IBM Support

IBM Maximo Application Suite - Manage 8.5.0: APARs fixed

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This document lists APARs that are fixed in Maximo Manage 8.5.0.


APAR Application Name Description
DT130005 System UI In the Work Order Tracking application, there is no scroll bar to move the page right and left.
DT131792 Mobile Maximo Mobile gives error Connect/Authentication failed after leaving application idle.
DT131817 System properties Setting the Manage System Property to 1 prevents users created in Application Suite Administration from being synced.
DT132463 System UI In System Properties, entering a number in the mxe.webclient.maxNavbarQueryLimit property long enough to require scrolling in available queries does not create a scroll bar.
DT134007 Job Plans Material items from Job Plan are not carried over when "Process nested Job Plans in the background?" is set and the Job Plan has a nested Job Plan attached.
DT134176 Mobile Maximo Mobile navigator fails to load logging in while offline.
DT134202 Mobile Erroneous material transaction still displays in work order after error is deleted.
DT139140 Service items Service Item Vendor lines are not being populated with receipt tolerance for a vendor that previously was not attached to the service item.
DT139147 Mobile Mobile, Maximo Mobile Green cloud is stuck going from offline and to online, then trying to sync
DT139165 Users Error deleting a user without application access configuration.
DT139279 Mobile Error onboarding in Maximo Mobile with a user that has userid different than the login.
DT139315 Mobile User clicks multiple times the complete WO button.
DT139573 Mobile iOS Mobile application doesn't log out correctly when configured for SAML authentication.
DT139579 Mobile Search results are limited to 48 records.
DT139951 Mobile Error in the Maximo Mobile Inspection app with TPAE interim fix 21.
DT142762 Mobile Logout from Maximo Mobile not working.
DT143506 Mobile Connecting to the SAML SSO environment, Mobile user is unable to log in using Windows app.
DT143923 Mobile Work orders take approximately 2 minutes to load during times of low connectivity
DT143973 Service requests Attempting to create a Work Order in the Service Request application results in error BMXAA4214E - "An unknown error has occurred".
DT144020 Mobile Transactions after an unresolved error on the same Work Order syncs with Maximo if the user logs back in again.
DT144323 Mobile When user is offline, returning online causes transaction sync issues and delays, rendering a server error.
DT144579 Mobile Failing to remove invalid transactions causes the transaction to get stuck.
DT144696 Mobile Data update sync queue processing is paused when the device goes into sleep mode.
DT144699 Mobile Spinning wheel adding Work Log offline.
DT144707 Mobile Wrong app name in the menu, 'My Schedule' becomes 'Technician'
DT144956 Mobile Failed reauthentication displays lengthy query results
DT145442 Report Attempt to create an Ad hoc report with a summary and a format fails with the error BMXAA8093E - The report could not be created and the cause of the error cannot be determined. Try to create the report again, or contact your system administrator. The name "reportfooter_0_acttoolcost_SUM0_label" duplicates an existing name. Please choose a different name.
DT148856 Mobile When a user logs in to Maximo Mobile, an API request is made to /maximo/oslc/graphite/mobile/packages, resulting in a java.lang.NullPointerException in the Maximo logs.
DT149280 Mobile 100% Signal Loss - work log transactions not showing in the data sync page and badge not reflecting the count correctly.
DT160160 Mobile When a Maximo Mobile user logs in from a device with a language different than English, and enters a meter reading that contains decimals, the transaction is rejected by the Maximo server.
DT160322 Mobile Setting the "Get latest data" option causes all data to synchronize even when there are no changes.
DT168739 Mobile Null exception error creating a follow-up Work Order.
DT169062 Mobile A user cannot select a priority creating a Service Request.
DT171701 Mobile Mobile Inspections INSPRESULTALL Query on Inspections Performance Issue.
DT171756 Mobile The Service Requests categories are not loaded when the Maximo Mobile application is offline, preventing the user from creating a new service request.
IJ24301 Database configuration Server-side Token License features are hard-coded.
IJ27746 Service Request Some labels in Work Center Service Requests are not translated.
