IBM Support

Upgrade IBM Cloud Private (ICP) 3.1.x to V3.2.1.x unable to access the API servers



After the upgrading of the Kubernetes on the "IBM Cloud Private cluster," following pods were not started 

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep -v Running

Show non-Running pods
NAMESPACE           NAME                              READY  STATUS       RESTARTS  AGE
kube-system          k8s-proxy-qkmvf                        0/1   ContainerCreating  0     1h
kube-system          k8s-proxy-wvbws                        0/1   ContainerCreating  0     1h
kube-system          k8s-proxy-xws79                        0/1   ContainerCreating  0     1h


Apiserver logs

I0429 02:03:24.307185       1 controller.go:105] OpenAPI AggregationController: Processing item
E0429 02:03:25.939799       1 available_controller.go:316] failed with: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
E0429 02:03:30.945853       1 available_controller.go:316] failed with: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
E0429 02:03:35.952120       1 available_controller.go:316] failed with: Operation cannot be fulfilled on "": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
E0429 02:03:40.964045       1 available_controller.go:316] failed with: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)


There was a backup of the master.jason file under /etc/cfs/pods on all the master nodes. While starting the Kubernetes, old versions were used which cause the API servers not available for other pods to access.

"name": "apiserver",
"image": "mycluster.icp:8500/ibmcom/hyperkube:v1.11.3-ee",


IBM Cloud Private upgrade which includes K8S upgrade 

Diagnosing The Problem

kubectl version shows mismatch and is still at the older version 

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"13", GitVersion:"v1.13.12+icp-ee2003", GitCommit:"8d24284de4f4c9a00ad4fa2c4370fbbc13fdf3ac", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-03-19T06:05:17Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.12", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"11", GitVersion:"v1.11.1+icp-ee", GitCommit:"5803c3b1f9422c43a963e0610b3a4cad565e127e", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-09-04T09:29:02Z", GoVersion:"go1.10.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
[root@louapplts200 cluster]# getpodsnrw

Resolving The Problem

1- Make sure there are no backup files under the /etc/cfc/pods directory on all the master nodes 
ls -l /etc//cfc/pods
total 16 
-rw------- 1 root root 3262 Oct  5  2020 etcd.json 
-rw------- 1 root root 2077 Oct 15  2020 kmsplugin.json 
-rw------- 1 root root 7434 Oct 15  2020 master.json 

2-- make sure the imaged pulled are the latest version in the master.jason file
# grep image -B1 m /etc/cfc/pods/master.json
grep: m: No such file or directory
/etc/cfc/pods/master.json-        "name": "controller-manager",
/etc/cfc/pods/master.json:        "image": "mycluster.icp:8500/ibmcom/hyperkube:v1.13.12-ee.2003",
/etc/cfc/pods/master.json:        "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
/etc/cfc/pods/master.json-        "name": "apiserver",
/etc/cfc/pods/master.json:        "image": "mycluster.icp:8500/ibmcom/hyperkube:v1.13.12-ee.2003",
/etc/cfc/pods/master.json:        "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
/etc/cfc/pods/master.json-        "name": "scheduler",
/etc/cfc/pods/master.json:        "image": "mycluster.icp:8500/ibmcom/hyperkube:v1.13.12-ee.2003",
/etc/cfc/pods/master.json:        "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
3-- you can confirm the image version by running the following command 
# docker images | grep hyperkube
mycluster.icp:8500/ibmcom/hyperkube-amd64                                 v1.13.12-ee.2003                    3df37a524d2a        2 years ago         761MB
mycluster.icp:8500/ibmcom/hyperkube                                       v1.13.12-ee.2003                    3df37a524d2a        2 years ago         761MB
mycluster.icp:8500/ibmcom/hyperkube-amd64                                 v1.13.9-ee                          7bf58e3b5e59        2 years ago         633MB
mycluster.icp:8500/ibmcom/hyperkube                                       v1.13.9-ee                          7bf58e3b5e59        2 years ago         633MB

After the upgrade the later version should be updated in the /etc/cfc/pods/master.json file

Related Information

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSBS6K","label":"IBM Cloud Private"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000Ck50AAC","label":"IBM Cloud Private-\u003EUpgrade"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS009195149","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.2.0;3.2.1;3.2.2"}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
02 May 2022

