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IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z Library

Product Documentation


IBM® Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z (IBM ADDI) is an analytical platform for z/OS® application modernization that is designed to help developers and architects rapidly discover and analyze relationships between application components, data, and jobs to make changes safely and efficiently.

This page contains a collection of product documentation and resources for IBM ADDI.


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IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z V6.1.x


Announcement letter

IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z V6.1

What's new

The following new features and enhancements are available in version 6.1.3
  • Enhanced IBM Application Discovery Configuration Admin dashboard with automation and improvements on security and authentication.
    • Added the support of TLS 1.3 on the Security page. If you select HTTPS as a connection protocol, both TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 are supported. For more information, see Configuring Security Settings.
    • Added a new option of Self signed certificate files on the Security page. You can use this option to generate self-signed certificate files automatically to secure communications between servers and services. For more information, see Configuring Security Settings.
    • Added the User authentication page. You can use two options on this page for user authentication settings: one is to configure administrator accounts that have access to the IBM Application Discovery Configuration Admin dashboard; the other is to configure user authentication that controls access to Analyze Client. For more information, see Configuring User Authentication.
    • Added the configuration of secure communications in the IBM AD Configuration Wizard and Add Relational Database Server. For more information, see Configuring by using IBM AD Configuration Wizard and Managing a Relational Database Server.
    • Enhanced the secured connection when you use a browser to access IBM AD Configuration Wizard after IBM AD is installed or updated. Now the new self-signed certificate that can be trusted by browsers is generated automatically during the installation or upgrade process. For more information, see Configuring by using IBM AD Configuration Wizard.
    • Removed the Enable Authentication check box and General section on the Authentication Server (DEX) page. For more information, see Configuring Authentication Server (DEX).
  • Enhanced IBM AD Analyze Client with new functionalities and enhancements.
    • Added the support for creating a favorite list of analyses. You can add an analysis to the favorite list and access the analysis quickly for all available projects in the IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information, see Creating a favorite list of analyses.
    • Added a new option of Display only programs and a list of resource types in the Callgraph restrictions setting page. You can restrict call graphs to filter out resources in the IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information, see Restricting call graph to filter out resources.
    • Enhanced the Explore … (project name) Tab with a new functionality to display only the programs or resources that are related to the dead code. For more information, see Explore … (project name) Tab.
    • Enhanced the quick filter in the Explore Projects Tab with the support for filtering projects based on annotations. For more information, see Explore Projects Tab.
  • Updated the call chain Rest API with new endpoints and removed the endpoints that are related to includes.
    • New endpoints
      • callchain/programs

        You can use this endpoint to generate the list of programs from OrientDB for a specific project. For more information, see callchain/programs.

      • callchain/callgraph

        You can use this endpoint to generate a call gragh. For more information, see callchain/callgraph.