IJ33182 Invoices System Message has the wrong currency code.
IJ33304 System UI Some content is not properly encoded, which causes assistive technology to convey incorrect information.
IJ34793 Conditional Expression manager Sig Options were not being evaluated correctly on table rows resulting in error BMXAA2256E - "Field Value is read-only.".
IJ34934 Safety Hazard or Precaution attachments do not display in Job Plan attachments when the Hazardous Item is added to the Job Plan materials.
IJ35056 Work Order Tracking Tasks on a duplicated Work Order are not visible until after the Work Order is saved.
IJ35083 System UI Pressing the Ctrl + Down keys and Ctrl + Alt + Down keys generate down arrow with accessibility turned on.
IJ35130 Job Plans The PMWOGEN Crontask does not copy labor to child Work Orders with a nested Job Plan.
IJ35755 KPI Manager Users cannot save a new KPI Manager due to an exception when the where clause contains "order by" and the database is Oracle.
IJ35784 Cron Task Setup When Application is restarted every month, cron tasks scheduled to run every two or more months do not run.
IJ35790 Quick Reporting Changes to the start date or end date in the Manage Downtime History dialog do not save in the Work Order Tracking and Quick Reporting applications.
IJ35882 Purchase requisitions If Item Master does not have Inspection Required selected, the Inspection Required flag is not selected when a PR or PO is generated by reorderid.
IJ35928 Job Plans When a Revision Control enabled job plan is made active, the predecessor field is still editable.
IJ36056 Purchase Contracts The Create Release field is editable when you duplicate a Blanket Type contract.
IJ36062 Service Request The GL Account option at the Service Request Work Center doesn't go to the Location associated with the Ticket.
IJ36095 Cron Task Setup MeasurePointWoGenCronTask generates duplicate Work Orders when the measurement refers to a linear asset.
IJ36261 Integration In the Object Structures application, an error occurs by using the Job Plan Change Status Publish Channel.
IJ36881 Meters LOCATIONMETER.LASTREADINGDATE entered manually on creation of the LOCATIONMETER not used on ASSETMETER flagged to inherit from LOCATION for ASSET in the LOCATION.
IJ36946 Purchase orders Maximo does not clear the Condition code field changing a PO line from condition code enabled item to a noncondition code enabled item,
IJ37074 System UI In the Activities and Tasks application, some fields do not have a margin.
IJ37164 Work Order Tracking In environments with Maximo interim fix installed, the Reschedule / Unassign Assignment action in the Work Order Tracking application does not work as expected.
IJ37563 Inventory usage Performing a reconciliation on a Staged item results in an incorrect total balance.
IJ37704 Database configuration The where clause for relationship QUERY.MAXUSER finds the MAXUSER record for the current user, but the description says it finds the owner of the query.
IJ37800 Object Structures Object Order for the objects SITE and RELATEDRECORD is set to the same value (6) in the MXAPISR Object Structure.
IJ37813 Cron Task Setup Error messages are written to reorder logs for multiple instances of the ReorderCronTask for Direct Issue reorders.
IJ38012 E-mail Listener The E-mail Listener can stop processing emails after a calendar invitation is received.
IJ38131 Work Order Tracking In the Inventory application, Unit / Actual Cost fields are incorrect when information is being changed before the record is saved for Actuals / Material on a Work Order.
IJ38209 Inspection On tablet devices, long text in Additional Comments cannot be seen hovering over it.
IJ38243 Manage Inventory In Work Centers Manage Inventory, the arrows in the Change column do not reflect the change in value correctly.
IJ38306 Conduct an Inspection In the Work Center Conduct an Inspection Form, there is a delay clicking Next.
IJ38817 Work Center Clicking the New Service Request icon in Work Center results in an error message "There was an unexpected error. Please reload the page and try again. If the problem persist take a look on the console to more details."
IJ39018 Manage Inventory A user with a locale of en_CA creating a Pick List in Manage Inventory Work Center causes error BMXAA4144E - "The date/time format is not valid" to display.
