IBM Support

Error system#PkgBadFormat exception in updatedb after running pkginstall during Maximo Mobile 8.11 upgrade



Receive system#PkgBadFormat exception in updatedb process after running pkginstall during Mobile 8.11 upgrade.
Alternatively, error can be seen after ear deployment, and during startup message from Maximo logs showing unable to read installed package files.


Error message in updatedb:
javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Unexpected padding
        at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(Unknown Source)
        at psdi.util.MXCipher.decData(
        at psdi.util.Version$PFReader.getPkgFromFiles(
        at psdi.util.Version$PFReader.loadProductKeys(
        at psdi.util.Version$PFReader.<init>(
        at psdi.util.Version.getPFReader(
        at psdi.util.Version.getString(
        at psdi.util.Version.getString(
        at psdi.util.Version.getString(
psdi.util.MXSystemException: system#PkgBadFormat
        at psdi.util.Version$PFReader.getPkgFromFiles(
        at psdi.util.Version$PFReader.loadProductKeys(
        at psdi.util.Version$PFReader.<init>(
        at psdi.util.Version.getPFReader(
        at psdi.util.Version.getString(
        at psdi.util.Version.getString(
        at psdi.util.Version.getString(
Or the error message during startup:
psdi.util.MXSystemException: BMXAA4072E - The formatting for the packaging file is incorrect. Contact IBM Support for help in removing the corrupt files. Then reinstall new files using the PkgInstall utility.
	at psdi.server.MXServer.getPkgFromJar( ~[businessobjects.jar:?]
	at psdi.server.MXServer.packagingCheck( ~[businessobjects.jar:?]
	at psdi.server.MXServer.boot( ~[businessobjects.jar:?]
	at psdi.server.MXServer.start( [businessobjects.jar:?]
	at psdi.servlet.MAXIMOStartupServlet.init( [classes/:?]


The Maximo Mobile 8.8 and 8.9 interim fix packages are released with license files to access the Mobile applications. These license files were created with the old encryption method, which are no longer valid on later versions of TPAE interim fixes. Or vice-versa where the newer license files are not valid on the old encryption method in older versions of and

Resolving The Problem

Before proceeding, make a backup of your current SMP directory (the files that are being moved or removed).
If you are able to restore the SMP folder to a state before the Mobile installation was completed:
  1. Go into the SMP\maximo\tools\maximo folder, and find all .pkg files (excluding subdirectories).
  2. Move the three pkg files named MobileIC_76.pkg, TPAE_7612_IFIX005.pkg, TPAE_7612_IFIX012.pkg. Only the MobileApps_76.pkg file is left from Mobile.
  3. Install the Tivoli's process automation engine 7613 interim fix 013 or later (if not already completed).
  4. Install Mobile 8.11.
  5. Install Mobile 8.11 latest interim fix (recommended).
  6. Run the pkginstall command with the three .pkg files removed previously.
  7. Run updatedb.
  8. Build and deploy ear file.
If you are unable to restore the SMP folder:
  1. Go into the SMP\maximo\tools\maximo folder, and find all .pkg files (excluding subdirectories).
  2. Move the three pkg files named MobileIC_76.pkg, TPAE_7612_IFIX005.pkg, TPAE_7612_IFIX012.pkg. Only the MobileApps_76.pkg file is left from Mobile.
  3. Go into your current license keys directory: IBM\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\businessobjects\classes\psdi\app\signature\apps
  4. **This step is sensitive**. Find the .keys files that match the latest time that pkginstall ran, and move these files outside of the SMP directory structure. If unsure, then can remove all, and add back in 1 by 1 to find which are corrupted.
  5. Install the Tivoli's process automation engine 7613 interim fix 013 or later (if not already completed).
  6. Install Mobile 8.11.
  7. Install Mobile 8.11 latest interim fix (recommended).
  8. Run the pkginstall command with the three .pkg files removed previously.
  9. Run updatedb.
  10. Build and deploy ear file.

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000hAgaAAE","label":"Maximo Application Suite-\u003EMAS Applications-\u003EMobile"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS014593946","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.11.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
09 November 2023

