IBM Support

Instructions for patching IBM InfoSphere Information Server to version

Fix Readme


This document contains guidance for installation of the upgrade package available on Fix Central. It can be used to upgrade, or installations on any operating system.


Table of Contents
    1) Introduction
    2) General installation information
2.1) Environment
         2.2) Using a password or passwordless SSH for upgrading the Microservices tier
    3) Downloads and pre-upgrade steps
    4) Installation

        4.1) Instructions for upgrading Information Server in GUI mode of the Update Installer
        4.2) Instructions for upgrading Information Server in Console mode of the Update Installer
   5) Post upgrade actions
        5.1) Information Analyzer microservice
        5.2) Enabling Information Analyzer column analysis jobs in WebSphere Liberty installations
        5.3) Usage of Information Server Administration (web) console
        5.4) Upgrade Db2 version 11.1 to Db2 11.5
        5.5) (Optional) Change communication between the services tier and the repository tier to TLS 1.2
        5.6) Disable the Kafka log cleaner
        5.7) Docker upgrade
        5.8) Information Server Microservices tier launchpad and Administration console can intermittently fail
        5.9) Information Server Microservices tier launchpad does not display icons properly
        5.10) Users with jobs involving File Connector, Azure Connector, or Snowflake Connector
        5.11) Using SQL Server 2019 as the database repository
        5.12) Desktop icons for Information Server web console and Launchpad
        5.13) File Connector jobs need update of CLASSPATH and job recompilation
        5.14) Information Server Microservices tier needs an additional key
        5.15) Reboot systems before another fix pack or service pack is installed

1) Introduction

The IBM InfoSphere Information Server ispkg image is available for upgrading of Information Server, or installations. The steps for upgrading to depends on whether a Microservices tier is installed. upgrade prerequirements:

  • Information Server, or must be installed.
  • If you have a Microservices tier, it must be at the same version as the services tier.
  • See technote for issues you might need to address before the installation, and also issues that might affect you after the installation.
  • If you use Db2 as the repository database, Db2 versions before are not supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8. After Information Server is upgraded to, you can upgrade Db2 to a supported version. For usage with Information Server, Db2 11.5 can be obtained from Passport Advantage.

If Watson Knowledge Catalog (WKC) is installed, then upgrade to is not supported.

1. If you need to add a Microservices tier, or enhance an existing Microservices tier in an Information Server installation, you must use technote instead of this technote.
2. If you need to add a Microservices tier to an Information Server or later installation, you must use technote.
3. OpenId Connect support is added in some Information Server web applications. See technote for details.
4. SQL Server 2019 is supported.

2) General installation information

2.1 Environment

For the Information Server host system, ensure that your system meets the  Information Server System requirements. Disk space requirements are included in the System requirements.
Refer to the version pre-installation checklist to validate your system.

2.2 Using a password or passwordless SSH for upgrading the Microservices tier

You have four installation modes to choose from, during upgrade of the Microservices tier:

     a. Specify that the root user is used on the master node, and provide the password and sftp port.
         In this case, you do not have to set up passwordless SSH from the Information Server host to the master node.
         However, for a multiple nodes environment, you must set up passwordless SSH for the root user from the master node to the worker nodes.
    b. Specify a non-root user to be used on the master node, and provide the password and sftp port.
         The specified non-root user must have sudo privilege with NOPASSWD enabled.
         In this case, you do not have to set up passwordless SSH from the user running the installation on the Information Server host to the master node.
         For a multiple nodes environment:
                i. The specified non-root user must be set up in the same manner on all nodes.
                ii. You must set up passwordless SSH for the specified non-root user from the master node to the worker nodes.
    c. Specify that the root user is used on the master node, and don't provide a password.
         You must set up passwordless SSH from the user running the installation on the Information Server host to the master node.
         For a multiple nodes environment, passwordless SSH must also be set up for the root user from the master node to the worker nodes.
    d. Specify that a non-root user is used on the master node, and don't provide a password.
         The specified non-root user must have sudo privilege with NOPASSWD enabled.
         You must set up passwordless SSH from the user running the installation on the Information Server host to the master node.
         For a multiple nodes environment:
                i. The specified non-root user must be set up in the same manner on all nodes.
                ii. Passwordless SSH must also be set up for the specified non-root user from the master node to the worker nodes.
        1. To enable NOPASSWD for the non-root user, use visudo to append " ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" to the user's entry in the /etc/sudoers file, or add an entry.
            The resulting line is
                    <userid> ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL
        2. If the root user was used during the version 11.7.0.x installation, then the root user must also be used in the installation.
        3. Sample setup of passwordless SSH connection for a root user to the Microservices tier node.
             a. If the file /root/.ssh/ does not exist, create the SSH Keys with the following command:
                     > ssh-keygen -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N ""
             b. Copy the SSH public key to the Microservices tier node with the following command:
                     > ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/ root@<enterprise search="" node="">
             c. Validate the root passwordless SSH connection to the Microservices tier node with the following command:
                     > ssh root@<enterprise search="" node=""> hostname
             A non-root user with sudo privileges can be set up for passwordless SSH in the same manner.

