IBM Support

Fixed APARs in IBM FileNet Image Services 4.1.2

Fix Readme


This document provides the list of APARs that are fixed in Image Services 4.1.2.


The following tables give details of the Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APAR) fixed in Image Services 4.1.2.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 29 (
APAR Type Description
PJ46909 Fix fn_util mk_links -nodataset is throwing insufficient permission error and stopping IS
PJ46966 Fix DOC_tool is not working properly with input file. Giving "Invalid password" error.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 28 (
APAR Type Description
PJ46273 Fix <156,0,0> "nchl_CheckString: Null argument" reported by multiple processes on Image Services startup
PJ46327 Fix For HCAP windows detect and warn that retention is turned off
PJ46350 Fix The DTP module does not provide useful information when the primary surface has an issue and an RSVP is generated on the tranlog surface.
PJ46363 Fix 'sds_copy' error handling issues: Does not detect and display the error correctly. It also attempts to copy the deleted document status_1=2 (delete status) and logs the segmentation violation on SDSw_open_object().
PJ46372 Fix When changing from normal to MSAR backup mode, a system error is encountered, and Image Services does not retry.
PJ46453 Fix User is not able to open documents in ICN Daeja ViewONE Virtual if the documents include Sticky-Notes which were used by FileNet Image Services until about mid-2005.
PJ46575 Fix The Next button is disabled in Xapex for all users except SysAdmin to view all users present in Image Services.
Not applicable Internal defect Missing information in the deldocs usage statement for Privileged Delete
Not applicable Internal defect DOC_tool enhancement for trigger files or settings descriptions contains spelling mistakes and duplicate sentences and other issues
PJ46484 Enhancement Added an option to the deldocs command called the Privileged Delete (-p) in the Image Services tools, deldocs and DOC_tool for Centera or ECS storage with integral SDS documents.

It can be used to delete ECS or Centera content even when the object retention has not expired or when the retention is set to infinite. For details, refer to Added Privileged Delete option for Centera or ECS storage.
PJ45672 Enhancement Added an option in the DOC_tool to view the trigger settings on an Image Services system. For details, refer to DOC_tool now displays trigger settings and how to set them.
PJ46052 Enhancement Enhanced the DOC_tool to allow a group of MSAR surfaces to be ejected or inserted. For details refer to Image Services DOC_tool: MSAR group eject and insert feature.
PJ46175 Enhancement

Improved the stmigrate and docmigrate command functionalities. For details, refer to stmigrate tool introduces -fetch option to migrate non-cache objects to MSAR.

PJ46501 Enhancement Added support for Microsoft SQL Server 2019 with Image Services. 4.1.2 and 4.2.0
Not applicable Enhancement Added support for ldap_exp with 2020 LDAP channel binding and LDAP signing requirements for Windows. For details, refer to Image Services now supports 2020 LDAP channel binding and LDAP signing requirements for Windows.
Not applicable Enhancement Added support for remote Oracle 19.3 multitenant, pluggable and container databases. For details, refer to Image Services: Added support for remote Oracle 19.3 multitenant, pluggable and container databases.
Not applicable Enhancement Qualified IS connector with IBM Content Navigator 3.0.9
Not applicable Enhancement Qualified IS connector with IBM Content Navigator 3.0.10

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 27 (
APAR Type Description
PJ45543 Fix move_disk has unnecessary operations and error handling is not helpful
PJ45849 Fix sds_convert_nls fails with bkg_sds reporting error 161,1,1128
PJ45891 Fix odrecover tool creates background job for surfaces which does not exists and job sit's in queued state, it should throw an error and not create job. Also, stdocimp does not throw error for surface ID 0.
PJ45916 Fix FileNet Content Federation Services mapping issue with the sys_numbers table is getting out of sync 121,0,16
PJ45936 Fix Plug-in cannot handle document numbers that exceed signed integer limit (2,147,483,648) max document number for Image Services being 3,999,999,999.
PJ45960 Fix killfnsw does not clean up all IPC entries under certain condition with -DA option
PJ46104 Fix CSM_tool any character (instead of ' ') separated delete or select command deletes or displays all the cache object.
PJ46106 Fix 88,0,52 BESl: 'batch_open_id' wrap around in 'batch_ctl' record -- not recoverable Time of day invalid at some previous time
PJ46136 Fix IS Connector: annotation annotateEdit viewer setting is being ignored when using ImageServicesPlugin.jar
PJ46152 Fix DOC_tool SDS find option does not work on foreign documents for local SDS units with Centera device and user interaction can be improved and clip_ids should be using the sds_orig_doc_id instead of orig_doc_id.
PJ46158 Fix DOC_tool sds option needs a more complete description on its new options
PJ46164 Fix DOC_commit_option_doc and DOC_commit_doc not checking for valid document class
PJ46205 Fix Cannot log in to Image Services from client's using LDAP users after applying Extensible user authentication
PJ46255 Fix At startup, SDS_worker is core dumping when having issue with doing an SDSw_open_repository() command
PJ46257 Fix Skip fn_NT_VMMap check using a trigger file for IS 4.1.2
PJ46259 Fix NullPointerException introduced due to annotateEdit defect (ecmdb00096095)
PJ46260 Fix docmigrate when used with docfile list via stmigrate -file cannot handle doclist file with ^M (control-M) character
PJ46299 Fix SDS foreign SDS unit with HCP/snaplock fails because of permission and core dumps incorrectly handling error condition
PJ43960 Enhancement IS Connector: Allow System Administrator to specify the location of the CMISLock and PluginLock directories.
PJ44040 Enhancement IS Connector: Support searches against multiple doc classes
PJ45673 Enhancement Add a trigger so that page 0 is not retrieved for NLS document - SDS_*_reader. Page 0 is generated from DOCTABA
PJ45768 Enhancement Add -l <directory> option to dbverify. This allows the user to direct where output files will be created. Before that change the output files went to a default location.
PJ45780 Enhancement Add capacity to handle missing surf_info entries (64,0,1002) - remove references in DOCS table
PJ45854 Enhancement Enhancement Request to support MS ODBC driver for SQL server for release Image services 4.1.2
PJ46072 Enhancement Plug-in download all menu. This feature allows customer to download multiple page Image Services documents with IBM Content Navigator.
Not applicable Fix Qualify support of centera SDK 3.3 for Image services
Not applicable Enhancement Qualification Support of Image Services for Tivoli Storage Manager 7.1
Not applicable Enhancement Qualify support of EMC Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) 3.2 via the Centera APIs
Not applicable Enhancement IS Connector: Qualify CMIS ICN connector 3.0.4 with RHEL 7
Not applicable Enhancement Qualify support of centera SDK 3.3 on AIX 7.1
Not applicable Enhancement Qualify Image Services 4.2.0 on AIX with remote Oracle 12.2 multitenant-pluggable database (PDB) on AIX platform
Not applicable Enhancement Qualify Support of Image Services with Oracle 19c
Not applicable Enhancement Qualify support of IS connector for ICN 3.0.7 interim fix 4
Not applicable Enhancement Qualify IS/ISTK/RAC for both 4.2.0 and 4.1.2 releases on Windows 2019
Not applicable Enhancement Qualify support of IS connector for ICN 3.0.8

