IBM Support

IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation 22.0.x Known Limitations

General Page

This web page provides a list of known limitations in Cloud Pak for Business Automation 22.0.x. Workarounds are provided where possible.
IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation 22.0.2
The following limitations pertain to IBM Cloud Pak for Automation 22.0.2. They are subject to change between releases. You can find more limitations in the product documentation at IBM Cloud Pak for Automation 22.0.2: Known limitations.

 Table of contents

Issue Description
None reported Symptom:



Limitation Description
In the Data standardization page of Document Processing Designer, you cannot define the Date and Time type. Symptom:
In the Data standardization page of Document Processing Designer, you cannot define the Date and Time type.

This regression was caused by the X11 accessibility fixes. It will be addressed in the next intern fix. 

You must define the Date type instead. This issue will be fixed in 22.0.2 IF001. 
Starting from 22.0.2 IF2 and onward interim fixes, ADP users can't delete classified and finalized documents within Batch and Single document processing applications.
After logging in to the Batch or Single document processing application with any of the ADP user accounts, including the Doc Processing Manager, Project Admin, Classification Worker, Document Owner, or Document Editor, attempting to delete a document from the application after it has been classified or finalized will result in an error message stating "The object can't be deleted". The Content Platform Engine log will also show the error message "FNRCE0001E: E_ACCESS_DENIED: The requester has insufficient access rights to perform the requested operation. Unable to delete object {GUID} in enumeration property CmThumbnails." In addition, you will be unable to view the document's thumbnail within the applications.

Starting from Content Platform Engine 5.5.8 IF004, 5.5.9 IF002, 5.5.10 IF001, and subsequent versions, there has been a modification in the interpretation of role permissions for certain object types. This technote Access granted by role permissions outlines the modifications to the interpretation of role access definitions (RADs) and provides details on any alterations that may be necessary in your environments to ensure the same level of access to thumbnail objects as in previous releases.

To address this issue, in ACCE 
Locate the role class definition for the type of role referenced in the role permission as follow
  1. Navigate to the Object Store > Data Design > Classes > Other Classes > Role > Static Role
  2. Select the Project Admins Role > Role Access Definitions
  3. Click Add button > Controlled class: Thumbnail > Check Access Right: View all properties and Delete > OK > Save
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for Classification Workers Role, Application Administrators Role, and Project Document Owners Role.      
  5. For Project Document Editors Role and  Project Document Viewer Role, click Add > Controlled class: Thumbnail > Check Access Right: View all properties > OK > Save.
Now you should be able to view the thumbnail and delete classified or finalized documents within the applications
Limitation Description
The ability to ask the operator to initialize FileNet P8 Object Store with an assigned schema name is absent because the custom resource (CR) parameter oc_cpe_obj_store_schema_name is not being documented.
The  operator initialized the object store created by using the default schema name for the database connection user instead of using an assigned schema name.
In a containerized deployment, for the operator to initialize the object store with an assigned schema name, an extra parameter,
oc_cpe_obj_store_schema_name, is required in the CR. The CR parameter was not included in the CP4BA 22.0.2 documentation.
See the tech note How to specify the object store schema name for operator initialization in a containerized deployment of Content Platform Engine for more information about the parameter and its usage.
IBM Business Automation Navigator
Limitation Description
None reported


IBM Business Automation Workflow
Limitation Description
None reported




Limitation Description
None reported


Limitation Description
None reported


 IBM Automation Workstream Services
Limitation Description
No new limitations reported


  IBM Automation Decision Services
Limitation Description
None reported


IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation 22.0.1
The following limitations pertain to IBM Cloud Pak for Automation 22.0.1. They are subject to change between releases. You can find additional limitations in the product documentation at IBM Cloud Pak for Automation 22.0.1: Known limitations.


