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IBM i Technology Refresh - More Information

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IBM i Technology Refresh - More Information

This page is an overview of additional Technology Refresh information.

Planning for an IBM i Technology Refresh update

A Technology Refresh should be used in the following situations:

To determine the Technology Refresh level needed for hardware refer to the IBM Prerequisite tool.

Detailed description of Technology Refresh content can be found in IBM Developer, under IBM i Technology Updates Hardware and Firmware.

It is important to keep systems up to date with the latest Technology Refresh PTF available. Subsequent PTFs may be dependent on it, and those PTFs cannot be loaded until their requisite Technology Refresh PTF has been permanently applied, which requires an IPL. Therefore, it is a best practice to keep systems current with the latest Technology Refresh PTFs, through the Technology PTF Group or a Resave. Subsequent Technology Refreshes for a release are supersets of previous ones, so one need only apply the latest Technology Refresh to keep the system current.

How to install an IBM i Technology Refresh

The Technology Refresh PTF itself is enablement for supporting the new function of the Technology Refresh – it alone is not sufficient for obtaining the complete support of the new function, and may not contain the latest fixes available. Therefore, it is recommended that when updating a system to a new Technology Refresh level, a client uses one of the following methods:

How to order an IBM i Technology Refresh PTF Group

A Technology Refresh PTF Group is a PTF Group that can be ordered like any other PTF Group, using voice support, Fix Central, or the SNDPTFORD command. Instructions for ordering PTFs can be found in the Maintaining and managing IBM i and related software topic in the  IBM Documentation - IBM i. Before ordering a Technology Refresh PTF Group, check and verify that the level of the PTF Group you need is not already on your system.

How to install an IBM i Technology Refresh PTF Group

A Technology Refresh PTF Group is a set of PTFs that is installed like any other IBM i PTF Group, using the INSPTF command or by taking Option 8 from the GO PTF menu. Instructions for installing PTF Groups can be found in the Maintaining and managing IBM i and related software topic in the IBM Documentation - IBM i . The Technology Refresh PTF must be permanently applied before subsequent PTFs can be loaded, which will require an IPL.

How to order and install an IBM i Resave

Refer to IBM i Resaves for instructions and other information related to ordering and installing an IBM i Resave.

How to order an IBM i Technology Refresh PTF

A Technology Refresh is a PTF that can be ordered like any other PTF, using voice support, Fix Central, or the SNDPTFORD command. Instructions for ordering PTFs can be found in the Maintaining and managing IBM i and related software topic in the IBM i Documentation - IBM i . Before ordering a Technology Refresh PTF you think you may need, check and verify the PTF is not already on your system, as a requisite of another PTF

How to install an IBM i Technology Refresh PTF

A Technology Refresh PTF is a PTF that can be installed just like any other PTF. Instructions for installing PTFs can be found in the Maintaining and managing IBM i and related software topic in the IBM i Documentation - IBM i . A Technology Refresh PTF will need to be permanently applied before subsequent PTFs that require it can be applied, so it is a best practice to apply the Technology Refresh PTF permanently when it is first applied.


Additional resources

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000C4BAAU","label":"IBM i"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.1.0;7.2.0;7.3.0;7.4.0;7.5.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
07 July 2022

