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APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

    When a WorkOrder or MultiAssetLocCI record is saved after
    populating the "Inspection Form" (InspFormNum) field, an
    InspectionResult record is created for use by the "Conduct an
    Inspection" application. Several fields on the InspectionResult
    record are populated from corresponding fields on the WorkOrder
    and/or MultiAssetLocCI record including the AssetNum, Location,
    Sequence, and DueDate. The Sequence is populated with either
    the WorkOrder.WOSequence or the MultiAssetLocCI.Sequence while
    the DueDate is populated with the WorkOrder.TargCompDate.
    It is observed that these fields are not updated on the
    InspectionResult record when they are changed on the
    corresponding WorkOrder and/or MultiAssetLocCI record and the
    InspectionResult record is not deleted when the corresponding
    MultiAssetLocCI record is deleted. Additionally, if a WorkOrder
    is deleted, the corresponding InspectionResult record is
    It is also expected that the InspectionResult.DueDate value
    should be set to the SchedFinish rather than the TargCompDate
    when the SchedFinish is populated.
    1. Log in to maxdemo instance as maxadmin
    2. Go To Security | Security Groups
    3. In the Group field enter "maxadmin" and press Enter
    4. Click MAXADMIN to open the record
    5. On the Applications tab | Applications section | click Filter
    6. In the Description field enter "inspection" and press Enter
    7. Click to highlight the Conduct and Inspection application
    8. In the Options section click the checkbox for "Grant
    Access?" for the Access to Conduct and Inspection
    9. Grant Access for Create Report
    10. Click to highlight the Manage Inspection Forms application
    11. In the Options section click the checkbox for "Grant
    Access?" for the Access to Manage Inspection Forms
    12. Grant Access for Create Report
    13. Save the record
    14. Log out, then log in
    15. Go To Planning | Manage Inspection Forms
    16. Click the Create Form button
    17. In the Name field enter "Inspection 01"
    18. Click the drop-down arrow in the "Select a form type" field
    19. Click Condition Assessment
    20. Click the Add Question button
    21. In the Question field enter "Does the asset appear to be
    22. In the Description field enter "There is power to the asset
    and there is no visible damage."
    23. Click the Done button
    24. Click the Save button
    25. Slide the button to the right in the Status column to make
    it Active
    26. On the Start Center tab back in the Maximo application Go
    To Work Orders | Work Order Tracking
    27. Common Actions | New Work Order
    28. In the Asset field | Detail Menu | Select Value
    29. Click any record which is not a rotating asset, and which
    has a value in the Location field, such as 11220
    30. In the Inspection Form field | Detail Menu | Select Value |
    click the Inspection Form that was created earlier, "Inspection
    31. In the Multiple Assets, Locations and CIs section click the
    New Row button
    32. In the Asset field | Detail Menu | Select Value
    33. Click any record which has a value in the Location field,
    such as 13144
    34. In the Sequence field enter 1
    35. Click the New Row button
    36. In the Asset field | Detail Menu | Select Value
    37. Click any record which is not a rotating asset, and which
    has a value in the Location field, such as 11230
    38. In the Sequence field enter 1
    39. Click the New Row button
    40. In the Asset field | Detail Menu | Select Value
    41. Click any record which is not a rotating asset, and which
    has a value in the Location field, such as 13144
    42. In the Sequence field enter 2
    43. In the Target Start field click the Select Date and Time
    44. Click today's date then click OK
    45. In the Target Finish field click the Select Date and Time
    46. Click tomorrow's date then click OK
    47. In the Scheduled Start field click the Select Date and Time
    48. Click today's date then click OK
    49. In the Scheduled Finish field click the Select Date and
    Time button
    50. Click a date greater than tomorrow's date then click OK
    51. In the Duration field enter 1
    52. Save the record
    53. In a database query tool, execute the query:
    SELECT * FROM InspectionResult WHERE COALESCE(Parent,
    ReferenceObjectID) = '<WONum>'; (where the value for WONUM is
    the Work Order that was just created)
    54. Observe that the fields are populated with the expected
    55. Go To Work Orders | Work Order Tracking
    56. In the Work Order field enter the number of the Work Order
    that was created and press Enter
    57. Click the record to open it
    58. Using similar steps that were used to create the Work Order
    previously, edit the Asset, Location, and Sequence fields to
    contain different values.
    59. Edit the values in the Target Finish and Scheduled Finish
    to be one day later
    60. Save the record
    61. In a database query tool, execute the query:
    SELECT * FROM InspectionResult WHERE COALESCE(Parent,
    ReferenceObjectID) = '<WONum>'; (where the value for WONUM is
    the Work Order that was just created)
    62. *Observe that the column values did not change; it is
    expected that they would be updated
    63. On the Work Order record delete one of the rows from the
    Multiple Assets,Locations and CIs table
    64. Save the record
    65. In a database query tool, execute the query:
    SELECT * FROM InspectionResult WHERE COALESCE(Parent,
    ReferenceObjectID) = '<WONum>'; (where the value for WONUM is
    the Work Order that was just created)
    The row that was deleted in the application is still stored in
    the database
    Subsequent updates to the Work Order should be stored in the
    INSPECTIONRESULT table upon saving the Work Order
    IBM Maximo for Utilities Build

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
    * InspectionResult data was not updated when associated Work   *
    * Order was updated                                            *

Problem conclusion

  • A fix for the Work Order change validation was delivered for

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLLAM","label":"Maximo for Utilities"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"760"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 February 2022