. The default value 7883 is now substituted when a blank broker port is discovered.

Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester fix pack release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

The table shows where you can find the updated files and the installation instructions to complete the upgrade.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Location Instructions

JDBC Driver


Installation instructions



Installation instructions

Native CICS Agent


Installation instructions

MQ Exit (Distributed)


Installation instructions

Software AG webMethods Pipeline Processor


Installation instructions

Java Agent


Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
50697 PI25874 A problem has been resolved that could cause a correct message to fail validation in some circumstances. The problem occurred when validating XML messages that contained multiple levels of repeating children, where the user had selected the "Accept fields in any order" validation option. When the message was validated against test data, Rational Integration Tester could report elements as having failed validation even though the data was correct.
50674 PI31712 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester it was possible for an exception to occur when a Regular Expression was evaluated from a tag that contained a null value. If this happened in a test, then the remaining test steps were skipped and the test showed as passed. This problem typically occurred if a test used a test data set that contained null values. This problem has been resolved and the null tag value no longer causes an exception.
50211 PI30501 A problem has been resolved that meant Rational Integration Tester could display a Null Pointer Exception at project load time if there was a missing permission settings in the project file. This problem made it impossible to load the project. The problem has been fixed and such projects will now load correctly.
50195 PI30485 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, it was possible, in some circumstances, for a performance test that had been configured to use probes to log spurious errors when it finished. Although these errors were purely cosmetic and did not affect the results of the test, they made it harder for a user to see real errors. This problem has been resolved and the errors are no longer logged.

Typically the errors looked like the following examples:

[27/11/2014 10:05:35.339] [Error] Probe ERROR: http://localhost:4476 - Failed to insert datasource message in DB - com.ghc.ghviewer.api.impl.DefaultDatasourceData@521279d4
[27/11/2014 10:05:35.342] [Error] [CRRIT8591E] Not all probes were reported exited within 30 seconds.
[27/11/2014 10:05:35.343] [Error] [CRRIT8581E] http://localhost:4476 did not receive exit notification within 30 seconds.
[27/11/2014 10:05:35.782] Summarizing performance test data...
[27/11/2014 10:05:35.893] Summarizing performance test data completed
[27/11/2014 10:05:35.893] [Error] [CRRIT8531E] calculator/Add/Perf: exited due to error

49351 PI28877 When doing sift and pass-through for a queue, the MQ exit now requires the "set all" context permission (+setall) for the MQ user who is configured in Rational Automation Tester for the queue that is being stubbed. This change is required to better preserve context information on the message when it passes through, particularly when passing message context.

Due to this change, the "Pass through queue is clustered" check box on the Stubbing page of the MQ physical transport has been removed, as this option set MQOO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT and MQPMO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT when passing through a message, both of which are now always used.

The example SetSiftAndPassThroughAuthorities.bat file has been updated to reflect this new requirement.

47998 PI28003 Previously, Rational Integration Tester did not properly evaluate which SSL algorithm could be used when exporting tests to Rational Quality Manager over an HTTPS connection. This mean that tests could not be exported from Rational Integration Tester to Rational Quality Manager. The problem was typically seen when Rational Quality Manager was hosted on Tomcat. The problem has been fixed, and the tests are now exported correctly.
50007 Rational Integration Tester failed to correctly record and virtualize SQL queries that used the infix concatenation operator (||). This issue has now been fixed.
49867 A problem was introduced in Rational Integration Tester 8.6 that meant that license validation for Rational Integration Tester would fail from the RunTests command on an AIX platform if the Rational Integration Tester installation was configured to use floating licenses. The problem has been resolved and the license check now works properly.
49750 Previously, when recording database traffic in Rational Integration Tester Recording Studio, a problem could occur if the result set opened by the application did not support the GetRow() method. This could lead to failures to record and learn virtual databases. In extreme cases it could prevent Application Servers from starting up if the Rational Integration Tester JDBC driver was enabled. This problem has been resolved and the condition is now caught and handled correctly.
49729 Prior to Rational Integration Tester, it was not possible to install both the Rational Integration Tester JDBC proxy and Rational Integration Tester Pipeline Processor (for pipeline recording) into a webMethods Integration Server. If both were installed, then the user would find that it was not possible to record JDBC traffic from the webMethods Integration Server. If recording was attempted, then an error message was displayed stating that one of the vie Proxy methods could not be found. This problem has been resolved, but users must update both the JDBC driver and Pipeline JAR file in the installation in order for both recording methods to work correctly.
49679 Previously, if a user attempted to record messages from an alias queue on MQ that was running z/OS, then the error "The recording type of this transport is Queue Alias, the supplied queue (RIT_REQUEST.ALIAS) is not an alias queue. Please provide an alias queue or choose a different recording type on the physical transport" was displayed, despite the queue being an alias queue. This problem was caused by multiple messages being returned on z/OS, whereas MQ on the distributed platform only returned one. The problem has been resolved and it is now possible to record alias queues.
49485 Previously, when recording SAP Java connector remote function calls (RFCs) in Rational Integration Tester, the recording rules sent to Rational Test Control Panel did not correctly parse individual RFC names that were separated by commas. This problem has been corrected.
49214 Previously, Rational Integration Tester incorrectly treated MIME content types that included a "+xml" suffix (such as application/xop+xml) as binary. This problem has been corrected, and these MIME subtypes are now treated as strings.
49186 Messages that use the IPIC protocol and that end in long sequences of zeroes can have all but the last 28 zeroes truncated. Previously this truncation caused problems in Rational Integration Tester, including making it impossible to apply a copybook to the truncated data.

The problem is now resolved. Rational Integration Tester now obtains the full common area length from the request, and if the reply is truncated, the message is extended with zeroes to its original length.

49104 Previously, if a virtual service sent a binary (byte) reply containing 0x0 content on an operation using a CICS TS transport, and the reply was injected into a CICS DPL call by using the native Rational Integration Tester CICS Agent, then content after the 0x0 was replaced with zeros, meaning that content was lost. This problem has been resolved.
49102 In previous versions of the Rational Integration Tester native CICS Agent (used for CICS LINK recording and virtualization), an 0C4 ABEND could occur in certain situations. A work-around (to set LOGLEVEL to 3 or 1) was available. The problem has now been resolved.
49101 Previously in Rational Test Control Panel, if the user clicked "View Proxy Detail" and changed the log level for the proxy, a message noting this change was repeatedly sent to the log. The problem has been fixed and only a single message is now sent.
49100 Previously, if the Rational Integration Tester native CICS Agent (used for CICS LINK recording and virtualization) filled up the RITLOG01 dataset and switched over to the RITLOG02 dataset, entries did not appear until the Agent was stopped. The problem has been fixed, and the Agent now creates entries in the second dataset in real time.
49061 Previous versions of the CICS native agent (used for CICS LINK recording and virtualization) supported CICS versions 4.x and 5.x. With Rational Integration Tester version, the CICS native agent also supports the older CICS 3.2 version.
48519 The word "Multipart" was misspelled as "Mulitpart" when MIME messages were displayed. This error has been corrected.
47163 Previously, the "Add Child" option could be lost while editing the header of a Receive Reply message. The problem was due to the faulty application of a schema and has been corrected.

Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester fix pack release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

The table shows where you can find the updated files and the installation instructions to complete the upgrade.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Location Instructions

JDBC Driver


Installation instructions



Installation instructions

Java Agent


Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
48661 PI12965 In Rational Integration Tester 8.6.0, a fix was included to allow Rational Quality Manager to run Rational Integration Tester tests when the path to the Rational Integration Tester project included white spaces. This was not completely successful and a further fix has been made.
48476 PI27555 If Rational Test Control Panel is configured to authenticate users against an Active Directory domain, then, when a Rational Test Control Panel administrator adds a user to a role for a Rational Test Control Panel domain (with domain-level security turned on), the administrator must type in that user's AD logon name. In this case, where all users are authenticated against a single AD domain, only the username must be entered. However, if users are authenticated against multiple AD domains, then the administrator must enter the username in the form DOMAIN\username so that the correct AD domain is identified.

In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the addition of a user to a role failed when the DOMAIN\username form was used, because the process expected only a username. This problem meant that it was not possible to add roles to users when more than one Active Directory domain was used for authentication.

This problem has been resolved and usernames can now be entered in the DOMAIN\username from when adding them to roles in Rational Test Control Panel.

47870 PI25978 When the user recorded JDBC database traffic from WebSphere Application Server, some stored procedures were not learned and therefore were not included in the stub. The stored procedure call was shown in the Recording Studio event list so it was not immediately obvious to the user that the stored procedure had not been learned. This was a problem specific to the use of the Rational Integration Tester JDBC driver in WebSphere Application Server behavior and was introduced in version 8.6.0. The problem has been fixed.
47438 PI23348 If a test in Rational Integration Tester used an MQ transport that was configured to use a temporary reply destination, then the connection was not properly closed when the queue listener ended. As a result, the number of connections increased with each test that was run. The problem has been fixed.
47197 PI22492 In the HTTP transport, when an identity store had multiple keys, only the first key could be selected. The problem has been fixed.
46971 PI24691 During use of the Log File Monitoring action, Rational Integration Tester set up multiple SSH connections to monitor logs. At the end of the test, these connections were not closed properly and were not re-used in subsequent tests. The connections remained even when Rational Integration Tester was closed, which could lead to a large number of orphaned SSH connections. This problem has been fixed.
46928 PI21743 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, if a user attempted to use the jTDS driver to connect to Microsoft SQL Server for both the project results database and physical database in the project, and used the single-sign-on (SSO) options, then Rational Integration Tester could fail to connect to one or both of the databases.

Typically a user would encounter the following error at some point:

[CRRIT4226E] The following error occurred in connecting to the database:I/O Error: SSO Failed: Native SSPI library not loaded.

The problem was caused by load conflict across the two databases when the native Windows dll was loaded to manage the single sign-on process. Rational Integration Tester has been modified to remove this conflict and users can now use jTDS/SSO for a Results Database and a database for testing at the same time in the same project.

46923 PI21742 If the transport was set (or reset) on a Subscribe action, then the Watch/Participate mode setting could be reset or otherwise made inconsistent. This problem has been fixed.
46646 PI20960 When a message used a Copybook with the DEPENDING ON instruction and the message had repeating nodes in it, then data was repeated at the end of the message. This error caused the Message Difference window to report an Unexpected Difference. The problem was caused by Rational Integration Tester incorrectly calculating the node position. This problem has been fixed.
45951 PI18532 In Publish or Send Request actions for the TIBCO EMS transport, changes to the "Correlation ID" or "Type" fields were not registering, which meant the changed value would not be saved unless another field was edited. The problem has been resolved.
45840 PI18128 In the Test Data Iterator action, changes to the "Required Value" field on the Filter page were not saved unless the user pressed Enter or clicked elsewhere in the frame to close that cell. The problem has been resolved and the value now saves correctly.
45814 PI18014 Previously, if a tag was entered in the password field for an identity store, any logon attempts using that identity would fail. The problem has been corrected so that a tag can be used to specify a password value.
48864 In version 8.6.0, a defect was introduced into the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy that meant it would not route an HTTP or HTTPS message to a stub if the "real" service the message was intended for was on a hostname that the proxy could not resolve. If, for example, a stub was created against an HTTP transport with a non-existent server name and the stub was started, then, although a routing rule would be set up when the proxy received an HTTP message intended for the non-existent server, the proxy would not pass the message to the stub nor respond to the client.

This problem has been resolved in and the proxy will either forward the message to the stub if there is a routing rule in place or respond to the client with an appropriate message if there is no routing rule.

48640 A problem has been resolved that meant CICS transaction recording against an operation using the IPIC protocol would not work correctly if a Mirror Transaction value was set on the Transaction Server resource.

When recording started, the user saw the following error:

[CRRIT8620E] Could not create a recordable definition for the operation `SC/IPIC_OP`: Unable to determine mirror transaction id for operation 'IPIC_OP'

48013 Previously, Rational Integration Tester did not know how to correctly use correlation information present in TCP/IP messages within Recording Studio to work out matching request/replay pairs. This meant that if events in the Recording Studio Events View were out of sequence, and the user clicked "Jump to" and selected either the previous or the next correlated message, the wrong message was sometimes highlighted and displayed. If the user used the events to create a stub, then unexpected results could occur as Rational Integration Tester would not correctly match replies to requests. This problem has now been resolved and correlation information is present in the request/reply case.
47934 When creating a stub with the Recording Studio Wizard, the user could not reorder the groups on the Transaction Assignment page by clicking the "Group#" column. This problem was introduced in version 8.6.0 of Rational Integration Tester and has been corrected.
47932 Previously, if a user created a virtual stored procedure using JDBC virtualization in the Rational Integration Tester internal Derby database, and the application that called the stored procedure called the JDBC getUpdateCount() method on the callable statement object that represented the stored procedure call, then an error was returned rather than a valid update count. This problem only affected users of the internal Derby database for stored procedure implementation. If an external (Oracle, DB2, MySQL, SQL Server) database was used, then the problem did not occur, because of significant differences in the implementation of stored procedures in Derby. The problem has now been fixed.
47632 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the Recording Studio Wizard could, in some cases, merge Java events from different classes into the same operation, which resulted in an incorrectly created stub. The wizard now correctly identifies the methods as coming from different classes and does not merge them.
When creating tables in a virtual database (either through recording/learning or subsequent table addition) Rational Integration Tester could fail to create the table if certain reserved words were used for column names (for the particular database technology in use). The following reserved words would cause problems:

TRUE and FALSE (for native mirror databases in MySQL)
BIGINT and DETERMINISTIC (for integrated mirror databases in MySQL)
WITH (Oracle)

The problem has been fixed and tables with these column names can now be created successfully.

47406 A problem existed with the "Iterations" field of the Iterate action when creating or modifying a test or stub. If the user selected a tag from the Tag Store rather than typing in a tag name or entering a number, the user interface failed to register the change. This problem has been fixed.
47357 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, if a user configured a Rational Integration Tester Agent to be available to run tests from Rational Quality Manager and the Rational Quality Manager server was not available at Agent start-up time, then the agent would not start. This behavior has been changed so that the Rational Integration Tester Agent now starts and will continue to poll for connectivity to the Rational Quality Manager server. The Agent will output information about the status of its connection.
43991 When a user synchronizes with a WebSphere Application Server instance, Rational Integration Tester builds a number of logical/physical resource pairs to represent resources that the WebSphere Application Server instance is working with. This includes the databases that WebSphere Application Server connects to. In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the server name used for the physical database resource was not fully qualified. This name could lead to problems if the user then attempted to use JDBC virtualization against that database resource, because the server name might not match the server name that the calling application used in the JDBC connection string.

The synchronization process has been changed so that the physical server name in the Rational Integration Tester resource is now canonical.

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status

Updated Agents

The following Agents have been modified as part of the Rational Integration Tester fix pack release. After you upgrade Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server, and Rational Performance Test Server, you must update the agents that you use.

The table shows where you can find the updated files and the installation instructions to complete the upgrade.

Agent technology updated in this release:
Agent Location Instructions

JDBC Driver


Installation instructions



Installation instructions

MQ Exit (Z)


Installation instructions

MQ Exit (Distributed)


Installation instructions

Java Agent


Installation instructions

CICS TG Client Exit


Installation instructions

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
46978 PI22396 In version 8.6.0 of Rational Integration Tester, a problem was introduced that meant if an application "put" a message to an MQ queue using the MQPMO_NEW_MSG_ID option (to force a new message ID to be generated), then sift-and-pass-through functionality would not work correctly in stubs for that message. The following message was displayed in the Rational Integration Tester console:

[CRRIT3114E] Failed to process finishUpStub.

The problem has been fixed.

46598 PI20773 Previously, it was possible to record the pub.publish:publish service from the Software AG webMethods Integration Server transport, which could cause a stack overflow error. This service has been added to the exclusion list so that the user can no longer record from it.
46506 PI20576 Rational Integration Tester did not provide 50F as an option for the "Ordering customer" fields in SWIFT MT 101 and MT 102 messages. This option has now been added.
46403 PI22913 The Rational Integration Tester Agent uses the Java createTemp() method to locate a directory for temporary files used in loading stubs. These temporary files were not being deleted when all stubs were stopped, so the temporary directory could fill up over time, which would then cause stubs to fail to start. This problem has been fixed, and the temporary files are now deleted when the stubs are unloaded from the Agent.
46320 PI20485 Previously Rational Integration Tester was failing to include the content encoding in the HTTP header for SOAP 1.2 messages. As a result, some Unicode characters were being rendered improperly. This problem has been resolved.
46267 PI12740 A very small number of users had experienced a problem that meant installations of Rational Integration Tester were not responsive unless the Metal Swing Look and Feel was selected. In this situation, the following error was seen in the Rational Integration Tester JVM Console (accessible via HTTP because the GUI was not responsive):

UIDefaults.getUI() failed: no ComponentUI class for: javax.swing.JMenuItem[,0,0,0x0,invalid,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=0,

It is believed that this problem was caused by a dependency issue within the build. The dependency issue has been resolved, which should address the problem.

45945 PI18502 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, it was not possible to add tables to a database stub if the table name or a column name was the same as a SQL reserved keyword for that database vendor. This problem has been resolved and JDBC stubs may now contain tables and columns that use reserved keywords as names. Note that the reserved SQL keywords for each database vendor can change by version, so it is possible that new reserved words will be added that are not covered by this fix. In this case the user will most likely see a SQL Syntax Error.
45863 PI18196 Rational Integration Tester now correctly honors the elementFormDefault="qualified" attribute in WSDL files. This means that it will correctly prefix typed elements with the namespace prefix.
45808 PI18024 A defect has been resolved that meant that the ProcessTag action, Validate using Tag action, and Validate using Message from File action only worked correctly the first time in an iterator when there was no field expander or repeating field in the message.
45010 PI15445 If an invalid value was specified for the DISPLAY variable on Linux, such as the address for an X server host, the Rational Integration Tester Agent could fail as soon as it attempted to deploy a stub. This problem has been resolved by ensuring that the DISPLAY variable is removed from the environment in the script the Agent uses to launch the stub.
44982 PI15359 If a SWIFT message contained an extra, illegal field, any subsequent fields also failed validation, even if no errors existed. This problem has been corrected so that only the illegal field is flagged as an error, and any subsequent fields are validated correctly.
44361 PI13746 Previously, if a test attempted to publish a message on an MQ transport, and a tag was used to set the correlation ID, and the value of the tag was not a valid correlation ID, then the test would still pass even though no message was published to MQ. It was not clear to the user what had happened. The problem has been fixed so that the test now fails on the Publish step.
44117 PI13197 The TIBCO EMS transport failed to connect via SSL when the steps in the Rational Integration Tester documentation were followed. The only error message displayed was in the JVM console as the "Test Transport" button produced no results at all. The problem was that for some versions of EMS (at least version 4) the jar files configured in Library Manager were not sufficient for SSL connectivity. This problem has been resolved, and Library Manager now lists the correct TIBCO jar files.
43896 PI12473 A null pointer exception was thrown in the DB2 results database in some cases where the username was converted to upper case and used as the schema name. This problem has been fixed.
43348 PI11616 In Green Hat Tester versions and earlier, validation of Publish actions did not work properly, so all actions always passed. This problem exists in some early versions (8.0.x) of Rational Integration Tester also. Because validation is now working properly, some tests that previously passed may now fail, as they should.
47389 In all previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, a problem existed that meant in specific circumstances a stub would respond correctly to a request received on an HTTP URL but would fail to respond on the same URL using HTTPS.

Specifically, this problem occurred if the operation being virtualized was configured to filter by resource path (on the Stub page of the operation dialog) and the client was sending the message through an HTTP proxy.

If the user's stub was filtering based on the URL, then it would respond correctly when the communication used an http:// scheme. The stub would correctly process the resource path when determining the event to run. However, if the communication used https:// with exactly the same resource path, the stub would fail to match any event and would not process the message.

It is not obvious to the user why the stub filters did not match. Diagnosis can be performed by switching off the filter-by-resource path in the operation and logging the tagged URL in the message the stub receives. An HTTP message of the form http://server/resource logs "\resource", whereas an HTTPS message of form https://server/resource logs "https://server/resource", indicating that the parsing of the URL has failed.

These problems are resolved in Rational Integration Tester and HTTPS URLs are correctly parsed so that only the resource path rather than the complete URL string is presented to the stub.

47188 Previously, dragging actions in a Rational Integration Tester stub to reorder them could cause the actions to disappear from the user interface, especially if they were dropped outside of the action list. This problem has been fixed.
47091 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, using the Test button on an SQL Query action in a test retrieved incorrect results for the cases where the query involved a JOIN between two or more tables having columns with the same name. This is because the result set would contain duplicate column names (one from each table). If the user saved those results as the expected results, and then ran the test, the test would fail due to the duplicate names. This problem is now fixed.
47047 Previously, creating a parameterized stub from events could result in repeating null elements being included in the stub. The problem has been fixed so that null elements are correctly removed in all cases.
47021 The wording used in Informational messages when publishing stubs to Rational Test Control Panel has been improved to make it clearer what is happening. After the user publishes a stub at a particular version number, the user must increment the version number before publishing another stub from the same project. If the user fails to increment the version number, a message is displayed that offers to auto-increment the version number.
46979 A problem was found where the Encoding field for copybook properties was not being saved. The problem has been fixed.
46884 The Message Differences window in Rational Integration Tester was not saving changes to filters in stubs. This problem has been fixed.
46861 Previously, when a user was created in Rational Test Control Panel with domain level security enabled, that user was unable to observe resources within Rational Integration Tester. This problem has been fixed.
46849 If the Rational Integration Tester "Create from observed resources" wizard was run multiple times, with a different environment specified each time, resources were incorrectly bound to the first environment in all subsequent runs within the same session. This problem has been fixed.
46698 Previously, a user could not copy a global tag from the Tag Data Store of one test and paste that tag into the Tag Data Store of another test. This problem has been resolved, and the copy-paste process now works correctly between tests.
46563 The Application Topology Discovery window in Rational Integration Tester did not resize properly. This problem has been fixed.
46485 Previously Rational Integration Tester could hang when attempting to save (export) large numbers of messages in Recording Studio, particularly if the messages were large. The export would never complete. This was caused by the application running out of memory. The way in which events are saved has been changed in an attempt to avoid this problem.
46484 In the Rational Integration Tester Recording Studio perspective, the "Select all events" option took a long time to complete for large numbers of events (>10,000). This problem has been fixed and the selection is now significantly faster.
46420 If an item was selected in the Physical view when the user ran the Rational Integration Tester "Create from observed resources" wizard, logical resources were created under the "Physical" directory for the project rather than the "Logical" directory. This problem has been fixed.
46405 The user can press Ctrl-F to find strings in the recorded events in the Rational Integration Tester Recording Studio perspective. Previously, where large numbers of events were displayed and matches were found in events that were not displayed, the Events view might fail to scroll to the found events if they were sorted by non-default order. This problem has been fixed.
46404 When invoking a CTG- or CICS- (DPL) based stub, the following error appeared in the Rational Integration Tester console (JVM) log:

com.ghc.ghTester.runtime.actions.SubscribeAction X_validateMessageTimestamp SEVERE: Missing rvcdTimestamp header. Cannot determine if received message was received within the timeout.

