IBM Support

Fixed APARs in IBM FileNet Image Services 4.2.0

Fix Readme


This document provides the list of APARs that are fixed in Image Services 4.2.0.


The following tables give details of the Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APAR) fixed in Image Services 4.2.0.

Image Services 4.2.0 fix pack 18 (
APAR Type Description
PJ46851 Fix Client stop responding when PED error 216,0,4001 is reported.
PJ46909 Fix fn_util mk_links -nodataset is throwing insufficient permission error and stopping IS.
PJ47014 Fix When trying to go MSAR backup mode, LSI_update_cks() fails with max retries exceeded (30)
Not applicable Internal defect Unable to save stamp annotation and transparent text annotation with ICN 3.0.13 version

Image Services 4.2.0 fix pack 17 (
APAR Type Description
PJ46327 Fix Windows: Warning message in elog file: Retention is turned off on Hitachi Content Archive Platform (HCAP) device.
PJ46453 Fix Unable to open documents in IBM Content Navigator Daeja ViewONE Virtual if the documents include Sticky-Notes that were used by Image Services until about mid-2005.
PJ46575 Fix The Next button is disabled in Xapex for all the users except the SysAdmin for viewing all the users in Image Services.
Not applicable Internal defect
  • DOC_tool enhancement for trigger files
  • Fixed spelling mistakes in the descriptions, removed duplicate sentences, and some other issues

Image Services 4.2.0 fix pack 16 (
APAR Type Description
PJ46104 Fix CSM_tool any character (instead of ' ') separated delete or select command deletes or displays all the cache object.
PJ46152 Fix DOC_tool SDS find option does not work on foreign documents for local SDS units with Centera device and user interaction can be improved and clip_ids should be using the sds_orig_doc_id instead of orig_doc_id.
PJ46164 Fix DOC_commit_option_doc and DOC_commit_doc does not check for valid document class.
PJ46205 Fix Cannot log in to Image Services from clients using LDAP users after applying Extensible user authentication.
PJ46210 Fix Windows: Address conflict in the vmap.txt file.
Added the NO_VMAP_CHECK trigger file to resolve the issue.
PJ46260 Fix When document migration (docmigrate) is done with a docfile list using the stmigrate -file command, IS cannot handle a file name with ^M (control-M) character.
PJ46273 Fix <156,0,0> "nchl_CheckString: Null argument" reported by multiple processes on IS startup
PJ46363 Fix 'sds_copy' error handling issues: Does not detect and display the error correctly. It also attempts to copy the deleted document status_1=2 (delete status) and logs the segmentation violation on SDSw_open_object().
PJ46372 Fix When the normal backup mode is changed to MSAR backup mode, a system error is encountered and Image Services does not retry.
PJ46259 Fix NullPointerException introduced due to annotateEdit defect (PJ46136)
PJ46299 Fix The foreign SDS unit with HCP or snaplock fails because of insufficient permission and core dumps during handling error conditions.
PJ46350 Fix The DTP module does not provide useful information when the primary surface has an issue and an RSVP is generated on the tranlog surface.
PJ43960 Enhancement IS Connector: Allowed System Administrator to specify the location of the CMISLock and PluginLock directories
PJ45672 Enhancement Added an option to DOC_tool to determine what Image Services trigger files or environments are set.
PJ46052 Enhancement MSAR group can now be ejected or inserted in DOC_tool.
PJ46072 Enhancement Implemented the Download All menu action to the Image Services plug-in. It helps download all the pages of a multi-page document with IBM Content Navigator.
PJ46243 Enhancement Modified sds_update_retention to enable changing any retention to 'INFINITE' retention.
PJ46469 Enhancement Added an option of privileged deletion for Centera / Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS).
PJ46175 Enhancement Improved stmigrate / docmigrate command functionalities.
PJ46501 Enhancement Added support for SQL Server 2019.
Not applicable Enhancement Added support for Windows 2019.
Not applicable Enhancement Added support for IS Connector for IBM Content Navigator 3.0.8.
Not applicable Enhancement Added support for IS Connector for IBM Content Navigator 3.0.7 interim fix 4.
Not applicable Enhancement Added support for IS Connector with IBM Content Navigator 3.0.9.
Not applicable Enhancement IS Connector: Added support for CMIS ICN connector 3.0.4 with RHEL 7.

