IBM Support

Copying an HMC File to a Microsoft Windows PC Using PuTTY



This document describes how to copy a file from a HMC to a Microsoft Windows PC using the "PuTTY" Secure Copy (pscp) utility. This technique can be used to transfer HMC files such as pedbg to a Windows PC that has remote access to port 22 (ssh protocol).

Resolving The Problem

The following process shows how pedbg data can be copied from the HMC to a PC using Secure Copy Protocol (SCP).

oConfigure the HMC for remote command execution (ssh)
EnhancedUI: Enabling ssh/remote command execution
Classic UI: Configuring the HMC to Accept SSH Connections and Remote Commands

oEnsure the PC can access the HMC
Test the connection by logging in to the HMC remotely with a ssh client such as PuTTY. You can also list the file to be copied to ensure it exists and the hmc user has read access.

o.Obtain a scp client such as PuTTY pscp:
pscp can be obtained from the PuTTY home page or one of the alternate sites (such as

Download and install using the Windows installer or download just the pscp.exe binary.

Note: Any implementation of SCP should work as long as it does not use a restricted command such as cd. Many of the graphical SCP clients use the cd command and will fail with a restricted command error.

oOpen a Windows command prompt
windows key + r
type "cmd" and click Ok

oView the help
Run the command:
"c:\program files\putty\pscp"

oCopy the file from the HMC to the PC using pscp
"c:\program files\putty\pscp" -scp <user>@<host>:<HMC file path/name> <PC file path/name>

<user> = a valid user profile on the HMC, hscpe should be used or another user ID with a role of hmcpe
<host> = the IP address or host name of the HMC. This is typically the eth1 address.
<HMC file path/name> = the fully qualified, case sensitive, file name created when pedbg was run (i.e. file on the HMC)
<PC file path/name> = the path and file name to be created on the Windows PC


"C:\Program Files\PuTTY>pscp" -scp hscpe@ihmc7063:/dump/ c:\temp\

<user> = hscpe
<host> =
<HMC file path/name> = /dump/
<PC file path/name> =c:\temp\

Tip: To avoid typing errors, copy/paste the file name from a putty ssh session. For example to copy a pedbg file, from a putty ssh window, run ls /dump to list the file; use left mouse to highlight the file name (putty copies the text to the clipboard automatically). In the Windows command prompt, right click and select paste.

oSend the data to IBM

Select the preferred server for your geography to upload the pedbg file:
Preferred servers depending on geography
North AmericaTestcase
Asia PacificTestcase or EcuRep
Note: When using the testcase, ensure the file name begins with the PMR or Ticket number (for example When using the ecurep upload enter the pmr or ticket number in the upload form.

For further information including command line sFTP instructions see Instructions for Sending Data to IBM Support at

[{"Product":{"code":"SGGSNP","label":"Hardware Management Console V9"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Component":"Rack Mount and DeskTop - All models","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"","label":"Windows 7"}],"Version":"8.8.5;8.8.6;8.8.7","Edition":"Personal;Workstation","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB08","label":"Cognitive Systems"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 September 2021