A Timestamp field was being checked unnecessarily. This problem has been resolved and the spurious log entry no longer appears.

46330 Using the Rational Integration Tester 8.6.0 JDBC driver and WebSphere Application Server 8.x, it was not possible to record JDBC SQL traffic. The problem was introduced in Rational Integration Tester 8.6.0 and has been fixed.
46327 When recording messages from an MQ Queue Manager using the Rational Integration Tester MQ exit, a user can optionally limit the queues that are recorded by specifying a prefix in the Recording Studio tab of the logical MQ transport. Only messages posted to queues whose names start with this prefix are recorded. This functionality was not working for Z-based queue managers, and attempting to use a prefix would prevent any messages from being recorded. This problem has been resolved and it now works as expected. Note that this problem did not affect Queue Managers on distributed (non-Z) platforms.
46228 The Properties dialog was not displaying for Integra handlers due to a null pointer exception. The dialog now displays correctly and the list of available handlers is correctly populated when the user clicks "New".
46218 Changes have been made to the Rational Integration Tester stub editor to reduce memory usage and increase performance.
46097 Previously, when a user published stubs from Rational Integration Tester to a Rational Test Control Panel with Domain Level Security enabled, it was possible to receive a credentials error (authentication failure) from RTCP even if the user had recently authenticated successfully. The stubs could not be published. This problem has been resolved. When publishing stubs the user may still be prompted for credentials (due to session timeout) but now, once the user has re-authenticated, the publish will succeed.
46055 Previously it was not possible to export a test from Rational Integration Tester to Rational Quality Manager 5.0.1 if the Rational Quality Manager project name to which the test was being exported had a space in it. The test could be exported to Rational Quality Manager versions 5.0.0 and earlier. This was due to a change in URL encoding with Rational Quality Manager 5.0.1. This problem has been resolved and the test can now be exported successfully.
46050 When an IMS Connect client attempted to connect directly (that is, without using the proxy) to a Rational Integration Tester stub by using the weak SSL option, the JVM running the stub would not accept any of the SSL variants that the client offered. This problem has been resolved and "weak" SSL connections can now be made from a client directly to the stub.
46044 When launching the IMS Connect transport using SSL, the connection failed in any language but English. The SSL type ("Weak", "Strong", or "None") was mistakenly being translated in the configuration instead of in the user interface only. This problem has been fixed.
46013 Although the user interface allowed the user to select multiple environments to publish stubs to, Rational Integration Tester only published to the first. This problem has been corrected, and stubs are now published to all selected environments.
45989 Previously, a failure to synchronize with a web service application could cause the entire synchronization process with WebSphere Application Server to fail. This synchronization problem is now reported as a warning, and the overall synchronization is allowed to continue.
45963 The JDBC virtualization in Rational Integration Tester has been enhanced to support learning of queries that use a left outer join.
45947 When setting up dynamic reply queues for MQ, selecting the option to use a default model queue did not work if the name of a previously entered model queue was not deleted. This problem has been fixed.
45943 Case sensitivity was not being handled consistently in environment names in the Create from Observed Resources wizard in Rational Integration Tester. If the case used in Rational Integration Tester was different from that used in Rational Test Control Panel, observations would fail to be received in the wizard. This issue has now been corrected.
45906 Previously, it was not possible to use Ctrl+V to paste a valid path or URL for a WADL resource into the Logical view of the Architecture School perspective. Ctrl+V has now been enabled for this purpose.
45789 Previously, if there were multiple entries in the Rational Test Control Panel Activity Log, the order of the entries might change simply because the log polled for updates. This has been resolved and the ordering will not change purely because of a re-poll.
45712 Previously, If an MQ-based stub was created using the Create Stub From MEP wizard, and the stub was run immediately without being edited or saved by using the Stub Editor, then an error like the following example occurred:

12/05/2014 14:20:04.716] [Error] Instance 1: Send Reply:"MQ Message" using schema "MQ Message"
(2) [CRRIT8630E] Fatal error: com.ghc.utils.GHException: [CRRIT3112E] Error putting (replying to) message - one of the parameters is null:
The system cannot find the path specified.

This problem has been fixed.

45694 If a Rational Integration Tester user published a stub to Rational Test Control Panel without Domain Level Security enabled, and Domain Level Security was then enabled in Rational Test Control Panel, a subsequent attempt to publish the same stub would fail. The problem has been resolved. Now, after Domain Level Security is enabled, credentials are requested and the stub can be published again.
45680 The Agent.ini file did not contain any instructions on how to configure the Agent to provide log information to the Rational Test Control Panel Diagnostic Logging view. Comments have been added to the file to document how to enable this feature. Enabling this feature makes it easier for administrators to see logging from the various components in a single place.
45461 Previously, Rational Integration Tester tests that used the TCP transport could not be notified that the connection had been closed. This made it impossible, for example, to write a test that would wait for a disconnection, then continue and create a new connection when necessary. Instead, the test might end up trying to communicate over a connection that was no longer valid, which could result in the console error message, "No more messages can be received on the transport."

To receive a notification of a closed connection in a test, select the "Generate message on disconnection" check box on the Client page of the TCP transport configuration. To receive the notification in a stub, select the check box on the Server page. The disconnection notification takes the form of a message received by a subscribing action with a messageType header field set to 300.

These new check boxes have no effect on the way sockets are created or closed, or on the data sent over them. They simply govern behavior within Rational Integration Tester.

45401 Previously, it was possible to get an IndexOutOfBoundsException when selecting an empty project with the Quick Link tool to link RIT projects with HP QC projects. This problem has been fixed.
45368 The "Sample" field and "Tag Value" button are no longer displayed in the "Format for values" dialog when creating Record Layouts, as they served no purpose.
45288 Previously, the results from a cloned project might incorrectly be displayed in the Results Gallery among the results for the original project from which the clone was made. A unique ID is now used to keep the results separate.
45173 Data that is processed by the length packetizer can be thought of as having a prefix followed by data, where the prefix contains information about the length of the message. The following changes have been made in version of Rational Integration Tester to improve the functionality:
  • For Offset and Token length packetizers, it was not possible to indicate whether or not the length included the prefix itself. The state of the "Length includes prefix" check box now governs the behavior of these packetizers.
  • It was not possible to control whether the prefix portion of the message was propagated to subscribers. That behavior can be now be specified using the "Propagate Prefix" check box.
  • Where the packetizer is used to update outgoing messages:
    • If "Propagate prefix" is false, an offset is constructed when updating the outgoing data.
    • The length portion of the offset is updated according to the "Length includes prefix" setting.
45024 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, editing a single stored procedure invocation in a database stub sometimes caused multiple invocations to be edited simultaneously. This problem is now fixed.
44475 Older versions of DB2 and Sybase JDBC drivers could inconsistently report column names back to the calling program when the SQL query aliased column names. This problem could lead to errors in the use of the SQL actions in Rational Integration Tester because of unexpected column names. For example, "SELECT deptno AS detp FROM dept" database could cause an "invalid parameter" error due to inconsistent behavior of the getColumnName() method in the various JDBC driver versions. This problem has been resolved by changing the mechanism by which Rational Integration Tester retrieves column names from the JDBC drivers. The errors should no longer occur.
44147 New physical Database resources were being created with a null value for the "Maximum Number of Connections" field, which is invalid. At run time this would result in a value of 1 being used. The problem has been fixed and the default value now appears as 1.
43521 Administrators were unable to unlock Rational Test Control Panel environments. The problem has been fixed. RTCP administrators should always be able to unlock environments in domains they are administrators for. Normal users have to request an unlock.
43425 In some cases the Rational Integration Tester environment editor was not refreshing the display after a new property and value were entered. The problem has been fixed.
43234 When using the Rational Integration Tester Tools application (launched from the source control menu option) to edit DFDL schemas on some Linux distributions, some areas of the DFDL editor were obscured and could not be read. This problem lay with the DFDL editor control used by Rational Integration Tester . The problem has been fixed.
43024 Previously, dragging Messaging actions onto an Iterate Test Data action could result in the loss of any failure paths that were associated with the Messaging actions. This problem has been fixed.
42299 When editing the Rule Cache, a change to the Value > Formatting field was not recognized as a change so the Save button was not enabled. The problem has been fixed.
40887 In some cases, Rational Integration Tester did not link correctly to Rational Team Concert so that "Raise Defect" button in the RIT Message Differences window would work correctly. The problem has been fixed.
38033 Previously, when the Tag Data Store was opened, the table did not have focus, so a Ctrl-V paste action failed unless the user clicked inside the table first. The table has been given immediate focus, correcting the problem.
33453 The Rational Integration Tester scenario editor window was not resizing properly. The problem has been fixed.

Initial Release (8.6)
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
45429 PI16813 A problem existed where the values added to tag inputs in the Data Drive tab of a test suite scenario could be lost when the scenario was saved. This problem has been fixed.
45409 PI16780 In Rational Test Control Panel, when displaying agent deployed projects and stubs, the scroll bar for the lower part of the display did not allow the full set of agents to be scrolled into view. This problem has been fixed.
45366 PI16635 The Message Editor was not correctly saving properties in message headers if the schema was not mapped. This problem has been fixed.
45343 PI16600 When attempting to configure a Retrieve Task for a Software AG webMethods BPMS resource, it was possible that the user would experience a stack overflow error in Rational Integration Tester. This occurred if there was a circular reference in the definitions. This problem has been fixed.
45265 PI16502 A problem has been resolved that meant Rational Integration Tester could not parse the extra encoding in an ISO8583 bitmap when NON-TCP transport was used (for example, using MQ transport and using zoned binary in bitmap).

This fix adds a new ISO8583-specific tag ibmrit:bitmapConvert="1" to the schema. Rational Integration Tester checks this tag and does bitmap conversion when applying the ISO8583 schema in field expansion or collapse.

Users should add this tag when using NON-TCP transports when they wish to use extra encoding in the bitmap, as in the following example:

The tag ibmrit:bitmapConvert="1" must not be added when using extra bitmap encoding in the TCP transport.

This fix also resolves the following issues:

1) Allow the application of the ISO 8583 schema to text messages in addition to binary messages.

2) Change the root of the 2 example schemas to be consistent with the schema names (ISO8583_1987_ASCII and ISO8583_1987_BINARY).

3) Add the new schema ISO8583_1987_ASCII_NONTCP for reference when the transport is not TCP.

4) Add support for the new 8583-specific tag ibmrit:bitmapLowercase="1" to the TCP transport.

44806 PI14819 A problem existed where re-applying an XML schema or requirement to a message action would overwrite the previous settings for "Field is optional" and "Ignore rule cache". This problem has been fixed, with the following note: When a field is required by the schema and you mark the field as "Field is optional", the setting is overwritten, as it should be, when the schema is re-applied.
44567 PI14231 A problem existed where adding a Process Tag action type to a Send Request message could result in a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException. This problem has been fixed.
43884 PI12541 Elements in a message were falsely showing WSDL/schema validation failure (red crosses) when they contained a local element that referenced an abstract type that is already being processed. This problem has been fixed.
41669 PI07654 Previously Rational Integration Tester might incorrectly format and match field values when handling a field with an XSD schema type of xsd:decimal. Values might contain exponents when output and values received that contained exponents might be incorrectly treated as valid. This issue has been resolved. Fields that are associated with a type of xsd:decimal will now output in the correct format. It should also be noted that when validating xsd:decimal type fields, values with exponents such as 1.0000001E7 will no longer be seen as valid. Previously they would have been, because the way Rational Integration Tester handled xsd:decimal was based around double types.
41411 PM89478 A problem existed where running multiple JMS tests in parallel within a test suite could cause unused connections to be opened. The problem has been fixed.
41316 PI05999 Previously, when running tests that contained Function actions that used Apache Ant or RunTests, the following message was displayed on the command line:

SEVERE: failed to locate properties file

This error message was only relevant if the rarely used Coherence functions were called, so the error message was removed to avoid misleading the majority of users. Customers that do use Coherence functions should be aware that they will not see an error message for a missing configuration file.

39248 PM96223 Previously, if a user attempted to view test results in the Rational Test Control Panel Results Gallery view and the database from which results were being retrieved was MySQL then a ""connection abort: socket write error" message could be displayed and no results would be shown. This would occur if Rational Test Control Panel had not been used for a long period of time [hours] and was caused by problems within the database connection pooling. This problem has now been resolved.
38601 PM94495 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, fields that were used to create HTTP proxy routing rules were not tag aware.

For example, an operation might be defined as: /RTCP/examples/calculator/calculatorService/%%URL%%

Then, when the stub was started, it correctly substituted the tag for the end of the URL and ran,but messages were not routed to it by the proxy. This was because the rule that was created included the %%URL%% string rather than the substituted tag value. This problem can be seen from the console output:

[Infrastructure] HTTP(S) Stubbing rule added. [((URL Prefix: /RTCP/examples/calculator/calculatorService/%%URL%% AND port=7821) AND.....

This problem was resolved and the tags are correctly evaluated in order to construct the routing rules.

38165 PM74200 A problem has been resolved that caused the twisties (on Linux) or the "+"/"-" (on Windows) in the synchronization view of Architecture School to not work correctly.
37422 PM90990 When importing a TIBCO BW project into Rational Integration Tester, errors were sometimes logged to the JVM Console (and the -consoleLog output) similar to the following message:

[13:12:28.092 2013/06/12] Jun 12, 2013 1:12:28 PM com.ghc.schema.SchemaStore getFile
WARNING: no protocol: -47474608:13f37b0238a:-7eab_ppsss

When this happened, no context was provided to help the user locate the malformed URL.

These errors did not have any meaning and should not have been shown to users because they caused confusion. These messages are no longer displayed.

36501 PM74378 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, if the "Preparing Test" dialog was displayed when running a test, then there were circumstances where the dialog window was not big enough to display all of the text. This problem has been resolved.
32485 PM80712 Previously, it was not possible to select multiple test actions via multi-select when the action editor was set to display on the right or bottom. This problem would not be seen if the pop-up action editor was used.

To reproduce this problem:
- Create a simple test
- Add three log actions
- Set the action editor to bottom (under Preferences, Tests Editor)
- Now attempt to select the first and third message action

The last action in the above task was not possible; setting the action editor to be a pop-up made it possible.

This problem has been resolved and multi-select of test actions is now possible when not using the pop-up action editor.

32126 PM80033 If any of the following environment variables are set when Rational Integration Tester or Library Manager is run, then problems may occur:


When launching Rational Integration Tester, the splash screen appears but the project selector never displays. Library Manager simply does not appear. This causes a problem during installations where Library Manager must be run.

The Library Manager launch batch files used during installation have been changed to clear these environment variables before attempting to launch Library Manager. This prevents the installation from failing to complete. Additionally, a new script named GHTester.bat is now included in the installation, which clears these variables before launching Rational Integration Tester. LibConfigInstall.bat can be used to clear the variables before running Library Manager.

26558 PM73646 All Rational Integration Tester Actions can be copied to the clipboard individually. However, in previous versions, when a group of actions was selected, if certain specific actions were included, then the Copy command was not available. For example, if any of the following actions were in the selection, Copy would be disabled:

-Default Case Action (of Message Case)
-Look Up Test Data Action's Found Action
-Look Up Test Data Action's Not Found Action
-Decision Action's True Action
-Decision Action's False Action

The problem has been resolved and groups of actions may now be copied correctly.

25614 PM74297 The Validate Message from File action now behaves as originally intended. When using this action, the message you reference is used as the expected message when validating the received message. The enabled state of the validation actions is ignored and all fields are validated. The user can specify paths in the Exceptions text area that should not be validated.

These paths are the display paths as shown in the validation error messages that are displayed in the test console.

// can be used in a path to indicate any descendant. For example, /root//A matches /root/A, /root/X/A, /root/X/X/A and so on.

An asterisk can be used as the index to specify that any instance of a node should match. For example, /root/A[*] matches /root/A, /root/A[1], /root/A[2] and so on.

45903 Expanding and collapsing byte array data in a message received over IMS Connect using a non-default codepage could sometimes result in corruption because the codepage was not stored in the message. This problem has been fixed.
45902 Previously it was not possible for an IMS Connect client to connect to a server by using the Rational Integration Tester TCP proxy if the connection was secured with SSL. This was due to a mismatch in settings. This problem has been fixed and recording and virtualization of IMS Connect messages using SSL through the proxy is now possible.
45886 A defect that could cause a SD23 ABEND to occur when the "CANCEL" command was input against the MQ Exit RITRUN job on Z (Input "/C RITRUN" in SDSF) has been resolved.
45717 A defect in the Rational Integration Tester MQ exit for Z, which could cause a RITMQF S0C4 ABEND when using Sift and Pass Through, has been fixed.
45640 When importing a WSDL file into Rational Integration Tester on a platform that does not use the IBM Java Runtime (such as OS/X on the Mac), it was possible for the import to fail with the following error:

SEVERE error: Failed to install default SSLSocketFactory.

This error occurred because Rational Integration Tester assumed that the SSL_TLS context was available to make a secure connection. This context is only available in the IBM Java Runtime. This problem has been fixed and the code now falls back to a more generally available SSL context if the SSL_TLS context is not available.

45609 Due to an erroneous domain value, using the Run Later option in Rational Test Control Panel with a test suite that contained a stub could result in the stub failing to start. This problem has been fixed.
45606 The Rational Integration Tester JDBC driver has been enhanced so that it attempts to locate and load the vendor-specific driver directly when running in environments where java.sql.DriverManager is not able to find the correct driver. This enhancement allows the driver to be used with older versions of JBoss, among other environments.
45525 Rational Integration Tester now loads test data sets (CSV or Microsoft Excel format) completely into memory if the file size is < 1% of available JVM memory at load time. This considerably improves the performance of Lookup Test Data actions.
45475 In Rational Integration Tester Recording Studio, test data can be saved to a CSV file whose name contains a number sign (#). Due to an error, the "#" symbol was being replaced with the string "[#]" in the UI, resulting in the Refresh process being unable to locate the file. The problem has been fixed and number signs are no longer being erroneously surrounded with brackets.
45468 If you used the Packet Capture mode to record an HTTP transport, and an application (such as the Firefox POSTER plugin) kept the sockets alive between calls, recording did not resume after a pause. The problem occurred because Rational Integration Tester did not register the connection as still open. This problem has been fixed.
45466 Previously, when importing a WADL file, Rational Integration Tester did not name the operations as a user might expect. Names such as ".opr" would be generated. This has been corrected and meaningful names from the WADL file are now used.
45441 The Recording Studio Wizard no longer creates rule cache rules by default; a user must request them to be created.
45417 Invocation of SAP Remote Function Calls (RFC) without table parameters is now supported. Previously such a call would fail.
45398 Rational Integration Tester was not correctly interpreting the IMS Connet protocol. Specifically, Rational Integration Tester views some fields as mandatory when it is legitimate for them not to be included. If Rational Integration Tester or the Rational Integration Tester TCP proxy received a message without these fields, then it would fail to parse them properly. Typically an end user would experience this by encountering dropped connections from the client application to a virtual service. This problem has been resolved.
45394 When Rational Integration Tester tried to import events from Rational Test Control Panel and an I/O error, such as a refused connection, occurred, the import wizard might hang and become unresponsive. This problem has been fixed.
45361 A problem existed in the Message Editor when completing a date field by selecting the "Use current date and time" check box. The value of the check box was not saved. This problem has been corrected.
45345 The Rational Integration Tester JDBC driver registration.xml file has been enhanced to include optional includes and excludes. By default, the JDBC driver will intercept all of the JDBC connections that the application makes. To explicitly enable or disable the driver for specific connections, you can use the new includes and excludes sections in the registration.xml file.
45279 Manually started stubs that performed multiple operations displayed differently in the Results Gallery than manually started stubs that performed only a single operation. The scenario and suite fields for single-operation stubs were correctly displayed as blank, while the same fields for multi-operation stubs contained meaningless values. A stub that is started manually should not have scenario and suite information attached. The problem has been fixed.
45272 Clicking the Details button for an error sometimes resulted in a truncated error message display. A horizontal scroll bar is now automatically created when the detailed message shows an exception stack.
45245 If a user added a new session state to a stub from the Stub Editor properties tab, then the description that they entered might not have been saved. This problem has been fixed.
45190 Previously the File Data Source dialog did not contain a vertical scroll bar, which meant that it was not always possible for a user to see all of the information. A scroll bar has now been added.
45073 Rational Test Control Panel Activity level messages now have a different icon than Trace level messages in the Diagnostic Log.
45071 Activity Log messages from SERVER source could appear in the Diagnostic Log as coming from an UNKNOWN source. The problem has been fixed.
45021 An example TCP port forwarding rule in the proxy registration.xml configuration file was accidentally uncommented in an earlier release, meaning that the proxy automatically created a rule forwarding messages from port 2000 to 3000 on the localhost. The line has been commented out again.
44880 If you deleted the first of two domains in Rational Test Control Panel, the second domain was displayed twice when the deletion completed. The problem has been fixed.
44818 Previously, if an HTTP/TCP proxy rule was set up that forwarded messages to a host with Unicode characters in its name, then the proxy failed to start. This problem has been resolved.
44808 The HTTP/TCP proxy was not processing Java KeyStore file locations properly. The proxy assumed that addresses were URLs rather than file paths and did not display helpful error messages if the file was not found. These problems have been fixed.
44731 Rational Integration Tester failed to record an MQ message that was added to a queue using the SET_ALL_CONTEXT option with a null putdatetime. Rational Integration Tester's Java log showed that a null pointer error had occurred in Recording Studio. Because this is a valid message, the problem has been fixed and such a message can now be recorded.
44704 In some circumstances, if a user deleted message properties on messages created from operations and message actions (for transports such as JMS/EMS) then the deleted properties reappeared when the actions were reopened. This problem has been fixed.
44703 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, attempts to create the results database on MySQL using the provided SQL script might have resulted in the following error:

ERROR 1071 (42000) at line 2003: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

This problem has been resolved in the SQL script provided in version 8.6.0.

44327 Previoulsy, the WADL import wizard allowed only local files to be imported. You can now use a radio button to choose whether to import a local file or import from a URL.
44156 Previously, if a user configured a transport to use SSL by referencing an identity store that did not contain a valid key when first referenced, then the transport would not connect correctly until Rational Integration Tester was restarted, even if a valid key was added to the store. This was due to the transport continuing to use the version with the key. This problem has been resolved and users no longer need to restart Rational Integration Tester.
44073 It is possible to have both a Service Integration Bus (SIB) agent and a CICS Transaction Gateway (CTG) agent running in Websphere Application Server at the same time. Previously, both agents used the same registration.xml file, creating a potential conflict. It is now possible to point each agent to its own unique registration file.

Previously both agents looked for a Java property called to tell them the location of the registration.xml file. This meant it wasn't possible to have two files.

The SIB agent now looks for a property named before looking for the previously named property.

The CTG agent now looks for a property named before looking for the previously named property.

