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IBM: z/VSE - Service and support - Introduction

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IBM: z/VSE - Service and support - Introduction

IBM partnership with 21st Century Software

IBM has licensed the source code for current releases of IBM z/VSE and most of the stack components to 21st Century Software.

What IBM z/VSE customers should consider

IBM strongly suggests that customers who need a serviceable environment plan to move to an alternative solution. For customers wishing to remain on a VSE platform, 21st Century Software offers derivative VSE products.

z/VSE 6.2 End-Of-Service effective date is 2023/09/30, see the announcement letter from 2022/08/02.

Please also see the z/VSE 6.2 End-of-Service Information.


You are encouraged to keep your z/VSE system on a healthy service level. To do that it is recommended to update you z/VSE system to stay on a supported release and service level.

z/VSE Service pyramid

When your z/VSE system encounters a problem, please search first through the lists of known problems under corrective service. If you don't find a match, you may want to contact IBM Support.

To order preventive service like PSP buckets or RSLs, navigate to the preventive service page.

For more information on how to order and apply PTFs, refer to the How to order page.

Hot service news

Date Description
October 12 2023 z/VSE 6.2.0 RSL has been updated to the October 6, 2023 level.
September 30, 2023 z/VSE V6.2 end of service
February 8, 2023 z/VSE 6.2.0 RSL has been updated to the January 19, 2023 level.
August 2, 2022 Effective September 30, 2023, z/VSE V6.2 will be withdrawn from service. See the announcement letter.
July 29, 2022 z/VSE 6.2.0 RSL has been updated to the July 5, 2022 level.
February 7, 2022 z/VSE 6.2.0 RSL has been updated to the January 12, 2022 level.
July 30, 2021 z/VSE 6.2.0 RSL has been updated to the July 7, 2021 level.
February 11, 2021 z/VSE 6.2.0 RSL has been updated to the January 7, 2021 level.
July 28, 2020 z/VSE 6.2.0 RSL has been updated to the July 8, 2020 level.
June 8, 2020 IPN081W IBM Product Key ... is invalid and ignored
With TCP/IP for z/VSE level 2.2.7 (APAR PH17821/PTF UI66491) the key validation function has been changed to detect invalid keys. If after PTF installation the next TCP/IP start issues message 'IPN081W IBM Product Key ... is invalid and ignored' e.g. for your TCP/IP GPS key, contact the IBM Key Center (or IBM CSI TCP/IP Support) and ask for an alternate TCP/IP GPS key.
February 13, 2020 z/VSE 6.2.0 RSL has been updated to the January 9, 2020 level.
August 12, 2019 z/VSE 6.2.0 & 6.1.0 RSL have been updated to the July 2, 2019 level.
July 27, 2019 New IBM Support site replaces the IBM Service Request Tool
The z/VSE products have now been migrated into the new IBM Support site. Use the new IBM Support site to open a problem ticket (now called case). If you log in to your previous Support portal, you are redirected to the new support site.
The new IBM Support site provides you with:
  • Improved product selection
  • Simplified search
  • Greater visibility into the status of your support cases
June 30, 2019 z/VSE V6.1 end of service
January 28, 2019 z/VSE 6.2.0 & 6.1.0 RSL have been updated to the January 10, 2019 level.
October 31, 2018 z/VSE V5.2 end of service
August 22, 2018 z/VSE 6.2.0, 6.1.0, & 5.2.0 RSL have been updated to the June 30, 2018 level.
May 25, 2018 Upload of customer data requires an IBMid
Starting May 25, 2018, upload of customer material for problem determination changes. Before upload of material, all customers must identify with their IBMid. Furthermore plain FTP server for manual data upload will be discontinued. Instead, FTPS (FTP over TLS) encryption will be enforced to meet legal requirements. For more information, see the Enhanced Customer Data Repository (ECuRep) web page.
May 8, 2018 Tape delivery in Shopz will be discontinued
