IBM Support

vHMC on x86: Upgrading the HMC from Version V9R1, V9R2M950 or later to V1010



This document covers how to upgrade a vHMC on x86 from V9R1+ with mandatory fix MH01857 or V9R2M950 to V10R1M1010


vHMC on x86 5765-HMW V9 (POWER8, POWER9, POWER10)

Resolving The Problem

These instructions apply to x86 based vHMCs 5765-HMW.


Before upgrading, complete the following:

1. Verify the vHMC is V9R1M910+MH01857 or higher

MH01857 - (This fix must be the last fix installed, before performing this Upgrade. It is not cumulative)

(This fix is not included in any service pack or iFix, so you can check if its installed by running CLI command lshmc -V and if it is not listed, then install it)

You can find the fix here, under service pack: vHMC V9R1M941,  +Show Patched By-

2. Verify disk size of current image.

160GB disk size is not supported for V10R1M1010

If disk size is 160Gb then either deploy a new V9 or V10 image (clean install) or upgrade to the new image that uses 500GB by following these steps:

  • From the current HMC version (e.g. HMC V8.860.0 to V9 R1 M910), upgrade to HMC V9 R2 M950, V10 R1 M1010
  • When the upgrade is complete the HMC is now at a new version but still has a 160GB disk.
  • Perform a Critical Console Data backup, excluding network information and store the backup to a remote location.
  • Deploy the new HMC V10 R1 M1010 image which uses a 500GB disk.
  • After the HMC boots up with the 500GB disk, restore the Critical Console data

3. Check memory

 Increase memory to 16GB minimum (32Gb recommended) if needed. 

4. HMC V10 R1 M1010 provides support for managing POWER10, POWER9 & POWER8 processor-based systems.

 Supported Combinations - HMC and System Firmware Supported Combinations

5. Management of POWER7 and older servers is not supported by HMC V10.

Attempts to manage POWER7 and older servers will result in a connection   state of Version Mismatch and connection_error_code “Connection not allowed 0009-0008-00000000”.

6. HMC V10 R1 M1010 supports the following HMC models:

  • x86 : KVM, XEN, ESXi (6.0 / 6.5 / 7.0)
7.  HMC V10 R1 M1010 does not support 7042 models.
8. If two HMCs manage the same server, both HMCs must be at the same version,  release and maintenance level.
 When upgrading multiple HMCs that are part of a Power Enterprise Pool (PEP) from 9.1.0 or 9.2.950 to V10R1M1010, it is recommended to upgrade a backup HMC first. Next set the upgraded HMC as the primary, then upgrade the previous primary. This ensures a primary is always available.
After one HMC is upgraded the servers on the redundant HMC can go to a "Version Mismatch" state, with reference code "Save area version mismatch". This state clears when the redundant HMC is upgraded.
9. Review the readme file
Review all additional "upgrade notes" found in the V10 R1 release notes.  The readme file release notes for HMC V10 R1 M1010 Recovery Media and mandatory fix can be found in IBM Fix Central at
10. Review repair and close all service events
11. Reboot the vHMC
If the vHMC has not been restarted recently, restart before you begin the upgrade. To reboot, either:
- Use the GUI task HMC Management > Console Management > Shut Down or restart the Management Console > Restart HMC then click OK.
- Use the CLI command hmcshutdown -r -t now


Instructions for upgrading from a network server
The HMC can no longer be upgraded directly from HMC network upgrade is supported from Fix Central using the .zip file option, or from and staging the upgrade on a local server. 

Restricted Shell Access

This upgrade method requires restricted shell command-line access.

From the local HMC, select HMC Management > Console Management > Open a Restricted Shell terminal

From a remote location, restricted shell is available through the ssh protocol. For information on how to access HMC command line remotely see
Step 1: Save Profile Data

Perform a Save Profile Data for each managed system to save an extra copy of partition/profile configurations. For dual HMCs managing the same server this step is only needed on the upgrade of the first HMC. It cannot be run on HMC with a server in "version mismatch - save area version mismatch" state.
At the command prompt, enter the following command to save profile data for all servers:
lssyscfg -r sys -F type_model*serial_num | while read machine; do bkprofdata -m "$machine" -f Beforeupgrade$(date +%Y%m%d) ; done

Step 2: Save Upgrade Data

A Save Upgrade Data task must be done to preserve information on the HMC before performing the upgrade. You must upgrade immediately after the Save Upgrade Data task. If you restart the HMC again without doing the upgrade, you must log in and run the Save Upgrade Data task (to hard disk drive) again before performing the upgrade. CLI command - saveupgdata -r disk
Step 3: Upgrade the HMC to V10R1M1010
Download the from Fix Central. From the Fix Central site, select MF68993 vHMC for x86 deploy image , click continue. Then find and download to your PC. Then get the .zip file moved to your local server. Make sure the file is unzipped, which will give you the necessary network files to perform this upgrade, or use to download the network files to your local server.

Open Restricted Shell (or ssh session) and type the following command:

getupgfiles -h myserver -u myuser --passwd mypassword -d /mydirectory

The parameters of the getupgfiles command:
-h The host name or IP address of the remote FTP server.
-u The user ID to log in to the remote site.
--passwd The password to log in to the remote site. If this option is omitted, you are prompted for the password.
-d The directory on the remote site that contains the upgrade files.

The following files are downloaded to the directory indicated:
File name Description Destination Size (kb) BSD Checksum
img2a kernel image /hmcboot 9259 51357
img3a Ram Disk file system /hmcboot 74040 48043
base.img Base Image /hmcboot 1325552 25478
disk1.img Base HMC Image and Service Doc /hmcdump 3476356 09703
hmcnetworkfiles.sum checksums /hmcdump 1 n/a

While the download is running, there is no indication of progress in the restricted shell. To monitor progress, open another restricted shell session and monitor the files and file sizes. For example, the following command loops indefinitely querying the file sizes every 30 seconds: while true; do ls -l /hmcdump ; ls -l /hmcboot ; sleep 30; done (Use ctrl+c to end).
Once the files have all been downloaded successfully, the getupgfiles command returns to the command prompt and the ls -l command will no longer list the files in the directory as the target directories are unmounted.
b. Set the HMC to do the next reboot from the special location on the hard disk drive where the downloaded V10 files are stored by typing the following command:

chhmc -c altdiskboot -s enable --mode upgrade

Reboot the HMC using one of the following methods:

Option 1. HMC GUI: HMC Management > Console Management > Shut Down or restart the Management Console > Restart HMC then click OK
Option 2. Restricted shell command: hmcshutdown -t now -r

Note: The initial reboot can take 30 - 45 minutes. Do not reboot or power off; wait for the boot to complete.
Once the HMC reboots, the installation starts and typically takes about an hour. After the installation of V10R1M1010 is complete, you should be able to remotely access the HMC again.
d. At the Hardware Management Console login prompt, log in using your user ID and password.
***If you plan to restore a backup after a fresh install you must apply PTF Fix MF69186
vHMC x86: updhmc -t sftp -h -u {User given} -p {Password given} -r -f MF69186_x86.iso 
**See fix document link below for further details on getting updates applied.
Reboot the HMC
Verify -
"version= Version: 10
 Release: 1
 Service Pack: 1010
 HMC Build level 2203100640
 MF69186 - "Restore fix for HMC V10R1 M1010+

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"7063-CR2","label":"Hardware Management Console (7063-CR2)"},"ARM Category":[],"ARM Case Number":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}]}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 September 2023

