IBM Support

Registered version information for Db2 Mirror



Registered version information in the Mirror Version List is used to determine the common active version that is used by both nodes to coordinate specific features or functions in a Db2 Mirror environment. This table lists each version information entry added by the IBM i operating system, a description of the feature or function that uses that version information, the Db2 Mirror for i PTF Group levels and the earliest possible release where that active version is available.


Db2 Mirror

Db2 Mirror for i makes use of registered version information stored in the Mirror Version List (MVL) view to identify the highest version value that is available on both nodes. The same version identifier value can exist on separate OS releases or when nodes are on different Group PTF levels. This allows for the coordination of new features or functions to be enabled when the operating system levels are different across the nodes.

To list all the registered Db2 Mirror version information contained in the QSYS2.MIRROR_VERSION_LIST view:

    WHERE STATE         =  'ACTIVE' AND

Quick links to a table that describes version names for individual version groups:

DATABASE version group
Version name Description Active version IBM i 7.5 IBM i 7.4
PERF‑BLOCKED‑INSERT Enhancements for Database file blocked inserts. 1.1 SF99951 Level 3
SF99950 Level 3
SF99668 Level 21
SF99704 Level 23
SQL-ADD_DAYS ADD_DAYS is a new built-in scalar function that can be used to add or subtract a specific unit of time from a timestamp or date. See ADD_DAYS built-in scalar function for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 4
SF99950 Level 4
SF99668 Level 22
SF99704 Level 25
SQL-ADD_HOURS ADD_HOURS is a new built-in scalar function that can be used to add or subtract a specific unit of time from a timestamp or date. See ADD_HOURS built-in scalar function for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 4
SF99950 Level 4
SF99668 Level 22
SF99704 Level 25
SQL-ADD_MINUTES ADD_MINUTES is a new built-in scalar function that can be used to add or subtract a specific unit of time from a timestamp or date. See ADD_MINUTES built-in scalar function for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 4
SF99950 Level 4
SF99668 Level 22
SF99704 Level 25
SQL-ADD_SECONDS ADD_SECONDS is a new built-in scalar function that can be used to add or subtract a specific unit of time from a timestamp or date. See ADD_SECONDS built-in scalar function for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 4
SF99950 Level 4
SF99668 Level 22
SF99704 Level 25
SQL-ADD_YEARS ADD_YEARS is a new built-in scalar function that can be used to add or subtract a specific unit of time from a timestamp or date. See ADD_YEARS built-in scalar function for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 4
SF99950 Level 4
SF99668 Level 22
SF99704 Level 25
SQL-ANY_VALUE ANY_VALUE is a new built-in aggregate function that returns an arbitrary value for a set of values in a group. See ANY_VALUE aggregate function for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 6
SF99950 Level 7
SF99668 Level 24
SF99704 Level 28
SQL-CREATE-ALIAS-LAST CREATE ALIAS statement can be used with a member name of *LAST. This alias refers to the most recently created member of a file at the time an SQL statement references it. See CREATE ALIAS with *LAST member for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 6
SF99950 Level 7
SF99668 Level 24
SF99704 Level 28
SQL‑DB2‑GEOSPATIAL‑ANALYTICS Geospatial functions, with IBM Watson, add industry-leading technology in the form of Geospatial Analytics to Db2 for i. With these analytic functions that include projection-free Ellipsoidal support and native Geohashes, the IBM i client can easily use SQL to use Watson Geospatial technology. See Geospatial Analytics for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 3
SF99950 Level 3
SF99668 Level 21
SF99704 Level 23
SQL-DETERMINISTIC-CTE Changes to the query optimizer in how it implements queries in which a Common Table Expression (CTE) is referenced multiple times within that same query. See Change to implementation of some shared common table expressions for SQL queries for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 5
SF99950 Level 5
SF99668 Level 23
SF99704 Level 26
SQL-ENCRYPT_AES256 ENCRYPT_AES256 is a new function that can be used to returns a value that is the result of encrypting a string of data using the AES encryption algorithm with a 256-bit encryption key. See ENCRYPT_AES256 built-in scalar function for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 5
SF99950 Level 5
SF99668 Level 23
SF99704 Level 26
SQL‑FIRST_DAY FIRST_DAY is a new built-in scalar function that can be used to derive the first day of the month in date or timestamp format. See FIRST_DAY built-in scalar function for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 3
SF99950 Level 3
SF99668 Level 21
SF99704 Level 23
SQL-HTML_ENTITY_DECODE New built-in HTML_ENTITY_DECODE and HTML_ENTITY_ENCODE scalar functions decode and encode HTML entities in a string. See HTML_ENTITY_DECODE and HTML_ENTITY_ENCODE built-in scalar functions for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 5
SF99950 Level 5
SF99668 Level 23
SF99704 Level 26
SQL-HTTP_DELETE_BLOB New built-in HTTP functions that can be used make an HTTP DELETE request and return BLOB data. See New HTTP functions based in QSYS2 for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 4
SF99950 Level 4
SF99668 Level 22
SF99704 Level 25
SQL-HTTP_GET_BLOB New built-in HTTP functions that can be used make an HTTP GET request and return BLOB data. See New HTTP functions based in QSYS2 for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 4
SF99950 Level 4
SF99668 Level 22
SF99704 Level 25
SQL-HTTP_PATCH_BLOB New built-in HTTP functions that can be used make an HTTP PATCH request and return BLOB data. See New HTTP functions based in QSYS2 for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 4
SF99950 Level 4
SF99668 Level 22
SF99704 Level 25
SQL-HTTP_POST_BLOB New built-in HTTP functions that can be used make an HTTP POST request and return BLOB data. See New HTTP functions based in QSYS2 for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 4
SF99950 Level 4
SF99668 Level 22
SF99704 Level 25
SQL-HTTP_PUT_BLOB New built-in HTTP functions that can be used make an HTTP PUT request and return BLOB data. See New HTTP functions based in QSYS2 for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 4
SF99950 Level 4
SF99668 Level 22
SF99704 Level 25
SQL‑JSON_UPDATE The JSON_UPDATE built-in scalar function provides a tactical programmatic approach for updating or removing a piece of a JSON document. See JSON_UPDATE built-in scalar function for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 3
SF99950 Level 3
SF99668 Level 21
SF99704 Level 23
SQL-RESTRICT-ON-DROP-ROUTINES RESTRICT ON DROP is an attribute that can be added or removed to SQL Routines to provide an added layer of protection from accidental or malicious delete actions. See RESTRICT ON DROP for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 4
SF99950 Level 4
Not Supported
SQL-SQ-INTERNAL-MAINTENANCE Internal maintenance for Db2 Mirror to enable features related to replication of SQL objects. 1.1 SF99951 Level 4
SF99950 Level 4
SF99668 Level 22
SF99704 Level 25
SQL‑TIMESTAMPDIFF_BIG The TIMESTAMPDIFF_BIG built-in scalar function provides an alternative to TIMESTAMPDIFF, and is able to handle any granularity and scale of timestamp comparison. See TIMESTAMPDIFF_BIG built-in scalar function for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 3
SF99950 Level 3
SF99668 Level 21
SF99704 Level 23
SQL-UDTF-COMMENT-ON User-Defined Table Functions return rows and columns, and now with COMMENT ON UDTF Return Columns, the same usability comes to UDTFs that is found with tables and views. See COMMENT on table function return columns for more details. 1.1 SF99951 Level 3
SF99950 Level 3
SF99668 Level 21
SF99704 Level 23