As stated in the IBM software announcement 218-118 dated March 6, 2018, on July 1, 2018, delivery of PTFs for z/OS, z/VM, and z/VSE on tape is planned to be discontinued with an effective date of July 16, 2018. IBM plans to support internet and DVD delivery options for product and PTF delivery in Shopz. For further details, see Washington Systems Center Flash 10889
Feb 23, 2018 z/VM 6.4 APAR to fix a problem when the z/VSE VTOC is located at the end of the volume
APAR VM66104 / PTF UM35279
Feb 19, 2018 IBM ShopZ might return PTFs for end of service release VSE/ESA 1.1.0 (CLC F10), if the order was based on a report generated by the z/VSE Installed Software Report Tool and IPv6/VSE (also with CLC F10) was listed in z/VSE 6.2 history file. The superfluous PTFs are sorted out by MSHP when installing the PTFs. Clients with no license for IPv6/VSE must run job DELIPV6 from ICCF library 59 to remove product from the library and from the system history file.
Jan 15, 2018 z/VSE 6.1.0 & 5.2.0 RSL have been updated to the Dec 30, 2017 level.
December 11, 2017 After z/VSE 6.2 installation the LIBDEF procedure needs to be updated:
Both products, TCP/IP and IPv6/VSE, are preinstalled on your z/VSE system.
  • TCP/IP is installed in sublibrary PRD2.TCPIPC
  • IPv6/VSE is installed in sublibrary PRD2.TCPIPB
Depending on which product you selected to use, the sublibrary PRD2.TCPIPC or PRD2.TCPIPB must be added to the LIBDEF Procedures. Use skeleton SKLIBCHN in ICCF library 59 to maintain your LIBDEF procedure.
December 1, 2017 IBM z/VSE V6.2 is available
Aug 1, 2017 z/VSE 6.1.0 & 5.2.0 RSL have been updated to the Jun 30, 2017 level.
July 17, 2017 Running z/VSE V5.2 on IBM z14:
For the AR REIPL command, the PTF for APAR DY47722 is required. For automatic installation of z/VSE 5.2 in a z14 LPAR and ECKD disks: After restore of IJSYSR1 is complete (message on console), system enters hardwait FFD (because re-IPL fails). Circumvention: After restore of IJSYSR1, when system entered hardwait, IPL DOSRES device manually. Then, automatic installation then continues normally.
Feb 1, 2017 z/VSE 6.1.0 & 5.2.0 RSL have been updated to the Dec 31, 2016 level.
July 19, 2016 The GPS Feature of IBM TCP/IP for z/VSE V2.1 is available for z/VSE V6 customers.
  • Customers that use the GPS Feature of IBM TCP/IP for z/VSE on z/VSE V6.1, require a new license for the new version of the feature when ordering z/VSE V6.1.
  • As of July 22, only V2.1 of the GPS Feature is available for ordering with z/VSE V6.1.
  • IBM TCP/IP for z/VSE - GPS V2.1 is eligible for Migration Pricing Option (MPO).
To ensure licensing for IBM TCP/IP for z/VSE - GPS V2.1, you need to select the product when ordering z/VSE V6.1 in Shopz, or by placing an extra order if you have ordered z/VSE V6.1 already. For more information, see the Announcement letter
July 11, 2016 z/VSE 6.1.0, 5.2.0 & 5.1.2 RSL have been updated to the June 30, 2016 level.
June 30, 2016 z/VSE V5.1 end of service
April 25, 2016 z/VSE 6.1.0 PSP Bucket Shopz orders
At the moment (as of April 25, 2016) there is no HIPER flagged service available for z/VSE 6.1.0. This means there is no need to place a PSP bucket order on Shopz when you have just installed the new z/VSE 6.1.0 release.
If you have already placed such a PSP Bucket order for z/VSE 6.1.0, then you will receive PTF's for a back-level release of EREP (5656-260-01-D10) which can be ignored. If you try to install them, you will receive message: 'Product 260D10 is not installed on your system'. This can then be ignored.
April 4, 2016 A new license is required for the new versions of IBM TCP/IP for z/VSE V2.1 and CICS TS for z/VSE V2.1 on z/VSE V6.1
  • Customers using IBM TCP/IP for VSE/ESA V1.5 on z/VSE V5, require a new license for the new version of IBM TCP/IP for z/VSE V2.1 when ordering z/VSE V6.1.
  • Customers using CICS TS for VSE/ESA V1.1.1, require a new license for the new version of CICS TS for z/VSE V2.1 when ordering z/VSE V6.1.

