IBM Support

IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for PostgreSQL V7.2.1(7.2.1-TIV-ITM_PostgreSQL-FP0000)

Fix Readme


Readme document for IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for PostgreSQL V7.2.1(7.2.1-TIV-ITM_PostgreSQL-FP0000)


(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2021.
All rights reserved.
IBM(R) Tivoli(R) Composite Application Manager for Applications V7.2.1.2: Tivoli(R) Composite Application Manager Agent for PostgreSQL

Component ID:
30 June 2021

1.0 General description
2.0 Features
3.0 Architecture and prerequisites
4.0 Image directory contents
5.0 Installation instructions
6.0 Additional installation information
7.0 Known problems and workarounds
8.0 Additional product information
9.0 Notices
1.0 General description
This fix pack provides features listed in "Features" section. The agent version will be

This fix pack is not delivered via fix central. But it was delivered as a refreshed image.
So please download from Passport Advantage(R). Search for IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for PostgreSQL
When this image file is downloaded from the Passport Advantage, following rules apply:
•    You can install this image file locally on a system that already hosts a licensed copy of IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases.
•    You can install this image file locally on a system that does not already host a licensed copy of IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases.
•    You can populate agents to the depot.
•    You can deploy agents remotely to the existing or new installations.
2.0 Features

2.1.1 Currency support for OS versions
PostgreSQL Agent 721 provides Currency support for 
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, Windows Server 2019 Standard, Windows Server 2016 Standard, Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, Windows Server 2012 Standard, Windows Server 2012 Datacenter,
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7(lx8266), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8(lx8266), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12(lx8266), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15(lx8266), pLinux-LE(lpl266)
2.1.2 Support for PostgreSQL server
PostgreSQL 9.x or later
Latest supported PostgreSQL server version is PostgreSQL 13.2

3.0 Architecture and prerequisites
This fix is supported on all operating systems listed in the clarity report for OS support-
The following link is for the Tivoli operating system and application support matrix.
Refer to this matrix for the latest certification information.
3.1 Prerequisites for this fix
4.0 Image directory contents
Electronic Part Number: ITCAM Apps Agent for PostgreSQL G01G0ML
1. PostgreSQL_Agent_Installers
This contains the following files and directories:
2. PostgreSQL_Application_Supports
If you are working in a UNIX environment, use file to install.
If you are working in a Windows environment, you can choose setup.exe under directory [WINDOWS].
5.0 Installation instructions
When you download the fix pack image from IBM Software Support website, the following rules apply:
* You can locally install the fix pack only on a system that already hosts a licensed copy of IBM Tivoli  Monitoring for Databases. Similar to other software upgrade, the fix pack image can be locally installed on a computer where the product software is not already installed.
* You can populate agents to the depot.
* You can remotely deploy agents to the existing or new installations.
5.1 Before installing the fix
- The prerequisites listed under section 3.1 entitled 'Upgrade prerequisites for this fix' must be installed when for upgrade.
- For the purpose of this README, the symbol <CANDLEHOME> is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory. The default value for CANDLEHOME is '/opt/IBM/ITM' on UNIX systems and 'C:\ibm\itm' on Windows systems.
- If you have customized the Monitoring Agent for PostgreSQL Agent's pn.ini file on UNIX system, this file should be backed up before the fix install.
After this fix is installed, edit the latest pn.ini file and merge your modifications into this pn.ini file.
5.2 Local agent install and update 
1. Transfer the appropriate archive file (G01G0ML.tar.gz) to a temporary directory on the system that contains the agent code to be updated. For the purpose of this README, the symbol <TEMP> represents the fully  qualified path to this directory.
Note: On Windows, this includes the drive letter.
2. Expand the archive file using the tar command on UNIX systems or an unzip utility on Windows systems. This creates a directory structure that contains fixes for all of the supported platforms.
3. Use the procedures in the "ITCAM for Applications, Version Installation and Setup Guide" to install the agent.
4. Use the procedures in the specific database monitoring agent user's guide to complete the installation and configuration.
5.3 Remote agent update and installation
1. Transfer the appropriate archive file (G01G0ML.tar.gz) to a temporary directory on the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server system. For the purpose of this README, the symbol <TEMP> represents the fully
qualified path to this directory.
Note: On Windows, this includes the drive letter.
2. Expand the archive file using the tar command on UNIX systems or an unzip utility on Windows systems. This creates a directory structure that contains fixes for all of the supported operating systems.
3. To add the fix pack bundles into the remote deploy depot, use the tacmd addBundles command found in $CANDLEHOME/bin on UNIX systems or in %CANDLE_HOME%\bin on Windows systems. For more information on the tacmd addBundles command, see Appendix A. Commands reference of the "IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide."
On a UNIX system: if the fix was expanded to
>$ CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd addBundles
-i <TEMP>/G01G0ML/unix -t pn -f
-i is the directory that contains the deployment bundles to be added to the depot.
-t is the product code of the product to add, in this case or represents the Monitoring Agent for PostgreSQL Agent
-f performs the actions without asking for confirmation
On a Windows system: If the fix was expanded to
>%CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd addBundles -i
<TEMP>\G01G0ML\WINDOWS\Deploy -t pn -f
-i is the directory that contains the deployment bundles to be added to the depot.
-t is the product code of the product to add, in this case se represents the Monitoring Agent for PostgreSQL Agent
-f performs the actions without asking for confirmation
5. To log in to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring server, and deploy the fix to the appropriate nodes where the agent is running, use the following tacmd commands. For more information on the tacmd login commands, see Appendix A. Commands reference of the "IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide."
On a UNIX system:
> $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd login -s <server>
-u <itmuser>
-p <password>
> $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd listSystems
The output shows the managed system name for the OS agent on the remote system to be updated.