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 26 (
APAR Type Description
PJ45553 Fix DOCs server stubs back up when Oracle TNS listner is RDBMS is slow
PJ45550 Fix TM_daemon reports getservbyname failure
PJ45457 Fix dtp_tran reports 121,1,12545 Error encountered during committal with SDS Fast Batch Committal
PJ45374 Fix SEC_tool reports 202,0,43 Signal 13 received and ignored error
PJ45321 Fix IS Connector: logonImageServices(): sec login failed but error tuple was blank in the log
PJ45313 Fix Fast Batch committal fails with error 80,1,61 if FBC cache object is deleted and write request remains
PJ45269 Fix IS Connector: ClassNotFoundException:
PJ45236 Fix dtp_tran reports 161,1,1004 CSMl Error inserting a record into the free space table
PJ45224 Fix Comittal not written to SDS on system configured for SDS storage only due to doc class set to the default of no migrate
PJ45117 Fix wqs_table_gen terminates prematurely with 121,0,37 when public synonym is missing
PJ45087 Fix docfetch creates INX shared memory leak when retrieving NLS document
PJ45061 Fix INX_export went into infinite loop after encountering <90,0,1030> error.
PJ45060 Fix DOCl_CFS_get_annot_log_entries SEVERITY UNKNOWN syslog while federation
PJ44692 Fix getssn reports 90,0,1030 error: 1450
PJ44612 Fix CSM_tool - delage command is unable to skip busy object to delete other agable objects
PJ44551 Fix Retrieve unmigrated error: 47,0,14 because SDS_doc_is_available(). Failed with error tuple 92,2,11 as the user is not logged in.
PJ44541 Fix Oracle connection error 121,0,78 - Query retry error was not handled correctly by internal client calls.
PJ44445 Fix SDS FBC fails with 238,5,2 error tuple
PJ45586 Fix DOCl_CFS_get_annot_log_entries_2 reports 121,1,12547 INX_logon failed
 PJ44839 Fix Using IS Connector 1.2. When retrieval of documents is not found in Centera archived storage, the elog keeps looping the log information. Error tuple 238,1,3. It is found in elog.
PJ44691 Fix To change the Password Never Expires flag to TRUE or FALSE incorrectly requires a new password to be entered
PJ45458 Enhancement Qualify Image Services for ONTAP 9.0
PJ45422 Enhancement CSM_tool listing and delete filters lock objects, temporary, none-temporary cache objects, display page0
PJ45312 Enhancement Qualify Image Services on AIX 7.2 LPAR
PJ45311 Enhancement Qualify Image Services with Oracle 12.2.0
PJ45256 Enhancement Qualify Image Services with Hitachi Content Platform 7.3
PJ45183 Enhancement /fnsw/etc/serverConfig 7th column comment is misleading.
PJ45058 Enhancement Qualify Image Services for EMC Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) 3.1 via the Centera APIs.
PJ45008 Enhancement Qualify Image Services Connector 1.4.0.x with IBM Content Navigator 3.0.
PJ44999 Enhancement Qualify Image Services / Image Services Toolkit / Remote Admin Console (RAC) for both 4.2.0 and 4.1.2 releases on Windows 2016.
PJ44998 Enhancement Qualify Image Services with DB2 v11.1
PJ44997 Enhancement Enhance deldocs to include surface location in expanded verbose option -V.
PJ44996 Enhancement Qualify Image Services with SQL 2016 SP1 database
PJ44743 Enhancement Allow creation of Oracle libraries symbolic link manually by using a trigger file on UNIX platforms.
PJ44416 Enhancement Add capability to elog when commonly used command-line tools are initiated.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 25 (
APAR Type Description
PJ43992 Fix The SDS_CSAR_reader reports a <0,0,1> error with UNKNOWN SEVERITY - Remote server: page_cache7 Check elog on remote server for more information.
PJ44033 Fix The SDS_CSAR_reader process can abort when receiving a long error message from Centera due to a buffer overrun.
PJ44116 Fix MSAR surface becomes disabled when the dtp process reports a 61,0,10 error.
PJ44158 Fix When migrating a document 121,1,25408 errors are reported - Oracle lost connection error.
PJ44163 Fix GDB_logon - Incorrect function testing
PJ44090 Fix AIX: If the file /etc/slibclean exists, after shutting down the Image Services software, a file is left behind in the /fnsw/procs directory.
PJ44354 Fix The dtp is using CSM Null handle causing CSM/dtp to abort
PJ44360 Fix SDS_worker on Solaris has segmentation violation when deleting document
PJ44379 Fix IS Connector: Content Navigator Desktop hangs intermittently with IS users without primary group assigned
PJ44547 Fix Qualify Image Services for EMC Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS) 2.2.1 and 3.0 via the Centera APIs
PJ43991 Enhancement Write a message to the error log when the Image Services is started if the NO_MIGRATE_FB environmental variable is set

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 24 (
APAR Type Description
PJ43589 Fix BESs logs an 88,0,52 error – BESl: 'batch_open_id' wrap around in 'batch_ctl record – not recoverable.
PJ43644 Fix IS 4.1.2 FP12 installer must create the /fnsw/local/tmp/fnsw_update file to force dbupgrade to be run when the software is started.
PJ43607 Fix The SDS_worker process does not update the checksum (csum) field in the csm_used_space table when a document is retrieved.
PJ43659 Fix 80,0,2 – Orphaned “Write Request” records get created in FileNet Image Services.
PJ43692 Fix A process can abort when an attempt is made to send a message to a message queue and the process has a high waitcount.
PJ43714 Fix Integral SDS – Add retry login to enable an SDS device again when it becomes disabled for writes.
PJ43836 Fix Windows: Image Services GUI help option returns “You are not connected to online Help, where the latest help content is available.
PJ43751 Fix SDS_worker reports unrecoverable error. 74,23,102 – Invalid class number passed to QMA.
PJ43874 Fix Page 0 of a document contains invalid security data.
PJ43900 Fix Improve TM_daemon logging when recv() returns a zero status.
PJ43726 Enhancement Replace OpenProcess(0 in the ISTK SysV routine fnl_is_dead(0 with OpenEvent() to check whether an ISTK process is still alive.
PJ43723 Enhancement Create a new circular buffertrace log that avoids the current circular buffer log limitations.
PJ43725 Enhancement Expand existing TM_daemon debug logging to include detailed information on network initialization calls.
PJ43709 Enhancement Image Services Connector 1.4.0 for IBM Content Navigator.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 23 (
APAR Type Description
PJ42962 Fix DOC_tool SDS statistics report provides incorrect information on ISDS reads when sds_read_after_write is enabled.
PJ43409 Fix INXD timeout not working correctly - 90,0,112 - INXD_lock: timeout could not get dictionary lock for update.
PJ43409 Fix When a writer times out attempting to claim a lock, SysV claimt() fails to wake up any readers in the claim share queue for the lock.
PJ43498 Fix Add Oracle 12.1.0 to fn_edit for Oracle 12c support.
PJ43501 Fix An 80,0,12 error is logged when Capture commits batch specifying Alternative Page Cache pointing to page_cache1.
PJ43564 Fix The 911 output file does not contain the DOC_tool SDS report on the Windows hardware platform.
PJ42936 Enhancement Improve error logs message to point to the server when the dtp process reports MKF database full errors (161,1,1075).
PJ43247 Enhancement Perform additional retries within Integral SDS when SnapLock repository operations fail.
PJ43156 Enhancement Add operating system error number and string when getaddrinfo errors occur.
PJ43222 Enhancement Alter the signal handler to create only one stack trace file per process.
PJ43408 Enhancement Image Services Connector 1.3.0 for IBM Content Navigator.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 22 (
APAR Type Description
PJ43130 Enhancement Provide additional logging when a SEC_map error is encountered processing records in the annot_log table to the user understands how to resolve the problem.
PJ42438 Fix When a Fix Pack is uninstalled the reference in the file is not removed.
PJ42555 Enhancement Running killfnsw commands during shutdown can hang the software on a semaphore.
PJ42726 Fix Change a misleading error message - 121,0,2 - Missing table 'doctaba'.
PJ42795 Fix FNPoll does not build the /dev/fnsod entries correctly on the AIX hardware platform, causing the optical library not to be available.
PJ43189 Enhancement Image Services Connector 1.2.0 for IBM Content Navigator.
PJ42819 Fix The docimp program fails and reports a 30,0,35 error. Cannot write checkpoint file.
PJ42924 Fix Add the folder C:\fnsw_loc\logs\CFSIS to fn_perm and /fnsw/local/logs/CFSIS to permission_table.
PJ42822 Fix Security Administration hangs when attempting to view User Detail report on the AIX hardware platform running IS 4.1.2.
PJ43009 Fix Integral SDS retry/connection does not recover, causing the SDS device to be disabled.
PJ43131 Enhancement Add additional logging when courier disconnects under certain error conditions.
Not applicable Enhancement Support for MSSQL 2014.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 21 (
APAR Type Description
PJ42493 Fix The fnlogon program logs the following error – fnfork nchl_CheckString: Null argument.
PJ42649 Fix Cannot exit SEC_tool when the tool is called by a script or the input is a redirect from a text file.
PJ42356 Enhancement 911 enhancements.
PJ42554 Enhancement Unable to view user logons in Security Administration when more than 4,000 users are logged in.
PJ42710 Enhancement Release the tool that gathers stack traces on UNIX servers.
PJ42703 Enhancement Image Services Connector and Plug-in for IBM Content Navigator (Add Annotation Support + Multi-content elements).

