IBM Support

Fix list for Informix Server 12.10.xC15

Release Notes


Informix Server provides periodic fixes for release 12.10. The following list is the most recent report of fixes for customer-reported defects in versions 12.10.xC15. This report combines both Windows and UNIX-specific defect fixes, and is more current than the defect information included in the product release.


Fix Pack 12.10.xC15

Fix release date: 27th August 2021

Status: Recommended

Download: Fix Central and Passport Advantage

APAR Abstract
IT31720 When trying to compress blobs in a table, if the compression would fail because < 2000 blobs, a 161 error is also generated
IT32196 Rollback of transactions involving log records > 10k triggers readahead messages in MSGPATH file
IT34925 Query on RSS can assert segv in btnext when primary table is truncated
IT27640 Sessions can connect to server during fast recovery
IT28487 Message "The CM configuration file contains could not load." is not meaningful
IT29120 Section on 'Loopback Configuration' erroneous and incomplete
IT29111 mt_shm_hash_pool messages might appear in online log due to activity of readahead threads
IT29272 Temp dbspace chunks not re-created at restart on secondaries
IT31910 'insufficiently clear error message' - when group identifier value of ER sqlhosts is more than 32767
BATCHEDREAD_INDEX = 1, non-logged database, and reverse index scan, index corruption could make a sqlexec thread run in a tight loop, hanging up a cpu vp
IT30689 DR:Warning: The table minversion DBA feature is enabled on the secondary printed in nline.log even though no mismatch within pri/hdr
IT30404 Server takes a long time to start on Solaris 11 when there are many chunks
IT30982 Unclear how to create ifx_replcheck index with replicate using --anyUniqueKey
IT31369 dbaccess: User with Select only privilege on the table allowed to choose 'Alter' option.
IT31200 in-place alter can take long and consume a full cpu vp when cleaning up many (and some large) old alters
IT31252 RSS server unable to connect after restart of the primary server with message "Server is not defined as an RSS node." in the online.log
IT31368 Increase the size of the name within onstat -g mem
IT31372 Onclean might report "Could not confirm Semaphore ID 2850821 belongs to correct process group. "
IT31494 'cdr check' syntax page still restricting --since option to 'timestamp'/'deletewins' CR, not mentioning new REPLCHECK facility
IT31586 -874 & Assert Failure on printqual when running a query on view with TS tables with set explain on
IT31659 The -encrypt option used by ontape should be position independent in combination with -STDIO
IT31702 -1204 when date field contains 12/31/9999 and Upper Index Filter is used
IT31791 Functional Index is not used on select in SP environment
IT31908 Migration to 12.10.FC13 or 14.10.FC3 returns in -530 executing low_memory_mgr.sql at line 19
IT31907 mon_compression_estimates does not automatically skip non-vanilla indexes
IT31914 sbspace incremental backup potentially blocking instance for long time
IT31920 Reversion from 12.10.FC13 to 12.10.FC12 prints "Unknown parameter on reserve page: OPT_W1" in the online.log
IT31971 Concurrently running calls to mi_lo_decrefcount on different sblobscan leave stray smart blobs with ref counts of 0
IT31972 The command onspaces -cl and the task "clean sbspace" will not clean stray smart blobs until after server is bounced
IT31976 If Update statistics for procedure has to call autoregexe, it might hang the scheduler and the caller session
IT32024 After running update statistics, medium or high query takes longer time and optimizer chooses sequential scan instead of index path
IT32022 Running "update statistics for procedure ..."  causes assertion failures; however, the updates statistics finishes without errors
IT32060 cdrLSNQ_wait is expensive when many sessions running transactions on primary of HDR pair with HDR_TXN_SCOPE NEAR_SYNC
IT32067 RA_Q_List mutexcontention and hot ReadAhead spin lock when there are many readahead threads
IT34920 HDR assert fails in read ahead thread immediately after setting up HDR pair -- probably the result of auto update evaluation task
