IBM Support

ARC1104I NO PRIMARY VOLUME AVAILABLE FOR RECALL when HSM attempts to recall an SMS-managed data set



HSM RECALL fails to locate a non-SMS volume and issues ARC1104I.


MSGARC1104I during RECALL of an SMS-managed data set.


HSM has determined that the data set being recalled is nonSMS-managed, and is attempting to recall the data set to a nonSMS primary volume.
This happens when a storage class is not assigned to the data set by the Automatic Class Selection storage class routine.  When a data set is recalled, the storage class and management class routines are automatically redriven.   If a storage class is not assigned to the data set by the storage class routine, HSM determines that the data set is nonSMS-managed and attempts to recall the data set to a non-SMS primary volume.
The ARC1104I message is issued when HSM fails to find an eligible non-SMS primary volume for the recalled data set.
If the data set was SMS-managed when it migrated, the storage class routine is suspect.


DFSMShsm running with SMS active and no eligible non-SMS primary volumes available for recall.

Diagnosing The Problem

Obtain a LISTCAT of the data set that fails recall processing with the ARC1104I message.   Inspect the LISTCAT output to see if a STORAGE CLASS is assigned to the data set.  If so, the data set was SMS-managed at the time it migrated and the storage class routine is suspect.

Resolving The Problem

Inspect the STORAGE_CLASS routine to determine how the data set filters through and exits the routine without a storage class being assigned. 
To isolate the error, include WRITE statements in the STORAGE_CLASS routine in every place where the routine is exited. Include the value for the storage class in each write statement, and information to locate the exit point. Re-create the problem and review the output to see where the storage class routine was exited without assigning a storage class to the data set.
As an alternative, an SMS TRACE can be run to determine where and why a storage class isn't assigned. Contact IBM support for instruction to run and diagnose the SMS TRACE.
If the data set is urgently needed, a temporary filter can be placed at the beginning of the storage class routine to ensure a storage class is assigned to the data set.  
Sample filter:


          SET &STORCLAS = 'scname'
          EXIT CODE(0)

Alternatively, attempt to recall the data set to a nonSMS primary volume using a specific volser:
HRECALL datasetname UNIT(unittype) VOLSER(volser)

[{"Product":{"code":"SWG90","label":"z\/OS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"5695DF170 - DFSMS\/MVS HIERARCHICAL STORAGE MANAGER (HSM)","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"Not Applicable","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB56","label":"Z HW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
03 September 2021