    • Removed endpoints
      • callchain?showIncludes=true
      • callchain/includes
      • callchain/includes/withParameters
  • Reorganized the file paths of log files for services and improved the capabilities of IBM AD Configuration and Log collection tool (ADLogCollector).
    • Moved the files for Manual Resolutions Service, Mainframe Project Service, Search Service, Cross Service, and File Service from the service folder to the conf folder of each service folder. For example, move the for Search Service to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\IBM Application Discovery Search Service\conf.
    • Moved the dex.log file for DEX Service to <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\Authentication Server (DEX)\log.
    • Updated the installService.bat for each service and the ADLogCollector that is located at <IBM ADDI Installation Folder>\support\ with the new location of the log files.
    • Removed the option to collect Analyze Server logs from IBM AD Configuration and Log collection tool.
    • Improved IBM AD Configuration and Log collection tool to generate the files regardless of the environment or machine state.
  • Upgraded the Db2 driver db2jcc4.jar to 4.33.31 in the libraries, for example, lib-convrepo, lib-ezdao, lib-bridge-legacy, and lib-comp-common.
The following new features and enhancements are available in version 6.1.2
  • Enhanced Java™ analysis support.
    • Added the support of Cross Applications Analysis from Java to Mainframe. Now you can provide a configuration (.json) file with defined APIs to build and analyze the project and to view the Mainframe calls from Java projects through the Cross Java To Mainframe Call Graph option. For more information, see Cross Java To Mainframe Call Graph.
    • Enabled the analysis of Cross Java To Mainframe Call Graph and Java Call Graph in all layers of Graph Inventory views. You can start the analysis wizard from Explore projects, Packages, Classes, and Methods views.
    • Enhanced secure communications between Wazi Proxy and Wazi Analyze Docker Engine. For more information, see Configuring Docker Engine for Remote Access with TLS.
  • Enhanced AD Configuration Admin Dashboard with automation and improvements on security:
  • Enhanced Control-M Usage features and provided more instructions around Control-M reports. With the enhanced Control-M Usage functionality, you can check Control-M sources (applications, folders, and jobs), analyze the Control-M report with filters, and export the report. For more information, see Control-M Usage Settings and Control-M Usage.
  • Updated the call chain Rest API with a new query parameter info. You can use the info query parameter to conduct call chain analysis to get the source type and path for all the involved programs. For more information, see Generating call chain analysis results by using API URLs.
  • Added a new progress log to track the status and duration of IBM AD Project Build that is performed in headless batch modes. For more information, see Checking the log files of components.
  • Improved Flow Chart and PL/I dynamic resolution algorithm.
  • Added support for saving project properties from command line interface with IBM AD Build. For more information, see II. Description of the IBM AD Build Client Batch Commands.
  • Added support for Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11. For more information, see Supported Platforms and Versions.
  • Removed the ADDI Extensions component and the following services or features from the ADDI product:
    • Business Rule Discovery services
    • Analyze Server relevant services
    • Java legacy features
  • Removed all mentions and instructions about Linux®/zLinux support from ADDI documentation.
  • Made updates to Wazi Analyze:
  •  Starting with ADDI 6.1.2, ADDI Extensions is no longer included as part of the overall ADDI package. You can continue accessing the ADDI Extensions component from any other ADDI releases that are in support prior to ADDI 6.1.2. The full withdrawal of the ADDI Extensions will take effect when the ADDI 6.1.x release stream reaches the end of support. A further notice will be made available in IBM Support - Product Lifecycle site.
The following new features and enhancements are available in version 6.1.1:
  • Continuously improved language currency support to enable developers to analyze complex COBOL, ASM, and Java applications. The key enhancements are as follows:
    • COBOL 6.4: Introduced the new Program type for Java Static Methods CALLs in IBM AD Analyze Client.
    • COBOL 6.2: Added the partial support for COBOL Conditional Compilation directives. For more information, see Cobol Variable Usage.
    • ASM Macros: Improved the dynamic resolution algorithm to support more use cases in Assembler.
    • Java: Introduced the advanced Java project inventory for analysis, with which you can see the resources, such as packages, classes, and methods inside a Java project, and view the source code from a node or edge. For more information, see Explore project analysis.
  • Upgraded IBM AD Analyze Client to be compatible with IBM Developer for z/OS (IDz) 16 based on Eclipse and introduced a new feature to display Control-M elements (Jobs, Apps, and Databases). In the Explorer project view, you can use the Name filter field to filter the Control-M resources by name. For more information, see Explore … (project name) Tab.
  • Improved the performance of IBM AD Build Client for large projects during MAKE request for API resolution.
  • Added RACF Pass Phrase support in IBM AD Connect for Mainframe.
  • Added support for synchronizing members based on type if more than one member type exists in the same PDS Library/Directory. For more information, see Examples for synchronizing members based on type.
  • Streamlined the process on configuring secure communications and added support for migrating from self-signed certificates to a single signed chain certificate. For more information, see Managing Security in IBM AD and Migrating from a self-signed certificate to a single signed chain certificate.
  • Enhancements for IBM ADDI Extensions.
    • Enhanced security implementations.
    • Made minor doc changes.
  • New features and enhancements of IBM Wazi Analyze V2.2.0:
    • Improved the authentication experience for those users who configure IBM ADDI as the additional data provider. When an Application Discovery (AD) static analysis data provider is used, you can log in to Wazi Analyze with the AD username and password. For more information, see Configuring additional data providers.
    • Added the support for scanning programs on the z/Transaction Processing Facility (z/TPF) operating system. The basic functionality has been enabled for trial and additional enhancements will not be supported at this stage. For more information, see Understanding the scan options in the configuration file.
    • Enhanced Wazi Analyze static analysis with the support for z/OS® Discovery Library Adapter (z/OS DLA) runtime data analysis. On the program call graph, Wazi Analyze indicates the possible program artifact that is the same as the program artifact in the z/OS DLA data provider. For more information, see Correlating static analysis to runtime artifacts.
The following new features and enhancements are available in version 6.1.0:
  • Added the following support features for COBOL 6.4. For more information, see Cobol Variable Usage.
    • Call static Java methods that use CALL statement in COBOL programs
    •  PERFORM UNTIL EXIT statement
    • Compiler directives:
      • DATA
    • User-Defined Functions that are currently treated as COBOL programs.
  • Added support for External Subroutines in NATURAL applications. For more information, see Natural Program Structure and Natural Variable Usage.
  • Improved support for Macro expansion in HLASM. Added support for &SYSMAC, &SYSLOC and &SYSSTYP System Variable Symbols, AIF with multiple conditions, UPPER function, and improved the expansion algorithm to take into account the dynamic changes of global variable symbols.
  • Added Cryptographic Discovery support for COBOL. For more information, see Using IBM AD and Quantum-Safe Cryptography Feature
  • Added new improved logging feature for Build Process. For more information, see Displaying Build Results.
  • Enhanced support for working with Dynamic Calls. 
  • Added programmatically Runstats, Reorg and Rebind actions for Build performance boost on Large AD projects that use DB2 LUW Repository. 
  • Enhancements for IBM ADDI Extensions.
    • Enhanced security by changing the way of password encryption.
    • Applied accessibility fixes and minor doc changes.
  • New features and enhancements of IBM Wazi Analyze V2.0:
    • Enhanced impact analysis capabilities. For more information, see Viewing impact analysis results.
      • Added C language support, in addition to COBOL, PL/I, Java, and Assembler.
      • Improved the scanning feature. Now you can organize the source files in a sub-directory to be scanned and be able to scan files whose names and extensions are in upper or lower case. For more information, see Preparing the source files to be scanned.
    • Improved the scalability and usability of the relationship graph. When there are more than 100 nodes to display on the graph, the same types of nodes with the same relationship to the related nodes will be grouped together and displayed as a single node. For more information, see Viewing relationships between system artifacts from a z/OS Discovery Library Adapter data services data provider.
    • Added the settings of user preferences to customize the behavior of the analysis view. For example, you can set your preferred view or the number of items to be displayed in the table view. For more information, see Changing user preferences.
    • Added Linux on IBM Z container support.
    • Enhanced APIs to support Java application analysis. For more information, see Using Wazi Analyze APIs.
    • Made various UX/UI improvements:
      • Redesigned the landing page. The Wazi Analyze project is now called a workspace. The workspace name is the same as the project name in the Wazi Analyze container. A Workspace view is provided so that you can see the list of all available workspaces.
      • Added a data provider page to display all the available data providers when you configure additional data providers.
      • Improved search experience. For example, now you can see the number of search results that are found for each artifact type.
      • Improved the performance of displaying a large graph.

