IBM Support

Readme: IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions Internet Service Monitoring 7.4 Fix Pack 3 Interim Fix 2

Fix Readme


This is a readme for the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions Internet Service Monitoring 7.4 Fix Pack 3 Interim Fix 2.


Release details

Product name IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions
Release name IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Version 7.4 Fix Pack 3 Interim Fix 2
Build ID
Release date 17th April 2024

APARs fixed

Following is the list of APARs fixed with this release.

  • IJ43744 32053 "HTTP/S Element History" view is broken after upgrading the ISM agent and its application support to any version from to

Superseded agent interim fixes APAR and defects

  • IJ34807 31881 31954 ISM v7.4 is not supporting TLSv 1.2
  • IJ36232 31914 ISM TCPPORT monitor core on AIX 7.1
  • IJ36925 31964 RHEL 8.5 ISM Agent (7.4 fp3) fails to monitor HTTPS URLs - OpenSSL status: error:0D0E10DF:asn
  • IJ27824 31781 httpS URL monitoring with redirection - content check fails - return code 302 -  SSL handshake failed error
  • IJ26672 31780 HTTPS monitor - Receiving response [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request] when URLs in configuration have # character
  • IJ26330 31763 Support URL redirection from HTTP to HTTPS that is currently not present
  • IJ26216 31762 HTTP/HTTPS monitor with the content check (regexp) and 303 HTTP return code fails
  • IJ02950: ISM 7401: Russian and Cyrillic symbols in tep are garbled in the "description" field
  • IV97816: ITCAM for Transactions - nco_bridge not starting
  • IJ05857 ISM needs to use a specific cipher for BridgeSSLCipherSet
  • IJ06747 SM SAA jitter monitor is failing with the Cisco router IOS version 15.5(3)M1
  • IV99793 ISM7401 TEP config GUI not working (loops or freeze?), and crash with a core
  • IV99696 ISM 7400 IF28 HTTP monitor crashes with core after 25mn of run - HTTPS monitor crashes too
  • IV93927 RHEL LINUX ISM KISagent with ITM V6.3.0.7 does not start(invalid pointer)
  • IV94812 "tacmd addbundles -i ITCAM_TRAN7.4.0.1ISM_LNX_AMD64_EN/unix" fails
  • IV91786 ISM LDAP monitor returns srchbase as "0" instead of the actual value setup in the monitor setting
    IV93700 ISM installer prereq checker incorrectly fails Red Hat LINUX 7 platform
    IV95328 LDAP monitor not working in ISM V7.4.0.1 IF0013
    IV84128 Regression - Element values in the ISM LDAP monitor can be overridden by retrieved LDAP objects attributes
  • IV44842 ISM monitors such as HTTPS and SOAP crash on AIX
  • IV46127 HTTP and HTTPS Core dumps.
  • IV46773 Invalid data passed into the KISAgent can cause a core dump
  • IV46786 SOAP monitor can create duplicate namespaces in SOAP messages
  • IV47366 ISMCONFIG is unable to connect to ITM when you are using secure ports
  • IV49848 NTP monitor returns incorrect offset values
  • IV49869 Large cookies can cause TRANSX ISM monitor to crash with the core
  • IV50219 ISM NCO__M_<monitor> can produce a core file when the ISM agent is stopped if monitor is too slow to stop
  • IV52160 Failure retests do not get executed on the SIP monitor
  • IV52162 ISM SIP monitor can crash at the end of a test
  • IV53691 NTLM doesn't work with Long DomainName host combos
  • IV54496 KIS SDA failing on zos return_code 129 reason=62 qualifier=562
    IV54952 An ISM element with no SLC group will cause the monitor to refuse to load the configuration
  • IV55317 Parenthesis ( and ) are not supported in ISM 7.4 for OID group names.
  • IV55517 SOAP monitor input validation does not accept attribute names with a '-' character.
  • IV55578 ISM Config CLI does not create OIDs in oidgroup correctly when you are making an SNMP profile with the CLI.
  • IV55810 ISM Config GUI is slow when there are MANY Profiles
  • IV56117 ISM monitors need to be able to disable TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.1 for compatibility with older cryptography implementations
  • IV56290 ISM SOAP monitor sometimes reuses xmlns:ns1 identifier for different namespaces in generated SOAP Request.
  • IV56387 ICMP Monitor Monitoring periods do not work.
  • IV56684 ISM DNS monitor transaction id is always set to zero.
  • IV7345 When http/s monitor has the outputresult property enabled long URLs can cause the monitor to crash
  • IV57413 ISM object server module on Windows does not connect to the secure object server module.
  • IV59957 Multiple content type headers in an HTTP response can cause the ISM HTTP(S) monitor to crash.
  • IV60157 Under transx HTTP(S) cookies can't be transferred between steps.
  • IV60658 DNS query id not different between retest
  • IV60769 IF0011 kis_resources.jar has incorrect version info resulting in application support mismatch error.
  • IV60778 Disable ism configuration GUI "resync agent" with a custom property in TEP
  • IV61935 Invalid data passed into the kisagent can cause a core dump in servicelevelcollector.
  • IV63262 tacmd listsystems command shows the incorrect version for ISM
  • IV65580 eElement values in the ISMLDAP monitor can be overridden by retrieved LDAP objects attributes
  • IV65736 ISM does not support the ITM \"change\" function
  • IV65798 tThe ISM soap monitor does not enable https by default
  • IV67332 SOAP monitor input parameters may not save correctly when larger than 254 characters long
  • IV68183 LDAP monitor process crashes after reconfig to use SIMPLE-SSL (internal)
  • IV68183 LDAP monitor process crashes after reconfig to use SIMPLE-SSL
  • IV72576 Race condition in LDAP monitor causing double free in OpenSSL
  • IV73214 RPING monitor is not reusing control table rows in the Juniper router.
  • IV73738 BPS calculations in SNMP monitor incorrect for very low BPS
  • IV76652 HTTP Monitor sends only 3 bytes in the body of a post
  • IV76913 Bridge accepts SSLv2 and SSL v3 connections
  • IV76923 RPING timeout value is set incorrectly
  • IV79154 Uplift from SHA1 to SHA-512 for certificate hash
  • IV79885 ismbatch should not generate an error when it is removing a non-existent OID group or adding an existing OID group
  • IV81603 Incomplete ITCAM for ISM prerequisites stating omnibus 8.1 support

