IBM Support

IBM Application Performance Management Readme

Fix Readme


Readme file for Synthetic Playback Agent for IBM Cloud Application Performance Management Interim Fix 16
Product Release: 8.1.4
Update Name:
Fix ID:


Download location
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Known issues
Known limitations
Installation information
Troubleshooting installation problems from the Support site
Additional information
New Features
List of fixes
Document change history
Download location

When you select fixes, ensure your download options are set to "Include prerequisites and co-requisite fixes."

Fix Download for Linux

Product Name Platform Fix
IBM Cloud APM Synthetic Playback agent Linux x86_64

Prerequisites and co-requisites

General description 

This fix is an interim fix for Synthetic Playback Agent provided with IBM Cloud Application Performance Management family of products version 

Platforms and prerequisites 

The Synthetic Playback Agent is supported on the platforms documented here.

Prerequisites for this interim fix 

The interim fix for Synthetic Playback Agent can be applied to one of the following Synthetic Playback Agent versions:

These Synthetic Playback Agent versions are provided with:

  • IBM Cloud Application Performance Monitoring Advanced Private version
  • IBM Cloud Application Performance Monitoring Advanced version

The Synthetic Playback Agent must already be installed before you can apply this interim fix.

Known limitations

  • SN agent can support latest IDE version, but several Selenium IDE commands do not work when used in playbacks on a Synthetic Agent.

  • This table highlights the differences between Selenium IDE 3.12 and SN agent IF16

Commands Works on IDE? Works on Synthetic?
Add selection Yes No
Answer on next prompt Yes Yes
Assert Yes Yes
Assert alert Yes Yes
Assert checked Yes Yes
Assert not checked Yes Yes
Assert confirmation Yes Yes
Assert editable Yes Yes
Assert not editable Yes Yes
Assert element present Yes Yes
Assert element not present Yes Yes
Assert prompt Yes Yes
Assert-selected value Yes Yes
Assert not selected value Yes Yes
Assert-selected label Yes Yes
Assert text Yes Yes
Assert not text Yes Yes
Assert title Yes Yes
Assert value Yes Yes
Check Yes Yes
Choose cancel on next Confirmation Yes Yes
Choose cancel on next prompt Yes Yes
Choose OK on next confirmation Yes Yes
Click Yes Yes
Click at Yes Yes
Close Yes Yes
Debugger Yes No
Do Yes Yes
Double-click Yes Yes
Double-click at Yes Yes
Drag to object Yes Yes
Echo Yes Yes
Edit content Yes Yes
Else Yes Yes
Else if Yes Yes
End Yes Yes
Execute script Yes Yes
Execute async script Yes Yes
For each Yes Yes
If Yes Yes
Mouse down Yes Yes
Mouse down at Yes Yes
Mice move at Yes Yes
Mouse out Yes Yes
Mouse over Yes Yes
Mouse up at Yes Yes
Open Yes Yes
Pause Yes Yes
Remove selection Yes Yes
Repeat if Yes Yes
Run Yes No
Run script Yes Yes
Select Yes Yes
Select frame Yes Yes
Select window Yes Yes
Send keys Yes Yes
Set speed Yes Yes
Set window size Yes Yes
Store Yes Yes
Store attribute Yes Yes
Store JSON Yes No
Store value Yes Yes
Store text Yes Yes
Store title Yes Yes
Store window handle Yes Yes
Store XPath count Yes Yes
Submit Yes Yes
Times Yes Yes
Type Yes Yes
Uncheck Yes Yes
Verify Yes Yes
Verify checked Yes Yes
Verify not checked Yes Yes
Verify editable Yes Yes
Verify not editable Yes Yes
Verify element present Yes Yes
Verify element not present Yes Yes
Verify selected value Yes Yes
Verify not selected value Yes Yes
Verify selected label Yes Yes
Verify text Yes Yes
Verify not text Yes Yes
Verify title Yes Yes
Verify value Yes Yes
Verify selected label Yes Yes
Wait for element editable Yes Yes
Wait for element not editable Yes Yes
Wait for element not present Yes Yes
Wait for element not visible Yes Yes
Wait for element present Yes Yes
Wait for element visible Yes Yes
WebDriver answer on visible prompt Yes No
WebDriver choose cancel on visible confirmation Yes No
WebDriver choose cancel on visible prompt Yes No
WebDriver choose OK on visible confirmation Yes No
While Yes Yes

Installation information

Before installation

One of the following Synthetic Playback Agent versions must be installed before you apply the interim fix:

The agent needs to be restarted as part of applying the patch.