Product documentation

Online HTML format

IBM ADDI Documentation: The HTML-based online product documentation for IBM ADDI is available on IBM Documentation site.

PDF format

Title Order number Publications Center Last update
IBM ADDI Quick Start Guide V6.1.3 MOJY5ML PDF 19 July 2024
IBM ADDI Quick Start Guide V6.1.2 M0CHHML PDF 14 July 2023
IBM ADDI Quick Start Guide V6.1.1 M089MML PDF 7 October 2022
IBM ADDI Quick Start Guide V6.1.0 M067NML PDF 31 May 2022
IBM AD Quick Start Guide V6.1.3 M0JX4ML PDF 19 July 2024
IBM AD Quick Start Guide V6.1.2 M0CHBML PDF 14 July 2023
IBM AD Quick Start Guide V6.1.1 M089GML PDF 7 October 2022
IBM AD Quick Start Guide V6.1.0 M067HML PDF 31 May 2022
IBM Wazi Analyze Quick Start Guide (July 2023) M0D0DML PDF 14 July 2023
IBM Wazi Analyze Quick Start Guide V2.2.0 M08B6ML PDF 7 October 2022
IBM Wazi Analyze Quick Start Guide V2.0.0 M0686ML PDF 31 May 2022
IBM AD User Guide V6.1.3 SC28-3160-07 PDF 19 July 2024
IBM AD User Guide V6.1.2 SC28-3160-06 PDF 14 July 2023
IBM AD User Guide V6.1.1 SC28-3160-05 PDF 7 October 2022
IBM AD User Guide V6.1.0 SC28-3160-04 PDF 31 May 2022
IBM AD Connect for Mainframe Program Directory V6.1.3 GI13-4562-10 PDF 19 July 2024
IBM AD Connect for Mainframe Program Directory V6.1.2 GI13-4562-09 PDF 14 July 2023
IBM AD Connect for Mainframe Program Directory V6.1.1 GI13-4562-08 PDF 7 October 2022
IBM AD Connect for Mainframe Program Directory V6.1.0 GI13-4562-07 PDF 31 May 2022
IBM ADDI Extensions User Guide V6.1.1 SC28-3122-05 PDF 7 October 2022
IBM ADDI Extensions User Guide V6.1.0 SC28-3122-04 PDF 31 May 2022

Additional resources

For product news, events, and other information, visit the following pages.

IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z V6.0.x


Announcement letter

IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z V6.0

What's new

The following new features and enhancements are available in version 6.0.2:
  • Added support for advanced Java™ analysis. You can visualize Java classes and their relationships to assess the impact of code change in IBM AD Analyze Client. For more information, see Java Call Graph - Wazi Analyze.
  • Added support for analyzing existing AD projects through the Wazi Analyze web UI. You can select an existing AD project from the web interface to view the program call structure and the relationships between programs and included files, without the need of the AD Analyze Client.
  • Enhanced Assembler support. Support for Assembler LARL syntax is added in the dynamic resolution mechanism. AD now can recognize the LARL syntax.
  • Enhanced IMS support. Support for DLITCEE entry and CEETDLI statement in the COBOL compiler is added. For more information, see Adding Files to Project Folders and Program Flow.
  • Enhanced COBOL compiler support. Support for collecting Include information is added. Now you can get the Include information, such as the position and type of Include, the replacement texts, or other related statements to the Includes in the COBOL compiler.
  • Enhanced the Natural compiler support. As an application developer, you can successfully build AD project for your Natural application.
  • Made services and security improvements.
  • Accessibility fixes and minor documentation updates for IBM ADDI Extensions.
  • New features and enhancements of IBM Wazi Analyze V1.4.0:
    • Enhanced impact analysis capabilities. For more information, see Viewing impact analysis results.
      • Added JCL job analysis support for COBOL, PL/I, and Assembler.
      • Added support for previewing source content for COBOL, PL/I, and Assembler, including JCL source files
    • Added support for the additional data sources from the following two data providers. For more information, see Configuring additional data providers.
      • Application Discovery static analysis data provider to use IBM Application Discovery as the data source
      • z/OS® Discovery Library Adapter data services data provider to analyze the relationship of artifacts within z/OS systems
    • Enhanced the secure communications with the Wazi Analyze server and the Wazi Analyze APIs server.
    • Enhanced APIs to support Java application analysis. For more information, see Using Wazi Analyze APIs.
    • Made various UX/UI improvements including but not limited to the following updates:
      • Added filters to display only the selected items on the view.
      • Updated various UI elements, such as the icons that display on the graphs.
The following new features and enhancements are available in version 6.0.1:
The following new features and enhancements are available in version interim fix 1:
The following new features and enhancements are available in version
  • IBM Wazi Analyze, a containerized component that brings rapid analysis capability to developers to help them discover the relationships between the components of their z/OS applications and to understand the impact of potential changes. It provides a graphical visualization of COBOL application artifact dependencies in a web user interface. For more information, see IBM Wazi Analyze User Guide.
  • An API to enable developers to start the usage analysis without the need of Analyze Client. This API shows the relationships among the programs and exposes that information in JSON format.
  • Check command added to the Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence CLI list, enabling the administrator to validate multiple projects in an automated fashion.
  • Annotations added at the project level to enable users to share knowledge across the Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence environment.
  • Enhanced Assembler Macro support to parse and resolve multilevel dynamic Assembler Macro calls (without the interpretation of the logical expression).
  • Improved configuration experience by adding the IBM Authentication Server (DEX) configuration process to the dashboard.
  • Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence Extensions, which is a web-based tool to facilitate enterprise DevOps adoption and drive continuous improvement across the lifecycle of product development, delivery, and maintenance. For more information, see IBM ADDI Extensions User Guide.

Product documentation

Online HTML format

IBM ADDI Documentation : The HTML-based online product documentation for IBM ADDI is available on IBM Documentation site.

PDF format

Title Order number Publications Center Last update
IBM ADDI Quick Start Guide M037LML PDF 22 October 2021
IBM AD Quick Start Guide M037DML PDF 22 October 2021
IBM Wazi Analyze Quick Start Guide M037QML PDF 22 October 2021
IBM AD User Guide V6.0.2 SC28-3160-03 PDF 22 October 2021
IBM AD User Guide V6.0.1 SC28-3160-02 PDF 31 August 2021
IBM AD User Guide V6.0.0 SC28-3160-01 PDF 29 April 2021
IBM AD Connect for Mainframe Program Directory V6.0.1 GI13-4562-05 PDF 09 July 2021
IBM AD Connect for Mainframe Program Directory V6.0.0 GI13-4562-04 PDF 19 March 2021
IBM ADDI Extensions User Guide V6.0.2 SC28-3122-03 PDF 22 October 2021
IBM ADDI Extensions User Guide V6.0.1 SC28-3122-02 PDF 09 July 2021
IBM ADDI Extensions User Guide V6.0.0 SC28-3122-01 PDF 19 March 2021

Additional resources

For product news, events, and other information, visit the following pages.