IJ39378 Report Administration Item Extended Cost is calculated incorrectly in Inventory Balance report when FIFO costing method is used and Inventory record has more than one INVLIFIFOFIFOCOST record.
IJ39416 Assets Attempting to move an asset between sites results in error BMXAA0066E - "Asset XXXX in site BEDFORD did not move successfully. null".
IJ39464 Bulletin Board Changing status in the Bulletin Board application, the View History dialog Changed By field shows the previous user rather than the current user.
IJ39519 Linked Documents / Attached Documents Adding multiple attachments at once to a communication log results in error BMXAA4195E - "A value is required for the URL / File Name field on the DOCLINKS object".
IJ39589 Automation Scripts Bad data, such as an "orphan" relationship, can prevent attributes from being displayed by creating script variables.
IJ39596 System UI Detail menu and long description icons do not specify the name of the field when read by screen reader.
IJ39601 Inventory usage Multiple transactions for a single asset on the same day can result in error BMXAA8229W - "Asset has been updated by another user".
IJ39617 Manage Inspections Forms Adding autoseed to inspection tables results in error BMXAA8744E - "The OSLC query was not parsed".
IJ39625 Database configuration Indexes on Date fields in Oracle databases are not supported by default.
IJ39629 Work Center Configuration In Work Center Configuration, deleting a time card for an In Progress Work Order without marking it Complete causes the record status to remain In Progress.
IJ39705 Location Associate Systems with Location must delete row twice in order for it to delete.
IJ39765 System UI Creating a Service Request or Desktop Requisition record, the "Skip to Page Content" link does not function as expected.
IJ39772 System UI Side navigation Maximize and Minimize buttons are not accessible using a Screen Reader.
IJ39805 Linear Assets Problems and Incidents of a Linear Asset are not displayed in the Linear Visual Control (LVC) of the asset.
IJ39856 Assets When a User cancels or clears a value in the Change Item Number dialog, the ClassStructureID does not get cleared, causing an exception to be written to the Systemout.log file.
IJ39858 System UI When the focus is changed to a different tab by using the left and right arrow keys, the contrast between the text and background does not meet usability standards.
IJ39894 Crews In the Crews application, the Select Value dialog for LABOR opens instead of the Select Value dialog for CRAFT.
IJ40019 System UI Table header cannot be seen in the extended drill-down.
IJ40060 Graphical Scheduling The ComplianceStartCronTask instance does not get created unless you change the Schedule Frequency value in Graphical Scheduling's Compliance tab.
IJ40119 Purchase requisitions An item included in a purchase order in PNDREV status is reordered again.
IJ40127 Integration n the Service Request application, using look up to insert a value into the Reported By field results in the error BMXAA4214E - "An unknown error has occurred".
IJ40245 Invoices INVOICETRANS record is not created approving material invoices.
IJ40265 Budget Monitoring The Budget Lines area in Budget Monitoring application calculates totals incorrectly when the length of the amount fields is increased from (10,2) to (16,2) and the budget amount is more than 10 digits.
IJ40266 Drilldown Extended Drilldown doesn't show the Path to Top for nonnetwork systems.
IJ40277 System UI In the Work Order application, under Advanced Search, the Lookup dialog freezes and can't be closed.
IJ40334 Users If the User's record User and Person fields have mismatched values, Maximo does not display the name of the user when they update a comment in the Service Request Application in Work Center.
IJ40338 Job Plans Users encounter BMXAA4196E attempting to set a Job Plan on a Work Order that has user-defined fields and a crossover domain.
IJ40381 Database configuration MboSets used for validate() are not cleaned up.
IJ40423 Automation Scripts When the System Property mxe.init.reloadperscript is enabled, and an existing auto script is updated with the Maximo Integration Framework, the entire scripting cache is reloaded.
IJ40437 Work Order Tracking When a new attribute is added as a date type, and then added to a Classification and the Classification added to a record, you cannot modify the attribute with the Move/Modify/Swap Action in Work Order Tracking.
IJ40462 E-mail Listener Change status action class is not doing an extract match on the ticketid resulting in E-mail Listener's LSNRBP process updating the wrong ticket.