Issue Description
The Content Management Interoperability Service (CMIS) URL is not accessible after upgrading
Open the CMIS URL in the browser shows 404 error

The location and proxy_pass in ngnix pod's CMIS config file are not updated to /cmis/openfncmis_wlp/

1.  From the OCP console, navigate to configMap and verify CMIS's Zen configMap xxxxx-cmis-zen-extension (where xxxxx is the deployment name, for example, icp4adeploy) has:
        location /cmis/openfncmis_wlp
        proxy_pass https://xxxxxx-cmis-svc.<cp4ba>.svc:9443/cmis/openfncmis_wlp;

(where xxxxx is the deployment name, for example, icp4adeploy and <cp4ba> is the name of the namespace where CP4BA is deployed)

2.  Go inside ngnix pod, cd /user-home/global/nginx-conf.d, check -cmis-zen-extension.conf to see if location and proxy_pass have the same settings as Zen configMap mentioned above.  If not, this means that the Zen didn't update config file when configMap is updated

3.  Change icpdata_addon_version to new label, e.g change 22.0.1-IF003 to 22.0.1-IF003-v1.  Save the change.  By now the config file *-cmis-zen-extension.conf in ngnix pod should be the same with configMap.  And the CMIS URL should be accessible now.

Removing and reapplying the custom resource (CR) fails to create AutomationBase CR.  Symptom:
AutomationBase CR fails to be ready and the CP4BA operator log has this error: AutomationBase foundation-iaf failed to pass in Ready status.
The Kafka resource status is also NotReady with this error: Cluster CA should not be generated, but the secrets were not found.

When deploying with Business Automation Insights (BAI) as an optional component or Business Automation Workflow (BAW) with PFS selected, and you decide to remove the deployed CR and apply the CR in the same namespace, on some clusters this issue is being observed.

Clean up everything (including IBM Automation Foundation (IAF) and Bedrock/Common Services) and reinstall to apply the CR again.
Removing and reapplying the CR fails to deploy IBM Business Automation Studio (BAS).
From CP4BA Ansible log, you might see several 401 errors on task visit Zen authorize endpoint, Business Automation Studio (BAS) can't be deployed.
When you uninstall CP4BA CR, it deletes the Zen service as well, but Zen PVC is left behind. It keeps the original credential, which doesn't match the new generated credential that is being used by BAS, which will prevent BAS installation.
Clean up all Zen PVC, which starts with datadir-zen-metastoredb-*, after uninstalling CP4BA CR.
Can't modify the existing deployment to add new data source to Content.
After a successful installation from CP4BA Operator, if you want to add more data sources to datasource_configuration.dc_os_datasources in CR for Content to consume, this cannot happen automatically.
Due to a logic issue, the new added parameters cannot pass to Content.

From CP4BA project, find the configmap ibm-cp4ba-content-shared-info and delete it. Then, delete CP4BA Operator as soon as possible.
Content Platform Engine (CPE) pod keeps restarting, and the Case history emitter is not able to load data from CPE.
The Content Platform Engine (CPE) pod is restarted in each reconcile of Content Operator, and there is one more data source configuration file named ibm_OS*.xml added to /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/configDropins/overrides. This makes it unusable for the case history emitter.
Due to a logic issue, when datasource_configuration.dc_cpe_datasource is defined in CR for Case history emitter purposes, Content Operator doesn't filter duplicated data, so in each reconcile, it adds one more ibm_OS*.xml for dc_cpe_datasource, which results in a CPE pod restart in each reconcile.
Will fix in 22.0.1 IF001.
Installing Cloud Pak for Business Automation fails when IBM Operator Catalog and pinned catalogs exists in the Openshift Cluster.
ibm-common-services-operators in ibm-common-services namespace is in Unknown state and All IBM Automation Foundation operators in Failed state.
When you execute script it did install the supported pinned catalog sources but when installing cp4ba operator, the install plan pick up ibm-operator-catalog , so that the CommonServices csv is installed with wrong version. After the CommonServices operator is installed, it switch it's own subscription to use opencloud-operators (pinned cs catalog), so at this point both CS operator in CP4BA and ibm-common-services namespace is using opencloud-operators, but the csv is incorrect, which cause the CS installation stuck forever.
Delete CS operator in both CP4BA & ibm-common-services namespace, install CS operator in CP4BA namespace by selecting "IBMCS Operators" under “provider type/Source" then search for "IBM Cloud Pak foundational services" in operator hub.
Cloud Pak For Business Automation 22.0.1 IF001 case package(ibm-cp-automation-4.0.1.tgz) contains 22.0.1 GA catalog sources.
Fresh deployment of CP4BA 22.0.1 IF001 will install 22.0.1 GA catalogs.
Due to an jenkins issue 22.0.1 IF001 case package was not refreshed with IF001 artifacts.
Use the catalog sources from 22.0.1 IF001 readme. This issue will be addressed in 22.0.1 IF002
Config map ibm-common-services-status in kube-public namespace is not deleted when uninstalling  a shared instance of foundational services.
Not able to install dedicated instance of 
IBM Cloud Pak foundational services 3.20.x on a cluster that had a shared instance previously deployed and having uninstalled CS, including cleaning up the ibm-common-services namespace.