IBM Application Discovery for IBM Z V5.1.0.x


IBM Application Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z V5.1.0.x


IBM Application Discovery for IBM Z V5.1.0.x

Announcement letter

IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z

What's new

The following new features and enhancements are available in version
  • Added an upgrade wizard for upgrading from IBM AD V5.1.0.7 or a later version. With this wizard, you can quickly upgrade the IBM AD servers and components, with most manual steps taken care of automatically. For more information about the upgrade wizard, see Upgrading to IBM AD V5.1.0.9.
  • Improved the callgraph analysis performance, especially when dealing with slow networks. Faster generation of the graphs can be achieved.
  • Enhanced the build performance.
    • COBOL programs can now be compiled in parallel.
    • Faster builds can be achieved for the projects that have the API Extensibility feature enabled.
  • Enhanced the Natural compiler by improving the language grammar and solving syntax errors.
  • Enhanced IBM AD Connect for Mainframe.
    • Reduced processing time for the CA information by supporting the LIST=NODD option.
    • Enhanced download for the non-empty PDS or PDSE members with sizes marked as 0 KB.
    • Enhanced support for remote IBM Workload Scheduler (IWS, previously known as TWS) configuration by adding parameters and DD statements for IWS in the IBM AD Connect for Mainframe started task.
  • Upgraded Authentication Server (DEX) to version 2.25.0.
The following new features and enhancements are available in version
  • Supported the Linux® environment when using IBM AD Configuration Wizard for clean installations.
  • Added the following capabilities in IBM AD Configuration Server:
    • Monitor tab: On this new tab, you can now monitor the status and export the log files of IBM AD components with a graphical representation of the components and their dependencies. Also, you can monitor the running status of projects. For more information, see Monitoring the Statuses of Components and Projects.
    • Language settings: You can select the language menu from the upper-right corner and choose one of the available languages. The entire configuration process is displayed in the selected language.
    • Remote access: You can access IBM AD Configuration Server that is installed on a different machine by modifying the configuration file. For more information, see Configuring by using IBM AD Configuration Service.
  • Added the following capabilities in IBM AD Connect for Mainframe:
    • Supported TLS connection to IBM AD Validation Server. For more information, see the configuration instructions for IBM AD Validation Server and for IBM AD Connect for Mainframe.
    • Supported remote connection to IBM Workload Scheduler (IWS, previously known as TWS). You can configure to use a local IWS connection when the IWS controller is installed on the same LPAR, by default, or to use the newly supported remote IWS connection when the IWS controller is running on a different LPAR. For more information, see Enabling TCP/IP Connection to a Remote IWS Controller Address Space.
    • Supported FBA PDS libraries.
    • Added REXX support for IWS data sets.
    • Replaced the CPE communication layer for IBM AD Validation Server.
  • Added the following capabilities in IBM ADDI Extension:
    • Code Coverage analysis: You can now analyze the source code coverage, identify the test coverage issues, and get recommendations on the test cases to run to optimize your test coverage results.
    • Performance analysis: This function supports the analysis of OMEGAMON® for CICS® data and System Management Facility data. By analyzing the performance data, you can identify the potential performance issues.
  • Improved the Cobol Variable Usage tab in IBM AD Analyze, where the variables that are declared in COBOL Copybooks/INCLUDES can be identified. The Include names are displayed in parentheses. For more information, see Cobol Variable Usage
  • Boosted the CA7 import performance in IBM AD Build. Less processing time is used when the CA7 report is retrieved from the mainframe.
  • Enhanced the Natural parser to reduce syntax errors and to improve the Natural analysis.

The following new features and enhancements are available in version

  • Added a configuration wizard for clean installations. With this wizard, you can configure IBM AD servers, databases, and components, without the need to manually update the configuration files. For more information, see topic Configuring with the IBM AD Configuration Wizard.
  • Updated the user interface and functionality of IBM AD Configuration Server to support monitoring service components and configuring advanced settings.
  • Enhanced the build performance.
    • When using a single instance of IBM AD Build Client, parallel synchronize processes are supported. You can split a huge project into multiple smaller projects, and then build the projects at the same time to reduce the total build time.
    • Build selection and make processes now run in bulk. A database transaction is performed for each file type, instead of each file.
  • Enhanced IBM AD Audit Service.
  • Enhanced the Cross Applications Callgraph. After the Cross Applications Callgraph is generated, the "Showing internal callgraph" option, which can be performed on one or more selected projects, is available.
  • Enhanced the Job Callgraph. When a JCL job uses the SASSTRLR tool to run the CA7 DEMAND and RUN commands to call another job, the call is collected by the JCL compiler. This type of calls can be shown in the Job Callgraph.
  • Supported setting the source file encoding in IBM AD File Service. For more information, see Configuring IBM AD File Service topics.
  • To eliminate false negative results, added the option to exclude components from the Missing Components Report.
  • Enhanced PL/I support by supporting more SQL keywords and fixing compiler bugs.