3) Downloads and pre-upgrade steps

3.1) Update to an appropriate version of the Update Installer
         Windows installations must use Update Installer or later.

         AIX and Linux installations can update the Update Installer to the latest, or later. However, do not use

        3.1.1) On the Information Server host, download the Update Installer.
                    For Windows installations, download Update Installer or later.
                    For AIX and Linux, you can use Update Installer or later. However, do not use

        3.1.2) In the document, Updating IBM InfoSphere Information Server, Version 11.7, and installing additional products, under Version 11.7, click the link installing_fixes_fixpacks_updates117.html.
        3.1.3) See section “Installing a new version of the Update Installer before installing an update, fix, or patch” for the steps to extract the new Update Installer and run
                    If you used the default directory for Information Server, the Update Installer is installed in /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/bin.

3.2) Download the images
        You must download the relevant images from IBM Fix Central depending on your installation choices.
        For details on locating the images, see the Download document

3.2.1) On the Information Server host, download, and extract the Information Server ispkg image from IBM Fix Central.
            For example, fixpack_FP3_IS1171_linux64_11710-11712.tar.gz
1. Set your umask to 022 before the image is extracted.
                         2. Unpack the file to get the ispkg and readme files.

3.2.2) On the Microservices tier, download the IBM Information Server Enterprise Search v11.7.1.3 image from IBM Fix Central. Do not extract the file.
            For example, fixpack_FP3_IS1171_microservices_11710-11712.tar.gz

3.3) Pre-upgrade steps
3.3.1) Information Analyzer users that are migrating from stand-alone Information Server to Information Server with a Microservices tier might need to create a schema. The metadata needed for the Information Analyzer microservice is persisted in a schema named 'ASSET_RELATION'. If this schema was not created previously, it needs to be created before installation of the Fix Pack. The steps to create the schema are mentioned in the resolution section of  technote 0887665. Absence of the schema causes the ia-services pod to crash.

3.3.2) Ensure that your system meets all system requirements for installations. For example, on the microservices tier, the requirements for slirp4netns and fuse-overlayfs are different after

3.3.3) If you are upgrading the Microservices tier, verify that your system meets the requirements for usage as the Microservices tier of IBM InfoSphere Information Server

3.3.4) Using SQL Server 2019 as the database repository
         If you currently use SQL Server as the database repository, then with, you can choose to use SQL Server 2019.
         To do so, use SQL Server documentation to upgrade your database to SQL Server 2019 before installation of
         More steps are required after is installed; the steps are listed in section 5.11.

3.3.5) Windows installations must enable TLS 1.2 support in Internet Explorer

            IMPORTANT - This step must be followed even if your using an alternative web browser to Internet Explorer.

            a. Open Internet Explorer.
            b. From the menu bar, click Tools >  Internet Options > Advanced tab.
            c. Scroll down to the security section at the bottom of the Settings.
            d. Enable "Use TLS 1.2".
            e. Save the changes.

3.3.6) AIX installations must upgrade OpenSSL
            OpenSSL must be upgraded to version or later. For example, see AIX Web Download Pack Programs.

3.3.7) WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
            For installations that use WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, we recommend upgrading to version or later.

3.3.8) WebSphere Application Server Liberty
            For installations that use WebSphere Application Server Liberty on UNIX, cleanup Liberty installation artifacts. No action is needed for installations on Windows:
            a. Change directory to your Information Server installation location. For example, /opt/IBM/InformationServer.
            b. If folder wlp.backup exists, delete the folder.
            c. If folder exists, delete the folder.