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 20 (
APAR Type Description
PJ42507 Fix The SQIs process crashes if FIPS is configured.
PJ42250 Fix Long MKF transaction times can occur when running sds_copy or sds_migr resulting in performance issues.
PJ42290 Fix SEC_init -o aborts when Image Services is started – 161,0,1076 error – MKF_end_transaction: process not in transaction state.
PJ42363 Fix Online EBR backup fails with 202,100,10 BRTs Unrecoverable MKF Error reading the rl partition.
PJ42492 Fix Fast batch breakup can free more CSM used space than it should when breakup is interrupted by a system recycle, as the batch is reprocessed after startup.
PJ42484 Fix Database queries can return duplicate folders.
PJ41953 Fix Interlock usage increases when committing fast batch documents to an Integral SDS device.
PJ42441 Enhancement CSM_exim -e -c page_cache1 -o aborts with Bad page number 3237224, should be in 1 to 1000 on Windows platform.
PJ42363 Enhancement Enhancement to validate cache consistency – csm_free_space with csm_used_space.
PJ42259 Enhancement Add optional trigger file to log the document ID sent back to the client when a request is made.
PJ42370 Enhancement Add optional trigger to prevent creation of Index record unless the document is committed.
PJ42511 Enhancement Enhance 4.1.2 Image Services installer for the Image Services connector for IBM Content Navigator WAR file.
PJ42512 Enhancement Release Image Services connector for IBM Content Navigator (Query, Retrieval & Committal).