Additional non-APAR defects from superseded fixes

  • 31844 Bad data is shown for the Radius monitor on non-windows platforms.
  • 31859 ISM Removed 32-bit ITM architecture li6263 and lx8263 related paths from LD_LIBRARY_PATH of kisagent as one of the customers was facing issues due to these paths.
  • 31765 Getting an error message when we run "./ stop" command on non-windows
  • 31519 ISM L3: CTIRA_SYSTEM_NAME missing from is.ini
  • 30450 No need for SSL security attributes in the HTTP.props file
  • 18533 ISM Configuration failed to Resync Agents when one of the deployed systems is offline
  • 10767 ismconfig.props need to be saved manually before the upgrade
  • 18874 ismconfig CLI failed to copy the profile
  • 19176 improper message for Resync Agent - Resyncing the agent is causing locally stored profiles to be removed
  • 19744 the later ismconfig GUI overwrites the previous GUI same named profile under specific steps
  • 19745 the later ismconfig GUI cannot display the previous GUI-created element for the same profile under specific steps
  • 19769 The profile still exists after the user cancels the copy profile.
  • 19771 The profile still exists after the user cancels creating a profile
  • 19901 Failure to delete and copy ISM profiles on ISM Configuration GUI
  • 20061 The parameters and REGEXP data are lost in the TRANSX HTTP step after the user is reopening the ISM GUI.
  • 24582 ismbatch accepts non-IP format as DNS server but fails to be parsed
  • 24694 Fix all Valgrind Leaks + Errors in HTTPS Monitor
  • 24840 Add AES to the default cipher suite
  • 25217 Remove KIS Table Columns that aren't in use anymore
  • 25397 Fix TRANSX timeout Debug Messages on Windows
  • 26189 ism7401 failed to install on the new platform - Red Hat 7.0 64bit
  • 26583 NTLM doesn't seem to work against servers that don't want Unicode
  • 27582 Bridge and Monitors failed to connect to KISagent

Release highlights

Following is the list of the new features and enhancements for this release.

New features

  • Support for Windows 2022, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
  • Uplifted ITM SDK to support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 for the ITM components