3.3.9) Update JDK
            To avoid credential-mapping errors from their DataStage clients for previously working users, update the JDK to the latest available version. See technote 6552878 for details.

4) Installation

Use the following instructions irrespective of whether you have a Microservices tier.

      Before you begin the upgrade to

      2.  If you are upgrading the Microservices tier

            i.  The Microservices tier must be at the same version as the Information Server services tier.

           ii. Ensure that all pods are up and running.

           iii. Upgrade Ansible to version 2.9.
                Information on Ansible can be found at

      3. The installation program changes the network protocol of your installation to TLS 1.2.
           However, communication between the services tier and the repository tier is not changed to TLS 1.2; it can be changed post-install.

4.1) Instructions for upgrading Information Server in GUI mode of the Update Installer


4.1.1) Log in to the Information Server host. Change directory to <IS_HOME>/Updates/bin
              For example, cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/bin

4.1.2) Verify that the Update Installer version is or later (see step 3.1):
                  ./installUpdates -version

4.1.3) Initiate the Fix Pack install with the following command:
              This command launches the Update Installer in GUI mode.

4.1.4) Provide information as required in each panel to complete the installation.
               Click Login.


4.1.5) Review the System requirements, Release Notes, and Planning information.
            Click Next.


4.1.6) The Update Installer displays the Information Server installation directory. The contents of the displayed panel depends on whether Watson Knowledge Catalog is installed. If your installation does not include Watson Knowledge Catalog, click Next.

image-20211007162216-2 If Watson Knowledge Catalog is installed, select the checkbox to indicate whether you intend to apply 11.7.1 Fix Pack 3 to your version installation. Installations with Watson Knowledge Catalog are not permitted to install 11.7.1 Fix Pack 3 until Watson Knowledge Catalog is manually uninstalled. See technote for steps to manually uninstall Watson Knowledge Catalog.

4 1 6 2

           If you select the checkbox to apply Fix Pack 3 to your version installation, and click Next, the following error is displayed.

4 1 6 2-2

4.1.7) In this step choose whether to upgrade the Microservices tier. If you do not have a Microservices tier select the "Skip installation of Information Server microservices tier" checkbox.
                Since addition of a Microservices tier during the Fix Pack upgrade is not supported, click Next and skip forward to step 4.1.8.
                Later, if needed you can add a Microservices tier. Refer to technote for details.

MS_SKIP_UPGRADE If you have a Microservices tier, you might choose to skip its upgrade while your other Information Server tiers are upgraded to

                        1. If you choose to skip upgrade of the Microservices tier, then before the upgraded Information Server installation is used, the Microservices tier must be upgraded. Follow technote to upgrade the Microservices tier to be at the same version as the other Information Server tiers.
                       2. In case you previously installed the Microservices tier by following technote, you must skip upgrade of the Microservices tier in this step. Upgrade the other Information Server tiers to, and use the same technote to upgrade the Microservices tier. Skipping the upgrade prevents overwriting of your handcrafted inventory file.

                Select the "Skip patching of Information Server microservices tier" checkbox to skip the upgrade.
                Click Next.


               If you are currently using version or, skip forward to step 4.1.8.
               If Information Server is in use, the following panel is displayed.
               The installation program does not support these actions during a fix pack installation. Hence, select the "Skip enhancements of the Information Server microservices tier" checkbox.
                Click Next.
                Skip forward to step 4.1.8.

wkc_skip To upgrade the Microservices tier

                                 1. In case you previously installed the Microservices tier by following technote, you must skip upgrading the Microservices tier in this step and instead, follow the instructions in step
                                 2. The Microservices tier must be at the same version as the Information Server services tier.
                                 3. All pods must be up and running.
                                       You can check the status of the pods by running the following command:
                                               kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
                                 4. Ansible version 2.9 must be installed.
                                       Information on Ansible can be found at

                  Provide the relevant information in the panel:
                  a. Deselect the "Skip patching of Information Server microservices tier" checkbox.
                  b. Specify a fully qualified domain name for the Master Node Host.
                  c. Specify the same User as was used during the initial installation of the Microservices tier.
                  d. For more information on "Authenticate with a password", see section 2.2.
                  e. If you specify a non-root user, in /etc/security/limits.conf, the hard and soft setting of nofile and nproc for the specified user must be 10240.
                       Also, umask must be set to 022 in ~/.bashrc.