Installing the IBM Cloud Application Performance Management Agent update

  1. [Optional] If you configured proxy for Synthetic Playback Agent with command "/$Candle_Home/lx8266/sn/bin/", then you need to back up the "/$Candle_Home/config/.sn.environment" before you apply this patch.
  2. Download the patch bundle from Fix Central: 
    • Download
  3. On each server where Synthetic Playback Agent is already installed, use the command `firefox -version` to check the version. Check the table below to see supported list of Firefox ESR.

    Supported Firefox ESR Versions 91.8 to 102.4
  4. Stop Synthetic Playback Agent first, then create a folder and unpack the patch bundle to this folder by using the tar utility.
    For example,
    # $Candle_Home/bin/ stop
    # mkdir /tmp/SN-8.1.4-IF16
    # tar xvf -C /tmp/SN-8.1.4-IF16
  5. Change the current directory to the directory that includes this patch.
    For example,
    # cd /tmp/SN-8.1.4-IF16/
  6. Run the tool to install this patch:
    For example,
    # ./ [$Candle_Home]

    If the agent is installed in a non-default directory, then you must provide [$Candole_Home] parameter.
    The default $Candle_Home is /opt/ibm/apm/agent
  7. [Optional] If you want to configure proxy for your Synthetic Playback Agent, run the following commands:
    # cd /$Candle_Home/lx8266/sn/bin
    Enter the agent installation path, default path is /opt/ibm/apm/agent
    Agent installation path is /opt/ibm/apm/agent
    Input the number of proxy types:
    1 manual proxy
    2 no proxy

    Select one of the proxy types to configure your Synthetic Playback Agent, input the necessary information to complete the configuration, and then restart Synthetic Playback Agent to make it effective.
    Note: pac proxy and system proxy are not supported.

Performing the necessary tasks after installation

A successful installation modifies the Synthetic Playback Agent version to

Run <agent-home>/agent/bin/cinfo -i command and verify that the Synthetic Playback Agent version is

Run the command '/opt/firefox/firefox -v',  to view the output:

Mozilla Firefox 91.8.0esr

There is a dependency between the Synthetic Playback agent interim fix and the Cloud APM Server interim fix 8 or a later interim fix. It is recommended that you install the latest Cloud APM server interim fix after you update your playback agents so that you can use Selenium .side scripts.  

Uninstalling if necessary

This maintenance package cannot be rolled back. If necessary, you can uninstall and reinstall the monitoring agent and patches.

For detailed instructions to uninstall monitoring agents, refer to the IBM Application Performance Management guide that is available at the following location: 

Troubleshooting installation problems from the Support site

For more information, refer to the Troubleshooting and Support Guide: 

Additional information

The Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA256) checksum of the image is as follows:
SHA256( b12aef4e95a7888213db17a2dae8b3101c5db7b083f81a0f4ab6819d0b1fbc20

Image Contents 

The following files are included in this fix.
- - This is a readme file

- - For extracting the patch files use the tar utility.

Extracting the bundle (.tar) creates the following directory and patch files:
Note: You can use the tar command to extract the .tar files:
 # tar -xvf
|-- patches

New Features

List of fixes

The following problems are addressed by this interim fix.
- Fix APAR IJ35109: "APM 8.1 synthetic (SN) agent does not support custom Firefox profile"


- IJ35109: "APM 8.1 synthetic (SN) agent does not support custom Firefox profile"

Steps to enable APARs IJ35109 to support custom Firefox profile:

1. Stop the SN agent:
/opt/ibm/apm/agent/bin/ stop
2. Launch the command:
export FIREFOX_PROFILE_PATH=<home directory of your firefox profile> 
For example,
export FIREFOX_PROFILE_PATH=/root/firefox_profiles/customizedProfile
Then, start the SN agent:
/opt/ibm/apm/agent/bin/ start
Note: To disable reusing the same or customized profile, remove or unset the FIREFOX_PROFILE_PATH environment variable, and then restart the agent.

IBM Cloud Application Performance Management Synthetic Playback agent defects: 


Enhancements included from previous interim fixes: 

APARs and defects included in previous interim fixes: 

Document change history

Version Date Description of Change
1.0 25 Apr 2022 Initial version
1.1 15 Nov 2022 Added support for Firefox Version 102.2 ESR
1.2 29 Nov 2022 Added support for Firefox ESR Versions 102.3, 102.4 

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSVJUL","label":"IBM Application Performance Management"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m500000008b2uAAA","label":"Synthetic Agent"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"8.1.4","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
29 November 2022