When uninstalling the shared instance of of foundational services, the shared ibm-common-services-status config map in kube-public namespace is not deleted. Therefore the dedicated common-service-maps configmap is not created when running operator scripts.

After uninstalling the shared instance of foundational services, manually delete the ibm-common-services-status config map in kube-public namespace. Proceed with fresh deployment as normal and verify the dedicated common-service-maps configmap is created in kube-public after running the script.

This can be deleted through the OCP Console or with command: 
oc delete cm ibm-common-services-status -n kube-public
ADS interim fixes 22.0.1-IF001 and 22.0.1-IF002 are failing to install on Power platform.
Exception 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: math.1C' is thrown at start of ADS Designer image.
Possible problem in Java 1.8.0_341 on Power.
Use ADS interim fix 22.0.1-IF003 instead.
22.0.1-IF001 and 22.0.1-IF002
The Content Search Services (CSS) pod restarts every 15-minutes The CSS pod restarts every 15-minutes on Linux on Power (ppc64le) and Linux on Z (s390x) Openshift Container Platform cluster with CP4BA 22.0.1-IF003.  The issue will be addressed in the next interim fix (22.0.1-IF004) 22.0.1-IF003
Introduced new parameters under ldap_configuration
lc_enable_pagination: true/false
Set to true if you want to enable LDAP pagination
lc_pagination_size: 1000
If lc_enable_pagination is set to true, then specify the pagination size. If not specified, the following default values will be used: IBM Tivoli Directory Server: 20000; Microsoft Active Directory:1000, and Custom: 4500
baw case-init job keeps failing
After upgrading to 22.0.1-IF006 case-init job keeps failing with  following error message in log
  configureINFO: configureINFO: /opt/ibm/icm/shared/properties/AddOns/ilog-rules-sdk/commons-logging-1.1.jar (No such file or directory
In ICP4BA 22.0.1-IF006 the commons-logging and jdom jar is upgraded to 1.2 and respectively in case initialization job but the config task is pointing to old jar file name.
we can rename the effected jar file name with older version(commons-logging-1.1.jar and jdom- and rerun the case initialization job.
step 1: rename the effected jar with old jar name
navpod=$(oc get pod -o | grep navigator-deploy)
oc exec -it $navpod bash
cd /opt/ibm/icm/shared/properties/AddOns/ilog-rules-sdk/
mv commons-logging-1.2.jar commons-logging-1.1.jar
mv jdom2- jdom-

step 2: rerun the case initialization job  
caseinitjob=$(oc get job -o | grep case)
oc get job $caseinitjob -o json | grep -v "controller-uid" | oc replace --force -f -

Limitation Description
Datacap 9.1.9.x cannot export Microsoft Word documents to IBM Automation Document Processing. Symptom:
If you use Datacap 9.1.9.x to export Microsoft Word documents to create batches in IBM Automation Document Processing, you will encounter the CIMainAlgorithm::execute4DCO: Aborting: Action [SetTaskAbortBatch] requested abort in export log.