4 1 7 3

4.1.8) In the list of "Packages to be installed", select the ispkg file you downloaded from IBM Fix Central.
The package name is similar to as shown in section 3.2.1.
Click Next.


The Installer again checks whether Watson Knowledge Catalog is installed on the system. If present, the following error is displayed.

4 1 8

If Watson Knowledge Catalog is installed, you cannot install 11.7.1 Fix Pack 3 until Watson Knowledge Catalog is manually uninstalled. See technote for steps to manually uninstall Watson Knowledge Catalog.

4.1.9) Provide credentials to be used for Kafka and Solr (for example, solruser, solrpwd etc). The Update Installer creates the specified users in Kafka and Solr; they do not have to be an operating system user, Information Server user, or LDAP user.
           Later, you can use the specified values for maintenance actions such as accessing the Solr web UI.
            Click Next.


4.1.10) Provide the Information Server Administrator user name and password. Accept the certificate and click Next.
               Accept the certificate. Click Next.


4.1.11) On the System Requirements Check page, confirm that all system requirements passed, and then click Next.


4.1.12) If you have a Microservices tier, examine the results from system requirement checks of the Microservices tier. If all is good, click Next.



4.1.13) Review the Preinstallation Summary and click the Install button to start the installation.


4.1.14) Click the Finish button after the installation completes.


4.1.15) Click “Advanced”.


4.1.16) Click the link "Proceed to ..."


4.1.17) The Launchpad is displayed. If you don't have a Microservices tier, the Information Server Launchpad is displayed.

image-20211007170500-16 If you have a Microservices tier, the Information Server (Microservices) Launchpad is displayed.


4.2) Instructions for upgrading Information Server in Console mode of the Update Installer

             1. The Microservices tier must be at the same version as the services tier before installation of
             2. The validation checks performed by the Update Installer in Console mode are not as extensive as the checks performed when the Update Installer is in GUI mode.

4.2.1) Log in to the Information Server host. Change directory to <IS_HOME>/Updates/bin
              For example, cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Updates/bin

4.2.2) Before the Update Installer is started, check the  Information Server System requirements and make sure that your system meets the requirements.

4.2.3) Verify that the Update Installer version is appropriate per information in step 3.1.
                   ./installUpdates -version
             If you need to update the Update Installer, see step 3.1.

4.2.4) Run the Update Installer to upgrade Information Server.
               For example, installUpdates -i /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ -p /opt/Builds/ISPKG/<ispkg_file_name>.ispkg -verbose -console -properties <property_file_name>

                  <ispkg_file_name> is the ispkg file you downloaded from IBM Fix Central
                  <property_file_name> is the name of the property file wherein you specify values for the various properties that control the installation on the Microservices tier. If you don't have a Microservices tier, you do not have to specify "-properties".
               The Update Installer prompts you for the Information Server administrator user ID and password, and the WebSphere Administrator user ID and password.

Sample property file

5) Post upgrade actions

5.1) Information Analyzer microservice

        Information Analyzer users that are migrating from stand-alone Information Server to Information Server with a Microservices tier must migrate the rule execution results to the IA micro-service by running following command for each project containing rule execution results:
         /IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/bin/IAAdmin -user -password -migrateXmetaMetadataToMicroservice -projectName
Do not specify the project name to migrate all projects.
The migration might take a long time depending on the number of projects and rule execution results to migrate.

5.2) Enabling Information Analyzer column analysis jobs in WebSphere Liberty installations
           Installations that use WebSphere Liberty with a Db2 repository must follow the steps in technote to enable column analysis jobs.

5.3) Usage of Information Server Administration (web) console

        You might not be able to log in to the Information Server Administration (web) console.
        Clear the browser cache and cookies and again try to log in to the Administration console.

5.4) Upgrade Db2 version 11.1 to Db2 11.5

         Note: If you use Db2 as your database repository, Db2 versions before are not supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 8.
         For a supported version of Db2, upgrade Db2 to version, or, or later.