  • 31913 U-ISM: ITCAM for Transactions ISM agent v7. WatchDog functionality for ISM agent
  • 31795 U-ISM: ITCAM for Transactions ISM agent v7.4.0.2: CLI configuration command 'ismconfig -config -listelts' reveals passwords in clear text.
  • 31775 U:ISM: As an ISM agent developer, I want to upgrade Visual Studio to the 2013 version instead of the 2003 version during Big B compilation for Agent code and also want to compile agent in 64-bit so that Windows ISM agent will have both 64-bit and 32-bit installers.
  • 31826 U-ISM: As an ISM agent developer, I want to compile the ISM agent's third-party and agent code in 64-bit for the Linux Platform so that we have the 64-bit installer for the ISM agent in v6 and can drop out the 32-bit installer.
  • 31856 U-ISM: As an ISM agent developer, I want to compile the ISM agent's third-party and agent code in 64-bit for the zlinux Platform; so that we have the 64-bit installer for the ISM agent in v6 and can drop out the 32-bit installer.
  • 31827 U-ISM: As an ISM agent developer, I want to compile the ISM agent's third-party and agent code in 64-bit for the AIX Platform; so that we have the 64-bit installer for the ISM agent in v6 and can drop out the 32-bit installer.
  • 31828 U-ISM: As an ISM agent developer, I want to compile the ISM agent's third-party and agent code in 64-bit for Solaris Platform; so that we have the 64-bit installer for the ISM agent in v6 and can drop out the 32-bit installer.
  • 31815 U-ISM: As an ISM agent developer, I want to update install_driver and ref_driver for non-windows platforms with the latest ITM SDK 630 FP7 SP6; so that the ISM agent is built with the latest ITM SDK framework.
  • 31866: U-ISM: As an ISM agent Administrator, I want to support the SLES 15 platform for the ISM agent so that the ISM agent can be installed on the SLES 15 OS.
  • 31867: U-ISM: As an ISM agent Administrator, I want to support the RHEL 8 platform for ISM agent so that ISM agent can be installed on RHEL 8 OS.
  • 31874: U-ISM: As an ISM agent Administrator, I want to re-sign the ITM TEP client JAR file certificate as this certificate is going to be expired by Jun 5, 2021.

Enhancements from superseded fixes

  • 19790 Add new CLIConfig command to bulk unlock profiles.


Following is the list of the prerequisites.

  • This upgrade for ITCAM for Transactions Internet Service Monitoring supersedes and can be applied to the following versions directly. It is a cumulative upgrade. All the updates in the following releases are included in this upgrade.

Download details

Following are the download details for this release.

  1. Go to the Fix Central download link: IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions Internet Service Monitoring 7.4 Fix Pack 3 Interim Fix 2.
  2. In the Select fixes page, ensure that the release is selected, and click Continue.
  3. In the Download options page, select an appropriate option from the Select download options.
  4. Ensure you select Include prerequisites and co-requisite fixes (you can select the ones you need later), and click Continue.
  5. Depending upon the Operating system on which your agent is installed, click the appropriate download link.

Additional information

The Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1) checksum of the image follows.


Installation instructions

  • The maintenance package is applied directly to the Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent (TEMA).
  • In addition, apply application support from the interim fix package to the following ITM components.
    • Tivoli Enterprise Management Servers [TEMS], including any remote or failover TEMS configurations
    • Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server [TEPS]
    • Tivoli Enterprise Portal [TEP], including any locally installed desktop TEP clients
  • On the Windows system, extract the files from the archive and double-click WINDOWS\setup.exe. Follow the prompts to install the update.
  • On the UNIX system, extract the installer from the archive with the tar -xvf <filename.tar> command. Then, execute the installer by using the ./ command. Follow the prompts to install the update.
  • It is also possible to deploy this interim fix remotely on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring TEMS depot, with tacmd AddBundles command.  See the ITCAM for Transactions v7.4.0.1 Installation and Configuration guide.

Installing application support for TEPS - TEMS

  • For each monitoring agent installed, you must install agent-specific application support on IBM Tivoli Monitoring components. You can choose to install application support on all components at one time, or you can install the application support on components separately. If you are installing components separately, the following order is recommended:
    • Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
    • Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
    • Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop Client
    • Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server Browser client (for Linux and UNIX Only)
  • The procedure for installing agent-specific application support on the components is similar to installing the monitoring agent. The main difference is to select the required application support components.
  • It is recommended that all ISM components, agents, and support, be brought up to the same revision level.
    Note: While application support is installed, any ITM components on the current machine are automatically stopped, including any TEMS or TEPS. Follow the Starting and stopping servers and agents guide to manually stop ITM agents and infrastructure. Inform other users before you begin the installation.
  • For step-by-step application support installation information refer to the following documentation:

Post-installation tasks

A successful installation modifies the ISM version to Ensure that the version of Internet Service Monitoring in the MTEMS is  

  • On Windows, the installation logs are written to the following directory.
  • On Unix, the installation logs are written to the following directory.
  • You need to clear the Java cache on TEP client systems after you install the 7403 Fix Pack, as TEP client JAR files are newly signed.
  • Troubleshooting installation problems from the Support site: See the Installation and Configuration guide.

