IBM Support

MustGather for IBM Sterling Order Management: Pricing Issues



MustGather information aids in problem determination and saving time while resolving cases. IBM Sterling Support can better understand your problem if all the information requested in this MustGather is provided upfront.
Once the diagnostics are captured, this document will also guide you to share the data with IBM Support.

Diagnosing The Problem

Gathering information to open a support ticket
A valid IBM customer number, contact name, email address, and phone number are important to validate the entitlement and contact information.
Refer to the section "Accessing Software Support" in the IBM Software Support Handbook to have the full list of information necessary to open a support ticket.

To determinate the correct Severity of your concern for your business, refer the IBM Software Support Handbook.

A. Provide answers to all of the following before you gather problem-specific information requested in part B. 

  1. Share detailed steps to recreate the problem along with supporting screenshots and/or a recording of the problem if possible.
  2. Highlight the Observed Vs Expected behavior.
  3. Provide the Business Impact along with any timelines impacted due to the reported issue.
  4. Which environment/s is the issue seen? Is the behavior only noticed in Production or other lower environments too?
  5. Is the problem specific to a particular user or are all users impacted? Any other patterns observed such as specific items, nodes or enterprise etc?
  6. Is this a new flow that is tested or was this working before? Since when is the issue noticed?
  7. Are there any recent changes in the impacted environment such as a custom deployment, Fix pack (Minor version) or Major version upgrade that you think might have caused this issue?
B. Find the problem that best describes your situation. This lists the diagnostics that IBM Support team requires to review your problem.

Pricing APIs

  1. For issues related to any of the Pricing APIs, capture and share the following diagnostics:
    Apply VERBOSE tracing on the Component Type API and Component Name corresponding to the API name where the issue is seen and share the logs. For more details, refer to the video that illustrates how to put components on trace
  2. If the same API call is working fine as part of a different flow or from the API tester, capture the VERBOSE trace for the working scenario as well.
Note: It is not recommended to put VERBOSE trace on the production environment. If you are only able to reproduce the issue on production, then consider single user test with UserTracing enabled instead.    

Incorrect Pricing Calculation

Please gather the following details for issues specific to Pricing:
1. Price Lists
  1. Price list details (Pricing > Price Lists > Find Price List).
  2. Is this a newly created Price List or was the issue recently noticed? If this was recently observed, were there any new Pricing rules or coupons created? 
  3. Please attach the Price List configuration details.
  4. Are you able to confirm the behavior on Test Pricing as well? 
  5. Is this issue noticed for all items or certain items under the Price List? 
  6. Mention the expected and observed behavior. 
  7. Are you unable to Add Items or Adjust Prices to the Price List?
    • Please provide details on how the items are added
    • What is the error observed
    • Please provide a screenshot of the error
    • Please provide an error trace
2. Coupon configuration
  1. Please share screenshots of the coupon configurations.  ( Pricing > Find Coupon > Select the related coupon)
  2. Please explain scenario along with expected behavior vs observed behavior. 
  3. If you are unable to apply coupon to an order:
    • Please share the error observed along with a screenshot.
    • Are you able to validate the coupon under Test Pricing ? If so, please share a screenshot of the scenario. 
    • If you are unable to configure coupon to apply for a specific price type.
      • Please share price type configuration. 
      • Please share the error observed along with a screenshot.


For SBC UI related issues, provide the following information:
  1. Please capture and share the HAR file. (You can refer to this document for more information on collection HAR files)
  2. WUFALL logs captured during issue replication
  3. According to the WUFALL logs, if any specific API or service is seen to throw any errors, verbose trace can be put on it to capture more details:
  • Apply VERBOSE tracing on SBC on the Component Type API and Component Name (api where the issue is seen) in OMS and share the logs.
  • For more details, refer to the video that illustrates how to put components on trace
  • Note: VERBOSE trace is NOT RECOMMENDED for the production environment. If you are only able to reproduce the issue on production, then consider single user test with UserTracing enabled instead.

How to submit diagnostic data to IBM Support

General IBM Support hints and tips

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cxzdAAA","label":"Catalog"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"10.0.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 December 2023