The following new features and enhancements are available in version

  • Supported interdependency calls across projects, showing dynamic calls, static calls, and all the calls to IBM utilities such as CBLTDLI, AIBTDLI, or BMPTDLI.
  • Supported program calls across different projects within the Eclipse plug-in of IBM AD Analyze Client.
  • Supported the configuration of the project resolutions that are displayed in the Cross Applications Callgraph by configuring the parameters in the conf.yaml file. For more information, see step 1.10 in topic Configuring IBM AD Cross Applications Service.
  • Supported receiving parameter values from PARM attributes when a JCL call to an API program is converted into calls to other programs. For more information, see case 2 in topic JCL Call Extensibility Examples.
  • Supported exporting the paths for programs and program dependencies that are used to generate AD graphs. For more information, see the Export Paths section in topic Graphical Analysis Overview.
  • Supported manual resolution mechanism for macro ATTACH, macro ATTACHX, and statements LINK, LINKX, XCTL, and XCTLX.
  • Supported automatic folder creation for both zOS Cobol and Cobol IDMS when you create a project and select both the Relational and IDMS database types.
  • Supported adding multiple projects into one Db2 database.
  • Enhanced the impact analysis report by supporting string literals. For more information, see topic Impact Analysis Report.
  • Enhanced support for selecting files and folders in IBM AD Build.
    • When you add files to a folder of a project, in the Add Files dialog box, the path of the last files that are added to the project is remembered and opened. If you close a project, when it is reopened, the path is reset to project_path\file_type_folder.
    • When you open the Browse for Folder dialog box, the current selection is the last path that is displayed in the Search Paths Order dialog box.
  • Enhanced support for the Add Files function and the Synchronize Members function in IBM AD Build. When adding files or mainframe members, if the limit of 40000 files or members is reached, extra virtual folders are created at the project's level. For more information, see topics Adding Files to Project Folders and Synchronize Mainframe Members.
  • Enhanced support for exploring the BMS map list. In the Explore projects tab, to differentiate maps with the same name in different map sets, map names are suffixed with map set names.
  • Enhanced support for the Audit service.
    • Added date time pickers for easier start date and end date selection.
    • Added table pagination to enhance the performance when dealing with large sets of data.
    • Fixed some issues to ensure support for downloading data as a CSV file in Internet Explorer.
  • Added a new component IBM ADDI Extension. For more information, see IBM ADDI Extension User Guide.
  • Removed IBM AD Web Services User Guide, and integrated the installation and configuration instructions of IBM AD Web Services into IBM AD Installation and Configuration Guide.

The following new features and enhancements are available in version

  • Added new functions to IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service and IBM AD File Service. Starting with V5.1.0.5, the access to file content is controlled through IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service and IBM AD File Service. No matter IBM AD is configured with or without authentication, make sure that IBM AD File Service is up and running.
  • Supported TLS connection between IBM AD Build and IBM AD Connect for Mainframe. For more information, see topic Enabling TLS Connection between IBM AD Build and IBM AD Connect for Mainframe in IBM AD Connect for Mainframe Configuration Guide and IBM AD Build User Guide.
  • Supported more file types, which are CICS CSD, AAUTO, DBD, and IMS PSB, when the Make option is used to build the modified files in IBM AD Build.
  • Enhanced support for the Add Files function and the Synchronize Members function in IBM AD Build. When adding files or mainframe members, if the limit of 40000 files or members is reached, log file AddFilesToProject.log is created in path <installation_folder>\bin\release\Log\<project_name>. This log file contains a name list of the remaining files or members, which are not added.
  • Extended support for the Cross Applications Callgraph.
    • The Cross Applications Callgraph can be expanded at the program level. Calls between programs can be shown.
    • From the Cross Applications Callgraph, source can be opened at the line where the CALL statement is in the editor.
    • Analysis can be conducted on one or more programs from a project.
  • Extended support for the Control-M Graph. Control-M XML files can be automatically retrieved from Control-M Enterprise Manager by using IBM AD Build Configuration. For more information, see topic Configuring the z/OS Connection in IBM AD Build User Guide.
  • Extended support for COBOL version 6.1. The syntax of the following statements is supported: ALLOCATE, FREE, INITIALIZE, and JSON GENERATE.
  • Extended support for COBOL version 5.2. The syntax of the following statements is supported: EXIT PARAGRAPH, EXIT PERFORM, EXIT SECTION, and a new format of the SORT statement, which is the table SORT statement that arranges table elements in a user-specific sequence.
  • Enhanced support for COBOL version 4.2 and earlier.
    • Added support for the syntax for interfacing from COBOL to JAVA. Paragraphs CLASS-ID and METHOD-ID are supported. Statements REPOSITORY and INVOKE are supported.
    • Extended support for the GROUP-USAGE NATIONAL clause.