IJ40483 Database configuration Running DBC scripts updates MAXATTRIBUTE.COLUMNNAME to match MAXATTRIBUTE.ATTRIBUTENAME. As a result, the application does not refresh.
IJ40524 Create Requisition Duplicating a Purchase Requisition, the Issue on Receipt? checkbox is cleared even though there is a value in Work Order field.
IJ40566 Work Order Tracking Users get stuck in a loop changing the status of a Work Order with Work Type of PM or CAL when e-signature is enabled.
IJ40656 Integration Generating the XML schema for an Object Structure causes an exception to be thrown, because some of the Object Structure values have the hierarchy path set with "\" delimiter instead of "/".
IJ40657 Preventive maintenance When all feature records on asset have the same label name, a user cannot select the Asset feature.
IJ40686 Work Order Tracking In Work Order Tracking, Reschedule / Unassign Assignments does not work as expected rescheduling an assignment subsequent to removing the skill level in the Assignment application.
IJ40696 Database configuration Database connection leak on WFRevisionSet when a workflow is being initiated and there are multiple revisions.
IJ40704 Work Order Tracking Parent information not set for MULTIASSETLOCCI record on InspectionResult.
IJ40713 All Applications Downloading list from the application list view screen is slow.
IJ40729 Receiving In the Receiving application, changing the inspection status of an Item causes the GL Debit Account field (MATRECTRANS.GLDEBITACCT) to be different from the Account number in the GL Debit Account field in Purchase Orders (POLINE.GLDEBITACCT).
IJ40732 Create Requisition The Work Order Task field on the PRLINE becomes read-only duplicating a Purchase Requisition, even though there is an associated Work Order.
IJ40753 System UI Communication does not list the names of the attached files.
IJ40767 Work Center Configuration Failure Cause and Remedy can be populated with values from the wrong Work Order.
IJ40802 Graphical Scheduling Planned Hours are calculated incorrectly in Graphical Assignment Schedule Compliance.
IJ40814 Report In some environments, direct print in Chrome pops up a printer selection dialog with a blank page before a second dialog with the report.
IJ40825 Inventory The Inventory Adjustments menu in the Inventory Application not displaying all options.
IJ40846 Work Order Tracking Unable to set a default value on the dialogs based on the MultiselectDataBean.
IJ40847 System UI Downloading records from table window control in applications causes the following error to appear in the log: "Sheet names must not begin or end with (')".
IJ40875 Integration When the status is changed using MIF, and CHANGEBY information is sent, Maximo does not use the value sent in the transaction to fill in the WORKORDER and WOSTATUS table. It is using the logged-in user who sent the transaction.
IJ40900 Manage Inventory If the User enters 0 with the keyboard in the New Count field in Manage Inventory Counts as the initial update, the Save button does not become active.
IJ40907 Integration Importing a data sheet on a Job Plan through a flat file results in an error.
IJ41045 Work Order Tracking In Work Order Tracking, rescheduling or removing assignments causes Labor to be silently removed from the Assignments tab.
IJ41046 Graphical Crew Management Trying to save a record in Graphical Crew Management results in errors BMXAT0050E and BMXAT0141E.
IJ41050 Preventive maintenance In Condition Monitoring from PMNUM fields, Go To Preventive Maintenance doesn't find PM if priority on MEASUREPOINT differs from PM priority. The same issue exists with the JPNUM fields and Job Plans.
IJ41082 Work Order Tracking Users received error BMXAA7024E saving a valid query in the Work Order Tracking application.
IJ41084 Conduct an Inspection For some inspections, the Completed Date in the overview does not match the date on the Completed Tab.
IJ41130 System properties Cannot save imglib to S3 Storage.
IJ41207 Ad Hoc Reporting In Work Order Tracking application, creating Ad Hoc report with Report Object Structure "WO Details with Actual and Plans" fails on COMMLOG.
IJ41383 Manage Inspections Forms Changing the status of an inspection form from Draft to Active in Manage Inspection Forms Work Center results in the error "unexpectedBytes00".
