IBM Support

IBM z14 (3906-M05)

Product lifecycle

IBM z14 (3906-M05)

Machine Type Model: 3906M05

Lifecycle dates, announcement letters and other information

13-Sep-2017 , 72387
30-Jun-2020 , 76096
Lifecycle policy
Warranty (W)

Recommended replacement:


Last updated: 13-Dec-2023

Visit IBM's base license agreement information page for more information about ILAN and IPLA licenses. IBM Customer Agreement (ICA) terms are provided with your ICA Program software; you can also read an online version of the ICA (PDF format; get the Adobe Acrobat Reader).

Lifecycle date definitions

General Availability (GA)
The IBM offering is available for purchase, shipment, and deployment in IT environments. This is the start of the overall product support lifecycle and when Full Field and Remote Technical Support begins.
End of Marketing (EOM)
The date upon which the IBM offering will no longer be actively sold (no new sales or orders). Only existing contracts will be fulfilled until end of contract.
End of Development (EOD)
The date upon which the offering will no longer have development support. This means no new hardware, machine code, software updates, enhancements, and security patches will be provided for the offering. All existing hardware, machine code, and software updates will continue to be available. System maintenance and failed hardware part replacement will continue until the system reaches its end of support date.
End of Support (EOS)
The last date on which IBM will deliver standard support services for the offering. For software, that means service or support for a specific release or version of the offering is no longer provided. For hardware, that means technical and field (parts) support are no longer provided, and all expert remote support for the system is withdrawn. Only existing contracts will be fulfilled until end of contract, unless extensions or support upgrades are purchased.

Some announcement letters may not be available for some product releases.

Visit IBM's Standard and enhanced IBM support lifecycle policies page for more information.

See below for dates that indicate when this product will no longer be avaiable for sale by IBM, and support will no longer be provided by IBM.

Announcement letter dates are US only.

Information for other country announcements is available on the IBM Offering Information page.