IBM Support

Advanced Job Scheduler (AJS) plugin to IBM Navigator for i



AJS was delivered with Navigator starting at Q4 PTFs of 2022 and now continues to update with each quarterly PTF.


​You are in: IBM i Technology Updates  > Navigator for i > Documentation on Functional Areas > Advanced Job Scheduler
Documentation for Advanced Job Scheduler can be found here:
2024 Q2+ PTF is AJS version
Check the Properties page to verify you are running the most recent version of AJS.  Update HTTP Group PTF for the latest.
For the GUI interface in IBM Navigator for i, this list details what is available today (new items from latest ptf in green):
  • Properties
    • General - Update to Data Library with GUI interface is now available
    • Job Controls, Applications
    • Command variables
    • Data Libraries
    • Systems & Groups
    • Users
    • Schedules, Library Lists, Permissions, Calendars
  • Scheduled Jobs
    • List Items:  New, Reset Scheduled Jobs, & Properties 
    • Job Items
    • Resource Dependencies of a job can now be modified
  • Job Groups - implemented
  • Activity Log - A pre-filter has been added to limit output and allow filtering on data displayed for better performance
    • Properties & Activity Log
  • Notification
    • Properties
    • Escalation Lists
    • Recipients
    • Report Distribution Lists
    • Sent
  • Scheduled Job Activity
  • Workflow Manager - some is now available

Not yet available:
  • Workflow Manager - in progress
  • Workflow Manager & Scheduled Jobs
    • Job & Active Dependencies
  • Notification
    • Output Queue Monitors

AJS Support for iASPs
  • Automatically processing the Set ASP Group (SETASPGRP) command for the iASP associated with a Data Library if the Data Library's Initial ASP Group value is not (*CURRENT) will be taken away in the latest PTF:
    • SJ01051 v7r2m0f.ijs -
      • The Set ASP Group (SETASPGRP) command will no longer automatically process for scheduled jobs.
      • Code changes were also made to retrieve the iASP status for data libraries and return this status to the GUI programs.
  • With this PTF for AJS server side:  SI85782 (included in HTTP group PTF update March 2024) AJS supports processing of Set ASP Group when enabled.  This PTF changes processing so that the feature is always on.  PTF SI83469 introduced the feature with manual instructions to turn it on.  There are instructions to turn it off also.
  • Advanced Job Scheduler will automatically process the Set ASP Group (SETASPGRP) command for the iASP associated with a Data Library, if the Data Librarys Initial ASP Group value is not (*CURRENT).  *CURRENT for the Initial ASP Group in the Properties of a Data Library within the Advanced Job Scheduler is the equivalent to *SYSBAS.        
   with IBM Navigator for i GUI:
          The change for this part of the feature when used for GUI data retrieval and updates can be turned off using the Change Data Area (CHGDTAARA) command below. This code change affects GUI data retrieval and updates for the Advanced Job Scheduler.
    To turn this feature off do the following:
  with 5250 emulation (green screen):
     The change for this part of the feature when used with 5250 emulation screens can be turned off using the Change Data Area (CHGDTAARA) command below. This eliminates error messages and allows AJS screens to function normally when accessing a Data Library with an Initial ASP Group value other than *CURRENT.
  To turn this feature off do the following:
  NOTE: For both parts of this feature, In case the job/session had previously set an ASP group to a different iASP, the Advanced Job Scheduler will not set it back to the previous ASP group. The iASP set by the Advanced Job Scheduler will stay active until job/session ends or until another iASP is set.
  Code changes were also made to correct an error when retrieving data when using the new navigator.
   When installing this PTF, End the AJS job monitor
           (ENDJS) before loading and applying the PTF and then start (STRJS) after.

  • There are two flags that can be set in the data area for AJS related to processing of iASPs. One causes AJS to start doing the SETASPGRP for a data library in an ASP group other than *SYSBAS when using 5250 screens. And the other flag performs a SETASPGRP for a data library in an ASP group other than *SYSBAS through the GUI interface (IBM Navigator for i). 

IBM Navigator for i GUI:

AJS can automatically process the Set ASP Group (SETASPGRP) command for the iASP associated with a Data Library for GUI data retrieval and updates, if the Data Library's Initial ASP Group value is not (*CURRENT). *CURRENT for the Initial ASP Group in the Properties of a Data Library within the Advanced Job Scheduler is the equivalent to *SYSBAS. This new feature must be turned on using the Change Data Area (CHGDTAARA) following command.

This feature only affects GUI data retrieval and updates for the Advanced Job Scheduler.

NOTE: The iASP set by the Advanced Job Scheduler in the GUI server job will stay active until another iASP is set.

To turn on this feature do the following:

Green Screen:
AJS can automatically process the Set ASP Group (SETASPGRP) command for the iASP associated with a Data Library, if the Data Library's Initial ASP Group value is not (*CURRENT).
To enable the IASP option, this feature must be turned on using the Change Data Area (CHGDTAARA) command.  Enter CHGDTAARA on the green screen.  For example:

*CURRENT for the Initial ASP Group in the Properties of a Data Library within the Advanced Job Scheduler is the equivalent to *SYSBAS.

This feature affects all 5250 emulation screens for the Advanced Job Scheduler.  Setting this eliminates error messages and allow AJS screens to function normally when accessing a Data Library with an Initial ASP Group value other than *CURRENT.

NOTE: In case the job or session previously set an ASP group to a different iASP, the Advanced Job Scheduler will not set it back to the previous ASP group. The iASP set by the Advanced Job Scheduler stays active until the job or session ends or until another iASP is set.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB68","label":"Power HW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CH1AAM","label":"IBM Navigator for i"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.3.0;7.4.0;7.5.0;and future releases"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 June 2024