IJ41412 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Assignments, Labor hours duration is mismatched splitting work.
IJ41454 Map manager Open Map Provider does not allow initial extent to be set using the Map Dialog for OpenStreetMap.
IJ41510 Drilldown Work Order Tracking Drilldown selects the wrong Asset.
IJ41534 Graphical Work Week In Graphical Work Week, having many Work Orders causes slow response or a "The data cannot be displayed" message to appear.
IJ41596 Job Plans Error BMXAA0019I - "The Job Plan field is either read only or part of the primary key" encountered clicking New Offering because global READONLY restrictions are set on attributes.
IJ41627 Assignment Manager Assignment Manager does not return error BMXAA3113E when calendar does not have any shift.
IJ41683 Calibration Calibration Edit rules are not being enforced.
IJ41701 Inventory usage Items that are marked as both Consigned and Capitalized are showing a nonzero cost on Inventory Usage and Work Order Actuals.
IJ41702 Invoices Invoice lines are including tax on tax exempt items.
IJ41707 Scheduler Data Manager Clicking the "Refresh" button on Scheduler Data Manager results in error BMXAT0143E - "The resources for object 0 did not load".
IJ41709 Work Order Tracking Rescheduling an assignment without labor to a date after a Work Order's "Finish No Later Than" date does not generate the warning message BMXAA0159W.
IJ41738 Work Order Tracking No wildcard capability searching on LABORCODE in "Available Labor".
IJ42077 System Object Technician application's query for MXAPIINVBAL Object Structure is incorrect.
IJ42208 Graphical Scheduling - Large Project Filtering on a column in Graphical View for Graphical Scheduling - Large Projects causes an error in the UI. The logs include the error "Failed to invoke Method: async_load_gantt_pages with signature [[null] with args".
IJ42237 License Usage Monitor When Token Licensing is used, Scheduler Optimization tokens are checked out for each Environment, for example, DEV, PROD, and TEST.
IJ42502 Manage Inspections Forms Inspection Form Designer does not display full list of Document Folders.
IJ42743 Integration Message tracking incorrectly reports unprocessed messages in RECEIVED status.
IJ42755 Logging In a WebSphere Node hosting a WebSphere clustered environment, all Maximo-generated logs are deleted restarting one member of the cluster. Restarting noncluster members does not cause this behavior.
IJ43497 Graphical Work Week A null value from ASSET.PRIORITY is converted to a "0" value in Gantt View in Graphical Work Week rather than a null value.
IJ43544 Graphical Assignment In Graphical Assignment, attempting to assign labor when the property mxe.skd.syncwodates is set to 1 results in error BMXAA4589E - "The start date must be before the finish date".
IJ43837 Work Order Tracking Dialog needed to inform records on Compliance same as a lookup for Break in and Break out.
IJ43997 Scheduler A Right click action is needed in Graphical Work Week, Graphical Resource View and at the Graphical Assignment to allow changing the Shift value associated with the resource.
IJ44011 Service requests Error returning with value from Service Address application to Service Request application.
IJ44151 Graphical Assignment In Spatial Scheduling Scenario dat files, the parameter "Allow Secondary Work Zone Assignment" is always false and the parameter "Match Work Zone" is always true.
DT117849 Mobile Creating a new work order in Maximo Mobile for EAM 8.5 fails with error BMXAA4153E - "null is not a valid site. Select a valid site, that is defined by your organization".
DT119495 System UI Multi tabbed browser support doesn't work in MAS.
DT122292 System UI Table alignment is incorrect.
DT123757 System UI Manage does not take in consideration a custom menu item added in the Help menu.
DT128827 System UI Getting error page when accessing the help page from Maximo Manage 8.2.1.
DT131406 System UI Default font size cannot be changed for long description.
DT131635 Mobile Maximo Mobile - When compared with the same page on Mobile Work Approval the Asset and Location History page is missing the work order status on the right-hand side.
DT132752 Technician Invalid Width Defined in TECHMOBILE for Task.
DT133389 System UI In the Equipment application, cannot go to all available tabs with Go To.
