IBM Support

Documentation updates for IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware 8.1.x

Product Documentation


This document contains updates for IBM Spectrum® Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware 8.1.x documentation.


Documentation contains misleading information on upgrading Data Protection for VMware

The "Upgrading Data Protection for VMware" topic in the IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware 8.1.0 Knowledge Center contains misleading information.

The topic includes a step in the procedure that states "A message displays this text: The Existing Data Protection for VMware is going to be upgraded. If you confirm the upgrade, the installer updates the files.” This information is misleading as this message text does not display. This misleading information will be removed from this topic.

This topic also includes a step in the procedure that states "If the system you are upgrading to has both the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI and IBM Spectrum Protect data mover installed, install the data mover V8.1.0.” This information is misleading as the customer will not need to install the data mover first as the virtual machine installer will upgrade the product. This misleading information will be removed from this topic.

Clarification for the -vmname parameter for the Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V Restore VM command

The "Restore VM" command topic in the IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.0 Knowledge Center should contain the following information:

The -vmname parameter is valid only for restoring virtual machines that were backed up by using iffull or ifincremental modes. This parameter is ignored for virtual machines that were backed up by using the full or incremental modes that were provided in previous product releases.

Documentation contains misleading information on setting a data mover node as a tag-based node

The "Setting a data mover node as a tag-based node" topic in the IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware 8.1.0 Knowledge Center contains misleading information.

The topic includes a step in the procedure that states "The vmtagdefaultdatamover and vmtagdefaultdatamover (if set) options are added to the data mover options file (dsm.opt)." This information is incorrect and should read "The vmtagdatamover and vmtagdefaultdatamover (if set) options are added to the data mover options file (dsm.opt)."

Documentation contains incorrect parameters for specifying the type of backup to complete
The "Backup" topic in the IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware 8.1.0 Knowledge Center contains misleading information concerning the -t backupType parameter of the backup command.

If you want to use the -t backupType parameter to create an incremental forever full backup of specified backup objects, use TSM_IFFULL, not IFFULL.

If you want to use the -t backupType parameter to create an incremental forever incremental backup of a backup object, use TSM_IFINCR, not IFINCREMENTAL.

The Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI does not support more than one cluster with the same name under a single vCenter.

Documentation missing required communication port number for the Platform Services Controller

The "Required communication ports" topic in the IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware 8.1.0 and 8.1.2 Knowledge Centers should contain the following information for the Platform Services Controller:

TCP Port Initiator: Out-Bound (From Host) Target: In-Bound (To Host)
vStorage Backup Server Platform Services Controller
Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI Server Platform Services Controller
Windows mount proxy Platform Services Controller

Documentation contains incorrect message text

The text for message GVM1290E in the IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware 8.1.2 Knowledge Center should be:
GVM1290E   The connection to the IBM Spectrum Protect server was not successful because either the server credentials are invalid or an SSL certificate is required but could not be obtained.
A correct server user ID and password and an SSL certificate for the IBM Spectrum Protect server are required to connect to the server.
Administrator response
Go to the Configuration > Tasks > Edit IBM Spectrum Protect Configuration > Server Credentials notebook page. Confirm that the login credentials are correct, that the correct port number is entered for the IBM Spectrum Protect admin port, and that the Use SSL... check box is selected. The server certificate must be retrieved and a truststore created using the procedure that is documented in the Learn more... link.

Clarifications for the VE_DATACENTER_NAME parameter in the Data Protection for VMware command-line interface profile

The "Profile parameters" topic in the IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware 8.1.0, 8.1.2, and 8.1.4 Knowledge Center should include the following notes:

Important: The Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI does not support datacenters with the same name in the vCenter.

Restrictions: Data Protection for VMware does not support a one-to-many or many-to-one relationship between the datacenter name and the datacenter node. For example, the following relationships are not supported:

VE_DATACENTER_NAME DataCenter1::Fin_Datacenter1
VE_DATACENTER_NAME DataCenter1::Fin_Datacenter2
VE_DATACENTER_NAME DataCenter1::Fin_Datacenter3


VE_DATACENTER_NAME DataCenter1::Fin_Datacenter1
VE_DATACENTER_NAME DataCenter2::Fin_Datacenter1
VE_DATACENTER_NAME DataCenter3::Fin_Datacenter1

Considerations added for using the vmdk=disk label option with the vmcli Restore command

The "Restore" command topic in the IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware 8.1.0, 8.1.2, and 8.1.4 Knowledge Center should show the following information for the vmdk=disk label option:

In vSphere mode, specify the disk label of a virtual disk to include in the restore operation. Use this parameter only if you want to restore one or more specific disks, but not all disks. Repeat this parameter for each disk that you want to restore.

For example, this entry in restoreObjectListFile restores the VMDKs named Hard Disk 1 and Hard Disk 2 as a new virtual machine.

backupid:26801107 vmname:myvm:vmdk=Hard Disk 1:vmdk=Hard Disk 2::vmname:newname

The following considerations apply to each disk that you want to restore:

  • The disk must exist on the VM before you initiate the restore operation. If the disk does not exist, you must create it. You can run the dsmc dsmc restore vm command with the -preview parameter to identify the original disk label, capacity, and datastore. The -preview output does not include provisioning information.

  • The existing disk must be at least as large as the disk you want to restore.

  • The existing disk label must be the same as the disk you want to restore.

  • Any data on the existing disk is overwritten.