         For upgrades to Db2 version, if you do not have a Db2 11.5 license, perform the following steps:
              a. Use db2prereqcheck command to verify that your system meets Db2 11.5 requirements.
                           For example, db2prereqcheck -v
              b. Download the Db2 image and the Db2 license file from IBM Passport Advantage. See the relevant download document:
              c. Stop WebSphere Application Server for Information Server.
              d. Follow Db2 instructions to upgrade Db2 to version
              e. Follow Db2 instructions to use db2licm to apply the license.
                           For example,
                                  Change directory to the location where Db2 11.5 was installed.
                                  ./db2licm -a /opt/11560/server_dec/license/awse_o/db2/license/db2awse_o.lic
              f. Update your version.xml file. Search for variable "db2.install.location", and update its value with the location where Db2 is installed. For example,
                    <PersistedVariable encrypted="false" name="db2.install.location" persistent="true" readonly="false" value="/u01/IBM/DB2V11"/>
              g. Now upgrade Db2 to using the 11.5.6 Fix Pack. See information on applying a Db2 Fix pack.
              h. Start WebSphere Application Server for Information Server.
5.5) (Optional) Change communication between the services tier and the repository tier to TLS 1.2
       You can use the following technotes depending on your repository type:
5.6) Disable the Kafka log cleaner
         If a Microservices tier is not installed, the Kafka log cleaner must be disabled for Windows platform as follows:
                a) edit kafka/conf/
                b) search the log cleaner property and set it to false: log.cleaner.enable=false
                c) restart the services
         The logs are deleted because the cleanup.policy is set to delete. Also, after 7 days, the logs are auto deleted because log.retention.hours is set to 168 hours.

5.7) Docker upgrade
Due to how Docker and Kubernetes services interact with each other, the Docker upgrade is not done automatically when the Microservices tier is upgraded from or to
You can upgrade Docker by following the instructions in technote 6217329.
Note: If you already did this upgrade previously, you do not have to repeat the steps.
5.8) Information Server Microservices tier launchpad and Administration console can intermittently fail
This issue is not applicable to WebSphere Application Server Liberty installations.
If your installation contains WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment or lower, opening of the Information Server Microservices tier launchpad or Administration console might intermittently fail with the following exception in the browser:
               No target servlet configured for uri:/ibm/iis/launchpad
               No target servlet configured for uri:/ibm/iis/console
 Such errors can be resolved by appending the following jars in the Ignore-Scanning-Archives section of WAS_INSTALL_LOCATION/AppServer/properties/
Append a comma, space and backward slash (similar to as shown in the following lines) to the existing list and also add the following lines:
             jackson-annotations-2.12.1.jar,  \
             jackson-core-2.12.1.jar,  \
             jackson-databind-2.12.1.jar,  \

Save the file.
Restart WebSphere Application Server.

Note: We recommend upgrading WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment to version or later.
5.9) Information Server Microservices tier launchpad does not display icons properly

If you experience JR62814 in your environment, do the following steps on your relevant tiers.
        On the Microservices tier host:
        1. Modify the iis-server Ingress
             a. kubectl edit Ingress iis-server
             b. Locate the following lines
                     proxy_redirect "https://$host:<IIS services tier port>/" "https://$host/";
             c. After these lines, insert proxy-redirect directives for short host name, alias name, and IP address:
            proxy_redirect "https://<Microservices tier short host name>:<IIS services tier port>" "https://<Microservices tier short host name>/";
            proxy_redirect "https://<Microservices tier host name alias>:<IIS services tier port>" "https://<Microservices tier host name alias>/";
            proxy_redirect "https://<Microservices tier IP address>:<IIS services tier port>" "https://<Microservices tier IP address>/";
                 Ensure that the newly added proxy_redirect lines are properly aligned with the prior proxy_redirect line as consumption of the file contents is sensitive to the formatting.
             d. Save this ConfigMap.
        2. Modify the iis-redirect Ingress
             a. kubectl edit Ingress iis-redirect
             b. Locate the following lines
          proxy_redirect "https://$host:<IIS services tier port>/" "https://<IIS services tier short host name>:<IIS services tier port>/";
             c. After these lines, insert proxy-redirect directives for short host name, alias name, and IP address:
          proxy_redirect "https://<Microservices tier short host name>:<IIS services tier port>" "https://<IIS services tier short host name>:<IIS services tier port>/";
          proxy_redirect "https://<Microservices tier host name alias>:<IIS services tier port>" "https://<IIS services tier host name alias>:<IIS services tier port>/";
          proxy_redirect "https://<Microservices tier IP address>:<IIS services tier port>" "https://<IIS services tier IP address>:<IIS services tier port>/";