44015 The registration.xml file for the HTTP/TCP proxy did not list "http" as an option for port forwarding, even though it was a valid option. This problem has been fixed and the "http" port forwarding type is now listed.
43931 A problem has been resolved where the domain and environment names of JDBC proxies were not shown correctly in the Recording Studio tab of a Database Server Logical Resource in Rational Integration Tester.
43776 When a Rational Integration Tester stub failed to start due to an "Address already in use" error, the error was displayed in a green font in the Task Monitor, creating the false impression that no problem had occurred. This problem has been fixed.
43710 When a stub was created from a Publish operation using the Message Exchange Pattern, the Publish action in the activity actions for the stub was incorrectly created in the disabled state. This problem has been fixed.
43519 Rational Test Control Panel failed to restart if the current environment was locked. The environment lock check is no longer performed before the program is restarted.
43333 The Test Cycle Manager window was not displaying comments for newly added cycles until Rational Integration Tester was restarted or the user left or rejoined the cycle. This problem has been fixed.
43179 Previously the Schema Source field for a Schema Validation action stated that the source was a WSDL even when it was some other form of schema document. It now states "Document".
43156 When creating a Rational Integration Tester test suite, disabled rows in the Scenario Editor were still editable. This problem made it possible to click the Location & version field, which could cause an IndexOutOfBoundException. The problem has been resolved by making such rows non-editable.
42943 When running a test from the command line using the RunTests command, a spurious NumberFormatException error was sometimes displayed. This error was not displayed when running Rational Integration Tester through the user interface. The error did not affect the pass or fail status of the test. This was a spurious error, which has now been corrected and the command line no longer displays the NumberFormatException error.
42438 When using Rational Integration Tester to create an IMS Connect Operation from recorded events, the default schema root was incorrectly created as a ByteArray. The correct IMS Connect Data schema is now assigned to the IMS operation.
42381 In Rational Test Control Panel, two OSLC endpoints for ResourceShapes were not found. The correct representations are now returned. Although this was not evident to end users, it was an incomplete implementation.
42364 Previously, if uninstalling the JDBC provider from the different scopes in IBM WebSphere Application Server was unsuccessful, a Jython exception from was thrown and the number of errors was not correctly shown. This problem has now been fixed and the number of errors is correctly shown.
42281 The "Paste" context menu option was disabled when attempting to paste XML content into a requirement message text node. This problem has been fixed.
42013 Previously in Rational Integration Tester, when a connection-based transport was disconnected while running a stub with a "one-to-one, looping" setting, the subscribe action reported it as an error. The subscribe action now reports this scenario as a cancelled instance.
41940 A new option has been added to the IBM MQ transport to allow fixed queue names when using the Sift and Pass Through stubbing mode. This is a new option that can be selected on the Stubbing tab on the Physical Resource and allows the queue suffix and open options to be configured. The fixed queues must have been previously created and configured in the MQ Queue Manager before they are used by the stubs,

This option must be used if multiple instances of the same stub are to be run on different agents to provide a greater throughput. If the default configuration of dynamic queues is used, then only one stub will ever receive the messages regardless of how many agents it is run on.

When you use multiple copies of a stub, all of the copies of the stub should be stopped together. If the copies are stopped one at a time while the producer is still putting messages onto the queue, the messages that are waiting to be processed are either deleted or passed through to the live system (depending on the transport setting) when the first copy of the stub is stopped. This can result in warnings in the other copies that are still trying to process the messages.

41842 If a project was set to "Run from memory" and a stub was open in the Test Factory perspective of Rational Integration Tester, then running the stub caused it to be incorrectly marked as changed (an asterisk next to the stub name in the tab). This problem no longer occurs.
41812 Rational Integration Tester message attributes were not namespace-aware, with the result that when a new, valid namespace prefix was used, the attributes failed to match the schema. The lack of a correct match with the schema can cause mismatched types, among other problems.

The message attributes now recognize alternate namespaces.

41630 In the Rational Integration Tester Project Settings window, Permissions Settings page, if you change the Authorization Realm to Rational Test Control Panel, you now see a message with Rational Test Control Panel security information.
41390 Previously, Rational Integration Tester was inconsistent in handling the Accounting Token field in MQ, treating it sometimes (correctly) as a byte array and sometimes as a string. As a result, tags could not be used in the field and values that were manually entered could be distorted. A second problem was found in the MQ exit that resulted in the field being accidentally cleared.

Both problems have been fixed.

41280 A new script,, to remove the JDBC provider from the different scopes in IBM WebSphere Application Server, is now provided in the \jdbc\WebSphere directory of the Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack installation.
40890 In versions of Rational Integration Tester earlier than 8.6.0, when a UDP stub is started, the counter continuously increments for the entire time the stub is running. This eventually causes all of the threads to be exhausted. The problem is fixed in Rational Integration Tester 8.6.0 when using the new UDP transport. The old combined TCP/UDP transport still exhibits this behavior, and customers who are affected should migrate to using the new transport.
40116 The HTTPS proxy now supports the denotation of the SSL protocol to be used for the accepting socket and onward client socket. These are specified using the options serverProtocol and clientProtocol, both of which take a comma-separated list of protocols that may be supported by the JRE, with the first available one being used.
39919 The installers for Rational Integration Tester Agent and Proxies now check with Rational Test Control Panel to see if authentication is required. If it is, then a user name and password is requested.
39799 The new UDP transport in this release resolves an existing problem where Rational Integration Tester could sometimes not communicate with a UDP server on a remote host. The problem still exists with the old-style TCP/UDP connnection, which should not be used with a remote UDP server. The user should migrate existing TCP/UDP transports to the new UDP transport.
33956 In the Logical view of the Rational Integration Tester Architecture School perspective, you can paste a URL that points to a WSDL file in order to create a WSDL in the Schema Library. Pasting the URL launches a wizard. Previously a problem existed where canceling the wizard resulted in the WSDL still being created in the Schema Library. This problem has been fixed.
29253 When setting up a Results Publisher in the Rational Integration Tester Test Factory perspective, a Browse button is now provided to simplify entering the path in which the file should be created.
27248 When a multi-part MIME message was rebuilt for publication, any parameters beyond the first two (multipart/related and boundary) were lost. This problem has been fixed.
26767 The Rational Integration Tester Field Editor now displays labels for the main text box. This is so that training and user guides can easily refer to the correct part of the editor. The label that is displayed depends on the action type:

Equality action ("Value")
Regex and XPath actions ("Expression")
Assert using Function action ("Function")

Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
53375 Rational Integration Tester no longer supports the SonicMQ transport. Tests and virtual services (stubs) that use this transport will fail when they are run. The user must replace the SonicMQ transport with the JMS transport configured to use SonicMQ. Customers who are affected by this change should contact IBM support before they upgrade.
53358 The password hashing in Rational Test Control Panel was changed from the MD5 message-digest algorithm to a secure alternative. Refer to the following bulletin for additional details about this security issue:

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server uses an insecure hashing scheme for handling user passwords (CVE-2015-1913)

Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
51200 PI33261 Previously, in some circumstances, when the user dragged a Receive Reply requirement to the test action, the following error was displayed:

[CRRIT8217E] Message import failed

The problem has been corrected.

47013 PI21939 Previously, Rational Integration Tester failed to correctly process an HTTP response message with multiple set-cookie headers. Unlike other HTTP headers, it is valid for there to be more than one set-cookie header. Rational Integration Tester only processed one of the headers, and if a user attempted to edit the header list in the message editor, then the user would experience unusual behavior when trying to add more than one set-cookie header.

Multiple set-cookie header support can now be enabled by using the following JVM start-up argument:


50665 A small number of customers have experienced changes in HTTP connection behavior when upgrading from Green Hat Tester version 5.x to Rational Integration Tester 8.x. A start-up option has been added to turn off HTTP connection pooling, which will revert behavior back to that in Green Hat Tester 5.x. This does reduce performance and should only be used on IBM Support's advice. The start-up option can be specified in Library Manager for Rational Integration Tester and the Rational Integration Tester Agent (for Rational Test Virtualization Server or Rational Performance Test Server customers) and consists of the following string:

48881 The security issue that is documented in the following bulletin is resolved:

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server affected by Castor Library vulnerablity (CVE-2014-3004)

48477 The security issue that is documented in the following bulletin is resolved:

Rational Integration Tester component in Rational Test Workbench affected by Netty vulnerablity (CVE-2014-3488)

47389 In all previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, a problem existed that meant in specific circumstances a stub would respond correctly to a request received on an HTTP URL but would fail to respond on the same URL using HTTPS.

Specifically, this problem occurred if the operation being virtualized was configured to filter by resource path (on the Stub page of the operation dialog) and the client was sending the message through an HTTP proxy.

If the user's stub was filtering based on the URL, then it would respond correctly when the communication used an http:// scheme. The stub would correctly process the resource path when determining the event to run. However, if the communication used https:// with exactly the same resource path, the stub would fail to match any event and would not process the message.

It is not obvious to the user why the stub filters did not match. Diagnosis can be performed by switching off the filter-by-resource path in the operation and logging the tagged URL in the message the stub receives. An HTTP message of the form http://server/resource logs "\resource", whereas an HTTPS message of form https://server/resource logs "https://server/resource", indicating that the parsing of the URL has failed.

These problems are resolved in Rational Integration Tester and HTTPS URLs are correctly parsed so that only the resource path rather than the complete URL string is presented to the stub.

46327 When recording messages from an MQ Queue Manager using the Rational Integration Tester MQ exit, a user can optionally limit the queues that are recorded by specifying a prefix in the Recording Studio tab of the logical MQ transport. Only messages posted to queues whose names start with this prefix are recorded. This functionality was not working for Z-based queue managers, and attempting to use a prefix would prevent any messages from being recorded. This problem has been resolved and it now works as expected. Note that this problem did not affect Queue Managers on distributed (non-Z) platforms.
44704 In some circumstances, if a user deleted message properties on messages created from operations and message actions (for transports such as JMS/EMS) then the deleted properties reappeared when the actions were reopened. This problem has been fixed.

Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
46349 PI18024 A defect has been resolved that meant that the ProcessTag action, Validate using Tag action, and Validate using Message from File action would only work correctly the first time in an iterator. This problem only occurred when there was no field expander or repeating field in the message.
45981 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the SOAP envelope namespace prefix defaulted to "SOAP-ENV" for SOAP 1.1, and "env" for SOAP 1.2. Some customer systems require SOAP messages to use a particular envelope namespace prefix, commonly "soapenv". Rational Integration Tester now allows the prefix to be customized by operation and message. See the new "Envelope Namespace Prefix" field on the "SOAP" page of the SOAP properties dialog.
45980 PI18196 Rational Integration Tester now honors the elementFormDefault="qualified" attribute in WSDL files correctly. This change means that Rational Integration Tester now correctly prefixes typed elements with the namespace prefix.
45882 PI18227 Previously, when recording MQ messages from an operation, Rational Integration Tester waited until it saw a request message to set up recording on reply queues. The recording was set up on the reply queue seen in the request message, regardless of the reply queue specified in the operation. The advantage of this approach was that the correct reply queue would always be recorded, as it was taken from the request message. However, Rational Integration Tester requires a finite amount of time to set up recording on the reply queue, and if the system being recorded responded before setup was complete, then the first message could be lost, as it was placed in the reply queue before Rational Integration Tester started recording. This problem has been resolved, and Rational Integration Tester now automatically sets up recording on the reply queue defined in the operation as well as on the reply queue set in the request message (if different).
45333 A problem has been resolved that could cause a stack overflow exception to occur in Rational Integration Tester when working with myWebMethods task definitions. This problem was caused by processing of circular references in task definitions.
44789 Errors that occur when Rational Integration Tester generates a schema from a Protocol Buffers (.proto) file are now shown to the user. Previously they were hidden, which made problem solving difficult.
44788 Previously, JNDI property values that were specified in a JMS physical transport were converted to Strings before being passed to the provider. They are now passed through using the correct native type.
44786 A number of defect fixes have been made to Rational Integration Tester's Protocol Buffers import and schema generation process.
44620 Rational Integration Tester now logs exceptions that occur during webMethods Integration Server synchronization in order to make problem solving easier. Exceptions are logged on both the client and server side.
44071 PI13174 A problem that could result in Rational Integration Tester showing a "ClassCastException" when a user attempted to modify a myWebMethods task action has been resolved.
41737 PI09329 The Result Window, accessed by clicking a failed validation line in the test console window, could not be closed after the validation action type for an element in a response message had been changed. This problem has been resolved.
39926 PM97601 A problem has been resolved where an "UnsupportedEncodingException" could occur when Rational Integration Tester attempted to decode a SOAP message.
39605 Previously, if the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy received a GET, HEAD, or CONNECT message with a BODY, then it would assume the BODY was empty. While it is not considered normal to send body contents with these messages, the standard does allow it. If the Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding headers were set, then the application downstream of the proxy could end up waiting for body content which never appeared. This could lead to long time outs.

This problem has been resolved and the proxy now correctly handles such messages.

Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
43770 Previously, when Rational Integration Tester automatically expanded bytes into strings during the processing of a received message, it would sometimes incorrectly select EBCDIC as the encoding/codepage for the message. This problem has been resolved.
43711 A problem has been resolved where, if HP Quality Center was used to run a test, and that test included any action that logged to the console in the Warning role, then an error would occur when the console output was transferred back to HP Quality Center.
43706 PI11994 When running a test, if an assertion or filter fails due to a difference between the expected and actual messages, then Rational Integration Tester shows both the expected and actual values from the messages in the test console. For example, the console might show a message such as:

Assertion failed : Expected value "091231", found "013922"

If the two values from the messages are very large, such as MIME attachments, then Rational Integration Tester can freeze while it tries to render the complete value. Version adds an option to limit the size of the expected and actual values that Rational Integration Tester attempts to render in the console.

To use this option, a user can add the following system property in Library Manager:

where maxLength is an integer that sets the maximum number of characters to be rendered in the console.

For example, using results in the previous example being rendered as:

Assertion failed : Expected value "091...", found "013..."

If the maxLength value supplied in the -D argument is a negative number or cannot be parsed as an integer, then it is ignored and complete values are rendered in the console output.

In addition, a problem has been resolved in Recording Studio that caused Rational Integration Tester to freeze when a user attempted to display a message containing large byte[] attachment. Although Recording Studio does limit the display of individual elements to 1024 characters, there was a window of opportunity before this rule was applied where Rational Integration Tester attempted to render the complete value, which could cause a problem in the case of very large values. The 1024 character rule is now applied immediately.

43544 A problem was introduced in Rational Integration Tester that caused Rational Integration Tester to fail when performing a Test Data Lookup on either CSV and XLS files where the test data included cells whose value ended with the \ character. This was caused by a change to the escape-character handling in the library that Rational Integration Tester used for CSV parsing. This problem is resolved in Rational Integration Tester
43444 A problem has been resolved with the MQ-Exit for the Z platform that meant that, if it was not correctly configured, then, after a period of time, the common storage area would become full which would cause ABENDs. This problem only occurs when using the sift-and-pass-through capability. It does not occur if the exit is used to only record messages.
43325 It is now possible to apply a DFDL schema to a text-based node in the Message Editor. Previously these schemas could only be applied to binary nodes.
43089 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, if a Copybook schema was applied to content that was longer than the Copybook schema, then the extraneous bytes would cause an error in processing. As Copybooks are often transmitted in fixed-length data areas, which need to be large enough for the largest possible variant of the message, this error could cause failures to occur due to spurious data being present in the byte array.

This functionality has been changed in version When Rational Integration Tester expands content into a Copybook, if there is additional data present that does not map into the schema, then it will be presented to the user in an additional node at the end of the Copybook.

Differences in content of this additional node will not cause validation failures. However, in order to get the node into the expected message, a user must use the Overwrite Expected Message feature of Rational Integration Tester; it cannot be added manually.

43066 In previous versions of Rational Test Control Panel, if a user repeatedly attempted to log in using invalid credentials, then the audit log might record these "authentication failed" events as being logged by the "Remote Proxy" user. The events should be recorded as "no user," because no authentication took place. This problem has been resolved.
42721 The Windows build of the Library Manager executable (LibConfig) has been signed with a new certificate as the previous version was due to expire. This is required so that Windows will automatically prompt for escalated privileges via the User Access Control (UAC) mechanism.
42499 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, if a TIBCO-based project from an old version of GH Tester (5.2.11 or earlier) was loaded into Rational Integration Tester, then messages could appear to have no schema set on them and would be displayed with a red X. However, Rational Integration Tester would not allow the user to set a new schema due to the inconsistent state of the project. From version, should this situation occur, then a user can right-click the message and set a new root schema.
42488 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the default schema root for an operation that was created from recorded IMS Connect events was set to the ByteArray type. This type was incorrect and led to further problem with incorrect data types being selected. This problem has been resolved and the correct schema root is now automatically selected.
42486 When returning a Proxy object from a Java Method transport stub, if the proxy was created without a state map being specified, a NullPointerException would be thrown. In this scenario Rational Integration Tester now creates an empty state map in the returned proxy object.
42486 When returning a Proxy object from a Java Method transport stub, if the proxy was created with an empty state map, the state would not be available for tagging in subsequent interactions, with the result that state could not be persisted. This problem has been fixed.
42486 When recording an operation that uses a Java Method transport the "Include invocation target 'this' in header" setting was ignored and the configuration from the Recording Studio tab of the logical transport was used. Rational Integration Tester now uses the operation setting to govern this behavior.
42389 PI09359 A problem has been resolved that meant Unicode characters were not correctly displayed in emailed versions of Rational Integration Tester result reports where those emails were automatically generated by Rational Integration Tester Results Publishers.
42308 PI09156 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, if changes were made to the field formatting options for the value of a date message field in a SOAP header, then those changes could cause the test and other tests using the same formatting to output the raw value rather than the formatted value. The problem stopped occurring if the project was closed and reopened.

This problem was caused by the SOAP Header being loaded into memory before the test was edited. The in-memory copy was used when the test was run and it did not have the changes incorporated in it. This problem has been resolved and the correct header, including the formatting, is now used at run time.

Note that use of the "Use Current Date and Time" option causes the actual value entered into the field to be ignored. This is because formatting takes precedence and if the formatting command generates a value, then it is used in preference to the entered value. However, the "type" validation is done on the entered vale before the formatting occurs. This might require a user to enter a "value" in order to pass type validation even though this value is not used at run time. For date/time-based validation, a simple workaround is to use the tag %%SYSTEM/CURRENT_DATE_TIME%%. This means that the type validation will pass and then the formatting will be applied.

42305 A problem has been resolved that could cause a java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException to occur in Rational Integration Tester when sending a reply in a stub that was using a data model.
42203 PI08838 A fix has been made to the migration utility that is used to migrate GH Tester 4 project data to GH Tester 5 and Rational Integration Tester 8.0 or later. The fix resolves an issue that could cause a "com.ghc.ghTester.gui. SubscribeActionDefinition cannot be cast to com.ghc.ghTester.gui. ReceiveRequestActionDefinition" exception to occur during migration.
42164 A problem has been resolved where a stub using a Java Method transport could behave unpredictably when being used by multiple threads or JVMs.
42163 A problem has been resolved with the Java Method transport where attempts to construct java.util.Date instances failed and resulted in an error appearing in the console that included the text: "java.lang.ClassCastException: com.ghc.utils.GHDate incompatible with".
42133 Beginning with version 8.5.1 of Rational Integration Tester, a problem could occur if the path to the application that Rational Integration Tester was using to open CSV or XLS files contained spaces. In some of these cases, Rational Integration Tester failed to open the file and displayed an error similar to the following example:

com.ghc.applicationlauncher.ApplicationLauncherException: Cannot run program "C:\Program": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified.

This problem was caused by a change to the version of the Java Virtual Machine that ships with RIT 8.5.1. It has been resolved in version of Rational Integration Tester and the files now open correctly.

41907 PI08041 If the HTTP proxy received a request with its own URL as the endpoint, then it honored that request and entered into a loop that eventually caused the proxy to crash. Users typically saw this if they configured an HTTP transport such that the host/port on the physical transport on the settings tab was the host/port that the HTTP proxy was configured to listen on. Clicking Test Transport would cause the proxy to loop and fail.

With Rational Integration Tester, the proxy reports the problem and does not forward the message, preventing the loop from occurring.

41873 A problem has been resolved that could cause MQ-based stubs that were configured to use sift-and-pass through to slow down under high load. This was caused by a race condition in the management of the MQ connection pool between the sift and pass through logic and the stub itself that could result in a delay before a worker thread began processing the next message.
41792 A problem has been resolved that could cause an IMS Connect transport based stub to raise a "java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" error during the Send Output processing.
41317 Rational Integration Tester 8.5.1 introduced a QuickLink tool as part of the HP Quality Center Integration. As part of the Rational Integration Tester installation, a link to this tool was placed in an "IBM" start menu folder. The link should have been placed in the "IBM Rational Integration Tester" start menu folder. This has been corrected.
36706 A problem has been resolved that meant references to TIBCO BusinessWorks design time libraries could be incorrectly duplicated when opening the resource editor.
36424 A comment has been added to the Agent.config file make it clearer how to configure it for Rational Quality Manager integration. Specifically it now suggests use of the /qm suffix on the URL.

<!-- RQM endpoint is usually '/qm' but check with your RQM Server Administrator -->

34527 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, some drop-down selection boxes rendered with the incorrect background on Linux. This could cause users to think the drop-down was disabled when in fact it was enabled. An example is the Schema root selection drop-down in the Schema Library. This problem has been fixed and the drop-down boxes now render with the correct background color.
33423 PM84583 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, if a user saved the project without anything being selected in the Logical View pane, then, on reload of the project, Rational Integration Tester could appear to choose an arbitrary zoom/location for Logical View. This could result in the user seeing what appeared to be a blank page in Logical View because the objects were not on screen. The only workaround available was to ensure that an item was selected before saving the project, so that Rational Integration Tester would ensure that the selected object was displayed on reload.

From version of Rational Integration Tester if, on project load, there is no selected object in logical view then the view is set-up such that the center of the leftmost object on the canvas is in the display area. This avoids the situation whereby a user sees a completely empty canvas on reload and wonders where their objects have gone. The alternative, of selecting an object before save, still works.

28019 PM84583 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, if a test action that had a failure path was moved (for example, dragged onto the test action tree), then the failure path steps disappeared. Closing and reopening the test caused them to reappear in the correct place. This problem has been resolved and failure path steps are now correctly redrawn when a test action is moved.
27268 FIX messages are now correctly timestamped with the time they are received by Rational Integration Tester. Previously they were timestamped when Rational Integration Tester processed them, which could be a small amount of time subsequent to receipt.
27262 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the "Slow Fail" option in the Run dialog for the Test Suite was incorrectly enabled when a remote agent was selected. This option is not supported when suites are run remotely. The problem has been resolved and the option now stays disabled.

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
26312 PM73822 A problem which meant that editing test data filters in performance tests didn't result in the editor being marked as dirty has been fixed.
31117 PM78192 The default database schema for Log Measurement defines 8 counters and 5 attributes. It is possible to modify the tables to include additional columns in order to cater for more counters and attributes, but there was a problem which meant that any data recorded in these columns would not be displayed in charts. This has been fixed.
39299 If a project uses DFDL schemas and references those schemas using project-relative paths then, if a performance test is run that requires those schemas then the test will fail with an error similar to:

INFO: TestEngine (2): [Error] Child: Publish:"Text" to file "%%PROJECT/ROOT_DIRECTORY%%/myFile.txt" using schema "Text" via "File" "/text" - Failed to collapse expanded field, com.ghc.a3.a3utils.nodeformatters.api.FormatterException: [CRRIT4238E] Failed to collapse: due to java.lang.Exception: null: C:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\AppData\Local\Temp\ghs_repo_4476_7354545369012800524
\DFDL4RIT\Sample01.xsd (The system cannot find the path specified.)