On a Windows system:
> %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd login -s <server>
-u <itmuser>
-p <password>

> %CANDLE_HOME%/bin/tacmd listSystems
The output shows the managed system name for the OS agent on the remote system to be updated. 
If there is no prior version of kpn agent on remote system, then use below tacmd addSystem command.
> %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd addSystem -t PN
-n <Managed system name>
-p INSTANCE="<PostgreSQL instance name>"
- The <PostgreSQL instance name> is the PostgreSQL agent instance name to be monitored on remote system.
- t is the product code of the product to add, in this case pn represents the Monitoring Agent for PostgreSQL Agent
- The node (-n) identifies the node, or monitoring system, to which you want to add the agent. A node is identified by the managed operating system that it contains.
- Remote installation will fail if the MTEMS window is open on the agent machine.
5.4 Agent support update
Use the following steps to update the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, or Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop:
1. Transfer the appropriate archive file (G01G0ML.tar.gz) to the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Servers, IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Servers or Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktops.
2. Expand the archive file using the tar command on UNIX systems or an unzip utility on Windows systems.
3. Use the procedures in the "ITCAM for Applications, Version Installation and Setup Guide."
4. Use the procedures in the specific database monitoring agent user's guide to complete the installation and configuration.
5. If the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server being updated is remote (not a Hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server) then restart the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
6.0 Additional installation information
6.1 Verifying the update
1. To verify that the agent was updated correctly, use the tacmd to view the current version of the agent. You are required to log in to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server prior to viewing the agent version.
For example:
On a UNIX system, where $CANDLEHOME is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory, the default location is '/opt/IBM/ITM'.
> $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd login -s <server>
-u <itmuser>
-p <password>
> $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd listSystems -t pn
On a Windows system, where %CANDLE_HOME% is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory, the default location is 'C:\ibm\itm'.
> %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd login -s <server>
-u <itmuser>
-p <password>
> %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd listSystems -t PN
When the agent update is successful, the agent version will be
The component (-t) for the tacmd listSystems command is specified as two characters (PN), not three characters (KPN).
2. To verify that the agent support files were updated correctly, use the kincinfo command on Windows systems or the cinfo command on Linux or UNIX systems to dump the component versions on each of the following systems: Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, and Tivoli Enterprise  Portal desktop.
The kincinfo and cinfo command output examples in the sections that follow show all components that can be updated. If you do not have all of these components installed, then components that are not installed are not displayed in the output of these commands.
Sample output for the cinfo command on a UNIX or Linux systems
To validate that all components have been installed, run the following command:
This command has four options on the CINFO menu shown in the example that follows. Choose the option that meets your needs.
*********** Tue Jun 29 08:19:51 CDT 2021 ******************
User: root Groups: root
Hostname: hjs495-mrdb-d-1      Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /opt/IBM/Silent29JuneKPN

