IBM Support

Detailed system requirements for IBM Workload Scheduler, version 10.2.2

Detailed System Requirements


This document details the system requirements for IBM® Workload Scheduler, version 10.2.2


This document provides details of the system requirements for all IBM Workload Scheduler components on all supported operating systems.

The topics included are:

The 10.2.2 Quick Start Guide document available in IBM Fix Central lists the electronic images (eImages) to download, by platform.

To view the IBM Workload Scheduler Release Notes, go to the Release Notes page.

To view the Dynamic Workload Console, go to the Dynamic Workload Console System Requirements page.

To view the AI Data Advisor (AIDA) detailed system requirements, go to AI Data Advisor Detailed System Requirements.

To view the supported operating systems for Orchestration CLI (OCLI), go to Supported Operating Systems Report.

To access the IBM Workload Scheduler documentation, see the online IBM Documentation.

Supported operating systems for IBM Workload Scheduler

To obtain the latest information about the required versions for each supported operating system, run the related report: 

  • For the supported operating systems, all virtualizations are supported.
  • On AIX systems, ensure the system library XL C++ Runtime, version or later, is installed.

Software requirements

This section contains the following sub-sections:

Software requirements for IBM Workload Scheduler

To obtain the latest information about the following requirements, run the Detailed System Requirements report, browse to the Prerequisites tab and select the relevant section:

  • Application Servers
  • Databases
  • Java


Software requirements for WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base

WebSphere Application Server Liberty adopts a continuous delivery model where new versions are deployed on a monthly basis. During the formal testing phase, IBM Workload Scheduler and the Dynamic Workload Console were tested using WebSphere Application Server Liberty

The minimum required WebSphere Application Server Liberty version to successfully install the package is

For more information about which subsequent versions can be used in the future, see Recommended updates for WebSphere Application Server.

Supported LDAP Servers

For a list of the LDAP servers supported by IBM Workload Scheduler, refer to WebSphere Application Server Liberty base documentation, for example: Configuring LDAP user registries in Liberty and Federation of user registries.

Hardware requirements

This section contains the following sub-sections:

Disk space requirements when installing the product

To obtain the latest information about permanent and temporary disk space requirements when installing IBM Workload Scheduler on supported operating systems, run the Hardware requirements report and click on the relevant operating system link.

  1. Space for RDBMS: The disk space requirements listed in the report do not include the space required for the RDBMS software you have chosen, details of which can be obtained from their support documentation.

    Nor do they include the additional space requirement for the base support of IBM Workload Scheduler (without scheduling data), which is 2 GB.

  2. Space requirements for operating IBM Workload Scheduler: The disk space requirements listed in the report does not include the space required to operate IBM Workload Scheduler. For this you must consider the additional space required for the following:
    • Database data
    • Symphony file
    • Archive files (and their retention period)
    • Log files (and their retention period)
    • Temporary files that are placed on the local hard drive
    • Files associated with the jobs managed by IBM Workload Scheduler

    The space required is very subjective and depends on how you use IBM Workload Scheduler. If you are already a user of the product, you will have an idea of how much space it currently occupies. However, you should bear in mind that each version of the system uses more disk space than the previous one. If you are a new user you will probably set up a test system to help you grow familiar with the product and you should be able to scale up the operating space requirements of the test system to give you an indication of how much space you will be using in a fully functional live system.

  3. Before starting the installation or upgrade, ensure you have the necessary disk space available on the file system. Consider that the disk space check calculated by the installation considers the entire space occupied by the TWA_HOME directory. The space required by the backup is the sum of the following directories:
    TWA_HOME/TDWB + TWA_HOME/wastools + 

Temporary space requirements

To obtain the latest information about temporary space requirements, run the Hardware Requirements report, and scroll to the relevant operating system.

Virtual memory swap space requirements

IBM Workload Scheduler requires a minimum of 2 GB of virtual memory swap space on the file system of any operating system.

Memory requirements

To obtain the latest information about memory requirements, go to Hardware Requirements Report.



© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2006, 2016. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

© Copyright HCL Technologies Limited 2016, 2024.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSGSPN","label":"IBM Workload Scheduler"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000UoZVAA0","label":"Continuous Delivery"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"10.2.2"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 July 2024