The error does not occur if the schema location is specified using an absolute path (and that path is available to the agent). This problem has been resolved in version of Rational Integration Tester.
40070 PM97890 Previously, when importing XML Schema files that use substitution groups, Rational Integration Tester could fail with a stack overflow exception. The same problem could be encountered by importing a WSDL file, where that file includes a schema that uses substitution groups. This problem has been resolved in Rational Integration Tester
41769 In version 8.5.1 of Rational Integration Tester the "--username" command line option for GHTesterCmd commands: start-stub, stop-stub, lock-environment, unlock-environment, start-scenario and stop-scenario was incorrectly re-named to "--user". This has now be changed back to "--username" to remain consistent with the command options in 8.5.0
41951 The use of -t as a shortcode for the -stop-stub option to GHTesterCmd has been removed as it was already in use by another command.
41811 A problem has been resolved that meant poor performance could be seen from stubs that were making extensive use of CSV or XLS test data sets. This was caused by an incorrect caching algorithm leading to cache rebuilds occurring too often.
38913 The 'Stop Service' button on the supplied AddNumbers server (as part of the Rational Integration Tester install) now correctly stops the service.
41691 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, fields within DFDL schemas that used XML Schema derived simple types were treated as String fields. This has been improved to map the derived simple types to more suitable types (such as Bytes, or Long) when there is a more suitable match. Existing tests that validate these fields will fail and will need to be updated to expect the new data types (by, for example, using the Overwrite Expected Field or Message functionality), although the values of the fields should be unaffected.
40526 PM73827 A problem has been resolved which caused failures when saving and loading Copybook messages containing PIC S9(2) computational fields.
41720 PI07260 A problem that caused Rational Integration Tester to fail to send some DFDL-defined messages has been fixed. The failure occurred when the message to be sent included a length count that was used to define the size of another field later in the message. Note that this problem was introduced in version 8.5.1 and was fixed in
38137 When a SOAP message cannot be compiled due to a change in the schema the error message displayed to the user is now more meaningful.
41156 A problem has been resolved that meant SOAP message headers generated by Rational Integration Tester were incorrect for WSDLs that contained xsd elements referenced by both message header and message body definitions.
41161 A problem has been resolved that meant if a WSDL file without any WS-Security information was synchronised into Rational Integration Tester version 8.5.1 and a test created from the WSDL via MEP then the Enable Security checkbox would be incorrectly ticked.
37388 PM90837 When synchronising WSDL files from an SSL/TSL secured source Rational Integration Tester will now blind-trust the certificate presented by the server to secure the connection. This avoids synchronisation failures when RIT has not been configured with the details required to trust the connection.
41791 Previously, a problem existed that meant Rational Integration Tester would display red crosses on xml namespace declarations (i.e. xmlns attributes) for those declarations that were declaring namespaces used only at a deeper level of the xml document. This has been resolved and it is now possible for xml declarations for all known namespaces to exist anywhere in the xml document without RIT displaying red-cross validation issues.
40658 PM99369 The GHRunAgent.exe executable used as part of the HP Quality Center integration is now recognised as a 32 bit application on Windows XP. This fix was delivered in version 8.5.1 of Rational Integration Tester but was not documented in the release note.
41467 A problem has been resolved that meant if a Rational Integration Tester Agent version 8.5.1 was configured to operate only in RQM mode (only connects to RQM and not to RTCP server) then it would report a NullPointerException on startup and will not connect to RQM.
27717 On opening a project Rational Integration Tester starts an an internal HTTP server that is used for various component communication reasons. Previously, if the server could not be started the project would not open. This was most often because RIT could not bind to the specified or default IP address and port. This behaviour has changed and the project now opens regardless and a warning is displayed in the Global Notifications explaining how to fix the problem. The most notable functionality that requires the HTTP server is Performance Tests and Probes. Additionally, if an Agent is configured with an invalid bind address or port it will not be able to execute tests on behalf of a performance test; if an attempt is made to do so an error is logged.
31677 Libraries referenced in Library Manager will now be resolved at test execution time even when their path contains a comma.
40622 The Activity and Diagnostic log views in Rational Test Control Panel now remember the "Auto Update" setting value between page clicks.
40868 The length-limit of the description that can be added to recorded events exported to Rational Test Control Panel is now consistent between Rational Integration Tester and RTCP.
41127 On non-Windows systems if Rational Test Control Panel is running when an upgrade is performed (and it was run from the command line) then the upgrade process will now stop RTCP automatically. Previously RTCP would not be stopped and the upgrade would fail.
41195 In 8.5.1 old versions of Firefox (prior to Version 4) were not be able to view the Rational Test Control Panel web pages. This is most likely to be observed when using an operating system where the more recent versions of Firefox are not available (e.g. Solaris). This problem has been resolved and older versions of Firefox are now supported.
41203 Searching for recordings in the Rational Test Control Panel library page now behaves more consistently when a search string is entered but no other search criteria are specified.
41337 The Logout and About menu options in Rational Integration Tester have been changed to be buttons rather than links for consistency.
41863 A change has been made so it is now possible for a user to right-click on the Edit Domains button on the VIE Domain selection page and open it in a new browser tab/window.
41898 The Domain column in the table shown in the Agents view within Rational Test Control Panel has been removed. This is because the user has already selected a domain so the table would only ever show a single domain in the table.
25864 PM73980 The email plug-in will now pass username/password details to the email server if they are provided.
26811 PM73874 The FIX transport now contains settings that allow the user to express the timeout period for a message to be sent. This prevents Tester from hanging forever when the server does not respond. The default timeout is 15 seconds.
41102 The technical description for REST-based publish actions now correctly shows that it is a parametrized URL. For example, a SendRequest to /RTCP/examples/phonebook/1 is now correctly described as /RTCP/examples/phonebook/1]{id}.
38571 Previously, when a stub based on the MQ transport that was configured to use sift-and-pass-through was stopped then an error similar to the following was occasionally reported in the Rational Integration Tester console:
Message Switch:on queue "RIT_TARGET" via "QL01 - S&PT" Null Pointer Exception: null

This problem has been resolved.

41002 IMS Connect content recognition had been disabled in version 8.5.1 of Rational Integration Tester due to a problem that caused most byte[] content to be incorrectly recognised as IMS Connect messages. This problem has been resolved and version should correctly identify IMS Connect messages.
41816 Tests that use the IMS Connect transport with expanded bytes where no encoding has been configured will now use the codepage specified as part of the messaging action rather than the project wide default for the bytes content handler.
41825 A problem has been resolved which meant that if an IMS Connect-based operation had spaces at the end of its name (which could occur when creating an operation/stub from recorded IMS Connect messages) then it would not be recorded correctly.
41890 A problem has been resolved that meant, when recording IMS Connect traffic, if the client specified a Client ID then the reply might not be shown in Recording Studio.
36923 Performance tests that use an SSL-secured TCP transport will now work correctly. Previously, if such a performance test was run then error messages similar to the below would be reported by the agents:

INFO: TestEngine (2): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [CRRIT0000E] id can not be null

INFO: TestEngine (2): at com.ghc.ghTester.performance.SlaveProject.resolve(

INFO: TestEngine (2): at com.ghc.ghTester.applicationmodel.impl.ProjectAdaptor$

41653 The packetiser settings used on TCP messages allows the use to specify the length of the message as characters or bytes. A problem has been resolved that meant if the length was expressed in bytes then Rational Integration Tester could incorrectly limit the quantity of data to be sent.
27535 PM73813 Support for TIBCO Rendezvous has been improved to enable use of arrays and unsigned integer types.
40566 PM74098 The Help/About box in the Tools app (used for SCM integration, Data Model editing and DFDL configuration) now contains product/version information. Previously it was empty.
40004 PM97727 A problem has been resolved that meant if Rational Integration Tester was synchronized against a WSDL file containing elements marked as then a stack overflow error would occur.
41227 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester if a user clicked the Clear button in the Operation Assignment page in the Save Recorded Events wizard then the Operation field would be cleared but an error message would be incorrectly displayed as well. This problem has been resolved and the error message no longer appears.
41454 When the Recording Studio wizard is used to create a test data set (or a data driven test/stub) a problem could occur that meant the generated data was not consistent in its use of NULL and blanks in the data. The intent is that a user should be able to create a stub from recorded data (containing both NULLs and blanks) and have the stub respond in the same manner as the recorded messages. This problem has been resolved in the case where Rational Integration Tester's "Send NULL values" preference is unchecked, which is the default. (Preferences -> XML panel). If this preference is checked at the time the stub is generated, it can be "fixed" later by editing the field expander properties and un-checking it.
26282 PM73836 A problem has been resolved that meant the Test button in the SQL Query action would not operate correctly if the query had been modified to use a list tag instead of a single-value tag.
27490 PM73873 A problem has been resolved that meant Rational Integration Tester would display a red cross on the root of an xml message with an error saying that the root did not exist in the schema. This was caused by a different namespace prefix being used to the one that Tester used even though both prefixes resolved to the same namespace URI. The root of the xml instance document is now recognised as equivalent to the root defined by the schema.
25198 PM73831 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester when a DateTime is read from an Excel spreadsheet Test Data Set it was assumed that the date is in GMT and then converted to 'local' time. If the user is not in a GMT timezone then the DateTime that is seen in RIT will not be the same as shown in the spreadsheet. In the UK this will also result in different behavior if the test is run during British Summer Time. Typically the user will experience this problem by the message created by RIT having a date/time that is some hours different to the date/time in the spreadsheet where the difference is equivalent to the user's local time from GMT. Rational Integration Tester v8.5.1.1 has been changed to interpret dates read from Excel spreadsheet test data sets as 'local' time. This means that if a message is constructed using the value from Excel then it will appear as per the spreadsheet. This is a change in behavior which could break existing tests. However, the current behavior is wrong and, for those countries that have daylight saving time, leads to differences in behavior of a test depending on when it is run. It is therefore thought unlikely that any users would want the current behavior as it stands. Note that this only affects data where the underlying Excel cell is a DateTime, not where it is a string. If a user needs to revert to the old functionality then this can be done via a new JVM argument which forces Tester to use a particular timezone when interpreting DateTimes from Excel. This must be specified in Library Manager for Rational Integration Tester and the Agent if that is being used. For example, to specify GMT (reverting to the previous behavior):

Other timezones can be used by specifying the timezone code as shown in the TZ column here:

27477 PM74002 Previously, the Compare File action would fail if one of the files was semi-colon (;) delimited. This problem has been resolved.
41219 PM97727 A problem has been resolved that meant if a user added a failure path to a Message Switch >Message Case then it could not be saved with any actions below it. From version all new failure path actions created will operate correctly. However, projects containing existing failure paths are corrupt. In order to be able to save a failure path with sub-actions the tests will need to be opened, existing failure paths (under message cases) deleted and then saved and reopened before a new working failure path can be added otherwise the new failure path or the actions added will not be saved correctly.
38919 PM96117 A problem which meant that the Formatting settings of a Field Editor were not displayed correctly after the editor was saved and re-opened has been fixed.
39807 Various problems with http-reply based requirements created from Recording Studio or Create Requirement from MEP have been resolved. These include empty version fields (should be 1.1/1.0) and StatusCode, ReasonCode and rcvdTimestamp fields having child elements.
41204 Previously, if a Data Model's data was edited and saved using LibreOffice then Rational Integration Tester would no longer be able to read the data model correctly. This was caused because LibreOffice defaults to using tab-separators rather than the comma-separators RIT was expecting. A change has been made to RIT so that if it cannot read the file using comma-separators it will attempt to use tab-separators. This resolves the problem.
41950 A problem has been resolved that meant it was not possible to create stubs using the Timer behaviour in Rational Integration Tester 8.5.1.
34868 PM74819 In previous version of Rational Integration Tester the link between tags and fields in Test Data Iterator actions was by column number even though a name would be displayed in the RIT user interface (assuming there were column header names). This meant that if an iterator was set-up and used and a new column was added in-between two existing columns the iterator mappings would then be incorrect. This has been resolved in version and RIT will now attempt to map by column name first (assuming headers are available). If it cannot find the name then it will revert to using column number.
39209 PM96136 A problem has been resolved that could cause Test Data Lookup actions to fail if two tests were simultaneously iterating through tests data sets.
41287 Two problems related to file encoding and CSV tests data sets have been resolved. Firstly, the character encoding is now set correctly on the created CSV file. Previously, if Rational Integration Tester put non-ASCII characters into the test data set then the file encoding was not set correctly and other applications would fail to show the correct text. Additionally, a problem has been resolved that meant cached CSV test data sets that used encoding types other than UTF-8 would not be parsed correctly by Rational Integration Tester.
41477 A problem has been resolved that could cause corruption in test data due to Rational Integration Tester inconsistently escaping the quote character in CSV files. For example, if a received message contained 123"456 then, when test data was created (from Recording Studio, for example) then RIT would correctly escape the quote resulting in the CSV file containing 123""456. However, the data was not being un-escaped when the test data was read meaning that parameterised tests and stubs would send/receive incorrect data.
41624 PI06878 A problem has been resolved that meant the Test Data Lookup action could fail to find a value that was in the data set if multiple stubs were accessing the same data set concurrently.
26232 PM73962 The Expand All button in the Message Difference Window is now sensitive to the currently selected node.
26443 PM73762 It is now possible to repeatedly click on the Delete Selected button on the Rational Integration Tester Task Monitor. Previously the mouse had to be moved off it and back on in order to click it again.
27515 PM73638 A problem has been resolved that meant Rational Integration Tester was failing to treat two string fields containing xml QNames as equivalent if they used different namespace prefixes even though the prefixes resolved to the same namespace URI. Tester now supports QName values through the use of a new QName field type which will validate QName equivalence correctly.
41214 PM96031 A problem has been resolved that could result in a test suite that contains tests with Run Command actions appearing to hang. Specifically, the issue occurred most often if one of the tests runs an external command that took a long time to complete.
41249 Previously, when using the Message Difference Window to compare a received message against the case actions with a switch (e.g. a stub with multiple events for the same operation) viewing cases after looking at the default case could give inconsistent results. This has been fixed.
40782 Incorrect configuration of LTPA providers and identifies now returns better error information to the user allowing them to work out what the problem is. The LTPA provider configuration now also contains a test button.
41394 In previous versions of the Rational Integration Tester CICS agent, enabling the agent had a noticable impact on the elapsed time and CPU time of DPL invocations where the program(s) linked to were not being recorded or stubbed. The impact has been significantly reduced in version
41711 A problem has been resolved that meant, in some circumstances, stubs could not be run when non-ascii characters were used as part of the components / operations / stub names.
41716 A problem has been fixed that meant for every CICS DPL invocation that was made with the Rational Integration Tester CICS Agent enabled, the message "INFO: RITMain has been invoked" was logged to the STDERR log file for the JVMServer. The message is no longer output on each invocation.
40858 A problem that meant a stored procedure call learnt from recording JDBC calls to Microsoft SQL Server would fail when using the internal database for virtualization has been resolved. This was caused by a problem in using the correct 'case' for the stored procedure name when it was quoted.
41076 A problem has been resolved that mean when editing the contents of a learnt database table (using JDBC Virtualisation) if the query that was used to 'learn' the table was edited immediately before the editor (e.g. Excel) was opened then the edited query would not be used.
41352 When using the integrated database for JDBC database virtualization with WebSphere Application Server applications may fail to get database connections in WAS with the following text being reported in the in the WAS SystemOut.log: "Missing property 'simulationConnectionURL' for data source. Define the value using a 'simulationConnectionURL' custom property on the data source" There are two options to work around the issue: a) Use the WAS admin console to define a custom property called simulationConnectionURL on the data source. The value of the property is not important. Note that each time Tester is used to disable and re-enable the data source for virtualization the workaround must be repeated. b) Within Tester, go to the physical database resource, Stub Settings tab. Uncheck the 'use integrated database' check box, and fill in a dummy value for the database URL. Then re-select 'use integrated database' and click OK to close the resource. Then open the WAS physical resource, choose the Data Sources tab, and disable the GH JDBC Driver for each of the data sources. Re-enable the GH JDBC driver to push the new configuration onto WebSphere.
41538 The script provided to install and configure the Rational Integration Tester JDBC driver with WebSphere Application Server (WAS) now correctly uses the Java 5 based com.greenhat.jdbcdriver.jar driver when used against WAS 6.1.
41583 A problem has been resolved that meant JDBC recording and virtualization could not be used against WebSphere Application Server if WAS contained two data sources defined at the same scope, and with the same JNDI name.
41659 Additional information has been included in the Rational Test Control Panel diagnostics log for the JDBC proxy in order to make problem-solving easier.
37492 Rational Integration's Tester Java Virtualization solution now offers better compatibility with JBoss. When used with JBoss the following start-up parameter must be used for the JBoss server:

RIT's Java Virtualization solution will not operate if JBoss is configured to use the IBM Java Runtime.

27138 A problem has been resolved that meant processes executed using sudo were not being terminated by Rational Integration Tester.