Usage Steps for SHA and AES support in SNMP monitor

  • Upgrade the ISM agent and its application support to its latest version IF01.
  • Select any of the following authentication and privacy protocols in the SNMP Monitor Configuration window from the ISM Configuration Panel.
    • Privacy protocols: DES|AES| AES256 |AES192|AES192C|AES256C
    • Authentication protocols: MD5|SHA|SHA-224|SHA-256|SHA-384|SHA-512

Usage Steps for TLS 1.3 support for https, imap4, smtp, pop3, and tcpport monitors

  • In the upgrade scenario from the earlier version to the 7403 FP version, you need to add SSLDisableTLS13 property in http, imap4, smtp, pop3, and tcpport monitors <monitor>.props files. With direct installation, these properties are already present in .props files.
  • TLS 1.3 is enabled by default in the 7403 FP version.
  • To disable TLS1.3, you need to uncomment and set the SSLDisableTLS13 property to 1.
  • Note: SSLDisableTLS13 property is not added for LDAP, SIP, and SOAP monitors.

Usage steps for TLS support in TCPPORT monitor

  • Set securitytype field of TCPPORT monitor configuration from the ISM configuration panel to SSL to enable TLS functionality for the TCPPORT monitor.
  • The following properties are normally present in the $ISMHOME/etc/props/tcpport.props file. With an upgrade scenario, these properties are not present in tcpport.props file. You then need to add them manually. With direct installation, these properties are present by default in tcpport.props file.
    •  # SSLCertificateFile : ""
    •  # SSLCipherSuite : "AES:3DES:DES:!EXP:!DHE:!EDH"
    •  # SSLDisableSSLv2 : 1
    •  # SSLDisableSSLv3 : 1
    •  # SSLDisableTLS : 0
    •  # SSLDisableTLS11 : 0
    •  # SSLDisableTLS12 : 0
    •  # SSLKeyFile : ""
    •  # SSLKeyPassword : ""
    •  # VerifyCertificatePreference : "Disabled"  
  • Add TLS enabled server and port details in tcpport monitor configuration.

Usage steps for SNI support in HTTPS monitor

  • Upgrade the ISM agent and its application support to the latest version IF03.
  • Verify that sniservername column is available when you configure the HTTPS monitor, by using TEP ISM Configuration Editor.
  • For the SNI-enabled web server, specify the hostname of the server, where a certificate from the web server is needed in the sniservername column.

    Note: For non-SNI web servers, sniservername is ignored.

    For SNI-enabled web servers, the user has to provide proper sniservername, or else bad data is shown on the ITM Portal.

Known issues

Following is the list of the known issues.

  • Prerequisite scanner is not running on Z-suse.
    • Problem Description: The following message is displayed while upgrading the ISM agent from 743 to 743 IF2: "There was an error running in Prerequisite Scanner".
    • Workaround: Skip the prerequisite scanner and continue with the installation.
  • NCO processes cannot be started by using the itmcmd command.
    • Problem Description: While starting the ISM agent by using the itmcmd command, monitor processes are not started.
    • Workaround: Start the NCO processes by using the start command.
  • NCO processes cannot be stopped properly by using the ism_startup script.
    • Problem Description: NCO processes start automatically after some time when they are stopped by using the ism_startup script.
    • Workaround: Stop the NCO processes along with the agent by using the itmcmd command.
  • Bad data is shown for the SNMP monitor when ISM Agent is running on the AIX platform, and the SNMP monitor is configured with AES, AES256, AES192, AES192C, and AES256C privacy protocols.
    • Problem Description: Bad data is shown for the SNMP monitor when ISM Agent is running on the AIX platform, and the SNMP monitor is configured with AES, AES256, AES192, AES192C and AES256C privacy protocols.
    • Workaround: ISM agent can be installed on RHEL, Solaris, or Windows platform for monitoring SNMP with AES, AES256, AES192, AES192C, and AES256C configuration.

See the Troubleshooting guide.

Uninstallation instructions

You can uninstall the Fix Pack, if necessary. This maintenance package cannot be rolled back.
  • Windows - The product can be removed by using the Add or Remove Programs feature.
  • UNIX - The product can be removed by using the following script.

For detailed instructions, see the ITCAM for Transactions v7.4.0.1 Installation and Configuration guide.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SS5MD2","label":"Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m500000008i3JAAQ","label":"ITCAM-for-Transactions-\u003EInternet Service Monitoring ISM"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.4.0"}]

Product Synonym

ITCAM; Itcam4tx; Itcamfortransactions

Document Information

Modified date:
30 September 2024