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 19 (
APAR Type Description
PJ42223 Enhancement Support for Oracle 12c.
PJ41399 Fix A <155,2,3> COR_Listen - getinterlock(rpclock) failed is reported in the Image Services error log.
PJ41437 Fix Windows: Checksum errors 77,1,58 are reported when retrieving Integral SDS documents in an SDS Only environment..
PJ41449 Fix sds_copy logs a 202,100,10 error when MSAR/optical surfaces are not available and copying NLS documents..
PJ42152 Enhancement Image Services GA Installer now supports Windows 2012.
PJ41454 Enhancement Request to add isinfo to the beginning of 911.
PJ41585 Fix Windows: 202,0,2005 check_seg_addrs: CreateFileMapping 'Global\CHK_SHM_2436_7700' err=5.
PJ41656 Fix Windows: DOC_tool is not able to obtain retention settings for documents migrated to Hitachi HCAP.
PJ42149 Enhancement Add general signal handlers to SysV library.
PJ41938 Fix The docfetch utility takes a long time to complete when using the -s option.
PJ41953 Fix Interlock usage increases when committing fast batch documents to an Integral SDS device.
PJ42148 Enhancement Change the courier recv time out error log entry.
PJ42126 Enhancement Add Windows dump file creation to SysV to aid in troubleshooting problems when processes hang or abort.
PJ42067 Fix Shared memory leak in INX logon when retrieving NLS documents that were only archived to an SDS device.
PJ42127 Fix Image Services processes may abort in the COR library if ELA tracing is enabled.
PJ42103 Fix Windows: gethostname failed messages reported in the error log.
PJ42111 Fix fnc_create_handle: Error 2 opening file mapping. Map file name is: Global\FNSHM_464a0001.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 18 (
APAR Type Description
N/A Fix Allow up to 8 processes to perform dbupgrade for extended security.
N/A Fix Add display of NLS_LANG, NLS_Characterset, and extended security to sys_log.
N/A Fix Resolve buffer overflow conditions in the INX, INXl, ARM, TM_daemon and PRI_tool modules.
N/A Fix Unable to locate enough shared memory addresses on startup.
N/A Enhancement Add warning message when the software starts if the shared segment size is not 256 MB on the AIX hardware platform.
N/A Enhancement Release the isinfo and wal_info modules to assist in troubleshooting SysV issues.
PJ41046 Fix SECs deadlock – SEC interlock not released.
PJ41180 Fix Random crash in SEC subsystem during IS startup. The condition is often associated with error tuple 202,0,9.
PJ41186 Fix Windows: ipc_daemon process not able to connect to all shared memory segments when starting Image Services.
PJ41187 Fix Windows: The addr_list file is not updated correctly when the last address in the file is reported as a conflict.
PJ41232 Fix Add the Courier timeouts: recv() timeout and prefetch timeout.
PJ41241 Fix No object stores listed in INX_tool ce_info due to missing ce_os_id 1000 on INX_get_ce_id_map_info cell.
PJ41295 Fix Windows: Error 5 reported when opening a process owned by another user.
PJ41305 Fix Windows: ISTK logs a Global/ADC0ADC0 CreateFileMapping FAILED err=5 message.
PJ41354 Fix Solaris: SysV: The highest shared memory segment (#128) is now in use.
PJ41416 Fix The timeoutmonitor causes EBR performance issues.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 17 (
APAR Type Description
PJ40621 Fix Windows: Terminating the INX_export process can cause FileNet Content Federation Services for Image Services to stop responding.
PJ40860 Fix Running Xtaskman > Monitor RPC Activity causes TM_daemon to terminate and report a process record generation mismatch error.
PJ40861 Fix The timeout monitor process reports a 202,0,1049 error: Failed to send a notification.
PJ40870 Fix The CSM_tool DELETE option cannot be run in a script on Windows servers.
PJ40933 Fix Add additional safeguards and sys_log messages to the CSM_tool SCavenge option.
PJ40953 Fix Invalid tiff images are created when a 61,0,10 error is reported. Incorrect document information is written to the Single Document Storage (SDS) device.
PJ40982 Fix Withdraw support for EMC Centera SDK 3.3 for Windows 2008 R2.
PJ41113 Fix TM_daemon reports a 202,4,17 error - FNL_lock: Process record PID (0) does not match the real PID.
Not applicable Enhancement Add CSM_tool FINdused option to check used space for specified blocks of cache.
Not applicable Enhancement Allow SDS Unit 1 to be used with the CLIP_IDS option in DOC_tool to create a file list.
Not applicable Enhancement Add a fork() API and an exec() API check to the SysV library.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 16 (
APAR Type Description
PJ30648 Fix A zero sized PED file is created after 216,0,1029 PEDs_gen_keypair - pedl_write_new_kpkf short write error.
PJ40004 Fix For Windows servers, enhanced killfnsw to add more time before terminating Integral SDS processes after stopping the Image Services software.
PJ40467 Fix Integral Single Document Storage (SDS) background jobs do not create the writelist correctly if the Image Services software is recycled.
PJ40504 Fix Migrating Near Line Storage (NLS) documents causes 77,1,35 errors because the age duration specified is unknown to the Cache Manager (CSM).
PJ40506 Fix The performance reports do not display the correct CPU statistics on an AIX Logically Partitioned (LPAR) server.
PJ40509 Fix Migrating Near Line Storage (NLS) documents causes 80,1,59 errors because SDS reader creates a checksum in page0, but not in the csm_used_space table.
PJ40584 Fix The Uninstallation wizard for a fix pack does not restore the sysv.dll file on Windows servers if sysv.dll is loaded after this initial check.
PJ40621 Fix Terminating the INX_export process can cause FileNet Content Federation Services for Image Services to stop responding.
PJ40755 Fix SDS_find_object should not be retried if the background (BKG) job has been aborted and PG_cancelled is set to TRUE.
PJ40765 Fix Add a retry option to prevent the cold_3770 from terminating when a network error occurs.
PJ40773 Fix SEC_daemon terminates when there are more than two IP addresses configured in fn_edit for the Root/Index server.
PJ40775 Fix After applying Image Services 4.1.2 FP15, document retrieval is very slow when using docfetch with the -f or -s option.
PJ40780 Fix A document retrieval error occurs on an NLS document when the MKF docs fields are set to surface_id=1002 and status_1=NULL.
PJ40785 Fix FileNet Content Federation Services for Image Services: When a user index is updated, the new index value is not federated to Content Engine.
Not applicable Fix A Generic Database (GDB) error that is handled by Process Engine is being logged in the elog as SERIOUS.
Not applicable Fix The fn_setup_rdb tool does not work after Image Services 4.1.2 FP15 is installed.
Not applicable Fix The CSM_daemon does not keep up with deleting ageable items from page cache. The cache becomes 100% full and creates <77,0,8> errors.
Not applicable Fix The DOC_tool utility cannot display a document that is stored on an SDS foreign device.
Not applicable Fix When Image Services is started, the SEC_daemon process terminates if the repository string is too long.
Not applicable Fix The sds_import tool does not check the original SDS device name and System Serial Number (SSN) when importing documents.
Not applicable Enhancement Support for EMC Centera SDK 3.3 for Windows 2008 R2.
Not applicable Enhancement Support IBM DB2 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows (LUW).
Not applicable Enhancement Add a warning to not use Database Maintenance to Define or Update Document Classes or to Define User Indexes during production hours.
Not applicable Enhancement Add a new clip_ids option to the DOC_tool command. The new option allows a document ID list consisting of document IDs and Centera Clip IDs to be used with the sds_import utility to import documents into the Image Services databases.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 15 (
APAR Type Description
PJ40004 Fix Create a trigger file on UNIX servers to add more time before killfnsw terminates processes during a shutdown.
PJ40187 Fix Error tuple 121,12,65534, invalid cursor, is returned when the database is being shutdown. Need new tuple.
PJ40227 Fix NCHRetrieveItem() calls that are generated by IMS_reserve_svc_handle() from IDM desktop generate too many RPCs to the server.
PJ40232 Fix The fn_snmpd tool fails and causes Image Services to stop responding.
PJ40243 Fix The SDS_worker process aborts, reporting a 202,0,1014 error. "FNL: release: caller error: release limit exceeded."
PJ40244 Fix INXs processes hang while waiting on a lock for INXD as shown in ipc_tool.
PJ40260 Fix DOC_tool: Inserting an MSAR surface without a fully qualified path name causes the dtp process to core.
PJ40265 Fix The enlarge_ncol process aborts, reporting a 202,0,9 error.
PJ40273 Fix Error tuple 121,1,12505 <fnsw> INXu - GDB_prepare failed=. Cannot determine the number of f_new_dir* and f_old_dir*.
PJ40281 Fix While processing Records Manager records on a FileNet Content Federation Services for Image Services system, an unrecoverable MKF Perm error occurs, which causes the Image Services server to stop responding.
PJ40295 Fix Error tuple 92,2,11 <fnsw> DOCs - DOCl_CFS_get_annot_log_entries(line=624): INX_ce_get_object_store_id() failed during federation.
PJ40351 Fix A trigger file must be created to allow the MS SQL isolation level to be changed from read uncommit to read commit.
Not applicable Fix Windows: The ipc_tool -D command creates the memory dump file in ASCII mode but not in binary mode.
Not applicable Enhancement Support for Refederation logging in FileNet Content Federation Services for Image Services (CFS-IS)..
Not applicable Enhancement Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
Not applicable Enhancement Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.0 as a remote Oracle database server.
Not applicable Enhancement Enhance the 911 tool to output an XML file with IBM product information.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 14 (
APAR Type Description
PJ34003 Fix The MKF_tool avg option returns incorrect results when the number of results is excessive.
PJ39755 Fix The dbverify command displays inconsistent results for missing documents.
PJ39791 Fix SysV does not parse “ps -ef” properly due to an erroneous internal buffer size. This causes processes to core.
PJ39877 Fix The ds_init process aborts with the error message: 76,0,261 – ds_init attempted to start too many background jobs.
PJ40035 Fix Mismatching properties found between Image Servies documents and their federated documents on Content Engine.
Not applicable Fix DOCs crash when federating annotations to Content Engine.
Not applicable Enhancement The “change getstamps -compare” option to verify the Image Services binaries is now based on the cycle number, instead of the SCR number.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 13 (
APAR Type Description
PJ39447 Fix SDS_CSAR_reader attempts to retrieve documents when FNP_CLIPID is set to Report Manager Record.
PJ39482 Fix CSM should return a 92,2,11 error when it is encountered, rather than letting commit return a 77,0,7.
PJ39489 Fix The error '121,0,75', that occurs during a GDBD_logoff is changed to INFORMATIONAL severity level.
PJ39510 Fix The csml_update_durations process is slow when the same document ID is requested within seconds of each other.
PJ39574 Fix Windows: SDS_CSAR_reader unable to retrieve NLS documents because the document ID and SSN numbers are byte swapped.
PJ39644 Fix Image Services processes core in lsi_find_by_surf_id on servers configured with MSAR libraries.
PJ39650 Fix Remote Procedure Call (RPC) definitions are missing from the eladisp command.
PJ39694 Fix Performing an EBR Restore process fails due to a missing BRORxxxxx.log output file.
PJ39713 Fix Windows: Image Services logs a 202,0,7 error during shutdown (No Shared Memory Available).
PJ39714 Fix Windows: MKF_setLongTransThreshold aborts.
PJ39720 Fix The sds_update_retention process reports incorrect performance statistics.
PJ39728 Fix Windows 2008 64-bit: fn_snmpd does not function properly due to a change in the registry.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 12 (
APAR Defect Type Description
PJ39073 894922 Fix When SDS_read_after_write is set, the software retries, but does not perform a reconnect to Centera.
PJ39080 962359 Fix Windows documents are not written correctly when using Adaptec 29320LPE and an UDO drive.
PJ39110 962416 Fix CEMP: Annotations with security set to NONE cannot propagate to FileNet Content Federation Services for Image Services. NONE cannot be resolved in the SEC_MAP.
PJ39132 960193 Fix No error is returned from CSMl when no document ID is passed. Remote Procedure call (RPC) is slow when no data is passed.
PJ39224 966335 Fix Running EBR restore with the combination of thread count > 1 and database count >1 causes the EBR process to crash.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 11 (
APAR Defect Type Description
PJ38570 943862 Fix The 911 tool fails to run on a Windows 2008 server that is running in 64-bit mode.
PJ38585 944474 Fix The output from the stamp program displays incorrect information.
PJ38589 944608 Fix The eladisp command does not display the client IP address correctly.
PJ38610 945081 Fix MKF_tool cores when using the 'hardcopy' option and the select statement is longer than 239 characters.
PJ38719 948319 Fix The “sgs -o” command does not show link information for the optical drives or library.
PJ38751 949341 Fix The doctaba_retent_update process reports an INX_update_DIR error=0x5a00002e.
PJ38758 949522 Fix When the destination surface is full, a '77,0,10' error is reported during the doccopy process.
PJ38801 950806 Fix Running sds_migr and sds only committal causes the system to lock up.
PJ38868 952864 Fix MKF_ddl reports a 161,0,11017 error when adding a 17th permanent database data set.
PJ38927 958271 Fix Enables the deletion of virtual EBR documents for iSDS committed docs.
PJ38933 956641 Fix SDS_worker process cores inside MKF_update when reporting a 161,0,1076 error.
PJ38941 956952 Fix Running the CEINFO command in DOC_tool causes DOC_tool to crash and hangs the Image Services server.
PJ39024 960192 Fix Windows shared memory addr_list file is incorrectly truncated.
