IBM Support

How to recognize when a userid logged in to DASH last time?

How To


How to recognize when a userid logged in to DASH last time?


       You can experience slower performance from the console when you enable security auditing. In that case, make a backup copy of following file and manually enable the features that you need and disable the features that you do not need. Restart the console server after you make your changes to the audit.xml file:


<auditServiceProviders xmi:id="AuditServiceProvider_1173199825608" name="auditServiceProviderImpl_1" className="" eventFormatterClass="" maxFileSize="1" maxLogs="2" fileLocation="$(LOG_ROOT)" auditSpecifications="AuditSpecification_1173199825608 AuditSpecification_1173199825609 AuditSpecification_1173199825610 AuditSpecification_1173199825611 AuditSpecification_1686743751506 AuditSpecification_1686743751995 AuditSpecification_1686743752347 AuditSpecification_1686743752684 AuditSpecification_1686743753120 AuditSpecification_1686743753700 AuditSpecification_1686743754166 AuditSpecification_1686743754520"/>

Seq = 136 | Event Type = SECURITY_FORM_LOGIN | Outcome = SUCCESSFUL | AppUserName = smadmin | RemoteAddr = xx.xx.xx.xx | CreationTime = Thu Jun 22 03:35:17 PDT 2023

"Outcome" shows whether the login is SUCCESS or FAILURE and "CreationTime" is the user logged in time. Search for the latest record for a particular user ID in the audit log to see the last logged in time.

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEKCU","label":"Jazz for Service Management"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m500000008burAAA","label":"DASH-\u003EDASH UI Services - Console UI Category-\u003EDUIS-Console UI - Login \/ Logout"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS013396909","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
26 June 2023