IT32093 bson_mvalue_varchar with host variable in JDBC returns 1213 error
IT35235 -626/-103 altering a table when column is changed to serial and primary key constraint is added same time
IT32097 Select from syssqltrace_iter where sql_id is negative yields assert failure
IT32150 Memory block header failures immediately after a new HDR sec is attached on a Prim promoted by a fail
IT32162 An onstat -g ses or onstat -g sql can loop printing many "(" characters resulting in a large assertion file being created
IT32235 While altering an exclusively locked filled compressed raw table into standard mode facing SQL 242/ISAM 106 error
IT32236 LPAD() and RPAD() on empty string getting -202 when used in multi-byte character set database
IT32248 Error in execution of certain XML queries following earlier failure of JAR file installation for Java UDR
IT32354 Alter fragment online detach + force_ddl: not working
IT30087 DR_IXRDROP does not protect DRBRP->bt_rstcb from being cleared during attempt to call ixrdrop.
IT32308 Interrupting a hanging (suspended) 'cdr sync' would leave the global catalog locked and cause lock errors to other cdr commands
IT32335 Update statistics might result in  1.797693e+308 for sysfragments for the ndelete statistics
IT32473 -202 error when using char_length("") for a NULL value
IT32397 dbschema do not output not null phrase on external tables.
IT32428 Incorrect number of csm vps started when using csm network encryption
IT32427 csm vp leaking private heap memory when cycling keys (based on switch frequency) for persistent connections when using csm network encryption
IT32450 On Windows, IDS 12.10.FC13 server does not report function symbol names in stack traces
IT32416 After server start, message log file show "ERROR: cannot fork secondary Server thread (cloneInitRecoverInt)"
IT32484 When an SP with 250+ arguments is defined for conflict resolution, the target might report af in dsiStoredProcedure
IT31587 -244/-126 on secondary when table with size large enough to need remainder pages and update needs before or after image
IT32529 With extended Checkpoint/Log reserver pages and encryption at rest with rootdbs encrypted, server might fail to come online.
IT29670 Windows: If backup file is bigger than 2GB, Ontape backup to directory fails
IT32532 Query plan with best estimated cost that also runs the quickest is not chosen
IT32597 Query with ANSI join and ANSI OUTER join might fail in evalcols / rdatavalSmint
IT32603 File <oncheck_pid>.blobuse created by oncheck -pB is created in /tmp instead of $DBTEMP
IT32614 The aus_work_lock table remains along with tk_attributes of 924 when AUS evaluator starts when AUS refresh is still running
IT32655 Error message 'Cannot convert to encrypted server' change to 'DISK_ENCRYPTION to be disabled'
IT32674 Multiple Assert Failures during execution of stored procedure on a secondary server performing query of remote table located on same server
IT32724 SPL using execute immediate and SQLTRACE is on can cause af file on stmtmon_save_iterator
IT32849 Excompat: use of stored procedures using utl_file_get_line can throw afs, hang, or crash the server if trying to read a line too long for the buffer.
IT32756 Dynamic change of LTAPEDEV to null device might not mark logs as backed up on secondary servers
IT32859 Query that uses first and order by might pick a non-optimal query plan
IT30188 Rollforward of log record failed iserrno = 111 trying to apply log records for created RTREE index in non-default page size dbspace
IT33019 -908 / -27001 when connecting to SLA group that previously changed from an invalid sqlhost entry to a valid group entry
IT33023 syncsqlhosts.exe fails to sync sqlhosts with windows registry when instance is initialized using oninit
IT33046 ISTAR</span> query using DECRYPT_CHAR(column, value)as a filter that is promoted by the optimizer to the remote database cause an assertion in decrypt_const_password
IT33050 Last record contains a null value for the spatial column, loadshp utility failed to load the file
IT33053 On customer system, ER CDRACK_1 thread hung forever while updating ack point in progress table
IT33079 Assert failed: yield_processor: conditional latch count nonzero possible when ALRM_ALL_EVENTS set to 1
