IBM Support

Known Issues with Netcool/Impact Maintenance Windows for NOI 1.6.6 full cloud systems and new on-premises installs

Flashes (Alerts)


NOI version 1.6.6 includes Netcool/Impact 7.1.0 Fix Pack 27 (7.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0027). There are three known issues with Maintenance Windows (MWM) at Fix Pack 27 level of Netcool/Impact.
These issues are all fixed in NOI version 1.6.7 includes Netcool/Impact 7.1.0 Fix Pack 28 (7.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0028)


The three known Maintenance issues are detailed below. 
Note: Upgraded on-premises systems are not affected by these issues. Also, new on-premises combined installs (which use a base install in conjunction with FP27) are not affected by these issues.
1. Unable to create new Maintenance Windows
Trying to create a new Maintenance window produces the following pop-up error message: [object Object] 
Affected Systems
This issue affects full cloud systems and new on-premises systems installed using the full Fix Pack 27 installer.
Root Cause
The MWM_DESCRIPTIONS column is missing from the mm_windows derby table.
Upgrade to FP28, or at FP27 level use the following command to create the missing column:
<IMPACT_HOME>/bin/nc_ant -f <IMPACT_HOME>/install/configuration/cfg_scripts/reconfigure_impact_server.xml alter-table-mmwindows-columns-fp27
The command only needs to be run once, on the primary Impact backend server, as any derby changes will be replicated automatically. 
2. Cannot edit pre-existing Maintenance windows after a Netcool/Impact Fix Pack 27 upgrade
When editing pre-existing Maintenance windows some fields are missing, and saving fails.
Affected Systems
This issue affects full cloud systems upgraded to NOI version 1.6.6.
Root Cause
The root cause of this problem is the MWM_DESCRIPTIONS column should not be null.
To resolve the issue, upgrade to FP28, or at FP27 level follow these steps once, on the primary Impact backend server only. 
    a. Change the directory on the Impact server to $IMPACT_HOME/bin.
    b. Run the 'nci_db connect
    c. Connect to the derby database using connect 'jdbc:derby://hostname:port/ImpactDB;user=impact;password=derby_password';
Where hostname is the hostname of the primary Impact backend server, as set in the ImpactDB.Derby.PRIMARYHOST property in $IMPACT_HOME/etc/<servername>_ImpactDB.ds
And port is the derby listening port, which is 1527 by default
And derby_password is the password for the impact derby user.
i.e. connect 'jdbc:derby://;user=impact;password=mypass';
    d. Run the following SQL statement: 
3. Cannot update the Description field for Day of Month Maintenance windows
After changing the description field and saving, the save will appear to complete successfully, but the description will not be updated. The UI shows the old text. 
Affected Systems
This issue affects full cloud systems and new on-premises systems installed using the full Fix Pack 27 installer.
Root Cause
The root cause of this problem is a defect in the MWM_AddRWin policy.
To resolve the issue upgrade to FP28, or at FP27 level, back up the existing MWM_AddRWin and then edit the policy via the impact GUI, replacing line 506 as follows:
ins_stat = "UPDATE IMPACT.MM_WINDOWS set FILTERSTAT = '" + myfilter + "', WINTYPE = 3, DAYSOFMONTH = '" + domval + "', R_STARTTIME = '" + starttime_c + "', R_ENDTIME = '" + endtime_c + "', TIMEZONE = '" + @timezone + "' where MWID = " + mwIdToEdit;

ins_stat = "UPDATE IMPACT.MM_WINDOWS set FILTERSTAT = '" + myfilter + "', WINTYPE = 3, DAYSOFMONTH = '" + domval + "', R_STARTTIME = '" + starttime_c + "', R_ENDTIME = '" + endtime_c + "', TIMEZONE = '" + @timezone + "', MWM_DESCRIPTIONS = '" + mwm_desc + "' where MWID = " + mwIdToEdit;


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSB2GF","label":"Netcool\/Impact"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m500000008ZwhAAE","label":"Impact-\u003EMWM (Maintenance Window)"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
14 December 2022