To ensure licensing for the new TCPIP and CICS TS product versions, you need to select the product(s) applicable when ordering z/VSE V6.1 in Shopz, or by placing an additional order for either of the products, if you have ordered z/VSE V6.1 already.

z/VSE V6.1 only supports CICS TS for z/VSE V2.1 and IBM TCP/IP for z/VSE V2.1. Older versions of these two products are not supported with z/VSE V6.1.
Feb 10, 2016 z/VSE 6.1.0 RSL has been created at the Jan 15, 2016 level and z/VSE 5.2.0 & 5.1.2 RSL have been updated to the Jan 15, 2016 level.
November 27, 2015 IBM z/VSE V6.1 is now available
Oct 1, 2015 z/VSE 5.2.0 & 5.1.2 RSL updated to the Aug 31, 2015 level.
May 1, 2015 z/VSE 5.2.0 & 5.1.2 RSL updated to the Apr 30, 2015 level.
In case you are using the z/VSE Fast Path to Linux on System z (LFP) ensure that PTF UI25399/UI25398 for APAR PI35643 / PI35642 is installed. This PTF updates the Linux Fast Path daemon (LFPD). Make sure that you download the WBOOK IJBLFPLX.W and update the LFPD on Linux (using rpm -u). You can also download the latest LFPD code here.
Dec 31, 2014 z/VSE 5.2.0, 5.1.2 & 4.3.1 RSL updated to the Dec 31, 2014 level.
Dec 18, 2014 Impact of POODLE (CVE-2014-3566) on z/VSE (PDF, 105KB)
October 31, 2014 z/VSE V4.3 end of service
Jul 1, 2014 z/VSE 5.2.0, 5.1.2 & 4.3.1 RSL updated to the Jun 30, 2014 level.
May 30, 2014 z/VSE 5.2.0 RSL has been added at the May 23, 2014 level. z/VSE 5.1.2 RSL & z/VSE 4.3.1 RSL updated to the May 16, 2014 level.
May 23, 2014 The IJSYSPF file (used to apply service from disk) was delivered with an incorrect definition on z/VSE 5.2. To apply service from disk it is necessary to redefine this file before service application. This can be done by changing and then submitting skeleton SKPTFILE in library 59 from:
    RECORDSIZE (80,10320)       -  RECORDFORMAT(FIXBLK(10320)) -  
    RECORDSIZE (80,10320)       -  RECORDFORMAT(FIXBLK(80))    -  
This skeleton is corrected in PTF UI17100. When the IJSYSPF file has been redefined, if a PTF is to be transferred using TCP/IP the file must be transferred as follows:
  ftp> binary     
  200 Command okay.    
  ftp> quote site recfm fb    
  200 Command okay.    
  ftp> quote site lrecl 80    
  200 Command okay.    
  ftp> quote site blksize 10320    
  200 Command okay.    
  ftp> put ptffile.bin PTF.FILE  
Note: If you used FSU to upgrade to z/VSE 5.2, then this skeleton SKPTFILE may not be available in your library 59. You can then use this job to restore it from the z/VSE 5.2 base tape. After you have restored it, you need to change it as described above and then submit it to redefine IJSYSPF.
May 9, 2014 APAR DY47526 is available for z/VSE 5.1. It solves a problem created by a fix in error for DY47507, which results in error message MSG4228I RC X'22' VOLSER IN DLBL NOT MATCH CATALOG DEFINITION. This code is in the base of z/VSE 5.2 and the APAR DY47537 is available for z/VSE 5.2.
April 25, 2014 IBM z/VSE V5.2 is now available
Feb 15, 2014 z/VSE 5.1.2 RSL & z/VSE 4.3.1 RSL updated to the Jan 31, 2014 level.
Dec 1, 2013 z/VSE 5.1.2 RSL & z/VSE 4.3.1 RSL updated to the Oct 31, 2013 level.
Nov 13, 2013 Important information on APAR PM80542/UK91650
With APAR PM80542/UK91650, which was included in z/VSE 5.1.2 Upgrade, the transaction security phase DTSECTXN was delivered by error. This phase will get active in the system replacing transaction security settings for IBM provided transactions in case the new security concept based on BSTCNTL definition is used. If not yet migrated to the new concept it will even replace all customer defined transaction security settings.