                 Ensure that the newly added proxy_redirect lines are properly aligned with the prior proxy_redirect line as consumption of the file contents is sensitive to the formatting.
             d. Save this ConfigMap.
        3. Delete nginx ingress pod by using the following command:
                 kubectl delete pods -l app=ingress-nginx -n kube-system
        4. Ensure that nginx ingress pod is up and running by using the following command:
                 kubectl get pods -l app=ingress-nginx -n kube-system
        On the Information Server host:

        1. Add a host alias property:
        $ cd <IIS_INSTALL_LOCATION>/ASBServer/bin
        $ ./ -set -key -value
             <Microservices tier long host name>,<Microservices tier short host name>,<Microservices tier alias name>,<Microservices tier IP address>
        $ ./ -d -key
        2. Restart WebSphere Application Server.
        On the Browser host:

        Add an entry in the hosts file
       UNIX:    /etc/hosts
       Windows: <Drive>:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host on Windows)
                with IP address, long host name, short host name, and alias name as follows:
                <Microservices tier IP address> <Microservices tier long host name> <Microservices tier short host name> <Microservices tier alias name>

5.10) Users with jobs involving File Connector, Azure Connector, or Snowflake Connector
         The Connector Migration tool must be run against all such jobs. See technote for details.

5.11) Using SQL Server 2019 as the database repository
         In section 3.3.4, if you changed your database repository to SQL Server 2019, the following steps are required:

NOTE: Save backups of each file before it is changed.
         a. In your Version.xml file, update all occurrences of sqlserver2017 and SQL_SERVER_2017 to sqlserver2019 and SQL_SERVER_2019 respectively.
         b. All files, and the file must be updated to reflect usage of SQL Server 2019.

             The locations of the files depend on your usage of WebSphere.
         WebSphere Liberty:

         WebSphere Network Deployment stand-alone:
         WebSphere Network Deployment cluster:
                   Also, on each node:

               The file is located in <ISHOME>/ASBServer/conf.

               In each applicable file, change type=sqlserver2017 to type=sqlserver2019.

    c. As the Administrator/root user, update the property by running the following commands
        > cd <ISHOME>/ASBServer/bin
        > ./ setProperty -file ../conf/ -dbfile ../conf/

           d. Restart WebSphere for the changes to take effect.
5.12) Desktop icons for Information Server web console and Launchpad
           The Desktop icons for "Web console for IBM InfoSphere Information Server" and "IBM InfoSphere Information Server Launchpad" might appear as empty on your desktop.
           You can do the following steps to make the icon be displayed:
                   a. Right-click the icon
                   b. Click Properties
                   c. Click Change icon
                   d. Select Ok
                   e. Select Apply

5.13) File Connector jobs need update of CLASSPATH and job recompilation
            File Connector jobs that use orcstream builder need CLASSPATH to be updated, and the jobs to be recompiled. See technote for details.

5.14) Information Server Microservices tier needs an additional key
                   If you have a Microservices tier, upgrade it to, and run the following commands on your services tier
                       $ cd <IIS_INSTALL_LOCATION>/ASBServer/bin
                       $ ./ -set -key -value 11713

5.15) Reboot systems before another fix pack or service pack is installed
            For Windows installations, after Information Server or is updated to Information Server, the systems should be rebooted before a patch, Service Pack or Fix Pack is applied.
29 October 2021: Initial publish
10 November 2021: Added section 3.3.8 to delete wlp.backup and folders before upgrade
07 January 2022: Information Server Microservices tier needs an additional key
13 January 2022: do not use Updater to upgrade to
21 January 2022: updates to section 5.6, for disabling the Kafka log cleaner
25 January 2022: changed Title (upgrading to patching), section 5.4 instructions for upgrading Db2
04 February 2022: Update JDK to avoid credential-mapping errors in DataStage clients
04 March 2022: section 5.4 upgrade of Db2 is first to, and next to or later
23 September 2022: Reboot systems before another fix pack or service pack is installed
04 October 2022: Do not use Updater on Windows, use Updater
03 November 2022: Requirement for slirp4netns and fuse-overlayfs is on the microservices tier
                                        For Windows installation, use Updater or later
                                        Clarify Kafka log cleanup in step 5.6

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSZJPZ","label":"IBM InfoSphere Information Server"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000ClDUAA0","label":"Information Server Administration-\u003EUpgrade and Migration Topics"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
05 October 2023