The following new features and enhancements are available in version

  • Added the following services. When you install IBM® AD with the IBM ADDI installer, the new services are silently installed.
    • IBM AD Cross Applications Service
    • IBM AD Mainframe Projects Service
  • Added the Cross Applications callgraph.
  • Added the Control-M flow graph.
  • Extended support for COBOL version 5.1.
    • Supported the UNBOUNDED keyword in variable-length tables or groups' declarations.
    • Supported inline comments by using *> as the string delimiter.
    • Handled the new CALLINTERFACE directive.
    • Enhanced data definition with the WHEN SET TO FALSE option.
  • Enhanced support for the Natural language.
    • Supported keywords as identifiers for the READ BY statement.
    • Supported the statement reference in the FOR statement.
    • Supported forward slash (/) characters in identifier names.
    • Enhanced support for the keywords that are used as variable names.
    • In the reporting mode, ensured that the processing loop can be closed by the END statement.
  • Resolved an issue when you search in files in IBM AD Analyze Client. If the local path is not set in the conf.yaml file, the code that matches the searched pattern can still be displayed.
  • Resolved the PL/I preprocessor syntax error that is caused by the MACRO procedure parameter.

The following new features and enhancements are available in version

  • Added the following components. When you install IBM AD with the IBM ADDI installer, you can select the Authentication Server (DEX) check box on the Select Installation Components page to install this component. The other three new services are silently installed.
    • IBM AD File Service
    • IBM AD Manual Resolutions Service
    • IBM AD Search Service
    • Authentication Server (DEX)
  • Supported a complete vision of applications by visualizing copybooks and programs that are shared by multiple projects.
  • Supported adding annotation information through the resolution JSON file or utility by using the logical file name.
  • Added an option to limit access to manual resolutions for only authenticated users.
  • Enhanced the support for the EXEC DLI statement in subprograms with parameters from main COBOL programs.
  • Enhanced the support for the following IMS DB field types:
    • The key-sequenced field
    • The search field
  • Improved the dynamic resolution mechanism that is used by the assembler compiler to resolve branches and dynamic-referred programs.
  • Improved the dynamic variable resolution mechanism to support analyzing more resources without source code modification.
  • Improved the resolver behavior when an error occurs on a resolution.
  • Modified the Annotations page to improve user experience.
  • Changed the Baseline Applications field to the ChangeMan ZMF Applications field for the ChangeMan ZMF configuration in IBM AD Build Configuration.

The following new features and enhancements are available in version

  • Supported the EXEC DLI statement in subprograms with parameters from main COBOL programs.
  • Moved the IMS DB Environment setting from the project level to the folder level.
  • Supported creating the Db2 repository and annotation databases by using DDL scripts.
  • Supported CICS data retrieval by IBM AD Build Client through IBM AD Connect for Mainframe for non-APF-authorized CICS load libraries.
  • Fixed and improved the dynamic calls resolution mechanism.
  • Supported cleaning up the accidentally corrupted IBM AD projects.
  • Enabled the zNPS Survey for user feedback in IBM AD Analyze Client that is installed in IBM Developer for z Systems.
  • Upgraded the graph database version from V2.1.5 to V2.1.25.

The following new features and enhancements are available in version

  • Added the Business Rules Discovery (BRD) feature. With this new feature enabled, you can save the data that is used to define business rules in IBM Application Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z.
  • Enhanced the extensibility feature:
    o Added the mapping between generic transactions and programs.
    o Supported mapping JCL jobs to programs through API.
    o Supported adding annotations for the resolutions that come from extensibility API calls.
    o Supported updating API resolutions on demand.
  • Supported PSB mapping with programs.
  • Supported using command line to retrieve operational information. You can configure retrieval operations for multiple projects in an INI file, and run a single command to retrieve the information.
  • Enhanced the COBOL compiler to support modifying variable references by using reference modification statements like MOVE.
  • Enhanced the PL/I preprocessor to support analyzing the PL/I applications that leverage preprocessor facilities.
  • Improved IBM AD Batch Server:
    o Optimized the memory usage in IBM AD Batch Server.
    o Simplified the configuration. IBM AD Batch Server now reads the settings that are related to annotations, audit, or graph database connection from IBM AD Configuration Server.
  • Simplified the configuration of the audit service. IBM AD Batch Server and IBM AD Build Client now read the audit settings from IBM AD Configuration Server.
  • Simplified the configuration of the settings that are related to the annotation database. You can specify a custom name for an annotation database and the database server, where the annotation database is hosted.
  • Improved the performance on the Db2 repository database.
  • Visually improved the graphs that are displayed in IBM AD Analyze Client.
  • Fixed multiple issues on the assembler “where used” reports.
  • Supported Linux for System z servers.
  • Incrementally supported the import for CA7 scheduler data.
  • Integrated with IBM CICS Interdependency Analyzer for z/OS.
  • Ensured compatibility with the Photon Eclipse version.