IT33136 Select into external table using derived table and order by seems to corrupt output
IT33176 Assert Failure & Thread suspends on BSON_UPDATE with $push
IT33180 User and group ownership not set correctly for SYSTEM SPL statement in grid procedures
IT33216 Cleanup of suspended XA transactions using MSFT style might corrupt RSAM memory
IT33277 Various asserts in rmdictionary when executing stored procedures with remote temp tables and procedures
IT33285 mi_trigger_get_next_row does not cater for MERGE that might result in INSERT and UPDATES.
IT33289 Ii IDS instance has smart blob spaces, starting 2 concurrent archives can hang server in Blocked: Archive waiting for E0sb_arcspace mutex
IT33316 Slow log transfer from primary to rss node due to bad smx pipe
IT33323 Extending a chunk on primary server doesn't replicate on secondary for temp dbspace
IT33390 Memory duration problem with C UDR used in query WHERE clause
IT33419 BTS index with default SBSPACE and dbimport failure
IT33427 Assertions with "undoptspecial: columns not found on page" messages when running out of temp space on concurrently running tx
IT33537 Unexpected internal error 172 running MERGE statement using subqueries
IT33542 cdr check falsely reports missing rows and hangs
IT33629 Query picks a slower path if there is a large DS_TOTAL_MEMORY value being used.
IT33646 -201 Syntax Error when running remote query using JDBC
IT33659 Memory corruption possible when STMT_CACHE and EXT_DIRECTIVES both enabled and query with a subquery.
IT33697 Informix HDR Pair with 4 Connection Managers and SLA Groups can result in 908/27001 (possible 25579 in online.log when performing remote select to PRI server (that is NOT via CMs) connecting to local HDR / RSS
IT33684 Recovery of a BTMERGE potentially merging two index leaf pages too full to be merged
IT33715 Assert failed segv trying to execute procedure using DRDA protocol when function does not execute a return statement
IT33728 segv assertion failure in udr_execute, resulting in -9791 error on execute procedure call
IT33884 Memory corruption possible on secondary with concurrent queries and rollforward of table alter that increases row size from primary
IT33796 View not respecting subquery therefore producing too many rows that lead to longer runtime of the query
IT33797 Memory leak in sqalloc.c:1949 when running Java program performing inserts & updates where placeholders match the composite index
IT33799 bson_value_lvarchar() NOT correctly returning escaped characters
IT33846 Scheduler tasks in Tenant/non-Tenant environment with session limits might fail with exceeding session limits
IT33847 Adding a new large chunk in an HDR pair with EAR defined on leads to timeouts and role switch
IT33874 Query using rowid and double quotes with delimident set crashes in evalcols
IT34010 oninit should check and adjust ROOTSIZE when coming up
IT33917 Continuous prepare/declare/free of a statement in a for each loop in SPL cause a linear memory consumption in session RALLOC
IT34041 -908 / -27001 when connecting to SLA group that previously changed from an invalid sqlhost entry to a valid group entry
IT33928 Insert into external table select from derived table with order by can assert in evalcols from xuc_next
IT33945 Crash in foldviews() ... viewinfo() with union view joined to table expression
IT33990 onpsm -O dump -o <object id> writes the object data to a file but the file is truncated
IT34090 AUTOLOCATE does not work for fragments on varchar or lvarchar columns
IT34044 Running 'oncheck -cR' in an encrypted instance fails with errors 'Log page error: invalid address.  Log number 1, addr -43: -1160213497'
IT34088 Increased session memory usage due to statements inside stored procedures not being freed
IT34117 ER-replicated smart blobs can consume more extent space on target participant than on source
IT33793 STS_SubtrackCreate() can fail with (USE31) Too few points for geometry type in SE_API_make_linestring.
IT34141 UTSD6 Internal error: tscontnr.c: ### trying to insert into rolling window container possible after inserting in non-chronological order
IT34162 JSON/BSON query returns -937 against drdaexec and sqlexec threads