Currently, Datacap 9.1.9.x cannot export Microsoft Word documents to IBM Automation Document Processing. However, other file formats can still be exported, for example, PDF, TIFF, JPEG, or PNG.

Convert your Microsoft Word documents to other supported file formats to create batches in IBM Automation Document Processing.
In Document Processing Designer, you might see a slower response when opening certain sample documents on the ground truth screen in a Chromium-based browser. Symptom:
In Document Processing Designer, from Extraction model > Review training results, you might see a slower response when opening certain sample documents in Chromium-based browsers (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge).

Use Firefox or Safari when opening samples in Document Processing Designer's ground truth screen.

IBM FileNet Content Manager

Limitation Description
Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) does not support OpenID Connect (OIDC)/OAuth, which is required to integrate with Zen.
You cannot access the CMIS UI with IAM authentication.

Apache chemistry doesn’t have Zen/IAM JWT Token AuthenticationProvider, so it causes problems with CMIS. Use GraphQL instead of CMIS.

Use the CMIS FNCM route, for example, https://cmis-<project>.<host>/openfncmis_wlp, instead of the CP4BA Zen route, for example, https://cpd-<project>.<host>/cmis/openfncmis_wlp, when accessing the CMIS application.  See the icp4adeploy-cp4ba-access-info ConfigMap in the OCP console for the cmis-access-info route details. 

Limitation Description
Business orchestrations are available in only the development environment.
Business orchestrations cannot be deployed to other nonproduction or production environments.  22.0.1
Long names for model artifacts might cause errors. If you specify a long name for an automation service and its operation, you might get an error.  22.0.1
Names of data items cannot have spaces or special characters when the data item is used as input to an automation service. When you define an automation service as the launch option for a business orchestration, the data items used as inputs for the automation service must have names that do not contain special characters or spaces. 22.0.1
The Document type is not supported in the automation service launch definition. If you specify Automation service as the launch option for a business orchestration, the data items used as inputs for the automation service cannot be of type Document. 22.0.1
Document attributes aren't supported in a composite data item of a launch UI. If a composite data item is used in the launch UI and an attribute of the composite type is Document, the orchestration won't launch.  Instead, use a Document data item. 22.0.1
A business orchestration cannot initialize a composite data item.  An automation service output that is mapped to an attribute of an uninitialized composite data item is not supported. A composite data item must be mapped from an output of an automation service or used in a launch UI or a user task (not as a read-only data item) to initialize the composite data item.  22.0.1

IBM Business Automation Navigator

Limitation Description
Sync services work with only a Business Automation Navigator (BAN) Route URL.
If you are using a Zen URL for BAN, the Sync service in BAN does not work.
The Sync service is always, which cannot be customized. Also, the OIDC authFilter forwards this request to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) OIDC base on The Sync service works with the BAN Route URL. Sync service does not work with the Zen reverse proxy.
Use the BAN Route URL for Sync service.
The BAN Route URL does not work with Asynchronous Tasks, but the BAN Zen URL works well with it.
When you open Asynchronous Tasks by using the BAN Route URL, an error message says that the event data cannot be listed.
Currently, only BAN Zen URL supports Asynchronous Tasks. The BAN Route URL is used for Sync services. However, other features might have issues with the BAN Route URL.
Use the BAN Zen URL for Asynchronous Tasks.

IBM Business Automation Workflow

Limitation Description
Known problems when using Business Rules in Workflow Case Manager.

Various problems and solutions that relate to using business rules in IBM Case Manager are described here.

The External Document document type is not supported when you add a document to a case instance in the Case Details client-side human interface.
In the Case Details client-side human interface, the Documents section is used to add documents to the case. The selection of External Document document type is not supported.  Only Document selection is supported.
The External Document document type is a hidden document type that is not meant to be displayed. External Document and a few other hidden document types are not filtered out of the selection due to limitations in the Content Management Interoperability Services API that is used to retrieve the document type information.
Do not select External Document document type when you add a document in the Documents tab of the Case Details client-side human interface. Use Document for the document type instead.
Case (icm) event emitter
In the input field of the Source section of the JSON configuration file, you can configure a connection to only one object store. You cannot configure multiple ceObjectStore parameters.
Case (icm) event emitter

The case event emitter throws an error if the case type name is too long.