Mod Pack 1 (8.5.1)
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
45389 PI08305 A problem existed in the Message Editor when completing a date field by selecting the "Use current date and time" check box. The value of the check box was not saved. This problem has been corrected.
34056 PM92856 Significant changes have been made to Rational Integration Tester support for UDP in version 8.5.1. It is now possible to run tests when Rational Integration Tester is installed on the same machine as the UDP server and support for multicast (tests and stubs) has been added. Users should be aware that there is a known problem with stubs that subscribe to UDP transports. Specifically the 'hit count', showing how many messages the stub has received will continually tick up even if the stub is not receiving any messages. This does not affect the functionality of the stub.
30806 A problem has been resolved that could cause performance test to fail if the load-generation test was data-driven using a data source within the project folder structure.
38279 Previously, when using the StartStub Ant task, if there were multiple versions of a stub then the earliest (oldest) version would be started. From version 8.5.1 if no version is specified then the most recent version will be used instead. The StopStub Ant task has also been updated so that all versions of a stub running will be stopped if no version is specified, rather than just the earliest.
39202 Ant scripts generated from Rational Integration Tester have a hard coded version specific reference to the ghTester.ant jar file. In release 8.5.1 this has been changed to look for any ghTester.ant jar file. If Rational Integration Tester and Agent are installed on the same machine, at different version levels, it may be necessary to edit the generated ant script to hard code a specific version.
38804 PM94039 In Detailed Reports, action names that contained tags would sometimes show a future value of the tag rather than its current value. This has been corrected.
39536 A problem has been resolved that meant, in some circumstances, having stub performance optimizations enabled (set on the properties tab of a stub) could cause the storing of values into tags from fields in the received message to fail. Tags are now populated correctly. Users should note that these stub optimisations are not suitable for use with data-driven repeating elements.
39993 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester Sift and Pass Through stubs using the Publish and Subscribe Message Exchange pattern would send a publish message but also pass through the message. This issue has now been fixed.
40378 Previously, when starting a stub with multiple operations where an existing single operation stub is already running then the single operation stub would have been incorrectly stopped. This problem has now been resolved.
40602 A number of improvements have been made to the performance (response time) of parameterized (data driven) stubs. These improvements are particularly significant around the use of repeating elements. Note that in order to get the best performance from stubs the log level should be set to 'None', either in Tester or on the Rational Test Control Panel stub starter.
40656 If a machine (typically a virtual machine) is very slow or overloaded, the agents may not start up quickly enough to register for correctly for the performance test. In this case, the performance test will fail due to a time out error. The error in the console will state that the "TestEngine did not start." In order to fix this problem, users should add a -D startup option to Rational Integration Tester using the Library Manager (on the Application page in the JVM arguments text). The parameter: -D greenhat.ptc.te.start.timeout=300 should be specified where 300 is the number of seconds before RIT will time-out. This value can be increased to allow the agents more time to start-up. Note that this setting is made in RIT (the Performance Test Controller), not on the Agents.
39692 PM73922 A problem that meant the Environment drop-down in the Scenario Editor displayed environment names containing dots incorrectly has been fixed. For example, "My Environment 2.5" would be displayed as "My Environment 2". This problem was also present in the "Run..." dialog.
39561 When a certification suite is published to Software AG's CentraSite product the Test-Results field now contains a URL link to the RTCP results gallery page for the suite (assuming the project has an RTCP URL defined for it).
37154 In previous versions of the Rational Test Control Panel temporary files created by the application during normal use were not removed if the product was uninstalled. This problem has now been resolved.
37132 In previous versions of Rational Test Control Panel console log line output from stubs would appear in the wrong order in the Results Gallery view if the Results Database was hosted on Oracle. This issue has now been fixed
38133 A problem that meant the drop-down menu for rows in the Rational Test Control Panel VIE dashboard would extend of the bottom of the screen, obscuring some options, has been fixed.
38686 In previous versions of Rational Test Control Panel the test suite report in the Results view could sometimes appear in a frame that was too small. This issue has been fixed.
40302 A problem has been resolved in Rational Test Control Panel that could cause the error "org.apache.openjpa.persistence.InvalidStateException: This operation cannot be performed while a Transaction is active." to be shown within the user's browser. This was caused by a race condition if two audit log entries were made at exactly the same time.
40519 In previous versions of Rational Test Control Panel the Help URL could end up set incorrectly if a "localhost" URL was used as the first URL to access the server after it had been started. This issue has now been fixed.
40624 Rational Test Control Panel now runs on (and ships with) WAS Liberty rather than TomCat. This means that the location where database driver files must be copied for use by RTCP has changed. Typically this drivers must be added if RTCP is going to be used to show information from the Results Database. The location where the drivers must be copied to is now: \usr\servers\RTCPServer\apps\RTCP.war\WEB-INF\lib
40821 A problem has been fixed that meant, on occasion, JDBC database stubs did not appear in the Results view of Rational Test Control Panel.
40861 A problem has been resolved that meant, in some cases, trying to start a stub from the RTCP dashboard after an agent has disconnected resulted in the stub failing to start.
40117 A problem which meant that a failed security handshake when connecting to an HTTP stub that uses SSL resulted in the stub's count of handled requests to increment has been fixed.
40356 A change has been made to the URL shown in the header of a message based on a REST URL schema to make it clearer to users that the URL will be populated at runtime. Previously, the URL in the header would be shown as a hard-coded value (based on the messages from which it was created) with the URL in the body being parameterized. This could be confusing to users as it was not clear that the parameterized URL would be used at runtime. The URL in the header is now shown using a generalized form with {} replacing parts that vary; for example: /RTCP/examples/phonebook/{id} in place of /RTCP/examples/phonebook/1.
40438 PM98845 A problem that meant that the content-type header was being corrupted by Tester when creating MIME-based messages (e.g. from Recording Studio or from a Requirement) has been resolved.
41033 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester the Message Editor would show red-crosses against messages after the initial application of Multipart MIME schemas. This problem has been resolved and the message will now validate correctly.
39710 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester the 32-bit version of WebSphere MQ API exits were not provided for the Solaris operating systems. This meant that locally bound 32-bit applications could not connect to the Queue Manager once the RIT 64-bit exits were installed. 32-bit exists are now available for Solaris SPARC and x86.
40042 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, when using Sift and Pass Through with WebSphere MQ, it was possible in some circumstances for the message ID in the messages being received by the Queue Manager to be overwritten. This would then result in the reply message not having the correct expected response IDs. This issue has been resolved.
34056 PM92856 Significant changes have been made to Tester's support for UDP in version 8.5.1. It is now possible to run tests when RIT is installed on the same machine as the UDP server and support for multicast (tests and stubs) has been added. Users should be aware that there is a known problem with stubs that subscribe to UDP transports. Specifically the 'hit count', showing how many messages the stub has received will continually tick up even if the stub is not receiving any messages. This does not affect the functionality of the stub.
27783 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, the General menu in the logical view of architecture school allowed the creation of a number of schema types which have no logical component. These have now been removed from the menu. Users should create schemas from within the Schema Library view.
38925 A problem that meant the scrollbar on the Filters dialog in Logical View could disappear when the dialog was resized making it impossible for the user to scroll through the selections has been resolved.
39772 Previously it was not possible to create a new resource in Logical View that contained a '.' character. However, it was possible to subsequently edit the name to include the '.'. This has been changed for consistency and it is now possible to use a '.' character when creating the resource.
27864 PM73976 A problem has been resolved that meant that WSDL files created by certain applications (such as TIBCO Designer) were not being imported into Rational Integration Tester correctly. This occured where multiple WSDL element references in the schema definition only differed by their namespace. In this scenario these element references were not being treated as unique by RIT and could be overwritten. These WSDL files now import correctly.
34135 The DFDL parser that is bundled with Rational Integration Tester has been upgraded to version Amongst other fixes this means that Rational Integration Tester can now import DFDL files from directory paths that include spaces.
39345 PM96436 A problem has been resolved that could cause an IndexOutOfBoundsException to occur when synchronizing an XSD into Rational Integration Tester that defines an attribute without a type. RIT will now default to using a string type where no type is specified.
39493 A problem has been resolved that meant an error would occur if a user attempted to apply a CHIPS schema to a Byte Array within the Message Editor.
40606 A change has been made to the URL of physical database transports that are created when Tester synchronizes with WebSphere Application Server. The current schema is now included in the URL. This means that if the WAS data source uses a customised current schema then the physical database resource will target the correct schema without modification.
38068 Performance improvements have been made to filtering in Recording Studio.
39129 The Java Agent now filters and matches host names case-insensitively when recording or routing Java messages.
39393 A problem that meant a user could skip to the summary page of the Recording Studio stub wizard without providing all the necessary data has been resolved.
40561 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester a problem existed that meant if a recorded message consisting of only a header (no body) was exported from Recording Studio and then re-imported then the header information would incorrectly appear in the body section. This problem has been resolved for new exports and messages consisting of only a header will be imported correctly. However, existing exported events will still import incorrectly as the problem occurred during the export.
32536 PM92856 A problem that meant that the 'first' Requirement created from Recording Studio would sometimes not show in the Test Factory view until a second requirement was created has been resolved.
37167 PM90096 A problem that meant attempting to open a saved chart resulted in a NullPointerException when it contained Log Measurement counters has been fixed.
36758 A problem that meant the Message Difference Window could show differences between certain messages containing repeating elements when there were no differences has been resolved. Tests involving such comparisons would still (correctly) pass; the defect was in the way that the MDW re-evaluated the messages. Typically the errors would manifest as additional repeating elements shown in the Message Difference Window.
37916 PM92631 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, changes to the "iterations" field of the "Iterate Test Data" action editor were not saved if the user had not removed keyboard focus from the field before saving the dialog. This has been fixed.
39770 PM74197 A fix has been made to the SQL Query action so that the Interval and Timeout parameters to the "Retry Query until assertion passes" option on the dialog are disabled unless the Retry check box has been selected.
39986 PM73927 The SQL Query action no longer allows a user to delete the Equality validation check if it is the only one present. The user must now uncheck it if they do not want it to run. Previously a user could delete it but Tester would restore it when the action was re-opened which was confusing for users.
40363 A problem that meant SQL Query Actions were not being marked as edited when values were changed directly within the table's cells (as opposed to using the Edit Cell button) has been resolved.
29356 PM75171 An issue has been resolved that meant if a schema containing elements was applied to a message using the Retain Data option then RIT would re-order the message such that the choice option was placed as the first element.
39491 PM96835 Tag values are now expanded correctly when used in messages based on CHIPS and FedWire schemas. Previously the tag values were not inserted into the messages correctly at run-time. Note that because these schemas are fixed-width if the user choose the 'Treat as plain text' option then tags will be truncated.
40354 A problem which meant copying and pasting text nodes in the message editor could lead to an error dialog being displayed (and nothing being copied) has been resolved.
40355 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester an error could occur if a message action was linked to a requirement, the message content then changed and the dialog then saved choosing the 'Discard' option. This has been resolved. Additionally, an error that meant requirements could not be saved if the dialog was showing the Documentation tab has been resolved.
41053 In Rational Integration Tester 8.5.0 if a user specified Simulate Error in the pass-through settings for a stub's operation that used the CICS transport then the chosen CICS return code was not correctly saved resulting in a return code of 0 being used. This issue has been resolved and the entered return code is now used.
27193 PM73991 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester if an environment variable was used to reference a test data file and a user switched into an environment where the variable was undefined or empty then tests would continue to run for a few iterations and would appear to pass. This problem has been resolved. In 8.5.1 if the file does not exist the test will fail with an appropriate error message showing the file path/name before and after tags are resolved.
26082 PM74014 Previously, Rational Integration Tester could sometimes appear to hang while running a test that published many thousands of messages over EMS. This problem no longer occurs although users should note that the -Dcom.ghc.ghTester.gui.console.trim=true Library Manager JVM option may need to be used to order to prevent memory being used up holding the messages within the console output.
38873 The Rational Test Virtualization Server Agent's configuration file now informs the user that to add additional "attributes" to the Agent they must insert new elements.
38057 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester adding the Java agent configuration to Websphere Application Server's startup configuration would prevent WAS from initializing correctly. This has now been rectified, although users should not that it is necessary to modify the Java security policies. Details are provided in the readme file located with the JavaAgent jar file in the RIT installation.
40079 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester adding the Java Agent configuration to the Glassfish startup configuration would prevent the server from initializing correctly. This issue has been resolved.
40417 In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester there was a problem that meant, in some circumstances, when running a suite of tests against a webMethods Integration Server stub the stub would respond once and then shut down with subsequent tests within the suite being directed to the live service. This problem has been resolved.
40571 Previously, if a user cancelled a stub that contained multiple operations then a console message was output indicating that the stub had failed rather than been cancelled. This issue has been resolved and the console message now accurately reflects the cancellation.
35209 A problem that meant HTTP responses with a 204 NO CONTENT status code were not recorded by Rational Integration Tester's HTTP proxy has been resolved.
35701 A problem that meant the version string from a JDBC Proxy running inside WebSphere Application Server would not be displayed correctly in the Agent's view of Rational Test Control Panel has been resolved.
39364 With previous versions of Rational Integration Tester it was not possible to set up SQL recording or database stubbing for JDBC data sources in IBM WebSphere Application Server with cell, node, server or cluster scope if those data sources had the same JNDI name as application-scoped data sources. This problem has been resolved and it is now possible to set-up such sources for SQL recording and database stubbing.
39656 In previous releases of Rational Integration Tester problems could occur when virtualizing MySQL databases using the embedded simulation database (Derby). The problems occurred because MySQL and Derby apply different case-sensitivity rules for SQL statements which could lead to SQL statements accepted by the MySQL driver being rejected by Derby (the embedded simulation database). This version of Rational Integration Tester attempts to improve compatibly by adjusting the structure of the embedded simulation database as it is created to use upper-case column and table names which ensures that all application SQL that does not use MySQL quotes (`) will work with the embedded simulation database. For applications that do use MySQL quote characters in SQL it is recommended that a second MySQL database be used for virtualization instead of the embedded Derby database.
40327 The user interface for the database stub editor has been improved. In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, only recorded queries that were suitable candidates for editing the stub were shown in the Edit Database Stub dialog. This led to confusion as the contents of the dialog did not match the list of recorded queries in the stub. The dialog has been improved, displaying all of the queries in the stub, and providing additional user feedback if the user selects a query that is not a suitable candidate for editing the stub.
40729 With previous versions of the Rational Integration Tester JDBC driver problems could occur when the location of the simulation database location changed. This is most likely to occur when users are working with the embedded simulation database and a pool of agents because the embedded database runs co-located with the agent. It may also occur when several team members are collaborating and have their own environments defined in the Rational Integration Tester project. The effect of the problem was that the JDBC Driver would continue to attempt to use the old simulation database connection instead of the new location resulting in warnings being emitted to Rational Test Control Panel along with stub failures. These issues have now been resolved and the driver correctly handles a change in This has now been fixed.
40738 A problem involving using recorded queries to edit MySQL database stubs has been fixed. In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester, editing a MySQL stub using a SQL SELECT that included table aliases but that did not include a WHERE clause would fail. This now works.

Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
53376 Rational Integration Tester no longer supports the SonicMQ transport. If a user loads a project that uses the SonicMQ transport into this version of Rational Integration Tester, the transports and operations will not appear in Architecture School, and tests and stubs that use the SonicMQ transport will fail to run. Users must replace the SonicMQ transport with the JMS transport configured to use SonicMQ. Customers who are affected by this change should contact IBM support before they upgrade.
53357 The version of Apache Tomcat that Rational Integration Tester uses has been upgraded from 7.0.27 to 7.0.62. This change resolves the security issues that are documented in the following bulletins:

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server affected by Apache Tomcat vulnerability (CVE-2014-0227)

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server affected by Apache Tomcat vulnerability (CVE-2014-0230)

53357 The password hashing in Rational Test Control Panel was changed from the MD5 message-digest algorithm to a secure alternative. Refer to the following bulletin for additional details about this security issue:

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server uses an insecure hashing scheme for handling user passwords (CVE-2015-1913)

Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
41219 PI05720 A problem has been resolved that meant if a user added a failure path to a Message Switch >Message Case then it could not be saved with any actions below it. In version and from version onward, all new failure path actions created will operate correctly. However, projects containing existing failure paths are corrupt. In order to be able to save a failure path with sub-actions the tests will need to be opened, existing failure paths (under message cases) deleted and then saved and reopened before a new working failure path can be added otherwise the new failure path or the actions added will not be saved correctly.
41214 PM96031 A problem has been resolved that could result in a test suite that contains tests with Run Command actions appearing to hang. Specifically, the issue occurred most often if one of the tests runs an external command that took a long time to complete.
41156 PI05597 A problem has been resolved that meant SOAP message headers generated by Rational Integration Tester were incorrect for WSDLs that contained xsd elements referenced by both message header and message body definitions.
40658 PM99369 The GHRunAgent.exe executable used as part of the HP Quality Center integration is now recognized as a 32 bit application on Windows XP. This fix is included in version and from version 8.5.1 onward, but was not documented in the version 8.5.1 fix list.
40438 PM98845 A problem that meant that the content-type header was being corrupted by Rational Integration Tester when creating MIME-based messages (such as those from Recording Studio or from a Requirement) has been resolved.
40004 PM97727 A problem has been resolved that meant if Rational Integration Tester was synchronized against a WSDL file containing elements marked as <ref="xs:schema">, then a stack overflow error would occur.
39491 PM96835 Tag values are now expanded correctly when used in messages based on CHIPS and FedWire schemas. Previously the tag values were not inserted into the messages correctly at run time. Note that, because these schemas are fixed-width, if the user chooses the "Treat as plain text" option, then tags will be truncated.
48881 The security issue that is documented in the following bulletin is resolved:

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server affected by Castor Library vulnerablity (CVE-2014-3004)

48477 The security issue that is documented in the following bulletin is resolved:

Rational Integration Tester component in Rational Test Workbench affected by Netty vulnerablity (CVE-2014-3488)

39493 A problem has been resolved that meant an error would occur if a user attempted to apply a CHIPS schema to a Byte Array within the Message Editor.

Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
38914 In Rational Integration Tester 8.5.0, if a user changed the action type to 'Function' in the field editor and then clicked Ok, the change would not be saved. This problem has been corrected.
39534 Log file monitoring settings are now remembered in the WebSphere Application Server resource in logical view
38855 PM95071 Rational Integration Tester could send an XML message that made use of a namespace without correctly declaring it. The consuming application would then fail to parse the XML correctly and the service could not be tested. This problem has been resolved.
39413 PM96806 The "Run Command" action failed in Windows 2003 environments. This was caused by changes intended to support multiple DOS codepages. This problem has been resolved and Run Command will now execute successfully in Windows 2003.
39579 Extra console logging was being sent from the Agent to RTCP, this logging information was not being used and was using up network bandwidth unnecessarily. This change will provide a performance benefit in situations where the machine running the Agent is network traffic constrained.
39582 Synchronization with a WebSphere Application Server running on localhost no longer generates multiple HTTP endpoints in logical and physical views for any web services running on that host.
38574 If an Identity Store was referenced from a WebSphere Application Server physical transport and that Identity Store had a path that used the %%PROJECT/ROOT_DIRECTORY%% form then RIT would fail to connect to the WAS instance. However, if the identity stored had been specified using an absolute path a connection could be made. From versions onwards Identity Stores that reference the project path can be successfully used in connections to WebSphere Application Server. This problem has been resolved.
38072 PM82169 Use of the Iterate-While action could lead to unexpected results when the action condition contains ECMAScript. This is because the action was being called once before the while loop first iterated. If the ECMAScript contained side effects (such as decrementing the value in a tag) then the user would not see the expected results as in the first iteration the script would be called twice thus decrementing the tag by two rather than the expected one. This has been resolved, the action script is now only called on actual iterations.
39289 PM94729 If a user created a subfolder under a Service Component in Rational Integration Tester, created a stub inside that subfolder and then published the stub to Rational Test Control Panel then, although the publication process would complete successfully the stub would not show in the RTCP dashboard. This problem has been resolved.
39557 In some circumstances, having stub performance optimizations enabled (set on the properties tab of a stub) could cause the storing of values into tags from fields in the received message to fail. Tags are now populated correctly.

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
27797 Discarding a change to a linked message no longer causes a test to be marked as dirty in Rational Integration Tester.
Previously, Results Gallery did not render some Unicode characters in specific fields properly when Oracle or MySQL databases were used. This problem has been resolved.

Note: The databases themselves must be set up in the appropriate Unicode mode.

For more information, see: Topic and Topic
31261 Attempting to record an IBM WebSphere MQ-based operation (by using (dynamic) mirror queue recording) where the operation does not have a queue name defined for it now causes Rational Integration Tester to display an error message stating that it is not possible to record in this way without a queue name.

Previously, Rational Integration Tester would start recording all queues, which is not the behavior that users would have expected.
31346 On Microsoft Windows systems, the taskbar button that appears when the Rational Integration Tester splash screen appears now says "IBM Rational Integration Tester".

Previously, "GH Tester" was displayed.
31394 Previously, data entered on the Agent window when setting up a performance test was not saved unless the Counters table or Hosting agent values were changed.

This problem has been resolved.
31453 A number of problems caused by Byte-Order-Marks in UTF16/UTF-16LE text have been resolved.

For example, previously when UTF16LE encoded messages were received over HTTP they were not being decoded correctly.
31478 If a user attempts to record Type 1 IMS messages by means of the Rational Integration Tester TCP proxy, the text "IMS Requests with OTMA headers are not supported" is now displayed in the recorded message header.

Previously, it was not clear to users why the recording was not working correctly.
32159 A number of English strings displayed when deleting test results in Results Gallery have now been externalized and translated correctly.
32264 In Recording Studio, if an invalid RegEx expression is used to create a filter rule, an error message about the invalid RegEx expression is no longer displayed for each and every row.
32511 In Architecture School, if a physical web server resource is configured with a host name containing an IDN, the host name is now correctly decoded/encoded when recording and stubbing against that server.
32598 Previously, a race condition that meant test suites containing IBM WebSphere MQ-based stubs did not always successfully stop the stubs at the end of tests (and would then be stuck at 99% complete).

This problem has been resolved.
32657 Previously, if a user created a fixed-width record layout and defined a field as "center align" with no pad-left character but with a right-pad character, the right-pad character was added to the left, which caused invalid padding character results because the correct padding character was being added to wrong side.

The pad character is now added correctly to the right side.

Therefore this problem has been resolved.
32908 Previously, opening the Iterate and Iterate-While test actions (without making any changes) could trigger the dirty state of a test.

This problem has been resolved.
33265 Previously, failures would occur in Results Gallery if users attempted to view the detailed report for a test suite or test cycle that included a message containing extended Unicode characters.

This problem has been resolved.
33266 Previously, performance tests did not run correctly if the currently selected environment's name contained extended Unicode characters.

This problem has been resolved.
34023 Previously, Rational Integration Tester bound to Identity Stores by using absolute file paths instead of project-relative (assuming that the identity store was held within the project directory structure).

This caused project portability problems. Identity Store paths can now be project-relative. Therefore, this problem has been resolved.
34047 PM83712 Previously, the Rational Integration Tester plugin for Jenkins/Hudson displayed results in a very small screen area which made it difficult to view the results.

This problem has been resolved.
34294 The Run window that is displayed when users right-click a stub in the Test Factory or Test Lab perspectives and click "Run…" now contains a Date Picker button instead of the non-functional "Choose" button.
34499 The addNumbers server application that is provided in the examples\add numbers directory of the Rational Integration Tester installation directory now looks up and reports its IP address correctly in the URL on the user interface.

This means that the WSDL URL can be pasted into Rational Integration Tester.
35070 Some changes have been made to improve the reliability of the opening of Microsoft Excel when editing database stubs from within Rational Integration Tester.

If users have set up a mapping between the .csv file type and Excel on the Applications page of the (Project) Preferences window or selected the application in the "Launch Command" field on the External File Association window when editing the stub, Excel should now open correctly.
35799 PM89629 Previously, if a user installed Rational Integration Tester 8.5.0 or Rational Integration Tester Agent 8.5.0 on any supported version of Microsoft Windows and another user who was not an administrator attempted to run the application or Library Manager, an error message was displayed.

This problem was caused by the installation process setting security on a number of .ini files so that only the user who installed Rational Integration Tester (or another administrator user) could run the applications.

This problem has been resolved in Rational Integration Tester and Rational Integration Tester Agent

For more information, see
36609 Previously, when using the Rational Integration Tester Java virtualization agent to record Java invocations in a Java 6 application, a redundant warning message was displayed when users stopped recording.

This warning message is no longer displayed.
36680 Previously, Rational Integration Tester could fail to record events in Recording Studio by means of proxies because of a deadlock in Rational Test Control Panel.

The problem was indicated by Rational Integration Tester displaying indefinitely a message window stating that a recording rule was being set up. This problem has been resolved.
36700 PM88721 A problem that caused the error "Fatal error: com.ghc.tags.TagNotFoundException: tag named "Birthdate[0]" was missing from store" when running a test after upgrading a GH Tester 5.2 project to Rational Integration Tester 8.0 has been resolved.

The issue was caused by the use of repeating elements and tags.
36729 Previously, uninstalling Rational Integration Tester 8.5.0 on the Apple Mac platform did not delete symbolic link files created during installation.

The symbolic link files are now deleted correctly during uninstallation.

Therefore, this problem has been resolved.
36836 If users start performance tests without having configured any load-generation engines, a meaningful message is now displayed by Rational Integration Tester.
36865 In Rational Integration Tester 8.5.0, the Apache Derby database installation that is part of the installation of Rational Integration Tester or Rational Integration Tester Agent installation writes a run-time log to the install directory.

