IBM Support

Maximo Mobile - Troubleshoot performance problem

How To


The document describes how to get the requests in Maximo Mobile and test attribute by attribute in Postman


This configuration involves setting up an Android emulator, collect OSLC requests sent to the Maximo Mobile application and use Postman to identify the attributes that can cause performance issue.


1) Set up Android emulator

Run the Android Studio and open the Virtual Device Manager from Tools menu
Create a Device by using the "Create device" button


Select any virtual that has the Play Store installed. For example, Pixel 4

Click "next" and select a system image with an API level similar to a typical physical device 

Click "next" and click "Finish".

Click the "play" triangle button to start the emulator.

Contact Maximo support for an APK

Enter the environment URL and log in to the Maximo Mobile application

Alternatively, connect a physical device to a PC by using a USB cable.   Enable USB debugging:

  • Open the Settings app and tap on the About option
  • Tap on the Build Number option 7 times to enable developer mode
  • Go back to the Settings screen and enable the USB Debugging option in the list

2) Get the OSLC request with Chrome Inspect

Open a browser tab in chrome and enter the URL chrome://inspect/#devices

Click Inspect underneath the Maximo Mobile application.


Go to the simulator and perform some action in the Maximo Mobile application.  For example, click "Check for Update" to refresh the Assigned work list.

Go to the Network tab in chrome

Right click on the query > Copy > Copy as cURL


Paste the URL in POSTMAN. 

Here is an example cURL.txt

POST URL looks like this


x-www-form-urlencoded is selected by default


3) Test attribute by attribute in POSTMAN

Google "base64 encoder" and encode the following string: userid:password

For example, encoded value for wilson:wilson is d2lsc29uOndpbHNvbg==

Go to Postman, click Headers tab

Enter a new row

maxauth   d2lsc29uOndpbHNvbg==

Change the request type to POST

Click the Body tab
Copy the value in the and paste it in a text editor


Remove all the + symbol.  For example, do a search for + symbol and replace all with nothing


Save the file

Copy some of the data and paste it in the in postman


attached is an example example.txt

Click the Send button

Check the time that it takes to return the query 


Try to remove data in the searchAttributes and check the time it takes to run the query again.


Find out which attribute causes performance problem.  Compare the time that it takes for each attribute.  Check the database and find out whether the query causes a full scan on database, for example.

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CbQnAAK","label":"Mobility-\u003EPerformance"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS013632914","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Product Synonym

Maximo Mobile

Document Information

Modified date:
18 January 2024