    -- CINFO Menu --
1) Show products installed in this CandleHome
2) Show which products are currently running
3) Show configuration settings
4) Exit CINFO
*********** Tue Jun 29 08:20:00 CDT 2021 ******************
User: root Groups: root
Hostname: hjs495-mrdb-d-1      Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /opt/IBM/Silent29JuneKPN
...Product inventory
ax      IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Libraries
         lx8266  Version:
gs      IBM GSKit Security Interface
         lx8266  Version:
jr      Tivoli Enterprise-supplied JRE
         lx8266  Version:
pn      Monitoring Agent for PostgreSQL
         lx8266  Version:
ui      Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
         lx8266  Version:

Sample output of the kincinfo command on a Windows System
To validate that all components have been installed, run the following command:
For example:
> %CANDLE_HOME%\InstallITM\kincinfo -i
>kincinfo -i
kincinfo output:
c:\IBM\ITM\InstallITM>kincinfo -i
************ Tuesday, June 29, 2021 07:33:33 PM *************
User: Administrator Group: NA
Hostname: ESX3-PSQL-D-1         Installer: Ver: 063007130
CandleHome: C:\IBM\ITM
Installitm: C:\IBM\ITM\InstallITM
...Product Inventory
IN        Install INS/Windows Install Component
          WINNT Version: Build: 202103261420
IN        TEMA(32-bit) INS/ITM 6.x Agent Install Component
          WINNT Version: Build: 202103261420
IN        TEMA(64-bit) INS/ITM 6.x Agent Install Component Extensions
          WINNT Version: Build: 202103261420
AC        KAC(64-bit) CMA/32/64 Bit Agent Compatibility Package
          WIX64 Version: Build: 202103261420
GL        KGL(64-bit) CMA/Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent Framework
          WIX64 Version: Build: d1071a
GL        KGL(32-bit) CMA/Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent Framework
          WINNT Version: Build: d1071a
GS        KGS(64-bit) GSK/IBM GSKit Security Interface
          WIX64 Version: Build: d1067a
GS        KGS(32-bit) GSK/IBM GSKit Security Interface
          WINNT Version: Build: d1067a
IN        KIN(32-bit) INS/IBM Tivoli Base Windows Installer
          WINNT Version: Build: 203701011200
JM        KJM(64-bit) JVM/Embedded JVM
          WIX64 Version: Build: 202102181324
JM        KJM(32-bit) JVM/Embedded JVM
          WINNT Version: Build: 202102181324
NT        KNT(64-bit) CMA/Monitoring Agent for Windows OS
          WIX64 Version: Build: 62801
PN        KPN(64-bit) CMA/Monitoring Agent for PostgreSQL
          WIX64 Version: Build: 11741
UE        KUE(32-bit) CMA/Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface Extensions
          WINNT Version: Build: d1071a
UI        KUI(32-bit) CLI/Tivoli Enterprise Services User Interface
          WINNT Version: Build: 202103261420

7.0 Known problems and workarounds
Problem: When the agent is installed with the OS agent, it is expected that the watchdog should monitor and start the agent in case it stops due to some reason.
Workaround: PostgreSQL agent needs to be started manually.
8.0 Additional product information
9.0 Notices
This information was developed for products and services offered in the United States. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not
infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:
IBM Director of Licensing
IBM Corporation
North Castle Drive
Armonk, NY 10504-1785
The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:
Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you.
Trademarks and service marks
IBM, the IBM logo, and are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol, these symbols indicate registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list
of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.
Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. For installation instructions, refer to the '5.0 Installation instructions' part of the 'Description'.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSC2PFF","label":"Monitoring Agent for PostgreSQL - 5725G70PS"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
06 July 2021