This has been changed to use a user-specific directory instead of the installation directory.
36888 Previously, in some cases (particularly when editing byte streams) the Message Editor stripped double CRLF sequences.
For example, if a user edited the binary stream
by adding another "0D0A":
and then clicked OK to close the Message editor, the added "0D0A" would be missing if the user subsequently reopened the Message editor.
This made it difficult to create requests where such sequences are required. This problem has been resolved.
36919 A change has been made to the way Rational Integration Tester trusts SSL certificates. This is to avoid unnecessarily requiring a root certificate in the identity store.
Rational Integration Tester will trust a... If...
Remote certificate The issuer of the remote certificate is placed in the local identity store (that is, either the direct signer or a signer further up in the chain hierarchy)
Remote self-signed certificate A copy is also placed in the local identity store (because it signed itself)
Remote server certificate A copy is also placed in the local identity store because by placing it in the local store the user is explicitly trusting it regardless of its signers
36948 Previously, when cloning a stub in Rational Test Control Panel, a Rational Integration Tester Agent was offered twice if there was more than one engine available for that agent.
This problem has been resolved.
36951 When cloning a stub in Rational Test Control Panel, users can now use the Filter Agents button to help with Agent selection.
Previously, nothing happened when the button was clicked.
36989 A number of problems were introduced in Rational Integration Tester 8.5.0 which meant that users would not always see the behavior they were expecting when switching between the docked Test Action editor and the Pop-up Test Action editor.
These problems have been resolved.
37040 A number of project portability issues caused by the use of "\" in file paths have been resolved.
Previously, if users entered a path on a computer running Microsoft Windows (for example, a project relative path) and then opened the same project on a computer running Linux, the path resolution failed because "\" needs to be "/" on Linux systems.
Rational Integration Tester now convert the separators in the path automatically.
37059 PM93382 Previously, recorded messages could become corrupted when using packet capture (pcap) to record HTTP traffic and a reply with Content-Length of 0 was received by Rational Integration Tester.
This problem has been resolved.
37073 Previously, after saving a test data set, the 'dirty' indicator was not reset, which meant that Rational Integration Tester would not disable the Save icon.
This problem has been resolved.
37130 Previously, stubs could not be published to a Rational Test Control Panel instance hosted on a computer with an IDN host name (host name containing non-ASCII characters) if that stub had previously been published at a lower version number.
Users would see error "[CRRIT8242E] Could not connect to the server".
This problem has been resolved.
37186 Previously, it was not possible to configure a test suite in Rational Integration Tester to use stubs from a Rational Test Control Panel domain that contained Unicode characters.
This problem has been resolved.
37194 The email results publisher now support SMTP email servers specified with IDN server names (containing non-ASCII characters).
Previously, an error would occur if an attempt was made to run a suite published by means of an SMTP email server.
37236 Previously, any database stub started from Rational Test Control Panel could result in an exception being logged every five seconds to the console log of Rational Test Control Panel.
However, there were no adverse effects on the stub, which would run as expected.
The exception logged would be in the format "java.lang.NullPointerException at<init>( at com.greenhat.server.vie.server.agent.DiskBasedPooledAgentLogStore.addLines
This problem has been resolved.
37350 In Rational Integration Tester 8.5.0, importing a DER key and certificate into an identity store caused the key to be configured with a blank password.
This was acceptable unless the key was being used for mutual authentication or if the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy was being used because the proxy requires the correct value of the password.
In Rational Integration Tester, the import process now results in the use of the password that protects the Java keystore (JKS).
37351 Rational Integration Tester can now import PEM certificates.
37353 When importing an existing keystore, any certificates with the same password as the keystore are now unlocked automatically, so users do not have re-enter the same password again.
37359 Previously, when using the Identity Store window (in the Physical View of the Architecture School perspective) of Rational Integration Tester, if the importation of a certificate was cancelled, the cancellation did not terminate cleanly and empty window was displayed.
This problem has been resolved.
37404 The certificate provided with the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy server has been updated to include the Basic Constraint extension, which is required by Oracle WebLogic application servers.
Previously, the absence of this extension meant that HTTPS communication between a client and an Oracle WebLogic server could not be recorded (in plaintext) by means of the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy.
37408 Rational Test Control Panel now limits the activity log to 2,500 entries.
This is to prevent performance problems, especially at start-up. It is not anticipated that a user would want to look through a large number of entries because the activity log is intended to be a snapshot of what is happening 'now'.
When the log reaches this new limit, Rational Test Control Panel will now purge older entries automatically.
When this happens, an entry will be put in the activity log to alert users about what has happened.
37477 Previously, an error could occur if a user used an IDN (non-ASCII) server name to create a physical IBM WebSphere Application Server instance and then synchronized Rational Integration Tester against that server.
This problem has been resolved.
37506 A change in the log level made on the Rational Test Control Panel agents page will now take affect within five seconds.
Previously it could take up to 30 seconds for a Rational Integration Tester proxy to detect the new log level.
37560 A number of changes have been made to the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy to avoid exceptions occurring during HTTP CONNECT parsing.
Typical symptoms will include a failure of the live system or stub to receive the message from the client and an Null Pointer Exception in the console output of the proxy.
37613 A number of problems have been resolved that caused Rational Integration Tester to hang when launched on OS X. This problem has been observed after upgrading OS X to 10.8.4 or later.
Rational Integration Tester now uses the IBM Java runtime, which has resolved most of the problems. Some users still report application hangs if Rational Integration Tester is run from the launchpad.
These problems can be avoided by running Rational Integration Tester from the Finder, or the launch bar (having pinned the application to the bar from Finder), or from a command prompt.
37638 PM91760 Previously, the contents of the Assert tab in an SQL Query test action (in Test Editor) could not be edited.
This problem has been resolved.
37649 PM91872 Operations created from recorded JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) events now have a schema root set automatically.
This resolves a problem that could cause an exception when creating stubs from recorded JSON events in Recording Studio.
37665 PM91863 Previously, if users applied a schema to XML added to a message by means of the Import XML menu option in the Message editor, the contents of the message were lost after the editor was reopened.
This problem has been resolved.
37695 Previously, if Rational Integration Tester was synchronized against an instance of IBM WebSphere Application Server where the canonical name was 'local host', web services would not be synchronized into Rational Integration Tester.
This was caused because Rational Integration Tester was deliberately ignoring 'local host' variants of services because normally WebSphere Application Server provides two copies of each service: local host and host name qualified versions.
However, in the case where the server had been set up only on local host, this meant that all services would be ignored. Rational Integration Tester now attempts to detect this scenario and operate accordingly.
37720 PM92071 A change has been made to the way in which the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy processes HTTP redirects to support clients using older versions of the Apache HTTP Client library (specifically 4.0 beta).
This version of the library makes some assumptions about the persistence of a redirected HTTP connected which were not previously supported by the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy.
37722 A change has been made to the Rational Integration Tester Scenario Editor (within the Test Factory perspective) to prevent it from opening as an unnecessarily wide window.
Changes have also been made to allow columns widths to be resized correctly.
37725 Previously, an exception would be logged to the console output of Rational Integration Tester Agent if it was started on a computer where the host name contained non-ASCII characters (for example, IDN host names).
37815 Previously, if Open Office was used to edit a stored procedure within a database stub and the stored procedure contained either an OUT SYS_REFCURSOR (Oracle) or OUT CURSOR (DB2) parameter, subsequent edits would fail and even though the stub would start the stored procedure call would not return the expected results.
37859 If a Java virtualization agent routing rule is deleted manually in Rational Test Control Panel, the console output of stubs that were using that rule will now show the removal.
37873 Previously, an intermittent problem that could cause Rational Integration Tester to hang when applying a schema to an empty message.
The problem appeared to occur more often on the Linux platform. This problem has been resolved.
37895 Previously, a Null Pointer Exception could be caused when attempting to record an IBM WebSphere MQ-based operation using dynamic mirror queue recording.
This problem has been resolved.
37896 Previously, if users attempted to open a database stub without first selecting an environment, a Null Pointer Exception could occur.
Now, a meaningful error message is displayed.
37901 The imagery used within message trees to indicate which type of integer a field is (short, integer or long) has been changed to avoid confusion.
37926 Previously, a failure would occur when learning a JDBC stub against an Oracle database if a stored procedure call returned a result set containing a NUMBER type.
The user would see an error stating "ORA-01727: numeric precision specifier is out of range (1 to 38)". This problem has been resolved.
37989 Previously, if a user used Linux/LibreOffice to edit the contents of a database stub (for example, a table), the changes could be lost because Rational Integration Tester would think that users had saved the modifications before they actually had saved them.
This problem occurred only if there were LibreOffice processes already running at the point when the Database Stub Editor launched another instance of LibreOffice.
37991 Some users have experienced problems when performing multiple agent-based recordings in Recording Studio when environments are locked in Rational Integration Tester.
The root cause of the issue is that Rational Test Control Panel allows Rational Integration Tester and Rational Integration Tester Agents to publish rules to Rational Test Control Panel when the environment is locked but does not allow the rules to be deleted. This can lead to inconsistencies when recordings or stubs are stopped because the recording/routing rules that have been created cannot then be removed.
For an HTTP or JDBC stub, this means that the stub can start correctly but when the stub stops, a stale rule is left in Rational Test Control Panel.
For JDBC recording, with simultaneous learning of a new stub, when the learn process ends the stub fails to delete the rule and as a side effect the recording rule is also not cleaned up.
A change has been made to enable Rational Integration Tester and Rational Integration Tester Agents to delete rules, even when the environment is locked, while still preventing locks from being overridden from Rational Test Control Panel itself. This resolves the problems that are seen when the environment gets into an inconsistent state.
Previously, regular expression store actions could be cleared within the field editor of a Run Command action.
This problem has been resolved.
38021 Previously, Rational Integration Tester could hang when deleting a RegEx specified on an assertion on a column within a SQL Query test action.
This problem has been resolved.
38076 Previously, it was not possible to add a column to a previously learnt table in a database stub.
This problem has been resolved.
38087 Previously, it was not possible to view test suite results from Rational Test Control Panel for test suites containing tests created for WebSphere Application Server service components within Rational Integration Tester.
This problem has been resolved.
38090 Previously, a performance test could hang after all the iterations were run if the test used tests from across multiple service components.
Now, a performance test of this type will run but at the end of the test it will freeze at 100% complete and the results do not appear in Results Gallery.
Additionally, the Rational Performance Tester Agent will now become non-responsive and will need to be restarted.
38349 A number of translation defects across Rational Integration Tester and Rational Test Control Panel have been resolved.
38377 A change has been made to ensure that Recording Studio searches (press Ctrl+F in Recording Studio) will run even if a computer running Rational Integration Tester has only one available processor core.
Previously, although the Find window would appear, search would not run if Rational Integration Tester could not find a separate processor core upon which to run the search.
38416 A change was made in Rational Integration Tester 8.5.0 that meant that the default protocol that is used for SSL based communication became SSL rather than TLS. TLS had been the default for all previous versions of Rational Integration Tester.
This introduced an incompatibility with the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy which meant that a Rational Integration Tester test that attempted to make an HTTPS connection by means of the proxy would fail.
This change has been reversed and the default is now TLS again.
A number of minor string concatenation changes have been made to provide better translated text.
Initial Release (8.5)
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
28117 Rational Test Control Panel now checks that files uploaded to its Stub Publication interface are valid Tester stubs before saving them. This prevents the upload of arbitrary code.
33008 Rational Integration Tester now supports floating licences on AIX (32-bit and 64-bit)
35603 PM86925 Previously, for Linux installations, an < instance> tag was omitted from the Agent.config configuration file. This omission could lead to problems when running stabs. The file now contains the correct tags, so this problem has been resolved.
32073 The sample fixed-width font shown in the font-selection preference dialog box is now a fixed width font.
31538 When installing Rational Test Control Panel in user-mode on Linux one directory was defaulting to /var/rtcp which the user was unable to write to. Previously users had to manually change this directory before finishing the installation. This directory name now defaults to /home//rtcp.
33565 The documented installation steps for the z-based MQ API Exit have been updated to correct some errors and omissions.
36269 The Rational Integration Tester Installation Plan in the documentation has been updated to deal with some errors and omissions.
26177 When creating a test data set using the Test Action Wizard the user now has more control over the way in which NULL tags are to be handled.
35788 Tester will now only show resources that can be stubbed when a user is selecting services to stub in the References panel of the Test Suite Scenario Editor.
34523 The Sleep Action dialog box has been updated so that it clearer when the range (min, max) values are applicable
33050 PM81781 A problem that meant Unicode characters (e.g. Russian) in XML could cause a message to fail to be published has been resolved as part of the general Unicode compliance work.
32490 PM80717 A problem that meant a large amount of user-entered data could be cleared out of a message-editor when the transport is changed has been resolved. For example, in previous versions, if an EMS transport was re-selected then JMS headers and message properties would be blanked out and would require re-entering.
30625 In previous versions if a user is has the "Run From Memory" preference set and creates tests and stubs using the MEP wizard then those tests/stubs may fail if they are run before the editor is opened for them. Errors would not be seen if the "Run From Disk" preference was selected or the user opened the editor for the test/stub (regardless of whether they simply closed the editor without making any changes). This problem was caused by the wizard not correctly populating the tests/stubs and has been resolved.
26770 Within a test or stub it is now possible to create an over-ridden environment tag if the environment tag already exists with that name.
33080 The JAR file definitions in Library Manager for WebSphere MQ and Web Sphere Application Server have been updated to ensure a clean separation between the two applications. This avoids a problem whereby selecting WebSphere Application Server in Library Manager could prevent Interceptor-based recording from working again MQ.
36899 The wlclient.jar file has been removed from the Library Manager definitions for Oracle's WebLogic server. This jar file is not required by Tester and its inclusion can prevent JMS from operating correctly against WebLogic if IIOP is disabled.
36739 A problem that meant configuration values from LibraryManager.xml were not correctly applied to a new (or updated) version of Tester or the Agent until Library Manager was run and ok pressed has been resolved. The installation process now correctly reads this file and makes the appropriate configuration settings.
30923 In previous versions if a test uses the textFileContent() function in a script with an invalid file name then, although the test will fail, there will be no indication to the user why the failure occurred. This problem has now been resolved and the console output will contain a message indicating the root cause of the failure.
35604 PM86994 Previously, both paths of a decision were executed if the "Allow tests to continue even if a step fails..." check box was selected on the Config tab of the Scenario Editor window. This problem has been resolved.
35519 A problem has been fixed that meant, in certain scenarios, automatic tag mapping did not cause the action editor to be 'dirty' which would result in the user losing tag-mapping changes
29608 In some circumstances when a stub attempts to send an invalid FIX message the error would be incorrectly shown as an Infrastructure warning which could lead to user confusion. The problem is now reported correctly.
34010 A problem that meant the red error border shown around the location and version cells in the stub selection part of the scenario editor would not clear properly has been resolved.
33484 Teardown steps are now correctly executed when a test or stub is cancelled.
32204 Tester has long supported the use of the -Dcom.ghc.ghTester.gui.console.trim argument to automatically clear out the contents of the console output window when it reaches a certain size (as it releases memory). A problem has been resolved that meant the trimming would not occur if the messages being output to the console were themselves individually very large.
36077 A problem has been resolved which could result in messages being captured in Recording Studio from an z-based MQ Queue Manager showing as MQDEAD admin messages rather than the correct message.
36699 The MQ API Exit for the z platform now returns the correct code when an error occurs. Previously the value 0 would always be returned.
35511 Rational Integration Tester included a fix that re-enabled validation of messages published by Rational Integration Tester. This fix had the adverse side effect of preventing negative testing in some circumstances because it was no longer possible to publish invalid messages. This problem has been resolved, so it is now possible to use Rational Integration Tester for both publish-validation and negative-testing.
31323 In previous versions if a user had replaced the standard Tester report logo image with an image of their choosing then it may not be used correctly during the File Publishing process. This is because logo file written to disk contains a timestamp. This problem has been resolved.
34472 A problem that meant copybooks would not build properly after being added to the schema library has been resolved.
34424 A problem has been resolved that meant, in some circumstances, Tester would incorrectly fail validation of a JSON message containing an array with 'n' entries saying that the schema definition only allowed for 1.
32805 Additional checking has been added to Tester when it attempts to load a .NET assembly to find serialiazable objects. This is to try and prevent error conditions occurring in non-Tester code when the assemblies are used.
30831 gzip content-encoding on HTTP messages is now handled correctly. Previously, although Tester would unzip the content the header would not be removed on the internal content which could lead to downstream problems.
31594 Parsing of XML files with !DOCTYPE DTD references could appear to hang Tester for a file. This was caused by Tester attempting to look up the DTD reference. If Tester was able to retrieve the file then it would follow references in that file and so on. The overall result is that Tester could appear to hang. As the DTDs themselves are not required at that point in the processing Tester no longer attempts to follow the references.
29406 A problem has been resolved that meant if a user re-parented a component on the logical view canvas then it would automatically zoom to 100%. The automatic zoom will no longer occur.
36448 A problem has been resolved with the Tester plug-ins for HP Quality Center that mean Version Control would not be enabled within QC for Tester tests. This requires specific set-up and configuration on the client machine; please see the HP QC installation guide.
33230 A race condition has been fixed in the code that draws log measurement values on Performance Test charts. Although IBM has been unable to reproduce the originally reported issue this may resolve a problem some customers were seeing whereby such values were not appearing on Performance Test charts.
29494 In previous versions of Tester almost all entries in an Agent log file started with the confusing term "WaitForExit". This is the name of the Java method that the log file entry was being made from and, as such, was being logged correctly. However, it added no value and was confusing for users. It has been removed to improve the readability of the log file.
31227 In some circumstance chunked HTTP recorded by the Tester proxy would still contain chunk-length information when the message body was displayed in Recording Studio. This would lead to problems when creating stubs and tests. This information is now correctly removed.
36611 A number of memory leaks have been fixed during the creation of stubs from Recording Studio. These leaks were encountered when creating stubs from large (e.g. 400+) message pairs and would cause subsequent stub creation to be slow and to eventually fail.
35465 A problem that could result in MQ-based operations and stubs created from Recording Studio operating in 'Watch' mode rather than 'Participate' mode has been resolved.
35419 A problem has been resolved that could cause Recording Studio to automatically switch to showing the Triggers tab (rather than the Event Monitors tab) if a recording is in progress when the user switches to the Recording Studio perspective.
35301 In some circumstances a yellow warning triangle would be shown against an Event Monitor (in Recording Studio) for proxy-based http recordings. If a user clicked on the warning triangle they would be shown spurious Error Processing Event messages that had not prevented normal operation. These spurious warnings have been removed.
34306 Deleting all events in Recording Studio could take a long time to complete. This now operates more quickly.
31777 XML Schemas using the nillable attribute are now processed correctly by Rational Integration Tester.
36336 PM88132 A problem has been fixed that could result in an error being displayed when executing a test suite that stated that data was being truncated when inserting into the ACTION.DISPLAY database column. This was caused by the pasting in of Unicode text (such as text copied from Microsoft Word) into Tester as the byte-count of the text is longer than the character count. The text is now correctly truncated before Tester attempts to insert it into the database.
33454 The IBM WebSphere Application Server resource in Physical View can now be given a name (consistent with other resources).
35928 A problem that meant, in some circumstances, a user would have to open, edit and save tests created from Recording Studio before it would run has been resolved. This problem was caused by the Receive Reply formatter not being set correctly by the Recording Studio wizard.
34001 A number of performance improvements have been made to perspective switching. The amount of internal processing and disk-access has been reduced so users should find this is a much quicker operation.
28143 It is now possible for Tester's RQM adapter to connect to RQM servers that have been configured to require SSLv3 rather than TLS. Previously such as connection would fail.
28758 A problem has been resolved that meant if a stub starts with a transition based on a behavior's event (e.g. onStart()) then input tag overrides defined in Rational Test Control Panel are not applied to the stub.
36857 A number of problems that could result in an error when starting multiple stubs (from RTCP) at the same time (or near-simultaneously) have been resolved. Previously one or both of the stubs could fail to start or would be 'stuck' in the Deploying state.
36217 Stub configuration information set up in a Test Suite Scenario is now correctly passed to Rational Test Control Panel and used when starting up the stub.
35208 An error that meant stubs containing the + character in their name could not be started from an Ant task has been resolved.
34496 A change has been made in Rational Test Control Panel to resolve a problem starting stubs that some users had experienced when using Google's Chrome browser. Previously users had to click on exactly the right spot on the green + icon to start the stub. The entire icon should now be clickable by users.
33449 Some problems around the case-sensitivity names of Rational Test Control Panel domain names have been resolved. Users should note that domain names are case-sensitive so publishing to domain 'qa' is different to publishing to domain 'QA'.
33316 The way in which Tester connects to a WebSphere Application Server 6.1 ND system that is configured with client authentication enabled has been improved to try and avoid connection failures. Additionally, better error reporting has been provided to try and help users when certificate-errors do occur.
34842 In previous versions Rational Integration Tester's JDBC Virtualization capability will sometimes create Stored Procedure housekeeping tables in the user's default schema rather than the specified schema. This can result in failures to start stubs. This problem has been resolved and the schema is now created in the specified schema.
33328 Error reporting in failure conditions when attempting to connect to a WebSphere Application Server for the purposes of JDBC Database Virtualization set-up has been improved in order to assist with problem-solving.
35067 Previously, HTTP/1.0 messages sent to an Apache Tomcat 7 server by means of the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy could cause socket connections to be dropped. This has been resolved.
36794 Previously, if the Rational Integration Tester Agent was installed as a service on a computer running Microsoft Windows, stubs could bind to the same port as a “live” service already running on the computer instead of detecting that the port was already in use and moving to a different port instead. This could result in a stub receiving only some messages or not receiving any messages. The problem was caused by IPv4 and IPv6 interaction between Java and the Windows operating system. The problem has been resolved by adding specific “–D” arguments to the Java virtual machine (JVM) used to run the agent as a Windows service. These arguments cause a stub to fail to bind to a port already in use, which means that the stub will allocate a new port and messages will be received correctly.
36683 Previously, if an HTTP message received by Recording Studio by means of the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy contained an escaped URL, Rational Integration Tester could, in some circumstances, remove the escaping automatically. This meant that the message could no longer be replayed against the system under test causing failures to occur. This problem has been resolved and Rational Integration Tester no longer removes the escaping.
36637 Previously, an HTTP message captured in Recording Studio by means of the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy and containing URI-escaped characters in the URL string (already escaped by the sender) could be escaped again by Rational Integration Tester. This caused failures to occur when attempting to reply to recorded traffic in tests or stubs. This problem has been resolved and Rational Integration Tester no longer escapes message content that it recognizes as being already escaped.
32719 FIX groups are now correctly populated based on DataDictionary order.
32721 A race condition that meant some messages could be missed by Tester at the start of recording a FIX conversation has been fixed. As the first few messages contain important information this problem could result in the failure to record any FIX messages.
31193 Drag and drop of the 'output' message within a stub's business logic action editor has been disabled as it leads to unwanted side-effects. Users must use the move-up/move-down actions to move the 'output' message. Note that Send Reply / Publish actions explicitly added by the user are not affected by this change.
33087 It is no longer possible for a user to edit the output message in a stub if it is linked to a requirement. Previously the user was able to edit the message but at run-time the stub would (correctly) use the message from the linked requirement, ignoring the user's changes.
34504 A problem that meant not all Tester components were logging to the log file correctly has been resolved. This was caused by the entry " = WARNING" being missing from the various files shipped by Tester and affected components developed since the IBM acquisition of Green Hat. The installed files now contain this missing entry.
30648 Tester now supports the 'default' server when recording messages flowing though the CICS Transaction Gateway.

Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 6 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
53377 Rational Integration Tester no longer supports the SonicMQ transport. If a user loads a project that uses the SonicMQ transport into this version of Rational Integration Tester, the transports and operations will not appear in Architecture School, and tests and stubs that use the SonicMQ transport will fail to run. Users must replace the SonicMQ transport with the JMS transport configured to use SonicMQ. Customers who are affected by this change should contact IBM support before they upgrade.
53356 The version of Apache Tomcat that Rational Integration Tester uses has been upgraded from 7.0.27 to 7.0.62. This change resolves the security issues that are documented in the following bulletins:

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server affected by Apache Tomcat vulnerability (CVE-2014-0227)

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server affected by Apache Tomcat vulnerability (CVE-2014-0230)

53356 The password hashing in Rational Test Control Panel was changed from the MD5 message-digest algorithm to a secure alternative. Refer to the following bulletin for additional details about this security issue:

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server uses an insecure hashing scheme for handling user passwords (CVE-2015-1913)

Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
48881 The security issue that is documented in the following bulletin is resolved:

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server affected by Castor Library vulnerablity (CVE-2014-3004)

48477 The security issue that is documented in the following bulletin is resolved:

Rational Integration Tester component in Rational Test Workbench affected by Netty vulnerablity (CVE-2014-3488)

Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
35067 Previously, HTTP/1.0 messages sent to an Apache Tomcat 7 server by means of the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy could cause socket connections to be dropped. This has been resolved.
35511 Rational Integration Tester included a fix that re-enabled validation of messages published by Rational Integration Tester. This fix had the adverse side effect of preventing negative testing in some circumstances because it was no longer possible to publish invalid messages. This problem has been resolved, so it is now possible to use Rational Integration Tester for both publish-validation and negative-testing.
35603 PM86925 Previously, for Linux installations, an < instance> tag was omitted from the Agent.config configuration file. This omission could lead to problems when running stabs. The file now contains the correct tags, so this problem has been resolved.
35604 PM86994 Previously, both paths of a decision were executed if the "Allow tests to continue even if a step fails..." check box was selected on the Config tab of the Scenario Editor window. This problem has been resolved.
35799 PM89629 Previously, if a user installed Rational Integration Tester or Rational Integration Tester Agent on any supported version of Microsoft Windows and another user who was not an administrator attempted to run the application or Library Manager, an error message was displayed. This problem was caused by the installation process setting security on a number of .ini files so that only the user who installed Rational Integration Tester (or another administrator user) could run the applications. This problem has been resolved in Rational Integration Tester and Rational Integration Tester Agent For more information, see
36637 Previously, an HTTP message captured in Recording Studio by means of the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy and containing URI-escaped characters in the URL string (already escaped by the sender) could be escaped again by Rational Integration Tester. This caused failures to occur when attempting to reply to recorded traffic in tests or stubs. This problem has been resolved and Rational Integration Tester no longer escapes message content that it recognizes as being already escaped.
36683 Previously, if an HTTP message received by Recording Studio by means of the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy contained an escaped URL, Rational Integration Tester could, in some circumstances, remove the escaping automatically. This meant that the message could no longer be replayed against the system under test causing failures to occur. This problem has been resolved and Rational Integration Tester no longer removes the escaping.
36794 Previously, if the Rational Integration Tester Agent was installed as a service on a computer running Microsoft Windows, stubs could bind to the same port as a “live” service already running on the computer instead of detecting that the port was already in use and moving to a different port instead. This could result in a stub receiving only some messages or not receiving any messages. The problem was caused by IPv4 and IPv6 interaction between Java and the Windows operating system. The problem has been resolved by adding specific “–D” arguments to the Java virtual machine (JVM) used to run the agent as a Windows service. These arguments cause a stub to fail to bind to a port already in use, which means that the stub will allocate a new port and messages will be received correctly.
37350 In Rational Integration Tester or earlier, importing a DER key and certificate into an identity store caused the key to be configured with a blank password. This was acceptable unless the key was being used for mutual authentication or if the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy was being used because the proxy requires the correct value of the password. In Rational Integration Tester, the import process now results in the use of the password that protects the Java keystore (JKS).
37351 Rational Integration Tester can now import PEM certificates.
37353 When importing an existing keystore, any certificates with the same password as the keystore are now unlocked automatically, so users do not have re-enter the same password again.
37359 Previously, when using the Identity Store window (in the Physical View of the Architecture School perspective) of Rational Integration Tester, if the importation of a certificate was cancelled, the cancellation did not terminate cleanly and empty window was displayed. This problem has been resolved.
37404 The certificate provided with the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy server has been updated to include the Basic Constraint extension, which is required by Oracle WebLogic application servers. Previously, the absence of this extension meant that HTTPS communication between a client and an Oracle WebLogic server could not be recorded (in plaintext) by means of the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy.
37552 Previously, stub hit counters, which show the number of messages that a stub has processed, in Rational Test Control Panel were not updated for multi-operation stubs. This problem has been resolved.

Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
27981 PM75189 Validation actions that fail on published messages (Send Request, Publish) are now displayed on the Console window of the Test Factory perspective and will now cause tests to fail. Previously, such actions did not fail, so there was no output about them on the Console window and tests would continue executing. Consequently, tests created in earlier versions of Rational Integration Tester that were previously receiving warnings on a publish action message may now fail.
29664 Previously, custom-delimited record layouts could cause exceptions when viewing recorded messages in the Recording Studio perspective if the messages contained null values. This problem has been resolved.
29956 The behavior of the up and down arrow buttons at the top of the Message Differences Window has been improved to make it more consistent. The arrow buttons are used to select differences for analysis.
30457 The Results (gallery) page of Rational Test Control Panel no longer displays an error if users choose to display the results of one or more tests that include multiple failed iterations.
31497 To facilitate the successful importation of a greater range of COBOL Copybook files, byte order mark (BOM) detection in Copybook files has been improved when setting the encoding type.
32719 PM81165 Rational Integration Tester now populates Financial Information eXchange (FIX) groups in the order defined by the FIX data dictionary used.
32791 PM82711 Previously, the error message “An unexpected error occurred: Invalid column index” could be displayed when Rational Integration Tester executed a database stored procedure with multiple output parameters. This problem has been resolved. However, if any users have encountered this error in Rational Integration Tester or earlier, they must complete the following actions after installing Rational Integration Tester (1) remove all .gsc files from in the .rit8 directory, and (2) refresh the database schemas within RIT. If users need assistance with either of these steps, they could contact IBM Support.
32891 PM82023 The Results (gallery) page of Rational Test Control Panel now displays correctly in Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.
33061 A number of performance improvements have been made to the Recording Studio Events Wizard when creating test data sets and parameterized (data-driven) stubs.
32721 Previously, a race condition error that could cause application messages to be missed when a FIX stub first establishes a session. This problem has been resolved.
32965 Rational Integration Tester tests can be linked to HP Quality Center. In GH Tester 5.2.11 or earlier, it was possible to display snapshots of linked tests in HP Quality Center and to refresh the tests by clicking the Refresh button on the Test Script tab on the HP Quality Center application window. This functionality did not work properly from GH Tester 5.4.0 to Rational Integration Tester inclusive. This problem has been resolved.
33414 Previously, errors that occurred when importing invalid COBOL Copybook files were displayed to users, so they were not notified that the files were invalid. This problem has been resolved. Thus, file import errors are now displayed when Refresh is selected.
33465 Rational Integration Tester includes an IBM WebSphere MQ API Exit (64-bit) for IBM AIX that will work correctly on IBM AIX 6 (64-bit only) and IBM AIX 7 (32-bit and 64-bit). Previously, Rational Integration Tester,, and supported only IBM AIX 7. However, 32-bit versions of the Rational Integration Tester IBM WebSphere MQ API Exit are not provided for IBM AIX, and the Rational Integration Tester IBM WebSphere MQ API Exit does not support IBM AIX 5.
33661 Previously, when using the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy to record TCP traffic, a “NullPointerException” error could lead to a failure to record any TCP traffic by means of the proxy. This problem has been resolved.
33987 PM83543 A problem that meant a field editor could not be opened for the root node of a publish action if specific DFDL schemas were applied has been fixed.
33783 Operations created from recorded JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) events now have a schema root set automatically.
32932 PM83522 Data Format Description Language (DFDL) schemas containing “xsd:choice” elements now import properly into Rational Integration Tester.
34143 PM83942 Previously, changes to stored procedure test steps were not being saved correctly because Rational Integration Tester was not detecting the changes. This problem has been resolved.
34210 Previously, an HL7 message for a given HL7 DFDL schema was not parsed correctly by Rational Integration Tester. This problem has been resolved.
34411 If a failure occurs during the publication of stubs to Rational Test Control Panel after a domain has been created, the orphaned domain will now be deleted.
34494 The Edit or Create Test Data wizard now correctly adds existing tag names as columns in any spreadsheets that the wizard creates.
34468 The Start Stub ("+" icon) on the VIE Dashboard page of Rational Test Control Panel is now easier to use in Google Chrome. Previously, only the top few pixels responded to a click of the "+" icon. It is now possible to click anywhere on the icon.
34499 The “AddNumbers” sample web service that is implemented within Rational Test Control Panel now looks up and reports its IP address correctly. Previously, it always reported its IP address as
34507 Previously, errors could occur while recording IBM WebSphere MQ messages using dynamic mirror queues if the WebSphere MQ transports had been created in Rational Integration Tester or earlier and the transport was not re-opened before recording started. This problem has been resolved. The migration of Rational Integration Tester project files data has been improved to prevent such errors from occurring.
34525 Previously, when running Rational Integration Tester on Linux, characters could be displayed too low on some text boxes, causing the bottommost few pixels to disappear. This problem has been resolved.
34638 Previously, there could be an error when creating tests from recorded JDBC database events in the Recording Studio perspective. This problem has been resolved.
34672 PM84990 A documentation defect has been corrected in Rational Integration Tester Reference Guide for IBM z/OS. The defect related to how the file containing the IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS Intercept Exit should be unpacked on z/OS. The updated document is included with Rational Integration Tester (refer to the docs folder in the Rational Integration Tester installation directory after installing the release) and should be the only version of the document used if deploying the exit on z/OS.
33231 PM82216 Previously, a Rules Cache file of zero bytes being could be written to disk if problems occurred during file write, which would mean that the Rational Integration Tester project would not load.
34788 Previously, an error could be displayed when using a docked action editor to save changes to a Switch action. This problem has been resolved.
34809 Previously, the Rational Integration Tester HTTP Proxy could not be chained to another HTTP proxy when using HTTPS traffic. This problem has been resolved.
34941 PM74354 Previously, a test containing two MQ subscribers (based on correlation IDs) with timeouts could demonstrate inconsistent behavior when a user attempted to stop the test. The problem was caused by having only a small timing window in which Rational Integration Tester could receive an MQ message just after the timeout, which meant that the message would be removed from the queue but not processed by Rational Integration Tester. If multiple subscribers were in a test, this could lead to unexpected behaviour. This issue has been resolved.

Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
29864 Additional validation has been added to response delay timings in the Rational Test Control Panel stub launcher to prevent users from entering invalid values.
31443 Improvements have been made to way in which host names are extracted from HTTP traffic during recording and stubbing to ensure they are identified correctly.
31638 Changes have been made to the base Oracle results database script to ensure that it creates all tables in a variety of Oracle database tools correctly.
31786 Previously, a WebSphere MQ stub configured to ‘discard’ a message that it did not process could pass it through (back onto the queue). This has been resolved.
32070 PM80402 Previously, recording XML messages with empty nodes (from an operation) could cause failures, high memory or high CPU usage within Recording Studio. This has been resolved. A fix for this issue was previously released as iFix 32070.
32267 X12 segments and loops are now processed correctly into messages.
32353 PM80463 The fix pack of Rational Integration Tester would fail to install on Microsoft Windows XP if three standard environment variables (APPDATA, USERPROFILE and USERPROFILE) were missing. Rational Integration can be installed on Windows XP successfully without these environment variables being present, although users will not be offered the ability to configure License Borrowing.
32380 In Rational Integration Tester, a number of test actions and the Stub Editor would always open in the ‘dirty’ state meaning that the user would be prompted to save on close even if they had not made any changes. This has been resolved.
32419 PM80566 In Rational Integration Tester, ECMAScript tag substitution could lead to problems if users had tags with the same name as reserved ECMAScript keywords. For example, if a user defined a tag called “Date”, a script containing “var d = new Date()” would cause an error to be raised. This has been resolved and ECMAScript keywords now take precedence. If users requires access to a tag with a clashing name, they should use the tags[“”] syntax. For example, tags[“Date”] in this case.
32539 Previously, there was a race condition that could cause individual stub worker threads to stop responding to messages. A user would experience this by seeing that some messages were never responded to, although the stub generally would appear to be responding. Over a long period of time, with a high volume of messages, more worker threads could get into this condition and the percentage of messages ‘lost’ by the stub would increase. This problem has now been resolved.
32614 PM78120 If a user assigns the root node of an outgoing message (Publish or Send Request) to a tag, the tag value will now contain the full message in the form that it is actually published in. Previously, the tag may have contained the message in an internal format. For example, for SOAP messages, only the __INPUT__ version of the message was stored in the tag, not the full SOAP message including the headers.
32650 In earlier versions of Rational Integration Tester 8.0.1.x, feature enablement codes were not always being written to file correctly by Library Manager. This has been resolved.
32818 PM81449 Further changes have been made to the plug-in JAR file that provides recording and stubbing for Software AG webMethods Integration Server (wmIS) to allow it to operate correctly against wmIS 6 servers.
33060 Previously, Rational Integration Tester integration with RQM failed if the RQM user password specified in the Agent.config file of Rational Integration Tester Agent or on the Quality Management tab of the Project Settings dialog box of Rational Integration Tester contains symbols that require HTTP encoding. This has been resolved.
33091 Previously, a Send Reply action contained within a data-driven stub created by using the Recording Studio Save wizard could have scalar header actions disabled on the Value tab. Unless users edited the Send Reply step to enable the header actions, missing headers could cause transport-level failures to occur whenever a data-driven stub of this type was used. This has been resolved.

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
ID Description
25010 Some functions (such as DBQuery()) are not supported for use within a field in the message editor. In previous versions of Rational Integration Tester an exception would be shown to the user that did not make it clear what the problem is. A proper error message is now displayed, advising the user of the problem and the workaround. The workaround is to use the function in a previous step and store the result in a tag.
25412 The Rational Integration Tester Results Database script failed on MySQL if the database's default character set was UTF-8. This is because some columns were 1 character too large for this encoding type. This problem has been resolved.
25575 If a user re-synchronizes Rational Integration Tester with a WSDL file that contains references to other XSD files, then Rational Integration Tester will now re-read the XSD files from disk rather than using the previously cached version. Previously Rational Integration Tester had to be re-started to force it to re-read the XSD files.
26329 The Message Difference Window now correctly shows XML elements containing slashes.
26598 Rational Integration Tester now uses POSIX-style separators in project relative paths, meaning that projects are more compatible across Windows and Unix.
27479 Changes have been made to try and prevent problems occurring with wmIS subscribe actions after a long-running recording has taken place.
27502 RegEx auto-suggestions in the Message Difference Window now correctly take into account line feeds in the source messages.
28001 A number of fixes have been made to the logical view diagramming component within Architecture School. These include: new objects no longer appear at the top left hand corner of the diagram, no longer automatically zooming to too high a level, deleting the last child item makes the parent return to a normal state rather than remaining as a container, and moving an item between parents no longer causes drawing issues.
29533 A problem that meant Results Gallery in Rational Test Control Panel would not show results correctly if a suite's remote stubs had not started has been resolved.
29659 A problem has been resolved that could lead to a 2052 error code being raised on a z/OS WebSphere MQ Queue Manager when recording of queues was stopped in Rational Integration Tester.
29760 Results Published reports are now generated even if the test suite failed to run. The generated report will contain details of the failure.
29829 The Message Difference Window now correctly marks an expected message as modified if it is changed with a field editor, meaning the change is saved when the window is closed.
29842 The project settings dialog box for the Results Publisher now makes it clearer that the user is entering a directory for files to be written to.
29866 If a user of Rational Test Control Panel requests that an environment is unlocked while another unlock request is already in progress, then an appropriate message is now shown to the user.
29889 Problems with the layout of the formatting tab for value fields in a field editor on some platforms have been resolved.
29957 The list of schemas shown by Recording Studio when a user right-clicks on a node in a message and chooses "Show As" is now sorted correctly in an ordered list.
29960 When using the Message Difference Window with stubs, the window now correctly updates the differences panel when switching between filter and validate modes.
29964 A defect has been fixed that meant it was possible for a user to get the stub editor event table into a 'locked' state where no changes could be made (although the stub editor could still be closed).
29982 A defect has been fixed that meant, in some circumstances, the Transport was appearing disabled in a messaging action (e.g. a Publish action).
29983 It is no longer possible to view the About box before logging in to Rational Test Control Panel. Version information has been added to the Login dialog box.
29999 The correct action type is now chosen by Rational Integration Tester when adding a new filter action in a message editor for a stub’s input event.
30001 On some platforms, root/administrator privileges are required to bind to an IP port less than 1024. If a user created a stub that listened on a port lower than 1024, then it could silently fail to start due to Rational Integration Tester having insufficient privileges. Should this situation occur then an error message is now output in the console.
30017 It is now possible to successfully upgrade and rollback service-based components on Windows using Installation Manager. Prior to, service-based components on Windows had to be uninstalled and the new version installed as the upgrade process did not work correctly. Upgrades from 8.0.1 (or rolling back to 8.0.1) will now work correctly. Please note that upgrading from versions prior to 8.0.1 will not work and still requires the older version to be uninstalled first. It is also not possible to rollback to versions prior to 8.0.1. See the known issues in the download document for further details.
30037 As part of the switch to the IBM JRE (at version 8 of Rational Integration Tester) the product also changed from using Java 6 to Java 7. The behavior of a UI control widely used by Rational Integration Tester (JTextPane) changed significantly in Java 7. Specifically, the way line breaks were automatically added changed. This adversely affected Rational Integration Tester when messages without spaces in are displayed. Changes have been made in of Rational Integration Tester to workaround the change in behavior of JTextPane and restore the previous user experience in terms of word-wrapping and scroll bars. Note that Rational Integration Tester will only line-break on word boundaries (white-space), not in the middle of words.
30077 Protocol Buffer messages are now being expanded correctly.
30078 Content typed into the message editor is now recursively expanded. For example, entering <bar>foobar</bar> into a text field now correctly expands into two nested XML nodes.
30085 A defect has been fixed that meant a schema could not be selected for an already-expanded text node. This was a regression issue and the functionality has now reverted to the correct behavior.
30087 A regression error has been fixed that meant Rational Integration Tester was allowing users to pick a Schema for a node in a message editor that could not have a schema (such as an integer).
30095 A defect has been fixed that meant an exception occurred when a user tried to create a Test from recorded TCP/IP traffic using the Recording Studio Save wizard.
30163 If an agent computer cannot connect to the Results databases, then this is reported back in the Performance Test console. Previously it was not clear to the user why the test had been cancelled.
30194 It is now possible to change the type of a message action when the action editor is docked.
30197 Changing the watch mode setting between Watch and Participate in an EMS-based messaging action now correctly triggers the dirty state, meaning the action can be saved.
30207 A problem that meant a schema refresh for SAP IDOCS would fail if version 3.0.8 of the SAP JCo library was used has been resolved.
30208 Copybooks containing the characters -- within comments are now correctly parsed.
30209 A defect has been fixed that meant a dialog box could be shown to a user multiple times after editing the pass-through properties for a stub if they then pressed Ctrl+S.
30247 The JAR files for the embedded Eclipse help for the Rational Test Virtualization Server Reference, Rational Performance Test Server Reference, and Rational Performance Test Server Getting Started Guides are now installed.
30285 A defect has been fixed that meant the Find feature was not scrolling the message editor correctly when used with large messages.
30372 Rational Test Control Panel will no longer allow a user to remove a disconnected agent if that agent had been running stubs in a locked environment.
30384 Non-admin users can now save new results database definitions in Rational Test Control Panel.
30420 If a user configures a stub to pass-through the message back to itself, then the stub execution will now stop with an appropriate error message.
30448 The Schema Library 'reload' button now refreshes the currently selected schema. Previously, users had to navigate to a different schema type and back again to see the changes.
30514 A defect has been fixed that meant if a stub had both a default pass-through configured, and an explicit pass-through action was executed, then the default could also be executed.
30549 The ByteArray Field Expander now correctly deals with new line characters in entered (or pasted text). Previously, they were converted to nulls.
30623 A defect that could cause exceptions to occur when Rational Integration Tester processed a Copybook containing binary types has been fixed.
30631 A defect has been fixed that meant Copybook messages containing tags did not always expand properly.
30653 Recording Studio now correctly recursively expands content.
30655 The character encoding chosen by a user for a copybook within Recording Studio is now remembered and re-used correctly.
30763 A defect that meant it was not possible for Rational Integration Tester to learn a new database table from the database stub editor has been resolved.
30813 The authentication type field on the Rational Test Control Panel Security Configuration page in the Rational Test Control Panel Installer is no longer editable.
30829 A problem that meant HTTP performance tests could fail due to the operating system running out of ephemeral IP ports has been resolved.
30891 Alias types are now correctly interpreted when a user chooses to apply a schema for a node. For example, if a type is an alias for 'String' then the appropriate string-based schemas are now offered to the user.
30935 The dbQuery(), replaceTags(), textFileContent() and lookupTestData() functions can now be passed as a second argument to the round() function.
31015 The MQ JAR files in Library Manager were incorrectly referencing which is not part of the client-side MQ installation. This dependency was not used and has been removed.
31019 The stopScenario ant task example provided with Rational Test Control Panel (for stopping a scenario of stubs on Rational Test Control Panel) now works correctly. Previously it failed with error : "stopScenario doesn't support the "name" attribute".
31020 A defect has been fixed that meant a messaging action's technical description was not being correctly updated when Overwrite Expected Message was used within the Message Difference Window.
31031 A problem has been fixed that meant if an unknown tag had been added to the rules cache URI field in the project settings, then the project couldn't be opened again. Rational Integration Tester now logs a warning and reverts to the default base URI.
31035 Font style changes (i.e. re-coloring of the tag’s name) now occur immediately as the tag’s name is typed into tag-aware text fields.
31064 A problem has been fixed that meant stubs started from Rational Test Control Panel would wait no longer than 4,000ms (4 seconds) before replying, regardless of the setting the user had configured. Stubs will now correctly honor response delays of greater than 4,000ms.
31082 In previous versions of Rational Test Control Panel, if no security model was selected (i.e. no requirement for users to login), then some administrative tasks would fail. This has been resolved; under this security model, all users are administrators and can perform all tasks.
31133 Record Layout editors no longer open in the dirty state. The save icon will now not be enabled until a change is made.
31134 A defect that meant an exception would occur if a stub attempted to send an HTTP reply with a binary payload has been fixed.
31135 The installation script used to install the Rational Integration Tester JDBC driver into IBM Websphere Application Server (WAS) did not work on WAS 6.1. This problem has been resolved.
31151 In the 8.0.1 release of Rational Integration Tester, dragging and dropping a folder of XSDs into Schema Library would attempt to import them as DFDL schemas. This incorrect behavior has been fixed and they now import as XSDs.
31157 A defect that meant Rational Integration Tester would only attempt to import the first item found in a PFX file has been resolved. Note that the Oracle and IBM JVMs return a different 'first' item, so customers might have experienced this defect as getting a different item from the PFX file when upgrading from Rational Integration Tester 5.x to Rational Integration Tester 8.x.
31181 A defect has been fixed that meant an exception would occur in test execution when an Action Group was used to run subscribe actions in parallel and more than one of the actions time-out. This behavior was not seen if no, or exactly one, time-out occurred.
31182 The Save icon in the toolbar is now correctly disabled after the user says no to saving changes in schema library (and the changes are reverted)
31187 Rational Integration Tester no longer outputs repeated log file entries stating: " interceptOpen, SEVERE: CTGRequestIntercept encountered exception during gateway opening when problems occur connecting to the CICS Transaction Gateway." The error is now only logged once per connection attempt.
31196 A defect has been resolved that meant stubs could not be saved if they contained Base64 byte arrays (with no schema applied).
31233 A defect has been fixed that meant tests using (empty) Base64 encoded messages would fail when the Run From Memory project setting was selected.
31235 JVM options and have been added to the default Rational Test Control Panel start-up scripts to avoid IPv4/6 port-clash problems that could sometimes occur when Rational Test Control Panel and an agent were run on the same machine.
31241 An issue that meant the z/OS MQ exit could sometimes abend on start-up has been resolved.
31325 A fix has been made for an issue that meant it was possible for a user to get a message editor into a state where they can't OK the editor.
31331 Library Manager has been changed to log output by default. This is to assist in error-diagnosis during installation and initial configuration.
31444 A defect that meant some Unicode character sets were not rendered correctly in the message editor has been fixed.
30378 It is not possible to configure LDAP/AD authentication within Rational Test Control Panel so that users and groups can be searched for under different root nodes. A 'User Search Root' field has been added to both the Active Directory and LDAP configuration pages in the Rational Test Control Panel installer. To preserve existing functionality, if this field is left blank, the existing search root value (renamed to 'group search root') will be used for both users and groups.
30654 When tests are created from CICS Transaction Gateway recordings, Rational Integration Tester will now correctly use the commarea length and the TPN from the messages.
29589 The MDW console now correctly shows a "filtering disabled" message instead of a "validation disabled" message when disabling filters.
30218 A defect that meant integration tests created using the Recording Studio Save wizard would have disabled subscribe actions has been resolved. The subscribe actions are now enabled by default.
31592 A change was introduced to the Software AG wmIS components in release 8.0.1 that had the unintended consequence that recording and stubbing no longer worked against wmIS version 6. This was because wmIS 6 uses an earlier version of Java. The implementation of the server components has been modified in release to try and avoid this problem.
31631 A race condition between Rational Test Control Panel and Rational Integration Tester meant that, in some cases, recorded events would not show in Recording Studio even though it appeared to have started recording and the message was successfully picked up by the proxies. This was particularly likely when recording FIX traffic as if the initial session-establishment messages were missed by Rational Integration Tester then no further messages would be shown. This problem has been resolved by enabling Rational Integration Tester to store up messages it receives before it is ready. This will then be processed rather than being lost. This means that there might still be a delay between Recording Studio appearing to be ready to record and events actually appearing (of up to ten seconds). However, events captured during that time will then be displayed.

