IBM Support

IBM Maximo Application Suite - Manage Component patch 8.6.4

Fix Readme


On 29 August 2023, IBM released IBM® Maximo® Application Suite Manage Component patch 8.6.4.


APAR and Known Issue Fixes
When an APAR or Known Issue has Manual Change in the first column, click the link or go to the Manual Changes section for directions.
When an APAR or Known Issue has Behavior Change in the first column, click the link or go to the Behavioral Changes section for information.
APAR Application Name Description
DT198258 System UI The horizontal scrollbar is missing when custom page header is enabled.
DT203337 System UI Clicking combo box's title, combo box value list is displayed instead of field help.
DT208871 Conduct Inspections Maximo Mobile retrieves Asset images as part of lookup data, which downloads an overly large amount of data.
DT211156 Approvals Users must click twice on the Complete Work button.
DT214233 System UI In the Job Plan application, some fields are not aligned.
DT221877 Technician The Required tag does not work for Description and Work Type fields.
DT222853 Technician Selecting Problem, Cause, and Remedy from mobile device works more slowly than expected.
DT223013 Graphical Scheduling The right click menu option for "Go to Assets" causes a random Asset to be displayed.
DT223184 Technician Maximo Mobile - Refactor ALLOWEDSTATES to improve download performance.
DT223260 System UI Attachment URLs are incorrectly modified.
DT223666 Technician The 'spinning wheel' animation persists around the buttons in the Work Order Details screen.
DT223678 Conduct Inspections Complete button is disabled even if all required fields are filled out
DT223980 Conduct Inspections Spaces are ignored in an inspection form question.
DT224315 System UI In the Assets application, several fields are misaligned.
DT224771 Conduct Inspections Questions sequence on Question Group not showing number bigger than 99.
DT224829 Technician When Work order status is changed to INPRG in Maximo Mobile for EAM app, the status of completed Tasks from Work Orders are changed back to INPRG (on device only).
DT225143 Mobile Completing an Inspection Form takes longer than expected.
DT225311 Conduct Inspections Maximo Mobile crashing on iOS.
DT225465 Mobile Unnecessary attributes are displayed in the Technician application.
DT225467 Mobile Need to optimize the time to fetch work order task list
DT225468 Mobile Error BMXAA0031E saving count book record.
DT225628 Mobile Warning from required field is not getting cleared from the Technician App.
DT225715 Mobile Mobile user cannot select the date from the calendar in Inspections. The calendar form either does not display, or appears briefly and disappears.
DT228388 Mobile Creating a Work Order in Maximo Mobile for EAM from a view or history that contains more than 5000 records causes Error BMXAA7387E to be thrown.
DT228660 Service Request Service Requests auto numbering not working in Mobile Service Request application
DT228199 Mobile Loading large Inspection forms is slow. The inspection form contains around 780 questions. On the first load, it takes around 10-15 seconds before it appears. 
DT228711 Approvals Maximo Mobile 8.10 SUPMOBILE still references PLUSSGEOJSON instead of Autolocate.
DT233509 Install / Upgrade Building Manage with a custom registry with the Ansible scripts fails with '/additional-server-files not found' error.
IJ35025 Work Center Delay in load times of 10 to 20 seconds for Work Center applications.
IJ39760 Integration If "Sort By On"(QUERYTEMPLATEATTR.SORTBYON) is unchecked, both "Orderby Order" (QUERYTEMPLATEATTR.SORTBYORDER) and "Ascending" (QUERYTEMPLATEATTR.ASCENDING) attributes are editable rather than read-only.
IJ39798 Purchase orders Trying to approve an Invoice results in errors BMXAA2013E - "Could not change invoice status to APPR." and BMXAA1993E - "Cannot approve invoice because there are no matching receipts for line 1 of purchase order.".
IJ43949 Work Order Tracking Entering actual material in the Work Order Tracking application for certain items results in a "MaterialsActualsOverwritten" error.
IJ44466 Preventive maintenance Feature data remains in the Preventive Maintenance record after the Feature is removed from the Asset.
IJ44510 Assets Event Listener, Message Tracking, and Message Store are not working for the LOCMETERREADING object.
IJ44633 System UI Scenario: The user has an extra-wide display. Running a BIRT report with the SiteID field results in error BMXAA3556E - "SiteID is a required field.".
IJ45206 Integration POLINE Delete action through the MIF does not work.
IJ45917 Asset templates Saving an Asset Template with a newly created Classification results in error BMXAA0191E - "Field Table Value for attribute is required. Please enter a value.".
IJ46539 Domains Physical Count Adjustment dialog box shows all records, instead of only the ones selected in the list tab.
IJ46555 System UI Scenario: The user pastes an image into the Long description field and saves the record. However, closing and reopening the window does not show the image in the field.
IJ46747 Inventory usage In the Inventory Usage application, changing the Status to Shipped results in error BMXAA4195E - "A value is required for the Packing Slip field on the SHIPMENT object".
IJ46768 Work Order Tracking Selecting a Condition-enabled Item on an Approved Work Order results in error BMXAA9991W - "Average cost has changed. Work Order Actual must be removed and re-added.".
IJ46808 Condition Codes Work Order Reservations for Condition-Enabled Items are only selected from Default Bin.
IJ47336 System UI It is not possible to generate Warranty Claims from Work Order Tracking.
IJ47338 Graphical Resource View In the Graphical Resource View, the Crew cell is marked Partial for Full Day Availability.
IJ47346 Login Using paths /maximo/ui/login/ and /maximo/ui/webclient/login/logout.jsp in URL causes request loops.
IJ47428 Manage Inspections Forms In a Maximo interim fix 008 environment, mandatory Meter reading fields do not display.
IJ47442 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Scheduling, the Priority column displays "0" instead of an empty value for Work Orders where the Duration is NULL (empty field).

Manually Installing the Patch
  • Log in to Maximo Application Suite Administration as an administrative user.
  • On the left, click Applications.
  • From the Action menu, select Update configuration.
  • In the dialog box, click the pencil icon on the Components line.
  • Under Activation configuration, click your workspace details page link.
  • From the Action menu, select Update configuration.
  • Under Configurations, click the pencil icon on the Components line.
  • In the Maximo Base line, under new version click the down arrow.
  • Select Version. Enter 8.6.4
  • Click Save.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000hB0QAAU","label":"Manage"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.6.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 January 2024