Product documentation

Online HTML format

IBM AD Knowledge Center : The HTML-based online product documentation for IBM AD is available in IBM Knowledge Center.

PDF format

Title Order number Publications Center Last update
IBM ADDI Quick Start Guide CC991ML PDF 18 December 2020
IBM AD Quick Start Guide GI13-4552-04 PDF 15 September 2020
IBM AD Release Notes GI13-4559-05 PDF 18 December 2020
IBM AD User Guide SC28-3160-00 PDF 31 May 2021
IBM AD Connect for Mainframe Program Directory GI13-4562-03 PDF 21 January 2021
IBM ADDI Extension User Guide SC28-3122-00 PDF 18 December 2020

Additional resources

For product news, events, and other information, visit the following pages.


IBM Application Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z V5.1.0.x

Announcement letter

IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z

What's new

In IBM ADDI V5.1.0.8 release,  the code coverage analysis and performance analysis capabilities are moved off jazz and integrated into IBM ADDI Extension. For more information, see IBM ADDI Extension User Guide V5.1.0.8.

IBM ADI V5.1.0.7 includes only minor defect fixes and documentation updates.

Starting with IBM ADI V5.1.0.6, the business rule discovery and static analysis features are moved off Jazz and hence moved out of IBM ADI. Those features are now jazz-free and integrated into IBM ADDI as the IBM ADDI Extension component.

The following fixes were made to IBM ADI V5.1.0.5:

  • Defect fixes and improvements for all features
  • Documentation fixes to migration instructions
  • Accessibility and globalization fixes

The following fixes and stability improvements were made to IBM ADI V5.1.0.4:

  • Business Rule Discovery feature:
    • Fixes to enable saving multiple business terms that are associated with a snippet
    • User interface fixes for business term discovery details navigation
  • Code Coverage feature:
    • Refreshed Code Coverage headless data collection to fix for missing test ID
    • Defect fixes and improvements
  • APA/SMF feature:
    • Defect fixes and improvements
  • Other fixes:
    • Fixes to the startup issues with ADI server
    • Accessibility and globalization fixes
The following new features and enhancements are available in IBM ADI V5.1.0 and later.
  • Keyword discovery through the static analysis of data usages in application artifacts.
    IBM ADI provides a ranked list of keywords based on the usage analysis of the keywords within application artifacts such as source code. The usage information for analysis includes the usages in included files, usages in condition statements, usages in computation statements, file input/output usages, database input/output usages, and IBM MQ usages. With the usage information, you can quickly identify business terms and potential business rules from the keyword list and their usages.
  • Automated discovery of potential business terms from enterprise artifacts.
    Most of business terms and business rules are documented in enterprise artifacts as natural languages. ADI helps to expedite the business term discovery process by automatically discovering the potential business terms that use Natural Language Processing (NLP) method.
  • Team collaboration on managing the inventory of business terms and business rule packages.
    You can collaborate with your team members to build the inventory of business terms and business rule packages through the list of discovered keywords. While your team collaborates, business terms can be tracked and managed. You can identify the usages of business terms in the source code or enterprise artifacts and define them as snippets. The snippets typically contain business logic that is part of business rules. You can package business terms and snippets that are related based on their business logic as business rule packages.

In addition, ADI can leverage System Management Facility (SMF) and Application Performance Analyzer (APA) data to monitor and analyze the performance of applications.

For more information about the updates and fixed APARs of IBM ADI, see Fix List for IBM Application Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z.

Product documentation

Online HTML format

IBM ADI Knowledge Center : The HTML-based online product documentation for IBM ADI is available in IBM Knowledge Center.

IBM Application Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z V5.1.0 and later fixpacks

PDF format

Title Publication/Part number Download Last update
IBM Application Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z User Guide V5.1.0.7 SC27-9585-01 PDF 26 June 2020
IBM Application Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z User Guide V5.1.0.6 SC27-9585-01 PDF 29 May 2020
IBM Application Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z User Guide V5.1.0.5 SC27-9585-00 PDF 13 December 2019
IBM Application Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z Quick Start Guide CNX60EN PDF 13 December 2018
IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z Quick Start Guide CC991ML PDF 18 December 2020

Additional resources

For product news, events, and other information, visit the following pages.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSDQSP","label":"IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000008nHAAQ","label":"Application Delivery Intelligence-\u003EDocumentation"},{"code":"a8m0z00000008qfAAA","label":"Application Discovery-\u003EDocumentation"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 July 2024