IT34183 Poor performance of queries on sysscblst pseudo-table might cause other threads to wait on session mutex
IT34215 IWA: offloaded query with COUNT including DISTINCT and a CASE expression in the projection list can lead to error -904,57011
IT34255 Need documentation on how cdr check repair works with 'Send-Only' Replicate with extra rows on the target
IT34254 Queries against sysmaster tables syscmsmtab and syscmsmunit can assert with stack in prcmsmunit
IT34262 cdr check repair with -e delete option for 'Send-Only' replicate should print a message that it is not supported
IT34195 Assert Failure or hang possible on primary server when using CDC and HDR secondary server
IT34309 Server allows a functional index using bson_value_lvarchar in a 8K index space but later access on the table always returns -517
IT34343 ALTER TABLE ADD using BEFORE clause can change the definition of a functional index
IT34374 Incorrect errno reported and ambiguous OS system call failure during assertions for I/O failures
IT34379 cdr check/sync allows Read-Only participant to be used at main server
IT34433 DRDA Clients might see an exception in drda_receive_buff in a low/out of memory situation
IT34471 Query with BSON data needs a lot of RTN memory
IT34509 Slow log replay at secondary server due to drbt_lock latch contention between user sessions and log replay threads
IT34503 Owner of procedure/function is ignored inside a view
IT34626 -874 or -768 or sigsegv when repeatedly opening/closing a cursor involving distinct aggregate
IT34692 Issue creating a view with conversion of integer to datetime with fraction.
IT34799 Remote query failing with -517 when remote table has an index that is too large for a 2k dbspace
IT34818 onstat -g sql does not show last error on session
IT34872 Missing implicit cast, from JSON to BSON, causing assertion from bson_get()
IT34887 Assert calling mt_lock_helper from sapi_drain_mem after calling Java udr that returns java.util.Vector as LIST(VARCHAR NOTNULL)
IT34933 Replication of compressed partition blobs might cause Assert Failure
IT34951 Empty btree pages might cause repack operation to hang
IT34973 UPDATE with subquery 'SELECT...UNION' fails as Error: 959/172
IT35210 Query containing correlated subquery in select list running with PDQ cause errors like void seqscan->ss_rsaminfo) == OPENP->op_rsamscan
IT35039 Exception caught during query of sysscblst table might leave mutex locked with potential for deadlock
IT35093 onstat -g dri on HDR secondary shows Last log page applied 0,0
IT35111 STSN event intermittently logged in audit file and is not set in audit mask
IT35112 Query Slowness and statistics Wrong for the query executed within Loop
IT35128 UPDATE STATISTICS HIGH FOR TABLE might cause the hang
IT35130 9600: Internal error. Insert into table that has Row and Multiset
IT35229 Alter Table Add Foreign Key Constraint goes exponentially slower with Interval Fragmentation and Expression Fragmentation
IT35340 DRDA: Using BSON/JSON data in a simple select might corrupt the server memory in a large range
IT35698 ER workload on sensitive and insensitive databases on the same target return 26801/26802 in the CDRD thread
IT35563 Execute procedure returns error 934 “Connection to remote site no longer valid” in distributed query after remote node bounce
IT35574 Creating a replicate with timestamp conflict resolution on a table fragmented with rolling is failing with -26911
IT35673 Assert in mt_lock_helper calling Java udr that executes select statement and returns java.util.Vector as LIST(VARCHAR NOTNULL)
IT35284 Read Ahead thread might not receive wake up call resulting in hang of other threads
IT35726 A password greater than 311 characters for a mapped user will crash the database server
IT35727 Log replay error on secondary when SP_AUTOEXPAND is off and manually extend a chunk that also allows mon_low_storage task to extend
IT35818 Various assert failures when calling Java udrs that return java.util.Vector as LIST(VARCHAR NOTNULL)
IT35916 Exception in prsqlstat might cause an endless loop
IT35887 oncheck -cI incorrectly reports "Please Drop and Re-create Index" if an engine resource issue has occurred
