IBM Support

Known issues and Limitations: version 8.1.x Data Protection for HCL Domino

Preventive Service Planning


This document details the known issues and limitations for Data Protection for Domino, a component of the IBM Spectrum Protect for Mail.
These issues and limitations apply to the Data Protection component when used with HCL Domino.


This document is divided into linked sections for ease of navigation. You can use the following links to jump to different sections of the document.


Problems and limitations common to all platforms

With the release of the Domino 11 Server, the product branding changed from IBM Domino Server to HCL Domino Server.
Problem: With the release of the Domino 11 Server, the product branding changed from IBM Domino Server to HCL Domino Server. However, some documentation and tech notes still refer to Lotus Domino or IBM Domino. Only HCL Domino is supported by this release of Data Protection for Mail.
Workaround: None.

Domino 11 and 12 Servers support 64-bit Windows, 32-bit Windows is not supported.
Domino 11 and 12 Servers support 64-bit Windows, 32-bit Windows is not supported.
Workaround: None.

The product documentation is not updated for the version 8 release. You can continue to refer to the version 7 documentation for the version 8 release of the software.
Problem: The product documentation is not updated for the version 8 release. You can continue to refer to the version 7 documentation for the version 8 release of the software.
Workaround: None.

The Domino Administration Client supports creating directory names that include special characters.
Problem: The Domino Administration Client supports creating directory names that include special characters. For example, a directory name can be created like: iis??is
However, this naming convention is not supported by the Domino C/API interface. Data Protection for Domino uses this interface during backup.  Therefore, once a directory path that includes these characters is encountered during a Data Protection for Domino backup, the following error is added to the dsmdsmerr.log:
nACD0151E Errors occurred while processing the request.
Workaround: None. Do not create Domino directory paths that include special characters.

Command-line output can have incorrect formatting in non-English languages.
Problem: Command-line output can have incorrect formatting in non-English languages. The following commands might display this problem:
domdsmc query logarchive
domdsmc query dbbackup
domdsmc query pending
For example, in Polish, the columns in the header do not exactly match the data.
domdsmc query dbbackup "*"
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail:
Data Protection for Lotus Domino
Wersja 8, Wydanie 1, Poziom 13
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2021. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeone.

Lista kopii zapasowych baz danych

Serwer Domino: lpar4base

Data kopii zapas. Wielko A/I Protoko. Nag.bazy dan. Plik bazy danych
----------------- -------- --- --------- -------------- ------------ ----
03/11/21 03:58:10 864.00KB A Nie DBcostin DBcostin.nsf
03/11/21 04:11:46 5,632.00KB A Nie Domino Domain M ddm.nsf
03/11/21 04:11:06 448.00KB A Nie Homepage (8.5) homepage.nsf
Workaround: None.

When regional settings are updated in the GUI preference editor, the GUI needs to be restarted before the changes become effective.
Problem: When regional settings are updated in the GUI preference editor, the GUI needs to be restarted before the changes become effective. For example:
08/09/2021 04.46.22 Throughput rate: 5,718.21 Kb/Sec
08/09/2021 04.46.22 Total bytes inspected: 3,407,872
08/09/2021 04.46.22 Total bytes transferred: 3,407,872
Workaround: Restart the GUI after you change the regional settings.
  1. Run "domdsm.exe" from the default installation path.
  2. Select Edit -> Preferences... -> Regional tab.
  3. Select "Time Format" = hh:mm:ss and "Number Format" = xxx xxx,dd
  4. Perform a selective backup.
  5. Open the domdsm.log file.

When both COMPRESSION=YES and COMPRESSALWAYS=NO are used, and a file grows during backup, the file is properly backed up in an uncompressed format
Problem: When both COMPRESSION=YES and COMPRESSALWAYS=NO are used, and a file grows during backup, the file is properly backed up in an uncompressed format and the program properly displays the following message: ANS2101E (RC155) Compressed data grew.
However, the following message is also displayed by mistake: ACE0004E unknown error message
Workaround: None. Ignore the extraneous message.