DT139443 Mobile Syncing after adding attachments offline sends timestamp of sync instead of timestamp of attachment entry.
DT139488 Approvals Get Materials and Items shows a storeroom description which is not the storeroom from which the reservation is made.
DT139808 Technician Get materials and tools does not always show the tool hours when multiple tools on a work order and a storeroom specified
DT139907 Technician Application is not responsive when clicking "x" button to reset a failure class that is pre populated. User needs to select the problem and cause, then the "x" button will work.
DT141335 System Object Maximo Mobile not cleaning up generated zip files on application server.
DT142692 Conduct Inspections Cannot click the 'Continue' button to create an Inspection on Maximo Mobile 8.8 after selecting an asset and a suggested form.
DT142697 Approvals Unable to add attachment in Mobile Approval application.
DT142837 System UI Selecting a query by using 'View/Manage Queries' option does not change the name of the query in the Available Queries List.
DT142877 Conduct Inspections Inspections generated from route with multiassetloc aren't appearing in assigned inspections
DT143658 Technician Maximo Mobile maximo-child-filter not working correctly.
DT143922 Conduct Inspections It takes a long time to load Inspections in low signal areas.
DT143939 Conduct Inspections Switching between 'My Schedule' and 'Inspections' appears to trigger a new server query each time in low mobile signal area
DT144734 Login Manage creates a duplicate "_user_inactivity_timeout" session cookie, in a timeout value from the MAS setting, logging to Work Centers.
DT144736 Approvals Maximo Mobile applications are taking more time when we access the applications first time
DT145092 Conduct Inspections BMXAA1339E - Missing key value for key INSPFIELDNUM
DT145166 Conduct Inspections Inspection Forms attached to Work Orders are blank when in offline mode.
DT145556 Job Plans If there is any Material on the top Job Plan or in nested Job Plans, generated Work Orders do not populate WORKORDER.WOSEQUENCE from JOBTASK.TASKSEQUENCE.
DT148925 System properties Incorrect SAML realm separator when set to more than one character.
DT149193 Technician Error "BMXAA7095E - The given value 0.0 is not valid. Enter a valid decimal value." when using Mobile 8.7 with Non-English locale
DT160220 Mobile Unable to install Maximo Mobile Windows applications.
DT160235 System UI Common Action Tooltips are duplicated.
DT160403 Technician Maximo Mobile - Limit of 50 work logs visible
DT160405 Technician The timestamp of labor transaction (Start Time/End Time) shown in Maximo server is the device's time stamp when the mobile device is in a different time zone from the Maximo server. This occurs after the Labor Transaction recorded in Mobile app is synchronized to the server.
DT161002 Technician Schedule date and Report date are in server time zone, not user time zone.
DT169365 Login MAS Manage creates duplicate "_user_inactivity_timeout" cookie.
DT170250 Mobile Cannot add Materials in Maximo Mobile because the list of storerooms is empty.
DT171934 Conduct Inspections Error BMXAA1339E "Missing key value for key INSPFIELDNUM." entering or updating Inspection form.
DT172805 Install/Upgrade After upgrade to 8.8, users no longer see the previously installed languages.
IJ32109 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Scheduling, filtering resources a second time causes Work Orders records not to display.
IJ32323 Graphical Work Week In Graphical Work Week the Gantt and Resource calendar views do not match up on the first date range.
IJ35118 Graphical Resource View In the Graphical Scheduling application, when using the Print Grid functionality in the Resources section of Graphical View, the alignment is incorrect.
IJ36231 Master PM Associated Preventive Maintenance records cannot be updated from their Master Preventive Maintenance record.
IJ37247 Report In MEASUREMENT table when multiple records are present with same POINTNUM but different sites, measurement information from different site appears in report.
IJ37278 Shipment Receiving The wrong usage line is automatically brought up in Shipment Receiving.
IJ37553 Graphical Assignment From the Work View tab of Graphical Assignment there is no option to hyperlink to an Industry Solution Work Order application from a task as there is from the Work Order.