Only the specified disks are restored. Other disks on the VM are not altered.

The VM whose disk you are restoring must be powered off before you initiate the restore operation.

Statement added for snapshot differential backup operations not supported

The "Data movers feature" and "Backup and restore types" topics in the IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware 8.1.0, 8.1.2, 8.1.4 and 8.1.6 Knowledge Center should include the following information:

Snapshot differential backup operations are not supported in the VMware environment. You cannot run snapshot differential backup operations for a file system that resides on a NetApp filer on a host where the Data Protection for VMware data mover is also installed.

Statement added for snapshot differential backup operations not supported

The "Data movers feature" and "Backup and restore types" topics in the IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware 8.1.0, 8.1.2, 8.1.4 and 8.1.6 Knowledge Center should include the following information:

Snapshot differential backup operations are not supported in the VMware environment. You cannot run snapshot differential backup operations for a file system that resides on a NetApp filer on a host where the Data Protection for VMware data mover is also installed.

New shortcut: missing information for

In V8.1.6.1 Data Protection for VMware Windows, you can now use a shortcut to the Start Menu programs to provide a convenient way to launch the configuration wizard at any time. You can use this method if you have chosen not to launch the configuration wizard at the end of the installation.

The Start Menu programs shortcut is “Data Protection for VMware configuration Wizard” and points the following URL: https://localhost:9081/TsmVMwareUI 

Installing Data Protection for VMware on Windows systems in silent mode

Starting in V8.1.6, the silent install command to install only the data mover, mount proxy, or the feature to restore individual database from a full VM image by using Data Protection for VMware installed on a guest VM was missing from the documentation. 

A new command was added to install all these options with a single command. To install each of these options in silent mode, enter the following command: 

spinstall.exe /silent ISFeatureInstall=Client,Java,DPAPI,WebServer,Framework,VMware,RecoveryAgent ComponentsToInstallFramework="derby,filerestore,frapi,frgui" NO_WEBLINK="true" DMONLY="1"

Re-introduced GUI panels for updating the Data Protection for VMware plugin during an upgrade installation

The V8.1.6.1 Data Protection for VMware Windows and Linux packages, you can use the re-introduced the Data Protection for VMware plugin on an installation upgrade. To accommodate this plugin, the plugin upgrade option   and the vSphere credentials that go with it  - have been re-added to the installation package on both Windows and Linux.

  • Windows only:
    The V8.1.6.1 Data Protection for VMware Windows package has re-introduced a series of interactive GUI panels to deal with updating the Data Protection for VMware plugin when installing an upgrade. In V8.1.6.0, the Windows installation shown below was carried out silently.

    • Fresh Installation
      Installation on a system without a previous Data Protection for VMware version moves between the panels in the following sequence when the Data Protection for VMware Suite installation encounters the underlying installation package:

      • Welcome Panel - Initial panel for the installation

      • Ready to Install Panel - Asks the user to proceed with the installation

      • Install Progress Panel - Indicates the installation progress

      • Install Complete Panel - Indicates the installation has completed

    • Upgrade Installation
      Installation on a system with a previous version of Data Protection for VMware moves between panels in the following sequence when the Data Protection for VMware Suite installation encounters the underlying installation package:

      IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware

      Upgrading Data Protection for VMware in a vCenter Server Linked Mode environment
      All Data Protection for VMware GUI hosts must be updated in a timely manner to enable Data Protection for VMware components to support current VMware Linked Mode features.

      Note: This information is specific to Versions 5.5, 6.0, 6.5 & 6.7 of the vSphere application run on a VMware vCenter.

      VMware vCenter Server Linked Mode is a tool that provides an overview of management zones so that servers can support greater numbers of virtual machines. The IBM Spectrum Protect Data Protection for VMware plug-in is compatible with VMware running in Linked Mode. See the VMware documentation at vCenter Enhanced Linked Mode ( for more information on this VMware feature.

      When vCenters are in Linked Mode, there is a single view of all vCenters through the vSphere UI. The same UI is visible by logging in to any of the vCenters that are linked together. As a result, the IBM Spectrum Protect Data Protection plug-in is displayed on all vCenters, even if it has only been installed and configured on a single vCenter.

      While the plug-in is visible to every vCenter, the functionality of the plug-in is only available to each vCenter that has an IBM Spectrum Protect Data Protection for VMware GUI host associated with it. When upgrading a vCenter Server Linked Mode environment, take into account the following issues:

      • When you use vCenters in linked mode, the first vCenter upgraded will result in the newer level plug-in being visible to all linked vCenters. The IBM Spectrum Protect Data Protection for VMware plug-in has been developed to be compatible with a single lower level release GUI host. For example, a Data Protection for VMware V8.1.6 plug-in is still compatible with a Data Protection for VMware V8.1.4 GUI host.
      • While the lower level GUI host will still work with a newer plug-in, the functions introduced in the newer release will not work. You must update all GUI hosts in a timely manner to allow full functionality of the newer plug-in.
  • Linux only:
    The V8.1.6.1 Data Protection for VMware Linux package has re-introduced the panels during upgrade installations:

    • Register vSphere Plugin Panel - Choose whether to upgrade a previously installed plugin.

    • Enter vSphere Credentials Panel -  Enter the vCenter credentials.

Related Information

[{"Type":"SW","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSERB6","label":"IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000006kpAAA","label":"Virtual Environments (VE)"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.1.0;and future releases"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 April 2021