The case emitter doesn't have storage for information related to bookmarks, which indicate which sequence number emitter has processed the events from a particular event log. The case emitter depends on the target object store Audit Processing Bookmarks. The display name of the bookmark is limited to 64 characters. If the display name is longer that 64 characters (depending on the logical unique ID, schema, and case type name/event log name), the case emitter fails to process events.

The workaround is to use smaller case type names, and a smaller logical unique ID.

Limitation Description
The Decision Center API Swagger doesn't require authentication through the authorize button.
When accessing the Decision Center API Swagger application using https://<cpd-route>/odm/decisioncenter-api, the authentication is done through the Zen proxy by using IAM, so there is no need to click the Authorize button to test an endpoint.
In the curl command abstract, the authorization header is missing.
The header must be added manually with -H Authorization: ZenApiKey <ZenApiKey> by getting the ZenApiKey in the Zen dashboard.
Limitation Description
Business Teams Service (BTS) database secondary pods (EDB PostgreSQL) might fail under heavy load.
Under heavy load, the BTS PostgreSQL pods (for example, ibm-bts-cnpg-*-2) might get into a CrashLoopBackOff state.
The PostgreSQL Operator cannot recover the pod successfully. The pod logs contain an error: Failed to execute pg_rewind.

The BTS database recovery does not work.


When adding the recovery section into the BTS PostgreSQL Cluster CR, recovery is not executed.


The PostgreSQL Operator does not execute recovery after the database is already initialized as empty.


  1. Get the BTS PostgreSQl cluster name: oc get cluster
  2. Save the contents of the cluster CR YAML output to some location: oc get cluster <cluster-name> -o yaml >cluster.yaml
  3. Remove these fields from the file:
    - metadata.resourceVersion
    - metadata.creationTimestamp
    - metadata.managedFields

    - The entire status section
  4. Delete the cluster: oc delete cluster <cluster-name>
  5. Re-create the cluster: oc apply -f cluster.yaml
  6. Make sure the BTS pods are restarted. Because the cluster was deleted, the pods should restart automatically.
The BTS deploy status shows failed when upgrading from 21.0.3 to 22.0.1.
When you do an upgrade from 21.0.3 to 22.0.1, the BTS deployStatus field in the BTS CR might show "failed", with the error message "Failed to create Zen Extension configmap":
    deployStatus: failed
      adminUI: ...
      apiExplorer: ...
      teamsAPI: ...
    lastUpdated: "2022-05-31T02:13:21Z"
    reason: Failed to create Zen Extension configmap
    serviceStatus: unready
The Zen API call returns:
unexpected end of JSON input","
message":"Internal Server Error"}"
The Zen translations of the previous version are corrupted and must be removed.
To remove the corrupted Zen translations, run the following commands:
  • oc get pod | grep ibm-nginx
  • oc exec -it <ibm-nginx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxx> bash
  • cd /user-home/_global_/translations/bts/
Delete the translations by executing the following command for each language code:
  • rm <language code>.json (for example, to remove the English translation: rm en.json)
Language codes: ar, bg, cs, da, de, el, en, es, fi, fr, he, hu, it, iw, ja, ko, nb, nl, no, pl, pt_BR, pt, ro, ru, sk, sv, tr, zh_TW, and zh

IBM Automation Workstream Services

Limitation Description
Deploying IBM Automation Workstream Services on more than one replica is not supported.
After publishing a workstream, users working with another replica will not see that this workstream is available to start. The list of workstreams might also not load.
Deploying IBM Automation Workstream Services on more than one replica causes the replicas to become unsynchronized.
Do not deploy IBM Automation Workstream Services on more than one replica.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSBYVB","label":"IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001iUCAAY","label":"Operate-\u003EUMS Install\\Upgrade\\Setup"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"22.0.1;22.0.2"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
09 June 2023

