IBM Support

Cloud Pak for Security: Configure a local clone to point to an air-gapped installation

How To


How does an administrator configure their offline or disconnected cluster to point to the local operator hub clone on a Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform® (RHOCP)?


In cases where IBM Cloud Pak solutions need to be installed in an air-gapped environment. The term air-gapped refers to environments that are offline or disconnected to the internet. Air-gapped installation requires that you enable the IBM operator catalog to imitate an online installation by using images in your own registry. This article explains how to configure an air-gapped installation.


Before you begin
  1. Log in to the RHOCP as kuberadmin / admin.
    oc login https://<IP address or fully qualified host domain name>:6443
  2. Change to the default project.
    oc project default
  3. Patch the operator hub to disable the default resources.
    oc patch OperatorHub cluster --type json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/disableAllDefaultSources", "value": true}]'
  4. Navigate to the registry clone manifest index.
    cd /root/registry-clone/manifests-redhat-operator-index-<index value>
    Note: The index was created during the step where you created a mirror Operator hub.
  5. Apply the catalogSource.yaml and imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml that is created by the mirroring process.
    oc apply -f catalogSource.yaml
    oc apply -f imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml
    Note: You need to wait for the nodes to recycle or reboot.
  6. Verify they all nodes are restarted and in a ready state.
    watch oc get nodes   
  7. Verify the Operator Hub is patched successfully.
    [root@cp4s-sse-service manifests-redhat-operator-index-<Index number>]# oc patch OperatorHub cluster --type json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/disableAllDefaultSources", "value": true}]' patched
  8. Verify the catalogSource.yaml is patched successfully.
    [root@cp4s-sse-service manifests-redhat-operator-index-<Index number>]# oc apply -f catalogSource.yaml created
  9. Verify the imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml is patched successfully.
    [root@cp4s-sse-service manifests-redhat-operator-index-<Index number>]# oc apply -f imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml created
  10. Verify that nodes are running.
    [root@cp4s-sse-service manifests-redhat-operator-index-<Index number>]# oc get pods -n openshift-marketplace
    NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    marketplace-operator-549b8565b7-4rjnt   1/1     Running   0          96m
    redhat-operator-index-t6jfx             1/1     Running   0          57s
  11. Verify that nodes are published.
    [root@cp4s-sse-service manifests-redhat-operator-index-<Index number>]# oc get catalogsource -n openshift-marketplace
    NAME                    DISPLAY   TYPE   PUBLISHER   AGE
    redhat-operator-index             grpc               115s
  12. Verify the node index manifests.
    [root@cp4s-sse-service manifests-redhat-operator-index-<Index number>]# oc get packagemanifest -n openshift-marketplace
    NAME                                   CATALOG   AGE
    openshift-gitops-operator                        2m38s
    serverless-operator                              2m38s
    awx-resource-operator                            2m38s
    container-security-operator                      2m38s
    openshift-pipelines-operator-rh                  2m38s
    amq-streams                                      2m38s
    file-integrity-operator                          2m38s
    submariner                                       2m38s
    quay-operator                                    2m38s
    mtc-operator                                     2m38s
    3scale-operator                                  2m38s
    amq-broker                                       2m38s
    amq-broker-rhel8                                 2m38s
    service-telemetry-operator                       2m38s
    red-hat-camel-k                                  2m38s
    jaeger-product                                   2m38s
    rhacs-operator                                   2m38s
    jws-operator                                     2m38s
    nfd                                              2m38s
    clusterresourceoverride                          2m38s
    fuse-console                                     2m38s
    web-terminal                                     2m38s
    ptp-operator                                     2m38s
    eap                                              2m38s
    compliance-operator                              2m38s
    servicemeshoperator                              2m38s
    advanced-cluster-management                      2m38s
    gatekeeper-operator-product                      2m38s
    ansible-automation-platform-operator             2m38s
    kubevirt-hyperconverged                          2m38s
    integration-operator                             2m38s
    metering-ocp                                     2m38s
    fuse-online                                      2m38s
    service-registry-operator                        2m38s
    codeready-workspaces                             2m38s
    amq-broker-lts                                   2m38s
    amq7-interconnect-operator                       2m38s
    rhpam-kogito-operator                            2m38s
    amq7-cert-manager-operator                       2m38s
    windows-machine-config-operator                  2m38s
    cincinnati-operator                              2m38s
    local-storage-operator                           2m38s
    elasticsearch-operator                           2m38s
    apicast-operator                                 2m38s
    datagrid                                         2m38s
    klusterlet-product                               2m38s
    cluster-logging                                  2m38s
    vertical-pod-autoscaler                          2m38s
    costmanagement-metrics-operator                  2m38s
    smart-gateway-operator                           2m38s
    rh-service-binding-operator                      2m38s
    performance-addon-operator                       2m38s
    kiali-ossm                                       2m38s
    amq-online                                       2m38s
    skupper-operator                                 2m38s
    businessautomation-operator                      2m38s
    ocs-operator                                     2m38s
    sriov-network-operator                           2m38s
    fuse-apicurito                                   2m38s
    rhsso-operator                                   2m38s
    cluster-kube-descheduler-operator                2m38s
    quay-bridge-operator                             2m38s
    openshift-jenkins-operator                       2m38s
  13. Verify that that controllers are running.
    [root@cp4s-sse-service manifests-redhat-operator-index-<Index number>]# oc get co
    NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE
    authentication                             4.6.18    True        False         False      96m
    cloud-credential                           4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    cluster-autoscaler                         4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    config-operator                            4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    console                                    4.6.18    True        False         False      98m
    csi-snapshot-controller                    4.6.18    True        False         False      102m
    dns                                        4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    etcd                                       4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    image-registry                             4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    ingress                                    4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    insights                                   4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    kube-apiserver                             4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    kube-controller-manager                    4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    kube-scheduler                             4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    kube-storage-version-migrator              4.6.18    True        False         False      96m
    machine-api                                4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    machine-approver                           4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    machine-config                             4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    marketplace                                4.6.18    True        False         False      3m
    monitoring                                 4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    network                                    4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    node-tuning                                4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    openshift-apiserver                        4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    openshift-controller-manager               4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    openshift-samples                          4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    operator-lifecycle-manager                 4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.6.18    True        False         False      99m
    service-ca                                 4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
    storage                                    4.6.18    True        False         False      2d11h
  14. Log in to the RHOCP Admin UI and ensure that the OperatorHub is populated with the operators.

    If you can log in to the RHOCP Admin UI with no errors, the OperatorHub repointing is completed.

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSTDPP","label":"IBM Cloud Pak for Security"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p0000000rbnAAA","label":"Administration Task"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
04 October 2022