PJ39059 864763 Fix PEDl does not generate a new key pair after 30 days.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 10 (
APAR Defect Type Description
PJ38243 934251 Fix Error 77,0,11 dtp_tran does not handle cache objects when attempting to update duration.
PJ38314 937203 Fix Checksum errors are reported when retrieving a COLD document with multiple table of contents pages.
PJ38328 937640 Fix The dbverify -o command reports Integral SDS Only documents as missing from the media.
PJ38329 937719 Fix Image Services hangs on SEC interlock with “Not logged on to IMS server” error.
PJ38396 939057 Fix Security Services SEC entry points miss checks for input string length, which can lead to stack corruption.
PJ38403 938301 Fix If cache object is deleted or aged out during doccopy job, elog message 77,0,10 incorrectly states that the job will resume after a system restart.
PJ38421 939665 Fix Image Services hangs when the current busy prefetch courier handles reach at 75 shown in PPMOI.
PJ38456 940626 Fix SDS_worker and SDS_CSAR_reader processes do not use the EMC SDK environmental variables if they are set.
PJ38534 942848 Fix Error 90,6,31 is reported in the Image Services elog when federating a large number of documents.
PJ38561 943681 Fix Error 121,0,3 is reported on Image Services. PullWorker is causing duplicate completed log entries to be returned to Image Services.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 9 (
APAR Defect Type Description
PJ37643 894922 Fix DOCs or SDS_worker process aborts due to CSM nil handle.
PJ37984 914783 Fix HP Integrity hardware platform does not contain the SDS_CSAR_reader program.
PJ38006 916689 Fix The COR_Listen is aborted while performing an shm_search.
PJ38042 920178 Fix The Image Services Centera library libSDSw_centera truncates the repository string after 255 characters.
PJ38112 925153 Fix Change COR to correctly report errno after an error is returned in the Ocor_snd call.
PJ38114 925203 Fix After Image Services is started, the SDS_FS_reader process reads all sub-directories. Initial retrievals are very slow.
PJ38226 932940 Fix Fastbatch break-up stores wrong checksum value for page-0 objects in cache
Not applicable 916013 Fix The 911 -m tool (move temp files to a specific directory) does not work on Solaris. Cannot execute “grep -q” command on Solaris OS.
Not applicable 922838 Enhancement Qualify Image Services 4.1.2.n with a remote DB2 9.8 pureScale environment.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 8 (
APAR Defect Type Description
PJ37757 890360 Fix Improves SysV shared memory segment allocation on Windows.
PJ37655 894914 Fix OSAR server returns numerous SAS [71,0,2] errors.
PJ37773 901888 Fix The oddump tool does not output all of the document headers once the size of the file size is 2 GB. Not all of the Doc Headers are output.
PJ37785 903036 Fix The docfetch -s ?doc_id command no longer waits for a response to RSVP message to insert a surface.
PJ37807 903210 Fix SDS_worker process terminates when SnapLock device is set to read-only mode.
PJ37855 906748 Fix The sds_convert_nls command reports 90,0,46 errors on documents if the document class indexes are modified after being archived by NLS.
PJ37862 907250 Fix Using MKF_tool with a file does not return correct results for joined tables.
PJ37890 909794 Fix The fn_build utility truncates the SDS repository string in the as_conf.g file to 129 characters.
PJ37951 907579 Fix The sds_copy command reports a checksum error 77,1,58 when processing older NLS documents.
PJ37956 912722 Fix Performance reports secdb_io, transdb_io and secdb_io show dashes instead of data.
PJ37971 913808 Fix When an existing network connrection is broken due to a network error, SAS waits 30 seconds before starting a new connection.
PJ NA 912469 Fix Windows Centera SDS_workers and SDS_CSAR_readers die with EMC Centera SDK 3.2 Patch 5 libraries.
Not applicable 862995 Enhancement Qualifies support for Oracle 11g R2.
Not applicable 899020 Enhancement Enhances the 911 script to clean up temporary files (*.wri).
Not applicable 904966 Enhancement Provides currency support for ECM 3.2 Patch 5.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 7 (
APAR Defect Type Description
PJ37307 861133 Fix EBR offline backup does not remove Oracle Archive Logs after upgrading to IS 4.1.2.
PJ37329 861942 Fix DOCs reports unknown type (57) followed by a corrupted shared memory.
PJ37337 862318 Fix FileNet Content Federation Services for Image Services property updates are failing with 90,6,31 errors with Multiple Object Stores.
PJ37396 864262 Fix Numerous 92,2,11 errors written to Image Services error log - INX_get_single_DIR - user is not logged on.
PJ37398 861448 Fix For FN-controlled Oracle, fn_util updaterdb does not execute the necessary Oracle commands to extend SYSAUX after the changes are made in fn_edit.
PJ37435 864750 Fix Shared memory pre-allocation does not work if IS Services is configured to start.
PJ37436 865233 Fix Xupretent changes the F_ENTRYDATE of documents to a random date when no date is entered.
PJ37470 866204 Fix IDMWS communicating with Solaris 10 IS 4.1.2 FP4 gets 155,210,219 with heavier load.
PJ37578 891818 Fix In dbupgrade - fn_util mlb_mig_sec_cols does not populate the new f_accessrights_rw, _wr and _ax fields.
PJ37680 895623 Fix Cormon displays invalid data when 3rd party port scan software monitors Image Services ports.
PJ37556 891163 Fix Error 21,1,1455 occurs on dbupgrade -m -Q when the document ID is greater than (>) 2,147,483,647.
Not applicable 794474 Enhancement GDB_exim: Adds support for SEQUENCES for DB2 and Oracle databases.
Not applicable 895404 Enhancement Includes Software Group (SWG) Inventory Tags.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 6 (
APAR Defect Type Description
PJ36605 835958 Fix Extended Membership reports cannot be viewed.
PJ36750 820449 Fix When setting the Date/Time field, Daylight Savings Time pre-2007 rules are not respected on Windows platforms after Daylight Savings Time starts one hour earlier.
PJ36823 843681 Fix The "Xdbconnect" utility does not function in a clustered environment.
PJ36876 845759 Fix The csm_breakup_object process found a duplicate object in cache: data mismatch for page 0 when fast batch breakup is on running NLS Archive.
PJ36923 847314 Fix ISDS reports an incorrect file system space available on the SSAR file system.
PJ36984 849436 Fix CSM_tool: The "largest_fs_blks" in cache is always displayed as 4204079050.
PJ37043 851245 Fix Optical Libraries are still reserved after a cluster failover.
PJ37044 851461 Fix You cannot perform a Tivoli Storage Manager trace on the SDS_worker process.
PJ37052 850352 Fix Errors 156,0,0 and 156,0,29 occur when running the ddtsimp tool on AIX 5.3 IS 4.1.2 Fix Pack IS-4.1.2-FP003.
PJ37127 854636 Fix Image Services 4.1.1 requires page 0 to be migrated to cache.
PJ37141 852423 Fix Inaccurate warning messages occur in the courier.
PJ37185 856665 Fix An upgrade from Image Services 4.0 to Image Services 4.1.1 FP9 EBR offline backup of FileNet Controlled Oracle fails with a 222,0,13002 error.
PJ37242 858102 Fix The ixdb_stat program fails to load on the HP Itanium platform – Unsatisfied code symbol SEC_init_V in load.
PJ37279 859709 Fix Xdbconnect does not accept special characters for the password.
Not applicable 794447 Fix The sds_update_retention process can be run on a auxiliary storage server: the Object is updated, but the docs table is not.
Not applicable 845720 Fix An Enterprise Backup and Restore (EBR) backup generates a 222,0,1005 error.
Not applicable 847057 Fix A fastbatch breakup error can be transferred to the next fastbatch.
Not applicable 847622 Fix A fastbatch breakup can error with too many documents at half the batch maximum.
Not applicable 847918 Fix The sds_convert_nls process does not check if a document has already been written using sds_migr or sds_copy.
Not applicable 848367 Fix INX: Fails to compare 40 bytes of guid because of uninitialized data.
Not applicable 848402 Fix The 911 utility has been modified; the command looks for core files starting in the /fnsw directory.
Not applicable 849591 Fix Trigger files for dbupgrade are not being detected on Windows platforms.
Not applicable 849599 Fix The fn_util tool has been modified to support Enhanced Document Security.
Not applicable 849603 Fix Interrupting the migration process generates errors in the elogs.
Not applicable 851740 Fix The \fnsw\etc\broadcast.exe program does not have stamp information.
Not applicable 852977 Fix HPII and IM Utility programs are hanging on an IMS_get_version call on a Solaris 10 server.
Not applicable 853250 Fix Multiple Storage Server cache only systems status_1 was not being set to unmigrated when used with non-SDS family.
Not applicable 853627 Fix An Enterprise Backup and Restore (EBR) backup of a large (200 GB) site-owned Oracle database fails with a <222,0,13043> error.
Not applicable 854106 Fix You cannot perform a Tivoli Storage Manager trace on the SDS_worker process on Windows.
Not applicable 855821 Fix The docfetch -s command returns an invalid checksum error for FBC/FBB documents written to a second storage server.
Not applicable 856944 Fix Interrupting the migration process generates errors in the elogs. Continuation of DR 849603.
Not applicable 857806 Fix SDS_fbc_breakup: Deleting documents from Image Services before they write to ISDS device leaves documents locked in cache and errors on ISDS commit.
Not applicable 857928 Fix The PPMOI program terminates with a segmentation violation error.
Not applicable 860550 Fix DOC_find_documents_w_sds entry point returns incorrect values for the “sds_id” field.
Not applicable 861093 Fix ISDS Centera retry does not working properly when opening a repository. The retry passes a handle not set to '0'. Error 238,3,19 should not be returned.
Not applicable 813379 Enhancement The sds_migr utility does not update the SDSMigrDocs.nnn log correctly when Image Services is recycled.
Not applicable 826528 Enhancement Provides support for IIA (IBM Information Archive) through the existing Tivoli Storage Manager interface.
Not applicable 844761 Enhancement Updates docfetch with signal handling per coding standards.
Not applicable 846271 Enhancement Currency support for EMC 3.2 Patch 4.
Not applicable 851499 Enhancement Provides a tool called netcheck that uses getaddrinfo() to resolve host names and determines whether it is considered a local address.
Not applicable 851969 Enhancement Updates the DOC_tool with signal handling per coding standards.
Not applicable 855329 Enhancement Provides simplified Image Services HA clustering configuration by dropping the existing requirement to re-configure hosts files or a DNS server.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 5 (
APAR Defect Type Description
PJ36146 800645 Fix ISDS needs additional retries when Repository operations (SDSw) fail. This will be based on error code return values from the SDSw layer.
PJ36515 830905 Fix Core dump running docfetch -s -f filelist - when the filelist contains over 20,000 document IDs.
PJ36566 835925 Fix Image Services and Process Engine installing on AIX with a host name greater than 31 characters causes a mismatch of uname and gethostname ( ), causing initfnsw start to fail.
PJ36609 837206 Fix The filenet.podf file is created as a folder instead of a file.
PJ36621 838340 Fix DOCs and INXs abort/segmentation violation with 71 ,0,2 SAS_open:area_type mismatch errors.
PJ36632 838957 Fix Only documents with doc_ID > 100096 are imported with sds_import from an SDSw_snaplock device.
PJ36714 838470 Fix Fast Batch committal to ISDS errors on cache-only server without SDS_fbc_breakup trigger file and without the sds_only configured.
PJ36715 839692 Fix The sds_update_retention of snaplock docs created in past with f_deletedate of today or past does not work.
PJ36398 814925 Fix The 911 program should not perform a UNIX list command (ls) on the cdb files when they do not exist on an OSAR or application server.
PJ36781 842796 Fix OSAR server receiving error nch_check -q 15 ,16 , 17 after restarting both the Root/Index and OSAR server.
PJ36886 846374 Fix Unable to delete document from SnapLock device on a Windows server.
PJ36952 848178 Fix PPM does not clean up properly on terminating server stubs.
Not applicable 828819 Fix Unable to start Image Services on the first installed node in a two node Process Engine Veritas Cluster.
Not applicable 843085 Fix Xapex Storage Library Control window creates segmentation violation when clicking on information button for ISDS retry error 238 ,3,1.
Not applicable 843115 Fix ISDS Retry: Objects remain locked in cache after 16 retries. Multiple attempts to create more documents result in a CSM error.
Not applicable 843128 Fix After Image Services 4.1.2 FP2 or higher is applied to a Windows server with MSSQL remote database, the software will not start.
Not applicable 843626 Fix ISDS Retry: SFBB objects do not write successfully to ISDS device when ISDS device is in retry error state.
Not applicable 844068 Fix ISDS retry on Sun with fast batch continually issues Xslc RSVPs, but doesn't write docs after at least 30 RSVP responses.
Not applicable 844948 Fix ISDS retry code causes endless disabling of SDS unit on Windows FBC with SDS_read_after_write.
Not applicable 845467 Fix SDS_worker cores using ISDS retry when committing FBC on Windows only with retry environment variables set.
Not applicable 845472 Fix SDS_worker gets into endless ISDS retry Xslc RSVP loop on Windows only when FBC commit to HCAP and ISDS retry environment variables are set.
Not applicable 845917 Fix ISDS writing to HCAP with ISDS retry variables writes random oddball docs to device.
Not applicable 847054 Fix FNPoll won't run and gives errors on HP Integrity with 11iV3.
Not applicable 848400 Fix Thousands of 88 byte COR shared memory segments are created when IS is started.
Not applicable 838159 Enhancement Update MKF_tool with signal handling per coding standards.
Not applicable 846446 Enhancement QMA uses an increasing number of interlocks.
Not applicable 846622 Enhancement Need more information about interlocks from tools.
Not applicable 846731 Enhancement Modify 911 script to handle compressed core files and additional core file directory.
Not applicable 847175 Enhancement Allows Courier II worker thread stack size to be configurable (AIX only).

