IBM Support

Fix list for IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.11

Release Notes


The following table contains the complete listing of fixes for Version 3.0.11.


APARs fixed in IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.11

APAR Description
(IBM Content Navigator users) Date value in .msg file is displayed in incorrect format in AJAX Viewer on AIX, Linux and Linux on System z platforms. The format does not match the locale specified. With this fix, the date is displayed in correct format.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Multi-value property values set by UserColumnSettings plug-in might not appear until a document is clicked. With the fix, they appear correctly.
IO28426 (IBM Content Navigator users) When opening Object property using the lower right Open button, an error 'The document cannot be opened' error occurs. With this fix, this error does not occur.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Upon modifying an annotation, an asterisk displayed on a document tab to indicate this, disappears if the user clicks anywhere else in the viewer. With this fix, this issue does not occur.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) A 'E_OBJECT_MODIFIED' error occurs when removing a document from a folder containing an event subscription which acts on the document - changes a property, etc. With this fix, the error should not be displayed and the document's security folder should be updated successfully.
(IBM Content Navigator users) IBM Content Navigator performance data are not displayed in IBM System Dashboard. With this fix, IBM Content Navigator performance data is displayed.
(IBM Content Navigator users) In the IBM Content Navigator viewer, the Properties panel is not updating after clicking on next or 'Save and Get Next' when viewing multiple documents. With this fix, the viewer properties panel is correctly updated after clicking on next or 'Save and Get Next' when viewing multiple documents.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Plug-in menu actions, that define a custom Action model class, appear in the wrong order on the context menu. With this fix, the plug-in actions appear in the order they are configured on the context menu.
(IBM Content Navigator OnDemand users) OnDemand HTML Viewer for line data does not work in container environment. With this fix, the viewer works.
(IBM Content Navigator Users) Print button is hidden in Merge and Split mode when creating a new document by clicking on New Document tab. With this fix, the print button is displayed.
(IBM Content Navigator users) An error occurs when attempting to add a document using the 'New Document with Desktop Apps' button. With this fix, this issue is resolved.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When an object value property is hidden, its value is still retrieved. With this fix, the value of hidden object value properties will not be retrieved.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Users of EDS validation may encounter an issue in which their content may not be added after using the Add Document dialog. With this fix, the Add Document dialog will function correctly.
(IBM Content Navigator users) The Download as PDF action can produce PDFs with green background. With this fix, the PDFs are generated correctly.
(IBM Container Manager OnDemand users) After selecting multiple line data documents, if Download as UTF-8 is attempted, it fails with 'CIWEB 1016: your request cannot be processed' error. With this fix, the action succeeds and the documents download successfully.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Some PDF attachments in .msg documents are not converted correctly. With this fix, attachments are converted correctly.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Content Navigator External Share list may get 'Failed to load data!' error when refreshed. With this fix, users should see the list contents displayed correctly.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When using the option 'Use the desktop email client' with the Edit Service client for sending emails in ICN 3.0.10 file names can become garbled in the email client if using for example Hebrew or Greek characters as part of the file name. With this fix, this issue is resolved.
(IBM Content Navigator users) After downloading a document, if multiple documents are selected and Export action is attempted, no dialog to provide the exported (CSV) file name is displayed. The dialog is displayed if the action is attempted again. With this fix, the export action succeeds the first time and a CSV file is downloaded.
(IBM Content Manager users) EDS/Dropdown plug-in activation causes properties and quick view to NOT open, preventing edit action on the properties in Internet Explorer (IE). With this fix, users should see the attribute value selected in the combo box of the properties view.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) The text search field is available when searching in a repository configured for text search and a content class that is not enabled for content based retrieval (CBR). With this fix, the text search field is not available.
IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When executing an ad hoc search from a folder that searches objects in a different repository, the content items have the wrong repository set. As the repository is always expected to be the repository where the content item belongs to, this leads to errors. For example, you cannot move the object to a different folder as the dialog displays the wrong repository. With this fix, the correct repository is displayed.
(IBM Content Manager Users) When load a image file which resolution is not 96, annotations either disappeared or distorted if format is Modcap. With this fix, annotations display correctly.
IO28539 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office) In IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, the office application Office crashes when the My Checkouts window is opened and its size is reduced very small.  With this fix, office will not crash when the NMO My Checkouts window size is reduced to a very small size.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) The Available properties list displayed when using 'Results Options' on a saved search, shows hidden properties, if it is opened twice in a row. With this fix, users should not see any hidden properties in the Available properties list.
(IBM Content Navigator administrators) In the Configuration and Deployment tool, the task 'Configure your Database and Data Source' fails, if the database user has a password with a $ character in it. With this fix, this task can be run successfully.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Pagination bar is not displayed for a folder bookmark. With this fix, users should see the pagination bar displayed in the content area.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) The date value in a Date/Time field cannot be copied using the cursor - that is it cannot be selected for cut/paste operation. With this fix, users will be able to select the date value.
IO28570 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) In IBM Content Navigator for MS Office, property values are not always saved when adding documents after a choice list property is changed when the document class has EDS enabled. With this fix, property values are saved when adding documents after a choice list property is changed when the document class has EDS enabled.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When an object value property is hidden, its value is still retrieved. After the fix, the value of hidden object value properties is not retrieved.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Users of EDS validation may encounter an issue in which their content may not be added after using the Add Document dialog. With this fix, the Add Document dialog will function correctly.
IBM Content Navigator users) Opening large worklists is very slow. With this fix, users will see a large worklist opened in a reasonable amount of time.
(IBM Content Navigator users) If the internalhost and externalhost parameters are configured with uppercase application name (for example, NAVIGATOR), the checkin action in Merge and Split mode may fail. With this fix, the checkin is successful.
(IBM Content Manager Ondemand users) Download as PDF action on an AFP document generates PDF with different content than when viewing using AFP viewer. With this fix, the PDF generated looks the same as when viewing the document using the AFP Viewer.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Edit Service Client may fail to start if FIPS is disabled. With this fix, it will start correctly.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Edit and email with external application fail in Case feature. With this fix, these actions will succeed.
IO28609 (IBM Content Navigator users) Box Share does not work in single sign-on (SSO) environment. With this fix, this issue does not occur.
(IBM Content Navigator users) In some situations, when editing multi-valued (multivalued) properties (attributes), the Append checkbox is disabled if there is a single value present in the property. With this fix, the Append checkbox will be always enabled when there is a a single value present.
(IBM Content Navigator users) In some situations, Windows Edit Service client and Sync client that are installed to default install location do not work. With this fix, this issue does not occur.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Edit Service client fails with 'invalid JSON entity' error when used with CP4BA v21.0.2 and SAML SSO. With this fix, this error does not occur.
IO28626 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) In IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office using dual displays, when adding documents, the class and folder drop down windows appear split across both displays.  With this fix, the class and folder drop down windows will appear positioned correctly when using dual displays.
IO28629 (IBM Content Navigator users) ICN Entry Templates (ETs) are not listed in teamspace templates and teamspaces. With this fix, the ETs are visible in both places.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB18","label":"Miscellaneous LOB"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSEUEX","label":"IBM Content Navigator"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001jhcAAA","label":"ICN"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"3.0.11"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
28 July 2022