In case the new concept is used (you can find out using IUI dialog 285, you will not get migration offered) delete DTSECTXN.PHASE from IJSYSRS.SYSLIB.

If the old concept is used, there should be the original phase stored in PRD2.SAVE, the new (IBM transactions only) phase in IJSYSRS.SYSLIB. It is recommended to merge the new IBM definition into existing setup as follows:
  1. Run the following REXX procedure
    // EXEC REXX=IPFTABLE,     *   
       +--- 2nd line starts at column 16  
  2. In dialog 285 specify do not migrate, use PF5 merge key and process key after verifying your transactions are included. This will replace the wrongly delivered DTSECTXN phase.

Error symptoms:
  1. If on new concept, IBM provided transactions will run with default authorization, that means if for example CEMT transaction was moved out of GROUP01, after above PTF CEMT is authorized for GROUP01 again.
  2. If on old concept, IBM provided transactions will be authorized for standard setup, but transactions for user applications are not authorized anymore.
Sep 30, 2013 PM75512 : RPG II users should apply PTF UK83060 when upgrading to z/VSE V5.1. Batch RPG II applications that use the SETLL operation may abend or have unpredictable results when accessing VSAM control blocks in 31-bit storage.
Oct 31, 2012 z/VSE V4.2 end of service
Jul 26, 2012 PM67737 : Customers who have developed, maintained or rebuilt COBOL/VSE applications on z/VSE 5.1 before installing UK80309 should apply this APARs PTF and then re-link all z/VSE 5.1 updated COBOL/VSE applications. COBOL/VSE applications that have not been linkedited on z/VSE 5.1 are not affected and do not require any action. APAR PM69182 is available for z/VSE 4.3 COBOL/VSE users as a preventive solution.
Jun 21, 2012 FSU from 5.1.0 to 5.1.1.
  1. Before running any FSU step, install following patch (on 5.1.0):
        // JOB CORRECT  
        *  TO KEEP OLD DATE  
        // EXEC MSHP  
          CORRECT 5686-CF-907-51C : DY99955  
          ALTER 2EE8C 47E0C2B6:47F0C2B6  
  2. Use dialog 'Defragment History File' fast path 147
  3. Now continue with FSU - Downlevel Check, Preparation and Installation.
If this information was missed and the message M063I is issued, the related job will fail and job DTRFSUAB will get active (Stage 2, not with the Downlevel Check). Customer may try following (does not work for sure in all cases):
    0 exit  
    r rdr,pausefsu  
    0 ALLOC BG=16M  
    0 SIZE BG=1280K  
    0 r rdr,dtrfsuab  
    0 resume  
If this does not work and M063 is still issued, enter
    l rdr,dtr*  
and re-IPL from DOSRES and continue with step 1 above. The whole FSU needs to be rerun in this case.
Jun 15, 2012 z/VSE V5.1.1 is now available
Sep 27, 2011 Important z/VSE V4.3 migration considerations regarding recoverable VSAM catalogs
Aug 12, 2011 z/VSE V4.3.1 is now available
Aug 2, 2011 Effective October 31, 2012, z/VSE V4.2, CICS/VSE V2.3, DL/I V1.10 and DL/I V1.11 will be withdrawn from service
Nov 26, 2010 z/VSE V4.3 is now available
Oct 14, 2010 New z/VSE Problem Determination Guide is available
Jul 15, 2009 Updated list of PTFs for ACF/VTAM V4.2 31-bit I/O Buffer support
In 2006 IBM introduced the ACF/VTAM V4.2 31-bit I/O Buffer support. This support needs additional PTFs for its full functionality. For a complete list of PTFs for z/VSE 3.1 or z/VSE 4.1 or z/VSE 4.2 see here.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSB27H","label":"z\/VSE"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF038","label":"z\/VSE"}],"Version":"6.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB56","label":"Z HW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 October 2023