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 4 (
APAR Defect Type Description
PJ35988 791993 Fix Error 43 ,0,2005 locks up Storage Library Control.
PJ36145 799263 Fix System hangs after running getreports.
PJ36159 798054 Fix fn_db2 shared memory errors occur during shutdown after installing Image Services 4.0 SP5 FP13.
PJ36188 760759 Fix SDS_worker logs checksum errors when retrieving COLD docs with TOC pages from Centera
PJ36191 797192 Fix Performance issue after migrating IS 3.6 Oracle to Image Services 4.0 SP5 DB2.
PJ36236 816586 Fix Error 156,0,25 - NCHl_RetrieveAddresses NCHl_RetrieveAddresses should never be called.
PJ36288 786981 Fix Annotation Only export from IS RAC always performs full re-export, even when “re-export” is not selected by user.
PJ36384 822500 Fix The ipc_tool -I command shows "no process name" for last claimer process.
PJ36416 825040 Fix ERROR; stats field changed (0x44056 ! = 0x144056) (comparison errors) occur with perf_report -a and -rful with IS 4.1.2.
PJ36433 826011 Fix The DOC_tool utility failed to get document information from an ECM Centera device using a large document ID (2147483647).
PJ36435 826170 Fix SDS_update_retention is taking too long to update docs in large pool of Centera device.
PJ36483 831070 Fix SDS_migr: SDS_worker processes hang waiting on RSVP msg if MSAR surface has been deleted.
PJ36516 832823 Fix SDS_worker cores when receiving an error message from the ECM SDK library over 1K.
PJ36571 790738 Fix Process Engine and Image Services: Cannot finish the installation of Process Engine 4.5 on AIX 6.1: inst_templates fails with sed error.
Not applicable 791582 Fix PE/Image Services: cfg_verify checked the swap space incorrectly against HP-UX B.11.23 system.
Not applicable 813221 Fix Process Engine processes crash after stopping the Process Engine service on Process Task Manager due to killfnsw guard-file error.
Not applicable 817713 Fix Process Engine installation program does not start IMS ControlService and returns false positive of service initialization (Windows only).
Not applicable 818940 Fix Process Engine and Image Services: AIX server on a pure IPv6 network has syslog messages that are unclear and too frequent.
Not applicable 825677 Fix Shared memory errors when running killfnsw -SDAy after running initfnsw -y stop on Solaris 10 server.
Not applicable 826191 Fix Process Engine and Image Services: Process Engine 51.029 fresh installation on Windows 2008 64 bit: Running "initfnsw -y restart" after fresh installation failed.
Not applicable 828819 Fix Process Engine and Image Services: Unable to start Image Services on first installed node in a two node PE Veritas Cluster.
Not applicable 834122 Fix Multiple dtp_tran processes errors with DT_doc_loc_select with fast batch five batches of 100 small images, many indexes and 64K DIR buffer.
Not applicable 785127 Enhancement Provide Integral SDS Migration tool to synchronize DoctabA and DCL retention settings.
Not applicable 788965 Enhancement ISDS breakup before SDS write option.
Not applicable 799273 Enhancement Currency support for Tivoli 6.1.
Not applicable 800980 Enhancement Provide BPM with Image Services 4.1.2 FP3 mini-installer.
Not applicable 825797 Enhancement Image Services does not log the source IP address when the deprecated NCHl_RetrieveAddresses API is called.
Not applicable 832470 Enhancement Replaced the sys_log semaphore with a spinlock timeout that prevents any process from hanging while trying to write to the elog file.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 3 (
APAR Defect Type Description
PJ35029 783671 Fix PE/IS: mini-installer fn_IS_has_rdb_password errors are hard to diagnose.
PJ35458 771018 Fix The perf_report –a command generates a segmentation violation after installing SCR 325091.
PJ35578 786206 Fix ISDS: fn-edit default retention date >= 2038-01-06 for enabled_with_default_offset cores on IS.
PJ35611 792816 Fix SDS_worker process logs 80 ,0,8 , 80,0,57 and 192,2,108 errors when migrating documents to an SDS device.
PJ35656 792952 Fix Incorrect data is placed in the export_log when updating a DIR record.
PJ35668 793837 Fix Closing a telnet session while running CSM_tool generates a 202 ,0,1045 error and holds on to an interlock.
PJ35705 785301 Fix SDS_FS_reader fails when SDS_tool recover rewrites to a new surface_id_1, causing the SDS_FS_reader to look in the wrong file system Directory path.
PJ35804 796341 Fix Documents committed to ISDS or updated with an f_deletedate > 2038 are not updated in DOCS or on the ISDS device.
PJ35811 663796 Fix Server Attributes tab in fn_edit: the platform dialog box should be widened to accommodate entire "Windows Server" text.
PJ35819 795625 Fix SDS_worker reports an error - sds fbc : Bad read length when trying to read page info.
PJ36004 801249 Fix After installing IS, you cannot run perf_report.
PJ36019 800866 Fix The bkg_sds process is not updating objects on EBR supported ISDS devices that are EBR and then triggered with an f_deletedate value set to one or two days from the creation date or with a past value. 
PJ36055 801456 Fix Running the osschk tool returns an error - if: Badly formed number, while running the application.
PJ36071 801845 Fix ISTK: The fn_rel tool does not run on HP-UX. No error message is returned for tuple <212,3,11>.
PJ36103 803481 Fix ISDS read after write with regular committal is updating docs table with SDS information when compare fails.
PJ36122 803398 Fix When perf_report –a –csv is run, the total column for All RPCs in the Cumulative Service Activity Report contains garbage.
PJ36144 794352 Fix <MKF_import init> throwing exception during the MKF_fixup phase.
PJ36150 785167 Fix Plasmon UDO sense data in misinterpreted as a dirty drive.
PJ36158 801367 Fix Multiple entries are returned in the elogs of 138,0,38 for some optical surfaces.
PJ36177 811236 Fix IPv4 server is receiving an error return from TPI_SendPEPreq2 from an IPv6 client and returns an IPv6 address to an IPv4 server.
PJ36184 379308 Fix Generic: MKF_fixup does not fix corrupted data in an index page block.
PJ36193 814002 Fix In fn_edit, the Maximum document buffer count is 128 and maximum directory buffer count is 64.
PJ36198 813906 Fix The sds_copy usage statement now informs users that it can use NLS/SDS unit as a source only if those documents have had sds_convert_nls run on them.
PJ36203 794095 Fix On HP-UX systems, the Process Engine mini-installer overwrites the system default PATH variable. CE 4.5 client installation program requires gzip to be in the path and the system default path includes /usr/contrib./bin that contains gzip.
PJ36205 798472 Fix The UNIX mini-installer log file will log “fn_pso_convert: not found” if /fnsw/bin is not specified in the PATH before installing Process Engine.
PJ36251 815226 Fix Spelling error during fn_setup_rdb -f.
PJ36252 815951 Fix COSM: Applications Executive: An incorrect format appears when selecting Cache Export/Import.
PJ36256 800168 Fix P8 System Manager Listener fails on Image Services.
PJ36272 816290 Fix Configuration Editor: A string is truncated in the MSAR Storage Library dialog.
Not applicable 789676 Fix With UNIX, the Process Engine installation program hangs when an IS mini-installer upgrade fails with an fn_IS_has_rdb_password error.
Not applicable 803481 Fix ISDS read after write with regular committal is updating docs table with SDS information when compare fails.
Not applicable 761105 Enhancement Network activity is now available in P8 System Manager through Microsoft Windows Performance Monitor (perfmon).
Not applicable 772757 Enhancement Modifies fn_setup_rdb to support SQL 2005 32-bit on Windows 2008 64-bit O/S.
Not applicable 780789 Enhancement Moves COLD message strings from the header file to the URL file.
Not applicable 784188 Enhancement Support Integral SDS – Centera on Itanium.
Not applicable 784193 Enhancement Implements a Read after Write feature for Integral SDS.
Not applicable 784309 Enhancement Adds support for SQL Server 2008.
Not applicable 793656 Enhancement PE/IS: Provides IPv6 support for a mini-installer.
Not applicable 794160 Enhancement Provides Image Service code changes to improve the consumability of the Process Engine product. Changes allow the IS mini-installer to reduce its payload, thus occupying less disk space, and also reduces installation time for BPM.
Not applicable 797164 Enhancement Creates a tool named sds_copy_to_surf to copy documents from an SDS device to an MSAR/OSAR surface.
Not applicable 799272 Enhancement Provides currency support for EMC 3.2 Patch 3.
Not applicable 800980 Enhancement Provides BPM with an IS 4.1.2 FP4 mini-installer.
Not applicable 811306 Enhancement PE/IS NCH optimization for local service.
Not applicable 811495 Enhancement Provides support for BPM consumability requirements with internal security changes.
Not applicable 811560 Enhancement Provides BPM consumability requirements support with changes to the background daemon startup.
Not applicable 811818 Enhancement Modifies the perf_mon to link SEC only when necessary (for Image Services).
Not applicable 812379 Enhancement Provides changes in the perflog format. When the Image Services software is started, perf_mon will automatically create a new perflog with the new internal format.