IT35888 Running oncheck -cI against a Forest of Trees index takes out a lock against every data ROW (or PAGE) of the table
IT35939 A typo in onconfig prevents Informix to start and get immediate segmentation violation
IT35940 Memory leak on ralloc on remote server when using where date(datetime_col) = subquery with date_col from a synonym to the remote server
IT36090 Query using the clause bts_contains(popis, ? , score # REAL) might report assertion in bts_cl_thesaurus_fini
IT37398 Memory allocation error for during archecker table level restore process
IT36149 SCHAPI: [Auto Update Statistics Evaluation 42-2] Error -1265 Overflow occurred on a datetime or interval operation.
IT36155 Non-fatal AF generated when a parent deletes via the second column in the primary key with a child foreign key index disabled is attempted
IT36187 Server asserts fail in valstore_deepcopy from query using union and concat of character fields > 215 and other fixed types
IT36138 Reoptimization of query containing duplicate removal operation might result in error -392
IT36294 Executing procedure on secondary can persistently return 640 QPlan sanity failure
IT36299 Updating row that increases in size in a round robin table should be able to handle out of space errors when another fragment has sufficient space
IT36632 cdr view risdir may core in atsparse_parse_rowdataheader with a free twice exception
IT36782 TimeSeries DataBlade creation is failing with -937 and -9905 errors.
IT34139 "rscGetCompDictRow: Dictionary not found" followed by log replay assertion on secondary servers
IT36685 Need improvements to Assert Failed: Code assertion at rsbtcs.c to provide more information to customers and support
IT36785 'onbar_d -b -l -C' process stays alive even after the interrupt command (CTRL-C)
IT36799 A query plan using all nested loop joins has lower estimated cost but is slower than another plan that leverages hash join with higher cost
IT36873 In-place alter table can lead to a flood of page out-of-seq errors in online.log when using cdc
IT36978 Loading a table with a compound forest of trees index via hpl can result in corrupted index
IT37242 With dbspaces composed of many chunks, frequent 'chunk down' checking can be very expensive
IT37052 "CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ..." not setting STATCHANGE correctly
IT37096 Using BTS Index in transaction run in parallel can lead to afs
IT37128 Excessive reads on sysprocauth if procedure does not have 'public' execute permission or user does not have DBA privilege
IT37169 768: Internal error in routine opjoin() when using outer joins
IT37127 A complex query will cause an af with -874, if an optimizer hint is used.
IT37182 After adding rowid on fragmented table, select statement returns '-750 Invalid distribution format found for table'
IT37243 (Windows) Error building 'sysmaster' database
IT37025 Query with temp table not following external directives
IT37230 RSS node Blocked:LOG_DROP possible when dropping logical logs on primary with concurrent index build on RSS node
IT37371 Wrong table getting fragment added once insert coming from trigger hitting partition limit
IT37368 Unique index potentially allowing duplicates into table
IT37370 Index check on unique index not finding/reporting certain duplicates
IT37421 Wrong result for aggregate query via index - MIN for example - when NULL contained in column alongside non-NULL data
IT37646 RSS_FLOW_CONTROL always ENABLED even though set to DISABLED
IT37803 Assert failed in RSS_Recv thread in cloneSourceRecvThread when primary/rss nodes experiencing connectivity issues
IT37820 RSS Connection messages need to be more informative and include failure error codes
IT18035 Many false positive -387 -111 Assert failures seen when onmode -I is set
IT22083 dodelitem could not delete item failures on secondary nodes
IT22671 Assertion failures on read only secondaries possible with concurrent read activity on secondary while table altered on primary

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSGU8G","label":"Informix Servers"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"12.1","Edition":"Enterprise","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
09 December 2021