Image Services 4.2.0 fix pack 15 (
APAR Type Description
PJ46136 Fix IS Connector annotation annotateEdit viewer setting is ignored when it uses the ImageServicesPlugin.jar.
PJ46106 Fix 88,0,52 BESl: 'batch_open_id' wrap around in 'batch_ctl' record -- not recoverable Time of day invalid at some previous time
PJ45899 Fix Windows: NLS delete fails if the SDS name has double quotation marks in the sds_conf file and SDSw_centera SDSw_open_repository() has a memory leak when it fails.
PJ45893 Fix Error handling of error 80,1,99 causes Image Services to hang and segmentation violation error tuple 202,0,27.
PJ45891 Fix The odrecover tool creates a background job for surfaces that do not exist and the job stays in the queued state. It should show an error and not create a job.
PJ45849 Fix sds_convert_nls fails with bkg_sds reporting error 161,1,1128
PJ45553 Fix DOCs commital slow down when the RDBMS is slow.
PJ45550 Fix Added an option for retrying TM_daemon to call getservbyname api() again if it fails.
PJ45543 Fix move_disk has unnecessary operations and error handling is not helpful
PJ45374 Fix SEC_tool PIPE signal error
PJ45321 Fix IS connector: Logon to Image Services failed but the error tuple was blank in the log.
PJ45313 Fix Improved the FBC cache object deletion handling.
PJ45269 Fix IS Connector: ClassNotFoundException:
PJ45236 Fix Simplified the version of the FBC breakup.
PJ45229 Fix DOC_batch_recommit failed with CSM_open_object() 77,0,11 busy FBC object
PJ45224 Fix If the system has only an SDS storage, the Xdclprog is set to No migrate, by default.
PJ45165 Fix Updated the GSKit to or later versions.
PJ45117 Fix The wqs_table_gen terminates prematurely when a public synonym is missing.
PJ45087 Fix The docfetch memory leak during retrieving an NLS document
PJ45061 Fix INX_export went into infinite loop after encountering <90,0,1030> error
PJ45060 Fix DOCl_CFS_get_annot_log_entries SEVERITY UNKNOWN syslog while federation
PJ44445 Fix Windows: SDS FBC fails with 238,5,2 error tuple
No APAR Fix The DOC_tool SDS option needs a complete description of its new options.
PJ45415 Fix MSAR sync unable to handle corrupted MSAR surfaces.
PJ45255 Fix fips_check_status() ERROR: Sev=[ICC_ERROR], majRC=2, minRC=10, mode=1479019947, desc=[ICC is not initialized (gsk_wrap2.c)]
 PJ45586 Fix GDBO needs to retry for Oracle error 12547
 PJ45960 Fix The killfnsw does not clean up all the IPC entries under a certain condition with -DA option.
 PJ45936 Fix IS Connector plug-in cannot handle document numbers that exceed the signed integer limit (2,147,483,648), the maximum document number for Image Services being 3,999,9999,999
 PJ45916 Fix CFS mapping issue with the sys_numbers table is getting out of sync  121,0,16
 PJ45457 Fix dtp_tran handling of previous SDS FBC error is not correct
 PJ45422 Enhancement CSM_tool listing and delete filters lock objects, temporary, none temporary cache objects, display page0
PJ45768 Enhancement Add -l <directory> option to dbverify
PJ45458 Enhancement Added support for ONTAP 9.0.
PJ45312 Enhancement Added support for AIX 7.2 LPAR.
PJ45311 Enhancement Added support for Oracle 12.2.0.
PJ45256 Enhancement Added support for Hitachi Content Platform 7.3.
PJ45058 Enhancement Added support for EMC Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) 3.1 with the Centera APIs.
PJ44040 Enhancement IS Connector supports searches against multiple document classes.
No APAR Enhancement Added support for Oracle19c.
No APAR Enhancement Added support of Tivoli Storage Manager 7.1.
PJ45673 Enhancement Add a trigger so that page 0 is not retrieved for an NLS document - SDS_*_reader.  Page 0 is generated from DOCTABA.
PJ45637 Enhancement Added MS ODBC driver support for SQL Server.
 PJ45780 Enhancement Add capacity to handle missing surf_info entries (64,0,1002) - remove references in DOCS table

