IBM Support

Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in Apache Log4j affects some features of IBM® Db2® (CVE-2021-44228)

Security Bulletin


Apache Log4j open source library used by IBM® Db2® is affected by a vulnerability that could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system. This library is used by the Db2 Federation feature. The fix for the vulnerability is to update the log4j library. Please see CVE-2021-4104 for bulletin relating to Log4j V1. Please see CVE-2021-44832, CVE-2021-45046 and CVE-2021-45105 for bulletins relating to Log4j V2. Updating log4j to a version 2.15.0 or higher also addresses CVE-2021-4104.

Vulnerability Details

CVEID:   CVE-2021-44228
DESCRIPTION:   Apache Log4j could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system, caused by the failure to protect against attacker controlled LDAP and other JNDI related endpoints by JNDI features. By sending a specially crafted code string, an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to load arbitrary Java code on the server and take complete control of the system. Note: The vulnerability is also called Log4Shell or LogJam.
CVSS Base score: 10
CVSS Temporal Score: See: for the current score.
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H)

Affected Products and Versions

Fix pack levels of IBM Db2 V11.5 for all editions on all platforms are affected only if the following features are configured:


  •   DVM JDBC wrapper driver,
  •   NoSQL wrapper driver (for Hadoop),
  •   Blockchain wrapper driver (for Hyperledger Fabric, Linux 64-bit, x86-64 only)


IBM Db2 V9.7, V10.1, V10.5 and V11.1 are not affected.


To determine if Federation is enabled, issue the following:

       db2 get dbm cfg | grep FEDERATED

If a value of NO is returned, you are not vulnerable.


You can determine if you are using one of the affected wrappers by performing:

To determine if the DVM JDBC wrapper is in use, issue the following statement:

        db2 "select servername from syscat.serveroptions where option = 'DRIVER_CLASS' and setting = ''"

        If a servername is returned, then you are using the DVM JDBC wrapper via the DvDriver class.

To determine if the NoSQL hadoop wrapper is in use, issue the following statement:

       db2 "select * from syscat.servers where servertype = 'HDFSPARQUET'" 

       If 1 or more rows are returned, then NoSQL hadoop wrapper is in use.


To determine if the NoSQL Blockchain wrapper is in use, issue the following statement:

       db2 "select * from syscat.serveroptions where option='PEER_URL'"

       If 1 or more rows are returned, then NoSQL Blockchain wrapper is in use.


Customers running any vulnerable fixpack level of an affected Program, V11.5, can download the special build containing the interim fix for this issue from Fix Central. These special builds are available based on the most recent fixpack level for the V11.5.6 and V11.5.7 release. They can be applied to any affected fixpack level of the appropriate release to remediate this vulnerability.


ReleaseFixed in fix packAPARDownload URL


Special Build for V11.5.6:

AIX 64-bit
Linux 32-bit, x86-32
Linux 64-bit, x86-64
Linux 64-bit, POWER™ little endian
Linux 64-bit, System z®, System z9® or zSeries®
Windows 32-bit, x86
Windows 64-bit, x86








Workarounds and Mitigations

A user with SYSADM authority should preform the following:


    db2set DB2_JVM_STARTARGS="-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true"




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Change History

11 Nov 2022: Updated 11.5 links to 11.5.8
06 June 2022:  Updated related links for other Log4j bulletins.
21 Dec 2021: Links for 11.5.7 Windows 32-bit and Windows 64-bit have been added
20 Dec 2021: Links for 11.5.6 Windows 32-bit and Windows 64-bit have been added
16 Dec 2021: Updated to reflect that all Db2 editions are impacted.  Added instructions to determine if Federation is enabled.
16 Dec 2021: Added fix pack links for 11.5.7 special builds on AIX 64-bit, Linux 64-bit, Linux 64-bit POWER™ little endian
15 Dec 2021:  Added fix pack links for 11.5.6 special builds on AIX 64-bit, Linux 32-bit, Linux 64-bit, Linux 64-bit POWER™ little endian, Linux 64-bit System z®, System z9® or zSeries®
                           Added fix pack links for 11.5.7 special builds on Linux 32-bit, Linux 64-bit System z®, System z9® or zSeries®
14 Dec 2021: Initial Publication

*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.


Review the IBM security bulletin disclaimer and definitions regarding your responsibilities for assessing potential impact of security vulnerabilities to your environment.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"DB2 for Linux- UNIX and Windows"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"11.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
11 November 2022