SESSions Option is ignored from the Java GUI
Problem: When you back up Domino NSF databases from the GUI, the SESSions option is ignored and only a single IBM Spectrum Protect server session is used.
Workaround: None.

Backups might fail if the IBM Spectrum Protect Domain, associated with the IBM Spectrum Protect Node that performs the Data Protection for Domino backup, is changed.
Problem: Under certain circumstances, backups fail if the IBM Spectrum Protect Domain, associated with the IBM Spectrum Protect Node that performs the DP for Domino backup, is changed. You must wait until the backup completes before you change the IBM Spectrum Protect Domain otherwise the backup fails and generates a message like: ACD0004E An unknown error has been detected.
For example:
  1. Issue the command:
    UPDATE NODE tdpnode domain=standard
  2. Issue the command:
    domdsmc db2selective -full
  3. While the backup is running, create a new Domain on the IBM Spectrum Protect Server
  4. While the backup is running, issue the command:
    UPDATE NODE tdpnode domain=new_domain_name
  5. The backup fails with error: ACD0004E An unknown error has been detected.
Workaround: None.

An incorrect Product ID (PID) is shown in the header information of some Data Protection for Domino files
Problem: An incorrect Product ID (PID) is shown in the header information of some Data Protection for Domino files. Header information associated with some Data Protection for Domino files, such as:
can display the Product ID 5608-APE instead of 5608-E06.
Workaround: None. This issue does not affect the functionality of the software.


Problems and limitations specific to Unix and Linux platforms

Manually installing the backup-archive client and Data Protection for HCL Domino® might cause an RPM conflict.
Problem: Normally the installer package installs the backup-archive client and Data Protection for HCL Domino® components in the correct order. If you are attempting to install these components directly by using RPM, a file conflict might occur if they are not installed in the proper order. If this problem occurs, you can use the following procedure to install the components in the correct order.
  1. Uninstall the backup-archive client (if already installed).
  2. If the API if it was uninstalled with the backup-archive client in the previous step, install it now.
  3. Install Data Protection for IBM Domino.
  4. Install the backup-archive client with the --replacefiles option. For example, to install the Linux x86_64 client, issue the following command:
    rpm -ivh --replacefiles TIVsm-BA.x86_64.rpm
    For more information about installing and uninstalling the backup-archive client and API, see
Workaround: None.
Error message if IBM Spectrum Protect API is not installed previously
Problem: When you install the Data Protection for Domino, and the IBM Spectrum Protect API is not already installed, the resulting message is seen: API Not Installed
Workaround: Install the required version of the API as indicated in the message.

For non-English environments, the Data Protection for Domino installation on AIX displays the license in English when UTF8 locales are used.
Problem: For non-English environments, the Data Protection for Domino installation on AIX displays the license in English when UTF8 locales are used. The license can be reviewed online, before installation, by using the following steps:
  1. From a web browser, enter the address for the IBM license site:
  2. From the IBM license site home page, click Search for a specific program license agreement.
  3. In the search criteria field, enter the product name. For example, IBM Spectrum Protect for Mail
  4. Follow the link to the wanted version of the license.
After the license is selected, the license can be displayed in any of the following languages:
Chinese - Simplified
Chinese - Traditional

If path names or databases for a Unix Lotus Domino Server that differ only by case, Data Protection for HCL Domino might not properly back up all instances of the databases.
Problem: If the Domino Administrator creates path names or databases for a Unix Lotus Domino Server that differ only by case, Data Protection for HCL Domino might not properly back up all instances of the databases. For example, the Domino server might have these databases in the data directory:

Data Protection for HCL Domino might not properly back up the two databases due to case sensitivity issues within the Domino application programming interface that is used by Data Protection for HCL Domino. This limitation is a permanent restriction for Data Protection for HCL Domino based on the requirements of the application programming interface provided by HCL Domino.
Workaround: Inspect your Domino Server directory structure starting from the data directory. Path names and Domino database names that differ only by case need to be renamed so they have unique names that are not based on case sensitivity.

