IBM Support

MustGather: How to obtain and Install QMGTOOLS and keep it current



This document demonstrates how to obtain and install QMGTOOLS properly.

Resolving The Problem

This document demonstrates how to obtain and install QMGTOOLS properly.

Important Note: The MustGather Data Capture tool is provided as-is.

The MustGather Data Capture tool was created by IBM Support to help automatically collect the many pieces of debug data that is critical to fixing complex problems more quickly.

Important Note:  Currently, there are no requirements to use this tool. In light of current Apache Log4J vulnerability  CVE-2021-44228, QMGTOOLS is not affected.  QMGTOOLS does not include Apache Log4j classes.

QMGTOOLS is only updated for IBM i supported releases - Currently 7.2 and above. QMGTOOLS is no longer updated for 7.1 and earlier, regardless of an extended contract.
To check the version run command:  CALL QMGTOOLS/QGETVER or GO QMGTOOLS/MG then option 12.  If the build date is before September 28, 2020 update QMGTOOLS before use.

Note:  Since parts of QMGTOOLS collect system information, it is shipped with public *EXLCUDE.
The command QMGTOOLS/CHGPUBAUT (change public authority) is included to allow the ability to change the public authority for the contents of the QMGTOOLS library.  
For example, to change public to *CHANGE for objects in QMGTOOLS library, run command:  

There are three suggested methods to get the QMGTOOLS library if the library does not exist on the IBM i system.

Method 1 - Installation of QMGTOOLS via PTF order

QMGTOOLS can be obtained through a PTF. Refer to the PTF Cover letter for the latest information.

Note: If your release is not listed here, then refer to the other methods to get QMGTOOLS in this document.  The QMGTOOLS library shipped through a PTF has a build date of 10/11/2019.

The current QMGTOOLS build provided by the PTFs is from 2019*. Internet connectivity is required to update the utility by using GO MG Option 13 after the QMGTOOLS utility is restored from the PTF save file.  On the screen after you take option 13, change Initial protocol to try first to *SFTP from the default of *HTTPS

*The current QMGTOOLS build provided by R750 PTF SI82345 is 12/13/2022.

NOTE: When PTF is applied, if library QMGTOOLS is on the system, a check for the build date is performed. If the build date is less than the build date of the one that is included in the PTF, library QMGTOOLS is cleared and an attempt is made to restore that library from the PTF.

ONLY IF QMGTOOLS is not currently installed, the library can be restored from save file.   If QMGTOOLS is currently installed, please update using This save file is NOT current version of QMGTOOLS.  The steps are:

1) After applying the PTF, a save file, QESMGTSAVF, is created in library QSYS

2) This save file contains an older version of QMGTOOLS library

3) Record the QALWOBJRST (allow object restore option) system value w/

4) Change the QALWOBJRST (allow object restore option) system value to
*ALL w/ command:


5) If QMGTOOLS library does not exist, restore with command :

6) Update QMGTOOLS using

7) Change back the QALWOBJRST system value to the original value w/
command:  CHGSYSVAL  SYSVAL(QALWOBJRST) VALUE(xxxx) where xxxx was
the original value

SI82345 - R750 APAR SE78969

SI71232 - R740 APAR SE72229
SI71231 - R730 APAR SE72229
SI71203 - R720 APAR SE72229

Method 2 - Other methods to obtain QMGTOOLS

Follow the URL:

A video of the QMGTOOLS install process is available:

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB68","label":"Power HW"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
18 April 2024

