IBM Support

OpenPages 9.0 and FP Known Issues List

Release Notes


A comprehensive list of known issues for Major, Mode, and Fix Pack releases for the IBM OpenPages with Watson 9.0

If you have questions about a particular defect, contact Customer Support.


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Known Issues in IBM OpenPages with Watson 9.0
(*) Updated since the Known Issues list was initially published.



Using an AI model configuration to set fields in an object from a Single value returned, results in an incomplete update.

This configuration is defined with:
  •  An Insight Type of "Set Fields - Suggests values for fields that the user can set" and
  •  An Output definition of "Single Insight"
When used in the task view, only the first character of the returned result is set in the field.  
For example, if the model returned the single insight: "Data is used for testing applications", then the target field of the model output would be set to "D".
To work around this issue, update the configuration as follows:
1.  Change the output type to be "List of Insights"
2.  Adjust the JSONata to return a list of values instead of a single value
For example, if the JSONata was "summarization.text" to return a single value, adjust the JSONata to return a list by adding "[ ]" to the expression. In this example, the modified JSONata would be "summarization.text[]".
Attempting to use an AI model configuration to Set Fields in an object that uses a Creation view does not work. This problem occurs when:
  • The AI model is configured to use an Insight Type of "Set Fields - Suggests values for fields that the user can set" and
  • The model is configured to be used within an object type's creation view.
To work around this issue,
1. Save the object
2. Close the tab and reopen the object.  Alternatively, you can also refresh the browser screen.
3. Click on the insights button to get the AI model insights and set it to the fields
3. In a GRC Workflow, the Standard error message is not displayed when there are both Standard and Custom error messages defined in the same Workflow Action.

Set Custom error messages for all Validations of Workflow Actions

4. In a GRC Workflow Action with
  • Multiple conditions that are part of an OR clause and
  • When there are both Standard and Custom error messages
You might see messages about conditions not met that are not accurate.

Set Custom error messages for all Validations of Workflow Actions

5. Some Reporting fragments might fail in OpenPages 9.0

Details of a workaround can be found in this technote:
Running Reporting Fragment fails with 'OP-12013 The computation encountered an error' exception

6. The RCSA Process Alignment Helper fails because it contains a problematic Reporting Fragment

Details of a workaround can be found in this technote:
Running Reporting Fragment fails with 'OP-12013 The computation encountered an error' exception

7. In an upgrade or migration environment, any existing reports that rely on Facts & Dimensions will not work because Facts & Dimensions have been removed from OpenPages since version 8.3
8. * Upgrading to OpenPages 9.0 can fail if there are deleted or excluded object types

Follow the instructions to determine whether you are impacted and what steps are needed to work around the issue in the tech note titled "The IBM OpenPages 9.0 database upgrade fails if there are deleted or excluded object types"

Known Issues in IBM OpenPages with Watson 9.0 FP1
(*) Updated since the Known Issues list was initially published.



The OpenPages Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey capability is temporarily unavailable during IBM's transition to a new NPS survey platform.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey functionality will not be available until IBM's transition to the new NPS survey platform is complete and a later OpenPages release.
2. Beginning in, you can now add filters on tags. However, filters on tags ignore the "Not" operator.

Restructure the filter to achieve the same results without using Not
3. Using the Export grid and FastMap to move questionnaire data between systems, the Authoring Metadata field is not exported to the FastMap spreadsheet.

Administrators can add the Authoring Metadata field from the Questionnaire Template object to profiles for users who use FastMap for moving questionnaire data between systems.
4. In an upgrade environment with OpenPages V6 reporting packages, some reports (e.g. Audit Deviation report) produce Expression Parsing errors when run with newer versions of Cognos.

Contact OpenPages Support to remediate the issue.

5. The RCSA Process Alignment Helper fails because it contains a problematic Reporting Fragment

Details of a workaround can be found in this technote:
Running Reporting Fragment fails with 'OP-12013 The computation encountered an error' exception
6.  In an upgrade or migration environment, any existing reports that rely on Facts & Dimensions will not work because Facts & Dimensions have been removed from OpenPages since version 8.3
7. Upgrading to OpenPages 9.0 can fail if there are deleted or excluded object types

Follow the instructions to determine whether you are impacted and what steps are needed to work around the issue in the tech note titled "The IBM OpenPages 9.0 database upgrade fails if there are deleted or excluded object types"

Known Issues in IBM OpenPages with Watson 9.0 FP2
(*) Updated since the Known Issues list was initially published.

The OpenPages Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey capability is temporarily unavailable during IBM's transition to a new NPS survey platform.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey functionality will not be available until IBM's transition to the new NPS survey platform is complete and a later OpenPages release.
2. Beginning in, you can now add filters on tags. However, filters on tags ignore the "Not" operator.

Restructure the filter to achieve the same results without using Not
3. Using the Export grid and FastMap to move questionnaire data between systems, the Authoring Metadata field is not exported to the FastMap spreadsheet.

Administrators can add the Authoring Metadata field from the Questionnaire Template object to profiles for users who use FastMap for moving questionnaire data between systems.
4. In an upgrade environment with OpenPages V6 reporting packages, some reports (e.g. Audit Deviation report) produce Expression Parsing errors when run with newer versions of Cognos.

Contact OpenPages Support to remediate the issue.

5. The RCSA Process Alignment Helper fails because it contains a problematic Reporting Fragment

Details of a workaround can be found in this technote:
Running Reporting Fragment fails with 'OP-12013 The computation encountered an error' exception
6.  In an upgrade or migration environment, any existing reports that rely on Facts & Dimensions will not work because Facts & Dimensions have been removed from OpenPages since version 8.3
7. Upgrading to OpenPages 9.0 can fail if there are deleted or excluded object types

Follow the instructions to determine whether you are impacted and what steps are needed to work around the issue in the tech note titled "The IBM OpenPages 9.0 database upgrade fails if there are deleted or excluded object types"
8.  Copying views fail when the Title component is enabled for the object type

Disable the Title component. Copy the view. Re-enable the Title component.
User(s) may not be able to enter the Estimated Gross Loss in the Loss Event Entry Application because it is a calculated field.
There are several options to address this issue:
A runtime error occurs from a view using a custom machine learning model for Set Relationships that has been configured to return a "Single Insight". 
Configure the model to return a "List of Insights", with associated Jsonata that returns a list of values, even if the list contains a single value.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSFUEU","label":"IBM OpenPages with Watson"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000ClALAA0","label":"Administration and Configuration"},{"code":"a8m0z000000boKeAAI","label":"Browser"},{"code":"a8m50000000CkpmAAC","label":"Cognos and Reports"},{"code":"a8m50000000ClDPAA0","label":"Database"},{"code":"a8m50000000ClBJAA0","label":"FastMap"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.0.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
20 March 2024