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 2 (
APAR Defect Type Description
 Not applicable 792449 Fix CSM_tool: New option delage docid MB <count> or delage MB <count> accepts negative or garbage numbers, or both.
787257 Fix The wal_dbcheck_cemp test program is reporting [INFO] for each thread.
PJ34865 782613 Fix VW stub processes failed to invoke sysv exception handler.
PJ34873 755331 Fix Image Services does not stop sometimes for backup mode.
PJ35093 783546 Fix ISDS: sds_update_retention does not handle docs closed in IDM Desktop with months >= 351.
PJ35115 782865 Fix Process Engine 450 – Database does not throw error when the actual blob table space name does not match the one in the VWRDBObject table/CDB file.
PJ35178 782063 Fix TRUNC: Xapex: There is truncated text within COLD app on Windows 2003 server.
PJ35196 785642 Fix Selecting List button immediately after Define/Update Doc Class screen launched results in 90,0,2 errors.
PJ35328 785519 Fix Problem using Centera embedded BLOB option when migrating documents from MSAR to Centera
PJ35338 787375 Fix The sds_convert_nls background tool excludes CLOSED (DOCTABA) documents when using a document range.
PJ35376 788960 Fix Resizing a window with cormon running causes corruption of the displayed data. Cormon data display does not dynamically adjust to window size.
PJ35377 374824 Fix DOC_tool – SDSinfo information message needs to be improved when SDS readers are not configured.
PJ35390 780027 Fix GLOB: CHAR: Xapex/fn_edit/etc: There are some characters which can’t display well on JP Windows 2003 server.
PJ35456 790500 Fix The docfetch tool gives errors when running on a non-storage server.
PJ35458 771018 Fix The perf_report –a command generates a segmentation violation after installing SCR 325091.
PJ35459 786390 Fix TRANS: Security Administration: Unlocalize in Add User message DE and FR.
PJ35507 788509 Fix SDS migration hangs on specific documents with <61,0,10>.
PJ35508 790456 Fix ER: New options added to CSM_tool > delage command to resolve cache full (77,0,8) issue when processing Fast Batch objects.
PJ35518 788995 Fix ISDS is not correctly protecting DR550 EBR documents.
PJ35520 790455 Fix DOC stub crashes intermittently while locking SEC DB, system halts.
PJ35553 786397 Fix TRANS: COLD: Preview Documents: Unlocalize in the message box DE & FR.
PJ35554 786395 Fix TRANS: Storage Library: Statistics: Unlocalize in the message box.
PJ35556 791704 Fix The sds_update_retention process on centera chrono doc creates a new clip with a shortened retention when f_deletedate has not changed.
PJ35578 786206 Fix ISDS: fn_edit default retention date >= 2038-01-06 for enabled_with_default_offset cores on IS.
PJ35612 379614 Fix Generic: Groups outside of the administration domain will be listed when logging in with administrator with ADMIN GROUP=none.
PJ35712 792955 Fix PSI: PSI test for OC 4.0.2 Patch 3 on Image Services 4.1.2 is failing.
PJ35768 784276 Fix Surface Activity tracking logs too many writes.
PJ35811 663796 Fix Server Attributes tab in fn_edit: The platform dialog box should be widened to accommodate the entire “Windows Server” text.
PJ35812 381643 Fix SEC: Limitation on logon time (Minute) is invalid for time ahead.
Not applicable 757961 Enhancement The Archive options should be removed from the Background Job Control menu.
Not applicable 758600 Enhancement After setting “Maximum Concurrent Logons Per User” to 1, there will be problems logging on after restarting the client computer.
Not applicable 767062 Enhancement Integral SDS: Attempt to embed documents into Centera blobs when possible.
Not applicable 782835 Enhancement New option –v for docfetch tool.
Not applicable 784309 Enhancement Add support for SQL Server 2008.
Not applicable 787925 Enhancement Mini-installer support for BPM with IS 4.1.2 FP1.
Not applicable 790912 Enhancement New options added to CSM_tool > stat command to monitor number of free space by size.
Not applicable 791057 Enhancement The Archive options should be removed from the Background Job Control menu online help and System Administration Handbook.
Not applicable 791270 Enhancement 911 enhancements – Add the sgs-s and CSM_tool > stat free commands to the 911 output.
Not applicable 792178 Enhancement Additional improvements on Courier II.
Not applicable 793212 Enhancement ER: Support for SNMP v3