Providing a file name containing an invalid character by using the CONFIGFILE option might lead to unwanted output.
Problem: Providing a file name containing an invalid character by using the CONFIGFILE option might lead to unwanted output. The error occurs with AIX and Linux command-line clients. For example:
domdsmc query adsm /config=:
Produces the message: Unrecognized or duplicate preference options were found.
Followed by more output.
Workaround: Do not use invalid characters for the file name with the CONFIGFILE option.

The dominstall silent configuration might fail if the silent configuration file was created in an environment that is different from the environment where the silent installation is being performed.
Problem: The dominstall silent configuration might fail if the silent configuration file was created in an environment that is different from the environment where the silent installation is being performed.
For example, the silent configuration created during a first-time installation cannot be used to reconfigure an existing installation.
Workaround: use silent configuration files created in the same environment.

Characters typed after a Yes or No response are recorded during dominstall silent configuration.
Problem: When extra characters are entered after a valid yes or no response, the characters are recorded in the silent configuration file.
Workaround: do not enter any extra characters when you respond to a prompt.

GNU JVM is not supported by InstallAnywhere and cannot be used to install Data Protection for HCL Domino.
Support incident #SIOA-000089928 is opened with Macrovision.

Some Data Protection for Domino readme files includes installation instructions.
Problem:  Some Data Protection for Domino readme files includes installation instructions. However, these instructions do not indicate that you need to run the dominstall program for each Domino server partition.
Workaround: After you apply software updates such as a fix pack or interim fix, you must configure the Domino environment by running the dominstall program for each Domino server partition.


Problems and limitations specific to Windows platform

Using the CONFIGfile option with the DOMDSMC SET command creates the config file in the root file system.
Problem:  Using the CONFIGfile option with the DOMDSMC SET command creates the config file in the root file system. For example, a command like:
domdsmc set DOMTXNGROUPmax=2 /CONFIGfile=domdsm.cfg
completes successfully with the following message: ACD5217I The preference has been set successfully.
The config file is created in the root of the file system because no path was given.
Workaround: Give a fully qualified path and config file name with the configfile option.

GUI does not launch and errors are displayed when the LANGuage option in domdsm.cfg is defined but the corresponding language pack is not installed on the system
Problem: If the LANGuage option is defined in domdsm.cfg but the corresponding language pack is not installed on the system, the GUI cannot be launched and the following message can be displayed multiple times:
ANS0101E Unable to open English message repository 'tdpdchs.txt'
To resolve the issue, either install the Data Protection for Domino language pack that corresponds to the domdsm.cfg file or remove the LANGuage option from the configuration file.
  • ANS0106E Errors displayed when you start the GUI
  • Activating a database from the GUI creates a window, which does not close once the operation is complete. When you activate a database by using the Data Protection for Domino GUI, a new window can be generated that has a title like:
After the activate operation completes, the new window does not close. Attempts to close the window manually results in the exit from the GUI.
Workaround: Minimize the window instead of closing it. If the GUI terminates, restart it.

Data Protection for Domino can terminate when the Windows Locale setting does not match the DP for Domino language setting
Problem: When the Data Protection for Domino language is set to $LANG_A and the Windows Locale setting is for $LANG_B, Data Protection for Domino can terminate. The Windows debugger might display on the screen with a message like:
domdsm stopped working
Followed by debugger output.
An example of the language mismatch is when Data Protection for Domino is set for Russian but the Windows local is set to Chinese.
Workaround: Always use the same language setting for Data Protection for Domino and Windows.


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSERBW","label":"IBM Spectrum Protect for Mail"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000LQWGAA4","label":"Data Protection-\u003EDomino"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.1.13"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 May 2022