IJ39143 Email Listeners Email listener-attached documents printthru defaults to 1 instead of the value in the System Property mxe.doclink.defaultPrintDocWithReport.
IJ39291 Inspection Clicking "Complete" on an Inspection using Maximo Mobile results in error BMXAA9238E - "An error occurred when the Application Service WebMethod was started. The nested stack trace gives details of the error. null.".
IJ40025 Message Tracking A Kafka message can remain in "received" status in message tracking even if processing fails.
IJ40461 System properties Maximo for Oil and Gas leaks memory during initialization of PlusCFldMeterStartDate.initValue.
IJ40624 Graphical Scheduling Accessing a record, then refreshing it from the List tab, and then accessing the Graphical View tab writes a BMXAA4214E error to the log.
IJ40816 Job Plans Recalculation is triggered and the BMXZZ71101I informational message displayed changing the description of a Work Order containing a Dynamic Job Plan.
IJ40823 Graphical Scheduling In Graphical Scheduling, applying a filter in the Graphical View tab causes the "Modify Work Details" to display an incomplete list of records.
IJ41197 Graphical Work Week When a user in a time zone of GMT+N assigns work to a Labor using Graphical Work Week, the assignment is created on the day before.
IJ41316 Work Order Tracking In Work Order Tracking, rescheduling an assignment to a date after the Work Order's "Finish No Later Than" date does not generate a warning message.
IJ41320 Integration HTTP query fails when synchronous message tracking is enabled.
IJ41617 Assets Maximo uses the wrong relationship to fetch the attachments from the DOCLINKS table by using the Create asset doclinks at system level? option from Organizations.
IJ41629 System UI Hidden location information is viewable.
IJ42306 Graphical Work Week In Graphical Work Week, date filters used in combination with Duration filter do not work as expected.
IJ42382 System properties Version.bat throws NoClassDefFoundError exception.
IJ42426 Graphical Scheduling Graphical Scheduling application hangs when attempting to save a record.
IJ42427 Graphical Scheduling The resource calculation in Graphical Scheduling incorrectly produces a result of 0:01.
IJ42482 Graphical Work Week In Graphical Work Week, the "Rolling Project?" checkbox is being cleared on save.
IJ42549 Graphical Resource View The calendar view in Graphical Resource View is not auto populated correctly.
IJ43119 Graphical Scheduling Using Alt + Left mouse click on a Graphical View work block in Graphical Scheduling results in error BMXAA4214E - "An unknown error has occurred.".
IJ43820 Work Order Tracking Receiving a payload to update MATUSETRANS when the Maximo property '' is set to 1, results in warning BMXAA8229W - "Record INVRESERVE : has been updated by another user. Your changes have not been saved. Refresh the record and try again.".
IJ43989 Classifications Adding an Attribute to a Classification that is associated a large number of Assets results in error BMXAA4210E - "Database error number -313 has occurred. Invalid SQL queries are logged in the log file. Check the SQL query to identify the error.".
IJ43994 Conduct an Inspection Clicking "Cancel" on an Inspection in Work Center results in a spinning dotted wheel.
IJ44082 Graphical Work Week The null value from WORKORDER.WOPRIORITY is converted to a 0 value in Gantt View in Graphical Work Week.
IJ44376 Install/Upgrade UpdateDB fails on IF001 if base environment is not English.
IJ44738 Work Order Tracking In Work Order Tracking, if user specifies a location for the Work Order and specifies an Inspection Form for a task, duplicate Inspection records are created and associated with the location.
IJ44862 Automation Scripts Jython needs to be updated to version 2.73 to avoid Automation Script errorBMXAA7837E - "An error occurred that prevented the test script for the test launch point from running.SystemError: getattribute not found.".
IJ45160 Scheduler In Graphical Scheduling, the Preview of the "Roll Schedule" action is ignoring the value in the "at time" field.
IJ45849 Preventive maintenance A Work Order generated from Preventive Maintenance inherits the wrong status.
IJ45918 Graphical Scheduling The Graphical Scheduling application's Calendar popup does not display correctly.

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Document Information

Modified date:
10 July 2024