Image Services 4.2.0 fix pack 14 (
APAR Type Description
PJ44839 Fix Using IS Connector 1.2, when retrieval of documents not found in Centera archived storage, the elog keeps looping of log information. Error tuple 238,1,3 is found in elog.
PJ44774 Fix A mismatch between MKF table entry sds_obj_blob_sz and actual size on the SDS device, thus affecting the retrieval of the document.
PJ44692 Fix Error code 1450 is encountered in getssn() (Error Tuple: 202,3,1).
PJ44691 Fix Currently, to change the Password Never Expires flag to TRUE or FALSE it requires you to enter a new password.
PJ44631 Fix Documents remain in cache in FP12 and FP13 and do not get committed by using the remote commit process.
PJ44612 Fix CSM_tool - delage command is unable to skip busy objects to delete other ageable objects.
PJ44551 Fix Retrieve unmigrated error: 47,0,14 because SDS_doc_is_available() failed with error tuple 92,2,11 User not login.
PJ44548 Fix De-replication of documents is getting failed with the MKF redo log overflow error.
PJ44541 Fix Oracle connection error 121,0,78 - Query retry error was not handled correctly by internal client calls.
PJ44360 Fix SDS_worker on Solaris has segment violations during deleting documents.
PJ44355 Fix Docfetch is not caching duplicate COLD templates correctly.
PJ44354 Fix DTP is using CSM Null handle causing CSM or DTP to abort.
PJ44269 Fix FCL - Does not display the Windows system error.
PJ44163 Fix Coding error: Incorrect conditional test checking.
PJ44158 Fix During migration, a document 121,1,25408 errors are reported - Oracle lost connection error.
PJ44116 Fix MSAR surface becomes disabled when the DTP process reports a 61,0,10 error.
PJ44090 Fix AIX: If the /etc/slibclean file exists, a file is left behind in the /fnsw/procs directory after Image Services is shut down.
PJ45008 Enhancement Added support for IS Connector with IBM Content Navigator 3.0.
PJ44999 Enhancement Added support for Windows 2016.
PJ44998 Enhancement Added support for Db2 11.1.
PJ44997 Enhancement Enhanced deldocs to include surface location in expanded verbose option -V.
PJ44996 Enhancement Added support for SQL 2016 SP1 database.
PJ44743 Enhancement Allows manually creating Oracle libraries symbolic link by using a trigger file on UNIX platforms.
PJ44547 Enhancement Added support for EMC Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) 2.2 with the Centera APIs.
PJ44547 Enhancement Added support of EMC Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) 3.0 with the Centera APIs.
PJ44416 Enhancement Added capability to elog when commonly used command-line tools are initiated.
PJ44406 Enhancement Added Extra warning logging in LDAP_EXP when encountering 0X7C code in the LDAP username on Active Directory.
PJ44171 Enhancement Added an enhancement for docfetch to log COLD background template IDs to the Image Services error log.

Image Services 4.2.0 fix pack 13 (
APAR Type Description
APAR Type Description
PJ44033 Fix The SDS_CSAR_reader process can abort when it receives a long error message from Centera due to a buffer overrun.
PJ43992 Fix The SDS_CSAR reader reports a <0,0,1> error with UNKNOWN SEVERITY.
PJ43967 Fix IS Connector for ICN reports 92,0,99 errors when there are idle sessions.
PJ43900 Fix Improved TM_daemon logging when recv() returns a zero status.
PJ43876 Fix The current write surface is ejected when a 94,0,10 error is logged.
PJ43874 Fix Page 0 of a document contains invalid security data.
PJ43751 Fix SDS_worker reports an unrecoverable error. 74,23,102 – Invalid class number passed to QMA.
PJ44148 Enhancement Added support for IS Connector with IBM Content Navigator.
PJ43991 Enhancement If the NO_MIGRATE_FB environmental variable is set, write a message to the error log when the Image Services is started.
PJ43990 Enhancement Change Image Services to detect and prevent duplicate bidirectional documents coming from the Content Engine.
PJ43821 Enhancement Change doccopy to take advantage of the MSAR synchronization read feature.
PJ43726 Enhancement Replace OpenProcess() in the ISTK SysV routine fnl_is_dead() with OpenEvent() to check whether an ISTK process is still alive.
PJ43725 Enhancement Expand existing TM_daemon debug logging to include detailed information on network initialization calls.
PJ43723 Enhancement Create a new circular buffertrace log that avoids the current circular buffer log limitations.
PJ43710 Enhancement Provide Integral SDS performance statistics based on configurable threshold settings.

Previous fix history
You can find all the previous fixes from Image Services 4.2.0 fix pack 12 ( and earlier on the IBM Fix Central, in the readme files of every fix.
  1. Go to the IBM Fix Central. You find the following two tabs:
    1. Find product tab
    2. Select product tab
  2. For using the Find product tab:
    1. Type the product you are looking for in the Product selector and select it from the suggested results.
    2. Select the Installed Version from the drop-down list.
    3. Select the appropriate Platform from the drop-down list.
    4. Click Continue.
  3. For using the Select product tab:
    1. Product Group: Type or select Enterprise Content Management from the suggested results.
    2. Select from Enterprise Content Management: Type or select FileNet Product Family from the suggested results.
    3. Select from FileNet Product Family: Type or select FileNet Image Services from the suggested results.
    4. Select the Installed Version from the drop-down list.
    5. Select the appropriate Platform from the drop-down list.
    6. Click Continue.
On the next screen, select the appropriate options to get what you are looking for. The option that fetches maximum results is Browse for fixes.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSNVUD","label":"FileNet Image Services"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000Cdy8AAC","label":"FileNet Image Services"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF057","label":"HP"}],"Version":"4.2.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 December 2023