NOTE:  A PTF of Base indicates that the version for the enhancement is enabled in the base release. Base Enhanced indicates that the version for the enhancement was enabled in the base release without any additional PTFs.

DB2-MIRROR version group
Version name Description Active version IBM i 7.5 IBM i 7.4
COMPARE-SERVICES Internal maintenance for Db2 Mirror to enable features related to MIRROR_COMPARE_LIBRARY, MIRROR_COMPARE_NODE, or MIRROR_COMPARE_OBJECT services. 1.3 SF99951 Level 6
SF99950 Level 7
SF99668 Level 24
SF99704 Level 28
1.2 SF99951 Level 5
SF99950 Level 5
SF99668 Level 23
SF99704 Level 26
HEALTH-MONITOR Enhancements for the health center as it monitors for issues in the Db2 Mirror environment. 1.2 SF99951 Level 5
SF99950 Level 5
SF99668 Level 23
SF99704 Level 26
1.1 SF99951 Level 4
SF99950 Level 4
SF99668 Level 22
SF99704 Level 25
SOFTWARE‑RECLONE Enhancements for Db2 Mirror software reclone where only the replicated objects are copied from the source of the reclone to the target. 2.1 Base SF99668 Level 19
SF99704 Level 20

NOTE:  A PTF of Base indicates that the version for the enhancement is enabled in the base release. Base Enhanced indicates that the version for the enhancement was enabled in the base release without any additional PTFs.

MRDB version group
Version name Description Active version IBM i 7.5 IBM i 7.4
RCL-INTERNAL-MAINTENANCE Internal maintenance for Db2 Mirror to enable features related to the Replication Criteria List (RCL). 1.1 SF99951 Level 6
SF99950 Level 7
SF99668 Level 24
SF99704 Level 28
RESUME‑INTERNAL‑MAINTENANCE Internal maintenance for Db2 Mirror to enable features related to resuming replication. 1.2 SF99951 Level 5
SF99950 Level 5
SF99668 Level 23
SF99704 Level 26
1.1 SF99951 Level 3
SF99950 Level 3
SF99668 Level 21
SF99704 Level 23

NOTE:  A PTF of Base indicates that the version for the enhancement is enabled in the base release. Base Enhanced indicates that the version for the enhancement was enabled in the base release without any additional PTFs.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB68","label":"Power HW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001hExAAI","label":"DB2 Mirror"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.4.0;7.5.0"},{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB68","label":"Power HW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Product":{"code":"SSLLPF","label":"IBM Db2 Mirror for i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001hExAAI","label":"DB2 Mirror"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.4.0;7.5.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
07 May 2024