Image Services 4.1.2 fix pack 1 (
APAR Defect Type Description
PJ34437 771753 Fix NCH_daemon reports a “Critical” error for a TPI_GetPEPReq.
PJ34581 775914 Fix The stdoccpy tool causes <77,1,36> errors on some documents due to zero (0) page length.
PJ34836 783744 Fix PE/IS: Upgrade to IS 4.1.1 fails with fn_is_has_rdb_password error when MSSQL client software is not installed.
PJ34888 784009 Fix TRUNC: Xtaskman: There is an area truncated in the Status window.
PJ34889 780024 Fix TRUNC: Xapex: There are some areas truncated on JP Windows 2003 server.
PJ34899 783523 Fix Error 161,1,1004 - SAT_update failed.
PJ34902 782580 Fix TRANS: Security Administration: Unlocalize and truncation in database logons.
PJ34920 784574 Fix Unable to print SDS documents when all pages are not in cache – 58,0,1006.
PJ34976 785088 Fix Cross System Committal pus errors in elog, will fail to migrate to an SDS device.
PJ35009 785383 Fix A syslog can appear for a retryable MKF error. This shouldn’t occur.
PJ35029 783761 Fix PE/IS: mini-installer fn_IS_has_rdb_password errors are hard to diagnose.
PJ35080 779785 Fix 92,2,8 error is generated when attempting to view security user details via Xapex Security Administration.
PJ35086 776680 Fix The fn_snmpd tool returns wrong date errors and smux_init: systemError on AIX.
PJ35091 663322 Fix Extensible Authentication – error message truncated when validation fails customer authentication.
PJ35093 783546 Fix ISDS: sds_update_retention does not handle docs closed in IDM Desktop with months >= 351.
PJ35112 784884 Fix QMA abstract logs excessive QMA_wait information syslog entries during initfnsw startup time.
PJ35115 782865 Fix Process Engine 450 – Database does not throw error when the actual blob table space name does not match the one in the VWRDBObject table/CDB file.
PJ35149 770361 Fix Running CPT_test with a –c parameter higher than 23813 causes CPT_test to hang.
PJ35169 786376 Fix Windows XP client PCs cannot log on to Unix Image Services servers when IPv6 is enabled.
PJ35200 768283 Fix The serverConfig file has an invalid “queue connection size” parameter.
PJ35267 788079 Fix Client PCs hang while waiting for PED stubs from IS server.
PJ35333 784098 Fix The fn_build –a command cannot update verify.txt file because it is being used by other process.
PJ35371 785729 Fix The fn_edit configuration editor crashed from the OSAR server (new installation) and generated a Dr. Watson report when an invalid (non-existent) domain name was entered.
PJ35383 768994 Fix Investigate and correct SEC_get_message holding of SEC interlock across ERM calls.
PJ35385 783103 Fix Segmentation violation when sys_log *** with asterix ** can occur.
PJ35387 781000 Fix The SysV.dll file cannot be overwritten on Windows. The module appears to be mapped/locked. Cannot perform Image Services upgrade to 4.1 SP1 FP4.
PJ35388 783739 Fix The nch_tool listprop of Bes objects shows improperly structured address list.
Not applicable 749868 Enhancement Image Services to support IPv6 network addresses.
Not applicable 750268 Enhancement The sgs tool needs the capability to list Integral SDS units configured.
Not applicable 783178 Enhancement PE/IS: During an upgrade of P8PE-4.3.0 to P8PE-4.5.0 with DB2 9.5 on HP-UX 11.23: The link points to /fnsw/lib/shobj/db2lib/ instead of
Not applicable 783373 Enhancement Post-qual support of DB2 v9.5 client with Image Services 4.1.1.
Not applicable 784346 Enhancement Provide installation support for Image Services 4.1.2 FP.
Not applicable 785322 Enhancement fn_setup_rdb.cmd terminated abnormally with File not found - FN_SETUP_RDB.REG on 64-bit Windows.
Not applicable 787925 Enhancement Mini-installer support for BPM with Image Services 4.1.2 FP1.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSNVUD","label":"FileNet Image Services"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000Cdy8AAC","label":"FileNet Image Services"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF057","label":"HP"}],"Version":"4.1.2"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
13 March 2023