Mod Pack 1 (8.0.1)
Link Date Released Status
ID Description
27845 In previous releases, if an agent registered with Rational Test Control Panel was stopped and then started again in a short space of time then two agents would appear in Rational Test Control Panel. It was not clear to the user which was the running one. This has been changed so that Rational Test Control Panel now recognizes a re-started agent and only shows the one, preventing confusion.
25127 Generating an ANT script from within Rational Integration Tester no longer outputs (irrelevant) error messages to the console during successful processing.
26889 Clicking Ok in the Trigger properties dialog box is now consistent with the other editors, in that re-running the trigger with the dialog box still open will pick up the changes.
27235 Irrelevant Tibco-related exception logs are no longer shown in the Agent console output when running a performance test that is not Tibco-related.
27238 Rational Test Control Panel hover-text help for stub-deployment errors is now displayed if the user is running Firefox 10.
27247 Operation stub filters are now included in HTTP routing rules.
27254 When the last project is removed from a Rational Test Control Panel environment the environment itself is now automatically removed.
27281 Fixing validation issues from the Tester console (for a stub) now works even if the stub editor is open. Previously if the editor was open the ‘fix’ would be lost when the stub editor was closed.
27288 The Create/Edit Test Data Set test action and wizard are now named consistently. The action’s icon has also changed.
27358 The Edit Environments dialog box's default height is now limited to avoid it being too high for the user’s display.
27368 The formatting tab of the Field editor has been re-worked to improve usability.
27381 Changes have been made to the http transport to try and ensure http messages appear in recording studio in the correct order.
27530 The SQL Query action no longer allows non-database transports to be selected as the Database Server.
27612 In the Agent list within Rational Test Control Panel the type of an agent is now displayed (Rational Test Virtualization Server, Rational Performance Test Server, Probe). This allows a user to understand what the agent is licensed to do.
27632 The Create Test From MEP wizard will now prompt for an environment (if none was previously selected) before attempting to execute the generated tests.
27637 On Windows, the Start menu contains new Start/Stop icons and a link to the login page when Rational Test Control Panel has been installed.
27638 Upgrading a Rational Test Control Panel instance now preserves all settings and logs. However, please note that as per the known issues section it is not possible to upgrade Rational Test Control Panel on Windows if it was installed a service.
27670 Rational Test Control Panel URLs have been changed from using the pipe character to using the forward slash in order to improve browser compatibility and readability.
27686 If tag was inserted into an ECMAScript function using the right-click tag-menu then the tag would have %% around it. This is not required for using tags in ECMAScript and would cause the function to fail. The tags[tagname] notation is now used. Although in many cases just tagname would be sufficient the explicit form ensures failures will not occur if the tagname matches an ECMAScript reserved word or existing variable.
27694 In previous Rational Integration Tester releases a blank page was displayed during the installation process on 32-bit Solaris. This has been fixed.
27714 The JSON boolean field editor claimed to accept a value of "1" as "true" and “0” as false. The only valid Boolean values in JSON are “true” and “false”, so attempting to use 1 and 0 would not give the behavior expected. The text has been changed to make this clearer.
27715 A problem that could lead to failures occurring when parsing JSON arrays has been resolved.
27716 Null handling in the JSON schema has been improved. Fields of type long, double and Boolean can now contain null values, the string type works correctly with null values and when data-driving it is possible to map tests-data-set ‘nulls’ to JSON nulls.
28415 It is now possible to use tags in message editors for all JSON field types, not just string.
27719 The REST schema icon has been changed to avoid confusion with the JSON schema icon.
27728 On Solaris, Library Manager no longer outputs java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError exceptions to the console if pcap was not installed.
27750 A number of fixes have been made to resolve memory leaks.
27796 A problem has been resolved that could cause valid FIX Messages created from recorded messages (using Recording Studio) to show red-crosses in messages editors.
27809 On Windows, uninstalling a component that was running as service (e.g. the Rational Integration Tester Agent) will now correctly stop the service first.
27846 Users have experienced difficulty in configuring the Rational Integration Tester Agent so that it logs errors to a file. Additionally, in earlier releases not all information would be sent to a log file. Some important information was only output to the console window which could not be seen if the Agent was running as a service on Windows. A default Agent installation will now log to the .rit8 directory for the Agent. This is controlled by settings in the file.
27852 The Recording Studio New Trigger Wizard now enables the Next/Previous buttons at the correct time.
27870 Changing the "Continue on Fail" checkbox in the Suite Scenario Editor now correctly marks the scenario as ‘dirty’ meaning that the user will be able to save it.
27932 In earlier release, when deleting nodes using the Field editor a user is warned about removing an XML node even if the content was not XML. This has been resolved.
27935 A more readable error message is now displayed to the user if they attempt to open a test data file (from within the Tests Data Set editor) that does not exist.
27944 Running an empty test or stub now report different messages. Previously both stated "The test contained no test actions"
28031 Changes have been made to the Linux installation to solve some specific cases where Library Manager would not run because pcap could not be loaded.
28046 The SSH setting dialog box will now revert changes made if you choose Cancel after testing the settings.
28066 A defect that could cause the WS-Security Editor Up/Down Buttons to behave erratically has been resolved.
26360 ANT scripts generated from within Rational Integration Tester now include the HTTP bindings (and other settings) from Library Manager as -D arguments which ensures the Tester instance they start operates as expected.
26852 The HTTP/TCP Proxy registration file has been modified to provide additional information about the meaning of the forward element.
27292 When a stub is stopped (cancelled) from within Rational Integration Tester it no longer reports an error message on the cancel, nor ticks up the usage count by 1.
27860 It is no longer possible to set a logical component’s parent as itself in the Logical View of Architecture School.
28056 The Logical View within Architecture School no longer allows an operation to have a dependency on itself.
27861 Messaging actions within Test Templates now contain the Linked Requirement UI controls. Previously it was possible to link a requirement to a Test Template (by dragging the requirement on top of the Test Template) but it was then impossible to alter those links from within the test actions.
27867 It is now possible to delete dependencies from within Architecture School’s Logical View. Previously the component’s properties dialog box had to be used to achieve this.
29594 Various usability issues have been addressed during a Rational Test Control Panel installation when a previous workspace already exists.
27984 On non-Windows platforms the full path to the Rational Integration Tester Agent no longer needs to be provided in the Agent.config file. In previous releases the element had to include the full path.
28037 An error that could cause an exception stating that a string cannot be cast to A3 type while running a webMethods test has been resolved.
28060 Changes have been made to the multiple Save buttons on Notes tab in Results Gallery to avoid user confusion.
28410 During installation the Rational Test Control Panel Security Configuration panel now correctly remembers the chosen authentication type if the user goes back to it after passing through it.
28576 In previous versions it was possible for a non-administrator user to issue a command against Rational Test Control Panel (using a browser) that would execute an admin-level function. The user would need to know the format of the request to make. This is no longer possible.
28674 Pasting WSDL file paths into Logical View that have quotes around them and that are within the project structure now generate correct paths within Tester. Previously a trailing quote would be left at the end of the path.
28676 A number of errors could occur when pasting XML content into the SOAP header editor have been resolved. Cancel now works correctly if a user backs out of the editor.
28802 A problem that meant importing a .p12 certificate into Rational Integration Tester failed after entering a (correct) password has been resolved.
28886 Due to a change in behavior of a UI control in Java 7 the field viewer in Recording Studio did not automatically add a horizontal scroll bar. This made it impossible to see very wide data. Tester will now automatically turn on word-wrap if it notices the longest string is wider than the dialog box.
28907 In previous releases Rational Integration Tester would fail to start-up if Library Manager hadn’t already created the .rit8 directory (or there was an existing .ghTester5 directory for Rational Integration Tester to migrate from). Rational Integration Tester will now automatically create the .rit8 directory itself if it is not present.
29141 Changes have been made to the way that Overwrite Expected Message operates to avoid multi-threading issues resulting in Tester appearing to ‘hang’. Repair operations that were previously being handled asynchronously are now performed synchronously.
29145 URLs copied from Internet Explorer using the “Copy Shortcut” menu item can now be correctly pasted into Tester.
29155 JBDC recording and stubbing has been modified to try and work more reliably in cases where localhost is being used as the database hostname.
29218 A number of fixes have been made to editors to ensure they correctly notice when fields are changed and enable saving.
29230 Default configurations applied to message actions (e.g. transport) are now saved correctly and allow a test to be run immediately. Previously the user had to change a field in the editor in order for the defaults to be used within a test.
29259 Custom FIX messages now contain the correct message type when they are published.
29394 Tester can now import WSDL files containing empty elements. Previously the import would appear to succeed nothing would actually be imported.
29404 Adding an operation to a service component in Logical View no longer automatically expands all other service components.
29430 The Agents view in Rational Test Control Panel now shows HTTP and HTTP(S) routing and recording rules separately.
29508 A scroll bar has been added to the suite selection view in Rational Test Control Panel.
29658 A defect has been fixed which could result in the Recording Studio Save Wizard failing to complete if the user chose “Add Trigger to menu” option and clicked Finish.
29697 If a Test Suite Scenario was configured the "Allow tests to continue even if step fails” option then this flag was being incorrectly passed into stubs run within Rational Integration Tester defined in the scenario. This could lead to confusing pass/fail results being reported to the user. This was capability is only intended for use in Tests and the issue has been resolved by ensuring that stubs do not use this setting.
29735 If a Results Publisher was configured to use a Custom JUnit report then an error would occur when a suite using this published was run stating “JUnit Report.xsl was not found. This has been resolved.
29811 The Agent.config file contained formatting that made it difficult to read using Notepad on Windows. This has been resolved.
29832 The HTTP/TCP proxy registration.xml no longer contains Unix newlines characters when installed on Windows.
29862 The stub editor no longer requires a user to press Enter after changing field values in the output tab before saving.
29934 It is now possible to round-robin route messages to http based stubs. This behavior requires either multiple copies of the same stub to be started via Rational Test Control Panel, or a stub started in Rational Test Virtualization Server and Rational Integration Tester where the Rational Integration Tester project is registered against the same Rational Test Control Panel instance (including domain/environment) that was used to start the Rational Test Virtualization Server-based stub.
29961 In Logical View, deleting the last child from a container node now reverts the node to a normal node, rather than leaving it as an empty contained.
29986 A problem has been resolved that meant Pending Database Writes were not reported correctly when running a performance test. The ‘heartbeat’ message on the Rational Integration Tester console would always report zero pending writes regardless of the actual number. This made it difficult for users to realize that the bottleneck in running the test was the writes to the results database. The correct value is now reported. Tester uses a queue to write performance data to the results database so that the write does not immediately block the generation of load. However, if load is being generated faster than it can be written then the queue depth will increase. The pending database writes value shows the length of this queue. When it gets to a certain size then load generation will slow down. Increasing/high pending values indicate that the database being used to capture results is not fast enough to keep up with the load generation.

Fix Pack 5 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
53378 Rational Integration Tester no longer supports the SonicMQ transport. If a user loads a project that uses the SonicMQ transport into this version of Rational Integration Tester, the transports and operations will not appear in Architecture School, and tests and stubs that use the SonicMQ transport will fail to run. Users must replace the SonicMQ transport with the JMS transport configured to use SonicMQ. Customers who are affected by this change should contact IBM support before they upgrade.
53355 The version of Apache Tomcat that Rational Integration Tester uses has been upgraded from 7.0.27 to 7.0.62. This change resolves the security issues that are documented in the following bulletins:

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server affected by Apache Tomcat vulnerability (CVE-2014-0227)

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server affected by Apache Tomcat vulnerability (CVE-2014-0230)

53355 The password hashing in Rational Test Control Panel was changed from the MD5 message-digest algorithm to a secure alternative. Refer to the following bulletin for additional details about this security issue:

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server uses an insecure hashing scheme for handling user passwords (CVE-2015-1913)

Fix Pack 4 (
Link Date Released Status
ID APAR Description
48881 The security issue that is documented in the following bulletin is resolved:

Rational Test Control Panel component in Rational Test Workbench and Rational Test Virtualization Server affected by Castor Library vulnerablity (CVE-2014-3004)

48477 The security issue that is documented in the following bulletin is resolved:

Rational Integration Tester component in Rational Test Workbench affected by Netty vulnerablity (CVE-2014-3488)

Fix Pack 3 (
Link Date Released Status
ID Description
GHT5-28016 The HP Quality Center Change Management integration to allow defects to be raised in QC from Rational Integration Tester has been updated to provide improved compatibility across QC9.2 - QC11 including fixpacks. Please note that this integration can only be used from the Windows 32-bit version of Rational Integration Tester. This is because HP only supply 32 bit integration DLLs which a 64 bit installation of Rational Integration Tester cannot use.
GHT5-29509 The WSDL Operation parameterOrder attribute no longer causes an error during WSDL synchronization.
GHT5-29388 A problem that could result in the MIME node formatter constructing corrupt payloads has been resolved.
GHT5-29309 Tag values used within MQ filters are now honored correctly
GHT5-28679 Stubs no longer suppress compilation errors occurring within their message cases.
GHT5-28675 A preference has been added to limit the number of optional fields from the schema definition that will be created during wizard processes to prevent memory issues with very large schemas.
GHT5-28666 When a Java Object schema contains a java.util.Collection field Tester will use a java.util.ArrayList as the implementation when building an Object instance to prevent errors.
GHT5-28044 SOAP Headers now show correctly in the Field Properties editor. The editor now allows arbitrary SOAP Headers and attributes to be created.
Minor documentation updates to: Rational Integration Tester Reference Guide, Rational Integration Tester Integration Guide for HP Quality Center, Rational Integration Tester Reference Guide for Java Objects and Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack Installation Guide.

Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
ID Description
GHT5-28385 A problem that meant an error could occur when an HTTP based stub received a GET (as opposed to a POST) has been resolved.
GHT5-28302 HTTPS recording and virtualization is now supported where the server requires a client-certificate to be presented for authentication. HTTPS recording and virtualization is also now supported where the client uses HTTP which much be converted to an HTTPS connection in order to establish a connection to the server.
GHT5-28352 Tester now supports schema mapping where children can have the same name but different types. Comments in XSD elements are also now allowed.
GHT5-28348 Virtualization and Performance Reference Guides are now included in an installation of Rational Integration Tester.
GHT5-28303 A problem has been fixed that meant recording of HTTPS traffic could stop if a client dropped a connection.
GHT5-28301 When configuring a stub to use SSL users are now informed if the settings are invalid due to a list of trusted CAs not having been specified.
GHT5-28299 HTTPS recording now supports protocols other than SSLv3.
GHT5-28242 A problem that could cause EBCDIC new line characters from being corrupted within the bytes formatter has been resolved.
GHT5-28220 Promoted byte[] fields are now displayed correctly in Recording Studio.
GHT5-28222 A problem that resulted in blank data model mapping panels being shown in the Recording Studio Save wizard has been resolved.
GHT5-24362 Single-Sign-On between Rational Integration Tester and Microsoft Windows Active Directory now works correctly. This means that secured projects run from the command line or from HO Quality Centre can now be opened.
GHT5-24666 If an assert action within a failure path is inside an iterator then if the assertion failed once then all subsequent iterations would follow the failure path regardless of whether the assertion passed or failed. The failure path within the iterator is now only executed if the assertion itself fails.
GHT5-24646 It is now clearer how to configure Rational Integration Tester to use JMS over MQ if WebSphere Application Server 6 (WAS) JDNI is being used. Previously users had to add entries into Library Manager manually. There is now a new provider section to the "IBM WebSphere Application Server" section of Library Manager to allow configuring of the WAS jar files needed to access WAS JNDI. This is called: "IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.0 (JNDI access)" and allows the 4 jar files required to enable WAS JDNI lookup to be configured. Customers upgrading from 5.x version of GH Tester to Rational Integration Tester will need to reconfigure Library Manager to set-up MQ/JMS jars.
GHT5-24631 In certain cases, when using the Message Difference Window with messages containing repeating elements erroneous additional fields could be added to the expected message of the tests. This problem has been resolved.
GHT5-24654 Schemas can now be be resolved in TIBCO BusinessWorks DesignTime libraries.
GHT5-24651 It is now possible to select a specific agent when scheduling a test to run via the Rational Test Control Panel.
GHT5-24384 The security configuration dialog box no longer appears during a silent installation of Rational Test Control Panel.
GHT5-24447 When the Installation Manager is used to install Rational Integration Tester or Agent and the user selects to run the Library Manager at the end of the installation then Library Manager will now run correctly even if Installation Manager is still running.
GHT5-24597 If an unknown content type is encountered when processing an MQ message it is now shown as such to the user and can be republished.
GHT5-24650 A fix has been made to correct a problem that meant, in some circumstances, messages based on record layout schemas would show red crosses in the message editor.
GHT5-24714 Some user experienced problems that meant Log Values from Performance Testing were not shown in a chart's counter tree even though they are present in the database. Changes have been made to the product to try and avoid this problem from occurring.
GHT5-24453 To prevent Rational Test Control Panel’s dashboard from becoming stuck in the “deploying” state, improvements have been made to how Rational Test Control Panel detects errors when agents and stubs are starting.
GHT5-24694 The End Timed Section action editor now correctly triggers the dirty flag meaning that a user can save the action.
GHT5-24698 Receive Reply Defaults are now saved correctly when a default (non-modified) message is saved.
GHT5-24673 Automatically adjust IDoc recording/subscribe date-time values to the server timezone. Note that the IDoc query ABAP interface has changed to support this feature. It will therefore be necessary for existing users of Rational Integration Tester's SAP support to update to the new ABAP source, and create the new interface structure: ZRGTITS_SEL_UPDTIMSTMP. Source files for both these actions, as well as the other dependent structures, can be found under /tools/SAP along with installation instructions.
GHT5-24661 The MQ Transport no longer requires access to the command queue for simple put/get messaging operations. Command queue access is only required for recording where PCF messages need to be sent (for Queue Alias, MirrorQ and Record-the-transport recording techniques).
GHT5-24077 A fix has been made to ensure that the database stub editor does not show duplicated queries.
GHT5-24663 Cancelling an Iterate action now longer finishes and fails a test (but correctly marks it as cancelled).

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
ID Description
GHT5-24019 Publishing SOAP messages using WS-Security headers now works correctly.
GHT5-24622 A problem that could cause Rational Integration Tester to freeze when adding an environment has been fixed.
GHT5-24608 Fixes have been made to delimiter handling when parsing and formatting Fedwire messages to prevent the publishing of invalid transfer messages.
GHT5-24054 The Function action now uses multi-line technical description.
GHT5-24621 A fix has been made to ensure that subscribe actions using the Fedwire and CHIPS field expanders validate correctly.
GHT5-24031 An XML schema can now be applied to an xsd: any element. This provides support for XML fragments within xsd:any typed elements.
GHT5-24576 Improvements have been made to Recording Studio’s memory management and it now releases cleared-out events from memory more quickly.
GHT5-24577 Correlation IDs are now preserved when messages are exported from Recording Studio and then reimported.
GHT5-23886 The “Open” button on the Data Source (file) editor now opens the file specified in the dialog box text box instead of the file name with which the resource was last saved.
GHT5-24075 When a new schema is added to the Schema Library it is now opened automatically. If multiple schemas are dragged into the Schema Library, the last one in the set will be opened.
GHT5-24315 A registered agent is now displayed on Rational Test Control Panel’s Agents page even if no domains have been configured.
GHT5-24453 To prevent Rational Test Control Panel’s dashboard from becoming stuck in the “deploying” state, improvements have been made to how Rational Test Control Panel detects errors when agents and stubs are starting.
GHT5-24413 Rational Test Control Panel’s domain selection page now displays a “Loading” dialog box.
GHT5-24496 Changing the ordering of tests within a suite now triggers the “dirty” state, which enables the suite to be saved.
GHT5-24494 Improvements have been made to the breadcrumb consistency when searching and viewing results on the Rational Test Control Panel’s Results page.
GHT5-24481 When editing data from a database stub in an external editor, it is now possible to add a column (by specifying column name in the spreadsheet) when the underlying database is Oracle.
GHT5-24588 JDBC Recording has beenfixed to ensure that SQL can still be recorded when Stored Procedure parameters are in use.
GHT5-24583 The FIX Transport configuration screen now allows “TargetSubID”, “TargetLocationID”, “SenderSubID”, and “SenderLocationID” to be set.
GHT5-24561 “Create Test from MEP” now works correctly when using Operations created from TIBCO BusinessWorks synchronization.
GHT5-24535 FIX Message groups within groups are now correctly identified.
GHT5-24534 There is now enhanced support for Microsoft SQL Server data types within JDBC Virtualization. There is also support for the following SQL Server specific types: unique identifier columns, date and time, character and binary strings, numerics and row version.
GHT5-24506 Added functionality to allow the creation of requirements messages derived from an Operation's MEP type.
GHT5-24532 Added check for 'null' string as correlation ID when grouping events in Recording Studio Save Wizard.
GHT5-24531 Fixed memory usage indicator defect.
GHT5-24524 Fixed a number of JDBC virtualization issues : incorrect upper-casing of MS SQL Server table and column names; display of NULL parameters on SQL calls in recording studio; injection of NULL values into the simulation database during learn processing.
GHT5-24475 Fixed red-cross issue when copy and pasting within a message structure.
GHT5-24158 Using the Run Command action with a command spanning multiple lines now runs correctly on Unix. Previously the command had to be on a single line. This problem did not exist when running under Windows.
GHT5-24486 The File Comparison action now provided additional information when result truncation occurs. The lower limit at which result truncation occurs has also been increased.
GHT5-24492 New Message Actions now correctly copy Transport fields from their Operation.
GHT5-24462 A problem that could occasionally cause a Concurrent Execution Exception when attempting to open the Message Differencing Window has been fixed
GHT5-24501 The wording shown when linking Requirements has been clarified.
GHT5-24521 The banner text for Requirements has been clarified.
GHT5-24566 It is now possible to call Stored Procedures with parameters in test actions when Rational Integration Tester has been configured to use the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver.
GHT5-24596 The various components now register and display as their version.
GHT5-24604 A problem that meant uninstalling the Rational Integration Tester could sometimes leave the prunsrv.exe file has been fixed.
GHT5-24612 A user must now make a ‘license type’ selection when installing the Rational Integration Tester Agent. This is to avoid the ‘default’ installation of a Performance Test Agent occurring when a user (who wants to use stubs) simply clicked Next through the installation process.

Initial Release (8.0)
Link Date Released Status

Original Publication Date

18 June 2024

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSF3TZ","label":"IBM DevOps Test Workbench"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000boAyAAI","label":"Documentation-\u003EIntegration Tester"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSKZXE","label":"IBM DevOps Test Virtualization"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000boAZAAY","label":"Documentation"},{"code":"a8m0z000000boAyAAI","label":"Documentation-\u003EIntegration Tester"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSYLZ4","label":"IBM DevOps Test Performance Test Server"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000boAZAAY","label":"Documentation"},{"code":"a8m0z000000boAyAAI","label":"Documentation-\u003EIntegration Tester"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
18 June 2024

